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January 28, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-28

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The Weather
Cloudy, ccntinued very cold
today. Sub-zero temperatures

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Radio Programs
See Page Two for this Eve-
ning's Radio Programs.



Bonus Bill Al Can 'Take A Walk' For All
SPassed It Matters To The New Dealers
Robinson To Lash Back Woodrum (Dem., Va.) after a speech
in which he said "Smith won't take
At Smith Tonight; Fish a walk in Philadelphia; he took his
n Senate Praises Speech walk in Chicago.
Replying to contentions that theI
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. - (')- administration had disregarded the
Upper House Decisive In New Deal supporters in Congress and 1932 platform, he recalled that Smith
the Democratic organization today in 1928 undertook to campaign
Supporting Over-riding gave Alfred E. Smith an uncompro- against prohibition despite the "law
Of reidnt' Vtomising send-off on his projected enforcement plank."
Of President's Veto "walk" for the presidential campaign. Smith says America is being!
Indicating the trend, the title an-ruined," he declared, "and what does
Roosevelt Prepares nounced, for the official reply to Smith he do - he takes a walk. Can you
F Quik Pa mentby Senator Robinson of Arkansas imagine Jackson, Jefferson, Cleveland
For QuickPayment tomorrow night was "the hands of or Franklin D. Roosevelt taking a walk
Esau." Esau, the Bible relates, sold when the country was in danger?"
his "birthright" fo a mess of pottage "Where the fur flies is where the
hise"birthrish" f oramesstof -o . shot hits!" rejoined Rep. Fish (Rep.,
White House Offers No Hours of dispute in the House over N.Y.). "Governor Smith in his speech
Hint Of Possible New the Liberty League speech Saturday takes exactly the same point of view
night said the former New York gov- as the Republican party-"
Taxes To PayPl steRpbia at-
Bil ernor preceded the announcement. Applause from the Democratic side
Democrats vied to assert allegiance drowned his next word. He repeated'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. - (') - to the New Deal. Republican speakers "-when he stands for constitutional
Quickly accepting a climactic Senate hailed the Smith views as at one with --andsoraton o
vote of 76 to 19 as sealing the over- their own. No Democrat upheld him, government and restoration of the
throw of his bonus veto, President At his office in New York, Smith powers of the legislature."
Roosevelt today sent orders down the declined to discuss his address. Spec- Representative Gifford (Rep..
line to pay off the $2,491,000,000 sol- ulation about the "walk" he said he Mass.), said Smith was "walking out
diers' bill as quickly as "accuracy will probably would take if the Phila- of a socialistic party to which he never
permit." delphia convention endorses the ad- belonged."
No word of disappointment or cha- ministration continued. Of those mentioned at the presiden-
grin, no hint as to the possibility of It was hinted in New York that he tial nomination, only Col. Frank Knox
new taxes came from the White House "might have something" more to say of Illinois commented. Smith's views,
as the Senate in a thwacking bipar- 'Iafter the speech by Senator Robinson, he said in Chicago, would swing "mil-
tisan ballot- with a two-thirds ma- his vice-presidential running mate in lions of Democratic votes."

Mercury Set
For Another


Cappon Five
Victorious In

Io1~ Dopoday
New Cold Wave Expected
To Sweep Entire State
With Record Lows
Observatory Here
Records 7.1 BelowI
Nation-Wide Below Zero
Weather Brings State
Death Total To 27
Ann Arbor's continued cold wave,
eased by rising temperatures yester-
day, is due for a new low today.
The new cold wave, which it is,
predicted will take the mercury far
below zero, is expected to sweep the
entire state, according to the As-
sociated Press.
Although the temperature here
took a decided drop early yesterday
morning, it rose all during the day,
and after 12 hours of continuous sub-
zero weather, reached 15 degrees
7.1 Below Coldest
The lowest temperature for the
period from 7 p.m. Sunday to 7 p.m.
yesterday, as recorded by the Uni-
versity Observatory weather bureau,
stood at 7.1 degrees below zero. This
lacked only .3 degrees from equalling
the record low of the year.
The highest temperature during
the same period of time was reported
as 15.7 degrees above, and the mer-
cury stood at 12.8 degrees above zero
at 7 p.m. yesterday.
There was only a trace of snow-
fall recorded in the last 24 hours, and
the average wind-mileage stood at
about 11 miles per hour.
A fairly constant barometer, hov-
ering around 29 the entire day, in-
dicated little possibility of change in
the state of the weather for today,
the weather bureau said.
Nine Dead In Michigan

Chicago Tilt
Wolverine Defense Strong
As Tomagno Leads Mates
To Score 45-22 Win
Haarlow Is Held To
Two Goals In Game
Northwestern's Defeat Of
Ohio Raises Michigan In
Conference Standing
CHICAGO, Jan. 27.- (P)--Mich-
igan's Wolverines, clamping on a
tight defense that held Bill Haarlow
and the rest of the Maroons to a
minimum number of field goals,
crushed Chicago here tonight, 45-22,,
in a lively, rough game.
Tamagno, assigned to guard Haar-
low, the Big Ten's leading scorer,
held the slender Maroon star to two,
field goals, one in each period. While
holding Haarlow, Captain Tamagno
dropped in five of the Wolverines' 19
field goals. Haarlow acded ten points
to his total, cashing in on six of eight
attempts made possible by Tamagno's
close guarding. The Michigan leader
was put out on personals late in the
game, but his successor, Earl Meyers
held Haarlow safe until the final gun.
Michigan led from the start and atf
half time held a 22-12 margin. The
Chicago attack collapsed before it
really got started when early in the
first half Bill Lang, Haarlow's running
mate, suffered a dislocated shoulder.
The injury will probably keep him out
for the balance of the season.
The victory was Michigan's fourth
in seven starts and elevated them a
notch in the Conference race as Ohio
State bowed to Northwestern.
Italians Place..
Ethiopian Death
Total A15,000

Mr. Poperzynski's
Efforts To Abscond
Front Porch Fail
Ready-made houses may be a thing
of the future, but Albert Poperzynski.
52 years old, of R.F.D. 2, Milan, be-
lieves in making a start in that di-
So it appeared, at least, when he
appeared before Judge Harry Read-
ing to plead guilty to a charge of
having stolen two soil pipes and an
entire front porch from the scene
of preparation for themUniversity's
new Graduate School.
Officers said Poperzynski had in
some manner coaxed the front porch
into or onto his Ford sedan and
lugged it out to his farm like a hom-
ing magpie from its previous resting
place at 910 E. Huron.
He was given the choice of 90 days
in the county jail or a total of $20.30
costs and $49 for damages to the
porch and restitution for the soil
R.O.,T.C. Will
Give Awards
In Ceremony
Delivery Of Comnmissions
To Be Made By Entire
Regiment Tomorrow
Presentation of semester awards
and delivery of commissions to the
February graduating class will be sig-
nalized tomorrow by the entire R.O.-
T.C. regiment and band in a ceremony
to be held in Waterman Gymnasium.
The ceremony, which will com-
mence at 5 p.m. and will be open to
the public, will be attended by the
l University Committee on Military Af-
fairs. Colonel A. H. White, head of
the chemical engineering department.
will deliver a short talk and present
the commissions and awards.
The order of the ceremony will be:
roll call, presentation of the regiment,
playing of "The Victors" by the Var-
sity-R.O.T.C. Band, announcement of
inits winning drill awards and brief
demonstrations by the best-drilled
units, presentation of the awards,
taking of the oath of office by the
graduating class and delivering of
A gold medal which is the award
for the lieutenant of the best-drilled

jority never in doubt -declined to
accept the President's disapproval of
the bill for immediate payment in $50
cashable bonds.
The House previously had voted
324 to 61 to override.
Hcld Bonds. President Advises
In the second of two statements
issuing quickly from the White House,
however, the President opened a drive
to lessen the strain on the Treasury
by arguing to veterans that they
should not cash their bonds but hold
them as "nest eggs." He apparently
was taking cognizance of the spending
splurge which followed loans up to 50
per cent on the certificates in 1931.
Administration leaders have esti-
mated that not more than one mil-
lion dollars will be needed to meet
the first rush of demands for cash-
ing the bonds, and the President ap-
parently intended to keep the figure
below this if possible.
Within a little more than two hours
after the Senate voted, Mr. 1toosevelt
said in his first statement that the
treasury and the Veterans Adminis-
tration had been directed to pay as
soon as, possible.
Warns Of Magnitude.
He warned of the "magnitude" of
the task -- requiring "between 2,500
and 3,000 additional personnel work-
ing for approximately six months to
do this job." He urged "patience"
upon veterans. Refrain from writing
follow-up letters after filing an ap-
plication, he advised.
So certain was the outcome of the
Senate vote that even before it was
taken, authoritative sources disclosed
the Government Printing Office had
started its presses rolling on applica-
tions to be filled in by veterans even
before the Senate met.
Both Michigan Senators, James
Couzens and Arthur H. Vandenberg,
voted to sustain the veto.
Applications Ready Soon
Shortly after the President spoke,
Secretary Morgenthau told news-
papermen that the treasury would be
ready to pay off by next June 15 -
the date when the bonds are cash-
able. He estimated a total of 38,000,-
000 separate bonds will be needed.
Simultaneously, the Veterans Ad-
ministration issued a statement of in-
structions to veterans, advising them
that applications would be ready
probably by late tomorrow.
All these swift actions were taken
in the face of previous treasury warn-
ings that it would "not help the bond
marget" and would increase next
year's deficit possibly to $5,500,000,-
The President's warning in his
Patman bonus veto last year that
new taxes must be levied to meet all,
(Continued on Page 2)
Fugitive Eludes
200 Policemen I

Instead of beginning at 10:45 as
originally planned, Robinson's broad-
cast will be from 10 to 10:30 p.m.
E.S.T. over the Columbia system.
Whatever Smith does, an attempt in
the South to prevent renomination
of the Roosevelt-Garner ticket was
promised by John Henry Kirby. He
and Governor Talmadge of Georgia,
sponsors of the anti-administration
rally to be held Wednesday at Macon,
agreed after a conference that prin-
ciples and not the selection of any
independent candidate would occupy,
the meeting.
Talmadge predicted Roosevelt
would be defeated in convention. That
suggestion has been derided by party
spokesmen here, who also contend
a formidable bolt in the party during
the campaign is out of the question.
Numbers of Democrats in the House
rose in tribute to Representative
Five Indicted
In Violation Of
Arms Embargo,
NEW YORK, Jan. 27. - (Af')- A'
Federal grand jury today indicted
three corporations and four persons
on charges of conspiracy to violate
the arms embargo act and to defraud
the Customis.
The indictments include the al-
leged secret export of 15 machine
guns in cases containing airplanes to
Bolivia during the Chaco dispute.
The defendants are the Curtiss-I
Wright Export Corp., the Curtiss1
Aeroplane & Motor Co., Inc., the
Barr Shipping Corp., John S. Al-
lard, president of Curtiss-Wright Ex-
port; Clarence W. Webster, an avia-
tion salesman in South America;
Samuel J. Abelow and Robert R.
Lrranit Frosh Fimed
By Ypsilanti Judae
William E. Humphrey, '39, of De-
troit, was assessed $5 in costs and
placed on a year's probation by Jus-
tice of the Peace Arthur M. Vander-
sall yesterday in Ypsilanti for hitting
Patrolman Donald Ruddick, of the
Ypsilanti police force, Saturday night,
breaking his glasses.

Whether Senator Borah of Idaho
would allude to it in initiating his
campaign for New York delegates to-
morrow night occasioned conjecture,
Addressing the state liberals in Brook-
lyn, he is expected in any event to
state constitutional objections to the
New Deal akin to Smith's.
Friday Is Date
For Hopwood
Frosh Entries
Essay, Prose And Poetry
Must Be In On Time, Says
Professor Wells

iThe near and below zero temper-
The deadline for entries in the atures which have prevailed for the
freshman Hopwood Awards contest, last week, have broken many all time
which embraces the three literary records for the length of a cold wave
fields of essay, poetry and prose fic- without relief. New low records for
tion, has been set at 4 p.m. Friday, the coming week have been predicted.
Prof. Carlton Wells of the English Return to sur-zero temperatures
department announced yesterday, took place throughout the state and
With prizes offered of $50 in the the nation yesterday with "continued
essay field, $30 in narrative or prose cold" forecast for the next few days.

See Crisis
In Housing
Men's Dormitories Asked
For In Annual Report
Of President
Bursley Describes
'Serious Situation'
Transference Of Facilities
To Apartment Rooms
Formal r e p o r t s of executive
heads of University divisions, includ-
ing a demand by Dean Joseph A.
Bursley for action to prevent an im-
minent rooming crisis, were released
today in the complete President's Re-
port for 1934-35.
Emphasizing that a steady rise in
the student population of the Uni-
versityuhas been accompanied by a
continued decrease in rooming facili-
ties, Dean Bursley described the pres-
ent condition as a "very serious sit-
uation." As a solution to the prob-
lem he reiterated his suggestion in
last year's report: "The University
will have to adopt some definite pro-
gram for the solution of the housing
Householder Reacts
Citing the housing analysis of Dean
F. B. Wahr, Dean Bursley pointed out
that the diminuition of rooming fa-
cilities has been effected by a trans-
feral of former rooming houses into
small apartment houses not available
to students. He also pictured the av-
erage householder reacting to ex-
cessively high costs of living by not
refurnishing many rooms.
A further indication that a critical
situation had become increasingly
crucial is shown by the report of
Dean Wahr. He writes: "the number
of rooms listed for our inspection and
which are really approvable are grow-
ing less. The prices have dropped
somewhat, due to economic condi-
tions and as a result many rooms are
not being refurnished and kept up
as they should be.
"There is also considerable crowd-
ing of both by the student and house-
holder alike.
'Outgrown Accommodations'
"A check upon the approved room-
ing houses during the course of the
semester revealed comparatively few
vacant rooms and if the University
is to expand and increase in enroll-
ment, some way must be found to
provide adequate and modern facili-
ties for the housing of the student
body. We have practically outgrown
the accomodations which the house-
holders of the city have been able to
offer," Dean Wahr writes.
During the year 69 fraternities
were inspected by Dean Wahr who
stated conditions in most instances
were suitable to the inspector.
The rooming deficiency was made
more acute by the removal from use
Continued on Page 2)
Campus Catalog
For '36 Summer
Term. Released
The campus edition of the Summer
Session catalog, containing tentative
announcements of courses in four

colleges, six schools, the division of
hygiene and public health, and ath-
letic coaching and administration,
,: ~d five department camps, were re-
leased yesterday by the Summer Ses-
sion office.
The literary college, the engineer-
it>g college, the Medical School, the
pharmacy college, the architecture
college, the education school, the
business administration school, the
forestry school, the music school, the
division of hygiene and public health,
and the Graduate School will begin
June 29, registration being June 26
and 27. Registration for the Law
School will be June 18, 19 and 20
with work beginning June 22.
The geology department, the bi-
ology department, the engineering
college, the geography department,
and the forestry school will sponsor
The geology camp will be in Colo-
rado; the biology camp in northern
Michigan; the engineering camp for
surveying in Wyoming; the geo-

platoon will go to Charles E. Nadeau,
'36, of the first platoon, Company I.
Duce High Commandl Cites The corporal of the best-drilled squad,
K. G. Emery, '36E, of Company F. will
Southern Front Battle As{receive a silver medal.
Taking 10,000,Lives Bronze medals will be awarded to
the members of the best-drilled squad,
ROME, Jan. 27.-.(I')-- Italy's high who are G. H. Carrothers, '38E; L. A.

fiction and $20 in poetry, entries in
the contest from more than 70 fresh-
men are expected by Professor Wells.
As an additional incentive to those
competing in the poetry contest, the
Hopwood Committee has decided toI
award annual memberships in the
College Poetry Society of America
and one year's subscription to the
magazine of that society, "College
Verse," to the six best entries in that
The judges in the contest include
Prof. R. W. Dowden, director of the
Hopwood Awards; Dr. Frank E. Rob-
bins, assistant to the President and
managing editor of the University of
Michigan Press; and Prof. C. E. Burk-I
lund of the engineering college Eng-
lish department.
The freshman contest is conducted
separately from the main Hopwood
Awards contest, and the twofold pur-
pose of the Hopwood Committee in
conducting this contest includes:
(1) Stimulation of writing talent
of students early in their college life.
(2) The opportunity given to fresh-
men to compete in a contest in which
their opportunities would not be dis-
counted by competition from upper-
classmen and seniors who have the
benefit of longer training and greater

In Michigan, at
directly attributa
occured over the
the total of su

least nine deaths,
able to the weather,
week-end, bringing
ch fatalities during

- -the present -d1elto 27 for this command in Africa boosted to 15,000 Hopkins, '39E; J. J. Clifford, '39E; E
pstate today its estimate of Ethiopian cas- L. Lopate, '39E; R. L. Garrison, '39;
The present abnormal weather, de- ualties in recent fighting on northern R. O. Janson, '39E; and J. A. Rinek,
'ahe preenteabnrmalnweaher,9de
scribed as the worst spell of its kind and southern fronts. '39E.
during the twentieth century, ex- A great battle north of Dolo and The best-drilled freshmen, one from
tends into Oklahoma, Texas and the ensuing drive by the southern each company, will be presented with
parts of Florida. armies through nearly 300 miles of bronze medals. They are, in order of
Ihostile territory claimed 10,000 Ethi- their company, R. A. Garling, J. R.
I opian lives, said a report from Mar- Ireland, H. H. Adams, A. J. Rhode-
Eu Pidro adiocman i hamel, Paul Zuris, R. S. Royce, W. A.
S n s chief of the colonial armies. Rashleigh, J. J. Bartlett, F. W. Lueb-
-oke W. E. Nash, J. A. Harper, W. B.
Two days ago Badoglio said 5,000 Rathbun, and D. G. Laing.
of the foe had been killed or wounded Likewise, the members of the best-
in major engagements in the north, drilled platoon will receive service rib-
o h Rites climaxed, reportedly, by a smashing bons.
Italian victory. High scoring freshman in rifle
General Rudolfo Graziani's "hell shooting will also be honored. Those
Dine Solemnly At Formal on wheels" column pushed on from will be J. E. Crawford, highest scorer.
Neghelli to Wadara, a distance of ap- and W. F. Sheldon, second highest.
Regal Meal Served On' proximately40 miles, while black shirt _
$10 000~,600IPlate lumberjacks in armored cars drove A FIRE, BUT ALAS
I (lealong the British Kenyo colony border ALVISO, Calif., Jan. 27.- (f')
after a battle in which, Italians said, For weeks Alviso's volunteer firemen
LONDON, Jan. 27. - (IA) -- The 1,467 Ethiopians were slain, have been dashing about in their
heads of seven European powers, The Ethiopian forces at Wadara of- new equipment, training for the fire
come to bury a king, sat in solemn fered "brief resistance," blew up their that must surely come. It came to-
state with King Edward VIII of Brit- munitions depot and fell back, Ba- day at the Gallagher Ranch. Not so
ab in Buckingham Palace tonight, doglio reported. He said numerous the firemen. Practice runs had used
about a table set with gold plateprsns
worth £2,000,000. were taken. up all the department's gasoline.
In the taper-lit gloom of West-T
miser Hall, the body o King ~ T l a n
GeorgeV a f e las night bK;or RosveLs Veterans' Bonus
Tuesday's state funeral while a griev-
ing, seemingly never-ending queue O g To Be Utihzed Sensiby
filed past his catafalque.1
The regal dinner, required by dip- ---- -
lomatic procedure, was followed by WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. - (/P)- of indebtedness wholly reasonable,
an equally formal palace reception I A statement exhorting veterans to be just as using the cash for something
at which the new forty-one-year-old careful and sensible in spending their of permanent value such as a new
King greeted the crown princes of bonus money was sponsored today by home or the definite improvement of
two more nations, the Vice chancellor President Roosevelt soon after the an existing home would be reason-
of a third and the ambassadors of Senate had voted to override his veto, able.
28 other states including Norman H. After conferring with officials of "What the President and the Com-
Davis, President Roosevelt's ambas- 1 he American Legion, Veterans of
sador at large. Foreign Wars and Disabled Veterans ancers both fully agreed on how-
of te WrldWar thePreidet hd ever, is that every effort should be
Kings At Gold-Laden Table of the Woild War, the President had made by the veterans, by their or-
Those who sat around the gold- Stephen Early, a White House secre- ganizations and by all who have their
laden table with Edward tonight were tary> release the following warning, welfare at heart, to prevent the frit-
President Albert Edward Lebrun of The National Commanders of the ring away of cash obtained from
France, King Taakon of Norway, three major ex-service organizations t eranhotaine f so
theonl moarc prsen, wo asocalled upon the President today to the bonds. Permanent advantage as
the only monarch present who also alduo h rsdn a o opposed to wholly temporary pleasure
attended the funeral of King Edward assure him that they would do every- spposd to hollyiterary p s
VII; King Christian of Denmark, thing within their power to persuade should be the criterion.
cousin of George V: King Boris of veterans to retain the bonds issued to "Those who keep the bonds or any

Husband Describes Features Of
Writing By Katherine Mansfield,



NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-- (A') - An
army of 200 policemen played a
strange game of hide and seek in the
winding corridors of the 60-story
Woolworth tower when their quarry
slipped through to freedom.
A man answering the description
of the office sneak thief who yesterday
wounded Tony Petroni, a watchman,
on the seventh floor popped up out{
nf the h sment of a store three build-

That the character of Katherine
Mansfield's writing and her inner self
were inseparable and that her life
and works were symbolized by a sur-
prising "wholeness" were the disting-
uishing features of the great woman
writer, in the opinion of J. Middleton
Murry, noted English critic, her hus-
"There was no distinction," he said,
"between her deliberate and casual
selves. Her stories and her letters all
have the same sponteneity. There is
no one in English literature who has
this sponteneity, unless it be John
Keats, who was, of course, a writer

her bitter, cynical stories that he
became acquainted with her. About
1909, travelling in Germany, where,
she was forced to live on a frugal
allowance, she wrote her first story,
and this reached the attention of
Mr. Murry, who was at this time
editor of an undergraduate magazine
at Oxford. He wrote her asking for
another story, and they began a
steady correspondance. -
When he did actually meet Kath-
erine Mansfield a short time later,
Mr. Murry fell in love with her, and
they were married. He pointed out
that since the writing of that first
story, Miss Mansfield had written a

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