The Weather Below zero predicted today; snrw probable, northwest winds. L -AL I AL- A& 4jtY fRtr t 9 an i3attH Editorials The Vicious Circle ... Hands On The Stars . VOL. XLVI Nc. 85 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY, 23, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS mmmmwm Bonus Bill Is Sent To President House Passes Measure By Overwhelming Majority Of 287 Votes Will Be Payable In $50 Bonds In June Two Billion In Payments Will Not Weaken Dollar, Says Rep._Fish WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.- (P) - An over-powering House majority to- day sped a bond payment bonus bill to the White House, handing to Pres- ident Roosevelt the politically deli- cate problem of deciding within 10 days whether to let the legislation be- come law or risk the overriding of a veto. For 3,500,000 World War veterans, enactment will mean cash for their adjusted service' certificates nine years ahead of the present maturity date. For the government, it will pose the question of raising at least $1,000,000,- 000 at once and $2,491,000,000 even- tually. Again by a margin greatly in ex- cess of the two-thirds needed to over- ride a veto, the House went on record for the bonus. By a 346 to 59 vote it agreed to the Senate's proposal for payment in $50 bonds, cashable on demand after June 15. Almost before the steady chorus of "ayes" died down in the House, Speaker Joseph W. Byrns wrote his signature on the bill. Vice President Garner signed it also within little more than an hour, and with the ink scarcely dry it was rushed to the White House. Handed To President Instead of going by messenger, the usual practice, the bill was taken to the executive offices by Rep. Claude V. Parsons, (Dem., Ill.), chairman of the House Committee on enrolled bills. Even so, he had to hand it not to the President, but to a clerk. The chief Executive offered not a single hint as to whether he would sign the bill, veto it, or let the measure become law by doing neither within the limit of 10 legislative days set by the Constitution. No sooner had the bill reached the White House than Henry H. Curran, director of the National Economy League, addressed this telegram to the President: "Give them the same good veto message you gave them a year ago. That was a bad bonus bill and a good message. This bonus bill is just as bad, so make the message just as good." Bonus Leaders Confident Congressional bonus leaders con- tended, however, that it made no dif- ference what the President did. They argued that they could control far more votes than are needed to killa veto. In addition to providing for pay- ment in baby bonds, the bonus bill would offer veterans 3 per cent in- terest yearly from June 15, 1936, to June 15, 1945, if they retain the bonds as an investment. It would cancel all unpaid interest on loans on their cer- tificates that has accrued since Oct. 1, 1931. Chairman John E. Rankin, (Dem., Miss.), of the House Veterans Co- mittee, spoke the sentiment of many of his colleagues when he took the floor to describe today's vote as "posi- tively the last chapter in the fight for payment of the bonus." Usually a staunch administration man, Chairman Robert C. Doughton, (Dem., N.C.), of the Ways and Means Committee, which handled the legis- lation, asked "for an overwhelming vote --if not a unanimous vote" for his resolution providing for accept- ance of the Senate's bond plan. The House bill previously passed called only for immediate cash payment, but specified no method. Speaker Byrns was among those voting for the resolution. One prominent Republican, Rep. Hamilton Fish (Rep., N.Y.), conceded that the legislation would not "impair the soundness of the dollar." Student Does Little Eva Stunt To Collect Wager King's Clergymen Describes Ceremony Of George's Funeral' Dr. Fellowes, Present At Rites Of Queen Victoria, Tells About Services By RICHARD G. HERSHEY One of the most "tremendously im- pressive" and colorful funeral services England has ever seen will be held Tuesday for King George V, Canon Edmund H. Fellowes. a member of the clergy of St. George's chapel in Wind- sor, England, stated in an interview yesterday. Dr. Fellowes, who is in Ann Arbor while on a lecture tour of the United States, has been a member of the clergy of the chapel for more than 25 years, and had been transferred to the chapel of the Windsor Castle just a few months before the death of Queen Victoria. He is a recog- nized authority in the composition and performance of music, and for a time was master of the choir of the St. George's chapel. Because he took an active part in the funeral of Queen Victoria, Dr. Fel- lowes vividly described the probable procedure of the King's funeral to be held Tuesday. "After resting in Westminster Hall for a few days, the coffin of King George, made five years ago of the hardy oaks from the Sandringham forest, will be carried to Paddington, the London depot of the Great West- ern Railway. Then it will go to Wind- sor," he said. In Windsor, which is about 20 miles from London, the coffin will be placed on a gun carriage and drawn through the streets of the city by British sailors. Sailors pull the carriage, he explained, because at the funeral of Queen Victoria it was an extremely cold day and the horses drawing the gun carriage refused to pull the cof- fin. A group of sailors thereupon marched forward from the ranks and pulled the carriage to the castle. "Very probably the sailors will assert their right again," he observed. The carriage with the coffin of King George will then move through the streets of Windsor and through Hyde Park up to Windsor castle, Dr. Fel- lowes continued. Streets will be lined with tremen- Pa y ne Shows Superiority Of Younger Men BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Jan. 22-(!P7) The young instructor, fresh and vig- orous in his pursuits, holds an ad- vantage over the more experienced professors in institutions of higher learning, according to Dean Fernan- dus Payne, of the University of In- diana. He cites experiments to show that any differences in efficiency between the young and old instructor are in favor of the former. In one critical analysis, the in- structors scored 54.74; assistant pro- fessors, 54.26; associate professors, 54.15, and professors, 50.13. Thd same study also compared teachers who had taught from one to 11 years with those who had taught more than 11 years. The efficiency score for the first group was 55.68, and for the second 48.82. "From whatever angle the ap- proach was made, the difference in favor of the young instructor per- Fisted," said Dean Payne. "As you would expect, there was a wide range of variation in each group. The poor- est and also the best teachers among those studied were young instructorsl with two years' experience. dous crowds, and the military with all their showy uniforms and gold braid will escort the casket to its final resting place. Kings from foreign states, all the English nobility, and ambassadors from the great nations of the world will follow the carriage through the streets, and make the pa- rade more than a mile long, he said. Upon arrival at the castle, the oak coffin will be carried up the broad steps leading to the chapel and then placed directly in front of the altar. The various orders of nobles, such as the Knights of the Gartar, will stand on the left of the casket as you face it, he stated, and on the right will stand the clergy of the chapel. Headed by King Edward VIII, the former prince of Wales, the mourners of the king will stand directly behind the coffin, while Queen Mary will be in the royal box above the altar. Then will follow all the nobility, in order of their titles, dressed in their most colorful robes. "Your representative, the Amer- ican, will be dressed in full evening attire, and will create a marked con- trast with the other famous person- ages" he said. The ladies of the court, he ex- (continued on Page 2) Edward VIII Enthroned At Saint James Body Of George Rests In Little Country Church Near Sandringham LONDON, Jan. 22. - () - Edward VIII~was proclaimed King today and began the thirty-ninth rule of the British people since the Norman Con- quest. From his lonely throne, the forty- one-year-old bachelor, with a new solemnity because of his responsibili- ties, plunged into the affairs of state. He conferred with Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin' and then sadly re- turned to Sandringham. There his dead father, George V. attended by simple country folk, rest- ed in the little parish church. To- morrow his body will be brought to London by special train, arriving at 2:45 p.m. It will lie in state in Westminster Hall until Monday night. Burial with a great state funeral ceremonial will take place Tuesday at Windsor. From the balcony of St. James' Palace, at Charing Cross, again at Temple Bar, and finally at the Royal Exchange, in the heart of the City of London, the new King was publicly proclaimed. Ten thousand troops lined the streets while picturesque trumpeters sounded a fanfare and a forty-one- gun salute boomed in the honor of the man who symbolizes Empire Un- ity. The words of the ancient procla- mation were carried throughout the mighty Empire, embracing every con- tinent, by radio - a modern touch to the picturesque medieval proceed- ings. Many of Edward's 500,000,000 subjects heard them. The King, who broke tradition by flying here yesterday, the first British Ruler to travel by air, had planned to return to Sandringham the same way, but threatening weather prevented and he left by train, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of York and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester. Laval Resigns; LeBrun Seeks New Premier Serious Crisis Seen As Result Of Resignation Of French Cabinet Five Powers Form Pact To ResistItaly Britain, France, Greece, Turkey And Yugoslavia Unite Forces Mercury Plunges To 5 Below Zero; Predict New Low To Discuss Europe Two Others Refuse Mediterranean Sea Prime Minister Job Guarded By Allies I Howling 35-Mile-An-Hour Gale Heralds Coldest Spell Of Winter 55 Below Reported In Somie Localities Albert Sarraut May Be Called In By President To Take Position PARIS, Jan. 22. - (P) - Pierre La- val's "Save the franc" cabinet reached a long-expected collapse to- day, precipitating a serious govern- mental crisis. President Albert LeBrun began at once to seek a new premier, but par- liamentary sources said the search would be long and tedious. The dan- ger of grave "financial and foreign consequences" was predicted by na- tionalist minister of the state, Louis; Marin, who refused to sign the cab-; inet collective resignation. M. Laval and two other prospec- tive premiers refused the job late today and it was announced officially that. M. LeBrun would wait until morning to continue his effort to find a suitable man. The radical social- ist Albert Sarraut, who was premier for a month in 1933, was expected to be the next to be consulted. Marcel Regnier, erstwhile minister1 of finance, might be called upon at length to become premier and stave off devaluation until a new chamber' of deputies is chosen in the spring.' M. Laval, who has held the reins of' French government for the compara- tively lengthy period of seven and' one-half months, quit with the rest' of his ministry when Edouard Her- riot and the three other radical so- cialist ministers abandoned the gov- ernment because of their part in the condemnation of the premier 's poli- cies, domestic and foreign. M. Laval put the plan for the cab-t inet's collapse squarely on the radical socialists. He took the ministers directly from a cabinet meeting in the Quai D'Orsay to the Elysee tower. There, under gala trappings strung for a diplomatic ball which was can-j celled with the death of King George V of England, the independent pre-t mier let his cabinet fall apart int front of the president. Burke Shartel Gives Talk On Supreme Court Says (:ongress Has Right To Create Laws Which Seem Necessary That a "case which will prove a Constitutional landmark" has been settled in a decision which contra- dicts itself was the conclusion of Prof Burke Shartel of the Law School in a talk last night before the Citizens' Council in the City Hall. In reaching this opinion on the Supreme Court's invalidation of the AAA, Professor Shartel first explained that the Constitution gives Congress authority for making any laws needed to carry out powers delegated it. Broaduse ofuthis authority has long been accepted by the Court, he point- ed out. French Promise Support Of Britain 'Declared Fully, In Advance' GENEVA, Jan. 22. -(AP) - Official announcement that Great Britain, France, Turkey, Greece and Yugosla- via will fight in common to resist any attack by Italy gave the Ethiopian conflict an historic turn tonight. These five powers, dominating the Mediterranean Sea, will pool their military, naval and air forces if Pre- mier Benito Mussolini strikes a blow at the British Fleet. The Mutual Assistance Pact as- sumed even greater proportions with subsequent word that the remaining members of the Little Entante, Ru- mania and Czechoslovakia, approve Yugoslavia's participation and will stand behind her. Through a memorandum from Great Britain, the League of Nations disclosed details of the mutual as- sistance pact at a strategic moment. The document was published just after the League's Sanctions Commit- tee of eighteen had decided to push on with the question of oil sanctions against Italy, at least to the extent of asking governmental experts to determine whether such an embargo can be practically effective. Creation of an experts committee was regarded in some league circles as increasing the likelihood that oil sanctions would be applied. Italy, having defied the League by virtually refusing to countenance al- location of funds for use of the Sanc- tions Committee, created another] sensation by warning she would pro- test the Mediterranean Mutual As-, sistance Pact. Special interest was attached meantime, to France's reply to Great; Britain on the Mutual Assistance1 agreement. Categorically, the French declared their "support of Great Britain is as- sured fully and in advance" in the event of an attack on Britain by Italy by reason of British collaboration in international actions undertaken by the League. Ilaydens Will Sail Saturday For U.S. Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, who has been on leave of absence from the faculty during the past two years while he served as vice-governor of the Philippines, will, with his family, sail on the S. S. Europa from Cher-s bourg Saturday, and expects to ar- rive in New York, Jan. 30, according to a cablegram received here yester- day by Dr. and Mrs. Louis P. Hall of Ann Arbor, Mrs. Hayden's parents. Professor and Mrs. Hayden and their son and daughter, Joseph R., Jr., and Mary, will go to Washington for a day or two before they return to Ann Arbor. Another daughter,E Elizabeth, remained in France to at- tend school there.' Professor Hayden will resume his position on the political science de- partment next semester. DOROTHY THOMPSON Miss Thompson To Lecture On Social Trends Famous Newspaperwoman To Speak Tonight On Foreign,U. S. Policies An analysis of recent social and conomic legislation in America in comparison with the trend of govern- mental activity in European countries will be made by Dorothy Thompson in her lecture at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium under the aus- pices of the Oratorical Association. Famous in her own right as a for- eign newspaper correspondent and feature writer for the Saturday Eve- ning Post, and noted as the wife of Sinclair Lewis, Dorothy Thompson has entitled her address "Re-Discov- ering America." A representative for the Curtis Newspapers in Vienna for three years, Miss Thompson was appointed chief of the Central European Bureau of the New York Evening Post. Daughter of a Methodist minister in New York, she first achieved fame more than 10 years ago when she set out for Europe on her own, and "scooped" the newspaper world the first week after her arrival in Eng- land by a personal interview with Terrence MacSwiney shortly before he was arrested for leading the fa- mous Irish hunger strike. She was put on the front pages of the press in Europe and America two years agor when Hitler expelled. her from Ger- many. She will be introduced by Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of women. Tickets for the lecture, priced at 35 and 50 cents, may be obtained at Wahr's State Street bookstore or at the Hill Audi- torium boxoffice. SEEKS CUT IN BREAD PRICE GRAND RAPIDS, Jan. 22. - (P) - The retail division of the Grand Rap- ids Association of Commerce received a demand from City Manager C. Sophus Johnson today that it seek a reduction in bread prices. Falling Barometer Shows Icy Cold Has Yet To Hit Low Mark For Year The mercury ended its all day plunge at 5 degrees below zero last night, gripping Ann Arbor in the coldest weather of the winter. A falling barometer, reported . at the weather bureau of the University Observatory late last night indicated that the temperature had not yet reached the nadir and could be ex- pected to fall even lower today. The barometer reading last night was given at 28.72. The Detroit weather bureau predicted that the cold spell would last three days. The reading of 5 below,, officially reported at 10:30 p.m. yesterday, came as the bottom of the long, swift drop which started in the morning. At 7 a.m. yesterday, the weather bureau gave the official temperature at 13.23 above zero. By noon it had dropped to 9 above. At 7 p.m. the official reading was 3.2 de- grees below zero, and at 10:30 p.m., 5 below. 55 Below In Canada Heralded by a howling 35-mile-an- hour gale, wind and blizzard, the cold spell held the entire Midwest in its icy grasp. In some spots the bitter temperatures, which came blustering out of the Canadian North- west, sank to 55 degrees below zero, according to the Associated Press. The wind subsided last night, be- ing reported by the weather bureau here at 7 p.m. at 16 miles an hour. It drifted the 'snow, which fell spas- modically all day, into huge drifts, making county highways, in some places, impassWle. The Washte- naw County road commission worked late into the night attempting to clear strategic points, and its trucks, as well as those of the city highway department, were hauling snow off travelled streets. No Estimate Made Of Snow Because of drifts caused by the high wind, the weather bureau re- ported, an actual estimate of snow- fall could not be made. The "melted snowfall" was reported at .03, the ac- tual snowfall probably being more than an inch. The total snowfall for the recent series of blizzards is be- lieved to be nearly two feet. No accidents or injuries caused by the cold and snow were reported here, although several cases of severe freez- ing and exposure, some resulting in fatalities, occurred throughout the cold weather area. The Upper Peninsula was hit even harder than this section. Most places reported temperatures around 15 to 20 degrees below zero, accord- ing to the Associited Press, and traf- fic throughout the state was tied up. Shipping on the Great Lakes was practically ended, dispatches said, as the northwest wind shifted gigantic ice floes across navigation routes. Many ports were blockaded, accord- ing to Coast Guards, and ice was re- ported to be forming within har- bors. Different Type' Of King Is Now Ti-- 71-u 7 w T'U7 /YfL No Danger Of Mr War Seen By Do By CLINTON B. CONGER Turmoil in Europe, but no immi- nent danger of war on a large scale, was the picture of the European sit- uation presented last night by Dor- othy Thompson, noted woman jour-' nalist, in an interview upon her ar- rival for her scheduled Oratorical As- sociation lecture today. A major war, she maintained, is out of the question at the present mo- ment, first because a warring nation in a "world" war must be assured of allies, a difficult proposition under today's diplomatic situation, and see-, ondly because the only nations in- terested in war at present are those who have something to gain, and those nations reduce themselves to two, Germany and Italy, of which -_:---- i, "'ofrinf.iPI. aior E1uroloean, Also, he stated, Congress is specifi- E s1e rot TyompsonIgrant money for the general welfare. This broad power, which appears cap- By FRED WARNER NEAL table of almost any interpretation, has A By F REWRN Es tEA y total accord with the goveinment' i A colorful figure who loves the gay+ ad accordi arc willingmto never been passed upon by the Su- society of the Continent, Edward VIII voice preme Court before the AAA ruling. will be a "very different type of king to joui'nalists their criticisms and un-, favorable news. hssHere, Professor Shartel stated, they than his dead father, the quiet, re- Since this news naturally cannot stopped. No ruling was made in the tiring George V, in the opinion of bececked through ofaly sce, majority decision as to whether the Prof. Paul W. Cuncannon of the po- the correspondent's news is only too assisting of agriculture furthered the litical science department. likely to be prejudiced against the general welfare of the nation. Although he paid tribute to the government, especially when he con- With this opinion a minority of characters of both King George and siders the fact that a large propor- three in the Court disagreed; and King Edward, Professor Cuncannon, tion of his reading public at home, their argument Professor Shartel then predicting last night that Edward as is the case with the German cor- outlined. Starting from the ruling will play a prominent part in Brit- respondents, are themselves preju- that Congress actually possessed ish diplomacy, expressed a doubt as diced against that government. power to tax for the general welfare, to "whether he possesses his father's Miss Thompson was herself ousted the minority pointed out that Con- great wisdom and innate tact." from Germany on a direct order from gress necessarily had authority to , He held that in the new king, the Hitler after adverse criticism, shar- make laws providing for the carrying far-flung empire will find "a real ing this exile with Edgar Ansel out of this power. This Federal power, personality to symbolize and lead the Mowrer, foreign writer for the C hi- like all Federal powers, was supreme old imperial spirit which is at pres- cago Daily News, who, while not or- and overruled any implied state ent stirring in Britian. It should be nini rights. a great reign." Luncannon says notable one," Professor Cuncannon declared, pointing out that it included the passage of the Parliament Bill, the great war, the period of peace, the creation of the Irish Free State and the entrance of Britian into the League of Nations. Many years ago, he said, Walter Bagehot, a noted British political commentator, de- clared that a man who was king for a decade knew more politics than anybody in England and became a' storehouse of political wisdom. "His part in the political events of 1931 was so commanding," Professor Cuncannon asserted, "that the changes were referred to as 'the Pal- ace Revolution.' His was the idea of a national government and he per- sonally persuaded the leaders of the various parties to enter the coalition. The dead king followed affairs with 'Crack Down' After Alcatraz Prison Revolt SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 22. - (P)- Alcatraz prison's first "revolt" began to wither today under severe disci- pline and bread and water diet, but Warden James A. Johnston said 75 of the dangerous prisoners still were in a rebellious mood. The warden reported 25 of the 100 prisoners who "struck" Monday for more privileges had given up the idea and agreed to obey prison rules. "Conditions are considerably im- proved," said Johnston. "We are at- tempting to get the ringleaders. We expect to sort out more men and .._... 1 1 - _t ..-.a .. rs,- +- I