T THE MICHIGAN DAILY" THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1938 U THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Il. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR .............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ................ JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS ?ublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Mlsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Departmeno: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Mare T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 SUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ............ JOSEPH A. ROTH3ARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .... MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Woigemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ELSIE A. PIERCE Senator Borah's Candidacy. . B ECAUSE we have a high regard for William E. Borah and because we feel that candidates of both parties should be the cream of the crop, we are inclined to favor the senior senator from Idaho for the Republican presidential nomination. Not that we are convinced the Senator will take the G.O.P. nomination if it is offered him. On the contrary, there is every evidence that he may not. A great many politicians feel that Borah's only interest in the pre-convention campaign is to de-. feat the candidacy of Herbert Hoover. But on the other hand, there is his statement that he will take it if he can, and under the surface there are any number of indications that there is a definite Borah-for-President movement under way. Although we mean no disrespect to any of the other gentlemen in the running for the Republican nomination, it is our opinion that Senator Borah is not only the most experienced and most com- petent of the lot but also that he would make the best run. A liberal, popular throughout the coun- try at large, in many ways an independent, yet he has been and is a strong party man. Should the Cleveland convention indorse him this June, despite the fact that Eastern money interests would oppose him, there can be little doubt that he would receive the full backing of the party organization. Our inclination toward Senator Borah is based on a number of reasons. First he is a tried states- man, and on occasion after occasion has demon- strated his ability. Second, his long record as a liberal and yet a supporter of true constitutional government is unusual. Third, because of these things he has the confidence of the people of all parties. Four, he is opposed by the American Lib- erty League. Against this it is argued that Senator Borah is 70 years old. It is true this is older than the majority of our presidents have been. But the senator remains the outstanding orator of the day. His record of proposing and supporting con- structive legislation and of opposing bad legislation has not diminished in recent years. And he is just as vigorous today in his defense of real liberty and as sprightly in his understanding of the social forces at work in our political and economic sys- tem as he was 25 years ago. Senator Borah may not take the Republican nomination. He may not even have a chance to take it. But our guess is that he will get it if he wants it, and if he does, we see no reason why he will not make the ideal Republican candidate to guarantee strong opposition to President Roose- velt this November. Can Corress Insure Neutrality? . . N OW THAT the smoke has partially 1Ncleared away from the Nye Senate investigation, Congress is considering the impor- tant business of enacting a statute to ensure neu- trality. But is a Congressional law any real guar- antee of neutrality or is it not possible that such a law could plunge us into the war it seeks to keep us out of? From our past history one of the causes of our becoming involved in war has been because we have sought to protect our neutral rights. Take the about at the end of my patience with Great Britain and the Allies.. . Can we any longer endure their intolerable course?" German submarines preying upon our shipping, in this case, turned the tide in favor of the Allies and overbalanced the property losses sustained because of the British. Our neutrality policy, although not providing protection for citizens on the ships of the bellig- erent nations, would probably accord protection to those sailing in our ships or those of another neutral country. Let one of these ships be searched or an American citizen hurt or killed and our gov- ernment, even under our neutrality, would voice a protest. If the nations involved did nothing about the protest and the same situation arose another pro- test would be sent, again asserting our rights as a neutral nation. Such protests, as in 1916, might eventually lead to war. But we would have entered the war to protect our neutral rights, as set down in our policy. Look at the neutrality policy concerning con- trabands of war. If any of our ships bearing cargo for any of the warring nations were thrown overboard, we would again protest about our rights as a neutral nation being infringed. Just as in 1916, we would go to war to protect the rights of American business and the freedom of the seas, a right of strict neutrality. Perhaps the only way to really guarantee neu- trality in a war assuming proportions of a world conflagration is by international agreeemnts. Such agreements would have to mean something. They could not merely be violated at the convenience of one of the parties. Unfortunately such agreements are practically impossible, judging from the degree of interna- tional cooperation at the present time, and thus neutrality under such agreements would be im- possible. But history has shown that the acts of Congress to protect our neutrality have also been the basis for some of the reasons of our going to war. It will be absolutely necessary that Senator Nye and his aides look carefully and reflectively at the past. They must formulate some plan which will take care of the faults shown by past policies. Then, and only then, should they sponsor some bill on neutrality, if such a bill should be sponsored at all. Educational Note.. 43OSTED on one of the bulletin boards in Angell Hall is a notice for the sale of a set of notes covering a complete course for the sum of five dollars! These notes are com- prehensive enough to "insure a B. If they are memorized, they may bring an A." No more need we students of Michigan pursue the long, tedious routine of going to classes and studying during the semester! All we need do now is to buy a set of notes from some enterprising "student," study them carefully until we know them cold, and we are assured of getting a satis- factory grade. Four years of this and our college education will be successfully completed! In a previous editorial we advocated a change in the system of marking at the University because of the many evil effects and the practices which it permits. The one just mentioned is one of the prime evils arising from the system. The more desirable system would give either a passing or failing grade to the student at the end of the semester. But the professor would have to ascertain if the student is industrious or just lazy. Then a student would not be able to pass a course from borrowed notes and be judged on a level with those who really want an education and work for it. Hockey was first played in America in 1901, starting at Vassar, Bryn Mawr, Smith and - Har- vard Summer School! Approval of a fund of $1,983,000 for radio edu- cation has been given by Pres. Roosevelt. [ Te. Conning Tower] THE DIARY OF OUR OWN SAMUEL PEPYS Saturday, January 18 LAY UNTIL nine o'clock, and so hastened to take Miss Katherine Wead to the Westport station, and what with great sheets of ice forming on the windshield, I could not see an inch ahead of me on the road until I opened windshield, and the roads so icy that it took me thirty-five minutes to go nine miles. Thence home, and all the afternoon at work, domestick, political and literary, and went to bed early but rose to listen to W. Lippmann's broadcast, and he said that this nation, learning a lesson not only from the neutrality experience of the World War but also from the debates in Wash- ington now about why we entered the war, and who wanted us to enter, and whether indeed we should have entered. Yet there are those, he said, who would have us be inelastic about the possible next war, albeit nobody can say who will fight against whom or who will be allied with whom, or whether such a war will be fought on land or sea or in the air. Sunday, January 19 YESTERDAY I read that Rudyard Kipling had' died' and it saddened me, as he was a great influence on millions of readers, and for that matter on non-readers. And a tremendous influ- ence on writers, many of whom would not ever know that he was an influence on them. For in many ways he was a trail-blazer, and it is a truth that those who ride along the smooth highway no longer remember the man but for whom there would be no road at all. And I am indignant against these critics and poets who speak conde- scendingly of Kipling as a mere balladist, or a journalist-poet. As though anybody at all could write a mere ballad! And so I was for writing a long piece of journalistic verse myself, which God knoweth is the only kind that I can write, and never yet have I seen a piece of verse or prose that I thought too good to print in a newspaper, as I have said many times, and feel more strongly about each year. So I set this down: I scoff at those who call it prose, who chafe at the chains or rhyme, Who think that they could have been R. K. if they'd only taken the time. They've often hissed "Imperialist," and called him a bard of news; I demand that they quit, for few are fit to shine the Kipling shoes. The Kings depart, but the poet's heart beats until time is through- And he was a poet, a regular poet, poet and jour- nalist too. So the snow fell till it was more than two feet high in many of the drifts, and I feared lest I might not get to my office until too late, so drove to the station and got off the road only once, and at the station met Max Aley who tells me he hath bought a farm in Fairfield. So to the city, and all the eve- ning at work. r AWashington BYSTAN--- TASHINGTON, Jan . 29- Aside from the amusement he un- doubtedly derived from matching wits with the press over what he was going to do about the bonus payment bill, President Roosevelt very possibly was cocking an eye also at the impending Liberty League dinner when he sent in his novel velo message. The timing was too nice in that regard to escape such aconclusion. Here was at least one presidential action the leaguers must approve, however fire breathing against all other "new deal" measures or phil- osophy their spokesmen proved to be. Tf0BEAR OUT that idea of why the veto was sent just when it+ was, it should be recalled that the. senate was in recess that Friday and not to reconvene until Monday. Con- gressional action on the veto could not be completed until the following' week in any case. Why, then, the rush to get the veto to the house on Friday, unless the league dinner Saturday had something to do' with it? From that point of view, the President's novel procedure of send- ing up a handwritten message and a' brief one at that, merely citing his former "convictions" as to the un- wisdom of the bill, looms as just one of those little gestures Mr. Roose- velt likes to make. REPUBLICAN reaction to the veto had been outlined by the party campaign spokesman in the Senate, Hastings of Delaware, even before the President and Democratic leaders+ in congress were playing a neat polit- ical game of "heads, I win-tails, you lose," working both sides of the polit- ical street. They would claim party credit for paying the bonus and at+ the same time claim presidential credit for attempting to defeat the bill, Hastings held. It works out this way: Bonus beneficiaries denied payment might gang-up against anybody from the; President down who had a hand in1 their disappointment. With their baby bonds in hand, they would be apt to forget all about the Wash- ington who's who of the bonus bill business. Both Mr. Roosevelt and the hardy band of house and senate "no" voters could find consolation in that thought., AT THE MAJESTIC "PETER IBBETSON" A Paramount picture starring Gary Cooper and Ann Harding with Ida Lupino, John Haliday, Douglas Dum- brifle, Dickie Moore. and Virginia Weidler. The most surprising thing about this picture is that it hasbeen trans- ferred to the screen with such suc- cess, considering that the story deals with very intangible aspects of unus- ual lives. It is fantastic and unbe- lievable, but it is done so well that an audience is able to rise to the mystic plane reached by those in the story, and if not overly critical, enjoy the portrayal in spite of its variations from the normal experience. Two things make this possible: the fine acting of Cooper and Miss Hard- ing and the flawless direction and photography. Mechanically the pic- ture has perfection, and if there are points at which one may feel inclined to scoff it is only because of the dif- ficulty that is natural when an at- tempt is made to bring the spiritual to a visual status. Gary Cooper adds greatly to his laurels as a dramatic actor in a role that requires unlimited power, and Ann Harding never falters in acting her part tenderly and convincingly. Dickie Moore and his little girl friend both do well in the early part of the picture and John Halliday's small role finds him as stiff-backed as one could wish. The story traces the life of Peter from the time when he is 8 years old to his deathin a British prison. He is separated from his childhood sweetheart when his mother dies in Paris, and taken to London by an uncle. The hurt remains and throughout his life he never ceases to dream of her and long for her, although he has everything else that one could want. His profession is architecture and he is commissioned to do some work for the Duke of Towers, whose wife turns out to be the Mary of his youth. When they attempt to go back to their former status the duke tries to kill Peter, but the formeir is killed instead and Peter is sent to prison for life. At this point the dream fantasy comes in, and in spite of the prison walls Peter and Mary both dream the same things simultaneously and their spirits are reunited in the world that they have both loved. Death claims them both in their old age and they go to a greater happi- ness, the culmination of a love that has been ageless and unconquerable. The picture may easily be dlassed as a "tear-jerker" by those members of the freshman class who find such DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is const rueie notice to all members of the University. Copy received atthe oltice of the Assistant to'the President 'until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1936 3:15- 3:30 Bem to Boe inclusive Friday, Feb. 14, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 89 Notices LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Hold- ers of LaVerne Noyes Scholarships during the first semester should in- terview Dr. Frank E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall, at once if they desire scholarship aid for the second se- mester. Graduate Students: Elizabeth Clay Howald Scholarship announced by Ohio State University, stipend $3000 per annum. Detailed announcement in Graduate School office. Applica- tions must be filed by March first. Faculty Meeting, College of Litera- ture, Science and Arts: The regular February meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, will be held in Room 1025 AH Monday afternoon, Feb. 3, be- ginning at 4:10 o'clock. Agenda: Report of Executive Committee, H. D. Curtis. Report from University Council, V. W. Crane. Report of Deans' Conferences, E. H. Kraus. Resolution concerning Professor Moses Gomberg, G. R. LaRue. Special Order: Recommendations of the Degree Programs Committee. Discussion of the Slosson Resolu- tion. Faculty, School of Education: The February meeting of the Faculty will be held on Monday, Feb. 10 (instead of February 3) at 12 o'clock noon at the Michigan Union. All Men Students: Students intend- ing to change their rooms at the end of the present semester are hereby reminded that according to the Uni- versity agreements they are to inform their landladies of such intention at least two weeks prior to the close of the semester, Friday, Feb. 14. It is advised that notice of such intention to move be made at once. J. A. BURSLEY, Dean University Women: The closing hour for University women attending the J-Hop will be 3:30 a.m. If they also plan to attend a breakfast af- terward, the closing hour will be 4:30. Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women. S o c i a l Directors, Chaperons, Househeads; University Women: Girls may obtain out-of-town per- mission from their househeads for absence from Ann Arbor between ex- aminations and after they have finished all examinations. There shall be no over-night guest in any approved undergraduate house or dormitory during the examination period. Undergraduate women who are changing their residence or their room are requested not to move until Feb. 13 or 14. University Women who are attend- ing the President's Ball may apply for late permission at the Office of the Dean of Women. Sophomores, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Elections must be approved in Room 103 Romance Language Building in accordance with alphabetical divisions listed be- low. Failure to meet these appoint- ments will result in serious conges- tion during the registration period. Please bring with you the print of your record which you received last summer. Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily. FG, Thursday, Jan. 30. R. C. Hussey, J. H. Hodges, Sophomore Academic Counselors. REGISTRATION A new system will be used at the Gymnasiums in February, which is intended to eliminate the necessity of students standing in line for long periods of time. The Student Body has been divided into groups (alpha- betically) and each group has been allotted a definite time when all stu- dents in that group will be admitted to the Gymnasiums. The schedule follows: Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1936 1:00-1:30 He to Hof inclusive. 1 1:30-1:45 Hog to Hz inclusive j 1:45-2:00 I to Joh inclusive 2:00-2:15 Jol to Ken inclusive 2:15-2:30 Keo to Kol inclusive 2:30-2:45 Kom to Lap inclusive 2:45-3:00 Lar to Le inclusive 3:00-3:15 Li to Lz inclusive 3:15-3:30 Mc and Mac inclusive Thursday, Feb. 13, 1936 8:00- 8:15- 8:30- 8:45- 9:00- 9:15- 9:30- 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 Bof to Bre inclusive Bri to Bz inclusive C to Cha inclusive Che to Col inclusive Coi to Cr inclusive Cu to Dem inclusive Den to Dr inclusive Du to Er inclusive Es to Fis inclusive Fit to Fr inclusive Fu to Gim inclusive Gin to Gra inclusive Gre to Hal inclusive Ham to Haz inclusive 9:45-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 1,0:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-11:30 Monday, January 20 E ARLY UP, and to the office, and heard Carlton R. Gardner, whom I once played nis against, in San Francisco, in 1915, died weeks ago today. And Maurice McLoughlin that ten- two was my partner, but who Carl's was I forgot. Tuesday, January 21 ALL THE NEWSPAPERS full of the death of the King, and there will be a great period of mourning in England, and I wonder whether the loss from the closing of the theatres and the shops would be borne by the employers or the workers, or by both. So in the evening to see "Ethan Frome," surpassingly good, and such fine acting by Miss Pauline Lord and Mr. Raymond Massey as seldom is seen anywhere; but Miss Ruth Gordon's utter perfection, I thought, and Lord when the glass dish broke I thought she conveyed as tragic a bit of heartbreak as ever I saw done on the stage. Ph.D.'s are almost certain job-tickets today, says Northwestern University's placement bureau, with starting salaries averaging $200 monthly. Any student may register from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936 Any student may register from 8:00 to 12:00 noon. Students who do not register by 12:00 noon, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936, will be assessed a late registration fee of 50c per day, maximum fee $3.00. The alphabetical feature of this schedule will be changed each semes- ter to give equal opportunity for early registration to each student during his course. Note: Law and Medical Students are not subject to the above regula- tion for the second semester, due to the fact that their registration periods are on other dates. S. W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary. Academic Notices E.E. 7a, Building Illumination will have its final examination on Satur- day, Feb. 1, at 2:00 p.m., Room 247, West Engineering Building. Music B140, Survey of Music in America, will be given Tuesday and Thursday at 2 o'clock in Room 312 Hill Auditorium. Economics 51: There will be no lec- tures today. Political Science 1, final examina- tion, Saturday, Feb. 8, 2 p.m. Stu- dents will meet in rooms as indicat- ed: Cuncannon's sections, 205 M.H. McCaffree's sections, CH.H. Kalenbach's sections, 25 A.H. Calderwood's sections, 35 A.H. Dorr's sections, 1035 A.H. Hindman's sections, BH.H. Political Science 1, Special examin- ation for students having conflicts in their schedules: Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2 p.m., Room 35 A.H. History 11, Lecture Section I: Final examination Monday, Feb. 3, ,9-12. Long's and Winnacker's discussion sections in Natural Science Auditor- ium; Scott's and Slossons in 1025 Angell Hall. Bring outline maps of Europe as well as bluebooks. History 91: Final examination Monday, Feb. 2, 2-5 pm., in West Physics Lecture Room. Anthropology 103, The Mind of Primitive Man, will meet in Room 231, Angell Hall, Friday, Jan. 31. Sociology 54 will meet for the final examination, Feb. 10 in the morning in Room 25, Angell Hall. R. C. Fuller. Biological Chemistry 120: Dr. Lew- .s will be unable to meet his class this morning. Students are asked to study carefully the assigned read- ing on vitamins. College of Literature, Science and The Arts: Examinations in Mathe- matics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 will take place Saturday, Feb. 8, 9-12 a.m. accord- ing to the following schedule: Anning, 1025 A.H. Baxter, 25 A.H. Coe, 1035 A.H. Craig, 1025 A.H. Dwyer, 35 A.H. .Elder,25 A.H. Ford, 1025 A.H. Menge, 3011 A.H. Nyswander, 1025 A.H. Railford, 35 A.H. Rainich, 1035 A.H. C.' . Co. The College of Architecture an- nounces the two following courses for the second semester: Domestic Architecture and Hous- ing: (Architecture 11) For students of economics, sociology and city plan- ning as well as for students in archi- tecture. A survey of the trend in house design and in mass housing, prefabrication, and the use of syn- thetic materials. TuTh, 2, or as ar- ranged. Two hours credit. Associate Professor Wells Bennett. General Course in the History of Architecture: (Architecture 15) The aim of this course is to give students seeking a liberal culture a survey of the development of the' art of build- ing. The temples, cathedrals, pal- aces, and other characteristic monu- ments of the ancient, medieval, ren- aissance, and modern styles, their design, sculpture, and painted dec- orations will be studied by means of lectures illustrated by the stereopti- con, and collateral reading. This I What 'Contemporary' Should Be By MARSHALL D. SHULMAN selves. Still untouched are some vital problems: In his recent review of the latest Contemporary, that of student government, the proper housing of Prof. Howard M. Jones, commenting on the pre- men, a true perspective of the problem of student pon'derance of graduate contributors and the con- radicals, the function of fraternities and the pro- sequent lack of vital interest in the magazine vision of proper facilities, the advancement of among undergraduates, asks whether there is not faculty members on a basis of lineal measurement a way to bring the publication down within the of bibliography, the subsidization of graduate stu- sphere of undergraduate concern. dents with part-time teaching work at the expense Professor Jones puts the editors into a perplex- of men employed as teachers, student-faculty rela- ing position: while suggesting a greater use of tions, and many others which demand thoughtful undergraduate material even at the risk of lower investigation. standards, he is most critical of that part of the The failure to secure material of local pertinence, magazine which is predominantly undergraduate- or to secure even a reading clientele, has not been the verse and fiction. These selections were used entirely the fault of the editors. Even though cog- because no others were submitted or available and nizant of their need, they are faced with a student represent, presumably, the best work of undergrad- body whose interests are more adequately nour- uates in this field and the probable level of the ished in Gargoyle. Without difficulty, the Gargoyle magazine should an attempt be made to keep it can depend upon a sales list of several thousand, an undergraduate publication. with little to sell it except a pseudo-daring exploi- The essential consideration, however, should tation of campus personalities, but year after year, not be whether the authors of the articles are grad- undergraduates have refused to be exhorted, lashed uates or undergraduates. It is our opinion that or shamed into a sustaining interest in literary Contemporary should always publish the best magazines at Michigan. From certain other col- material available to it -the best not being the leges have come undergraduate publications of most erudite, but that which combines the greatest decided value to American letters, and of so wide readability with the highest workmanship. How and deep a scope as to make our own efforts seem far have the editors fostered such a policy, and to puny. what extent will the pursuance of it guarantee Reflection upon this failure, or a comparison student interest? with similar publications, of other colleges, forces Readability implies chiefly pertinence of con- us to the realization that our own inadequate tent matter. With a somewhat idealized concep- conception of curricula, our electric-eye method of tion of the nature of undergraduate interests, admission, our destruction of the liberal arts col- Contemporary should be a forum of intelligent, lege by an attempt to have it do house-maid's non-emotional debate of campus issues; it should service to all the educational needs of the state, provide a medium for critical expression on ma- have produced as their inevitable result a student terial of general cultural or social interest; it body of a cultural level which is little higher than should offer stimulation and expression for creative that of the mass of people outside of the Univer- literary efforts. The critical essays have been, as a sity. rule, excellent; the imaginative efforts on the other Thus we suggest that Contemporary be brought 8:00- 8:15- 8:30- 8:45- 9:00- 9:15- 9:30- 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 M to May inclusive Maw to Mil inclusive Mim to Mun inclusive Mur to Nz inclusive O to Paq inclusive Par to P1 inclusive Po to Ran inclusive Rao to Ri inclusive Roa to Roz inclusive Ru to Sea inclusive Sch to Se inclusive Sh to Sl inclusive Sm to Sp inclusive 9:45-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 i h