PAGIE TWO T-HE MI&1{IAN 5IL FRIDAY, JANULARY 31. 1939 Uelecrates From: Miehioan Will Attend .Parley Wildl Life (Conference To Be Held In "Washington Feb. 3-7 LANSING, Jan. 30. -- UP) -A dele- gation of 12 Michigan residents planned today to go to Washington to attend President Roosevelt's North American wild life conference, called for Feb. 3 to 7, The President has indicated the wants expressed by persons inter- ested in conservation in the 48 states will play an important part in the formulation of his policies on that subject. P. J. Hofmaster, state director of conservation, who will head the dele- gation, said that in the absence of more definite information as to the kind of knowledge the President wants and the nature of the confer- ence, no definite program has been prepared by the delegation. Each member will go prepared to speak hs mind by the delegation. Others in the delega io will be H. D. Ruh, head of the department's game division, Hoffiaster said; Fred A. Wester man, heads of the fish divi-- sion; P. S. Lovejoy, Ann Arbor, repre- senting the Natonal Research con- cil, Floyd W. Marble GAstone rep resenting the Northern Michigan Spor tsmen's association; Karl J. Hammer, Escana ba, the Wolverine Conserva tion asociati0n ; Professor P. A. Herbert, Michigan State College representing the Michigan Forestry Association; R. J Gillespie, Lansing president of the Michigan division, Izaak Waltonr League; Mrs. haze Schermerhorn, Detroit, state, regei of the Daughters of the Ameicar Revolution; (ongres - xi aoClare E Hoffman, Allegan; Dr. M. . Pirnie, director of the W. :K. Kellogg bir. sanctuary, Augusta; and Mrs. Mabel Madison, Hubbard Lake, representint the Michigan State Grange Sweethear-tO Dilln ge'rrkes Paupers ath Gang~ster's (Ai] FriendIs Released From Federal Deten tiona Farm DETROIT, Jan. 30. -- (1') - Evelyn Frechette, 27, sweetheart of the slain John Dillinger, took a pauper's oath today as the last formality in her re- lease from the Federal detention farm to which she was sentenced two years ago for harboring the notorious gangster. She told United States Commis- sioner J. Stanley Hurd that she in- tended to "go straight." She said she would return to the home of her mother of Neopit, Wis The pauper's oath was necessary to release her from a $1,000 fine im- posed at the time of her sentence. She said she had less than $20 and that her only income is from a Fed- eralIndian pension. Patricia Young, 25, also serving a Federal prison term for harboring Dillinger, will be brought to Detroit1 Feb. 2 to take the pauper's oath. She, however, will be taken to Marquette,, Mich., to face a second charge of; helping Dillinger escape from Michi- gan after Federal agents had traced, him and John Hamilton to Sault Ste. Marie. Bones. Of Extinct ReptilePrepared A skull and lower jaw of a phyto- saur, an extinct crocodile-like rep- tile of Triassic age, is being re-as- sembled and prepared for exhibition in the Museum of Paleontology by William H. Buettner, preparator in paleontology. Five other skulls of the same animal are already on exhibition in the mu- seum, but t(he nw specimen was sot br'oken that it sh)owed things tha t were not to be seen- on the other skulls, Mr. Buettiersa. It will be used as a study specime n, he said, rather than just a showspimf iren., The bones were found by a uni-t versity field expedition in Te.'xas in 1930. The skull is 36 inches long and iestimzated to 'ha'c.e come from an animal about 20 feet, in length. *When complete A .i t will be placed on a plaster slab -i a s-etting that will show the positio(n ini wvhich1 it was found. P d ' bei1~ tu O SCV(.... .__.e_..Il_. .I, .. Abho. I frosPThai1 ly led to the demand of Secretary Morganthau that Abbott resign. which he did. Evnthen. w;hen Farley was being ' befsieged by :omplaints of Democratici hiogresnan f-on Michigan, the lpcimslci- enral stood by Abbott. UtII J \ c kan inter-party con-j Lroo. ; oei-utenaming of a Fed-j cra iid>-i.jide in Detriot blew o tp. Aic1 Pi mton the appoint- ment of Wle I. Mackenzie as either; judge or ditic1 attorney, is reported, to have uonl hinted to Farley that ii llsclena~dswere not complied,, with, h wouldseek an uninstructed de~g' I n o he Demcratie Nation-- in _...aeounin tPhilade=lphia which'f ml Itwork or th American Liberty L~ugue . _.tio n, i.e., a platform di- ani. :n aly ppo031to that which the >1w ealia~ms.This apparently is th i. ~aibroke Fancey's back. I, hep 0;u-ener°al is supposed cA) w,~ Ot1 v1,y an, y vand, as a 1crt.. ,b _.,elCdetrmiined to repudi- ateAbod RF v en -cB owen. a relativeC nen oxt- -.te i-anks o1 Democratic gai >a issK ctobe on good term wr h all the Democraic factions int he s c fiChasco,.sistently backed the New De: l, as has, up to now, Ab-; bott. ___ _____ ___,______ I a i 4 t I 4 i I t ! I ' k P3lac a vn I - n yf-; r 1 (S> hr ?stra C;: Pr ce a(o1 il t -s ~ liv- a l c go1,'.d Cie line) or in tor ..x ...n . _ rion.i. I10C per. redngore for.hree r mor i..2-'(er i on. I-)v in, n Slne e n ED i 1 ol<- thr00lne>nerinnri.9(i 10 e i. m-rn e mo2lued fli". cptl p ---------------; 4Tlie a F () l n. : ; i A 12 on types a.y lg er---- aNOTICES FOR RENT - ROOMS \VE _ WIL-ct. you furniture for theN.1ICE single, steam heated room, first J-Hap. Alexanders. 417 E. Liberty. Ploor. Ava ilable next semester. 267 500 Calherme Street. Phone 9749. 271. T )WNSENL) Fast Side Club hax'inay k f I i 3 I I -lnp~ineeting tonight. 7::, 0 :_ OMFOPT. ABLE single room with P1--,A~ho. Followed by sprhiunning,-wat er. 721 Church Street. a ip.m. by 11 hold Wester, mian 270 oF Adean, foa-mer local Y.M.C.A. SN mi oberos la yiIla-. 261 SNL an doberms Cen,. - - - warm, anld well furnished. 503 E. 11TTE1 TION--1 ; meals $3.65. Fresh ; Liber-ty. 268 L<-z etal ,malshome-made des- - _________ s 'ts-SLADEtrS. 608 Hill St. nearI BOARD ;a o ltihe i-eorganization wln-h li- Pwer 'hatBe I Wash- !i' W, i-rpi l O f )be ,sponsoring, A/IOtji Y V 11 10 ]rigu-be JpushAed as I~~~~~~~~o )?. c-oIT lt dtt o-[ovc-nl. A aioIl aly considers Ithe 101nhi-l~ IX(-111 u-gnealof the Phil- i,), tts ( aleI a nan to be sac- i'a'd a I teolls1 in November and hasne(oncledhimself to the re-elec- tion of a Reublican here at that lim. Mr piyhas never pushed the nio~eiteli Io his nominuation and Ku;ex-n 11 O~ Icold wvater- on its ,., I ii 1%). Pledges wo pl,-, to move into Ina~Ita (ait~housesc for the- second It Illel I' We<& ti ise .yesterda ty by THREE young tI i/It'lr115#et ol. mius-Ibe h igh s, (lo t t' I 111(3 no ip-IIed. So F-y. ,eeMl.nien97 to 10 p.111 Aillet Ht 'i.2! t i t '8i in ('1 ti~it (111' ;os- - a Mp t.ib " } VX,., c ,"10 le t tltj- by thi s aci. iOCX.V .. -tp fpn -d'mi'ifail to, re por infrct 1v c N. a i tencoli t the Ifac -t W O, II)11'((11(1 TI NI )"Y' carefuii Vll( ( XVIII ( ;!1tl !,!1)itd ii'Oiitd. F STU'(DENT HAND LA&UNDRY: 1'easonable. Free delivery. 3006. LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox Careful work at low price, 1X j m s r A.. hs taucii I Cu-is1annemnan, caiptin of the7 Micli~-inState Normal basketball t-uowas released from thte county lalwn Jusiiw'.Jay. G. Payne dis- .loe a stattory charg~e against S itlonth not ion of Pr-osecutor Al- 7.i -p. The comlalint was I1< ; t' 11 niutiLthim by an Anni Arbor' Ilautt-oi1, who is fromliDetr oit, livep a 1101 Cross St., in Ypsilanmti. II,- ii5or-dere(d to pay court costs of 11.50. Satisfator-y settlement of tile case has been i-chled ouitside' (of c'ourt, Prosecutor- Rapp said. sued' a more sti-ict code which had xttdas a "traditiomi"fot- several 1SLL Y OUP, OLD CLOTHES: We'll{ buory old and1( new suits anti over- coats for $'' to $20. Also highest~a 1)11 t'('err - 0 XolrOii 5and tyl-wit- rsV. 1)11111 e fore (it'you SISam LAUNDRY a djoiznng lavatory. Steal'n heat,' li'trbath. Phone 8544. 422 E. Washinlgton. 263 FOR SALE Al, " :'L'9 5c bushel and up. Clean Iti lter-ti cer,. Phone' 3926. Will deliver. 1003 Brooks St. 264' ,i dRSALE: Reasonable,. Dress suit [?eltsitP- ad tuxedo complete. Both in very lix good condition. Phone 3606. 305, Prices East Liberty. 265 Phone; FOR SALE : Chiffonier, desks, book 6x ratck, apartment range, chairs,. dlarned dessti ther furniture, including U 5 lw choice antiques. 928 Oakland. . ^ 255 LOST AND FOUND L OST : Ronson lighter, chromium. Initialed D." Liberal reward. Call Derning, 2-1417. 2583 LOST: Friday. Rimless glasses in black case, by Weaver Optometrist: $5.00 reward. Box 111. 251 LIQUOR CONTROL AUDITOR. LANSING, Jan. 30. - 03) - The strate liquol- control commission con- ti-acted today with William L. Stev- ar-t, of' Detroit, to audit its account's for the past year. The maximum price Stewar-timay charge is $21,000. l~ea Jtselt I . Bs.y to notify i lined 101!-its ( l110 1 .i lLa I!jhlldt' inmeiately. P1111 'V Pltlps 'W. SRt ereany of lsqicmn h to h nvriy h ni -- coc:notice of - inten- to the CololIfstttl ta at thuli'x 1111 1) iIVCmust be riven at least code can tbe (-Il-tai iii.iitCi IV/ c, e-ms rior to the end of the of the Council i'f1 l iivy t' ,i -j' 1 s c~~Lr Feb. 14, he pointed out lon-suc to ve i 1.11/ ii 11 48 htirs. How ti ledtics Inust also receive npr--ever, a fturlhert- 1'(-lljsee ': of ~~v B > In order to measure the forces;~nl so to move into fr-ater-nil which hold a lathe tool in position a frI?1 ~ iS1om l is 01fice. and remove the metal from the work - A scholastic aver-age of "C" art a new type of dynanometer was in- , 4 1 I~ ~1S leften of peci-mission from the pled vented by Professor Boston and Mir. Par-ents are also required, he sal Kraus. Described as a "rugged and 7eI >rd ti __ foolproof device" by its creators, it supports the tool against its steel members in such a manner that the I Tt coil n01. various forces acting upon the toolE Two sttaxcns yesterday afternoon, cause corresponding distortions in t -ar-tcd it tf on tile ca«mpu.s, when - the members. Ite taeapltildetetiliC' FIUDflAY, JANUARY 31, 1936 Although the largest experimental A pl -alotelmge reIeu ~~ow±Bc oes deflection of the edge of the cutting of Preet t osevt't1, 0enatot- V/WJ Dinner Muric. tool resting in the dynanometer was Botah, ; CKl i. Omnar. a mere two thousandths of an inch, "'SenatIorn i-ahi i the Breatest 1 6:15-r---VI h iX~uical program. --Y merg -al's Msc a system of amplifying levers for each Ameci-t an too"teacsuet C Iv, OnGentile.uic dial translated the minute distor- sotdwvng_ Whns 63 WJ-lleDunasM. i '~ti li's nt a gr~lt s Pres-ident W uleis tions- into readings which indicated P WXYZ Day In Reviewv. to 300 IPoi , jut CKvvMelody Lane. forces up t 20pounds. Correla- as lots If tnlwl 6:45- cWJle, iist CKHvV , Dates in Histor-y. tionship of readings and forces was asIiil n vt~ooe e os 4WWi ittsicttl Moments. found to be unchanged by long use Til.; ct03inl ~ed, the aiLW S weel and Hat. carried out by means of this dynano- mi- iI 'l -xS'.0 iio o a 31j gWendell Hall. T 1C tjl f _c t't-t of l~- 18.30-- lB U Proadway Varieties. meter, showed that the fortes for cn VlIte - -c.letl it oIs 1 PpCout.< us any one tool shape were dit-cetly de- ol.o/Ilt.-0ixl t7 O Iiotreii0 lvi - -o - - --- j.-,endt'nt upon the i-ate of feed andofthliuIi '' ',11itSd .depth of cut. Further, these forces i 10ee varied widely for small changes in the,_ I MAT. DAILY sha;pe of the tools used, but wet-lc'y ,- 9: is&-::14 comtpat-atively little affected by iii- IA s 1-'25c(,or d ces of t e uthcjT e! S7Fd {t nIone instance a 60 per cent ic Ireiaol.c~- pes (tI-ilL di fl'l ruction in the force required to re- 01o11ct, iet me 0 tltias can A N H A RDru"I N mxethe metal, together with a ver-y 11t11 lt-1-l I'teiuO (11- larg- decrease in the force needed to i7- mns ck c-sitsv- ~ erw Aties tions would alm lhavetoheapod by the Senate Counhle, iesad ad a The oiniginal set of rles c- a adopt- ge's f ed by the Council two vweks ago id. l af'ter th-e J-f-l,) Committee had is- LtOWE' T PRICMS PROURAMS, BIDS, STATIONERY THE ATHENS PRESS S Dow'ntown, North of Postoflice i (' i SRochelle H-udson in 'SHOW THEM NO MORCY" i Cary Grant in "THE LAST OUTPOST" and BUCK JONES "THl ROARING WEST," Chapter 9 x T, ]i I? I- -- - } S I ^:00--WJR HtI-oilYXvotod Hotel. WWJ Waltz Time. WXYZ Al Pearce's Gang. CKLW Revellers: Orchestra.- 9 :30--WWVJ Court of Untman Relations. WXYZ Ft-ed MWaring's Pennsylva-anls. CKLW Musi.,c Box F-c iewy. j 0.:00-W,; R 1 ~tcltuber's Champions. WWVJ Fir; ilti. WXYZ Sou rthein Gentlentan. CKLW S--vnp~:-t iO:15---WXYZ Mt-cal Moments. 10:30-WJR March of Tine. WWJ Radio Jake. WNXYZ Adventures of the Hornet, CKLW J,I;z Noctur-ne. 10:45- WWJ Mug:i,- Guild. ii :0O---WJR BPullet ns MINVO 'rotupers. 11 :15-MIJRile-tl. WVWJ SlipiC l-l-tes. 11 :30-WvWJ DliOitgesMusic. WXLZ t -uti. Va-in t CKLWI Jaen a---sIusc 11:15-W/JR Bob ire 1 CKLW An;,(Wek,'Muic 12:00--XVJR Clhate itneesMtusic. WW.J V o-s yon'uMusic 12:30- 7f_ ( ly L --iiai'> A: ttIs Ic. Vv"N GP 111lmans M-s' iil ~III Rec 1OOOrPol 1, t'IM ES TOI)A. YY IG--GARY in it-S .o'tVih :;uc C ;OPe, r7 SATURDAY? CHARLES LAGHTO LAF F ACIN TEF SUPRE ME3 Al ll' J-' i __ __ __ Id EXT RA _ KL' 1 ONE HOTEL11 COMNLI)Y N 2ra.,7:'0 Mat.2& II' - TA~JNGTOMR~'OW ;~it-f~ti t Daily 15u to 6 -- 25c Af r l~6 C1' [3LE for as little as Cheap? Figure it out for your- self. Effective? The people who use the want ads regular- ly know that it is! Easy? Just a matter of picking up a tele- phone and calling our ad- taker! What more could you w,,ant . . . whether it's rooms to~ I'Pit. a sell.or Io4.t 3Oc- (Minimum charge for a three-line ad inserted one time. Additionial inser- tions only a little tnore.) I I Continuous 1 :30 ----- 11 P.M. NOW Two I'ii-st-Run Features!! CIIARLLS S'rARRE'VT "A SHOT IN THE DARK" 51 III! AIt T ~ 3 - - III i i '. 1 1111 k