AGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1936 IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS r above all else, to erect for society a N\IE QIUDR Discusses Issue Of Love In Politics... WOLFE Voltaire Preached Concrete And Vital Love Of One's Fellowmen AN INTERPRETATION OF CHRIS- cending good beyond us. This ten-I TIAN ETHICS. By Reinhold Niebuhr. Harper's. $2.00. By RAYMOND HOEKSTRA (Of the Philosophy Dept.) EDITOR'S NOTE: Professor Niebuhr, who teaches at the Union Theological Seminary in New York, will lecture suesday night in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. In this stimulating volume Profes- sor Niebuhr contends that the dis- tinctive contribution of religion toI morality lies in its comprehension of the dimension of depth in life. Re- ligious morality is constrained to seek a justification of the moral life be- yond the immediate values and objec- tives which a secular morality en- visages. Religion is concerned to trace., existence to some ultimate ground and final end, in the hope of thus endowing mere historical pro- cess with a transcendent "meaning." This sense of depth engendered by religion creates in the moral life of man a unique tension between the ideal and the actual, between what ought to be and what is, such that feeling an obligation to the ideal, the moral agent is spurred on to effect its realization in existence. The unique contribution of Chris- tianity to morality is the ideal of per- fect love embodied in the will and nature of a God, who is at once the ground and the final fulfillment of existence (who is at once creator and judge of existence - for the gen- ius of Christianity lies in the myth- ical presentation of the most precious truths about metaphysics and man's physical struggles). All moral en- deavor seeks to actualize the perfect love of God in our own lives and in society. But the perfection of God, though transcendentally real, is never historically realized in its pure form. Yet, the tension established in man's moral life by a pull upward toward the real, but transcendent, loving per- fection of God, and the pull down- ward toward his imperfect and sinful selfish nature, saves man from either a blind optimism or a stupid pessi- mism. The very nerve of the moral life is this sensitivity to both the existing evil about us and the trans- sion is to save moral man both from the despair of never improving him- self and his society, and from thE vain delusion that perfection is al- ready or is imminent. The truth is, paradoxically, according to Pro- fessor Niebuhr, that man can never be perfect and yet is not without the hope of becoming so. Man is the creature of necessity and freedom; he can see what he can never reach, but he can always approximate to it. This precious truth is expressed in what is (to me) an awful terminology as the "impossible possibility" of the perfect love of God. The ideal is real only in God, men seek to emulate Him. The ethics of perfect love and obedience to God's perfect will, and the morality of forgiveness, is im- plicit in the ethical teachings of Jesus in the gospels. In seeking, however, to adjust itself to a changing and recalcitrant world, and in translat- ing the ideal into practicable pro- grams, Christianity has frequently borrowed from current rational eth- ics. Thus, the program of equal justice is an approximation of the law of love in the kind of imperfect world we know. The law of love is not directly applicable to politics and economics. It is yet relevant by way of avoiding the smug complacency of endorsing current relative stand- ards with the air of absoluteness (this is virtually the program of modern liberal Christianity); and by avoiding the dulling effects of con- stant despair or indifference or banal conservatism (virtually the program of orthodox Christianity). A vital Christianity will never surrender the ideal for an actual stage of history - it will neither be a slave to a dead and dying past, nor a prey to a deceptive present. Of every significant change it will believe new possibilities of both evil and good. Yet it will not relen- quish hope of eventual attainment. In the life of the individual, Chris- tian ethics demands a blend of grati- tude and contrition, which bears noble fruit in love and forgiveness- those refinements of voluntary and uncoerceed human kindness which no social or economic system can of it- self produce, but which do enoble and enrich society. Professor Niebuhr has tried in this study to save the universal element of Christianethics from the accidents of particular times and places. The shades of modern idealistic ethics or, at times, of Plato, march through the book, in spite of the author's pro- tests. (Who could silence the voice of Plato in any treatment of ethics?) Yet, as a theologian, Professor Nie- buhr is interested in the insights and perspectives, and even (one suspects) the actual language of traditional Christian thought. Off in a corner one could detect all the lumber of Orthodox Christian terminology, be- ing neatly made over into a less ob- jectionable and more universal Chris- tian ethics. I doubt -whether so many of the Christian concepts can be so easily divorced from their mythical expression. Curiously, the book con- tains no treatment of revelation or of immortality, two beliefs which his- toric Christianity has regarded as in- dispensable. The author does main- tain that reason must mediate be- tween the ideal and the actual in projecting feasible programs of ac- tion, but if he does believe that rea- son also projects the ideal of love - how then does Christian revelation differ from the rationalistic natural- ism except in the contest of its ideal? I object to the phrase "impossible possibility," as a description of the ethical ideal. It offends a critical and competent reader and will confuse the layman. The book shows a unique temper of mind in any writer on ethics. With a cool and confident realistic mind the author treats contemporary social and political issues. He is well-in- formed, scholarly, openminded and pious. The choicest parts of the book are found in the chapters that con- trast orthodox and liberal Christian- ity on the issue of love in politics. As a teacher of applied Christianity, I believe Professor Niebuhr fills his office very well. H is Virtues And Faults Are Also Those Of Walt Whitman FROM DEATH TO MORNING. By Thomas Wolfe. Scribner's. $2.50. (Courtesy of The College Bookshop) By THEODORE HORNBERGER 1 (Of the English Dept.) Thomas Wolfe's latest book con- tains fourteen stories or story- sketches, varying in length from five to over ninety pages. About half of them have previously appeared in the magazines. None makes Mr. Wolfe's range or significance any more impressive; in fact the book suggests even more forcefully than do his novels his now-familiar limi- tations. Nevertheless, a good many of us will covet From Death to Morning, largely because (as one of the kinder critics has already observed) it is better to have Mr. Wolfe with all his faults than not to have him at all. Two pieces, I think, stand out beyond all others in the volume. Most impressive, most like the bet- ter portions of Look Homeward, Angel and Of Time and the River, and, of course, most length, is The Web of Earth, ninety-some pages of mon- ologue by Eliza Grant, who is ap- parently visiting Eugene in New York City. Its additions to our knowledge of Mr. Grant, Eliza, the Pentlands, and the colorful if somewhat raw life of Altamount are varied and absorb- ing reading. In this story Mr. Wolfe seems to have had in mind the charge of formlessness which has been hurled at him so often, and although his frame is perhaps open to criticism the story as a whole shows unusual economy and direction. It is, I be- lieve, a piece to be respected even by one who does not feel, as I do, that the Gants and the Pentlands are about the most unforgettable clan in contemporary literature. Mr. Wolfe is at his best, moreover, in "Death the Proud Brother," a straightforward description of four encounters with sudden death on VOLTAIRE, by Henry Noel Brails- ford, 256 pp. New York, Henry Holt Co. $1.25. By PROF. EUGENE ROVILLAIN (Of the French Dept.) This book is one of the volumes lately added to the Home University Library of Knowledge and has been written by Mr. Henry N. Brailsfard. It is a valuable contribution to the knowledge of Voltaire, the man, the historian, the wonderful literary artist in both prose and verse. It stresses, and we belives this to be right, the importance of Voltaire as a great thinker and social moralist. While primarily written for the gen- eral public, this book will be of in- terest to scholars who sometimes lose themselves in details to the detri- -ment of the whole. Contrary to the opinion of mis- informed persons, Voltaire was a cre- ative genius of the first order, besides being a literary artist whose style was so great and so witty that some of his sayings have passed into the daily speech even of other nations. Be- neath the flippancy and the obvious sarcasm contained in his pholosoph- ical tales which won him immortality, we always find kindly wisdom mixed with tenderness for suffering hu- manity. Voltaire, too, was the first histor- ian of modern Europe and, in this line, the Essay on Customs is the greatest of his works. He gave, in it, the economic interpretation of his- tory, for he attributed political and social evolution to economic motives, and he truly began the science of history by his modern conception of causation. On the rationalistic side, he tried to prove the growing importance of reason in the world by describing the fight between Church and State throughout the ages. Like all the Anglo-Saxons, Mr. H. N. Brailsford finds it difficult to explain truly the reasons for the excellence of Voltaire as the best known French poet and dramatist of his time, and he completely for- gets to mention the influence of Vol- taire on literary criticism. In truth, Voltaire was specially concerned with the betterment and happiness of man. His rationalism, based on physical science, directed him to the love of humanity. He sincerely believed that liberty and science were destined together to bring an incredible amendment to human affairs and he wrote accord- ingly. All his life, Voltaire attacked bit- terly superstition and intolerance, as may be seen by his constant inter- ference in the judgement of Calas, Sirven and the Chevalier de la Barre, which made him write his famous Treatise on Tolerance. Unceasingly he sought to break the fetters that Church and King had laid upon the human intellect. He labored to make a humane and impersonal law su- preme above a despot's will. He tried, new scheme of values among the goods that men desire. He worked constructively and with all the power in his command for the common good. He hated killing and war, and he had a deep distrust for national- ism. He saw, across wars and schisms, the great cosmopolitan so- ciety. He preached, as the one suffi- cient commandment, the love of one's fellowmen, and made it concrete and vital, by his relentless assaults upon every form of cruelty, be it secular or ecclesiastic. Mr. H. N. Brailsford is to be con- gratulated for having brought thes- facts out in an interesting and con- vincing fashion, and he does not over- state when he writes of Voltaire: "Rarely in any age has there lived on this earth a man possessed by this consuming and disinterested passion for justice." (p. 202). We do not wish, therefore, to question overmuch a few unimportant points discussed by Mr. H. N. Brailsford which smack somewhat of anglo- saxonism, such as: the mention of the battle of Blenheim without strong reason, the supposed lack of intelligence of Louis XV, the fact that French liberalism - which is far from the truth- originated in England, and the so-called repub- lican sentiment of Voltaire. There is, too. in the otherwise fine work of Mr. H; N. Brailsford, a tendency to pass quickly over the numerous de- fects in the character-personality of Voltaire in order to make him stand before us with a kind of apostolic dignity which he, certainly, had not. But, and we are glad to reiterate the statement, the fine work of Mr. H; N. Brailsford is worthy to be admired and to be . . . read! 4 ,' The COLLEGE BOOKSHOP STATE STREET at NORTH UNIVERSITY DIAL 6363 Pays the Highest Prices for USED Forthcoming Books New York streets. A traffic acci- dent, an alcoholic's accidental self- destruction, a riveter's fall into the For EXAMS - Use A Few of the January Books In Our Lending Library Phil Stong THE LORENZO BUNCH .......... by Booth Tarkington DUST OVER THE RUINS.............. by Helen Ashton STOKER BUSH ................... by James Hanley THE JEW OF ROME ............ by Lion Feuchtwanger MEN AND BRETHREN........ by James Gould Cozzens THE LUCK OF THE BODKINS... . by P. G. Wodehouse WE WHO ARE ABOUT, TO David Lamson LARGEST LENDING LIBRARY IN ANN ARBOR WITHAM DRUG STORE Corner South University and Forest The MacMillan Company will pub- street, and a heart failure in the lish on Jan. 21st two books by F. L. subway -these and the crowds they Lucas: Four Plays and Poems, 1935. gather are presented with the meticu- The book of poems is a rebellion lous detail and poetic interpretation against the up-to-date view that art which Mr. Wolfe can sometimes must be up-to-date. Mr. Lucas handle in almost unbelievable bal- claims that art is not a matter of ance. And yet for me the power of spring-fashions, and that if a writer the material is lessened considerably is original, he does not need to ad- by a conclusion in the poetic peri- vertise the fact by painting poetry's ods which Mr. Wolfe likes so well bay-tree red or flood-lighting it possibly because somebody once told purple. If he is not original, antics him he had an Elizabethan gusto. will not save him. The remainder of the stories are Charles Nordhoff, co-author of Mu- relatively inferior, even when the tiny en The Bounty has arrived in Gants or Mr. Wolfe's personal ex- i t f. iitf hi f il perience enter in. The short pieces COLLEGE and STUDENT OUTLINES All Subjects - 75c TH ESES COVERS - FOUNTAIN PENS - BLUE BOOKS Supplies Of All Kinds Lths country or a vsiL L s1 o izamuy in Santa Barbara, Calif. His trip was planned some time ago, but was delayed in order that the two au- thors might finish their forthcoming novel, The Hurricane which will be published in February. III CI BOOKS by Reinhold Niebuhr Mr. Niebuhr Lecturers At Mendelssohn Theatre, Jan. 21st- An Interpretation of Christian Ethics. . . $2.00 Moral Man and Immoral Society . . . . . $2.00 of five or six pages, praised by the blurb-writer as a new aspect of the author, seem to me de'cidely sopho- moric, further evidence of his in- ability to create convicing characters beyond the range of his intimate experience. On his title-page Mr. Wolfe lends support to the comparison which has been made by some of his crtics by using as his motto, "Vigil strange I kept on the field one night." It is valuable to think of him as an ad- mirer of Walt Whitman and to think of his work in terms of Whitman. In a very real way, it seems to me, his virtues and fault are the virtues and faults of Whitman, and his work, both accomplished and projected, bids fair to being a gigantic "Song of Myself" in prose. Mr. Wolfe too is untamable and untranslatable, and he too likes the sound of the belched words of his voice loosed to the eddies of the wind. And sometime, too, he is dull, but he is dull far less frequently than he is interesting. Jay Letters Revealed Frank Monaghan, Yale professor and author of the recently published John Jay, Defender of Liberty, re- sorted to modern detective methods in order to uncover brand new sources hitherto unknown and un- used in depicting Revolutionary his- tory. A collection of papers written by Jay in invisible ink were studied for months by a handwriting expert, who was unable to decipher them. Dr. L. Bendrickson, of the Hunting- ton Library, at last succeeded in re- vealing the messages by means of ultra-violet radiation. BERMUDA Escorted Personally by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Randall SPRING VACATION IN $95.50 And Up, Round Trip From New York $146.55 And Up, Round Trip From Ann Arbor WE HAVE A SPECIAL ALLOTMENT OP SPACE ON THE STEAMSHIPS Does Civilization Need Religion ... Reflections on the End of An Era Itinerary April 10 - Leave Ann Arbor, "Wolverine" 6:39 P.M. April 11 - Arrive New York 8:20 A.M. Sail on S.S. Queen of Bermuda 3:00 P.M. April 13 - Arrive Hamilton, Bermuda A.M. Transfer to Hotel Hamilton April 13 to 17 - In Bermuda April 17- Sail on S.S. Queen of Bermuda 3:00 P.M. April 19 - Arrive New York A.M. Leave New York."Wolverine" 5:35 P.M. April 20- Arrive Ann Arbor 8:16 A.M. PRICE INCLUDES: Minimum steamship accom- modations, U.S. Revenue tax, 3 meals a day and room without bath (basis 2 in room, with twin beds) in Bermuda, sightseeing to all points of interest, round trip rail from Ann Arbor, and lower berth. Price Does Not Include: Meals on the train or in New York, tips, items of a personal nature such as laundry, pressing, entertainment, extra meals, etc. at I WAHR'S BOOKSTORES State Street Main Street RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY FEBRU ARY 15th -Accompanied by a $15.00 Deposit Frederick S. Randall, Travel Service 12 NICKELS ARCADE PHONE 6040 HEADQUARTERS FOR LECTURE COURSE TICKETS M I I r AL SA .EX1 YS r^" G' s .r ..... 1 ~ 1 ':- . c f . . " L . . 9. aI / ; , Fv:_kyy T. ? , ilex 7s dzad to see I 11 I i t t is-r V / 1 f