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January 29, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-29

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It Is Time
T M ve
DESPITE the fact that the University
has been crying "wolf, wolf" over
the approaching crisis in the housing conditions,
there is no basis for the assumption that the fears
have been unfounded. The problem of securing
suitable rooms for men students has been made
acute by the concurrent increase in enrollment and
decline in the number of rooms available, a process
not peculiar to the present day alone '
The most striking cause for a decrease in hous-
ing facilities has been the destruction of boarding
houses to make way for new University additions.
The 100 students who were affected recently by the
condemnation of houses to secure a site for the
new Graduate School are but a portion of the
large group which has been deprived of rooms.
The erection of the Law Club, new medical build-
ing and the architecture school was made possible
only by destroying rooming facilities for many
Economic disturbances have played a more subtle
role in contributing to the housing crisis. Stu-
dents are unable to pay prices which are de-
manded (justly no doubt) for many rooms. A
doubling up of students in the lower, priced rooms
is the inevitable result of this condition. Moreover,
faced with a rapidly rising cost of living, many
householders are unable to offer rooms properly re-
That the University must build dormitories
to ameliorate conditions is a truism. The need
is obvious, but a solution is lacking. Next fall
will undoubtedly bring an increased enrollment. To
avoid making a critical situation more acute the
University will be confronted with the advisability
of asking for contributions, thus obsoleting a tra-
ditional policy of the administration. Voluntary,
unsolicited gifts are too uncertain; the need for
immediate action is too great to wait and hope.
Craft Unions
Are Doomed . .
report from the front ranks of labor
- the demand by the executive council of the
American Federation of Labor that the committee
for industrial unions cease their activities and
dissolve immediately. The council stated that the
work of the committee advocating the vertical
organization of workers by industries, which is
headed by John L. Lewis, president of the United
Mine Workers, is threatening the supremacy of the
A. F. of L. and is also violating the policies which
were drawn up at the last convention of the federa-
The answer by John Lewis to the demand of the
executive council seems to hit the nail on the head.
"The mountain has labored and brought out a
mouse" was Lewis' comment. The A. F. of L. has
been rapidly dwindling into a position of no real
significance. The great number of workers in fac-
tories and mills of various kinds are afforded no
type of organization under the present plan of
craft unions, upon which the A. F. of L. smiles
so benignly. If the federation can do nothing for
these workers who really have no skilled craft, it
can hardly expect these same workers to remain
without organization of their own.
The federation is acting in a somewhat childish
manner when it demands that labor which cannot

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
God And The Constitution
To the Editor:
The following excerpt is from an editorial in the
Detroit Free Press last Monday morning, comment-
ing on Al Smith's Liberty League speech.
"With clean hands he (Smith) could hold up
to the judgment of the Nation the record of an
administration., which has broken faith with
the people by not carrying out the pledges
upon which it was elected, and the record of a
Chief Magistrate, who has broken faith with
God by stabbing in the back the Constitution
which he swore to uphold and protect, with his
hand on the Holy Bible."
"Against that record of infidelity to party,
to the American people and to the Deity, Al
Smith protests-and millions of his fellow-
citizens will say "Amen."
Insofar as the Free Press and Mr. Smith refer
to the recent Supreme Court decision declaring the
AAA unconstitutional, I wonder where that puts
highly respected jurists Brandeis, Cardozo, and
Stone? And if two of the six concurring Justices
had decided' the other way, would that mean that
Mr. Roosevelt and the House and Senate that
passed the bill were right all along and the four
remaining Justices, who would then be in the mi-
nority, had broken their oaths of office by attempt-
ing to declare unconstitutional, measures con-
It cannot be as simple as all that. Surely we
do not break faith with God every time the Su-
preme Court expands its concept of the Consti-
tution, a thing which it has done innumerable
times, in declaring Constitutional types of meas-
ures which the framers of that Constituion, and
for that matter previous benches, never dreamed
--S. L. Travis, '37L,
J-Hop Tickets
To the Editor:
This year there has been no general sale of
J-Hop tickets. Block sales have taken care of that.
For more than a week I've beeen trying to locate
a ticket in the well-known undercover manner, but
all I've run into are bland apologies of those who
are in charge, and some ugly rumors.
For instance I have heard that certain organi-
zations were allowed to buy, in blocks, two or three
times as many tickets as their members could pos-
sibly use. Furthermore I hear from a reliable'
source that while juniors were allowed 250 tickets
in the Saturday to Monday sale, 750 were lumped
off to fraternity groups. Also it is bruited about
that numbers of tickets have been furnished to
Ohio State students, and others.
If these charges are unfounded, I should like to'
see them run down in The Daily. If not, it's not
too early to take steps now to insure at least one
day of general over-the-counter sales of tickets
next year, so that what appears as discrimination
this time will not reoccur.
If you have eight or ten dollars, I hear you can'
still find tickets for the J-Hop.
Shades of Karl Marx! Can this be campus evi-
dence of a sporulating Class Struggle?
-L.G., '36.
The Movies
To the Editor:
Realizing that as a newspaper, The Michigan
Daily is bound by its editorial policy to conform
to certain set standards which work for the so-
called best- interests of the community it serves,
we were inclined to ignore and pass without com-
ment the recent editorial tirade relative to the
"immature" members of the theatre audience .
We are, however, interested to observe that a
member of the student body, who, unlike a news-
paper, is free to express his honest opinions without
fear of retribution, takes the same censorious atti-
tude. Your correspondent is evidently under the
impression that there is but one type of humor
which a person may audibly enjoy, probably the

slap-stick, pie-throwing variety. He fails to
take into consideration that perhaps the laughter
was not wholly produced by the picture itself, but
by the tearful outbursts apparent on all sides,
which led us to suspect retarded emotional de-
velopment. If the appearance of a big, husky,
squat-necked individual moaning, groaning, and
weeping copiously, like a virgin on her wedding
night, is not cause for hearty laughter on the part
of those members of the audience who have out-
grown the emotional instability usually associated
with childhood, what is?
We agree that "A Tale of Two Cities" is an
"above-the-average" movie. But is it necessary
when attending an "above-the-average" produc-
tion that one surrender to the obvious artifices
employed by Hollywood's Gentlemen of Jerusalem
to enmesh the sentimentalities of the gullible movie
We say NO ! ! !
We admit that the grievous plight of the little
full-bosomed seamstress was worthy of a muted
sigh, a sigh of regret for the contempt in which
the movie-producers must hold the emotionalities
of their patrons, in order to introduce such an
obvious tear-jerker.
We are firmly convinced that aside from our
own, there was not a dry eye in the house.
Isn't this deplorable?
-George H. Barbour, '39.
--Frederick Shroyer, '39.
Women with vulgar and uncouth-sounding voices

The Conning Tower]
You're In The Army Now
Like others young and roughly bred
The funny stuff inside my head
Brewed me a beer called ignorance
And so I shouldered a gun for France.
These days I sleep in flops and benches
With little memory of French wenches.
The army regulations said
A gun would take small bits of lead
And give my love to lads with lungs1
Like mine but speaking other tongues. 1
We are of all the tongues and strains
Who lie in doorways while it rains.f
A bill introduced in the New York State Sen-
ate provides that drug stores shall have sodac
fountains in rooms separate from those in which7
drugs are sold. While the introducer, George B.
Kelly (Dem.), is about it he might insert aI
clause providing that soda fountain checks be1
made out in ink that is strong enough forI
And when is somebody going to introduce ai
bill insisting that theaters print their addressest
on tickets and ticket envelopes in as large type
as they print their names?
Inebriety TestI
Though some buildings of elevators are bereft,t
I laughed, for there's many a loft lift left.1
Commissioner Valentine says that crime costsI
us $12,000,000 a year, exclusive of what womenY
pay to buy seats at murder trials.,
Shoots From the Young Idea
(By B.B., a six-year-old student at Fessenden
School, West Newton, Mass.)
The Earth Coming Off the Sun and the Other Sun1
When the earth came off the sun, it was fiery
hot, and another sun came. They both started to
pull each other.E
It was no trees and no green grass, and it was
no house. It were no flags, no schools and nor
skating rink. And it was no boys or girls or
slides or swings, no sand box. It were no jackets
or no sweaters, and it was no boats, no watches,r
no baseball.
The first things that were living were littlei
plants. And it rained so hard that it ought toi
be ocean and mountains. -
What the bonus beneficiaries would like to
know is how much they are going to get for
how many months' war service in the United
States, and abroad; what is the earliest, after
the bill becomes law, that they can get it; and
what will be, if any, the red tape procedure.
Society Can Be Too Exacting
Say what you will, Delleville is different. People
who visit here say they never have seen anythingI
like it, especially those who get into Society, wherec
they are rushed to parties from one strange house
to another, not without a feeling of awe for thec
relatives who have blossomed into social butter-t
flies since living among us.
There is a continuous round of activities1
throughout the year, with picnics in summer, at
dance at Easter, and masquerade parties at
Hallow E'en, which rises to a really feverish pitch
around Christmas, beginning with McCaffreys'
breakfast, where we drink vodka - "So foreign,"
Mrs. Heller says - and ending with the tea dance
at the Odd Fellows' Hall.
At first outsiders, not accustomed to the ways
of society, arrived at the dances at 4:30 and
remained until the end, but Mrs. Corbett soon
set them right about that.
"Don't you know you just drop in at a tea
dance?" she asked, acidly, with the result that a
more fashionable atmosphere has prevailed the
past few years. (Mrs. Corbett is generally acknow-
ledged as our Social Leader. For one thing, her
father was a member of the Legislature, and]

besides, she is our best bridge player, even to
knowing the Honor Count by heart.)
Every year there is a mid-winter dance, when
the Fishers, Pursels, Russells and others "let down",
and become as informal as the merest bank clerk,
although we remain together in our own corner
of the Odd Fellows' Hall between dances.
There are other occasions when the bars are
lowered slightly. For instance, at her Easter Mon-
day party little Mrs. Fisher cancels the social
obligations she has contracted at unguarded
moments throughout the year.
"Nancy Stuart had me for dinner last July and
I just must pay her off," she explains, apologeti-
cally, to Mrs. Corbett.
The Stuart person is delighted to be invited, of
course, and for weeks succeeds in working refer-
ences to the party into conversations with her own
intimates in the fond belief they will naturally
suppose her to be quite friendly with the Fishers..
If the truth were admitted, some of our set go
to Mrs. Willoughby's just for a thrill. At Mrs.
Willoughby's the bars are let down completely,
and last year it was whispered from one end of
the packed house to the other those two girls in
the kitchen who came with Mr. Forbes from
Scranton were just plain - YOU know.
The Evans never invite anybody outside the
crowd to their party, which always is formal, the
women wearing evening dresses, and the men,
except those who have grown too stout, their
Tuxedoes, for Mrs. Evans, who was secretary to
the owner of the largest silk mill before her mar-
riage, has rigid standards in social matters.
"It's simply that I prefer the best people," she
admits, frankly. REED McCARTY
Merely as a professional wonderer we ask, who,
do you suppose, got the job that John Jacob

A Washington
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.-- To foul
of the dwindled band of senators
who marched again up the politically
tough anti-bonus vote hill this elec-
tion year, that action represented
more than it did to the rest of the
"no" voters. They are up for renom-
ination soon, unless some of them
have still undisclosed voluntary re-
tirement plans. What they did on
that vote might wreck their hopes
to succeed themselves.
That may be true, at least, as to
Couzens of Michigan, Hastings of
Delaware and Keyes of New Hamp-
shire, the trio of Republican "no"
voters whose terms run out next year.
Glass of Virginia, alone among the 18
Democrats whose terms expire next
year to join the forlorn hope "no"
band, is in another category. He
has been opposing bonus legislation
all along --and being reelected with
no evidence of veteran hostility be-
cause of that. Glass has said the
"soldier vote" does not mean anything
in Virginia. It does not seem to -
to him.
BUT OF ALL tough "no" votes in
that Senate nose count, Vanden-
berg of Michigan certainly cast the
toughest. He is not up for re-election
to the Senate; but he is very much
up for possible Republican nomina-
tion for the presidency. To many po-
litical dopesters he sticks up as the
most probable "harmony" candidate
at Cleveland if that is the way it
goes. And like Harding in 1920, Van-
denberg's availability might easily
depend more in the judgment of the
convention leaders, on negative cir-
cumstances than on his affirmative
position on issues.
What helped Harding to the nom-
ination and presidency was the few
enemies, individually or in issue blocs,
he had left behind in his political life.
Senator Vandenberg's score in that
respect will be closely scanned at
Cleveland if he comes prominently
into the nominations picture as so
many believe he will. In those cir-
cumstances, casting a vote that would
invite veteran resentment took polit-
ical courage, particularly when it
could represent no more than a ges-
ture of dissent anyhow.
POLITICAL detractors are fond of
picturing the Michigan senator as
a trimmer, as intent on building a sort
of middle-of-the-road path of his own
between New Deal liberalism and
eastern G.O.P. old guard conserva-
A glance at Vandenberg Senate
votes on various so-called "critical"
political measures does not bear that
out, his "no" vote on the bonus being
a striking example. His record in-
cluded minority votes for adherence to
the world court, for budget balancing
taxes on middle as well as high
bracket incomes, against the labr
bill, for some New Deal enactments
that were anathema to nearly all reg-
ular Republican colleagues.
Regents Laud
Prof Gomberg
In esolhtion
The Board of Regents last week,
accepting the retirement of Prof.
Moses Gomberg, chairman of the
chemistry department, because he
will soon reach the age of 70, praised
him highly in a set of formal res-
The resolutions follow:
"Whereas, Dr. Moses Gomberg, a

distinguished alumnus of the Univer-
sity of Michigan and a holder of three
degrees from this institution (B.S.,
1890; M.S., 1892; ScD.; 1894), mem-
ber of the faculty since 1893, pro-
fessor of organic chemistry since 1904,
and chairman of the department of
chemistry since 1927, will upon Feb-
ruary 8, 1936, reach the age of seventy
years, Which is prescribed by the By-
Laws of the Regents as the time for
retirement from active service by fac-
ulty members and officers of the Uni-
versity, and
"Whereas, Professor Gomberg's
scholarly genius has contributed fun-
damentally to the advancement of
science of chemistry; his services to
this University, as administrator and
as teacher and guide of hundreds of
students have been of the highest im-
portance; and his sanity, his wisdom,
his loyalty, and his gentle spirit have
endeared him to colleagues and stu-
dents alike; therefore, be it
"Resolved, That the Regents of the
University of Michigan express to
Professor Gomberg the highest ap-
preciation of the service which he has
rendered, and confer upon him the
title "Professor Emeritus in Organic
Chemistry," effective with the begin-
ning of the second semester of the
academic year 1935-36, and be it fur-
"Resolved, That Dr. Gomberg be
recommended to the Carnegie Foun-
dation for the Advancement of
Teaching to receive the appropriate
retiring allowance, and be it further

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 88
Attention of All Concerned: Name-
ly faculty, administrative and clerical
staff members and students, is re-
spectfully caled to the following ac-
tion by the Regents.
Students shall pay in acceptable
funds (which shall not include notes
unless the same are bankable) all
amounts due the University before
they can be admitted to the final ex-
aminations at the end of either se-
mester or of the Summer Session. No
office in the University is authorized
to make any exception to this rule.
Any specific questions that can be
foreseen arising in this connection
should be taken up with the proper
authorities at the earliest possible
moment. Shirley W. Smith.
Sophomores, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Elections must
be approved in Room 103 Romance
Language Building in accordance
with alphabetical divisions listed be-
low. Failure to meet these appoint-
ments will result in serious conges-
tion during the registration period.
Please bring with you the print of
your record which you received last
Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily.
DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29.
FG, Thursday, Jan. 30.
R. C. Hussey,
J. H. Hodges, Sophomore
Academic Counselors.
Summer Session Abridged An-
nouncement: Copies of the Campus
Edition of the Abridged Announce-
ment of the courses to be given dur-
ing the summer of 1936 may now be
obtained at the registration offices
of the various schools and colleges.
University Women who are attend-
ing the President's Ball may apply
for late permission at the Office of
the Dean of Women.
Academic Notices
The College of Architecture an-
nounces the two following courses for
the second semester:
Domestic Architecture and Hous-
ing: (Architecture 11) For students
of economics, sociology and city plan-
ning as well as for students in archi-
tecture. A survey of the trend in
house design and in mass housing,
prefabrication, and the use of syn-
thetic materials. TuTh, 2, or as ar-
ranged. Two hours credit. Associate
Professor Wells Bennett.
General Course in the History of
Architecture: (Architecture 15) The
aim of this course is to give students
seeking a liberal culture a survey of
the development of the art of build-
ing. The temples, cathedrals, pal-
aces, and other characteristic monu-
ments of the ancient, medieval, ren-
aissance, and modern styles, their
design, sculpture, and painted dec-
orations will be studied by means of
lectures illustrated by the stereopti-
con, and collateral reading. This
course is open to all students in the
University, but cannot be counted
towards graduation in Architecture.
TuThu, 9. Two hours credit. As-
sociate Professor Ralph W. Ham-
Notice to Students Planning to do
Directed Teaching: Students expect-
ing to do directed teaching the second
semester are urged to interview Dr
Schorling on Thui'sday, January 30
in Room 2435 University Elementary
School, according to the following
1:00 to 2:00 - Mathematics and Sci
2:00 to 3:00 - Social Studies and
Commercial Subjects.
3:00 to 4:00 -- Latin, French, and
4:00 to 5:00 --English, Speech, and
Fine Arts.
It is of the utmost importance that
seniors come to this conference, for

everything else being equal, the op-
portunities for directed teaching will
be assigned in order of application.
Any student who has a definite ap-
pointment at the hour suggested
should report for a conference at one
of the other periods. Every effort
will be made to meet his needs.
Final Examination in Eng. 159, Sec.
2 (Tues., Thurs., Sat. at 10). The ex-
amination schedule as listed in the
Catalogue with the letter C is an
error; the examination should be
scheduled with the letter J and will
be given Tuesday morning, Feb 4.
Paul Mueschke
College of Literature, Science and
The Arts: Examinations in Mathe-
matics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 will take place
Saturday, Feb. 8, 9-12 a.m. accord-
ing to the following schedule:
Anning, 1025 A.H.
Baxter, 25 A.H.
Coe, 1035 A.H.
Craig, 1025 A.H.
Dwyer, 35 A.H.
Elder, 25A.H.
Ford, 1025 A.H.
Menge, 3011 A.H.
Nyswander, 1025 A.H.
Railford, 35 A.H.

West Lecture, Physics: Diamond,
Graf, and Van Duren.
2003 Angell Hall: Scholl.
Course 2: C Haven Hall: All Sec-
Course 31: 25 Angell Hall: Philipp-
son, Striedieck, Van de Luyster, Van
B Haven Hall: Reichart and Graf.
231 Angell Hall: Gaiss and Um-
2003 Angell Hall: Scholl.
209 A.H.: Wahr.
201 University Hall: Hildner.
Course 32: 35 Angell Hall: All sec-
French Lecture: Professor A. J.
Jobin will give the fourth lecture on
the Cercle Francais program: "Le
Moyne d'Iberville, le Cid de la Nou-
velle France." Wednesday, Jan. 29,
4:15 o'clock, room 103, Romance
Language Building.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured at the door.
Sphinx, Junior Men's honorary so-
ciety, will hold its last meeting for
the semester at 12:15 p.m. today in
the Union.
Chemical and Metallurgical Engi-
neering Seminar. Mr. Howard R. Wil-
son will be the speaker at the Sem-
inar at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng.
Bldg. on the subject, "Specific Heats
and Heats of Dilution of 50-75 per
cent Sodium Hydroxide Solutions."
Forestry Club meeting in Room
2054, N. S. B., at 7:30 p.m.
James H. Wood taxidermist and
preparator at the Museum of Zoology
will speak on the subject of Taxi-
dermy. His lecture will be illustrated
with motion pictures.
Nelson Shapters, President of the
U of M Glider Club will comment on
Glider Club activities. Mr. Shapters
talk will also be illustrated with
motion pictures. These pictures will
include actual flights that have been
made by members.
Phi Eta Sigma Picture-All active
members of Phi Eta Sigma, freshman
honorary fraternity, will have their
picture taken at 5 p.m., Dey Studio
on State Street. Please be on time.
Wear a dark suit.
Luncheon for Graduate Stdents:
12:00 noon in the Russian Tea Room
of the Michigan League Building.
Professor Burke Shartel of the Law
School will speak informally on "The
Supreme Court and Recent Legisla-
Stanley Chorus regular meeting at
7:30 at the Union. All members
are urged to be present.
Contemporary: Luncheon meeting
this noon at the Haunted Tavern.
Faculty-Alumni Dance: The third
Faculty-Alumni Dance will be held
at 9:30 p.m., in the Michigan Union.
Coming Events
Dame's Drama Seetion regular
monthly meeting Thursday, Jan. 30,
at eight o'clock, at the home of Mrs.
Carl V. Weller, 1130 Fair Oaks Park-
way. Members of the Dame's Club
are invited to be present. All who
have cars and all who desire trans-
portation be at the League at :45.
Education B124, Second Semester:
Any student planning to elect Edu-
cation B124, Administration of Sec-
ondary Schools, on Friday, 3-5,
should call at the office of the Dean
of the School of Education for in-
formation concerning a proposed
change in the time of meeting of the
Fine Arts 192 and 204: Mr. James
Plumer will arrive from China to give
these courses in Far Eastern Art the
second semester as announced in the

Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: Blanks for the payment of
the Teacher's ertificate fee may now
be secured at the Recorder's Office
of the School of Education, 1437
U.E.S. All students who expect to
be recommended for the Teacher's
Certificate at the end of the present
semester should pay this fee by Feb.
Applicants and Candidates for the
Doctor's Degree in Chemistry: Qual-
ifying and preliminary examinations
for those specializing in chemistry
will be held as follows:
Analytical Chemistry, 1 p.m., Feb.
21, Room 122.
Organic Chemistry, 1 p.m., Feb. 28,
Room 122.
Physical Chemistry, 1 p.m., March
6, Room 122.
Those planning to take any one
of these examinations are requested
to see Professor Bartell not later
than Feb. 12.
R. 0. Morgan To Speak At
Aihelic Banquet In Toledo
Robert O. Morgan, '31, of the Alum-

Publication in the Bulletin is construci! untice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the oflice of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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