The Weather Mostly cloudy, snow flurries in north and extreme west por- tions today and tomorrow. L IJUI igm Iat Radio Programs See Page Two for Tonight's Radio Programs. VOL. XLVI No. 91 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Attempts To Get Federal Funds Told Government Denied Grant Al Smith, Sorry' For Robinson, Urges Direct Roosevelt Reply Bonus Money Is Requested By Roosevelt 'Only One Man' To Give Answer To His Liberty League Blast, He Says NEW YORK, Jan. 29. -n) -Al- Y For Men's Dormitory To fred E. Smith declared today that Regents Last Fall "there is only one man who should try to answer" his American Liberty League address - an open challenge Chances Are Now to President Roosevelt issued after Senator Joseph T. Robinson's reply Considerably Less to the Liberty League address. Smith said he would make no spe- No Possibility For State's cific reply to Robinson's address- which accused him of an about-face Aid Until Legislature's in politic views and beliefs-but did Session In 1937 declare: "Poor Joe - I am sorry for him. They put him on a tough spot. He By CLINTON B. CONGER did the best he knew how but it was Details of the University's unsuc- no answer. As I said in my speech cessful attempt last fall to obtain at the Liberty League dinner, there is Federal PWA funds for the construc- only one man who should try to an- tion of a men's dormitory were made swer me. public for the first time yesterday "No, I won't make any "reply to as University officials, headed by what Senator Robinson said, but I will President Ruthven, discounted the say a few words about my old friend possibility of construction of such a Joe. I was an unhappy warrior to building in the immediate future, hear him read off his speech over "The Regents authorized the mak- which he stumbled so that I felt sure ing of an application to the Public it was canned and did not come from Works Administration for a grant of the heart of the Joe Robinson tha interference with the individual lives of its citizens. "Of course I said government should lend money for relief to the states that needed it. That is what the Democratic platform said. That doesn't keep the American people from denouncing the creation of the greatest Federal bureaucracy this country has ever seen * * "And as Joe tried to cloud these issues so he tried to cloud others. And when he calls the roll of who was at the Liberty League Dinner, I hap- pened to see the great Democratic governor of the State of Maryland, Albert C. Ritchie; the candidate of the Democratic Party for the presi- dency, John W. Davis; the great Dem- ocratic governor of the State of Mass- achusetts, Joseph B. Ely; and hun- dreds of other upstanding leaders of democracy, northern and southern alike, who are unlike some of my old friends who feel forced to give lip service to the New Deal and seem unable to put country above party." 5 Calls Keep Local Firemen Busy All Dayl President Seeks 2 From Congress U. S. Veterans Billions To Pay $246,487 toward the construction of a men's dormitory, and requested that the administrative officers of the University in consultation with the Board of Directors of the Michigan Union and other interested parties to endeavor to work out a plan for fl-/ nancing the additional cost of such a dormitory should the application to the PWA be granted," the minutes state. "No plan is to be finally adopted until the same shall have been ap- proved by the Regents." Adopt Resolution According to Shirley W. Smith, vice-president. and secretary of the University, who took part in the for- mulation of the plans, the completed dormitory would have entailed a cost of between $550,000 and $650,000, and would have been operated in con- junction with the Union. At a meeting Nov. 1, the Regents adopted the following resolution upon the request of Federal authorities that the application be made by the University rather than by a subordi- nate body: "Resolved, that Joseph A. Bursley and Stanley Waltz be and they are authorized to execute and file an ap- plication on behalf of the University of Michigan to the United States of America for a grant to aid in financ- ing the construction of a men's dor- mitory. "And be it further resolved, that Joseph A. Bursley and Stanley Waltz be and they are hereby authorized and directed to furnish such infor- mation as the United States of Amer- ica through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Relief may reasonably request in connection with the application which is herein au- thorized to be fied." Leidy Comments Prospects of obtaining the dormi- tory by this means, University of- ficials pointed out, are practically non-existent at the present moment, with government men who formerly were backing the University's appli- cation losing interest since the time the application was filed. Prof. Paul Leidy of the Law School, a member of the committee in charge, stated that information from Dean- emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley, until recently PWA administrator for Michigan, indicated the project would not be approved because the unem- ployment situation in Ann Arbor was not sufficiently critical to warrant Federal expenditures to that extent. President Ruthven commented from his room in University Hospital that there had been no action on the dormitory question in the past month or more, suggesting that the recent flurry of rumors ranging all the way to a purported $5,000,000 federal appropriation for a compre- hensive system of men's dormitories had been occasioned by the release of the report of the office of the Dean of Students on the critical shortage in rooming facilities. There will be no possibility of a state appropriation for a dormitory building program, sae added, until the (Contlnued on Page 2) Pilot Killed, Five Shaken In Crash DENTON, Texas, Jan. 29.- ()- A forced landing in a snowstorm fa- tally injured pilot Ted Kincannon of American Air Lines today and shook up his five passengers. The plane, southbound from Chicago, struck a I have known. "Its purpose was to becloud the issue and while I won't reply to him I want the issue kept clear. Of course, I said I was for farm relief - I still am. In my Omaha speech in 1928, I pro- posed a constitutional and effective method. That doesn't keep tbe Amer- ican people from rising up to protest against a silly and unconstitutional plan. "Of course I said that in war-times, we wrapped up tife Constitution and went under wartime powers. That doesn't keep the American people from demanding obedience to the Constitution in times of peace. "Of course I said that I thought there should be a dictator of Federal public works with full power * * * That doesn't keep the American peo- ple from protesting against Federal Predict Heavy Snow-Fall As Cold Subsides' 17.2 Degrees Above Zero Maximum Temperature For Yesterday While weather forecasts yesterday predicted a heavy snow-fall for to- day, the week-old cold wave con- tinued to yield to slowly rising tem- peratures. In, Ann Arbor, yesterday's maxi-+ mum stood at 17.2 degrees above zero,+ according to the University Observ- atory Weather Bureau, making the day the warmest in a week. The lowest temperature for the pe- riod from 7 p.m. Tuesday to 7 p.m. yesterday was 6.8 degrees above and the average was reported to be 11.5 degrees above for the same period. Only a trace of snow fell during the last 24 hours, and the Observatory1 weather bureau estimated a depth of+ 2.5 inches of snow at 7 p.m. yester- day. On other parts of the state, tem- peratures continued well below nor-s mal late yesterday, but sub-zero tem- peratures were rare. Weather bu- reaus estimated that the first half+ of January was characterized byj temperatures which were approxi- mately six degrees above normal, while during the last half of the month temperatures 15 below normal prevailed.t Damages Estimated At $5,000 In Drug Store Blaze Local firemen were kept more than ordinarily busy yesterday answering calls to five fires. Smoke discovered in the Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. store at the corner of E. Washington Street and Fourth Avenue by Pa- trolman Roy E. Richter at 3:20 a.m. resulted in the first call. The blaze was confined to the pre- scription room, smoke and the intense heat causing considerable damage in the main part of the store. Gilbert' W, Fletcher, president and treasurer1 of the company, estimated the dam- ages to the stock, storeroom and two plate glass windows which were cracked to be about $5,000. The store is fully covered by insurance. A fire in the basement of the home of Dean Joseph A. Bursley, 2107 Hill St. resulted in the second call to the fire department at six a.m. Only a box of books and a dresser were de- stroyed as the blaze was soon ex- tinguished. A 'chimney fire at the Kappa Delta house on 1620 Cambridge road later in the morning was the cause of the third call. No serious damage was reported. An airplane joined forces with the department late yesterday afternoon. The flying fireman discovered a roof fire at the home of H. G. Baker, 1110 Oakland Ave., and circled the house eight or nine times to notify the oc- cupants of the imminent danger. A roomer in the house noticed the strange action of the plane and soon found out the cause. Firemen were immediately summoned and the blaze was put out. A call at noon resulted from a fire in the motor unit of an insulation-in- stalling apparatus on the back of a truck. The motor became overheat- ed while installing the insulation in a house on Granger Avenue. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED Officers for the next year and who will take office early next semester were elected yesterday by Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalism fraternity. The elections were as follows: Mar- shall D. Shulman, '37, president; Wil- liam Bergman, '37, vice-president; Fred DeLano, '37, treasurer; and R. G. Hershey, '37, secretary. No Way Of Raising Revenue Suggested Indications That Treasury Will Rely On Borrowing Are Given In Message WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. - () - President Roosevelt today asked Con- gress for $2,249,178,375 to meet ex- penses of the Bonus Payment Act. In a letter to Speaker Joseph W. Byrns the President asked the ap- ! propriation of $2,237,000,000 to es- tablish an Adjusted Service Certifi- cate Fund to provide payment of the face value of the certificates author- ized under the act passed Monday over his veto. There was nothing in the letter about new taxes to raise the money. He proposed appropriating $5,500,- 000 for expenses of the Veterans Ad- ministration and $6,687,35, for ex- penses of the Treasury in adminis- trating the law. The absence of a tax request in- dicated that for the present, at least, the Administration would borrow to meet the cost of the bonus. Since Mr. Roosevelt has said that the bonds would not be ready for distribution until July, the greater part of the expense will fall in the next fiscal year, leaving ample time to raise new funds. Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., has said that the borrowing would be "orthodox." The White House simply announced the transmission of the letter to the speaker and made public the amounts asked of. Congress to carry out the full payment law. There was no other comment ex- cept to say that the President also had transmitted a letter to the Speaker from the Budget Bureau explaining the estimates. Urge Delaying Tax. Issue TO Administration Members Of Congress Ask Roosevelt To Dodge Hot lIssue Until Later WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. - 01) - A suggestion that President Roose- velt be strongly advised to postpone the politically partisan issue of new taxes until next session - after the election - today was discussed pri- vately among influential mmbers of Congress. Chairman Doughton (Dem., N. C.), of the House Ways and Means Com- mittee, speaking publicly, told news- papermen he believed as an indivi- dual that a lengthy study, aimed at presentation of a rounded tax bill next year, was advisable. Already engaged in an investiga- tion of the fiscal predicament created by payment of the bonus and the in- validation of AAA, the administration itself gave no sign of whether it would heed such counsel. In fact it kept its congressional lieutenants completely in the dark as to the trend of its thought and in addition indicated several weeks, at least, must elapse before a deci- sion is reached and made known. "We're waiting for them to com- plete their studies," said Chairman Harrison of the Senate Finance Com- mittee, a leader in the successful Sen- ate drive for payment of the bonus. "We have not been consulted yet and I don't know what the result will be." Chairman Milton, in whose com- mittee such legislation would have to originate, said likewise that he could not predict the outcome. Ask Identification Card For Athletics Admission to all athletic events during the second semester will re- quire the presentation of student identification cards, it was announced yesterday by Harry Tillotson, ticket manager of the athletic association. Coupon books will not be distribut- Liberty Leaguer Accused Of Vile Move In Politics Hot political blood seems to have boiled over yesterday on an other- wise peaceful campus when the Law School experienced its first outbreak of strong partisan sentiment. A window in which was displayed a poster for the President's Birthday Ball was smashed by an unknown person, believed to be, by the owner of the window, a member of the Lib- erty League. A state of tension ex- isted last night in the Quadrangle, as a series of revelations to the effect that a number of law students are receiving propaganda from the Du- Ponts, and have in their possession at least nine cents worth of pamph- lets from Liberty League headquart- ers, shocked the student body. The poster is back in its window in section L, and the student who lives in the first floor room, and has so valiantly defied the forces of anarchy will have to pay for the breakage, thus making it impossible for him to attend The Ball. He feels that the poster was "too much temptation for' some ice-ball thrower who took Al Smith serious- ly " Prof. Scott To Go Abroad For Next Semester Historian To Do Research Work In Preparation For Writing Of New Book Prof. S. Morley Scott of the history department will spend next semester in England making investigations in preparation for a book about the laws in the province of Quebec in the 18th century. While there Professor Scott will represent the University at the fourth quinquennial Anglo-American Con- ference of Historians, meeting during the week beginning July 6 in London. Professor Scott will conduct his study on a Social Science Research Council grant. He will work at the public record office in London and the British Museum. Egbert Isbell, who received his L. L.B. and Ph.D. in history at the Uni- versity, will take over Professor Scott's courses during his absence. Dr. Isbell is at present assistant edi- tor of the Michigan Law Review. Professor Scott's decision to attend the historical association's meeting has been forwarded in response to an invitation from the vice-chancel- lor of the University of London. Former Instructor Is Dead InOntario Word has been received here that Frederick William Schaefer, Jr., a former instructor in the Greek de- partment, died yesterday in the Queen Elizabeth Sanitorium at London, On- tario. He had been a patient for the last two years. , Schaefer graduated from Williams College in 1929. Following his grad- uation he spent a year studying in Greece and had taught in several other universities. He was 29 years old when he died. Frederick William Schaefer, Sr., his father, is the only survivor. Funeral services will be held in New York City. New Bank President RUDOLPTI E. REICHERT Make Reichert Head Of Local Bank eCombine State Bank Commissioner Tenders Resignation To Governor Fitzgerald Rudolph E. Reichert, State bank- ing commissioner and long active in Ann Arbor banking circles, will be- come president of the recently formed Ann Arbor Savings and Commercial Bank, a combination of the Ann Ar- bor Savings, Farmers' and Mechan- ics' and State Savings Banks, it was' learned yesterday. He was offered the position by the boards of directors of the three merg- ing banks upon recommendation of the presidents acting as an executive committee commissioned to carry out the details of organization. Tender- ing his resignation as commissioner immediately upon receipt of the in- vitation, Reichert received the high- est praise from Governor Frank D. Fitzgerald. "No man in public life in Michigan has done more or served better in his official position than Mr. Reichert," he said. "I know what he went through, particularly during the banking holiday and the reorganiza- tion period, for I served on the bank- ing committee as Secretary of State. Mr. Reichert worked day and night. He is a true public officer, evermind- ful of his duties, and I am proud that he served with me." Reichert has been state banking commissioner since Jan. 21, 1927, be- ing appointed at that time by former Gov. Fred Green. He has served in that capacity continuously since that time under Wilbur M. Brucker, Wil- liam A. Comstock and the incum- bent, Governor Fitzgerald. His du- ties assumed great importance in February, 1933, when Michigan led the other states of the Union in de- claring a banking holiday. The an- nual report from his office, dated Jan. 1, 1936, predicting that Michi- (Continued on Page 2) Kansas G.O.P. Offers Him For President, But He Avoids Committment 'Hal f-Baked' Laws Draw Denunciation Return To Prosperity Is Delayed By New Del, 'Favorite Son' Says TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 29. - (A1)- Gov. Alf. M. Landon assailed "po- litical wasters" of the New Deal and called for "better housekeeping" in the national government tonight to the cheers of Kansas Republicans who formally offered him to the coun- try for president. In the first public exposition of his views on national issues, Landon con- demned "half-baked" legislation, maladministration, and the danger- ous short-cut to permanent change attempted in the name of emergency. His address at a Kansas Day Re- publican rally, climaxing the 75th an- niversary of the state's admission to the Union, was broadcast nationally. Endorsed. by the Republican state central committee - insuring him of 18 delegates from his home state pledged to vote for his nomination for president in Cleveland in June - and urged by resolution of the Kansas Day club to allow use of his as a candidate, Landon smilingly avoid- ed committing himself. No Candidacies Mentioned He made no mention of the can- didacies in his speech. "I greatly appreciate the expres- sion of those who know me best," he commented on the endorsement of the state committee. A "thank you" was his only reply during the ceremonies to many party workers who greeted him as "the next president." Governor Landon asserted New. Dealmismanagement and waste "are delaying the return to prosperity" and detailed his views on government spending, relief, the farm problem,- and other major issues. Accompanied to the dinner by Mrs. Landon and' his daughter, Peggy Anne, the governor was introduced to the' crowd of more than 2,500 men and women from Kansas and other states by John D. M Hamilton, Kansas national committeeman. Roosevelt Socialist Dictator, Says Knox CLEVELAND, Jan. 29. - (P) - Col. Frank Knox, prominently men- tioned as a Republican candidate for president, asserted tonight the Amer- ican people would decide in the No- vember election between "becoming vassals to a dictator in the guise of a Democratic president or remaining free citizens of a free republic." The Chicago publisher, in a speech prepared for delivery before a Mc- Kinley Day dinner of the Cleveland Tippecanoe Club, drew sharp distinc- tions between what he termed a "socialistic New Deal party" and the Democratic party. He described the Supreme Court as "the one remaining American body in Washington." "In the months intervening be- tween now and the national elec- tions in November," Knox said, "the American people will have to decide themselves between becoming vassals to a dictator in the guise of a Demo- cratic president or remaining free citizens of a free republic. No Middle Ground "There is no middle ground. There is no other choice, we shall continue as a free nation or we shall become a nation with government inrcom- plete control of people's daily lives, their savings, and of their occupa- tions. "It cannot be otherwise. A coer- cive system cannot be grated upon a voluntary system. We saw that in the NRA. We saw it again in the AAA. We have seen, too, how the Supreme Court - the one remaining American body in Washington - threw out these acts as unconstitu- tional." Knox said the nation is facing something that is not an American form of government. "The American nDonni hae notnfa r , ,rrmm Gov. Landon Hits Political Wasters' In Presidency Bid Blow-Up Follows Navy Band Walkout On Patriotic Women Democrat Angell's Classroom Challenge May Be Boomerang A challenge made by Prof. Robert C. Angell, candidate for the Demo- cratic nomination for supervisor of the sixth ward, to his Sociology 51 class last Tuesday may have em- barrassing results. In discussing the sociological as- pects of public opinion, Professor An- gell made the statement that the younger generation, and more es- pecially, the University student, should take a more active part in politics. What he did not realize was that Francis J. Conlin, '36, a member of his class and a duly elected con- stable from the sixth ward, would take his suggestion literally. Con- lin has been a resident of Ann Arbor land for the Republican nomination. The winner of the Republican nom- ination in the primaries will oppose ProfessorAAngell in the regular elec- tions in April. Conlin's young brother, Charles Arthur Conlin, '38, entertains decid- edly different political views than Francis. He will seek the Demo- cratic nomination for his brother's present position. The spring primary elections on March 2 should prove extremely interesting with both Con- hins expressing themselves as con- fident of making a good showing. Other University officials running for nominations in the spring pri- maries are not as divided as the Con- lin brothers in their political views. WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. - (A) - A political storm thundered over the capital today in the wake of a Navy- Marine walkout on the Women's Pa- triotic Conference on National De- fense. Republican Leader Bertrand H. Snell on the House floor slashed at the action of the Marine Band, which left last night's dinner without hav- ing played a single number, and at the cancellation of speeches by one Marine and two Naval officers. His attack followed a few min- utes after Navy Secretary Claude A. Swanson, at a press conference, ex- pressed full approval of the officers' cancellation as proper resentment of an attack on their commander-in- chief, Bainbridge Colby, former sec- retary of state, in a speech to the "representing some 500,000 leading patriotic women of America interest- ed in maintaining national defense and American institutions," and "only because these women had the temerity to listen to an outstanding address on the Constitution by Bain- bridge Colby." He said that the band was paid with the taxpayers' money. "Is this a forerunner of what Mr. Farley has said would be the dirt- iest campaign in history?" demand- ed the Republican leader. "It certainly looks like it. I won- der if the time has come when free speech, freedom of the press and freedom of assemblage are going to be suppressed. To ne this smacks of something un-American." Chairman John F. O'Connor, of the Rules Committee, a Democrat, asked Snell whether he remembered