rTHE MICHIGAN DAILY SAT U1DAY, EJ3RUARY 1, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session- by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER- OF THE- ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. by sript ns during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD' OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR.............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS eublication Department: Thomas H.Kleene,'Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; X'lsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whippie, Jr. Sditoriai Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Department,:Josephine T. McLean, Chairman: Dorothy Briso.e, Josephine M. Cavanagh , Florence H. Davies, Mario- T. Hlold~en, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone ,-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John .Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CUMMINS The Inside Dope... O NE OF THE POPULAR nickel mag- azines is running a new serial of college romance. We wouldn't think of saying anything bad about college romances; in fact we've thought it all over very carefully and have come to the conclusion that they're swell. This story, in fact, interests us particularly because it concerns the members of the staff of a college daily.' It's all very interesting, reading about a college town where the atmosphere is so thickly delightful, the people so witty, so perfect - the kind of people we like to think we resemble, sometimes. Ever since we came to college, we've had our eyes open for some of those men we've read about - those who are handsome, tanned, who carry themselves with a supreme savoir-faire, have plenty of money and a mature, gentle kind of brotherly regard for women which can, under the combined pressure of moonlight, shadows and a dash of rye, be converted into something quite un- brotherly. We've been busy looking, also, for those golden-haired, blue-eyed maidens: beautiful, com- pletely feminine and yet possessed of masculine understanding and intelligence. Sometimes we hunted for those bespectacled young professors who, falling in love with one of the members of his class (who fits the above description for females) suddenly realizes his own potentialities, throws off the horn-rimmed glasses, throws away his chem- istry books, throws the girl in his old roadster and beats it for the justice of the peace. We didn't find any. We don't mind telling you, because your tuition is probably all paid up and we don't suppose you'd leave in the middle of the year like this anyway, but for goodness' sake, when you get home between semesters, and the kid sister looks up from her copy of the nickel mag- azine and gazes off into the distance while she absent-mindedly asks about Ann Arbor and its famous arboretum, please don't give us away. We Are In The Doghouse . W ITH EXAMINATIONS coming closer and closer the number of neurotics suffering from 'finalphobia' is rapidly increasing. Those who bear the greatest emotional burden, however, are the unfortunates who have two exam- inations in one day or, sorrow of sorrows, three on one day -involving a conflict. For a whole semester the student works more or less diligently to gleam enough knowledge to pass comprehensive examinations in his various courses. All his efforts are directed, necessarily under the present system, toward these examina- tions. If he has to point for an examination it is not surprising that he expects to be given at least a little time at the end of the semester to review his work. If he has two examinations on the same day this review is next to impossible. How- ever, when it is time for him to be graded, no cog- nizance is taken of the difficulties he may have encountered before or during the examination. At Harvard a reading system, extending from the Christmas holidays until the examination period, has been established. During this time there are no classes - the work accomplished depending en- tirely upon the initiative of the individual. The evils that may and do result from this are obvious, an examination and enough time between exam- inations should be allowed so that all the energies of the student may be directed toward one exam- ination at a time. An interesting light is thrown upon this situation by Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English department, who believes the examination period is the time of greatest intellectual activity in a university and should therefore be extended as long as possible to preserve this desirable and rare activity. ETHE owFORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Contemporary To the Editor: Knowing Mr. Shulman for a man of "infinite resource and sagacity," we were surprised to read his article yesterday on What "Contemporary" Should Be. Having had our literary aspirations prematurely but unquestionably squelched, with- out ever receiving a rejection slip from "Contem- porary," we feel that we can speak without bias. Let "Contemporary" print undergraduate material even thought it be third or fourth rate. Why? Primarily so that it can produce literary rivalry. Besides, does "Contemporary" serve any valuable function by printing the best material that is available without regard to the source? The answer is that an undergraduate who wants the best can read "Story," "Harper's," etc., and for minor campus controversy there is a column in the "Daily." We know that "Contemporary" does not represent the variety of work written. "Con- temporary" is of value only as a proving ground for the talent that the University is trying to nourish. Mr. Shulman says "Contemporary" printed what it did because no other material was available. This seems an admission of weakness in its recent pol- icy. But if the staff of the magazine really wants to serve the student body in the future, let them find the worthwhile material that is submitted in the composition courses. We feel that the stu- dents who take these courses would not object to having their work printed. If this plan is not feas- ible, then the staff might find out from the instruc- tors of English who the most promising students' are, and then solicit some special contributions from these students. We seem to be overlooking the undergraduate fiction that is printed, but having attended a com- position course we know there is a wider variety of work written than "Contemporary" represents. Mr. Jones' criticism that the work is "too carefully- wrought" indicates that only those who have sweated painfully, and removed the personality and spontaneity from their work dare submit to "Contemiporary." When the students see that their cassmates are having their work printed, and it is as poor as Mr. Shulman admits, certainly some aspirants will say, "I can do better than that." Mr. Shulman lays the blame for "Contempo- rary's" failure at the door of the undergraduate curriculum. We heartily agreed with Mr. Shul- man's article on the subject in the January "Con- temporary." We feel, however, that in this as in his contempt for the caliber of undergraduate writing he takes the attitude of the person who was asked the way to the White House. The per- son after due consideration said, "If I were going to the White House I wouldn't start from here." Mr. Shulman is right in bewailing the fact that the "Gargoyle" is the most important campus period- ical. But this will continue to be the situation until "Contemporary" cuts out the work of grad-1 uate students and facul.ty, except as they criticize the undergraduate work. "Contempary" should print undergraduate material, as Professor H. M. Jones implies. We feel that the staff should go so far as to solicit material. -Jefferson Brereton. Indeed To the Editor: The charming precocity of freshmen Barbour and Shroyer leaves one breathless with the reali- zation that the touch of a phlegmatic sophisti- cation is not yet lost. With an ingenious prolixity, in itself refreshing, they have brought home to us the error of our ways. We maudlin fools who revel in the Victorian debauchery of a secret tear, spilled in mawkish sympathy for a noble hero or a great deed, must waken to the knowl- edge that we are obsolescent. A new era is unexpectedly upon us, an era of maturity, in which Malaprops, charlatans, witless jesters, masters of claptrap, pathetic mental-infants, dense, fatuous, and unenlightened minstrels of a prodigious egotism can have no voice. Impressive as was the magniloquence of the communication wrought by these harbingers of an emotional revolution, it was dwarfed by the stimulating vulgarity of its similes, by the up- roarious subtlety of its composition, and by a hearty but tasteful, almost Dickensonian, humor which predominated throughout. We who have so far forgotten ourselves as to' succumb to a participation in the emotion of a work graciously conceded, even by our stalwart critics, to be "above the average" must learn to recognize the intense humor of a tragic situation. We must learn to laugh insensibly at everyone and everything, because that renders us at once mature and profound. With good fortune, we may perhaps live to enjoy, someday, a situation more incredibly ridiculous than that of a freshman laughing at anybody. Let us onward, then! En avant! Revelation has come, and our anabasis is begun. -- C.F.H. Last year Pensacola, Fla., went 69 days without rainfall.j They hang Now, man, They strip And count Among those who think that Prexy Robinson of C.C.N.Y., should keep his job is Mr. Alfred A. Cook, '92. "I do not know where we are going," said Mr. Cook, "unless it be that the Communist and Socialist elements have deter- mined to inculcate their doctrinates whether the rest of the students like it or not." It sounds to us like an excerpt from "It Can't Happen Here." What was done to students whether the rest of the students liked it or not in 1892? In those days, and long after, the anti-British propaganda in the school histories was accepted as truth; the millions of oppressive redcoats who were no match for the American heroes in buff1 and blue. It seems to us that Mr. Walter Winchell is; slipping. Here is $2,491,000,000 of infant bonds1 scheduled for the delivery room on June 15, and not a word about a hallowed episode. 1 HATE HYMN Him with a sledge I fain would smite Who says "Am I right or am I right?" The Liberty League might have picked itself a better name, it seems to us. In the telephonet directory you may find a column and a half of Liberty-thises-and-thats. Among them are the Liberty Beauty Shop, Bed Spring Co., Brasiere1 Co., Casket Co., Fish Market, Meat Market, and Throwing Co. This last may be a nickname for the League, which will open the season trying to throw out the first president. HYMN OF HEATt When the frost is on the windshield, And the ice is like a glade, Ship me somewhere east of Suez Where it's ninety in the shade. M.G.S.E There are many who remember Will Carelton'sI "Farm Ballads," and more accurately than we did. The first of nineteen stanzas to "Betsy and I Are Out": Draw up the papers, lawyer, and make 'em goodt and stout, For things at home are cross-ways, and Betsy and I are out - We who have worked together so long as man and wife Must pull in single harness the rest of our nat'ral life. One of the remembers, it may interest the proofreading profession to know, is Mr. W.N.P. Reed, once foreman of the Tribune proofroom. In 1871, when "Betsy and I" was written, the Happy Ending was almost universal. The lawyer didn't draw up the papers, anyway, and there was no divorce. They lived scrappily ever after. We never liked "Over the Hill to the Poor- house," but we used to enjoy "Gone With a Handsomer Man." In fact, it has been one of our cliches for years. And it never fails to draw the comment, "That is axiomatic." The Menace in The White House Who makes Communists of your kids? Roosevelt! Who has no friends but Reds and Yids? Roosevelt! At whom do we chuck our choicest bricks? Who is Rotten with Politics? Who'll be elected in '36? 8 to 5 on him. Mr. J. K. Fraser, who spotless-towned Sapolio, says that he didn't write the Sunny Jim verses. Supporting his contention is Mrs. Minny Maud Hanff Ayers, who did write them. She sends the first one that she wrote: Jim Durips was a most unfriendly man Who lived his life on the hermit plan; He never stopped for a friendly smile, But trudged along in his bloomy style, Till Force one day was served to him - Since then they call him Sunny Jim. Of the late Frederick C. Mortimer, who from 1896 to 1926 wrote Topics of the Times in the New York Times, implication was made, in yes- terday's papers, that the anonymity of that col- umn was Mortimer's modest notion. The Times speaks of "men and women who somehow learned his name, even though his writings were unsigned." The Hearld Tribune spoke of his "strictly pre- serving his anonymity." It is possible that he wouldn't have signed his name to his column even if the choice had been his, but in 1896, and for many years after, the Times was anti- by-line. Gradually signatures crept in; there were twenty-four signed pieces in yesterday's Times. But none of the names was that of SConning Tower NUMBERS A Greek of Asia named Thales Invented numbers to increase They say man's power and command On earth, and even count the sand. These numbers helped the royal witches Later to count up men and riches; Men for wars and wealth for pleasure -- This was the way a king would measure. They hung a number on your wrist, Last war, so those who had a tryst At home with you, if but an arm Was left, could keep your memory warm. a number on your soul to get you on the dole; your honor from the crib, your hungers rib by rib. JOHN MALTA A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON W ASHINGTON, Jan. 31.-Close scanning of the recent verbal bombardment of the New Deal by dis- senting Democrats discloses a com- mon note that might be described as wistful. Whether it is John W. Davis, former Governor Alfred E. Smith or former Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby speaking, there is detectable a sort of "come-out-and-fight" chal- lenge hurled at the White House to take the constitutional issue to the people in the form of an amendment proposal. Colby, speaking in New York after the Smith Liberty League dinner broadside just as Davis had spoken before, voiced this more directly than either of the others. He made con- stitutional "nullification" a deadlier sin and greater menace than any ef- fort to change it. "If it (the administration) believes the constitution requires amendment, why does it not say so?" he asked. 'Real Cause For Hope' TO 1 DATE the most authoritative administration voice to have been raised on the subject gives no hint of any such plan. It is the voice of Stanley Reed, solicitor general, who bore the burden of administration legal preparation for or argument of the three major New Deal cases passed upon by the Supreme Court. They were the gold cases, the NRA and AAA. And Mr. Reed, for all his "regrets" over the AAA outcome, finds "real cause for hope" in the lan- guage of both majority and minority opinions in that case as to the "wel- fare" powers of the central govern- ment. "An important line of decisions validating federal legislation in the field of agriculture, social welfare and labor relations" might flow out of those AAA opinions, Reed felt, " . . ample to permit the federal govern- ment to function efficiently for the public good." * * * * Sober Second Thought NOW here is something like sober legal second thought on the por- tents of that AAA decision. It cer- tainly, in so far as the second rank- ing New Deal legal light may speak for administration policy, does not imply any attempt to carry a consti- tutional amendment issue into the elections this year, if ever. It under- lies, perhaps, administration ap- proach to formulating a substitute for invalidated AAA. If Reed's reading of those opin- ions is correct it would imply a unan- imous view in the Supreme Court that the welfare clause of the con- stitution did grant heretofore unex- ercised powers to the federal govern- ment, however limited. What might then be in prospect legislatively would be a test of the scope of those powers to further New Deal welfare objectives. Such a test could not possibly reach the court for decision until next year; and the strong implication is that until such a test has been had, no ad- ministration favor will be shown to constitutional amendment proposals. ~THEF STAGE PLAN FOR EXAMS HIS department recommends the following plan as a spur for work during the impending examinations: Write momma or papa that there are now showing in New York some very excellent plays, agreeing with them to do your very best on said exams provided they promise to present you, as a reward, with a round-trip ticket to the East, to be used during the between-semester vacation per- iod. If you adopt this plan (and it works), or if you are planning to be in New York anyhow, the following brief summary of current high-spots among Broadway productions may be useful. THOUGHTFUL DRAMA-At least four very good plays are currently offered which are certain to be of great interest to students both of the drama of present-day social con- ditions. One of them is "Paradise Lost," the latest play of Clifford Odets, new hope of the American theatre, radical and otherwise. It deals with the highly pertinent prob- lem of the American middle class,I and as such represents the broadcast and most important effort of the author to-date. A second is Max- well Anderson's "Winterset." Nearly ten years ago Mr. Anderson wrote a play dealing with the Sacco-Vanzetti case; "Winterset" deals - tellingly and maturely, it is said - with the same subject. "Dead End" by Sid- ney Kingsley, is a third for the thoughtful list; it is possible that this former Pulitzer Prize winner will do it again with this play. A fourth is the Civic Repertory's dramatiza- tion of a Grace Lumpkin novel deal- ing with Southern cotton mills; it is named "Let Freedom Ring!" (Continued from Page 2) French 112, 25 Angell Hall. French 153, 25 Angell Hall. Rooms for final examinations, Spanish (Q), Saturday, Feb. 8, p.m. Final examinations in Spanish will be held in the following rooms: Spanish 1 (morning classes), Na- tural Science Auditorium. Spanish 1 (afternoon classes), 231 Angell Hall. Spanish 2, Natural Science Audi- torium. Spanish 31, 103 Romance Language Building. Spanish 32, 103 Romance Languagej Building.1 The following is the room assign-' went for the-final examinations fory German 1, 2, 31, and 32: Course 1: Natural Science Auditor- ium: Willey, Nordmeyer, Phi ippson, Reichart, Umbach, Striedieck. 103 Romance Languages: Brauer1 and Gaiss.1 West Lecture, Physics: Diamond,1 Graf, and Van Duren. 2003 Angell Hall: Scholl. Course 2: C Haven Hall: All Sec-, tions. Course 31: 25 Angell Hall: Philipp- son, Striedieck, Van de Luyster, Van Duren. B Haven Hall: Reichart and Graf. 231 Angell Hall: Gaiss and Um- bach.E 2003 Angell Hall: Scholl. 209 A.H.: Wahr. 201 University Hall: Hildner.1 Course 32: 35 Angell Hall: All -sec- tions. English 72, Exposition And Thesis1 Writing: Because of a conflict in1 hours this course will be offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 instead of at 10, for the second semester. Examination, English 1: Friday, Feb. 7, p.m. Instructor: Room: Aaron 2029 A.H. l Ackerman 2235 A.H. 1 Allen E Haven Bader 18 A.H. Baker C Haven Boothe 225 A.H. Curtis 229 A.H. Ellinger 2013 A.H. Everett 2203 A.H. Ford 35 A.H. 1 Green 206 U.H. 1 Haines 103 R.L. Helm 103 R.L. I Hornberger 3017 A.H. Meyer 2054 N.S. Nelson 203 U.H. Ogden 208 U.H. Peterson 306 U.H. Proctor 215 A.H. Schenk 202 W. Phys. Seager 1121 N.S. Stevens B Haven Wagner 2014 A.H. Walcutt C Haven Walter 3231 A.H. Weimer 209 A.H. I Wells 2014 A.H. Whitehall 1209 A.H. Williams 3011 A.H. English 2 Knode W. Phys. (Lect.) Leedy 305 S.W. Roellinger W. Phys. (Lect.) Concert Faculty Concert: The School of Music Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore, conductor, with Hanns Pick, violoncellist, as soloist, will play the following program Sunday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock, Hill Auditorium, to which the general public, with the exception of small children, is invited Overture to "Lenore," No. 3, Op. 72 .......................Beethoven Concerto for Violoncello and Or- chestra in B minor, Op. 104 ...... .. min.. ,.. .. D vorak Allegro mid-winter bet of many important persons for this year's 1935 Pulitzer Prize. "Ethan Frome," a recent opener, has the backing of most of the critics, including Gilbert Ga- briel, who terms it "The American theatre at its absolute best," and F. P. A., who praised it just a few days ago in his column appearing on this page of The Daily. MODERN COMEDY - A number of good comedies might be listed, but two of them may be singled out as currently the most hilarious. George S. Kaufman, as usual, is author of what appears to be the funniest show on the Great White Way. It is called "First Lady"; for its locale Kaufman returns to Washington, this time to satirize the politicians' wives. Jane Cowl is the star, which fact is alone enough to recommend it. A second topper is "Russet Mantle," Lynn Riggs' attempt to point with laughs a picture of the younger generation. Significantly enough, both of these plays deal with subject matter of so- cial importance, and could, with no great difficulty, be included among the Thoughtful Plays discussed above. MUSICALS - Two musical com- edies may also be listed as heading their brand of theatrical amusement. The comedy which Cole Porter and Moss Hart went around the world to Adagio Allegro moderato Hanns Pick "Spanish Caprice," Op. 34...... ..-..........Rimsky-Korsakoff Alborada Variation Alborada Scene and Gypsy Song Fandango of the Asturias (played without pause). Coming Eventi Junior Research Club will meet at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 4, in room 2082 Natural Science Building. The program is as follows: "The Convulsive State (epi- lepsy)," by Dr. R. W. Waggoner of the Department of Neurology; "Re- cent Progress in Transmutation of the Elements," by Dr. H. R. Crane of the Physics Department. Women's Research Club, regular meeting Monday, Feb. 3, Library, Room 110, 7:30 p.m. Miss Ella My Hymans will speak on "Materials for the History of Medicine." Michigan Dames Child Study Group will meet Monday evening, February 3, at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. L. Musser, 1033 East University Avenue. Michigan Dames: The regular gen- eral meeting of the Michigan Dames will be held Tuesday evening, Feb- ruary 4, at 8:15 at the Michigan League with the Child Study group in charge. A short moving picture, "Around the Clock with your Baby" will be presented by Dr. Richard Reekie, and Dr. Lavinia MacKaye, pediatrician at the University Ele- mentary School, will speak on "The Growth and Development of the pre and elementary school child." Stalker Hall: Sunday. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Miss Mildred Sweet will lead a discussion on "To- day's Challenge to Christian Youth" Fellowship hour and supper at 7 p.m. First Methodist Church: At 10:45 a.m. Sunday Dr. Brashares will talk on "How to Spend Your Life." First Baptist Church: 10:45 Sun- day. Mr. Sayles will speak on "If Ye Love Me" and the sermon will be fo. lowed by the Communion Service. Church School at 9:30. Dr. Water- man's class at Guild House at 9:45. Roger Williams Guild: No noon class today. At 6:00 p.m. Students' meeting at Guild House. Mr. Chap- man will speak on "How to Become A Christian." Refreshments and so- cial hour. Harris Hall: The regular student meeting will be held in Harris Hall on Sunday evening at seven o'clock. The Reverend Frederick W. Leech will be the speaker. All students and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kindergar- ten; 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. Congregational Church Sunday: 10:30. Service of worship and relig- ious education. Mr. Heaps will give the first in the series "Four Pertinent Parables," the subject being a "Par- able of Duty-the Bondservant." Pro- fessor Preston Slosson will begin a series of lectures of "American Men of Action," speaking on "Lee, Cham- pion of Duty." First Presbyterian Church: Sunday meeting at, the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave., Ministers: Wil- liam P. Lemon and Norman W. Kun- kel. 9:45 - Westminster Forum. Mr. Kunkel will lead the discussion on the theme, "Religion and the Fear of Failure." 10:45-Sermon by the Rev. John Mackay, D.D., of New York City. 5:00 Westminster Guild ,study hour, Dr. Lemon leader. The sub- ject will be "Creative Christianity" and reports of this meeting will fur- nish the basis for discussion at the regular meeting at 6:30. The usual fellowship supper- will be held at six o'clock. Church of Christ (Disciples): Sun- day: 10:45 a.m. Morning worship -Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12:00 m. Students' Bible Class.- H. L. Pickerill, Leader. Discussion on the teachings of Jesus. The social hour and supper will be discontinued during the three Sundays of the examination period. 6:30 p.m. The discussion program will be held at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St. Topic: "What has hap- pened to my religion since coming to the University?" Dr. Albert Epstein, Executive Sec- retary of the American Association for Social Security will speak on "Our Social Insecurity Act." February 12. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.