T H ME R ICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1936 ... , .-.,4. ,.. , , ;. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscritions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mrail, 4-.60. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, I11. over the subject of required drill. The bill is called "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act for making further and more effectual provisions for the national defense, and for other purposes,' ap- proved June 3, 1916, and to establish military jus- tice, to limit its application in the case of civil educational institutions and those offering elec- tive courses in military training." The wording of the bill was exactly the same in the two sub- mitted by Mr. Nye and Mr. Kvale. It is suggested in the bill that the original act, approved in 1916, and again in 1920 calling for mil- itary education be amended to read that there shall be military education at no institution "until such institution shall have satisfied the Secretary of War that enrollment in such unit (except in the case of essentially military schools) is elective and not compulsory; and is hereby further amend- ed by striking out the words 'or compulsory' imme- diately following the word 'elective' ... " That this bill is important there can be no doubt. The Army and Navy Register, in regard to it, la- ments, "The R.O.T.C. is on the spot. It is at the parting of the ways. If this Nye-Kvale measure becomes a law, it will be as dead as a dodo in a few years . . . That has been the experience at schools where it has been made elective." That this ob- jection to the bill is not justified is proven by the fact that at Boston University and C.C.N.Y., where military training was made voluntary in 1926, both units still flourish. The passage of the Nye-Kvale bill will not, then weaken the national defense system in any way. The war department, is of course, strongly against the amendment. On the other hand, there are important edu- cators who are giving the amendment their full support. Says Prof. John Dewey of Columbia University, "Military training in schools cannot be defended on the grounds of physical training. From the military standpoint, it is entirely neg- ligible. Its real purpose is to create a state of mind which is favorable to militarism and war." This bill should certainly receive the support of all thinking persons. Military training should not be abolished in the schools and colleges that al- ready give it, but on the other hand it should be put on an elective basis with other courses. It is very hard to find a, plausible reason to explain why a student seeking a higher education in time of peace should be drafted for military training of any kind. - ~ The Conning Tower I EDITORI AL DEFARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EiDITIOR............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...............JOHN J. LAHERTrY ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............. THOMAS |. GROERN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS t ublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; ;sie A. Pierce, GuyM.Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- Wan. Women's Departmen : Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh Florence H. Davies, Mario. T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. IWSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214I SINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON OREDIT MANAGER...........JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOgMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .... MARARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER... ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Lcal Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER Apology To The Michigan State News. . The editors suggest that before reading this editorial the squibfrom the Michigan State News, reprinted under As Others See It on this page, be read. THE MICHIGAN STATE NEWS wins the argument. The Daily stands corrected and eats humble pie for inferences which, taken from its news columns, were understood to represent its views. Admitting the story about Konrad Bercovici may not have been the zenith in journalism, we respect- fully point out that a sense of humor might do wonders for the editors of the News, so good for the spleen you know. Perhaps it was because we have a certain pride in our University that we whimsically pointed out Mr. Berovici's slight error in fact, but perhaps the News editors would not understand pride in one's school. There is no malice for Michigan State College on this campus, the term "cow college" has almost completely disappeared from our vocabulary. We appreciate the fact that agriculture is a very im- portant and highly respectable branch of educa- tion and that Michigan State excells in many other fields, such as home economics. The University of Michigan has never based its sole claim to national recognition upon the record of its football team, although we are very proud of that record. The amount of blowing that the Michigan State News does about their ,team's de- feat of Michigan has made us very proud. Our football team is reported to have won three na- tional championships, several Big Ten champion- ships, and its record with a neighboring school for the past 20 years is very outstanding. In that time our team won 16 games, tied 2 and lost 2. However, what gives us our greatest sense of pride in the University is not our superb national and sectional football record, but the esteem in which we are held by educators. Our University is far from perfect; after all there are five schools in the United States ranked ahead of us in emi- nence; we are only sixth. But then, perhaps the Michigan State News would not understand a pride in scholarship. The University may be guilty of mass production, whatever that means. If it means that work here is very easy, we have yet to account for the great amount of knee shaking at the approach of finals. The News says that several philanthropists gave us a law school, but The Daily believes that one man, William D. Cook, gave it to us and we have always been very thankful to him. We are also proud of our new graduate school, now under con- struction, that was made possible through the lenerosity of the late Horace Rackham. We can somehow picture how mad, the editors of the Michigan State News would be if someone gave, their school several million dollars for anything. We repeat our apologies to contemporaries on the Michigan Stae News and can only hope that' our future mistakes will be met with such friendly, courteous and constructive criticism as they have offered in this case. As Others See It "Satire" From The University (From The Michigan State News) In the upper right hand corner of The Michigan Daily is a little headline: "Bercovici Was Really Bewildered This Time." The story follows:n - "Konrad Bercovici has committed the unpar- donable sin in the eyes of the University of Michi- gan student. "Writing 'This Too Free America' in the current issue of Good Housekeeping, Bercovici refers to a Hollander of western Michigan who sent his son to the University of Michigan - to study Agri- culture! The University of Michigan was confused with Michigan State. "But then he has a passable excuse : He was born in Roumania." The University writer who thought he was being clever overlooked the fact that the article was en- titled, not "This Too Free America" but "America, The Land of the Too Free," and appeared not in a current issue but in an issue which appeared last summer. It may seem to the Michigan writer that to have his college confused with Michigan State is grossly insulting. In view of the fact that the University's only claim for national recognition now lies in its supremely terrible football record and its desire to have a few additional defeats at the hands of Notre Dame, this is hardly understandable. Michigan at one time was honored because they had a football team; now they have only a sta- dium. At one time they were educational pioneers; now they are noted only for mass-production methods. If several philanthropists had not given them a law school, their only reason for existence would be to keep the little town of Ann Arbor alive during the winter months. It may seem to the Michigan writer, too, that Bercovici, being a foreigner by birth, would think it logical for a son to go to the University of Michi- gan for--agriculture! It is more probable that only if Bercovici were still a foreigner would he advocate sending a son to the University of Michi- gan for anything. Sixteen To Seven (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) SIXTEEN Republican Senators voted for passage of the soldier bonus bill over the President's veto; only seven voted to sustain the veto. That is, about 70 per cent of the Republican party strength in the Senate was thrown in favor of the bonus. One of those voting for the bonus was McNary of Oregon, leader of the Senate Republicans. Among the others were such party stalwarts as Barbour of New Jersey, Carey of Wyoming, Davis of Pennsylvania, Dickinson of Iowa, Gib- son of Vermont, Metcalf of'Rhode Island, Steiwer of Oregon and White of Maine. We shall await with interest the views of these gentlemen on what we had understood to be the demand of the Republican party for sharp cur- tailment of Federal expenditures and immediate steps toward the balancing of the budget. Not so long ago in St. Louis, Mr. Dickinson eloquently assailed the spending policies of the Roosevelt administration. Shaking a warning finger at his audience, he said: "Don't forget! It's you, and you, and you, who are backing the principal and interest on all these bonds." He was at his sarcastic best in describingbthe Matanuska Valley experiment. We shall await with particular interest the WINTER (By Loretta Roche and Wm. Shakespeare) When icicles hang by the wall I do not like their look at all. When all about the wind doth blow. With lightsome heart I do not go. When birds sit brooding in the snow, It shows how little birds can know. In fact, for I cannot see a reason For approving of this season. "A platform on which dissenting Democrats as well as Republicans could stand," said our Mr. Albert L. Warner yesterday, "including emphasis on constitutionalism, sound money, economy and retreat from bureaucracy, was the first object of the Republican leaders." Our Stresses-and- Strains expert says "That ain't no platform; that's a tightrope." When the man you like switches from what he said a year ago, or four years ago, he is a broad- minded person who has courage enough to change his mind with changing conditions. When a man you don't like does it, he is a liar who has broken his promise. And Republicans and Democrats, two weeks from tomorrow, will quote the Gettysburg Ad- dress, to prove that Lincoln would have been on their side. I Remember Once in, Gaul How well do I remember once in Gaul At Mercy Farm one smiling summer day, The postured men who, grim and silent, sat As though in peaceful solitude, but all Were dead. Perhaps, in some communique Their names were listed and mis-spelled at that. These dead had sprung from out my native place, Manhattan, yes, three thousand miles away. They'd known its avenues, streets, its Central Park. Played baseball, cops and robbers, prisoners' base. And there among a Frenchman's unmown hay They sat unsung, unnoticed, stiff and stark. How many floors were scrubbed to cleanliness, How many hods were carried stories high To furnish these, when babes, their food and dress That they might march to battle and to die. L. J. MULHEARN Last Friday we wondered who got the Inter- national Mercantile Marine Company's job that John Jacob Astor 3rd resigned from. Evidently his going left no vacuum, for Jack Gold, Brook- lyn, writes: "I went to the International Mer- cantile Marine office as soon as I found out that Astor had left. I was told that there was no job open." It is possible that young Mr. Astor was fired. A girl should think a long time before she marries a man who is, as they used to say in "Pinafore," "a very imperfect ablutioner." - Dorothy Dix. MissDix, despair, likewise go to! Or is Pooh- Bah so versatile that he strays into other operas? Word comes from the President Emeritus of the Proofroom Eluders, Reinald Werrenrath, en- closing a letter addressed to Reginold Wrenwrath. TREASURE HUNT Somewhere hidden in the world Exists a thing complete, The ultimate in a fernseed curled, All whole, compact, and neat. Sunk beneath the seven seas, Or at the rain bow's foot, In Altair or the Pleiades, The Polar absolute. Travel fast and travel far; Daylight will not last. Hitch your wagon to a star; Dig below the frost. Fairies know it, and the sprites, And all the little elves. They dance to it on summer nights, And keep it to themslves. Fair as dreams of paradise - Lovelier than these, Guarded by the sharp-set eyes Of jealous deities. Age looks on youth, and youth on age, And each with eagerness, The questioning lad, the seeking sage; And neither will confess. They search the living and the dead,r And track down folly, sorrow; The thing they press flies on ahead- Tomorrow and tomorrow. What is it they are looking for? And wherefore it is hid? No man may know, yet evermore Must seek the god-forbid. O beautiful and beautiful, Foxfire and solar flame, Mirage of the immutable That has no house or name! G.A. Secretary of the New York Conservation Coun- cil is N. Marks Bump, and nobody but Frank Sullivan thinks that he is kin to X. M. Spot. If we have another war with Germany, we may have to call sauer-kraut Liberty League THE SCREEN AT THE MICHIGAN 'MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY' A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture star- ring Charles Laughton and Clark Gable. with Franchot Tone. Herbert Mundin. Eddie Quilan, Dudley Digges, and Don- ald Crisp. Charles Laughton's almost too per- fect characterization of the despic- able Captain Bligh, the splendor of the entire production, Clark Gable as Fletcher Christian and Franchot Tone as Midshipman Byam feature the cinema history of H.M.S. Bounty. It is a picture that has all the ele- ments that go to make up an enjoy- able and moving drama, with lavish scenery and an enormous cast. The photography of the Bounty at sea de- serves particular mention as being very exceptional. Laughton exemplifies the old order of British sea captains who, in the latter part of the eighteenth century, got work from their men through generous use of a cat o' nine tails in- stead of through understanding and kindred feeling. He fills his role so well that it is impossible not to hate him and feel that nothing would be more pleasant than to see him drawn and quartered. Laughton has been an inhuman person before but this time he surpasses all previous ef- forts, leering and bullying until any- thing but mutiny on the ship would have been a surprise. Clark Gable as Lieutenant Chris- tian also stands out as the long-suf- fering junior officer who is finally driven to the breaking point by the endless brutality of his captain. He brings to the part the exact type of personality one would expect in Christian and the audience suffers with him when he fights his natural impulses to throttle Bligh. Franchot Tone as Byam, a newcomer to the sea, also does one of his best pieces of acting as the friend of Christian and the youngster of the two-year voyage. In smaller parts Tommy, a youngster impressed into the service and forced to leave his wife and baby against his will, and the cook, Her- bert Mundin, deserve special mention. The two native princesses who fur- nish the heart interest for Christian and Byam in their island paradise are very talented and very beautiful, and fill their parts with contagious fresh- ness and enthusiasm.1 The picture tells the story of the voyage of the Bounty from Ports- mouth to Tahiti to transfer bread plants to the West Indies. Bligh's cruelty obtains throughout until the men are so maddened that they over- throw the officers and cast them adrift, with the exception of Chris- tian and Byam. The mutineers re- turn to Tahiti and Christian later goes on to Pitcairn where he and his friends settle forever. Byam is ar- rested and triedfor mutiny and it is his trial that brings about the new spirit in the British fleet. By all means this is a picture that one cannot afford to miss. B.K. HOLLYWOOD By GENE REICHERT EDITOR'S NOTE: Gene Reichert is a former University student now in Los Angeles. He is writing this column exclusively for The Daily. Like the man who started the frog farm and soon found all the water crowded out of his pond, Charlie Ruggles is up to his waist in a sea of terriers -Scotties, Ayreshires, fox, wirehaired, and on through the list. He started his kennel business in a very quiet way out on his valley estate. Now he's had to buy three and a half more acres, just to have room enough. Seems to be doing all right, though. Won 88 championship ribbons of assorted shades at various shows last year. The ultimate goal of Gene Ray- mond (who, incidentally, says he prefers blondes) is to had an inde- pendent producing unit at a major Hollywood studio. As a transition step from acting to producing, he hopes to direct a number of feature pictures. "I want to keep progressing," says Gene. "I believe an actor can go only so far, and when I reach that peak I intend to step into a new field. I want to direct, and ultimately produce pic- tures." He sets no definite time limit on his acting career. "I don't think that is feasible," he said, "but I feel sure I will know when I have gone as far as I can, and I certainly have no intention of out- lasting my welcome on the screen." In the interim, he is studying for his future activities. "I make it a point to study the methods of the various directors with whom I work," he said. "I am also studying music, languages, and liter- ature and devoting as much time as I can to learning the technical end of picture production. Study itself is fthe important thing. It keeps the mind active and is a spur to ambi- tion." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assstant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. FRIDAY, JAN. 31, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 90 Notices Registration Notice: During the period from Wednesday noon to Fri- day noon (Feb. 12-14) students may register only for themselves individ- ually with the following two excep-' tions, namely: (1) The registrant may bring the registration blanks of one or more fellow students whose names fall within the same published alphabet- icl subdivision as his own. (2) He may register for students outside his own alphabetical group (not for himself) during the period or periods alphabetically allotted to such other student or students. Obviously if registrations were to be attempted in more than one al- phabetical group at once the whole endeavor to save time by the alpha- betical grouping would break down. During Friday afternoon or Sat- urday morning, registrants may reg- ister for others besides themselves, as these two half days have not been al- lotted to any specific group. This announcement is to clarify any misunderstandings which have arisen and to cancel any announce- ments contrary hereto. Shirley W Smith, Vice- President and Secretary. To Faculty and Students: Atten- tion is called to the following By- Laws adopted by the Board of Re- gents in September, 1934: "Students should realize that their enrollment in the University carries with it obligations in regard to con- duct, not only inside but also out- side the classroom, and they are ex- pected to conduct themselves so as to be a credit both to themselves and to the University. They are amen- able to the laws governing the com- munity as well as to the rules and orders of the University and Uni- versity officials, and are expected to observe the standards of conduct ap- proved by the University. Whenever a student, group of stu- dents, society, fraternity or other student organization fails to observe the principles of conduct as above outlined, or conducts himself or it- self in such a manner as to make it apparent that he or it is not a de- sirable member of the University, he or it shall be liable to disciplinary action." Attention is also called to the fol- lowing announcement made by the University Committee on Student Conduct in September, 1934: "It is the opinion of the University that the use of intoxicating liquors in a fraternity house has a tendency to impair the morale of the organiza- tion and is contrary to the best in- terests of both the fraternity itself and of the University." Joseph A. eBursey, Chairman University Committee on Student Conduct. LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Hold- ers of LaVerne Noyes Scholarships during the first semester should in- terview Dr. Frank E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall, at once if they desire scholarship aid for the second se- mester. Faculty, School of Education: The February meeting of the Faculty will be held on Monday, Feb. 10 (instead of February 3) at 12 o'clock noon at the Michigan Union. Notice: The Executive Committee of the Interfraternity Council, hav- ing arrived at the following action, which action having been approved by the Senate Committee on Student affairs, does call the special notice of the fraternities to Article 7, Section 1, paragraph I, which reads as fol- lows: "Notice that meetings of the Ex- ecutive Committee have been held shall be posted in the immediately following issue of The Daily Official Bulletin. If no objections to any of the decisions of the Committee are voiced within the next forty-eight hours, all action taken by the Com- mittee shall be taken as final." The action of the Executive Com- mittee is quoted below: ARTICLE I. Section 1. Fraternity dances shall not be held during term time on other than Friday or Saturday nights or on the night preceding a University holiday. Friday night dances and dances preceding holidays shall close not later than one a.m. Saturday night dances shall close not later than twelve o'clock midnight. Section 2. House parties shall be- gin not earlier than Friday at one p.m. and end not later than six p.m. of the following Sunday. ARTICLE II. Chaperons shall be chosen for all social functions of the several fra- ternities as is' provided in the follow- ing existing rules, except that in cases of overnight house-parties not more than one couple shall be re- quired to be in residence in the chap- ter house, this couple to be designat- ed in the application for permission for the party. (1) There shall be at least two married couples as chaperons for any for a party must be accompanied by the written approval of the financial advisor of the fraternity. 3). Application for permission, accompanied by the written accep- tances of the chaperons shall be sub- mitted to the Dean of Students on or before the Monday preceding the party. ARTICLE III. The Interfraternity Council dis- approves of the presence of intoxi- cating liquors in a fraternity house and endorses the opinion of the Uni- versity "that the use of intoxicating liquor within a fraternity house has a tendency to impair the morale of the organization and is contrary to the best interest of the fraternity it- self and the University." Any un- gentlemanly conduct, on the part of members or guests, either in the chapter house or on the premises, due to the use of intoxicating liquor or due to any other reason, shall be reported by the president of the fra- ternity as is provided for in Article IV and the Executive Committee shall thereupon investigate the case and take any necessary disciplinary ac- tion. ARTICLE IV. Responsibility for the conduct of the members of the party and for the enforcement of these rules shall rest. with the president of each fraternity, respectively. If the president be ab- sent, he shall appoint a member who will be present to be his representa- tive. But the ultimate responsibility shall remain with the president. The president shall report any infraction of these rules to the Secretary-Treas- urer of the Interfraternity Council within twenty-four hours, ARTICLE V. Permissionbfor a fraternity house- party shall be given only after ar- rangements have been made for the members to move out of the house, if the women guests are to remain over- night. ARTICLE VI. Before permission be granted to any group to hold a house-party, a copy of these regulations must be presented to the Secretary-reasurer of the Interfraternity Council with the following clauses signed by the President and authorized representa- tive of that group as designated by Article IV of these regulations. I, the undersigned, an authorized representative of .............. fra- ternity, with a thorough understand- ing of the above regulations and the immediate responsibility placed in me do pledge the..............fram ternity to abide and be bound by these'regulations. Signed:................ Representative I, the undersigned, president of the .............. with a thorough understanding of the above regula- tions and the ultimate responsibility placed in me, do pledge the........ ....... fraternity to abide and be bound by these regulations. Signed: ................. Paul W. Philips, Secretary- Treasurer. Faculty Meeting, College of Litera- ture, Science and Arts: The regular February meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, will be held in Room 1025 AH Monday afternoon, Feb. 3, be- ginning at 4:10 o'clock. Agenda: Report of Executive Committee, H. D. Curtis. Report from University Council, V. W. Crane. Report of Deans' Conferences, E. H. Kraus. Resolution concerning Professor Moses Gomberg, G. R. LaRue. Special Order: Recommendations of the Degree Programs Committee. Discussion of the Slosson Resolu- tion. So c i al Directors, Chaperons, Househeads; University Women: Girls may obtain out-of-town per- mission from their househeads for absence from Ann Arbor between ex- aminations and after they have finished all examinations. There shall be no over-night guest in any approved undergraduate house or dormitory during the examination period. Undergraduate women who are changing their residence or their room are requested not to move until Feb. 13 or 14. Graduate Students: Elizabeth Clay Howald Scholarship announced by Ohio State University, stipend $3000 per annum. Detailed announcement in Graduate School office. Applica- tions must be filed by March first. University Bureau of Appoint- ments: All those students registered with the Bureau who are leaving school at the end of the semester are reminded that they should leave a change of address at the office, 201 Mason Hall; also that if they-have not checked up on their records or. had a personal interview, they should take care of this before leaving. The University Bureau of Appoint- mAnt and OccunationnI Infrmafin I I1 Compulsory Military Training " T HE ISSUE of compulsory military education, though a dead one on this campus, is still of great importance to many schools and colleges throughout the country. Of