Page Eight T HE MIC H IGAN DA ILY Saturday, February 15, 1936 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 15, ] 936 Picks Virginia Lee To Towrope Opposition On Ballroom Track By Judge Heironymous E. Pickum (With profuse apologies to Mr. Bert E. Collyer, horse racing selector and coll ert of the netroit Free Press and other newspapers). INTRAMURAL BUILDING, Feb. 14. Virginia Lee! Track conditions being reported clear and fast out on the Hoover Avenue course, old Judge Pickum is saying right here and now that the bay filly named above (nigh onto 14 hands high and a trim dark bay, at that) will towrope the friendly band of beetles she is meeting in the fea- tured event out here in Ann Arbor. Trainer Ben Cox, who is a heap sight better than a green hand, reports his; charge as in the pink: "fit and never in better fettle," is the gab appended. Don't be looking at sne fire engines, Dora, when this one goes by. Clocker William H. Mason, '37E' (woteverinell that means), has a clas- sy juvenile in Marion Holden, a first ;;;;;> c4;;;;;>;;;;; Uo;;;; ;;; . ;;;;;; ' Q Every Fur Service Is Available at Fur Headquarters '7WRDLIN~ ESTABLISHED 1904 217 E UBERTY sT 32 Years of Unexcelled Values and Service. PHONE 8507O < > >< > >>>0<--> 0 5 FeI starter who is rumored ta be ready a sling a mean paireafd lates in the "irst dance. Marlon H. sped three Ll lones in :33 fiat the other day, and Sthat means she's READY! Leks ake 2 o 1 and your own money back. 2.-s onie CPaPatter,beaten by a ott nose at Caduceus, to whip. But the bet goes as it lays, men. Ann Timmons, well-bred filly from the Blue Grass regions at Detroit so- cie.ty, is scheduled to sport silks in he programmed fifth, the feature. She will be remembered as the nifty 18-year old who walked off with the Grand March Futurity about this time two years ago, and with that last effort, it looks like money from home. A fiver on her nose and you'll be re-shellacking the corner grocery. Don't be touted off, the lads add. G1d Colonel William R. Dixon,'361 (he hopes!), was seen strolling about he paddock the other day with his eye on Julie K., a slim oat-burning performer who is more than paying for her bran and carrots of late. Has aollected more than $15,000 in prizesj since her Ann Arbor debut, and Colonel William says the issue won't 'yven be close this evening. The Colonel will also handle the public address system. Before closing, I must point out to you the one best bet of the evening: I refer, of course, to Jean Greenwald, a fast sprinting miss whn prefers mud.L Hasta La Vista! H A p~cc h in at To c -ge TRA 11 in n L . Q , -- - to As They Awaited T he Starter's Gun Benjamin Cox, '37E, Terre Haute, Ind., chairman of the central committee of the 1936 J-Hop, and Virginia Lee, also of Terre Haute, led the grand march shortly after midnight last night. Cox is a member of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity and Miss Lee is affiliated with Gamma Phi Beta Sorority at Northwestern University. THE HOT STOVE The perennial squabble anent J- to insure a "blaze of glory," this col- lop sport rules has popped up again. umn has drawn up a code of its own certain faction, suspected to be that simply rings through and onnected with the Townsend Plan, through with REAL RED-BLOODED as started a whispering campaign AMERICANISM: favor of making downtown rules 1. Please keep off the grass. pply. The other group. probably 2. Skis, except for committee etting their gold from Moscow, are members, will be banned from the sisting on a complete revision of floor. he code. 3. Hangovers are hereby outlawed. This column was not born yes- 4. Please check all firearms at erday and it shouldn't take a house the door. o fall on anyone to see that the 5. The Ann Arbor Police depart- owntown gang is fostering FASC- ment is hereby forbidden to book SM and the reds are trying to inject anyone on drunk, disorderly, or driv- OMMUNISM into our Hop. Wishing ing while intoxicated charges, until February 20. All such powers are SOFT LASTEX /-1 G IR DLES $1.50 to $7.50 ' ROSE A JOSSELYN* Kellogg Corset Shop _ 110 East Liberty Dial 3110 to do I C SOUTHWEST TRADING POST SERVICE - - - DOROTHY PARKER For your knitted sports clothes -Navajo silver belts ana bracelets- We have an excellent selec- tion now- Priced very reasonably-to be found at GRIFFITH and BITTINGER 334 South State Street HATS Designed to Make Heads Turn Your Way See my Selection of New Spring Hats June Grey HAT STUDIO 551 Church Street allocated to the Interfraternity Council until that date. Enough of rules and regulations. We are now going to do a little pre- dicting. This column will be re- membered for picking Boxthorn in the last Derby, the Cubs to win the World Series, and Baer to KO Louis in the 67th second of the first round. Here is one hot from the drink- eries: Benjamin G. Cox, '37E, will lead the Grand March by a length . . . Will Cherrington II, can, and will, laugh louder than Jan Garber can play. I - I!__ __ _ __ __ __ _ ri;s .r;,:;"; SeV '"":'::": ti 1 . .ti i :.' ! .ti:":".":.: 1"}., i Superior ILK-LICE CREAM SPECIAL Heart Center Brick SPECIAL VALENTINE MOLDS Superior Dairy Companiv Phone 23161 and C Admired by a who care for of well-sel wa Terfunes CHANEL CORDAY MARY DUNHILL GUERLAIN LENTHERIC Creams DOROTHY GRAY BARBARA GOULD MARY DUNHILL YARDLEY HARM 11, achieved by those it, through the use MEMORIES lected Cosmetics.,of the will always Linger._ F polishes ti PEGGY SAGE BARBARA GOULD MOON GLOW LADY LILLION The Studio of Fine Portraits 1g Sh.ores Phone 5031 uth State St. 334 SOUTH STATE STREET Calkins-oFletcher Dri 324 State Street 818 So