T THE Ml-CHIGAN., DAILY iilui r ri . .M hua. t" 3, I 3S THE MIAII~AN iiAluv T11LJRS~AY, JANtTAR'V 23, 193G THE MICHIGAN DAILY = : r sir ac - .+ orstv iwn A~wimen . Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.' Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. farm, drove to the neighboring town to buy an automobile. He spent the day loking over all th makes and types of cars, and finally drove off proudly in a black, shiny hearse. He had selected the car that seemed to him the best buy on th market: the most car for the money, the showiest the most substantial, and certainly the most indi- vidual. This ignorant Indian lacked a sense of values as we see it; he was not sufficiently in- formed to make a wise choice. We smile at his folly, but before we smile too much let us ask ourselves a question or two: Wha of our own choices on -the fundamentals of life? What wisdom have we shown in matters similar to this in the past and what of the future? Are we, through the help of an educated mind, going to make the right choices at critical times, or are we, too, going to choose a shiny black hearse? j THF FRU Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. 'Court Or Congress' To the Editor:' 1 e . r t 2' EDITORTAL DEPARTMENT The Conning Towe Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR.............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ................JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Keene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Rep6rtorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A.. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Faherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Departmexru: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence Hf. Davies, Marla- T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. ; r BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER .........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER.............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .... MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER .. .ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tom linson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-' tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ELSIE A. PIERCE Circle . . A VICIOUS CIRCLE is now in prog- ress on this campus. Many students are arriving to classes late be- cause their instructor in the previous class dis- missed them after the hour so the instructor in the class to which they arrive tardily gets peeved and dismisses them after the hour in that class also. Because the instructor dismisses them after the hour, the students are irked and decide to come to classes as late as possible. The first action to break this circle was taken some weeks ago in a faculty meeting, when all instructors were asked to dismiss their classes on the hour. Students, therefore, may rest assured that they won't have to sit in a class more than the required time after this, so they can forget their grievances and come to classes on time and everybody will be happy. The problem remaining, is, however, what are you going to do with the long-winded instructor that has one more "pearl" to voice and the stu- dent, who sleeps through most of the class period and then with one minute of the class remaining asks a stupid question of the instructor to prove that he is present and in so doing keeps the whole class after the hour? One might try dropping notebooks on the floor, of course, if it weren't so impolite. Perhaps a brick would be more effective. Hands On The Stars .. A S CIVILIZATION becomes more complex the problems of education become increasingly serious and complicated. The word education, in the best sense of the term, im- plies something much beyond its usual application to mere book-learning and social and professional training. In a college, it is true, it is part of a professor's work to prepare students for some vocation, for business, or for one of the practical or learned pro- fessions; but valuable as such preparation is, it is not, and should not be, the main end of educa- tion. The highest aim of education is a sensitive, wise, understanding mind. "The motive of science," Emerson once said, "was the extension of man, on all sides, into Nature, till his hands should touch the stars, his ears understand the language of beast and bird and the sense of the wind; and through his sympathy Heaven and earth should talk with him." Let "science" here equal "education" and let us add as a motive an enlarged understanding of oneself and of one's fellow men, with the power to see into problems and to solve them with wis- dom and to make wise choices and courage to live, by them, and we have a fair definition of educa- tion in its truest form. All effort in education is in essence an expres- sion of man's eternal faith in the possibility of a better order of existence, one professor on the campus explains, and in the power of the edu- cated mind to find its way to the secret of hap- piness and success. "The test of an educated mind is not the ability to make money, to build bridges, nor to teach French verbs and English composition, but rathery a capacity to live a full, enriched life,,and to do1 one's part in making the world a better place to, live in. The educated mind knows that truth, and; pnnAflnt np A n . tvr. 4-.. is41-h ... 4-1i- ,a~ +.. . . . Apropos Prof. McBain's informative and very stimulating (at least so I thought) article leading this last Sunday's New York Times Magazine Section on "The Issue: Court of Congress," is this quotation from Bagehot in his "English Constitu- tion:" "Free government is self-government - a government of the people, by the people. The best government of this sort is that which the people think best. An imposed government, a government like that of the English in India, may very possibly be better; it may represent the views of a higher race than the governed race; but it is not therefore a free government. A free government is that which the people subject to it voluntarily choose. In a casual collection of loose people the only possible free government is a democratic government . . . Certain persons are by common consent agreed to be wiser than others, and their opinion is, by consent, to rank for much more than its numerical value . . . But in free nations, the votes so weighed or so counted must decide. A perfect free government is one which decides perfectly according to those votes; an im- perfect, one which does not so decide at all. Public opinion is the test of this policy; the best opinion which, with its existing habits of deference, the nation will accept: if the free government goes by thatopinion, it is a good government of its species; if it contravenes that opinion, it is a bad one.' (pp. 227-8, 1920 Ed.) Must we continue to define our "liberty" and "democratic government by and of the people" as within limits imposed, inter alia, by what a group of nine eminent statesmen find a Consti- tutional Convention of 1787 conceived to be the necessary functions of government? Is it a neces- sary safeguard, when an electoral mandate is given every two years and can check any undesired trend sooner and as effectively as the Court? The Court has "had to" effectively scotch a pol- icy which the country itself demanded by these decisions, irrespective of whether it was "right" or "wrong" because an undesired and unpopular duty, one of their many; that was read into the' Constitution, forces them to review Congressional; acts from that 150-year-old criterion. Does one abolish or reform by erasing an an-1 achronism? We may soon have to decide. -J.S.M. Contemporary To the Editor: I should like to enter the arena in defense of the editorial policy of "Contemporary." I would not1 venture to disagree with the critical opinions voiced in Wednesday's review of the Winter Issue.- However, I can see no reason why reviews of such men as Samuel Clemens and T. S. Eliot should not be of interest to University men and women. The1 fact that they are written by graduate students or faculty members should in no way detract from their interest. On the contrary, I should think1 that undergraduates would be gratified to discover that their university has produced men of the critical acumen displayed by Mr. Kirschbaum and Mr. Greenhut. I would like to point out further that the editors have made frequent gestures of welcome toward undergraduate contributors through The Daily, columns. Might it not be that the fault lies with the students rather than with the editors of "Con-1 temporary"? Is it possible that the undergrad- uates have nothing to say? -William Applegate. Carillons And Hospitals To the Editor: THE DIARY OF OUR OWN SAMUEL PEPYS Saturday, January 11 j 1P EARLY, and to read the newspaper, and found that I had spelled Mr. Cozzens's name Couzzens, and it was ignorance and not care- lessness that made me do so. So to the office, to muse upon the Bonus Bill, and tried to write a piece to be sung to an old and ribald song, to make it Bonus Bill, the Sailor. But it would not dovetail. So to Carl Dreyfus's, where was a great party of Mr. Koussevitzky the conductor of musique, but one or both of us so busy conversing that I did never meet him at all. Thence to Amanda Seldes's, to bid farewell to Dot Parker, which I did, and fell to drinking good-bye toasts, with J. Thurber and Jas. Whit- all and others, and thence to Madison Square Garden, which I learned was no longer in Mad- ison Square at all, and saw Will Tildon trounce B. Bell, and Mr. Vines beat Mr. Stoefen so scan- dalously bad that I could not regret my losing $2.50 on the match. Sunday, January 12 AY till later than noon, and so up; and in the afternoon to Lillian Helman's, to a farewell party for Dot Parker, and had a mighty good time, toasting her in favorite tipple, water. And had a long talk with Ann Andrews the play actress, about the stage, and she tells me that she will send me an excerpt from "Martin Chuzzlewit"; but I have learned to take such promises with the Great Salt Lake. So talked with W. Gibbs of many things; and so home where Gladys Brown come for supper, and then- after I to the office, and learned there that Ted Metz the composer of "There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight" had died; and begged the pressmen to get an interview with T. Dreiser, whose brother Paul had wrote so many songs current at the time when "A Hot Time" was popular; and with Josephine Sabel, who sang that song so many times on the stage. But they did not get the interviews. So home and took Gladys home, and home again, and read Mr., Tarkington's "The Lorenzo Bunch," and I was amused by it, especially by his drawing of thei dull commonplace folk, and the post-party talks between husbands and wives who had attended= the party. Monday, January 13 U P AND to the office to even my Journal; and read a lot of balderdash about the freedom of the air, meaning the liberty given to the Democratic and the Republican party to haveI their propagandists say what they like confut- ing the other party. Lord! I could write what1 they call a skit for the Republicans, and it would be like this, a questionnaire poem: What is our platform for '36?t Beat Roosevelt.1 What is our total bag of tricks? Beat Roosevelt. How can be win a sure-thing bet? How keep the country unSoviet? How shall we all get out of debt? l Beat Roosevelt!f So to the City Hall, and talked again with Jimc Wallace and others about the City Anthem, fort a long time, and so home; and Katherine andl John Dos Passos come for supper, of cold roast beef, and so all evening talked of letters andr the stage, and Dos tells me that Jack Lawson still is in the cinema profession in Hollywood, which seems to me the Oubliette of talent, albeit I do not blame anybody for trying to earn manyr sure thousands of dollars a year instead of earn-t ing a few precarious hundreds. So read the1 testimony given by Mr. J. P. Morgan before the o Munitions Committee, mighty interesting, and a codicil, it seemed to me to Mr. W. Millis's 'Road to War." Tuesday, January 14 THE 'SCREFN "Der Hauptmann Von Koepenick, presented last night by the Art Cin- ema League, is a sprightly satire on pre-war German militarism that maintains the high entertainment standards of the year's offerings on the Lydia Mendelssohn screen. Al- though the picture does not take it- self too seriously, its humor and light- ness do not detract from the strength of the sarcasm directed at the psy- chology of discipline-fetishism that prevailed during the years that Kaiser Wilhelm was laying the foundations of his amazingly precise war-machine. The story tells of a hilarious esca- pade in which a bedraggled, buffeted ex-convict renovates his dignity and rejuvenates his personality by pur- chasing a discarded captain's uniform at a pawnshop. Having been shunted about from bureau to bureau and office to office in a vain quest for either a passport to enable him to leave the country or a job to enable to remain, he adopts this ruse in a desperate resolve born of the unhes- itating respect he everywhere sees accorded to army officials. Although the change of costume does not en- tirely invest him with the stiff hau- teur of a German officer, he succeeds merely by the authority of his military cloak, in commandeering two squads of soldiers and entraining with them for his native town of Koepenick, where his entreaties as' a ragged former criminal had fallen on deaf ears. With a grand display of au- thority the synthetic captain assumes martial authority over the town, ar- rests the mayor, appropriates the mu- nicipal cash, and keeps the corpulent councilmen from their dinner. Then to his chagrin he finds that his chief objective-a legitimate pass- port - cannot be attained for the simple reason that Koepenick has no passport office. He bundles off his troops, with the cowed mayor as their captive, to the capital, doffs his dis- guise, and ventures forth again as the timid, shuffling vagrant. Of course his hoax is soon discovered, and the story of his startling exploit is told to a chuckling world. After revealing his identity to the police in exchange for a promise of a passport, he wins a pardon and is seen prancing triumph, antly down the street ahead of a blaring brass band as the picture closes. Like most foreign pictures that find their way to American audiences, "Der Hauptmann von Koepenick" is con- structed with a crude technical crafts- manship that is rarely found in a Hollywood production. But it also carries ani exotic tang of disarming ingeniousness thattmore than cor- pensates for the lack of polish. How- ever, the rarely-offensive and fre- quently-engaging air of carelessness that so commonly pervades the Euro- pean cinema assumes the proportions of a scent in the case of the hero's role. Minus his military cloak he re- sembles nothing so much as an extra in an early Charlie Chaplin comedy, and plus it he cuts such an uncon- vincing figure as an imperious Ger- man officer, except for a sharp tongue, that I frankly don't think he would have fooled me if I had been a sol- dier. -B.W. Te ,,n Years icA cn I THURSDAY, JAN. 23, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 83 Notices Sophomores, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Elections must be approved in Room 103 Romance Language Building in accordance with alphabetical divisions listed be- low. Failure to meet these appoint- ments will result in serious conges- tion during the registration period. Please bring with you the print of your record which you received last summer. Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily. TUV, Thursday, Jan. 23. WXYZ, Friday, Jan. 24. AB, Monday, Jan. 27. C, Tuesday, Jan. 28. DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29, FG. Thursday, Jan. 30. R. C. Hussey, J. H. Hodges, Sophomore Academic Counselors. Student Loans: There will be a meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 1:30 in Room 2, University Hall. Students who have already filed applications with the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents should call there at once to make an appointment to meet the Committee. All Men Students: Students intend- ing to change their rooms at the end of the present semester are hereby reminded that according to the Uni- versity agreements they are to inform their landladies of such intention at least two weeks prior to the close of the semester, Friday, Feb. 14. It is advised that notice of such intention to move be made at once. J. A. BURSLEY, Dean The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcement of United States Civil Service Examinations for Assistant Animal Fiber Technologist and Assistant Animal Husbandman (sheep breeding), Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, salary $2,600; also for Chief Indus- trial Economist, National Labor Rela- tions Board, salary $6,500. For further information concern- ing these examinations call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00. Pharmacy Students: Students of the College of Pharmacy should file their tentative elections for the sec- o-nd semester with the Secretary of the College, Room 250, Chemistry Building, before Saturday, Feb. 1. Senior Society Scholarship for Sophonore Women: The final date for application for the $50.00 Senior Society Scholarship for Sophomore women has been advanced to Thurs- day, Jan. 23. Application blanks may be obtained from Miss McCor- mick's ofice in the League, and must be returned there by five o'clock Thursday afternoon. Mechanical Engineering Seniors and Graduate Students: If you have not yet done so, will you kindly fill out a personnel record card in Pro- fessor Anderson's office at once. Also be sure to understand about the re- quired photograph. Faculty Women's Classes: The De- partment of Physical Education for Women invites the faculty, assistants and secretaries in the University to join a class in Body Mechanics which will start the second semester. Those interested are asked to leave their names in Room 15, Barbour Gymna- Si um. REGISTRATION A new system will be used at the Gymnasiums in February, which is intended to eliminate the necessity of students standing in line for long periods of time. The Student Body has been divided into groups (alpha- betically) and each group has been allotted a definite time when all stu- dents in that group will be admitted to the Gymnasiums. The schedule follows: Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1936 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pu lcation in ho al'tjIsiconstrurtwai"'y.:ot- tot;r1ay.ll ib f The University. Copy recetved t the 0office of thsi'stant t;o the Pre idenlt until 3:30; 11:00 am. Oil Satur4day. 8:45- 9:00 9:00- 9:15 9:15- 9:30 9:30- 9:45 9:45-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-11:30 Che to Col inclusive Coin to Cr inclusive Cu to Dem inclusive Den to Dr inclusive Du to Er inclusive Es to Fis inclusive Fit to Fr inclusive Fu to Gim inclusive Gin to Gra inclusive Gre to Hal inclusive Ham to Haz inclusive Any student may register from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936 Any student may register from 8:00 to 12:00 noon. Students who do not register by 12:00 noon, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936, will be assessed a late registration fee of 54c per day, maximum fee $3.00. The alphabetical feature of this schedule will be changed each semes- ter to give equal opportunity for early registration to each student during his course. Note: Law and Medical Students are not subject to the above regula- tion for the second semester, due to the fact that their registration periods are on other dates. S. W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary. Academic Notices Geology 11: A written quizz on the laboratory work will be given Friday at 9:00 in the Auditorium. It will cover all the material since the last quizz. Economics 51: Following are the rooms for the examination on Thurs- day, Jan. 23, at 2 o'clock. 205Mason Hall, Mr. Anderson's sections. 101 Economics Bldg., Mr. Church's sections. N.S. Aud., Mr. Danhof's and Mr. French sections. 25 Angell Hall, Mrs. Miller's and Mr. Hebbard's sections. 1035 Angell Hall, Mr. Wies's sec- tions. Latin 50, Second Semester (X): Latin Literature in English, will be given Monday and Friday at 2:00 p.m. in 2014 Angell Hall, instead of Wed- nesday and Friday as stated in the catalogue. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Bernardino Molinari, guest conductor with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, will give the following program in the seventh Choral Union Concert, Fri- day evening, Jan. 24, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. Overture, "The Roman Carnival" ................. . ......... B erloiz Symphony in G major (B & H No. 13) .......................Haydn Adagio; Allegro Largo Menuetto; Trio Finale; Allegro con spirito (a) Largo................Handel (Arranged by Bernardino Molinari) (b) Moto Perpetuo.......Paganini (Transcribed for Orchestra by Bernardino Molinari) Symphony of the Seasons .Malapiero Symphonic Poem, "The Pines of . Rome" .................. Respighi The Pines of the Villa Borghese The Pines near a Catacomb The Pines of the aniculum The Pines of the Appian Way. Events Of Today Psychology Journal Club meets at 7:30 p.m., Room 3126 N.S. Mrs. Croft and Miss Bonner will review recent articles on memory. Junior Mathematical Society: Prof. W. L. Ayres will speak on "The Color- ing of Maps" at a meeting of the Junior Mathematical Society at 7:30 p.m., Room 3201 A.H. The meeting is open to the public. A.I.E.E. and A.S.M.E. There will be a combined meeting tonight in Room 348 West English Bldg. Mr. M. J. Wohlgemuth of the Westinghouse Elect. and Mfg. Co. will speak on "Electrical Equipment in the New Ford Steel Mill." Illustrated. Weekly Reading Hour at 4:00 p.m., Room 205 Mason Hall, Miss Margaret W. Brackett, '37, will read "Happi- ness," by Maupassant, to be followed by a series of monologues in which the following students will participate: C. W. Batchelder, grad., will give the selection entitled "Maine"; Edwin Mack, grad., "Handin' Her a Line"; Mrs. Blanche Arnold, '36, "Rest Cure," and Ida Soghor, grad., "The Fur Coat." The public is invited. Hillel Foundation: Dr. Blakeman will speak on "The Religious Man in his Church and at The Polls" at 8 p.m. The public as well as his class is cordially invited. Children's Theatre: Tryouts of the next play "Robin Hood and the Queen's Page," will be held for men only, in the League, at 4 o'clock. Tea for graduate students in Math- ematics, 4 p.m., 3201 A.H. dn . , . TO THE OFFICE betimes, and read a book I found in my library, a book that I had for- gotten all about, "The Day in Bohemia; or, Life Among the Artists," by John Reed, Esq. And reading it I was amazed by the excellence of the satirical humor of it, and the prosodic skill. And though I may be alone in it, I think that Jack was a literary man at heart, and a militant hero by intellect, almost a synthetic hero. Lord! I do wish he were still alive, there being too few lovable persons in the world. This book was published in 1913, and he was living in Wash- ington Square with Alan Seeger and Robert E. Rogers, who now is professor of English at Massachusetts Tech, and who still is known as the man who told the graduates to be snobs and marry the boss's daughter. And here is some- thing about Harry Kemp, Algernon Lee, and Walter Lippmann: Loud roars the conversation, as Olympus Roars when the deities convene to gimp us: KEMP thunders Anarchism, and is wrecked On a sharp flint from Lippmann's intellect- Who socialism in his turn expounds, Which LEE declares is founded on false grounds. SEEGER and KEMP twang each his lyric lute, And poetry disdainfully dispute. In the evening to dinner at R. Fleischmann's, to say farewell to Emmy Ives against her sailing the morrow morn to France. Wednesday, January 15 ALL DAY at the office, and the thing I learned today was that fingerprint is now one word, though it is not true, as Calverly said about "Forever," that -our rude forefathers, rude or cultivated, knew no fingerprinting. So to din- ner, and broke a tooth on a bone in a pig's foot. Thursday, January 16 E ARLY up and to the dentist's, and so to the office for the rest of the day, till five, and Mary Becker cast a party at which all were very merry, and L. Gannett bet me $5 that my sons would know who Shirley Temple is, so he called them, and they did know. So I to the dentist's I o ~ 1 0111 X Gil. M IX From The Daily Files Thursday, Jan. 23, 1926 The Navy department's appropria- tion bill encountered a choppy sea in the House today, and was stripped by points of order of sections carry- ing approximately $9,000,000 for new aircraft construction during the next fiscal year. Revealing secrets of the world back- stage, tracing the interesting events in the lives of great authors, giving an insight into the real circumstances surrounding the production of most popular plays, and discussing the position of a dramatic critic to his readers, Alexander Woollcott, report- ed to be the foremost dramatic critic in America today, amused and was well received by a large audience in Hill Auditorium last night. Michigan's negative team, which, recently won from the Ohio State trio at Columbus in the Central League debates, will debate the Knox Col- lege affirmative team Feb. 9 at Gales- burg, Ill., before Kiwanis members of that city. Michigan will meet Chicago at 7:30 o'clock tonight in a dual swimming* meet in the Union pool. Both teams have perfect dual meet records so far this season, but Michigan, because of its decisive victoryover Wisconsin last Friday is conceded a slight edge over the Chicago team. Attorney-General Sargent has studied the relationship of Prohibition and crime waves, and has reached the conclusion that there is logic in the position of the person who, paid a bribe by respectable citizens for breaking the liquor laws, continues in a career of crime. Could you give a reader some information? the new U. of M. Carillon is the third larg in the world, where are the other two? Is hospital the third largest in the U.S.? If where are the first two? - Reade If gest the so, r. Editor's Note: The University Hospital is not the third largest in America. It is the largest University owned hospital, but the eighth largest in the country. The first seven in the order of size are: Cook County Hospital, Chicago; Bellevue Hospital, New York; Los Angeles County General Hospital; Charity Hospital, New Orleans; Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn; Metropolitan Hospital, New York; City Hospital, Cleveland. The Baird Carillon will be the third largest in the world when completed. The first two in order of size are in Riverside Church, New York, and at the University of Chicago. Edward Bok J J 1 1 t c a I i 1 I, 1:00-1:3 1:30-1: 1:45-2: 2:00-2: 2:15-2:3 2:30-2: 2:45-3:0 3:00-3: 3:15-3:3 8:00-E 8:15-E 8:30-E 8:45-c 9:00- 9:15- 8:1 8:3 8:4 9:0 9:1 15 30 45 00 15 30 45 9:45-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-11:30 30 He to Hof inclusive. 45 Hog to Hz inclusive 00 I to Joh inclusive 15 Jol to Ken inclusive 30 Keo to Kol inclusive 45 Kom to Lap inclusive 00 Lar to ILe inclusive 15 Li to Lz inclusive 30 Mc and Mac inclusive Thursday, Feb. 13, 1936 M to Mav inclusive Maw to Mil inclusive Mim to Mun inclusive Mur to Nz inclusive 0 to Paq inclusive Par to P1 inclusive Po to Ran inclusive Rao to Ri inclusive Roa to Roz inclusive Ru to Sca inclusive Sch to Se inclusive Sh to Sl inclusive Sm to Sp inclusive St to Su inclusive Sw to To inclusive Tr to Vi inclusive Vi to Weh inclusive 1:00- 1:15- 1:30 - 1:15 1:30 -1:45 I