THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 19386 ings will give your life zest and appropriate some of your interest which might otherwise be devoted to trash. There is a practical point to our view, too. A liberally educated man can, many educators main- tain with justification, apply his mind to almost any subject and master it well within a compara- tively short length of time. He has, they said, a flexible mind that can seek more efficiently and grasp readiliy. If you fill your mind with useful but narrow subjects today you will never be able to get firmly those arts which so much contribute to life's en- joyment. You can, of course, find a good deal of trash to read, but the majority of that promotes emotionalism and vulgarity in contrast to the thought that fine literature fosters. A look into the future now might not be amiss to college students who may some day regret their college curriculum. IT HE FuORUM l_____________________________. The Conning Tower W, J Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. IRON AGE Now in the winter of man's discontent His heart is chilled, and gripped within a vise; His eyes are glassy and his veins are ice; By his burnt-out fire he sits insentient. Song is the stuff of a static instrument; The play's the thing of synchronized device; Love is a complex he must analyze; Beauty is a tale told by an innocent. Thought is a slogan shouted by a class - Never a nut to crack his native wit on. Home is an area of chromium and glass, Snow-white sofas for icicles to sit on. A hell created by the cold desire To freeze, is worse than any hell with fire. O what can warm the world to life again, Renew the fire upon the desolate hearth, Restore lost loveliness to intrinsic worth, Unseal blind eyes that once saw beauty plain? Can courage, honor, love of man's domain No long warm the cold eclipsed earth? Cannot man's little candle flickering forth Its rays of hope, a ray of hope sustain Until the sun of sanity shall thaw The cold, dispel the fogs of war and hate, Unfreeze the heart, dissolve the glacial law Of tooth and claw before it is too late? Is man so poor in spirit, his shame so sweet, To cast away his kingship, to crave defeat? G.A. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 . BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR.............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...............JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS 0ublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, -Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; ,Isie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Departmeu.~: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-12141 BUSINESS MANAGER...........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ...........JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .. .. MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ... ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER King George V . . T HE DEATH of King George V abruptly terminated the reign of one of the best loved monarchs Great Britain has ever had. Few kings have been held in such high esteem or devotion by their people as the late British ruler, who in his quiet, unassuming way wielded more power than is generally realized. In 1934 when the trouble in Austria center- ing around Engelbert Dollfuss and Adolph Hit- ler reached a point where war was almost a reality, political science experts have said that King George was responsible for Italian troops being quickly dispatched to the Hungarian bor- der, forcing a peaceful settlement to the crisis. This was not the only example of his strong desire for peace. At the opening of the World War he repeatedly made personal appeals to the Kaiser and the Russian Czar. After the war had started, he did not hesitate to cross the channel and by his appearance help boost the morale of the trench weary British soldiers. Beside being a great lover of peace, King George was a "democratic" king and sensitive to the desires of his people. It was during his reign that Ireland was given her home rule and India a greater degree of self-government. He was the symbol uniting into a single unit the vast outlying dominions of Great Britain. Not many rulers have exercised their royal prerogatives more wisely than King George V. His death is mourned by the whole world, which has lost a champion of peace and a friend of democratic government. What Was Once The Library.. THERE is a rumor that once upon a time in the history of the University of Michigan the General Library was used by the student body for the purpose of studying. This revelation probably comes as a surprise to the present generation of students who consider the library merely a social center. The erudite solemnity that once cloaked the scholarly efforts of Michigan students, now serves as a convenient place for women to arrange their social calendars. Nor are the men entirely guiltless, for many of them seem to agree all too wholeheartedly with William Shakespeare when he wrote: "To study and to see no woman; flat treason 'gainst the kingly state of youth." This question of library dates is always dis- turbing, but now that finals are approaching and study is more and more the order of the day, it becomes a downright menace. Offenders are usually so entranced in each other's presence that any number of dagger-like glances miss their mark. We can only hope that through mention of their inconsideration they will respond by using the library for the purpose it was originally intended. Those Long Nights To Come .. . A GRADUATE WOMAN of the Uni- versity during the depression years writes this: "The cultural courses I took are what have made life worth living at all since I grad- uated." An admission which many of our practical- Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Protest To Germany To the Editor: Saturday's editorial, entitled "Minding Other People's Business," displays an attitude which should long ago have been outdated in the minds of intelligent and progressive Americans. The cry of mind your own business is often a mere defense for the apathetic disregard of other's misfortunes. I fail to see how the pro- tests of John Haynes Holmes, Lincoln Steffens, Bishop McConnell and the rest, are dangerous to the international position of the United States. It is an indictment against our theories of international relations that a government cannot make an official protest against such inane barbarities and such destruction of culture, as are being conducted in Germany today without the fear of being involved in a violation of neutrality. But certainly it has come to a pretty state of affairs if men who realize the desperate need of those in Germany for protest against their situation from the outside world, cannot do so because "such ac- tion will lead to ill-feeling between nations." The rights of these men to express their convic- tions should be upheld for it seems to me that such action is as innocuous from the standpoint of the international position of the United States as are the protests against Naziism which have been Voiced within this country. More- over, such protests, innocuous as they are from this standpoint, will penetrate the walls of cen- sorship that Hitler has erected around the Ger- man people. Certainly, only good and not harm can result from bringing the German peo- ple to realize the general attitude of the world toward the Hitler regime. It is the duty of the civilized world, by peaceful methods such as boycott and verbal protest, to bring them to this awareness. By appealing to the very national pride which Hitler is now exploiting through his creation of myths, their refusal to submit to his ruthless tactics may be brought about. Thus, by purely peaceful methods, Germany may be brought once more within the fold of civilized nations and the spread of Fascism be prevented. To this worthy end, more, and not fewer such protests are needed. -Pauline G. Cohen, '37. Campus Cutups To the Editor: Your editorial Again We Fail expresses exact- ly my own sentiments on the theatre conduct of our campus cutups. When a few college students, who are supposed to be above the average in intellect, take it upon themselves to ruin an otherwise entertaining and serious movie because they cannot understand that which is fine, it is time for those few students to pack up and go back to the "sticks" from where they obviously came. It is a well-known fact that people laugh at the things they cannot understand, and when a person cannot under- stand "A Tale of Two Cities" he does not be- long in an institute of higher learning. When an above-the-average movie comes to Ann Ar- bor, which is seldom, it would be far better if those few students, who must have their fun, would stay home and laugh at will in their rooms. Even this suggestion has its faults for I have not considered the other students room- ing in the same house. Perhaps an appeal should be made to their courtesy and considera- tion for others, but I have found in my short time here that those are things considerably lacking in college men. -R.E.C. '37. As Others See It Philadelphia's $200,000 (From the Columbia Missourian) WITH A DEFICIT of $400,000, the Democratic national committee quickly saw light when Philadelphia offered $200,000 in cash and some $50,000 worth of special inducements for the Democratic nominating convention. The convention, as is customary, will open two weeks after the G.O.P. convention opens in Cleveland, on June 23. Foreseeimg no trouble over the presidential and vice-presidential nominees and little if any disagreement over the platform, the committee members were free to accept the highest bid which, incidentally, was $50,000 higher in cash C than the bid for the Republican convention. San Francisco, though matching Philadel- It appears that John Jacob Astor 3d has re- signed his job with the International Mercantile Marine Company. He got $25 a week, and held the job, at the same salary, for ten months. He now will go traveling. A good deal is made of the fact that young Mr. Astor said when he took the job, March 20, 1935, that he was going to learn the shipping business thoroughly. For one thing, it is possible that in ten months he learned as much about the shipping business as he could have learned in five years. We know many newspaper men who said, if only to them- selves, that they intended to learn all there was about the newspaper trade. Of these, some who have been at it one year know more about all branches of it than some others who have been at it twenty years. We know something about journalism, for now and then we have observed things while we were sending out for new grindstones. And we doubt that young Mr. Astor, when he went to work last March, called in the reporters, and said: "It is my ambition and intention to learn the shipping bus- iness from the keel up." The chances are that the first day he was besieged by reporters, and that one or more said to him: "Mr. Astor, is this only a temporary thing, for the sake of variety, or do you propose learning the shipping business?" And probably Mr. Astor said something like "I hope to be able to learn something about it." That is enough to make a copy reader head the story "J. J. ASTOR 3D IN EARNEST; NO PLAYBOY HE SAYS." Three attorneys and one counselor at law have sent us copies of Section 352 of the Penal Law of the State of New York: The word "pool" shall be discontinued as a descriptive word referring to a pocket billiard room or place. Whenever the word "pool" ap- pears on any window, sign, building or station- ery used for or in connection with a billiard or pocket billiard room or place it must be changed to read "billiards" or "pocket bil- liards." We shall continue to us "pool" in speaking of the game of pool. Nothing in the Penal Law about The Conning Tower, unless it should be considered a building. What goes on in the privacy of the home we can only guess, but maybe in Topeka Governor Landon is saying to his wife, "Theo, just as every- thing was going along smooth and nice, like a bolt from the blue comes this Hearst support." In Cleveland Edward Crevol is making so small a violin for Jascha Heifetz that a man's hand can cover it. Ode: Nothing so liddle As Heifetz's fiddle. Miss Annette Burr has returned to New Haven, where she is one of the officials in the Sterling Library, the institution that tries to make the Yale students read a book.-Deep River, Conn., New Era. The Herculean Library. But what book does the library want the students to read? ON LOOKING INTO THE WORLD ALMANAC Much have I studied in the realm of books, And many goodly facts and figures learned; But not the half I knew until I turned Upon this Almanac my avid looks. I never knew, by sex, how many crooks Dd rob our roosts; how much a general earned; Who first the worth of celluloid discerned; Nor what became of all the poor Chinooks. Now feel I like some savant full of lore, Confounding all my nescient friends and foes, I've facts about the tides along the shore; What value slate; how population grows; How many pigs in Spain - and lots, lots more I'll tell in other sonnets I'll compose. KENNETH H. THOMPSON. "Well, said a Bronx man Wednesday evening as he lighted a candle made by the Standard Oil Company. "it is fine to get a respite from big corporations like the Consolidated Gas Company." It is possible that all residents of Manhattan and the Bronx above Fifty-Ninth Street hadn't paid their bills and the company was carrying A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-Supreme Court rejection of the Bankhead cotton control act test case, and doubts as to the circumstances under which processing taxes such as those involved in the rice miller cases are to be returned, left added immedi- ate confusion on the Washington scene. But a note of optimism, even enthusiasm, over the fall of AAA it- self was beginning to creep into of- ficial attitudes. To hear them tell it, the outlawing of AAA is already on the way to working out as a blessing in disguise to the administration; well disguised perhaps, but a blessing nevertheless. That is a wide departure from the chop-fallen dismay with which most New Dealers met the first shock of the AAA decision. It is based on a notion that the soil preservation sub- stitute for AAA, primarily designed to continue indirectly the crop curbs that boosted farm prices to present levels, has in it heretofore unseen possibilities of many sorts. THAT view holds that the govern- ment leasing of marginal and sub- marginal lands, while operating to restrict acreage and production in specified crops, opens up new means of warfare against flood and drought, new opportunities for rural resettle- ment and new avenues for employ- ment of relief beneficiaries. All of this and more without resort to any "regimentation" of farmers so far as their unleased lands are concerned. Just how it is all going to be done will come out no doubt when con- gress discusses the new bill being shaped for presentation. It should afford Secretary Wallace, also, ma- terial for a new speech-making pro- gram in which he should take more interest than he took even in AAA. If AAA replacement legislation comes up to the enthusiastic expec- tations of some of those helping to shape the program, what ultimately happens in court to the cotton or any other crop control bill would be of small consequence. They would be on the way out by administrative or congressional action, it is said, even if the court let them stand. So much for the resiliency of the New Dealers, from President Roosevelt down. THERE is one argument certain to be advanced in the shaping of new neutrality legislation which does not appear at first glance. It re- volves around the question of wheth- er presidential fiat is to determine "normal" peacetime trade levels with a belligerent nation as to any com- modity, or a five-year-average yard- stick be written into law. In favor of the presidential au- thority idea will be brought out the probability that any nation planning an aggressive war would begin mus- tering reserve stocks more than five years ahead. Under a five-year yard- stick such buying in this country would beincluded to boost the "nor- mal" limits. VREVIEWS : By PROF. HOWARD M. JONES (Of The English Department) The latest issue of "Contemporary" again proves that the only literary magazine on the campus is over the heads of the students. The present issue contains five poems, two critical articles, three stories, one general ar- ticle, and seven reviews. The re- views seem to me the best department of the magazine; the poems, on the other hand, never rise above a stiff self-consciousness. No one of the three stories is more than a sketch. As sketches they are carefully- too carefully-wrought, with the result that one admires the workmanship and cares nothing for the results. It is all cerebration and no sympathy. The difficulty is that there seems to exist a conspiracy among the "Contemporary" writers to regard the human race as prin- cipally existing for literary dissection -what I might call the refrigerator school of writing. I for one do not like it, and I think the campus shows a sound, if illiterate, instinct in shy- ing away from this sort of thing. Mr. Martin Greenberg's thought- ful article "Social Unrest and the Student" is excellent in its way, but scarcely touches the real problem which the article raises; namely, how far universities are justified in insist- ing that students shall be students first and propagandists afterwards. I have much sympathy with student "radicalism," but student radicalism elsewhere - for example, in many Latin American universities -has meant that these institutions have ceased to be universities in order to become centers for social and po- litical propaganda. This seems to me quite as bad as fascist control; and I do not see that Mr. Greenberg has met the real problem his article raises. The two critical articles ,the one on Mark Twain by Mr. Greenhut, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 82 Notices Attention of All Concerned: Name- ly faculty, administrative and clerical staff members and students, is re- spectfully called to the following ac- tion by the Regents. Students shall pay in acceptable funds (which shall not include notes unless the same are bankable) all amounts due the University before they can be admitted to the final ex- aminations at the end of either se- mester or of the Summer Session. No office in the University is authorized to make any exception to this rule. Any specific questions that can be foreseen arising in this connection. should be taken up with the proper authorities at the earliest possible moment. Shirley W. Smith. Applications will be received for Earhart Foundation Scholarships for+ the second semester not later than Jan. 25. Eligibility for these scholar- ships requies an average grade of not less than "B," willingness to devote one day per week in field investiga- tion, registration in Soiology 206, a Pro-seminar which meets Monday from 3-5. Application blanks may be obtained from the Sociology Department Offi- ce; 115 Haven Hall. Sophomores, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Elections must be approved in Room 103 Romance Language Building in accordance with alphabetical divisions listed be- low. Failure to nleet these appoint-+ ments will result in serious conges- tion during the registration period.- Please bring with you the print of your record which you received last summer. Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily. QR, Tuesday, Jan. 21. S. Wednesday, Jan. 22. TUV, Thursday, Jan. 23. WXYZ, Friday, Jan. 24. AB, Monday, Jan. 27. C, Tuesday, Jan. 28. DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29. FG, Thursday, Jan. 30. R. C. Hussey, J. H. Hodges, Sophomore Academic Counselors. Senior Society Scholarship for Sophomore Women: The final date for application for the $50.00 Senior Society Scholarship for Sophomore women has been advanced to Thurs- day, Jan. 23. Application blanks maykbe obtained from Miss McCor- mick's office in the League, and must be returned there by five o'clock Thursday afternoon. Mechanical Engineering Seniors and Graduate Students: If you have not yet done so, will you kindly fill out a personnel record card in Pro- fessor Anderson's office at once. Also1 be sure to understand about the re- quired photograph. The University Bureau of Appoint-.. ments and Occupational Information+ has received announcement of United States Civil Service Examinations for Assistant Animal Fiber Technologist and Assistant Animal Husbandman (sheep breeding), Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, salary $2,600; also for Chief Indus- trial Economist, National Labor Rela- tions Board, salary $6,500. For further information concern- ing these examinations call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00. Faculty Women's Classes: The De- partment of Physical Education for Women invites the faculty, assistants and secretaries in the University to join a class in Body Mechanics which will start the second semester. Those interested are asked to leave their names in Room 15, Barbour Gymna- sium. Academic Notices English 154: My section of English 154, Creative Writing, will meet in the second semester on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 o'cocl in Room 403 Library. R. W. Cowden, Fine Arts 192 and 204: Mr. James Plumer will arrive from China to give these courses in Far Eastern Art the second semester as announced in the catalogue. Economics 51: Following are the rooms for the examination on Thurs- day, Jan. 23, at 2 o'clock. 205 Mason Hall, Mr. Anderson's sections. 101 Economics Bldg., Mr. Church's sections. N.S. Aud., Mr. Danhof's and Mr. French sections. 25 Angell Hall, Mrs. Miller's and Mr: Hebbard's sections. 1035 Angell Hall, Mr. Wies's sec- tions. Journalism 104 will be given at the This course was erroneously nounced as an offering of the semester. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Principles of Publicity (Journalism 58) will be given the second semester by Mr. Donal Hamilton Haines in Room E, Haven Hall, Mondays, Wed- nesdays, and Fridays at one, as stated in the 1935-36 announcement of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Through error, another course was also announced for the same instructor at the same hour. This course, The Development of American Journalism (Journalism 106), is being given by Mr. Haines this present semester. M.E. 3a: A written quiz will be given during the regular period Wed- nesday afternoon, Jan. 22. The use of notes and books will be allowed in the examination. J. E. Emswiler. Events Of Today Graduate Education Club meeting at 4 p.m. in the Elementary School Library. Mr. Leonard O. Andrews will talk on the subject: "Pupils' Social Needs As a Basis for the Cur- riculum." Chemical and Metallurgical Engi- neering Seminar: Mr. A. C. Mueller will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering at 4 o'clock, Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject will be "Heat Transfer Co- efficients for the Condensation of Mixed Vapors." Engineering Council: Group picture for the Ensian will be taken at Dey's Studio, 4:30 p.m. Every member must be present. Please be on time. American Soc. of Civil Engineers: Regular meeting at 7:30 p.m., in Room 311 West Engineering Bldg. Prof. Sherlock, of the Structural De- partment, will speak after the busi- ness meeting on some phase of his wide experience as a structural de- signer. Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Group picture for the Ensian will be taken at Dey's Studio, 6:45 p.m. Honorary and associate members please be present. Uniforms required. At the regular meeting, to be held immediately af- ter, Captain Wallington will talk on West Point. Phi Sigma meets in Room 2116 Na- tural Science Building, 8:15 p.m. James Wood, Preparator in the Mu- seums, will be the speaker. Stanley Chorus members meet in the Ethel Fountain Hussey room at the League at 7:30 p.m. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal at 5 p.m. at the League Ball Room. Con- cert at 8 p.m. Freshman Glee Club: Regular re- hersal in the Music Room of the Union at 4:30. Members don't forget the picture is to be taken Friday at 7:20 p.m. at the Dey Studio. Sphinx, Junior men's honorary so- ciety, will meet at 12:15 in the Union today. Luncheon for graduate students at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea boom of the Michigan League Bldg. Pro- fessor Weaver of the English depart- ment will speak informally on "Stu- dents and Scholars." Contemporary: Luncheon meeting at noon at the Haunted Tavern. "Der Hauptmann von Koepenick" will be presented by the Art Cinema League at 8:15 p.m. in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. All seats are re- served. The box office will be open at 10:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Coming Events Psychology Journal Club will meet on Thursday, Jan. 23, 7:30 ;p.m., Room 3126 N.S. Mrs. Croft and Miss Bonner will review recent articles on memory. Junior Mathematical Society: Prof. W. L. Ayres will speak on "The Color- ing of Maps" at a meeting of the Junior Mathematical Society on Thursday, Jan. 23, 7:30 p.m. Room 3201 A.H. The meeting is open to the public. Weekly Reading Hour: At the Thursday, Jan. 23, meeting of the Weekly Reading Hour, to be held at 4:00 p.m., Room 205 Mason Hall, Miss Margaret W. Brackett, '37, will read "Happiness," by Maupassant, to be followed by a series of monologues in which the following students will participate: C. W. Batchelder, grad., an- first