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January 23, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-23

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... .HE...C.I..AN.......

Plan Replaces
Defunct AAA
New Half -Billion Dollar
Stop - Gap Measure Put
Before Congress

Find Anachronisms In 'Tale Of Two Cities'

Make Plans For IBraves ColdIn Dash

Birthday Ball
Steinle, Cowan To Play
For Annual Dance In
Intramural Building
Plans for the third annual Presi-
dent's Birthday Ball, to be held Jan.
30 at the Intramural Buildin-a were

To Keep Date With



Strains of the "Yellow and the
Blue" were floating through the crisp,
cold air yesterday morning announc-
ing another Michigan radio program
broadcasting from the campus sta-
tion. The control men were at their
posts awaiting the little white light
to tell them all was ready, and the

WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. - (/) -
The New Deal's substitute for AAA-
a two-year, half-billion dollar stop-
gap plan built on soil conservation-
was started today on its congressional
The measure was made public
simultaneously by Chairman Jones
(Dem. Tex.) of the house agriculture
committee and Senator Bankhead
(Dem.-Ala). Shortly afterward it
was dropped in the bill hopper.
The projected $500,000,000 appro-
priation was not included. It will be
offered as a separate bill and an ef-
fort made in the senate to tack it on
to the independent offices supply bill.
Amends 1935 Act
The new farm bill amends the Soil
Conservation act of April 27, 1935 and
adds to its anti-erosion policies:
Preservation and improvement of
soil fertility.
Promotion of the economic use of
Diminution of exploitation and un-
profitable use of national soil re-
Provision for andsmaintanance of
a continuous and stable supply of
agricultural commodities adequate to
meet domestic and foreign consumer
requirements at prices fair to both
producers and consumers.
Reestablishment and maintenance
of farm purchasing power.
Payments Authorized
The secretary of agriculture is
authorized to "make payments or
grant other aid" to agricultural pro-
ducers based upon:
"1-Their acreage of soil-improv-
ing or, erosion-preventing crops.
"2-Their acreage of crop land.
"3-Changes in the use of their
"4-A percentage of their normal
production of any one or more agri-
cultural commodities designated by
the secretary which equals that per-
centage of the normal national pro-
duction of such commodities required
for domestic consumption."
This section resembled the so called
domestic allotment plan.
A definite bar was inserted in the
bill against contracts "binding upon
producers to acquire land or rights or
interests therein.
No Danger Of
Conflict Seen By
Miss Thompson
(Continued from Page 1)
was 83 pfennigs per hour in 1933, in
1935 had dropped to 78.4 pfennigs,
while taxes had risen from 15 or 16
per cent to 25 or 26 per cent of the
Where the Nazi government claims
that three million have been reem-
ployed since its accession to power,
Miss Thompson pointed out that this
had been achieved by the following
methods: 500,000 added to the army;
300,000 women returned to their
homes without increase in the earn-
ing'power of male relatives; 150,000
political prisoners placed in concen-
tration camps; 70,000 forced out of
the country; and unknown thousands
now in work camps and on road gangs,
Thus, well over 1,000,000 of the re-
employed are accounted for, with cor-
responding decrease in hourly wages,c
and in average hours per day from
eight to six and a half. Most of the
remainder, Miss Thompson main-
tained, have been absorbed by the
heavy rearmament industry.r
The monarchial restoration of thet
Hapsburgs in Austria, she said, is con-
trolled by three influences, Germany,
Italy, and the Little Entente. Of1
these, only Italy favors the restora-
tion, and Germany, she holds, would

oppose it almost to the point of war.z
In the English situation, Miss
Thompson saw Great Britain once
more clinging to the League and its
system of the collective security ast
the only hope for the empire's life.t
Great Britain has brought about a
change in the guiding League policy
from status quo to the Kellogg-BriandI
pact, and will attempt to bring Ger-
many back into the League withoutf
mentioning rearmament, she said. t
"There is a strong probability that
the League may restore Memel to Ger-c
many in the next ten months," shec

The newspaper item reproduced above is a sequence in the film,
"A Tale of Two Cities," rephotographed for The Daily by Robert Gach,
Arcade photographer. Permission to rephotegraph the film was obtained
from Howard Dietz, New York M-G-M official.. The sound track may be
seen at the left.
First Error In Dickens Movie
Discovered At Showing Here

Reuter's News Agency Not
Founded Until 65 Years
After Scene In Picture
Eighteen months of preparation,
eight months of research on tech-
nical detail, and the labor of 5,000
employes in three nations went into
the production of "A Tale of Two
Cities," Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's fea-
ture picture now showing at the Ma-
jestic Theatre in Ann Arbor, but not
until the picture came to Ann Arbor,
according to previous releases of the
publicity department, were any tech-
nical discrepancies discovered in the
Upon showing of the film here,
however, two anachronisms were not-
ed in the reproduction of a newspaper
purporting to be an issue of a Lon-
don publication of about 1785, which
is shown in the picture above, to date
the only technical errors observed.
M-G-M officials expect more com-
ment when the picture reaches Eur-
Reuters' Not FoundedI
The most noticeable of the two
anachronisms is the partial dispatch
at the bottom beginning "Advices by
Reuters." What follows is evidently
supposed to be a story from Reuter's
News Agency, which was founded by
Paul Julius, later Baron de Reuter,
born in 1821, nearly 40 years after
the supposed date of the article.
Information on the establishment
of the News Agency is given by the
Encyclopedia Britannica, which
traces it to 1851, just after the Dover-
Calais submarine cable had been
laid, when Reuter opened a bureau
for the transmission of information
between England and the continent.
Not until 1858, however, did his ef-
forts to get his cable dispatches into
print have success, when The Times;
published the report of an important
New Council
Announced BY
Announcement of the organization
of a student council in the -dental
school was made yesterday by Prof.
Russell W. Bunting of the School of
The council is composed of two
representatives from each of the four
dental fraternities, two independent
members from each of the four
classes, and the chairman and sec-
retary of the Executive Committee
of the Faculty.
This organization is to function
as a student council to help in the
formation of student activities. In
addition, Professor Bunting stated,
it affords a direct relationship with
the faculty through the representa-
tive members who will sit in the
It is planned, according to Professor
Bunting, that in this manner expres-
sions of student opinion may be
freely and readily communicated to
the faculty, and conversely, faculty
plans for student welfare may be more
clearly represented to the various
classes through their representatives
on the council.

speech by Napoleon III which had
been forwarded by Reuter's Paris
The agency flourished from that
time until the death of Baron Reuter
in 1$99, and since then has grown to
be one of the greatest news syndi-
cates of the world.
Letter "S" Incorrect
The second and more disputable
point is the printed lower case "s,"
which up to the time of the revolu-
tion at least was found as long "s,"
resembling an "f" without the cross-
bar, wherever the letter is doubled,
and usually whenever the single "s"
does not end a word. Witness the
familiar "in Congreff affembled" of
contemporary American documents.
Of six contemporary documents ex-
amined in the William Clements Li-
brary here, five of them used the
long "s," only one omitting it entirely
from the body type. Included in this
list of six were three English per-
iodical publications of 1789, the "Lon-
don Gazette," "Gentleman's Maga-
zine," and "Publick Acts," and all
three showed the older character.
Yet against this the opposition can
offer considerable evidence: authori-
ties in the office of the Early Modern
English Dictionary here maintain
that the long "s" had almost disap-
peared from printing at the close of
the 18th century.
Long "S" Disappeared
Furthermore "Printing Types," by
Daniel B. Updike, generally accepted
authority on the history, forms, and
use of type, has this to say: "The
aboltion of the long 's,' it is popularly
thought, we owe to the London pub-
lisher John Bell, who in his British
Theatre, issued about 1775, discarded
To this argument, however, the4
answer can be made that a sample
type of book for 1763 of William Cas-
Ion, font-designer who originated the
Caslon Oldstyle in which the item
is printed, printed the long "s" where-
ever old usage required it.
A final comment, open to still fur-
ther argument, concerns the time re-
lation of the news items. According
to the story, Darnay's trial did not
occur until at least 1785, yet the
three lines of the preceding item
would seem to indicate by "remain"
that the American Revolution was
still in progress, consequently placing
the news before 1783.
The February issue of the Gargoyle
is on sale today and can be bought
for the usual price of ten cents from
campus salesmen or in Angell Hall
or University Hall, Norman William-
son, '36, business manager said yes-
terday. This Gargoyle will give par-
ticular attention to the J-Hop, ac-
cording to Williamson, and several of
its features will be pertinent to this

completed Tuesday night at a meeting participants in the broadcast scanned
of the President's Ball Committee. their scrips for the last time. Sud-
The music for the dance, it was de- denly one of them realized all was not
cided, will be furnished by Bob Stein- right.
le's Michigan Union Orchestra and At the same moment, Sidney
Al Cowan's Orchestra from the Silver Tremble, '36, scanned his watch as
Grill of the Women's League.
President Roosevelt's speech, which he sat before the fire place in the
will be broadcast over a nation-wide Zete house, and observing it was the
hook-up, will be brought to those at- untimely hour of only 9:15 a.m.
tending the dance by means of a spe- closed his eyes again in anticipa-
cially constructed amplifying sys- dn
tem, installed for the evening in the tion of a long winter's nap. But not
Intramural Building. This amplifier for long!
will have a double connection, accord- The front door flew open, and in
ing to Walter B. Rea, assistant to with the gale rushed a fellow-broad-
the dean of students, who is in caster seeking the individual whose
charge of the music, and will also be thoughts at that point were far, away
used throughout the evening by both from Ann Arbor.
of the orchestras. "Tremble, hey, Tremble," boomed
Frank Devine, local attorney in the seeker in a voice heard through-
charge of the ticket sale, announced out the house, "Grab a coat! We're
that 1,200 tickets have been distrib- on in 30 seconds!" Then the sleeper
uted among various merchants in- came to life.
cluding the College, Wahr's and Sla- At a pace rivalling Eddie Tolan's
ter's bookstores; Wikel's, Miller's and best record, Tremble flew down the
Calkins-Fletcher drugstores; the Ann front steps, across the lawn, through
Arbor Savings and the Farmers and snow and bushes, his bathrobe and
Mechanics Banks and the Collins pajama trousers flapping in the wind,
Shop. and stood before the microphone as
They may also be purchased at the the white light flashed.
League, the Union, the University Realizing the show must go on, be
Hospital and the secretary's office in it from the stage or over the air, he
University Hall. The tickets are stifled a sneeze, readjusted his bath-
priced at $1.00. robe and the skit went on. When it
The committee in charge of the was over, Tremble nonchalantly re-
President's Birthday Ball in Ann Ar- turned to his fraternity house, pick-
bor is as follows: Herbert G. Watkins, ing up one bedroom slipper which had
general chairman; Mrs. Earl Cress, landed in front of Prof. Waldo Ab-
patrons and patronesses; Mr. Herman bot's office and the other from out
Gross, finances; Mr. Arthur Stace, of the snowy bushes.
publicity; Mr. DeVine, tickets; Mr.
Rea muicandMr.EdardC.Par- Sitting once again before the warm
Rea, music and Mr. Edward C. Pr fire, he explained: "I must have for-
don, arrangements. Dr. Harleygotn odywsW neabu
Haynes, Hon. Rbert A. Campbel Dr ge txodanwas Wednesday, fbut
Max Peet and Dr. Hugh M. Beebe that's what I like about this broad-
fMxPetandisrcomMee bcasting course, it keeps you right up
frm an advisory committee. on your toes every minute."
Then Tremble went to work thaw-
End Quest For inghout ten half-frozen toes dripping
with melting snow.
1 Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of
WorKS Monday the English department will leave for
Bermuda at the end of February. to

Blakeman To Speak Tapping To Attend
Before Hillel Group Alumni Conference
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Counsel- T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
for of Religious Education will speak tary of the Alumni Association will
at 8 p.m. today, at the Hillel Foun- leave tonight for Cambridge, MaS.,
dation on the subject of the "Re- to attend a regional conference of
ligious Man in His Church and at the first district of the American
the Polls." Alumni Council to be held Jan. 24
This lecture will be one of the and 25 in Cambridge.
series of weekly class discussions con- As the director of regional con-
ducted by Dr. Blakeman on "Relig- ferences of the American Alumni
ion and Social Change" at the Hillel
Foundation. The public is invited to Council, a position to which he v-as
attend today's discussion in addition recently reelected, Mr. Tapping has
to the regular class. attended five regional conferences
At the weekly Friday evening ser- this year. These were held in Den-
vices conducted at the Foundation ver, Colo.; Palo Alto, Calif.; Seattle,
there will be no sermon following the Wash.; and Chicago.
services in order to allow those that ~
desire to attend the concert, it was
announced yesterday.
Because of examinations the Hillel
Foundation will discontinue the Sun- --AT E JTPEET
day night forum services, but which
will be regularly resumed followingJE W E L ER
the examination period, it was stated. WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRING
Schaebrle Music House
203 East Liberty Dial 6011
Ready to supply you with all your Musical Wants: Instruments
for Band, Orchestra, and Home. First Class Instrument Repair
Department. We would like to count you among our many
satisfied customers.
I Come In and See Our SCHILLER Inverted PIANOS
Wvhat is Hi1s
iFavoriteSP o r ty


N O MATTER what his favorite sport,
you'll find his favorite beverage is Ann
Arbor Beer. A perfect stimulant to restore
his pep after a brisk hour's exercise.

,. ~

When you plan your
next winter sport par-
ty, make it complete
by having beer, either
in the bottle or keg.


continue his work on the life of
O'Hara, Fry Return After Thomas Moore, English poet of the
19th century, the author of "Irish
Failing To Get Funds Melodies." His trip, Professor Jones
For Projects said, is being financed by funds of a
Guggenheim fellowship he received
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. - f) - in 1933. He will return to Ann Arbor
Four members of Gov. Fitzgerald's in about three weeks.
Michigan official family, including
Auditor-General John J. O'Hara and
State Treasurer Theodore I. Fry.
planned to return to Lansing today,
their search for public works finances
"It doesn't seem likely that Mich-
igan will obtain any more money for
public works projects," said O'Hara,
"unless Congress makes additional
appropriations for PWA at this ses-
sion, or initiates a permanent public
works program."
Over a period of two years Mich-
igan piled up $33,000,000 worth of H s
public works projects in the PWA of-
fice, but Assistant PWA Administra-
tor Col. Horatio B. Hackett informed
the Michigan representatives yester-
day that no more funds were avail-Can
able for the state.
O'Hara said Michigan was partic-
ularly interested in getting PWA
grants for a tuberculosis hospital at
Gaylord and an addition to the Ypsi-
lanti State hospital. Favorable con-
sideration for these projects was the
only consolation the state obtained
from Col. Hackett.
Meanwhile, George A. Schroeder of
Detroit, Democratic speaker of the
Michigan house, was back in Wash-
ington to obtain a draft of model
state social security legislation from
Thomas Eliot, general counsel of the
National social security board. Schro-
eder said he hoped to get the draft


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