The Weather Varying cloudiness, possibly lo:'al snows today; tomorrow generally fair, continued cold. Litr At uwm . Air jDatt Editorials . Fraternity Presidents Have A Job .. . The Land Of The Free .. . VOL. XLVI No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1936 PRICE FIVE- CENTS Ethiopian s Slosson's History 92 Tops Off Best Courses' To Be Given Next Semester Annihilate Duce's Men Black Shirts Participate In Largest Battle Of War, Reuters Dispatch Says Italian Leaders Meet For Crucial Session Fascist Editorial Claims Blockade Of Italy Would Mean European War (By The Associated Press) The "annihilation" of the northern Italian army by Ethiopian warriors was reported Saturday in a Reuters News Agency dispatch from Dessye. It was said the Italians, under Gen- eral Diamanti, were defeated in the largest battle of the war and that the famous Black Shirt division, "28th of October" participated in the en- gagement. Fascism's highest leaders gathered in Rome under Premier Mussolini for a crucial meeting of the Grand Coun- cil. They came together shortly after Il Duce's own newspaper said in an editorial that a blockade of Italy is possible and that such a step by sanc- tionist nations would mean a Euro- pean war. Emperor Haile Selausie sought to bulwark his southern armies, report- edly falling back before the hard- driving Italian motorized columns. He dispatched two experienced campaigners, Dedjazmatch Gabre Mriam, minister of the interior, and Dedjazmatch Baltcha to the south to aid in the fighting. Rumors that the Emperor had withdrawn his son-in- law, Ras Desta Demtu, from the southern command were denied in Addis Ababa. MUSSOLINI ADDRESSES COUNCIL ROME, Feb. 2.- (Sunday) - (R)- Premier Mussolini spoke for two hours on the Italian political and military situation at a session of the Fascist Grand Council which closed early today. The meeting of the Fascist leaders ' came after Italians had read a warn- ing in Il Duce's own newspaper that "Italy will defend herself with teeth and nails. She has long been pre- pared for any eventuality." An official communique concerning the meeting of the Grand Council which adjourned until another session Feb. 4, gave no indication that any imp ortant decision had been taken. The brief communique did not go into the, nature of the council's dis- cussion, but the fact that Mussolini spoke at such length was taken as an indication that the Council thor- oughly threshed over Italy's position. Although the announcement did not mention the possibility of a block- ade of Italy by sanctionist nations, in reliable quarters the belief was ex- pressed that this had been discussed. SCA Institutes Poetry, Music, Art Pro rams A unique program including art, poetry and music, to be given every Friday night at Lane Hall during the second semester, was announced yesterday by Janet M. McLould, '37SM, of the music committee dif the Student Christian Association. The first in the series will be presented at 8:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, in the Up- per Room of Lane Hall. The programs will attempt to bring students into contact with the beauty in poetry, music and art. An effort is being made, Miss McLoud said, to remove the formal, program- matic element from these presenta- tions. The room will be lighted only by a grate fire, and the performers will be hidden from view. The pro- grams are to be known as "Mom- ents of Beauty." The committee will welcome all students on these occasions. Any- one desiring to have a favorite work performed or displayed is urged to leave a request at Lane Hall. The committee will endeavor to fill all re- quests and will use, if possible, all original works submitted. By MEDWICK WARNER, JR. I men, but comers!" adding that "both Next to the worries of examinations,Davis and Preuss approach their sub- the questions of elections for next Ijects from a definitely proletarian semester must be plaguing certain viewpoint." students at the present moment, o will be soon. With this in mind, Th D aily has conducted a survey, asking certain students for their opinions of the most interesting courses they had taken in the University, and the pro- fessors from whom they have ob- tained the most benefit. Only the first choices of the stu- dents questioned were listed, so that the resulting list should contain, as a result, no bores, no "pipes," and in- tentionally none of the elementary courses. The course most frequently named by the students questioned was Prof. Preston W. Slosson's History 92, Eu- rope since the World War, together with its companion course, 91, Eu- rope from 1870 to the World War, 'which, however, is given only in the first semester. Of these courses, one student remarked: "I think they are the best of Professor Slosson's courses, and any lecture course from him is excellent . . . in his lectures he makes you conscious of the stream of human events right down to the present." A second favorite was Assistant Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys' Bible course, officially known as English 147 and 148: The English Bible, Its Lit- erary Aspects and Influence. One student who recommended this course said, "The approach to the Bible is neither pedantic nor religious; it is discussed purely from its position in the field of English Literature." The Modern Novel, English 102, taught by J. L. Davis, was also highly praised by many of the students, ranking along with Prof. Lawrence Preuss' Political Science 181 and 182 -The History of Political Thought, as a popular choice. One student commented that they were "young Scott Nearing Plans Lecture Here Feb. 18 Left-Wing Economist Will Discuss Communist And Fascist Programs Scott Nearing, famous left-wing economist and sociologist, will speak on "The Way Out - Fascism or Com- munism?" at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, in Natural Science Auditorium under the auspices of the National Stu- dent League. Dr. Nearing recently returned from an extended visit in Europe and the Soviet Union, during which he ob- served at first-hand the conflicting political and social forces there. Frequently a storm-center in the educational world, he taught at the University of Pennsylvania after tak- ing his doctor's degree there in 1909, then a professor at Swarthmore Col- lege and the University of Toledo. After the war, Dr. Nearing taught at the Rand School of Social Science and the Workers' School in New York City. From 1905 to 1907 he was secre- tary of the Pennsylvania Child Labor Commission ,and since then his books treating of the child labor problem have more than once served to arm with facts those who have been fight- ing for the elimination of child labor. He has been a prolific writer and speaker upon sociological and politi- cal subjects. "Dollar Diplomacy," written in collaboration with Joseph Freeman, is perhaps the best known of his books. He has dealt with edu- cational affairs in such works as "Ed- ucational Frontiers," and with so- ciology in "Wages in the United States," and "Financing the Wage Earner's Family." He has written scores of brochures and pamphlets. Several debates in which he has met such political thinkers such as Bertrand Russell and Prof. Edwin R. A. Seligman of Columbia University have been widely publicized. Roger Baldwin, head of the Ameri- can Civil Liberties Union, has said of Dr. Nearing: "I venture to say that Scott wearing is a better spokesman for Communism and Soviet Russia than the orthodox friends in con- trol of the party." Hearing Sought For New Bankhead Bill WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. -- (RP) - A drive to return the Bankhead Soil r Anotherstudent praised Professor Preuss' course highly with the follow- ing words: "The course is especially interesting because it enables the stu- dent to interpret many of the modern political movements and trace their origins, and also gives him a some- what skeptical viewpoint on many of these 'new' political movements. Mus- solini, for instance, goes back to Machiavelli . . . it's one of the best courses in the department." English 125 and 188, two courses in Browning given by Prof. Louis A. Strauss, ranked as two of the most Wintry Blasts Are Cause Of CoalShortage Ice In Chesapeake Bay Brings Fear Of Famine On TangierIsland CHICAGO, Feb. 1. -- (A) - Mine owners in four states summoned dig- gers to the pits today -regularly a holiday - as February continued January's voracious gulping of coal supplies. Responding to the pleas of various authorities, alarmed by the rapid dis- appearance of supplies during Jan- uary's record-breaking sub-zero wave, collieries in parts of Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Alabama operated full blast to catch up with unfilled orders. Minimums equalling many of last month were recorded today over wide stretches of the northern states, with Park Rapids, Minn., 6 below, the most severe of the day. Zero temperatures or lower prevailed as far south as southern Iowa and West Virginia. Fires claimed six additional lives. A Bancroft, Ia., couple and their son, and three small children of Jasper, Ala., were the victims. In ice-blocked Chesapeake Bay, 1,500 inhabitants of Tangier Island faced a serious food shortage, a dir- igible sent to investigate conditions reported. The investigator said but two days requirements of provisions were available to the ice-bound com- munity and that one case of pneu- monia was found. Arrangements were made to send supplies by plane. Epstein To Talky On 'Our Social Insecurity Act' Dr. Abraham Epstein, executive secretary of the American Associa- tion for Social Security, will talk on "Our Social Insecurity Act" Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium, it was announced yesterday. Dr. Epstein is a member of various security and unemployment commis- sions, including President Roosevelt's Committee on Social Security. He has written several books, the best known of which are "Insecurity, A Challenge to America," and "Chal- lenge of the Aged." Born in Russia in 1892, Dr. Epstein came to the United States in 1910 and received his naturalization pa- pers in 1910. He attended the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh and Columbia University, and is editor of "Social Security," the official publication of the American Association for Social Security. popular advanced courses in the de- partment, and several recommended English 121: English Literature from 1798-1832, by Prof. Bennett Weaver. Of this one student said "it's a course for using the mind rather than mere reading and memorizing. He helps you use your mind yourself, in- stead of pounding it in." Prof. Louis I. Bredvold's English 177, English Literature from the Res- toration to 1730, was characterized as "an illumination of the classical movement in English literature, throwing a light on the modern class- ical movement there." The course is a first semester course, but has a counterpart in 178, covering the pe- riod from 1730 to 1789. For composition courses in Eng- lish, students recommended junior composition from Arno Bader or Carl- ton Wells, (English 87) and Creative Composition (English 154) from Prof. Roy Cowden or Prof. Erich Walter. In the history department, in ad- dition to Professor Slosson's courses, students were especially interested in History 133 and 134, from Prof. Ar- thur L. Cross; Constitutional and Le- gal History of England to Magna Charta, which, they maintained, cover the foundations of the institutions embodied in almost every Occidental government today, and History 143 and 144 by Prof. Lewis G. Vander- Velde: Political and Constitutional History of the United States, for an understanding of our own govern- ment. Two other recommended courses were Prof. Arthur L. Dumond's His- tory 140: The United States in Recent Decades, known to students as "Roosevelt to Roosevelt," and History 132: History of the Near East, by John W. Stanton. In the political science department, in addition to Professor Preuss' (Continued on Page 8) Charles Nowell Replaces Aiton Next Semester Fresno State College Man To Deliver Six Research Lectures, Lead Seminar Dr. Charles E. Nowell, of Fresno State College, will fill the position of lecturer in history here next semes- ter. He will take the place vacated by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, who is going to Spain. Professor Aiton has been appointed as guest lecturer to fill the chair of American history in the Center of Graduate Studies at the University of Seville. During the next semester he will deliver six research lectures, to be published later, and will conduct a seminar. The lectures will deal with the subject of "America and the Fam- ily Compact." Professor Aiton will leave Ann Ar- bor about Feb. 15, and will probably travel in England and Europe after completing his work in Seville. He will be a guest of the Spanish govern- ment, which operates the university. As the second educator from the United States to be awarded this po- sition, he will follow Prof. Clarence Haring of Harvard, who served on the Seville faculty in 1934. Professor Aiton is a member of the board of editors of the "tiispanic American Historical Review," as well as a member of the committee on research in Latin-American relations. BASKETBALL SCORES Minnesota 42, Ohio State 21. Purdue 59, Chicago 16. 'Real Story' Is SoughtInLoeb Murder Probe Illinois Prison Chief Starts Questioning Of Inmates Of 'Pride' Cellhouse Bowen Thinks Day Alibi Not Plausible Co-Slayer Of Franks Boy Said To Be Helpless Due To EarlyHand Cuts JOLIET, Ill., Feb. 1. --(P) -The "real story" of Richard Loeb's death in Stateville Penitentiary was sought today by the chief of Illinois prisons, Director A. L. Bowen, of the depart- ment of Public Welfare, under orders to "get the facts." Bowen began questioning inmates of cellhouse C in the big oval peni- tentiary, pride of the prison system. He was convinced, he said, that the story of Loeb's killer, convict James Day, was "not plausible." He saidthe was inclined to agree with the theory of State's Attorney Will R. McCabe, of Will County, also conducting an investigation, that the killing was "deliberate murder." Both pointed to the wounds inflict- ed upon Loeb, who was slashed 56 times with a straight-edge razor, and said Loeb's hands were apparently cut early in the fight, so that he was help- less. "Who first had the razor?" was the question Bowen posed for himself as he began calling Cellhouse C's in- mates before him. Day, claiming he killed Loeb in self- defense, told the prison psychiatrist that Loeb had the razor and menaced him with it. They fought in a cramped, steamy shower room. "There are 300 inmates in Cell- house C," said Bowen. "Someone there will know the truth about the razor." The weapon was contraband, not even trusties being allowed to possess anything more formidable than a safety razor. Meanwhile, a third investigation was conducted by Warden Joseph Ra- gen, who did not make public his findings, except to say that several buckets full of knives and other wea- pons had been taken from prisoners. The warden denied that any favors had been accorded to inmates. While members of the Legislature demanded another and exhaustive in- vestigation of prison conditions in general, Gov. Henry Horner ordered Bowen to "get all the facts and spare no one." McCabe quoted Day'as saying, "I've told my story. I've got a lawyer. I will talk no more until we go to court. I'm standing on my constitutional rights." Nathan Leopold, Loeb's part- ner in crime, also refused to answer questions. Edward Skeplowski, Loeb's cell- mate, told McCabe that "Loeb never had a razor." Bowen said he be- lieved that Day was the one who had the razor and that he "initiated the date" in the shower room where Loeb was slain in a frenzied battle. Plans Made For Amendment To' Constitution WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. - (7) - The United Mine Workers of Ameri- ca directed their executive council today to chart the course for the union's fight for a "social justice" amendment to the United States con- stitution. As a substitute for 23 resolutions calling for abolition of the Supreme Court, curtailing the court's powers and amending the Constitution to re- solve any doubt as to the validity of such measures as the Guffey Coal Act, the union convention gave the executive council "discriminatory au- thority" on constitutional issues. Earlier in the week, the convention approved its officers' report favoring an amendment which would insure that "social justice" legislation would remain on the statute books. Endorsement of President Roose- velt's candidacy for reelection and a decision to contribute to the Demo- cratic campaign fund were other high spots of the day's single session. John L. Lewis, president, empha- sized that the union was "not en- Prof. O.J. Campbell Ends 15 Years As A Student Favorite Leaving For Columbia PROF. o. J. CAMPBELL Presbyterians Hear Talk By John Mackay New York City Minister Will Deliver Sermon In MasonicTemple Today Among the featured speakers at the local churches today, the Rev. John Mackay, D.D., of New York City will deliver the sermon at 10:45 a.m. in the Masonic Temple as part of the First Presbyterian Church services. The Rev. Mackay's sermon will follow the regular meeting of the Westmin- ster Forum at 9:45 a.m. Dr. William P. Lemon will lead the discussion sec- tion of the Westminster Guild, which meets at 5 p.m. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will talk on "How to Spend Your Life" at 10:45 am. in thedFirst Methodist Church. Miss Mildred Sweet will lead the discussion on "Today's Challenge to Christian Youth" at 6 p.m. in Stalker Hall. The service at the First Baptist Church begins at 10:45 a.m. with al sermon on "If Ye Love Me," followed by the Communion Service. The Roger Williams Guild .will meet at 6 p.m. in the Guild House to hear Mr. Chapman speak on "How to Become a Christian." Holy Communion at the St. An- drew's Episcopal Church will be at 8 a.m. The Rev. Henry Lewis will de- liver a sermon at 11 a.m. The Rev. Frederick W. Leach will be the speak- er at the student meeting at 7 p.m. at Harris Hall. A series of sermons on crime will begin today in the Unitarian Church. At 5:30 p.m. the Rev. H. P. Marley will speak on "War on the Bounty"- Investments Will Tell." On Feb. 9 the second talk will be on "Murder by Proxy-Gangsters and the State." Service at the Congregational Church begins at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will give a sermon on "Parable of Duty-the Bondser- vant." Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will lecture on "American Men of Action., Clinic Tests Show Desensitizer Isn't Expected Panacea With tests in the dental clinic of the University dental school only eight to 10 per cent successful, Dr. Paul H. Jeserich, professor of opera- tive dentistry, stated last night that the Hartman "desensitizing" anes- thetic was only a good obtundent and not the panacea claimed in advance publicity. A statement in Time magazine that possible error might have crept in by mixing the solution according to vol- ume rather than weight was dis- claimed by Dr .Jeserich wh sid that Drama Authority Leaves Soon To Take Up New Duties At Columbia Calls Dormitories For Men 'Real Need' Fraternities Must Mature Or Die, Is His Belief; Says 'It's Up To Them' By FRED WARNER NEAL With a plea for men's dormitories, a challenge to Michigan fraternities, a smile, and a sigh-slight, benign Os- car James Campbell, Jr., prepared last night to end his 15-year career as a professor of English here and take up his new duties at Columbia. Professor Campbell, who came here from the University of Wisconsin in 1921, is one of the most beloved pro- fessors on the campus, as well as one of the foremost authorities in Shakesperean literature and drama in the United States. Indicative of the high regard in which his classes hold him was the loud and almost inter- minable applause his Modern Drama section gave him yesterday morning. Beaming, he facetiously told the class he might give an encore. Professor Campbell will give a final examination here Tuesday, leave that night for New York City, and begin teaching at Columbia Wednesday morning. The greatest need in the University today, Professor Campbell asserted yesterday, is men's dormitories. "The bad living conditions of men have had An Appreciation The editors of The Daily wish to say that in their opinion Prof. 0. J. Campbell exemplifies "the best of the best" in the teaching field. We regret indeed that Pro- fessor Campbell is leaving the University, and our advice, which we give with the sanction of Pro- fessor Campbell, is this: If you're in New York City, call him up. An evening at the theatre with Professor Campbell is very likely to prove even more enlight- ening and enjoyable than his classes, which we have found far from dull. as detrimental an effect on the char- acter of men here as the dormitories have had a good effect on the char- acter of women," he said. Professor Campbell said he believed in many instances students were deterred from coming here because of the lack of housing facilities. Although Professor Campbell said that the intellectual level of individ- ual students has risen notably in re- cent years -especially since the de- pression --he pointed to the decline in the intellectual level of University groups. Favors Deferred Rushing He admitted the desirability and necessity of social life - fraternities' - but he emphasized that "eventual- ly the social groups must contribute to the intellectual life of the Uni- versity. If they don't become more mature," he said, "they will die." Half jokingly, Professor Campbell stated his belief that "the future of fraternities here is secure at least un- til they get dormitories. After that it is up to the fraternities them- selves." He criticized houses on the campus for their "fictious hearti- ness," i.e. back slapping when it is not meant, holding that it "smacks of Rotarianism." He declared himself in favor of postponed rushing, believing that pledging should be deferred until the sophomore year so that active members might get better acquanited with those they desire to pledge. The ideal fraternity, as Professor Camp- bell sees it, is one where there is a real intellectual interest and ex- change of ideas in addition to the social life. Pointing to the death of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity on the Yale campus and the subsequent opening of the house as a political club, he declared that "what we need here is Medical School Faculty Member Takes Part In Ethiopian Conflict According to a Reuter's dispatch from Ethiopia appearing in a London paper of Jan. 17, Dr. Andre John Mesnard Melly, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., and F.R.C.S., a former member of the Medical School faculty, had a great part in the rescue of a British ambulance unit bombarded by Ital- ian planes. Dr. Melley, who prefers to be called "Mr." despite his fame as a surgeon and his many years spent in train- ing, has been in Ethiopia since No- vember. He is stationed in the town of Dessye and has been in command of a British ambulance unit in that city. area which had been laid waste by the Fascist airmen. Dr. Melley was associated with the University in 1932-33, when he served as an instructor in surgery. He came here after the arrangement by Dr. Hubert Lodge, formerly of the Med- ical School, whereby an outstanding man in the St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital was to come to the University and to teach every few years. Having attended Marlborough Col- lege, a preparatory school, in 1911-16, he took his medical work at Oxford and at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London, one of the world's largest and areantpgf:hnenitalR