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January 29, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-29

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Prof. Gombergo
Will Termtainatte
Duties Feb. 3
Long Series Of Scientific
Discoveries Is Creditedl
continued from rage i
an assistant. In the fall of 1891, after
he had received his M.S. degree he
became a full-fledged teaching as-
sistant. Four years later he won his
Ph.D. degree, writing a dissertation
on reactions of caffeine.
Two years later he embarked for
Europe, where he studied at Munich
in the Baeyer Laboratory and at
Heidleberg under Victor Meyer. There
he received high praise for his syn-
thesis, i.e. the putting together of
tetraphenylmethanr a carbon com-
pound. Returning to Ann Arbor he
tried to follow that synthesis with
one of hexaphenylmethane, the next
carbon compound in the series. In
so doing he encountered the diffi-
culty of oxidation, and in an attempt
to remove that barrier, he bumped
into, triphenylmethyl, and quickly
rose to fame as its discoverer. Car-
bon was previously thought to pos-
sess only a valence of four -having
outside electrons available for com-
bination -and Professor Gomberg
showed, through his discovery of this
compound, that it could possess a
valence of three or more. It was in
this field of abnormal valence of
carbon that he performed outstand-
ing service, and much of the modern
theories concerning reactions of or-
ganic compounds have been shaped
by his work.
Becomes Professor
In 1904 he became a professor of
chemistry. When the war came 14
years later, his tremendous exper-
ience in synthesis went to the advan-
tage of the United States in making
mustard gas. He then became a
major in the ordnance department
and for two years acted as technical
advisor in the manufacture of smoke-
less powder.
Although Professor Gomberg never
returned to Russia, one of the hon-
ors that pleased him most came when
in 1914 he was asked to be guest
speaker at the International Con-
gress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
in St. Petersburg. The Imperial
Russian Government guaranteed him
safe conduct, but the World War
interrupted his trip.
Professor Gomberg never married
and lives with an elder sister, Sonia.
His friends on the faculty joke free-
ly with him about his fondness for
pretty young ladies. And Professor
Gomberg, whose youthful face and
twinkling eyes belie his three score
and ten years, only smiles.
Wins Nichols Medal
Professor Gomberg is the recipient
of the Nichols Medal, awarded in
1914 by the American Chemistry So-
ciety; the Willard Gibbs Medal,
awarded in 1925; and the Chandler
Medal in 1927. He has an honorary
Sc.D. degree from the Polytechnic
Institute of Brooklyn, one of the
relatively few members of the Na-
tional Academy of Science and is a
past president of the American
Chemical Society.
Professor Campbell's letter, only
recently unearthed by the University
Bureau of Archives, continues in
terms that are symbolic of the high
position Professor Gomberg reached
in the University and in the world of
Science 30 years later: "I am anxious
to have Gomberg promoted because
he is one of the best men we have
ever had--very thorough and strict
with students, yet at the same time
very popular for his sympathy and

readiness to help at all times.
"Gomberg is one of the most hon-
est, conscientious and unselfish men
I know," Professor Campbell's letter
to the Regent continues, "and you
can always bank on it that he will
do what is right and what his con-
science dictates . . . If he is put in
control of the department there will
be harmony.''
Professor Campbell wrote his letter
just as Professor Gomberg was start-
ing his career and at a time when,
apparently, all was not going well
with the department. The role
played by the distinguished scientist,
who is now retiring, in "alleviating
this situation and, when he, finally
was put in control of the department,
of running things smoothly and' ef-
ficiently are well known University

Nation To Celebrate President's Birthday

Gover'unmenit Of
Caltholies' Plea
Archbishop Claims Th1'l-at
Religious Persecution Of
(hiirch Exists
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 28. -U) -
A new plea by the Catholic church
for "restoration of religious freedom
in Mexico," went before the govern-
ment today.
In a petition by Monsignor Pas-
cual Diaz, archbishop of Mexico, and
all other members of the Mexican
'piscopate, the church asked Presi-
Jent Lazaro Cardenas to restore
Catholic churches seized or closed
since 1914, to prevent anti-religious
propaganda and to force repeal of
regulations limiting religious func-
To support its claim that "relig-
ious persecution exists in Mexico,"
the church set forth the following
That while communistic propa-
ganda is distributed with all liberty,
i eligious education and propaganda
can be given only in churches or
homes, and that even the homes in
which such education is given are
subject to confiscation under the law.
That the aim of the governmenti
is to prevent new generations from
receiving religious education "as has
been declared in official speeches and
That in effect religious work is not
permitted even in homes or churches.,
That in many states churches have
been closed and in others the leg-
islatures have drastically limited the
number of priests, or even all clergy.
That the law does not guarantee
the "right of the church and the
people" to make use of the churches
or build new ones.
The petition of the church was datedt
Nov. 23 last but was made public only
In view of the government's re-
plies to similar previous petitions,
informed sources said they expected
if any answer were given to the pres-
ent communication, it would be a flat
refusal to modify the religious laws.

Kaiser Is 77

Schroeder Hits
Oil Affiliation
Trip To Capital On Funds
Given By Dealers Draws
Speaker's Fire
L ANSIIG, Jan. 28. -- (- A trip
the chairman of the legislative com-
mittee investigating trade practices
in the oil industry made to Washing-
ton at the expense of independent oil
dealers drew sharp criticism today
from Speaker George A. Schroeder.
Senator Joseph A. Baldwin, of Al-
bion, committee chairman, made the
junket, which started Jan. 14 and
continued through Jan. 18. He ad-
mitted that independent oil dealers
paid his expenses on the trip.
"Unprecedented" and "unethical"
were the terms applied to the trip
today by Speaker Schroeder. Re-
turning from Washington, where he
has been discussing social security
legislation with the congressional
leaders, Schroeder said:
"The statute governing the legis-
lative council directs all investigating
committees to report to the council's
chairman. There is no .way we can
discipline the chairman of this com-
mittee, but surely the public never
can read the report of his committee's
findings without feeling that he was
influenced by having his hotel bills
From his home in Albion, Senator
Baldwin retorted:
"I went to Washington as a private
citizen. I reserve that right, and I
think Speaker Schroeder is being ri-
diculous. Certainly the independents
paid my expenses."
"A legislative committee can not
weight evidence without prejudice
when its chairman accepts traveling
expenses from those, representing one
side of an issue," Schroeder declared.
"I consider that the whole value of
the investigation has been lost
through Senator Baldwin's actions."
ures primarily intended for children,
was published in 1933 and is part of
"A Century of Progress Wonder Li-

-Associated Press Photo.
The nation will dance again January 30, celebrating for the third consecutive year the birthday of
President Roosevelt with a nationwide charity fete. Abcut 5,600 affairs are planned with 30 per cent of the
funds raised by the sale of tickets going to the Warm Springs, Ga., Foundation to help cure sufferers from
infantile paralysis. The remaining 70 per cent will remain in lcal communities for similar work.

Conference On
Game Will Draw
10 From Faculty
Dana, O'Roke, Hubbs And
Others Plan To Attend
About 10 members of the Museum
of Zoology, the Institute for Fisher-
ies Research and the School of For-
estry and Conservation will leave
early in February to attend the North
American Wildlife Conference to be
held Feb. 3 to 7 in Washington, D. C.
The members who definitely will
attend are Dean Samuel T. Dana
and Prof. Earl C. O'Roke of the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of the
fish division of the Museum of Zool-
ogy, Dr. Albert S. Hazzard, director
of the Institute for Fisheries Re-
search, R. W. Eschmeyer and Gerald
P. Cooper of the staff of the Insti-
tute, and Clarence M. Tarzwell, a
former member of the Institute staff
and now here on leave from the
United States Forest Service. Others
from the Institute and the museum
staffs are expected toattend.
Dr. HEubbs has been appointed
chairman of the session on lake and
stream improvement and Professor
O'Roke will also be in charge of one
of the meetings. Several of the
others will speak at the conference.
The purpose of the conference,
which was called by President Roose-
velt, is to "bring together individuals,
organizations and agencies interested
in the restoration and conservation
of wildlife resources."
The three major objectives of the
conference are to organize a perma-
nent general federation of all agen-
cies, societies, individuals and clubs
interested in the restoration and con-
servation of wildlife resources withj
the avowed purpose of securing ade-
quate recognition of the needs of
wildlife resources; the development
of a North American program for
the advancement of wildlife restora-
tion and 'conservation; and the pre-
sentation of such facts, discoveries
and information pertinent to wildlife
as may contribute to the solution of
mutual problems.

Senate To Inquire
into Auto League
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. - (/P) -
The senate lobby committee launched
an inquiry today into the operations
of all semi-political organizations, in-
cluding the American Liberty league.
A questionnaire, it was learned, was
sent out to several hundred individ-
uals and corporations which the com-
mittee has reason to believe have
either been solicited or have contrib-
uted to the following organizations:
The Crusaders, the Crusaders Na-
tional Organization, Inc., American
Liberty League, Sentinels of the Re-
public, New York State Economic
council, American Federation of Util-
ity Investors, Inc., (American Fed-
eration of Investors, Inc.) and the
American Taxpayers League.
Cooled Autos
Are Planned

George's Body
Is Interred In
Windsor Chapel
Nation Marks Burial Of
King With Silence And'
Tolling Of Bells
WINDSOR, Eng., Jan. 28. - (P) -
The long funeral journey of George
V ended today in the royal vault of
St. George's chapel, the burial crypt
of Great Britain's kings.
It was a service of pomp, circum-
stances, and sorrow - beginning with
the removal of the body from West-
minster Hall in London and the silent
tribute of tens of thousands of spec-
tators massed along the cortege route
and ending with a simple burial ser-
King George's body came to Wind-
sor at 1:08 p.m., 33 minutes later
than scheduled. The delay was in
strange contrast to George's unc-
tuality through life. The mourning
crowds in London had delayed the
passage of the cortege.
The nation paused ror two minutes
of silence at 1:30 p.m., the time the
coffin was to have been lowered into
the crypt, but the delay in the march-
ing of the cortege set the time of
actual burial later.
From London, the king's body was
brought by railroad train to Wind-

-Associated Press Photo.
Still proudly erect and enjoying
firm health, white-bearded Wil-
helm of Hohenzollern, former Kai-
ser of Germany, observed his 77th,
birthday in his exile home at Doorn,
The Netherlands.
Book By Karpinski
Chosen For Exhibit
Among those books that have been
chosen by the American Institute of
Graphic Arts for its exhibit of text-
books of the future is "Numbers,"
which was written by Prof. Louis C.
Karpinski of the mathematics de-
The exhibition will open in New
York City on Feb. 5. The judges
who selected the books were Bruce
Rogers, designer of title pages, Harry
M. Lydenberg, director of the New
York Public Library, and Frederic G.
Melcher, editor of the Publisher's
"Numbers," which is a story of fig-

-- --- ______ --- ---- ___ ___________________________________________ -=- I

sor. One hundred thousand mourn-
ers were assembled along the mile-
and-a-half route from the railroad
station to St. George's chapel.
An honor guard carried the coffin
from the train over a scarlet carpet
to a gun carriage waiting at the sta-
tion door. Then the procession start-
ed its uphill journey to Windsor
The bell of Curfew tower rang out
across the ancient battlements of
the royal palace - tolling for the
dead master.
The new king, Edward VIII, and
his three brothers, for the second
timectoday, fell in behind their fath-
er's coffin to walk in procession.
They were preceded in the cortege
by the widowed Queen Mary, who
rode in a carriage drawn by Windsor

Kiwanis Annual Sale
of New and Used Merchandise
January 30, 31, February 1
Donations Will Be Appreciated - Call 9613 for Pickups
Space donated by
Phone 4515 OFFICE OUTFITTERS 112 S. Main St.

Air Conditioning
For Cars And

On Way

Experinents Show
CHICAGO, Jan. 28. - (A')-- Air
conditioning of automobiles was dis-f
closed today as the new goal of one of
America's youngest industries.
The progress of experiments toward
that end formed a topic of prime in-
terest as the annual convention of
the American Society of Heating and
Ventilating Engineers opened.
Members of the craft said that the
cooling appliances would first be util-
ized by motor buses and ambulances
with installations to follow later in
private cars. This plan for a bus
W ntlin rd







was ouL .nea .
A gas compressor somewhat larger
than a similar unit in a household
refrigerator would be placed under
the hood and operated by the motor.
Pipes would convey the refrigerant to
a compartment over the driver's head.
Fans would circulate the chilled air
from the compartment through ducts
near the top and along the sides

,of the vehicle. There ..woul eot
lets at each seat.
Officers Of Morro Castle Efforts to provide practical equip-
Are Sentenced To Prison ment for busses were spurred by the
air conditioning of railroad coaches.
NEW YORK, Jan. 28. - (IP)-Fed- The carriers spent $19,000,000 for
eral Judge Murray Hulbert today such apparatus before the summer
sentenced Eden S. Abbott, chief engi- vacation period last year. Spokesmen
neer of the liner Morro Castle, to for the convention visioned profitable
four years in prison and William F. patronage from the bus operators,
Warms, acting aeptain, to two years. too. They estimated a 20 per cent
They were convicted of criminal neg- increase in the installation of air con-
ligence in connection with the burn- ditioning units of all types in 1935
ing of the ship Sept. 8, 1934, with a over 1934 and predicted a correspond-
loss of 124 lives. ing expansion in 1936.

R ENEW Y our
To The
Michgan Daily








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