SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1936 TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY Bluebook Depression Lifts As J-Hop Approaches FACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB The playreading section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at 2:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Alumnae Room of the Michigan League. Mrs. D. L. Dumond, who is chairman of hostesses, is being assisted by Mrs. S. A. Graham, Mrs. M. E. Wallington, Mrs. A.E. White, M~rs. Lee Case, Mrs. J. H. Hodges, Mrs. R. W. Webster, Mrs. L. L. Watkins, Mrs. R. F. Wea- therill and Mrs. Hugh Keeler. House Parties Scheduled For Hop Week-End Nine Fraternities Planning Dances, Winter Sports And Formal Dinners Chaperones Named Phi Kappa Psi, Theta Xi Sigma Phi Are Among Those Entertaining J-Hop week-end at least is some- thing cheerful to look forward to after exams are out of the way, ,and several fraternities have scheduled house parties for that Week-end, and others have planned dances for Sat- urday night. Phi Kappa Psi will start out Friday night with a dinner preceding the Hop, and at 3 a.m. members and their guests will gather at the Union for breakfast.+ Saturday afternoon, weather permitting, they are plan- ning a sleigh ride after which a form- al dinner dance will be given at the house. Bill Griffith, '37A, is in charge of the arrangements for the party which will be chaperoned by Dr. and Mrs. Howard B. Calderwood and Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Ellerby of Detroit. Delta, Kappa Epsilon Delta Kappa Epsilon will also hold a house party over the week-end. The chaperones for the affair will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Hillier of Cedar Rapids, Ia., Dr. William M. Brace, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Downs, and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fuller. Chi Psi Plans Dance Chi Psi will hold a formal invita- tional dinner dance at the house on Friday, and Saturday night they will hold another formal dance. The house party will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kindred and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carsons. Phi Delta Theta is planning a big week-end beginning with a formal dinner Friday and a breakfast after the Hop. They will have a luncheon at the house Saturday noon after which they are planning a sleigh ride. An informal dinner dance will be held in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hopkins of Lansing and Mrs. Loranger will chap- erone the house party and Prof. and Mrs. Earl V. Moore will attend the dance Saturday night. Sigma Phi House Party Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goetz of Flint and Mr. and Mrs. William Davis of Detroit will chaperone the Sigma Phi house party. The party will begin with a dinner Friday and a breakfast after the Hop. Winter sports are planned for Saturday af- ternoon and a formal dinner dance will be held at the house that night. Wally Gail's orchestra will play for the dancing. Beta Theta Pi will hold a dinner dance Friday and a closed formal dance Saturday. A tobogganing party is also being planned for Saturday af- ternoon. The house party will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Minsel of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, also of Detroit. Cal- vin Stetson, '37, is the social chair- man in charge. The Theta Delta Chi house party will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. John C. Garrels of Grosse Isle and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Barker. A dinner will be held Friday night and a for- mal dance Saturday. Robert Gey- man, '37, is in charge. Theta Xi Plans Breakfast Theta Xi is planning breakfast which will be held at the chapter house after the Hop. Saturday night they will hold a dinner at the Union,1 after which a dance will be given at the house. The chaperones will be Prof. and Mrs. Henry M. Kendall and Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman. Delta Sigma Delta will hold a breakfast at 4 a.m. Saturday after the J-Hop. Saturday night there will be a closed formal dance at the house. L. Benson Bristol, '3D, is in charge of the arrangements. LEAGUE PETITIONS Petitioning for the major positions of the League will start Feb. 17 and continue until Feb. 29, according to Jean Seeley, '36, president. Sopho- more and junior women may file pe- titions in the Undergraduate Office. A mass meeting is to he held at 5 p.m. Feb. 19 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in order to acquaint all women interested in League positions with the functions of the various jobs. J.G.P. Chairman Mary Andrew, '37, assistant chair- man of the Junior Girls Play, has announced the names of 24 junior women who have been selected to work on the various committees for the production. 24 Women Are Selected For Annual J.G.P. Chairman Of Committees Name New Members To Aid In Production Twenty-four additional junior women were named yesterday to serve on the various committees for the 1936 Junior Girls Play, "Sprize!" Mary Andrews, assistant chairman, of the production, announced. Gretchen Lehman, head of the ticket committee, has selected Ruth Edison, Marye Elissa Evans, Ona Thornton, and Rita Wellman to serve on her committee. Janet Car- ver was chosen by Mary Lambie, chairman of the properties commit- tee, to assist her. Grace Snyder, finance chairman, named Irene Sarter, Mary Bennett and Barbara Schacht to be members of that committee. Additional mem- bers of the ushers committee, head- ed 'by Charlotte Hamilton, are: Mar- ion, Cannon, Charlotte Culver, Bar- bara Horton, Anna Mae Quine, Dor- othy Shutt and Betty Shirk. Margaret Guest, chairman of cos- tumes, has added Kathryn Keeler and Eleanor Wassell to the members of the costume committee. Barbara Hanna, chairman of the music com- mittee, chose Marion Sanders and Eileen Icheldinger to work on that committee. Doris Everett, Virginia Callow, and Mary Bennett were selected by Doris Wisner, chairman of the program committee, to assist in the work of that group. Jane O'Farrell, chair- man of the make-up group, selected Jeanne Pray and Ella Wade to work with her committee. Babette Potter has been selected to work on the publicity committee. Stanley Chorus Tryouts To Be Held Feb. 17-20 Freshmen To Be Allowed To Participate For First Time InHistory Tryouts for all women interested in the Stanley Chorus will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday during the first week of the second semester at the League. This will mark the first time in campus history that freshmen have been allowed to participate in the or- ganization, according to Ruth Rich, '36, president. Six membership committees com- posed of women in the Stanley Chor- us living in the various dormitories have been chosen to acquaint fresh- men with the work of the Chorus, Miss Rich said. The committee from Mosher Hall is composed of Mary Ellen Heitsch, '37, Gertrude Bluck, '36, Frances Burgess, '38, Janet Groft, '37, Mar- jorie Mackintosh, '37, Jeannette Ed- ick, '38, Margaret Day, '38, and Eve- lyn Tripp, '38. Betty Bingham, 37, Martha Thompson, '37, and Siiri Mattson, '37 make up the Jordan committee. Tryouts for candidates from Mosher and Jordan Halls and Adelia Cheever House are to be held Tuesday afternoon. Adelia Chever is represented by Betty Parrish, '37. Helen Newberry, Betsy Barbour League House tryouts will take place Wednesday afternoon. Elizabeth Boult, '38, Ruth Clark, '37, Mary Morrison, '38SM, and Mary Adam- ski, '36SM form the committee from Helen Newberry Residence. The Betsy Barbour group is composed ofa Mary Louise Johns, '37, and Carolyn Beltramini, '38. Slill Will Travel Nimbus, Form Of Aureole, Has' Come From Ancient Astrology II BOOKS WANTED 1 By JEWEL W. WUERFEL The origin and history of the nimbus, a form of the aureole, was the subject of a paper given by Alexander P. Ruthven, Grad., yesterday in a course in Islamic art taught by Prof. Mehmet Aga-Oklu. By definition an aureole is a lumi- nous area surrounding a person of un- usual importance, and can be pre- sumed to have originally been re- served for dieties, according to Ruth- ven. It is generally oval in shape when surrounding the entire figure. When it is merely a disc around the head it goes under the name of nim- bus. When the oval shape and the nimbus are united in one the com- bination is known as the glory. He added that in Christian iconography the nimbus is generally known as the halo. Astrological Origin Ruthven believes that it can be safely assumed that the probable origin of the nimbus lies in an as- trological connotation: representa- tives of the sun and moon being useds as a symbol to glorify some person. In Egypt the sun disc is found on the heads of Hathor, Isis, Khnum Suchos and Sah met. Ruthven be- While On Leave Travels through southern and west- ern United States will occupy Pro- fessor and Mrs. A. Franklin Shull during the next five months when the professor will be on leave from the University. Professor Shull, who is a member of the zoology department plans to visit a number of universities in that region of the country, spending most of the time working in cooperation with the research department of Texas University and the California Institute of Technology, -concentrat- ing on the study of drosophila and genetics. A.A.U. TO MEET Miss Marguerite Hetmanspurger, critic teacher in the Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the pre-school child study group of the American Association of University Women at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Albert J. Logan, 1710 Cam- bridge Road. Miss Hetmanspurger will choose as her subject "How Much Freedom and How Much Control Can We Give Our Children?" Caduceus Ball To Take Place February 21 First plans for the annual Caduceus Dance of the Medical School were announced yesterday by John Mac- Neal, '36M, a member of the com- mittee in charge of arrangements. The dance will be held Friday, Feb. 21, in the ballroom of the Michigan Union. Music for the dance, which is open only to medical students, faculty members, and members of the medical profession, will be furnished by the band of Frank Masters, which is now playing at the College Inn of the Hotel Sherman, in Chicago, MacNeal said. The ballroom will be decorated for the affair in a motif .particularly be- fitting to the occasion, he announced, in line with the traditional drawings reminiscent of student and profes- sional medical life. Galens, honorary medical society, is in charge of the ticket sale. The dance will last from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. BLUE TRIANGLE PLANS DINNER The Blue Triangle League plans to open its spring term of activities with a banquet to be given at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Y.W.C.A. build- ing. Reservations may be made by telephoning the Y.W.C.A, office until 9 a.m. Tuesday. to " GOSS -AMOUR" A Gossamer Nothing for Formal Wear. This dainty all-in-one is of cob. webby silken elastic net . I tact-tslike the paper on the wall, and feels like nothing at all! It's seamless, except where it joins the front panel and up- lift section of lace. MockI6o65.......' lieves that it is safe to say that the aureale, as we know it, comes from Egypt. From here it very probably was taken by the Early Greeks. Later it passed to Mesopotamia and India, returning again later to the Byzantine School in slightly different form, namely the glory. Ruthven illustrated his paper with slides of a few examples of the nim- bus in different countries and cen- turies. It is employed by Christian artists from the fourth century to the present day. Probably the oldest example of Christ with a nimbus is the mosaic at Sants Puclenziana in Rome of the enthroned Christ, be- longing to the later half of the fourth century. This nimbus is of gold with a green border. Found In Coptic Art The nimbus can be found in Coptic art and still earlier in Slavic pagan art and Buddhistic art. It is also found on coins of some Indian Kings from 58 B.C. to 41 A.D. Examples of the nimbus are seen in Roman ar in Trojan on the Arch of Constan- ine and in Antoninus Pius on the re- verse of a medal. A Greek example is on a vase painting from the Tomb of Canosa representing Aurora and _he Morning Star. Ruthven pointed out in his paper 'hat the aureole is mentioned by Ho- mer in the Illiad and the Odessy and also by Euripedes and others. ... P-MATE ITREET J EWIELER WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRING FOUND ! A Sure-Cure for Those Exam-Tine Blues A FACIAL will relax tired muscles, freshen your complexion, bring a sparkle to your eyes, and get your skin ready for the J-HOP. AMELIA 1j 13eaut y Shop 611 E. University Ph. 4300 1 The Grecian Influ- ~eze Runs Rampcm 'SLIPPERS _._.. _ _ __.. ..___ ___ _ _ ____ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ _......____ _. _.___.__ __ ___. _ - r1 Connie Prensents an Entrancing Variety of Models at $3.95 $5.00 - $6.50 ;;:r :": <>" ;;;a, :" .:. - =- :.; a See SLATER'S Ad on Page *Silver Kid *Gold Kid * White Faille *Black Faille * Square Toes *Round Toes ::\ . /k::::: 1 '.5 : fhe statues ue eau the Grecian sa dal is captured in these evening sippe's 'with their multv-thonge ... graeful lines. Choose yours from this captivatin array ikhigh-heeled or "flat" nrocs. Theelegance of Juno heisell is yurI .1 T CJ or the ?fCo p+ ! : f : A SIZES 3 to JACOBSON'S Announcing-- 4Here Are Values!. Starting Monday- THREE-DAY FINAL REDUCTIONS of All Remaining Winter and Mid-Season DRE ISSES At a Fraction of Their Former Value. Sizes for Misses - 11 to 20. For Women - 161/2 to 26% - 16 to 46. STREET, AFTERNOON and EVENING DRESSES Knits, Crepes, Matelasses and Lames Valued from $12.95 to $29.75 Now priced at $9.95 and $595 IClose=lout Groups r , - DRESSES, Knits, Crepes, Sizes to 40 - at $3.95 BLOUSES and SWEATERS at $1.00 and $2.00 Ann Arbor Deliveries of DHu, VAR REN FARMS JERSEY MILK CO-EDS ~~~~-1 it ii and CREAM 'III I ~q aI I 1111 1 I I I 1i 111