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January 31, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-31

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FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 151:,'6

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New Teaching
Policies Urged
By Edmonson
Dean Says Education Has
Not Kept In Step With
Social Changes
A discussion of necessary changes
in the field of secondary education,
by Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education, is contained in
the February issue of the School of
Education Bulletin.
In this paper Dean Edmonson at-
tempts to devise a system of educa-
tion which is entirely consistent with
modern economic and social trends.
The first proposal for change calls
for the development of a morework-
able philosophy of education in the
secondary schools, one comprehen-
sible to both pupil and teacher. Dean
Edmonson cites thecontention that
educators fail to agree in regard
to the fundamental philosophy of
American secondary education, some
rigid in their faith in the efficacy of
education for the favored few, others
demanding education for all of ado-
lescent age.
Universal Education Best
Starting with the contention that
universal education is the most prof-
itable course to take, the article dis-
cusses three characteristics that a
course much possess before it can be
considered valuable to the student:
first, it must challenge the interest
and effort of a large number of stu-
dents, second, it must be made profit-
able for students of differing abilities,
and third, it must be valuable from
the stand-point of the newer goals
of education.
Dean Edmonson deplores the fact
that "the vast social and economic
changes in American life have not
brought about comparable changes in
programs of instruction," proposing
that there be brought about a de-
crease in excessive emphasis on scho-
larship marks, and an increase in
the emphasis on those qualities hav-
ing to do with citizenship in a democ-
Outlines Needed Character Elements
According to Dean Edmonson, de-'
mocracy implies certain elements of
character which are not required in
other forms of society, including qual-
ities of self direction, self control,
and self appraisal, the ability to in-
vestigate and to maintain an open-
mind, and finally a distinct pro-social
The article severely criticizes pres-
ent over-emphasis on the economic
values of education, and proposes that
a certain balance of emphasis be
placed on the increased capacity for
enjoyment that comes from education
of the right kind.
Dean Edmonson terms a "progres-
sive tendency' 'the recent action of the
five regional standardizing agencies
in setting up a national committee
to revise the requirements for ac-
crediting secondary schools.
President Asks
For Little River
Flood Policies
Roosevelt Asks Congress
To Define Principles Of
Soil And Flood Control
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. - (P) -
President Roosevelt recommended to-
day that Congress define principles
for federal-state cooperation in deal-
ing with soil and flood problems or-
ignating in "little rivers."
In transmitting to the Capitol a

report of the national resources com-
mittee entitled "Little Waters: A
study of headwater streams and other
little waters; their use and relations
to the land," Mr. Roosevelt said in a
"The report points out that we
can have no effective national policy
in those matters, nor in the closely
related matter of proper land uses,
until we trace this running water
back to its ultimate sources and find
means of controlling it and using it.
"Our disastrous floods, . . . our ma-
jor problems of erosion . . . originate
in a small way in a multitude of
farms, ranches and pastures. .. we
must have literally a plan which en-
visages the problem as it is presented
in every farm, every pasture, every
wood lot, every acre of the public do-
"The Congress could not formulate,
nor could the executive carry out the
details of such a plan, even though
such a procedure were desirable and
possible under our form of govern-
"We can, however, law down cer-
tain simple principles and devise
means by which the Federal govern-
ment can cooperate in the common
interest with the states and with
such interstate agencies as may be
"It is for Congress to decide upon
the proper means. Our objective
must be so to manage the physical
use of the land that we will not only
maintain soil fertility but will hand
on to the next generation a country

(Continued from Page 4)
salary $2,000; Inspector, Engineering
Materials and Construction (Aero-
nautical) and Inspector, Engineering
Materials (Aeronautical), (for Aero-
nautical Engineering Materials, Gen-
eral, and Aeronautical Engineering
Materials, Motors), salary $2,000.
For further information concern-
ing these examinations call at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00
and 2:00 to 4:00.
A.S.M.E. Student Branch: Mechan-
ical Group may secure membership
cards and pins in Room 2047 East
Engineering Building; and Aeronau-
tical Group from Mr. Sandstrom in
Room 239 West Engineering Build-
American - Scandinavian Traveling
Fellowships: The American - Scandi-
navian Foundation will award to stu-
dents born in the United States or
its possessions a number of traveling
fellowships, each $1,000, for study in
the Scandinavian countries during
the academic year 1936-37. Appli-
cants must be graduate students, stu-
dents who will graduate in June or
younger faculty members. They must
be capable of original research and
independent study, and it is desirable
that they be familiar with at least
one language in addition to English
-preferably Swedish, Danish, or
Norwegian. The fields of study in-
clude science, literature, and other
subjects. For details call at the
Graduate School office. All applica-
tions must be in New York before
March 15.
Contemporary: Manuscripts for the
third issue should be left at the Eng-
lish office, 3221 A.H. as soon as pos-
Academic Notices
The Department of Mathematics
announces the following new course
for the second semester: A survey of
Elementary Mathematics (Math. 10).
An introductory course designed to
acquaint the student with the basic
concepts, fundamental principles,
aid 'general processes of the broad
field of elementary mathematics.
Lectures, collateral reading, and class
discussions. Three hours cerdit.
MWF, 2, 200 S.W., Kaltenborn.
This is an orientation course de-
signed to show the general character
and significance of mathematics, to
introduce the student to some of the
delightful phases of higher mathe-
matics, and to develop an apprecia-
tion of the methods and applications
of mathematics. It is to be a reading
course rather than a problem course.
Principles of Publicity (Journalism
58) will be given the second semester
by Mr. Donal Hamilton Haines in
Room E, Haven Hall, Mondays, Wed-

nesdays, and Fridays at one, as stated
in the 1935-36 announcement of the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts. Through error, another
course was also announced for the
same instructor at the same hour.
This course, The Development of
American Journalism (Journalism
106), is being given by Mr. Haines
this present semester.
Journalism 104 will be given at theI
announced hour the second semester.1
This course was erroneously an-
nounced as an offering of the first


Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination given by the German De-
For the second semester this ex-
amination will be given on Wednes-
day, March 18, at 2 p.m. in Room 203
Students who intend to take the
examination are requested to regis-
ter their names at least one week be-
fore the date of the examination at
the office of the German Depart-
ment, 204 U.H., where information
and reading lists are available.
Political Science 1, final examina-
tion, Saturday, Feb. 8, 2 p.m. Stu-
dents will meet in rooms as indicat-
Cuncannon's sections, 205 M.H.
McCaffree's sections, CH.H.
Kallenbach's sections, 25 A.H.
Calderwood's sections, 35 A.H.
Dorr's sections, 1035 A.H.
Hindman's sections, BH.H.
Political Science 1, Special examin-
ation for students having conflicts
in their schedules:
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2 p.m., Room 35
Sociology 54 will meet for the final
examination, Feb. 10 in the morning
in Room 25, Angell Hall.
R. C. Fuller.
HISTORY 47: Final examination
Tuesday a.m., Feb. 4. Section 1,
Room G, Haven. Sections 2, 3, 4, 5,
Room C, Haven.
History 11, Lecture Section I: Final
examination Monday, Feb. 3, 9-12.
Long's and Winnacker's discussion
sections in Natural Science Auditor-
ium; Scott's and Slosson's in 1025
Angell Hall. Bring outline maps of
Europe as well as bluebooks.
History 91: Final examination
Monday, Feb. 2, 2-5 p.m., in West
Physics Lecture Room.
College of Literature, Science and
The Arts: Examinations in Mathe-
matics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 will take place
Saturday, Feb. 8, 9-12 a.m. accord-
ing to the following schedule:
Anning, 1025 A.H.
Baxter, 25 A.H.
Coe, 1035 A.H.
Craig, 1025 A.H.
Dwyer, 35 A.H.
Elder, 25 A.H.
Ford, 1025 A.H.
Menge, 3011 A.H.
Nyswander, 1025 A.H.
Railford, 35 A.H.
Rainich, 1035 A.H.

have its final examination on Satur-
day, Feb. 1, at 2:00 p.m., Room 247,
West Engineering Building.
Geography I: Rooms for final ex-
aminations. James' section, 35 A.H.
Kendall, 10 o'clock, section 35 A.H.
Kendall, 1 o'clock section, 25 A.H.
Kendall, 2 o'clock section, 209 A.H.
Foster's section, 209 A.H.
Political Science 107: Final exam-
ination, Saturday, Feb. 8, at 2 p.m.
in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Students
having conflicts will report for the
examination on Thursday, Feb. 6, at
2 p.m., Room 2032 Angell Hall.
Eccnomics 51: Rooms for final ex-
amination Thursday morning, Feb. 6:
205 M.H., Anderson's sections.
103 R.L., Church's sections.
1035 A.H., Wier's sections.
25 A.H., Miller's and Hebbard's
1025 A.H., Danhof's and French's
Geology 121: The report on the
prevailing westerlies and the weather
in the area affected by them is not
to be written before the final examin-
ation as announced, but to be written
during the examination period.
Examination, English 1: Friday,
Feb. 7, p.m.
Instructor: Room:
Aaron 2029 A.H.
Ackerman 2235 A.H.
Allen E Haven


18 A.H.
C Haven
225 A.H.
229 A.H.
2013 A.H.
2203 A.H.
35 A.H.
206 U.H.
103 R.L.
103 R.L.
3017 A.H.
2054 N.S.
203 U.H.
208 U.H.
306 U.H.
215 A.H.
202 W. Phys.
1121 N.S.
B Haven
2014 A.H.
C Haven
3231 A.H.
209 A.H.
2014 A.H.
1209 A.H.
3011 A.H.

Course 2: C Haven Hall: All Sec- Building. It is urgent that all mem-
tions. bers be present.
Course 31: 25 Angell Hall: Philipp-
son, Striedieck, Van de Luyster, Van hillel Foundation.'Traditional Fri-
Duren. day night services will be held at
B Haven Hall: Reichart and Graf. the Hillel Foundation at 7:45. Rabbi
,231 Angell Hall: Gaiss and Um- Joseph Goldman will speak on the
bach. Fifteenth Chapter of the Torah.
2003 Angell Hall: Scholl. Rabbi Goldman is the orthodox rabbi
209 A.H.: Wahr. of Ann Arbor.
201 University Hall: Hildner.__
Course 32: 35 Angell Hall: All sec-- Graduate Outing Club will have an
tions. informal social evening for Valen-
tine's Day, Friday, Feb. 14, 8:00 p.m.,
Lane Hall. There will be dancing.
Events Of Today games, and refreshments. A small
Contemporary: Important general fee of 15 cents will be charged to cov-
meeting of the editorial staff at 4:15 er expenses. All Graduate Students
o.m. in the Student Publications are cordially invited to attend.

1 t.,. . ._ .. ., ... _..._...


Going Home After Exams?

English 2
Knode W. Phys. (Lect.)
Leedy 305 S.W.
Roellinger W. Phys. (Lect.)
The following is the room assign-
ment for the final examinations for
German 1, 2, 31, and 32:
Course 1: Natural Science Auditor-
ium: Willey, Nordmeyer, Philippson,
Reichart, Umbach, Striedieck.
103 Romance Languages: Brauer
and Gaiss.
WIest Lecture, Physics: Diamond,
Graf, and Van Duren.
2003 Angell Hall: Scholl.





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To Trace Makers
Of Indian Relics
A large number of silver ornaments
found in Indian graves throughout
the state are being cleaned and re-
ported on by George I. Quimby, '36,
a student in the department of an-
thropology, in an effort to trace the
makers of the ornaments and to de-
termine the dates and place of their
The ornaments were , traded by
White men to the Indians as early as
1780, and most of them were brought
in before the War of 1812. Many
of them were given to the Indians by
the British, Quimby said, to keep the
Indians on the side of the British.
The ornaments in the collection
include silver broches, crosses (sup-
plied by traders), armbands and gor-
gets. By taking off the patina cover
of copper sulphate, Quimby can find
the "touch-marks" or stamps which
identify the maker. "When the maker
is identified by means of historical
research," he said, "one can tell
where the silver came from and the
approximate site."
By means of this, he said, it may
be possible to date or identify sites
which are mentioned in early historic
literature and to learn the names of
the tribes which occupied those sites.
The ornaments were made chiefly
in England, Scotland, Montreal, Al-
bany and Philadelphia, and were
given to the Indians first by the
French and then by the British and
Americans. About 73 per cent of the
silver in Michigan came from Mon-
treal, Quimby said.
After the War of 1812, the Indians
began adopting the white man's
methods of silversmithing, and made
their own ornaments.

C. J. Coe.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: Blanks for the payment of
the Teacher's ertificate fee may now
be secured at the Recorder's Office
3f the School of Education, 1437
U.E.S. All students who expect to
be recommended for the Teacher's
Certificate at the end of the present
semester should pay this fee by Feb.
MusicB140, Survey of Music in
America, will be given Tuesday and
Thursday at 2 o'clock in Room 312
Hill Auditorium.
Final Examination in Eng. 159, Sec.
2 (Tues., Thurs., Sat, at 10). The ex-
amination schedule as listed in the
Catalogue with the letter C is an
error; the examination should be
scheduled with the letter J and will
be given Tuesday morning, Feb 4.
Paul Mueschke
E.E. 7a, Building Illumination will


To The
Micign Dil



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