'the Weather Snow flurries, somewhat colder in northeast today; to- morrow cloudy, rising tem- perature, snow. L sit irn ~IrntW Radio Programs See Page Two for Tonight's Radio Programs. VOL. XLVI No. 92 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Review For Kidnap Case Is Ordered Lindbergh Case Reopens By Order Of Hoffman; Evidence Incomplete Insists Hauptmann Had Accomplices Governor Reviews Points Of Case In Doubt; Hauck Opposes Action TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 30. - (P) -- Gov. Harold G. Hoffman ordered the New Jersey State Police today to re- open their investigation of the kidnap slaying of the Lindbergh baby. The Chief Executive, who defied threats of impeachment two weeks ago after granting Bruno Richard Hauptmann a thirty-day reprieve which saved him from execution Jan. 17, wrote to Col. H. Norman Schwarz- kopf, superintendent of the state po- lice that Hauptmann's fate is "almost the least important feature of this case." "We cannot accept any solution, that even by inference, is less than complete," he wrote, adding that there is "abundant evidence that other persons participated in the crime." Claims Incontrovertible Proof In support of his belief, the gover- nor attached to the letter a state- ment setting forth what he called "in- controvertible proof." He pointed to Col. Charles A. Lind- bergh's own statements that he had seen another man besides the "John" who collected the $50,000 ransom at St. Raymond's Cemetery, the Bronx, when the money was paid. He dealt also with Dr. John F. Condon's recent magazine articles in which he said he heard the voice of a second man over the phone the night he first made communication with the kidnaper. Prosecutor Anthony M. Hauck, Jr., of Hunterdon County, where the trial was held, reiterated his conviction that Hauptmann was the only one in- volved "so far as the proofs go." Outlines Questions Other points in the investigation, held important by the Governor and emphasized by him in his statement to Schwarzkopf were: 1-That Schwarzkopf, himself, at the time Violet Sharpe, maid in the Morrow home committed suicide in June, 1932, released a statement say- ing "he felt her death went a long way toward indicating a solution of the crime." 2-That it "seems impossible to be- lieve" the Lindbergh baby's thumb- guard lay in the road of the Lind- bergh estate for a month before it was found by Betty Gow, the baby's nurse. 3-That John Hughes Curtis, Nor- folk, Va., shipbuilder, was convicted not of perpetrating a hoax on the Lindberghs, but of having had actual contact with kidnapers. Conlin Withdraws Fron Ward 6 Race Francis J. Conlin, '36, who was to have run for the Republican nomina- tion for supervisor from the Sixth Ward, yesterday withdrew his appli- cation to the City Clerk to partici- pate in the March primary elections. In so doing, he also withdrew cam- pus interest from the primaries. If Conlin had remained in the race and won the Republican nomina- tion, his opponent in the regular spring elections would have been Prof. Robert C. Angell, his instructor in Sociology 51. The point of all this is that last Tuesday Professor Angell told his class that the younger generation, and more especially Uni- versity students, should take a more active interest in politics. Though Conlin has withdrawn from the campaign, he will continue to support the Republican ticket, and will do all in his power to effect the election of Leland T. Strickland, the other candidate for the Republican nomination for supervisor from the Sixth Ward. Conlin made clear last night that he withdrew in favor of Strickland and not in favor of Pro- fessor Angell. Prof. Tracy Breaks Leg In Fall On Ice Cost Of Last War Reaches 45 Billions By Bonus Payment WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. -() Treasury officials figured today that payment of the soldier bonus will bring the cost of the World War to the American government to about $45,200,000,000. They conceded, however, that the cost would not stop there. Ever since 1921 the continuing cost interest on Liberty Bnds, veterans compen- sation and the like --has been run ning about $1,000,000,000 a year. Hostilities on the German western front ceased on Nov. 11, 1918, but it- wasn't until July 2, 1921, that the then president --- Warren G. Harding - declared the war at end. Oil that date government statisti- cians added up the expense sheet and placed the actual money cost to the United States at $25,729,000,000. By 1930 revised figures placed the total cost of the war at $37,873,908,- 499. By 1934 when the total cost had risen to $41,765,000,000, the veterans' administration had spent $6,391,000,- 000 and the treasury had paid out $9,- 557,000,000 in interest on the war debt. At the end of June, 1935, treasury officials figured the total cost had jumped to $42,900,000,000. Now they say immediate payment of the bonus will bring that figure to $45,200,000,- 000. Chief Executive IVoices Thanks To Celebrants Roosevelt Calls For United National Effort In Fight On InfantileParalysis WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. - () - Calling for a coordinated national ef- fort in the fight against infantile paralysis, President Roosevelt, on the occasion of his 54th birthday, tonight spoke his appreciation of the thous- ands of celebrations to raise funds for this end. Interrupting near midnight his own anniversary party with his "old gang" at the White House, the President de- livered a brief radio address. His words were carried to what officials estimated were 6,000 birthday balls at which 5,000,000 men and women danced from coast from coast. rThese parties were reaching their height, Mrs. Roosevelt was complet- ing her round of the six separate cel- ebrations here when the executive, sitting in his study, bespoke aid for, and coordination among those bear- ing "the brunt of caring for several hundred thousands of the afflicted." "No single . agency," he said, "whether it be the doctors, the hos- pitals, the research laboratories, can cope individually with this great problem - we can do it only by join- ing our efforts." Then, after "rededicating" the Warm Springs Foundation in Geor- gia "to the task which lies ahead," he concluded: "You have made me very happy- more happy than I can express in words. Though I cannot be with you, I want each and every one of you to know and, feel that I deeply and sincerely appreciate all that you have done for the cause-all of the inspiration you have applied to it. "To several hundred thousand vic- tims of infantile paralysis I send very personal greetings, especially to the youngsters among them whose lives lie ahead of them. It is in their be- 1 half that I thank you once more." Council Discusses Money Spent By Rackham Fund Shown Gov. Landon Praised By Easterners Senate Committee Gives Approval On New Code Of Fraternity Reti Tri $ F X2 ustees' Report Reveals Party Leaders Laud Views! 495,000 Of Fund Went Of Kansan Governor On or Education National Affairs 5,00) Is Given Regarded By Some For Study Of Atom As Middle-Grounder # Half Of Entire Fund Given To Construction Of New Graduate School Of the $959,380 income for 1935 from the Horace H. Rackham Fund, $495,000 was given to the University to buy an additional block on which it is planned to place the Graduate School, the annual trustees' report filed in Probate Court of Detroit re- vealed. More than 60 per cent of the total income went for educational pur- poses, and 12 per cent, or '$116,000, was given for scientific research. Ap- propriations to charity totaled $76,- 289, and other benevolent gifts to- taled $124,915, according to the re- port. Salaries for the administration of- ficers of the fund were $66,000 or slightly less than seven per cent of the income. The largest scientific grants of $25,000 each were given to the Uni- versity, to carry on atomic nucleus work here, and to support the Uni- versity expeditions in Egypt. Other grants to the University were: $20,000 to build a tower for taking motion pictures of the stars; $12,000 to study the Michigan tax problems, and $10,000 for American Indian archeol- ogical research. The total amount of money left by the late Horace H. Rackham was ap- proximately $12,000,000 which was to be distributed for "the benefit of hu- manity." Half of this amount will be given to the University for the Rack- ham School of Graduate Studies and for other research purposes. Fellowships To Be Given ForReligion Announcement of several fellow- ships by the National Council on re- ligion in higher education was made yesterday by Dr. Edward W. Blake- man, counselor in religious education. The purpose of these fellowships, according to the Council's folder en- titled "A Religious Motive in Educa- tion" is to provide those who are going into higher education an in- sight into religious teachings and the possibilities that religion can play in teaching. The stipend this year will be about $500. All persons who are seniors or graduate students are eligible. I Everyone interested should see Dr. Blakeman or Prof. Howard McCluskyj of the education school immediate- ly, since applications must be filed on or before Feb. 1.1 REGISTER POWER BOATS MT. CLEMENS, Jan. 30. - (TP)- Officials have announced that all power boats operating on Lake St. Clair and in Clinton River must be registered with the Detroit customs office in conformity with Federal leg- islation enacted last year. DIemocrats Profess Not To Be Worried By Setup In Republican Camp WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. -(W) - Governor Landon of Kansas was generally believed in the capital to- night to be embarking on a middle- of-the-road course in quest of the Republican presidential nomination. Praise of his position on national affairs by eastern organization lead- ers in the party reported a significant aftermath to his Topeka speech. In contrast to their hostility toward Senator Borah of Idaho, one after another spoke highly of the Kansan. Greater organization on his behalf,, possibly to the extent of contesting' with Borah for delegates in pivotal states, was expected to be encouraged. Troubled by factionalism them- selves, Democrats professed no wor- ry. "All canned stuff," was the way Senator Harrison of Mississippi dis- missed the Landon case against the administration. 'Trying To Be Conservative' "He is trying to be conservative," commented Representative O'Connor of New York. "He started out as a liberal from the wheat fields and it looks now as if he is making a play for Wall Street." Many in the administration were more immediately concerned over where the position of Alfred E. Smith and Governor Talmadge of Georgia might leave the party in the campaign. Pending developments, speculation over the possibility be- I tween them to disrupt the Philadel- phia convention continued. Some weeks seemed likely to elapse before Smith's intentions become clarified. Talmadge, at Atlanta, an- nounced plans for four February speeches, taking him to Baltimore, Springfield, Ill., Madisonville, Ky., and Peoria, Ill. He remained silent on whether he would seek delegates pledged to himself, but predicted again that President Roosevelt would not be renominated. May Act Against Talmadge 1 Secretary Ickes, attacked along' with the President in the Talmadge speech at Macon yesterday, broached the possibility of moving against him legally for alleged violation of an agreement on a public works con- tract. He told reporters the "Tal- madge word is not good," and "he has the effrontery to stand up before an audience that is looking for a truth- ful man to act as president and say what he did." Harry L. Hopkins, relief chief, fol- 'Dwed this up almost immediately with disclosure that he had turned over to the United States attorneys at Atlanta evidence of alleged misuse of relief funds by "some of Tal- madge's political cheaters." Money intended to relieve suffer- ing, he said, has been used "to mail out letters" of the state Democratic organization controlled by the Gov- ernor. Horatio Abbott Denies Rumors Of Losing Post Rep. Brown Is Reported In Line For Democratic National Committee Job Horatio J. Abbott flatly denied knowledge last night of reports from Washington that he is to be ousted from his post as Democratic National Committeeman from Michigan and replaced by Rep. Prentiss Brown of St. Ignace. The rumors from the national cap- ital said that Brown would take over Abbott's place as leader of the Dem- ocratic party here and become full- fledged boss with complete powers of patronage distribution in order to iron out the "mess" that the state organization is alleged to be in. Not only is the President reported to be opposed to Abbott's continuance as state party leader, but Postmaster- General James A. Farley, national party boss and chairman of the na- tional committee, as well as Frank Murphy are supposed to have turned against him. The basis of these reports, Abbott charged, is "meddling from outside" by his opponents in Washington. He said flatly that he took no stock in them. Bluntly and tersely he told The Daily, in answer to the Washington reports: "I don't think that is so. You can say that I expect to be reelected Dem- ocratic National Committeeman. I don't believe that Prentiss Brown is a candidate for National Committee- man. We are old friends. If it is true, he was prompted by meddlers from outside, who are trying to stir things up." The mix-up in the Michigan Demo- cratic organization dates almost from the time that Abbott took the job as Mr. Farley's patronage dis- tributor, because the state has no Democratic senator. Abbott picked for himself one of the best plums on the list -that of collector of internal revenue. This caused state-wide dis- sent among Democrats, and eventual- ,Continued on Page 2) Italy's Defense Is Strengthened By New forces 50,000 Workmen Are Sent To Africa To Aid In Rainy Season Warfare ROME, Jan. 30. - (/P)--Benito Mussolini and his cabinet forged a more ironclad internal defense for Italy today, creating a new Alpine di- vision for the Fascist kingdom moun- tain frontier and revamping the high command of the Caribinieri, or na- tional police. Il Duce also told his ministers that 50,000 additional workmen, en route to east Africa, would permit all serv- ices in the Italo-Ethiopian war zone, to function, even during the rains which will begin in the spring. New bombings, south of Makale, on the northern front and at Daga Medo on the southern front, were re- ported in a communique from Mar- shal Pietro Badoglio, high commander in Ethiopia. Badoglio also wirelessed that "many chiefs and lesser chief- tains" were included in the 5,000 Ethiopian casualties which he has claimed in recent engagements in the north. The cabinet council, first of a series of significant Fascist conferences this week and next week, approved a va- riety *of financial and other measures, some recalling World War procedure. But the ministry did not pass on what all financial circles now are dis- cussing: a projected capital levy con- Canned Republican Applause Cheers Roosevelt's Talks One of the greatest services that the Republicans have ever rendered President Roosevelt, beside, as one critic comments, "running former President Hoover against him," is to applaud his radio speeches, Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of the Broad- casting Service, revealed yesterday. The applause and acclamation which one hears over the radio, Pro- fessor Abbot declared, is probablyr that which greeted Ex-president Hoover when he gave a speech in Tennessee during his term of office. This was recorded on equipment similar to that which has recentlyl been installed in Morris Hall. Pro-, fessor Abbot explained, and the re- sulting records is one of the most successful attempts to record natural1 applause. Thus, he said, the ap- plause which ends one of President Roosevelt's addresses is probably really given by the Republicans, and not the Democrats. Hitler Warns Potential Foes Of Nazi Power Der Fuehrer peaks On Third Anniversary Of. His Chancellorship BERLIN, Jan. 30..-(A)-Adolf Hitler, standing bareheaded in the raw breeze to review his three years of rule, warned potential enemies today, "we are no longer defenseless helots but self-confident World cit- izens." "We can review the past proudly, but our goal is not yet reached," said Hitler, on the third anniversary of his chancellorship. "Fighting and sacrifice remain before us. "We seek peace because we love it, but we insist on our honor because we do not live without it. "Whoever believes he can deal with us as slaves will find we are the most obstinate people imaginable." Drawn up rigidly before the Reichs- fuehrer as he spoke from the steps of the old museum on the edge of the Lustgarten were 26,000 of his storm troops, many of them now graying. His words carried clearly. Sounding boards echoed his 25- minute review of Nazi accomplish- ments to other thousands on the Unter den Linden, and radios carried it to listeners throughout the nation. Referring to a rearmament pro- gram, which involved breaking of the Versailles treaty, last spring, Hitler said: "Whoever opposes us now does it not because we are Naxis but be- cause we restored military indepen- dence to Germany." After his speech Hitler remained while the throng was fed from field kitchens. Storm troopers, here from throughout Germany, marched past the Chancellor tonight in a torch- light parade, just as they did in the early morning of Jan. 31, 1933. Der Fuehrer said the Nazi goal of unity and unanimity would be reached in 100 years. Flash! Sir Francis Drake Pronounced Dead By U.S. Judge CHICAGO, Jan. 30.- (IP)-Di- rected verdicts of acquittal were or- dered by Federal Judge Philip L. Sullivan today for 12 of the 20 re- maining defendants in the Sir Fran- cis Drake mail fraud trial. "Sir Francis Drake is dead," Judge Sullivan t6ld the dozen men to whom he granted freedom. "There never was a goose that laid a golden egg. Go home and save your money, and don't try to revive him." The acquittals came immediately after defense pleas for directed ver- dicts. Those cleared of using the President Of Each House Expected To Report All Infractions Of Rules Bursley Commends Council's Attitude 'House President' Clause May Determine Efficacy Of Student Government By THOMAS H. KLEENE The Interfraternity Council's re- vised code of regulations concerning fraternity social functions was unani- mously approved yesterday by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs. This revised code - a move on the part of the Council to further student self-government - does not "relieve the University of its obligations nor cancel its responsibilities in regard to the conduct of student affairs," Dean Joseph A. Bursley, chairman of the senate committee, said last night. Dean Bursley commended the Council "for its willingness to as- sist in the maintenance of proper standards of conduct" and predict- ed the action "will prove very helpful indeed." As approved by the Senate Commit- tee, the rules which go into immediate effect differ slightly from the code adopted by the Interfraternity Coun- cil at a meeting two weeks ago when The complete text of the new Inter- fraternity Council code of regulations on fraternity'social conduct will be found in the Daily Official Bulletin on page four. they substituted a more liberal set of regulations for the pamphlet of rules issued by the J-Hop Commit- tee. The revised code was drawn up by the executive committee of the Coun- cil at a special meeting early this week. The most important alteration in the regulations passed by the en- tire Council is in Article III relating to "the presence of intoxicating liq- uors in a fraternity house." The original "ungentlemanly con- duct" clause which provides discipli- nary action by the executive commit- tee of the Council. for "any ungentle- manly conduct, on the part of mem- bers or guests, either insthe chapter house or on the premises, due to the use of intoxicating liquor or due to any other reason" has been supple- mented by two further clauses provid- ing: (1) That the Council "disapproves of the presence of intoxicating liquors in a fraternity house and endorses the opinion of the University 'that the use of intoxicating liquor within a fraternity house has a tendency to impair the morale of the organization and is contrary to the best interests of the fraternity itself and the Uni- versity,' (2) That "ungentlemanly con- duct" shall be reported by the fra- ternity president within 24 hours and 1 the executive committee shall there- upon investigate the case and take any necessary disciplinary action. The clause placing the obligation with house presidents for reporting (Continued on Page 2) New Cold Spell 'Is Predicted For Ann Arbor No Relief In Sight; Snow And Sub-Zero Mercury Forecast For Today Ann Arbor faces a new and severe cold wave after a brief respite from a week of sub and near zero temper- atures, yesterday's weather forecasts indicated. Yesterday's temperature fell off sharply from the slight gains which were made in the last two days. A minimum temperature of 2.2 degrees above zero and a maximum of 13.2 degrees above for the period from 7 p.m. Wednesday to 7 p.m. yesterday was reported by the University Ob- servatory Weather Bureau. I Ann Arbor Water Members of the Common Council! heard Robert L. McNamee, '17E, dis-I cuss a report made by the engineer-, ing firm of Shoecraft, Drury and Mc-l Namee on the ground water resources for the public water supply of Ann Arbor in a special meeting last night at the City Hall. In discussing the report, McNamee stated that the present city water sta- tions are being operated too heavily. He recommended the development of new sources in the underflows of the Honey Creek basin, west of Ann Ar- bor, to reduce the load on these sta- tions so that they could be operated more efficiently and economically. According to the report, the esti- mated cost of expanding the present water system would be $257,821, i R i Michigan Radio Station Found To Create Desire For Learning A conclusion that the University them to hear these valuable pro- radio programs inspire further study grams." upon the part of listeners and a de- Many letters are received also from upntepr{f itnr n listeners outside of the state. Quite sire in them to gain further educa- a few comments are made by Ontario tion is drawn from letters received fans, as well as by those from states recently by Prof. Waldo Abbot, direc- surrounding Michigan. The Univer- tor of the Broadcasting Service. sity of the Philippines and the De- partment of Education at Porto Rico Not only are there nearly 500 have both inquired during the current schools in the state receiving these year concerning the methods used at programs in their class rooms, but the University. also a vast number of adults must be The programs prepared and broad- listening in, as is shown from the cast by the students in Speech 137 500 or 600 letters received each week and 151 come in for much praise by at Morris Hall. listeners. These programs contain The tone of many of these letters is skits on student life. The deep in- shown in the comment of one lis- terest that the Michigan citizens tener that she depends partially upon have in the University is revealed in these broadcasts for information and one listener's comment, "The pro- her further education. Another fan grams telling so ably of the college writes, "I cannot express my appre- and campus life and the wonderful ciation of this wonderful opportunity advantages to be had there make one afforded small town people to visit wish we had had such opportunities, the world." but we are thankful that so many That educators think highly of the of the youth of today can and do