THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JARUAI1,Y 21, 19N TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 193~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY tical politics of our system, is able to enforce his program is through various whips which he wields over the legislative branch. It is, in many in- stances, mainly because of these whips that prompt action and efficient legislative action is taken. One of the strongest of these influences of the executive is patronage. When civil service becomes a fact in Michigan, our governor will no longer have any considerable patronage; and as a direct result, his influence over recalcitrant legislators will be reduced to an almost negligible quantity. There will be a need, it seems, to find something to replace patronage in our political set-up. The British, with their much older and more efficient civil service, get around this difficulty by combining executive and legis- lative powers. Under our system of strict separa- tion of powers, such a thing is impossible. What is the solution? The answer to the problem is not a pressing one. It is more important for the present to con- centrate on accomplishing civil service. But when we do get it, we will sooner or later, in all prob- ability, be faced with the task of replacing patron- age with something that will insure executive- legislative cooperation. sOthers See I J Mm "' ""7 1 The Conning Tower 1 A Washington BYSTANDER DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pnblication in the Ptilletin is constructive notice to all nmmbers of the, University. Copy received at the ofice of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I- i Radio, You Public Servant, You' The early morning breakfast cruise h recently found That its passengers want their orange ju Music goes round and around. The homemakers' class for newly weds be basically sound To start its course in making beds with Music goes round and around. as very uice and elieves it MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.sAll rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Political forums for elderly gents, with both feet on the ground, Are certain the height of political sense is Music goes round and around. The Shoppers' Guide, for man and maid, is em- phatically bound That it may only be of aid if Music goes round and around. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 Weather flashes and news reports; police too, are drowned In the deep abyss of the trumpet snorts of Music goes round and around. calls,I BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDI'TOR .............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR'.............JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. "Women's Departm e : Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dor'othy Briscoe. Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Mario T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER........ .JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohigemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, Lhn Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY Lest We Forget, Lest We Forget.. .. T HIS WEEK the world lost a man it could but little spare. Gentle, noble, wise, interpreter of the ideals and faith of the British people, Rudyard Kipling was yet a citizen of the world. Of his place in literature, we may say that Stev- enson and himself, bringing a new fresh charm and spirit to English literature, stand alone in the years from 1880 to the end of the century. He was master of several mediums: short story, novel and poetry alike served him and he has left memorable pieces of work in each form. Though he may be said to be the spokesman for imperial sentiments of Great Britain which no longer, we hope, prevail, he was the same man who, at forty-five received the Nobel award for idealism in literature. There is no conflict in these two positions. We may thrill at the British achievements in India when we read of them as Kipling saw them, though we can scarcely condone them when we observe them in the light of honest realism. He was born in India in 1865. His life in Eng- land is vividly portrayed in Stalky and Co. News- paper work in India claimed him from the age of seventeen until twenty-four, when he found that his short stories and verse had made him a world figure. From that time on, his strong stirring Barrack Room Ballads and other expressions of the 'Tommy' type were created side by side with gentle children's stories drawn from English history, as Puck of Pook's Hill. One of the most famous of his poems is Reces- sional, which he sent to the London Times on the occasion of Queen Victoria's second jubilee in 1897. In it, we find the following plea for humility in a time of national pride, especially apppropriate to- day: The tumult and the shouting dies, The captains and the kings depart: Still stands thine ancient sacrifice,- An humble and contrite heart. Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest We forget -lest we forget! Civil Service For Michigan.. . T HE SPOILS system in Michigan appears doomed. It does, at least, if the testimony of nearly a score of politicians to Professor Pollock's State Civil Service Commission is any indication. At the hearing of Professor Pollock's commission we find the surprising declaration on the part of men who, have practiced patronage consistently that civil service is the most crying need of the time. These men - governors, labor leaders, legislators and industrialists - told the commission their views on the subject of civil service in a way that indi- cated they had done serious thinking on the problem. The governor is for it. It is almost sure to pass the legislature. Then what? We will have better administration to be sure, and this alone more than justifies the, need for civil service. A government cannot op- erate efficiently when its personnel, from the de- partment head down through the most lowly file clerk and stenographer, changes with each administration. But good administration, under our particular form of government, also depends upon coopera- tion between the executive and legislative. Out- standing proof of this is the antagonism between Teacher's Oath (From the Brown Daily Herald) MASSACHUSETTS' teachers' oath law has pro- duced its first fruit - a cross between a crabapple and a lemon. The Legislature of that state has successfully protected the students at Tufts from the subversive propaganda that is to be found in a geology lecture. Let us join with the D.A.R. and Hearst, and rejoice. Because President Cousens of Tufts was afraid that the university's charter would otherwise be revoked, he was forced to accept the resignations of two professors heads of departments and well- liked men among the faculty and student body. The professors, Dr. Earl M. Winslow and Dr. Alfred C. Lane, preferred resignation to signing the oath of allegiance which state law demanded of them. These two men did not have any radical feeling that estranged them from either the Federal Con- stitution or the fundamental law of the State. No one ever accused them of propagandist utterances. Dr. Winslow describes himself as "hopelessly mid-- Victorian" in his economic and political views. Dr. Lane has wont to lecture on calcite and haematite and cryolite - subjects unlikely to corrupt the youth of Massachusetts. If this incident happened in Italy, we would say: "See how the government throttles liberal education" and we would be shocked. But because the affair is the result of a law, passed with flag- waving, and with a blare of trumpets at the insti- gation of psuedo-patriots, too many will overlook what these professors saw and what they rebelled against. Compulsory patriotism, though backed by a yellow press that gloats in its "Americanism," is interference with constitutional liberties and, being characteristic of the dictatorships which flag-wavers abhor, is truly "un-American." U.S.C. Salaries (From the Detroit News) {1JICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE again is losing out in the competition with other institutions having better resources. Within the last few weeks announcement has been made that 15 faculty members have resigned. They had offers of better salaries elsewhere. It has happened often before. In most of the leading colleges of this type in the country are men of outstanding ability and reputation who got their training and came to prominence as educators at Michigan State College. Michigan is the, loser. Salaries of the college faculty are fixed by the State Board of Agriculture which will be in session tomorrow. The question of better salaries for MSC faculty probably will be discussed, but up will come the perennial question, "Where can we get the money?" It is too bad that no authority seems to exist to clean out some political jobholders from the State government and to turn the saving for the betterment of the State College. That not only would effect a useful economy in managment of State affairs, but it would yield to the people of Michigan continually increasing benefits through the services of one of the State's most' useful educational institutions. Test Of Patriotism (From the Cornell Daily Sun) THE EASE with which the soldiers' bonus meas- ure passed in the House has evidently gone' to the veterans' heads. The possibility that the coming elections may have influenced the nation's representatives in their fulfillment of the public's wishes has not, apparently, occurred to the vet- erans. Two of the major groups of ex-service men are proceeding a full speed in a combined drive to obtain greater rewards from the govern- ment. The American Legion will shortly present a bill demanding pensions for widows and orphans1 of ex-service men who died from non-service' causes. The Veterans of Foreign Wars will i demand a uniform pension law for veterans of all wars. The veterans' loyalty to the country at the time of the World War is not to be questioned. They supported the President's policy and fought for the nation regardless of principle. Their present loyalty, however, is to be questioned seri- ously. The Bonus Bill, if passed, will put a large hole in an already sieve-like treasury.' But the patriots are not content to stop there. The pro- posed pension measures, which are reported to be "only a step from service pensions," will aid considerably in the draining of government funds. T- is ,rnnr. + hn I-Is rnn sn ,,-c off kmArinn,, And I, the listener, ill with rage, with the com- posers crowned With the rolled up copy of every page of Music goes round and around. FRANK CHASE Of course, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt is new at the column-and-diary profession or racket, and one should not be too harsh, admitting that such a thing is possible to one. In her yester- day's "My Day," a United Feature Syndicate de- partment running in the World-Telegram, she tells of having tried to get, though not where, a Chudder shawl for Colonel Howe, probably Louis McHenry Howe. She tried at three places, un- named, found that an effort would be made to get the shawl. "Afterward," she wrote, "I went to lunch at the Dutch Treat Club . . . Fortunately, the program began with two very delightful gentlemen who made you laugh, willy-nilly, no matter how quaky you felt inside. Then for a few minutes I forgot everything else exisited, as a very lovely voice filled the room. Miss Fisher, of the Metropolitan Opera Company, sang two songs . . . Today she was on the other side of a very charming gentleman, who, however, proved quite a barrier to the questions I would have liked to ask her." Well, well, who were the delightful comics who willy-nillied the First Lady into laughter? They were the radio team of Tom Howard and George Shelton. Miss Fisher is Miss Suzanne Fishers, but what two songs' did she sing? And what questions would Mrs. Roose- velt have asked Miss Fisher? And the charming gentleman, who, etc.? Why, nobody but Clarence Budington Kelland! Mrs. Roosevelt added a postcript to the effect that the Chuddar shawl had been found. By whom? We are not her editor, but if we were we'd say, "Get names." Our question about the authorship of "Liberty at the Crossroads" was answered too late on Tuesday night for us to do anything about it. It was the work of Henry Fisk Carlton, and it was, in our opinion, a little less zippy than his pool playing. Hi! Sugar! (HAVANA, Jan. 15 (P)-Thousands of cane- field workers, humming tunes of tropical con- tentment, unsheathed their machetes today and started cutting Cuba's 1936 sugar crop.) No longer are the workers glum; No longer treasure they resentment, HAVANA, Jan. 15-They're hum- ming tunes of tropical contentment. For the life of us we can't think of a tune of tropical contentment typifying the happiness of a sugar cutter. The best we can do is "Sweet and Low." Or "Way Down Yonder in the Canefield." Weep No More (From the New York Times) Bernard R. Mullady, City Hall reporter for the New York City News Association, was elected president of the City Hall Reporters' Association at its annual meeting yesterday. By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. - Among the I-told-you-so's of his political souvenirs, "General" Jim Farley might include his prophecy that the campaign of 1936 was to be a rough- and-tumble affair, with no holds bar- red. Within hours, almost, he could have pointed to his own contributions as verifying his prediction. Such phrases as "brigand" and "gangster" bristled in his Tuckahoe, N. Y., re- marks. What has become of that cherubi- cally cheerful Farley who so quickly earned the title "Genial Jim" when he took to national politics in '32? There is the same hint of irritation at criticism in Farley at Tuckahoe as was detectable in President Roose- velt's annual message and Jackson Day address. The theme was the same, but the Farley dressing of it less restrained in language. IOES this indicate that, harassed by new constitutionality perplexi- ties within and an increasing uproar of criticism without, the New Deal- ers, from the top down, are becom- ing thin-skinned? That is what the critics like to say about them; but is it so, necessarily? President Roosevelt, certainly, is an old and tried campaigner. He has smiled his way through some tough spots, intra- as well as inter-party. His smile and his blythe voice have been major party assets. That Roosevelt "charm" is the most difficult thing for his political foes to plan against. If the President should be driven as this early stage into angry instead of lightly mocking tones to repel his critics, they would certainly have gained something. Y ET here is a difficulty that all ad- ministration political warriors face: Mr. Roosevlt has called for "no retreat" upon New Deal policies. He has sounded a bugle call for the at- tack, not a mere rallying for defense. And it fell to Farley's lot to be first to open verbal fire under that always preferred battle strategy. Mr. Farley does not bear much personal responsibility for the shape of New Deal social and economic mechanisms. Old fashioned politics is his business. Only the dispute about his post office bookkeeping in- vites him to a personal defense. His cabinet colleagues, with few' exceptions, are not so 'placed. Each has some attacked personal policy he would like to defend. How they will' nake an attacking defense remains to be seen. MUSIC :: TUESDAY, Jan. 21, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 81 Notices Student Loans: There will be a meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 1:30 in Room 2, University Hall. Students who have already filed applications with the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents should call there at once to make an appointment to meet the Committee. Sophomores, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Elections must be approved in Room 103 Romance Language Building in accordance with alphabetical divisions listed be- low. Failure to meet these appoint- ments will result in serious conges- tion during the registration period. Please bring with you the print of yoursrecord which you received last summer. Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily. QR, Tuesday, Jan. 21. S. Wednesday, Jan. 22. TUV, Thursday, Jan. 23. WXYZ, Friday, Jan. 24. AB, Monday, Jan. 27. C, Tuesday, Jan. 28. DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29. FG, Thursday, Jan. 30. R. C. Hussey, J. H. Hodges, Sophomore Academic Counselors. Phi Kappa Phi:, Three Graduate Fellowships, each with a stipend of $500 for one year, have been estab- lished by the Honorary Scholastic Society of Phi Kappa Phi. These Fellowships will be administered in accordance with the following regu- lations: The Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships shall be awarded each year to mem- bers of Phi Kappa Phi, each of whom wishes to enroll as a candidate for an advanced degree in a graduate school in some American College or University. A student registering in a professional school such as Law or Medicine is not eligible. Within these requirements no restriction shall be placed upon the field of work. Those eligible to apply for one of these Fellowships shall include mem- bers of Phi Kappa Phi who, during the year preceding the proposed grad- uate study, were elected to member- ship in the society as seniors. To be eligible for consideration, applicants for these Fellowships shall be filed on or before the 15th of March with the Secretary of the So- ciety Chapter in which the applicant was elected to membership, on blanks prepared for the purpose. In selecting the most worthy ap- plicant, the National Committee of Award, shall give primary considera- tion to the applicant's promise of success in graduate work as revealed by previous scholastic record, testi- monials from teachers and merit of excellence of proposed plan of grad- uate study. The final awards shall be made by the Committee and the successful ap- plicants shall be notified by the Sec- retary General of the Society not later than June 1. It is expected that those accepting these Fellowships will devote their full time to graduate study through- out the academic year and will not at the same time hold other remun- erative scholarships or Fellowships, nor any salaried position. This re- striction will not be construed as pro- hibiting the acceptance of a remis- sion of tuition or other fees provided no return service is required. R. S. Swinton, Secy. 308 English Annex. All Men Students: Students intend- ing to change their rooms 'at the end of the present semester are hereby reminded that according to the Uni- versity agreements they aretto inform their landladies of such intention at least two weeks prior to the close of the semester, Friday, Feb. 14. It is advised that notice of such intention to move be made at once. J. A. BURSLEY, Dean The Committee on Saturday Classes will be in session in room 4 U.H. daily January 20-24 from 2:30-3:30. It will not hold sessions again until Wednes- day, Feb. 12. Applications will be received for Earhart Foundation Scholarships for the second semester not later than Jan. 25. Eligibility for these scholar- ships requies an average grade of not less than "B," willingness to devote one day per week in field investiga- tion, registration in Sociology 206, a Pro-seminar which' meets Monday from 3-5. Application blanks may be obtained from the Sociology Department Offi- ce, 115 Haven Hall. Smoking in University Buildings: Attention is called to the general rule that smoking is prohibited in Univer- sity buildings except in private offices and assigned smoking rooms where precautions can be taken and control, exercised. This is neither a mere arbitrary regulation nor an attempt to meddle with anyone's personal habits. It is established and enforced solely with the purpose of preventing fira 1t.-"r '. n i- f 1li -p fhar by the throwing of a still lighted match into refuse waiting removal at the doorway. If the rule is to be en- forced at all its enforcement must be- gin at the building entrance. Further, it is impossible that the rule should be enforced with one class of persons if another class of persons disregards it. It is a disagreeable and thankless task to 'enforce' any rule. This rule against the use of tobacco within the buildings is perhaps the most thank- less and difficult of all, unless it has the willing support of everyone con- cerned. An appeal is made to all persons using the University build- ings - staff members, students and others - to contribute individual co- operation to this effort to protect University buildings against fires. American-Scandinavian Traveling Fellowships: The American-Scandi- navian Foundation will award to stu- dents born in the United States or its possessions a number of traveling fellowships, each $1,000, for study in the Scandinavian countries during the academic year 1936-37. Appli- cants must be graduate students, stu- dents who will graduate in June or younger faculty members. They must be capable of original research and independent study, and it is desirable that they be familiar with at least one language in addition to English -preferably Swedish, Danish, or Norwegian. The fields of study in- clude science, literature, and other subjects. For details call at the Graduate School office. All applica- tions must be in New York before March 15. Academic Notices English 154: My section of English 154, Creative Writing, will meet in the second semester on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 o'clock in Room 403 Library. R. W. Cowden. Aero. 6, Experimental Aerodynam- ics: All students in this course should leave a copy of their final examna- tion schedule with Professor Thomp- son beforeWednesday, Jan. 22. The date for the final examination in this course will be announced at the lecture on Jan. 23. Mr. Heneman's classes in Political Science 51 and Political Science 81 will not meet on Tuesday, but will meet as usual on Thursday. Lecture Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, Professor of Applied Christianity at Union Theo- logical Seminary, will speak tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:00 p.m. on the subject of "Fac- ing World Catastrophe." He will appear under the auspices of the S.C.A. and the Religious Education Committee of the University. Music Lecture: Canon E. H. Fel- lowes, distinguished British authority on music, will lecture on "Morley, the British Madrigalist" in the School of Music Auditorium, Maynard Street, at 4:15 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 21. The lecture is compliment- ary to the general public, as well as to music students. Events Of Today Sigma Rho Tau: Usual business meeting at 7:30 at the Union. Proj- ect speech finals will be held during the meeting and the circles will com- mence work on the coming confer- ence debate contest. Sigma Xi: The second meeting of Sigma Xi for the current academic year will be held in Room 2528, East Medical Building at 7:30 p.m. Prof. Leonard L. Watkins will speak on Recent Developments in the Mone- tary Situation. Refreshments will be served. Economics Club: Mr. Sume Carlson (Stockholm, Chicago) will address the Club at 7:30 p.m., 302 Union, on "Some Problems in the Theory of Production." Mathematical Club meets at 3201 Angell Hall, 8 p.m. Mr. D. K. Kazar- inoff will be the speaker. Scabbard a'nd Blade: The Scabbard and Blade Ensian picture will be tak- en at 8:00 p.m., at Dey's Studio, State Street. Uniforms required. Honorary and associate members please be present. Adelphi House of Representatives meets at 7:30 p.m. Men will be nom- inated for the offices for the second semester. All members should be present. Varsity Glee Club: Special rehears- al for concert at 7:30 p.m. sharp,- at Union. Supper in honor of Reinhold Nie- buhr: There will be a supper in hon- or of Reinhold Niebuhr at 5:30 in the Russian Tea room, Michigan League, for those students who have pre- viously made reservations. Christian Science Organization: 4 4 Compulsory fingerprintng -or fingerprinting requested with an cation -has been accomplished at any rate or-else impli- in some New By MARY JANE CLARK It is a strange paradox that al- though the world's greatest composers have spent much of their genius up- on the production of chamber music, and particularly the string quartet, yet because of its finesse and the dif- ficulty in obtaining true ensemble, this music is perhaps the least known of any of the forms of music. It was the privilege last night of the four gentlemen comprising the Kolisch String Quartet to familiarize Ann Arbor with three distinguished works in quartet literature. This type of music is generally con- ceded to be the most pure and elevat- ed form. When one thinks that all the variety of effects of a full orches- tra must be achieved by the use of butt one family of that orchestra, and that there is no program to aid the mind of the listener, forcing the quar- tet to substitute this stimulus subtle effects to their own, one can readily believe this statement. The four instruments played to- gether with exquisite balance and con- trol, taking one back to the regime of the Flonzaley Quartet. That or- ganization, which played quartet mu- sic exclusively, bound its members not to play in orchestra or in solo concert performances so as not to endanger the perfect unity of effect which made it famous. Each of the works was character- ized by such a thorough knowledge of the music that one felt a divorce- ment from notes and in their stead, a kinship with true melody and har- mony. This was especially true of the Schubert Quartet, distinguished as are all that master's works by pas- sages of charming song. From these melodious moments, as in the lilting Scherzo of the Schu- bert, the quartet was able to move easiliy and gracefully into a broad, sustained Andante con moto in which four instruments sounded as one with but a single player, or into a move- ment of pizzicato badinage as in the Brahms Allegretto moderato e com- modo. The Messrs. Kolisch, Khuner, Leh- ner, and Heifetz demonstrated true musicianship; individual self sup- pressed for the benefit of an en- semble presentation of their art - not person. TEMPERATURE REPORTED The University Observatory report- ari n- 19 miiniahn . tnarn.-,,,a.A of York hotels. It is done, the hotel managers say, to protect the proprietors and the employes. Contributors to The Conning Tower hereafter will submit photographs and finger-prints with all contributions. We can coerce, too. If you contribs won't do it, we'll write the whole Tower ourself. It seems to us that the hotel men are poltroons. Why don't they fingerprint the patrons, or, as they used to be called, guests? Every innkeeper whose confidences we have has told us that the big property loss - towels, keys, soap, linen, silver- war, crockery - is caused by patrons of the hotel. Fingerprint an employe, and he remains one or has to resign; fingerprint a patron, and you have an emptier hotel. OR- Lives of hotel men all remind us We can keep from careers of crime, And, departing, leave behind us Fingerprints on the hands of time. The Executive Committee of the American Bar Association has drawn up a code of ethics for lawyers, the press, and the public at future criminal trials. There are eight principal pro-I rnn a - al an,, iff n - rnnnal nnnav t