IAGE TW Labor Leader Asks Roosevelt Aid In Lockout Seeks Check Of 'Struggle Which Will Inevitably Reach Civil War' SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 24. - (P) - President Roosevelt was called on today by Harry Bridges, militant labor leader, to intervene in what he termed a coastwide lockout and prevent "a struggle which will inevitably achieve the proportions of civil war." Bridges, president of the local coun- cil of the Maritime Federation of the Pacific, asserted shipping inter- ests would isspe a closing order "some- time today, tomorrow or Monday." "It is a nationwide conspiracy of waterfront employers, shippers and allied financial interests," he said, "to wipe out the maritime unions of the Pacific coast." Ask Investigation The Maritime Federation, through Bridges and Marvyn Rathbone, sec- retary of the San Francisco Bay Dis- trict, council, appealed to the Pres- ident, Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, and other officials for a con- gressional investigation. Thomas G. Plant, president of the San Francisco Waterfront Employ- ers Association, replied to Bridges' charges: "No lockout is contemplated, but employers must insist that all mari- time and longshoremen unions scrup- ulously observe their contracts with us if we are to continue relations with them. "The Maritime Federation and the west coast unions that have fallen under its domination openly advocate utter disregard for labor contracts and arbitration awards." Plant said employers would "wel- come a complete and thorough gov- ernment investigation of the Pacific Coast maritime labor situation. In fact, we have been earnestly endeav- oring for months to bring about just such an impartial inquiry." Bridges said the decision to call the lockout came after a long series of conferences of shipping interests. Sees 'Significance' He declared it was "significant" that the purported move coincides with what he called plans of "profes- sional union executives" in the east and gulf to form company-controlled federations. "They may get away with it in those places but they'll never break the Pacific federation," he asserted. Back of the reported tie-up are years of controversy between em- ployer and employe groups along coast waterfronts, chiefly in San Francisco. In 1934 a longshoreman's dispute re- suited in a general strike in the San Francisco Bay area. When the strike ended, with the loss of two lives and considerable property damage, Bridges brought to- gether maritime groups the length of the coast and formed what employers now call a "radical dominated" or- ganization - the Maritime Federation of the Pacific. At present, 62 steam schooners, op- erating in coastwise service, are tied up over demands of crews for higher wages and shorter work-weeks. Greyhound Won't Freeze Even If He Is A Radiator Cap Ear muffs are not the only means of combating the biting cold that has caused discomfort in the city of Ann Arbor. The laurels for the most original protection scheme must go to that individual who conceived the idea of knitting a brilliant red sweater for the greyhound perched on the radiator of her auto.a It is said that a brilliant thought is measured by the number of imitations it inspires. If so, then this idea is no exception, for since the red swea-1 ter appeared, there have been a mul- tiplicity of such garments. Blue and orange have entered the arena in thet fight against the bitter demon shiver- inspirer. By the way, have you noticed the specially designed earmuffs worn by the local minions of the law? They are black and have a uniquely de- signed neck protector. They can be obtained at the ten cent store, andr they're tops.- AMENDMENT SUGGESTED t -".TnI MICPTAN IDATEY -._SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1936 Dead King's Sons Follow Casket To London -Associated Press Photo. The four stalwart sons of England's dead monarch, George V, followed sorrowfully afoot as his body was taken from the little chapel at Sandringham to the £tatien for its 100-mile journey to London where it lay in state in ancient Westminster Hall. The picture, showing the procession, was sent by radio from London to New York. Left to right: Duke of Kent; Earl of Harewood; Duke of York; King Edward VIII; Duke of Gloucester. Many Clients U Sorting, To Applications Of Freshmen, Medical School Data Are Compiled By Dept. By PAUL D. JACOBS A veritable nerve center, store- house and filter for all the various compliations of statistics, reports and surveys which circulate through- out the University, is the Sorting and Tabulation Station located in an ex- treme corner of the basement floor in Angell Hall. Ever since "punched card tabulat- ing machines" were installed in the Station in 1920, there has been a steady increase in the number of de- partmentsrand clients making use o the facilities offered. The Office of Educational Inves- Judge Ponders Sterilization Case Charges 4 Considers Issuing Criminal Charges Against Girl's Mother And Doctor SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 24. -(I)- A judge, who complimented Ann Cooper Hewitt on her bearing as a witness, pondered today whether to issue criminal complaints against her mother and two doctors, accused by the 21-year-old heiress of duping her into a sterilization operation. She testified she thought it was an appendectomy. Asked if she would have consented to be sterilized had she been con- sulted, she retored: "Most certainly not!" The girl, rated at 11 years old men- tally by a psychiatrist, testified for almost an hour concerning the op- eration in 1934, the basis of her $500,- 000 damage suit against her mother, Mrs. Maryon Hewitt McCarter; the psychiatrist, Mrs. Mary Scally; the diagnostician, Dr. Tilton E. Tillman, and the surgeon, Dr. Samuel G. Boyd. At the close of the hearing, Syl- vian J. Lazarus, municipal judge, told Miss Hewitt: "You are a wonderful witness. It isn't often we have people here who testify as clearly and intelligently as you have."~ He said he would announce his de- cision next Tuesday. Miss Hewitt, a tiny figure in the witness chair ,told of suffering severe abdominal pains and of being ex- amined by Dr. Tillman, "who looked at me and said he guessed I should have my appendix removed," and by Mrs .Sally, who asked "asinine ques- tions." She said Mrs. Scully represented herself as a nurse and did not tell her she was given a mental test. Miss Hewitt, who speaks French fluently, told of correcting Mrs. Scul- ly's pronunciation of a French word. se University Liberty League tbulating Station Scored On Eve °_ Of Smth Tale Ligation supplies the complete testing program and certain administrative reports to the President's office each Schwellenbach Says Smith semester, tabulating cards being punched for all the reports. Student Surrounded by 'Leeches, data includes a study of items ap- Racl Crooks' pearing on the freshman application ascais, blank, a study of freshmen test data in relation to high school and college WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. - (P) - records of students, a study of meth- Hostilities between the New Deal and ods of selection for use with appli- the American Liberty League inten- cants to the Medical School, involv-sA ing the construction and giving of sified today on the eve of Alfred E. tests, and a study of the applicant's Smith's speech, which is expected to previous college record as compared give at least a broad hint as to Smith's with later medical school records. role in the presidential campaign. Test findings obtained in this con- Awaiting the Liberty League din- nection also formed the basis for an ner Saturday night, New Dealers investigation of higher thought pro- began to hammer at its leading back- scesses. bgnt amra t edn ak The Sociology department has ers. Using words seldom invoked in made extensive use of the advan- the Senate, Senator Lewis D. Schwel- tages offered, doing much of their lenbach (Dem., Wash.), declared routine work with the punched cards Thursday that Smith, as a charter of the Station. Prof. A. E. Wood of member of the league, was surrounded this department a few years ago com- by "rascals, crooks, leeches and blood- pleted a study of the school children suckers." of Hamtramck, entailing the hand- ling of 8,000 questionnaires. Had John J. Raskob, Democratic chair- this been attempted by hand, it was man for Smith's 1928 campaign for estimated that the work would have the Presidency, and Pierre du Pont, taken at least eight to ten times as of Delaware, were singled out by long to complete. Schwellenbach for denunciation. Professor Sunderland of the Legal vsetweng themead t o- Research Institute recently, through versyet e ther d the gov- the assistance of the Tabulating Sta- defr ,gd." tion, drew up a report to the Wayne County Circuit Court on the amount Recalling the years in which Mr. of money involved in 4,000 cases tried Roosevelt supported Smith for the in the courts. presidency, Schwellenbach cautioned: The cards were punched directly "No man can successfully turn his from a copy of the court cases, and back on a friend." a series of 30 to 50 reports were run Anti-New Dealers looked to a off to obtain the final results. The speech by John W. Davis in New York object was to determine a standard tonight for elaboration on their from which to decide which court charges against the Administration. cases should be tried in. This study Conjecture about Smith's inten- took approximately 180 machine 'ions revolved today around four prin- hours. cipal questions: The Intramural Sports Depart- Will he undertake to capture the ment has prepared 1200 freshman ap- Philadelphia convention? plication forms for transcription to Will he co-operate with a third punched cards. These cards con- Wart m enor ie dn tik- tain all of the information neces- party movement or independent tick- sary for a complete study of the var-ts in key states? ious likes and dislikes of entering Will he support the Republican freshmen, together with the prefer- nominee on grounds of principle? ence shown for any one line of sport. Or will he refrain from active par- The Tabulation Station and its fa- ticipation in the campaign? cilities are also at the disposal of Concerning the first, practical dif- graduate students who feel that the ficulties arising from the advantage use of the machine effects simplifica- inherent in administration control tion of their work and gives them of the organization are obvious. more time to devote to their studies Classes in the operation and use of HELD IN DISAPPEARANCE Tabulating Machines and the HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 24. -(IP) punched card method are held at - State police and Federal agents frequent intervals throughout the sought today a man they described school year, and students from the as a degenerate for questioning in various departments of the Universi- connection with the disappearance ty are given an opportunity to ac- of 13-year-old Marjorie Richards, tually do practical work themselves. missing since Tuesday night. Kelgio.LAct 111., Dreyfus Trial Discussed In Radio Lecture Prof. Winnacker Declares Case Was Political One, Splitting Two Parties "The Drefus Affair as a Critical Moment in the Hiswory of France" was the title of a lecture delivered yesterday by Dr. Rudolph Winnak- er of the history department over the University Broadcasting Service. Emphasis upon the fact that the Drefus affair was a political one, one in which the conservatives and the liberals took sides, was the key point in Mr. Winnacker's speech. Describing first the history of the affair, Dr. Winnacker told how Drey- fus, a Jewish French officer, was convicted of treason upon scanty proof, depending mainly upon "the superficial similarity of the handwrit- ing" on various treasonable letters in- tercepted by the French Intelligence Service to him. Precipitates Crisis Efforts to bring about a revision of his trial precipitated a political crisis, Dr. Winnacker explained, especially when another French officer, with serious evidence against him as to his guilt of treason shown in incriminat- ing letters which had a handwriting similar to Drefus, was freed. More- over, witnesses for Drefuss including a former chief of the Intelligence Service who was dismissed because of his efforts for a new trial for Drey- fuss, and a famous novelist were im- prisoned. When some of the evidence against Dreyfuss was found to be forged, Dr. Winnacker pointed out, the small group of Dreyfusards enlarged, "growing from an insignificant group of idealists into a great party, rival- ing their opponents for the first time in numbers as well as resources." The political elements of France used the affair, Dr. Winnacker de- clared, as a battleground. The army officers, the Catholic clergy and its devoted flocks, the monarchists, the anti-Semites, some of the middle- class, and others joined into a for- midable party of anti-Dreyfusards, Dr. Winnacker added. These forces, he said, "were held together by con- servatism and patriotism," and unit- ed by the Catholic church. Liberals, radicals, anticlericals, intellectuals, and sincere republicans were their op- ponents. Stress Follows A period of stress followed, the speaker declared, with the Dreyfus affair "crystallizing once more a so- cial division in France which had been in existence for over a century." When the republicans won out, due to a split among the conservatives, the Catholic church, which formed a main part of the latter party, lost its power, Dr. Winnacker continued. Although Drefus was finally ac- quitted and his name cleared, Dr. Winnacker emphasized that this af- fair was not a fight between truth and falsehood, but a party struggle between conservatives and radicals, between the champions of the tra- ditional France and those of the new France. When the republicans took over the ministry, and after they had rehab- ilitated Dreyfus, they began their fight against the Catholic church, Dr. Winnacker pointed out. Thousands of monastaries and religious schools were dissolved. Swimmers Swamp Stage's 'ank Squad Classified Dreetory CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING P1 ace a rd l ri