The Weather Partly cloudy, rising temper- ature today; tomorrow snow, rising temperature. LL Sir itgar ~Iait0 Editorials Lest We Forget, Lest We Forget... Civil Service For Michigan..., VOL. XLVI. No. 83 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Cage Team Wins From Iowa, 31-27 Extra-Period Victory Gives Michigan Third Place In Conference Race Tamagno, Rudness Score In Overtime Wolverines Miss Numerous Chances To Tally During Game InSet-Up Shots By RAYMOND A. GOODMAN Staging an extra-period drive that overpowered a fighting Iowa quintet, Michigan's basketball team won an overtime victory, 31 to 27 last night at Yost Field House for its third Con- ference victory to remain a dangerous threat in the race for the Big Ten title. The victory put the Wolverines in undisputed third place in the Confer- ence standings as Wisconsin lost to Indiana and Northwestern dropped a close game ,to Minnesota by a 30 to 29 score. A crowd of over 5,000 cheering fans saw the rangy Wolverine team con- trol the ball almost completely dur- ing the five minute overtime period and allow George Rudness to hit a long shot to break the tie and Chelso Tamagno to put the game on "ice" with a "dog" after Matt Walsh, Iowa center, had staged a one-man rally to tie the score at 27 to 27 at the end of the regulation 40 minutes. Game Is Cloe The game was close throughout, neither team getting more than a six- point lead, as Michigan missed set- up after set-up despite the brilliant passing of Jake Townsend, which gave the Varsity numerous chances to score. Coach Cappon andtCoach Rolly Williams both tried to mass their height a control the ball, Williams starting Floyd DeHeer, six foot seven inch pivot man, and Fred Schwartz in place of Jack Drees, regular center, and Sid Rosenthal the Hawkeyes fast, shifty little forward. During the first half it seemed as if the Hawkeye strategy would suc- ceed despite frequent substitution, but in the second period the Wolver- ine five, which has always dominated the back-board play, came back and controlled the ball in their usual style. Backboard Play Gives Edge While the superiority off the back- board failed to give the Varsity much of an advantage in the second half with Walsh hitting regularly, in the overtime it gave the Wolverines the edge that meant the game for Mich- igan and defeat for Iowa. Following Rudness' long shot the Varsity kept possession of the ball for two-min- utes straight before the Hawkeyes were able to break through the Wol- verines' passing stall. Even after they finally did break through, it was only momentary for the Townsends and Gee took the ball off the back-I board when John Barko tried a long (Continued from Page 3) Water Rates In Ann Arbor Will Rise On Feb. 1 City Council Votes 13-1 To Increase Revenue From Water Supply Ann Arbor's City Council today approved by a 13-1 vote the suggested 50 per cent raise in city water rates, to be in force over a 12 month period beginning Feb. 1. With the increased revenue which will be received from the rate in- crease, the city expects to be able to finance the proposed water softening plant without resorting to a bond issue or floating a loan. The cost of the water plant is esti- mated at $400,000, of which $189,- 565.88 is already available in the water department's treasury. Under the present rates the surplus obtained between Feb. 1 and July 31, 1937 is estimated at $132,000 and the in- crease would provide another $89,430 surplus, thus completely financing the University Expense For Instruction Is One Of Its Greatest If the University does not accom- plish its end in teaching its students something, it is not because the bud- get does not allow enough to provide instruction. Approximately $3,544,- 173.86 or 44.8 per cent of the total University expenditures goes for in- struction and research. The largest amount of money spent for the faculty, of course, was spent for the literary college, $1,169,104.33 being used in that college alone for instruction. Of the other colleges and schools, she Medical School required the most >o maintain its faculty. As estimated in the financial report about $475,- 222.40 was spent for instruction and research in this school alone. The most expensive department of the Medical School was that of Internal Medicine where $68,605.71 was ex- pended. The School of Education -that school which is to turn out teachers- spent the least amount for instruc- tion of all the university divisions. Only $214,986.31 was spent by that, school for instruction. League Council Meets, Waitingr 11 Duce's Move No Action For Settlement Of War Zone Situation Is Taken As Yet GENEVA, Jan. 20.--(P)-The League of Nations council sat in a long-awaited session today but made no move to settle the Italo-Ethiopian war. 4 Despite new protests from Ethi- opia, for aid, the council rejected a plea from Emperor Haile Selassie to send a commission of inquiry to the war zone and to give the empire financial aid. The impression prevailed tonight that the council, dismayed at the collapse of previouspeace efforts under its auspices, now waits for Mussolini to make a move, Baron Pompeio Aloisi, the Italian delegate, attended the council ses- sion but was silent. Premier Mus- solini disclosed no signs of coming forward with a new peace proposal. One Italian said: "Italy herself will arrange the Ethiopian question. We shall not accept any League-im- posed peace." Emperor Haile Selassie, in a luridly worded plea, asked for new economic sanctions against Italy and for funds. The committee of 13 - which is the council without Italy and Ethi- opia - turned down his financial re- quest on the ground that the League convention providing for financial aid for victims of aggression has never gone into force. Bonus Bill Gets Great Majority Vote In Senate Margin Of Victory Large Enough To Override Any Presidential Veto I Junior Girls' Play For '36 Is Announced 'Sprize !,' Musical Revue, Chosen For Production; Opens March 26 Written Entirely By Central Committee Traditional Campus Event Will Include Cast Of * 100 Characters "Sprize!" a fast-moving musical re- vue, has been selected by the central committee of the Junior Girls' Play to be presented as the 1936 produc- tion, Edith Zerbe chairman, an- nounced yesterday. The production will open at 8:15 p.m. March 26 in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre and will continue for a two-day run. It is planned that the opening night will carry out the tradition of honoring the senior wom- en. For the first time in more than 30 years the play has been entirely written by the central committee, each member composing at least one scene, and the final revision being made by the entire group. Is Musical Satire Casting for the dance and song choruses as well as the leading parts will be held at the beginning of the second semester, according to Miss Virginia Frink, director. The revue calls for more than 100 characters and necessitates an additional 100 women to work on the various com- mittees. The musical satire, written in eight scenes, will reach highspots in the many solo and chorus dances rang- ing from tap, soft-shoedand ballet to the more sophisticated tango and waltz steps as well as various song selections. New Idea Is Used The Junior Girls' Play has been a long established tradition at the Uni- versity, having first been presented in 1904 in Barbour Gymnasium. In the times it has been sponsored prac- tically every theme has been used from the simple plays of the earlier days to fantasies of Spain and France in the more recent productions. "Never before have the junior women attempted to depart so much from the typical play as they have this year in the choice of this year's revue," according to members of the committee. These include: Miss Zerbe, Mary Andrew, Barbara Hanna, Grace Snyder, Margaret Guest, Doris Wis- ner, Gretchen Lehman, Mary Lam- bie, C. Dorothy Rueger, Charlotte Hamilton, Betty Anne Beebe and Jane O'Farrell. Jones Heads Board Of Finance Group WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. -(P) - President Roosevelt today reappoint- ed five of the six members of the Board of the Reconstruction Finance Corp., including Jesse Jones, of Texas, as chairman. The other members receiving re- appointments are: Charles B. Hen- derson, of Nevada; C. B. Merriam, of Kansas; Frederic H. Taber, of Mass- achusetts; and Charles T. Fisher, Jr .p of Michigan, I King George V Dies After 4-Day Sickness And Prince Of Wales Becomes Ruler Of Great Britain Beloved Monarch Mourned By Great Empire Royal Family Attends Monarch; Parliament Called For Meeting SANDRINGHAM, England, Jan. 20.-- (AP) -King George V died tonight after a four-day illness. The Prince of Wales, 41-year-old bachelor who automatically became ruler of the far flung British empire, was present at his bedside along with Queen Mary, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York, and the Duke and Duchess of Kent. Death came at 11:55 p.m. (6:55 p.m. E.S.T.). Crowds stood outside the gates of the royal residence and talked in hushed tones, their heads bared. They looked up the hill toward the "big house" with tears in their eyes. As his long-taxed strength ebbed slowly today, his faithful Queen and four sons, acting as a Council of State, took over the royal duties of the British throne. Responsible persons described the King's slow weakening late today as ta general slowing up of the bodily system." Every effort was made ---ato conserve his strength. Bedside visits, even by the Queen, were lim- King George Intimate ited. The Prince of Wales and the Duke Friend Of Many In U. S. of York, who went to London Sunday for Wales' conference on the Council LONDON, Jan. 20. -(P) -King of State with Prime Minister Bald- George took an intimate interest in win, returned to Sandringham by the affairs of America and was per- plane today. sonally acquainted with a great many Americans. --Associated Press Photo. King George V is shown above when he reviewed the police forces of Great Britain in Hyde Park. This is one of the most recent pictures of the beloved monarch who ruled the largest empire in the world. British King Chooses Edward' From Long List Of First Names Is First Unmarried Ruler In British History, Says Professor Cross By FRED WARNER NEAL The eyes of a world mourning the dead British monarch, George V, turn to the new king of England, Edward, VIII, former Prince of Wales, whoj is now on the throne. The new king of England, who will be 42 years old June 23, according to Prof. Arthur L. Gross of the history department, is named Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David Windsor. While the name under which the former Prince of Wales will rule - Edward VIII- was optional, it has long been expected that the Prince would take that name, Professor Cross said last night. Although he signed his name "Ed- ward" almost immediately after the death of the 70-year old George V., Professor Cross explained that it was probably chosen after consultation with the Royal Family and members of the cabinet. He pointed out that Edward VII, father of King George, was called "Bertie" by his immediate family, his first name being Albert. King George was want to call his heir David, and the latter, according to reports, adopted that as his favor- ite name. As Prince of Wales he was always held in high regard by King George. The story is told that when, near death in 1928, the king aroused from a coma to see the Prince at his bedside, he murmured: "Davy." Thenew king Edward VIII will be the first unmarried adult British ruler in modern times, Professor Cross de- clared. The last unmarried king of England, another Edward - the Sixth - Professor Cross explained. died at the age of 16 in 1553. The boy monarch, the son of the notorious Henry VIII and brother of Queen Elizabeth, began his reign in 1547, the English history authority stated. Although it had long been rumored that the Prince of Wales might re- fuse the throne, Professor Cross said last night shortly before tie stricken king died that he "doubted it very much." He pointed to the fact that when King George was ill with pleu- risy, in 1928, his first son was borne at top speed by a British cruiser all the way from Africa and that the Prince had always taken an active interest in the affairs of the realm. The new king as the Prince of Wales was always democratic and "extremely popular" with all the British peoples, Professor Cross as-' serted, predicting that his ascension to the throne would involve "in all probability" no serious consequences for England. This belief was shared by Dr. Harlow J. Heneman, British government authority of the political science department, who held that the British monarchy would go on Frequently he sent messages to Presidents, and made kindly inquiries about the condition of the United1 States. He had an idea of- American manners and customs through con- tacts with Canada. He visited Can- ada six times as an officer in the royal navy. He was always gracious to Amer- ican visitors, and every court levee saw a number of Americans included. Several hundred delegates to the American Legion convention in Paris were entertained at Buckingham Pal- ace. When Col. Lindbergh was decorated with the Royal Air Force Cross after his epochal trans-Atlantic flight, the decoration was awarded by King1 George himself. N ye Committe~e Is Warned By Secretary Hull Inquiry May Not Be Able To Use National Files To Prove Charges WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. -- (A) - Without referring to the Senate Mu- nitions Committee by name, Secre- tary of State Cordell Hull today is- sued a warning at his press conference that the State Department might dis- continue making available its confi- dential files, unless the confidences imposed upon the users are respect- ed. He emphasized that the files of the Department contained confiden- tial communications from other gov- ernments and that this government could not make public confidential matter without their permission. The Secretary did not refer to Sen- ator Gerald P. Nye's charges that Presidment Wilson had falsified in his statement to Congress that he did' not know of the existence of secret treaties among the Allies to distribute enemy territory until after the United States had entered the World war, nor did he say whether such documents really existed. Secretary Hull formally denied a published report attributing to him a statement that absolute neutrality is impossible. Penniless and in debt, the Muni- tions committee disclosed plans to- night for an investigation of promi- nent preparednessorganizations -if the Senate will vote it additional funds. Pending the uncertain outcome of that question, the Committee made public a list of witnesses originally summoned but now temporarily ex- cused, which, in addition to J. P. Mor- gan and his partners, included the Navy League and the Army Ordnance Association. During the day, Chairman Nye said that it would be impossible for the Archbishop Is Present Later the Duchess of Kent, the for- mer Princess Marina of Greece, ar- rived by an afternoon train. Members of the Privy Council lunched with Queen Mary and then returned to London in Wales' plane. They included Ramsay MacDonald, lord 'president of the Council; Sir John Simon, the home secretary; Lord Chancellor Viscount Hailsham and Sir Maurice Hankey, secretary of the Council. The Archbishop of Canterbury also attended the meeting of the Privy Council. Within the death chamber at Sand- ringham, the Queen turned from her dead King to her eldest son for sup- port. Shortly after his father's death Wales sent a message which he signed "Edward" further confirming the be lief he would adopt this title. Slowly and sadly the royal family moved out of the death chamber to converse together in low tones. For the new king there were but a few hours for private sorrow. Duty will call him to London al- most immediately to assume, with traditional ceremony, the mantle of kingship. Parliament Meets Tomorrow Lord Wigram, King George's pri- vate secretary, immediately left Sand- ringham for London to confer with Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin. The Privy Council will be summoned to meet to take oath of allegiance to the new sovereign. Parliament will meet tomorrow afternoon in obedience to an act which requires that it assemble after a sovereign dies. The Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England, was present at the bedside with the fam- ily. An official notice issued late tonight in London at 10 Downing Street, seat of the government said: "In pursuance of the succession of the crown act, of 1707, Parliament must immediately meet on the demise of the Crown. "Arrangements accordingly have been made for the House of Lords and the House of Commons to meet Tuesday, the 21st of January at 6 p.m." After the new king left here, Queen Mary, now the queen mother, went to her bedroom. She was weeping and the princess royal, the Countess of Sherwood, and the Duchess of York tried to console her. S.C.A. Brings Niebuhr Here. For Address Prof. Reinhold Niebuhr of the Union Theological Seminary, making his second visit to Ann Arbor, will speak on "Facing World Catastrophe" at 8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Niebuhr, who was pastor of the Bethel Evangelical Church in Detroit WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-- (A') - A Soldiers' Bonus Bill, calling for payment of full 1945 maturity value in $50 bonds, was shoved to within a step of the White House tonight as1 the Senate passed it along to a re- ceptive House by a top-heavy vote Students Show of 74 to 16. For nearly five-to-one majority el P o ' ' ' rolled up for the Democratic-Re-Politi lir o e publican two-billion-dollar proposal, was easily more than enough to pass it over a veto. The House already has By MARSHALL D. SHIULMAN approved immediate payment by an University students in the United even greater majority - 356 to- 59 - States have a more active interest but without specifying 'the payment in politics than their elders, in the method. Some observers predicted a opinion of Dr. Emil Lengyel, dis- veto, but even Democratic leaders tinguished journalist and author, who said that it would be overridden. stopped by to discuss foreign affairs A double defeat in the Senate for with Detroit audiences Sunday night. paymentoftWord Wr adjsted "American people are interested not servicein polities, but personalities," he de- sriecertificates in new currency aed "President was expected to influence House sup- Raoed.' Pre-enc porters of the inflationary Patman Roosevelt's re-elec- bill, vetoed last session, to refrain tion will not be in- from pressing this issue. terpretable as an Only nine Democrats and seven Re- reb ne publicans today voted against Senate approbation of the passage. Fifty-six Democrats, 15 Re- New Deal as much publicans, two farmer-Laborites and as a tribute to his the lone Progressive, LaFollette; re- personal magnetism, plied in the affirmative. "In college stu-, Michigan's two Senators, James dents there is evi- t~c -..-2Art,'4hi,,. H ' AynrIPhervo denlt a real concern el Interest In ims, Lengel Says tl i he replied: "We seem always to be (continued on Page 2) thinking of wars in terms of world' conflicts. Despite European threats Ei h ien Trapped of war, this cannot lead to a World war without American capital. Fur- By Mine Explosion thermore, Mussolini is not in the fi- j nancial position to engage in a large' war, Hitler is in a precarious finan- LAFAYETTE, Colo., Jan. 20. -(/P cial position, Great Britain and most - Eight men were trapped a mile of Europe desire peace." uanderground today by a terrific ex- In comparing Mussolini and Hitler, plosion in the Monarch coal mine. Dr. Lengyel said: "Benito Mussohni The blast loosened tons of debris does merit a certain respect, although There was little hope that rescue I do not like him or any other dic- crews could reach the entombed mi- tator. He is a man of caliber, thor- ers before tomorro d. oughly acquainted with problems of Two of ten miners escaped to the government. His position in Italy, surface through airshafts but had no however, must have been very strong- hint of the fate of their fellow work- ly threatened to have driven him to men. the point of moving his soldiers to The blast probably was caused by Ethiopia in defiance of the world. gas from a fire that has burned Evuery time internal aff airs in Italy ii a remote section of the mine for } a t i r