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January 18, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-18

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions dluring regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
New Note
To the Editor:
In the announcements given out by the Univer-
sity concerning the new system of registration for
the coming semester, certain Freudian elements
are apparent to him who examines the list.
For example, on Thursday, February 13th, from
2:00 to 2:15 a group charmingly known as "Wil to
Woo" will register. This puts the official approval
of the University upon the practice of wooing,
although it seems deplorable that this essential ac-
tivity should be confined to a mere quarter-hour
period. On Wednesday, February 12, from 2:30 to
2:45 another group known as "Kom to Lap" will
register, an invitation which in most cases it would
be difficult to ignore.
I am writing on this subject only for the pur-
pose of calling to general attention this new, strik-
ingly modernistic note in what in former days was
merely a dull and dry listing. An element of
romanticism has invaded University Hall.
As Oher Se t

rThe Conning Tower]
THESE ROADS that run from Redding Ridge to
Up Greenfield Hill or down by Muddy Brook,
Were tangled trails where wandering cattle went,
Or lovers in the twilight April took
Through laurel fields or homeward through the
There by the fire, too diffident to kiss,
They sighed for love, yet when the hearth burned
Bundled to bed and thought it not amiss.
So simply is a rado begun: a lane
To wander deep in mint or meadow rue:;
A trail in autumn lost in leaves and rain;
Faint as the phantom trace on snow and blue
As hillside mist - where in the starlight hush,
The dark fox trailed his silver-feathered brush,
More lovely than autumn in Connecticut
Is winter, when the great snows thickly fall.
The granaries are filled; the barns are shut.
Here is a world reversed! Here snow is all!
From a drowned land washed white, there bleakly
Dark crooked boughs like spars, a wave-swept
A roof top stranded on the sleeping drift;
Or ragged creeper where a wall went down.
On nights of windless moons the great elms cast
Their shadows on the snow in lengths of lace-
Blue dreamy boughs, mysterious and vast,
But upward in the trees' majestic grace,
High on the black and naked heaven, far swung,
On every bough, a blazing star is hung!

*A Washington



Telephone 4925

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
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Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
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Davies, Mario. T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W.

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Uni stil y. Copy received at teyudaiyec. fth i ta ntto the President
untll 3:30; 11:00 am. on iSatfIuIrday,


The Relief Problem
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Telephone 2-1214

'ocal Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joite; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.

It Is Up To
The Fraternities.


F RATERNITIES are composed of
human beings with human inclina-
tions,, and so it comes as no surprise that they
tossed overboard the many rules set up for them by
other organizations and supplanted them with a
set of their own making.
But, even considering this, this year's Interfra-
trenity Council deserves credit for determined
action. We hope they will not lapse into their
traditional/lethargy of former years now that they
have done something.
Members of the council who realize the real
significance of their new freedom should be aware
of the tremendous responsibility that they, as in-
dividuals, and their houses face in this freedom.
No longer is the University a disciplinary body.
The executive committee of the council is the
judiciary body for infractions of their own rules,
and the University is a bystander; but, we sus-
pect, if things go too far amiss, the University
will lose no time in restricting the independence
of the council.
So the responsibility is placed squarely on the
shoulders of every fraternity man on the campus.
He must take it upon himself to conduct himself
within the council rules.
The president of the house is sworn to report
any infractions of his brothers to the executive
coimittee of the council. No matter how em-
barrassing his action might be, it is unmistakably-
his duty. Without his whole-hearted support,
the council will not only fall short of its aims,
but it will be shorn of its power to an extent
that will be hard for fraternity men to bear.
Then the executive committee will have the
odious task of dealing stringently with any offen-
der. The final power rests with them and if they
do not use it wisely and definitely the whole
system will fall down.
Fraternity men took a step, a progressive step
that warrants praise, but without the support of
everyone concerned they will find that the step
has been far too big for them.
Minding Other
People's Business.. .
T IS TYPICAL of Americans that
years of bitter experience, new laws,
and strong statements from their high officials
should not serve to prevent their interfering in
foreign affairs.
Crossing the Atlantic during war time was no
more dangerous to the neutrality of the American
people than attempting to advise Adolph Hitler on
how to run his own government. Yet it has been
revealed that less than a month ago, the Rev.
John Haynes Holmes, Bishop Francis J. McConnell,
Sherwood Anderson, Norman Thomas, Upton Sin-
clair, Lincoln Steffens and others sent a telegram,
to Hitler protesting the execution of Rudolph
Claus, German labor leader.
Of the group named above, only one, Norman
Thomas, actually had a definite reason for pro-
testing to Hitler, for, as a leading socialist, it is
his duty to protect a member of his own party.
The telegram called the beheading of Claus a
"horrible reversion to barbarism." It also de-
manded - the words used were "vigorously urge"
- the release of a number of other leading So-
Though it is true that a commendable spirit of
human sympathy must have prompted the sending
of the telegram, it is also true that such action as
this lead to the ill-feeling between nations, and is

T HE PROBLEM of relief to the unemployed is to
the fore again. This is not to say it has been
in reality any less of a problem in recent months.
It is only that other perplexing matters have
taken public attention from the continuously pres-
ent enigma of a permanent relief program-.
The present crisis - and where a crisis has not
already arisen one is impending --is precipitated
by the recently announced policy of the national
government to end direct Federal relief. As an-
nounced, it was the plan of the Federal admin-
istration to provide enough WPA jobs to take care
of all employables on the relief rolls. Under
this plan, the responsibility for the unemployables
- those who through age or illness or for some
other reason cannot work on such projects - was
returned to the states and local communities.
If we may believe state relief authorities, it has
not worked out this way. In Illinois, for example,
the WPA, according to Gov. Horner, has taken only
158,000 families off of relief rolls, leaving the state
to care for 260,000, including 65,000 unemployables.
Here in Missouri, the situation is only less grave
because the number of persons involved is smaller
and the funds will hold out for a somewhat longer
period, possibly until the first of April. But a
month and a half is a short while, and recogniz-
ing this fact, the Missouri Relief Commission has
put the problem up to the Missouri delegation in
Congress. Senator Truman has conferred with
Administrator Hopkins of the WPA and the report
is that immediate consideration will be given Mis-
souri's relief crisis.
What will the answer be? When Illinois found its
relief funds running low a few weeks ago, Gov.
Horner and Senator Lewis appealed in person to
President Roosevelt. They were rejected on the
score that no exception could be made to the gen-
eral rule of no direct Federal relief. A subse-
quent request for additional WPA funds was also
denied. As a result, Gov. Horner has convened
the Illinois legislature in special session and a bill
appropriating $2,500,000 from the general revenue
fund has been passed by both houses. It is esti-
mated that this sum, together with funds from
the sales tax, will carry the relief load only from
Jan. 15 to Feb. 15. When the middle of the next
month arrives, Illinois will have to face the problem
anew. Gov. Park and his aids at Jefferson City
should take this as a warning to Missouri.
The truth is that while no one plan can be made
to work in every locality, and while some form
of Federal help will be required, it is high time for
the states to face the realities in the matter. In
one breath we have the states complaining that
their rights are being invaded by the centralization
of authority in Washington and in the next we hear
them asking for whatever amounts they need to
meet the costs of relief. There is an almost con-
tinuous parade of state officials or "ambassadors"
to Washington. If it is true that the Federal Gov-
ernment has stepped into spheres of activity here-
tofore considered the province of the states, it is
also true that the states have openly invited en-
croachment by shirking their responsibilities.
Take the case of Illinois. Last August, the Fed-
eral Government supplied $8,690,215 in relief funds.
At the same time, only $1,495,593, or 14.5.per cent
of the total, was appropriated by the State. Local
governments contributed the relatively insignifi-
cant sum of $89,467, or under 1 per cent of the
total. Elsewhere the situation is substantially the
After all, the fact of the debt accumulated to
meet relief payments is no less real because it is as-
sumed by the Federal government and not the
states. Unless the states are willing to assume
permanently the status of mendicants, they will
recognize the problem of relief as the responsi-
bility which it is. Whether it means increased
taxes or bond issues or what-not, is for the states
themselves to decide. Federal help will have to
continue, but the Federal government cannot go
on bearing the whole burden, or virtually the
whole of it.
When the governors or their agents stand in line
in Washington with tin cups in their hands, the
cry that state rights are being invaded has an
unmistakably hollow ring.

These hills were ancient when the ark went forth
On her strange watery errand on the world;
This stone the oxen brought to build my hearth
Was shagged with moss before the Pequot hurled
His flinty death along the Saugatuck.
Not strange-on this unyielding soil that man
Grew stern or measured Sunday by the clock,
Who dragged their hearthstones down from Devil's
Or harnessed rock to bound an orchard by;
Accepting April with a mind austere;
Grappling with winter lest the cattle die -
Men, prudent, sturdy, of a character
Akin to rock or cedars straitly grown,
Unshaped by winds, whose roots were deep in
Well, of course, when we taxpayers read that
$200,000,000 was about to be returned to us by the
government we felt happy and wealthy. The min-
ute we saw the headline we smoked another cigar.
We looked again and saw it was a hippopotamus.
And that the money was to be given back to the
processors. We paid the processing tax, but we
won't get back the money. So we are out whatever
we paid in taxes and one 17-cent cigar.
Our apologies to our Representative, the Hon.
Schuyler Merritt, for having called him Stephen.
And not only did our Mr. Merritt vote against the
bonus bill, but he is on record as being in oppo-
sition to the Townsend plan.
Whatever Ward and Vokes show it was that
Miss Mary Boland appeared in - Ambrose Glutz
thinks it may even have been "The Governors" -
Percy used to ask Harold "Did you take a bath
this morning?" and Harold would say, "Why, is
there one missing?" And "There's a man down
there with a wooden leg." "Tell him that we
don't care for any today, Percy." And many more,
says Mr. Glutz, of the early Groucho Marx period.
To us the funniest of the Percy and Harold
shows was the one in which the clumpety-clump
of horse's hoofs was heard. Harold entered, call-
ing, "Boy, hold my horse till I come out, and when
I come out you can have him."
It seems to us that the Townsend plan's age is
arbitrary. A man should be eligible the minute
somebody offers him a seat in a public conveyance,
and five years after a man of twenty-five or more
years calls him "Sir."
Our chief interest in this Republican National
Committee radio program, "Liberty at the Cross-
roads," is not in the freedom-of-the-air thing
at all, largely because our guess is that there is
mighty little of it, according to our notion of
freedom. But we wonder who wrote the sketch
or sketches? Who wrote "a series of skits pre-
pared by the Republican National Committee?"
Mr. Henry P. Fletcher says that when Mr. Wil-
liam S. Paley, of the Columbia Broadcasting
Company, says "appeals to the electorate should
be intellectual, and not based on emotion, pas-
sion, and prejudice," that, "in view of the impas-
sioned appeal made to class prejudice made by the
President in his Congressional broadcast on Jan-
uary 3," is almost funny. It strikes us that to try
to make an unemotional appeal to the electorate
is impossible; also that the President of the United
States, whatever his party, may have the utter
freedom of the air to make any appeal he wants to.
All Mr. Fletcher has to do is prove this to get his
man elected next November.
Our guess is that the Republican National Com-
mittee will be permitted, even welcomed, by the
broadcasting companies to say anything untreas-
onable they like. Public opinion is strong against3
the apparent denial of the right of expression.
Our only hope is that when Mr. Fletcher is per-'
mitted the air's freedom he and his broadcasters
will begin at or before 7 p.m. The President kept
us up until nearly ten o'clock that night, and we
are still dead for sleep.
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt said that dema-
gogues coin slogans and ride on them to power.
mThrP icP ishni,,o ini +ii c voXr'nt+i f.i ih irdA +

WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. - But for
his own certainty that an ad-
verse Supreme Court ruling on AAA
hung over his head as Congress as-
sembled, President Roosevelt probably
would have reserved his "no retreat"
campaign battle cry for the Jackson
Day dinner. That was a more na-
tural and logical setting for it than
his dramatielly delivered state-of-
the-union message to Congress.
Without the advance notice of the
message, attuned so closely to the
same theme, the Jackson Day ad-
dress would have reverberated more
thrillingly not only in party but in
popular ears. Having that speech in
mind, as he clearly has had it ever
since the hostility to his policies in
organized business and financial cir-
cles became so mai'ked at the late
summer and autumn national con-
ventions of various groups, Jackson
Day and the "Old Hickory" parallel
must have loomed to the President
as an appropriate time and vehicle
for his answer.
launching strategy obviously was
settled upon long ago with this in
mind. Its twin objective of recruit-
ing for the party war chest was no
less important. An unbalanced party
budget is a closer-up party political
problem than a national deficit with
a presidential campaign opening.
All these considerations argued for
reserving presidential heavy artillery
for a Jackson Day barrage. It fel-
lows that only most urgent reasons in
Mr. Roosevelt's mind prompted the
state-of-the-union message departure
from plan. What brought about the
final decision, no doubt, was the Su-
preme Court's almost unprecedented
change in its Christmas recess sched-
ule which made its AAA pronounce-
ment possible before Jackson Day.
* z* *
THE PRESIDENT was too close in
timing and substance on Jack-
son Day to his message delivery to
avoid an anti-climax flavor in his
dinner speech. He was also too close
to the AAA court crash to tell his
Jackson Day listeners what they most
wanted to know, what specifically he
was going to do about it. He could
only repeat and elaborate on the
message; yet exactly what parts he
chose for that repetition invite at-
What he repeated - aside from
the "no retreat" slogan he has coined
for the '36 campaign -was the same
drive beyond party lines for popular
support he launched in his nomina-
tion acceptance address in Chicago
in '32; and that "gang-up" phrase
to describe the attitude of a "minor-
ity" in big business and high finance
toward his New Deal objectives. And
that last, unquestionably, is taken
from the Hutton magazine article
later lamented by its author.
There you have the form and sub-
stance of the Roosevelt re-election
campaign plan, whatever the specific
issues may be.

SATURDAY, JAN. 18, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 79
Graduate School: All gradute stu-
dents who expect to complete their
work for a degree at the close of the
present semester should call at office
of the Graduate School, 1006 Angell
Hall, to check their records and to
secure the proper blank to be used
in paying the diploma fee. The fee
should be paid by the end of Jan-
Registration forms for the second
semester will be available in the of-
fice, 1006 Angell Hall, this week.
Graduate students are urged to fill
out the forms in advance of the regu-
lar registration period, which will ex-
tend from Wednesday noon to Satur-
day noon, Feb. 12, 13, 14 and 15. Fees
must be paid by Saturday noon, Feb.
15, to avoid payment of the late regis-
tration fee.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
Sophomore, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Please be sure
to bring with you the print of your
record which you received last sum-
mer when reporting to advisers for
approval of second semester elections.
J. II. Hodges, R. C. Hussey,
Sophomore Academic Counselors.
Student Loans: The Committee on
Student Loans will meet in Room 2,
University Hall Monday afternoon,
Jan. 20, and Thursday afternoon,
Jan. 23. Students who have already
filed applications in the Office of the
Dean of Students should make an
appointment at once to see the com-
mittee on one of these days.
The Bureau of Appointments ad
Occupational Information is asking
all students who have not yet re-
turned registration materials. taken
out in November or later to do so at
once. This material must be re-
turned whether or not the student
concerned has decided to complete
his registration. Please take care of
this matter before Jan. 25. Office
hours, 9:00-12:00; 2:00-4:00, except
Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore:
Clarawanda Sisson, '36, will play Rose
Maybud, and Warren Foster, Grad,
will play Richard Dauntless at the
matinee performance this afternoon
at 2:30. Jean Seeley, '36, and Maur-
ice Gerow, '37, will play these same
roles in the evening performlance at
8:30 in the Mendelssohn Theatre.
Applications will be received for
Earhart Foundation Scholarships for
the second semester not later than
Jan. 25. Eligibility for these scholar-
ships requires an average grade of
not less than "B," willingness to de-
vote one day per week in field in-
vestigation, registration in Sociology
206, a Pro-seminar which meets Mon-
day from 3-5.
Application blanks may be obtained
from the Sociology Department Offi-
ce, 115 Haven Hall.
Academic Notices
Psychology 39: All those who ex-
pect to elect this course second se-
mester, please leave your names with
the departmental secretary, Room
2125 N.S. If there is a sufficient
number of students, another labora-
tory section will be added.
Economics 171: Rooms for exam-
ination Monday, Jan. 20: A-F,25
A.H. G-o, 1025 A.H. P-Z, N.S.

weather. Supper will be served for
approximately 35 cents. All grad-
uate students are cordially invited to
Comn in.vents
Varsity Women Debaters: The
Women's Debate Squad will meet
Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, 4206
Angell Hall.
Phi Tau Alpha meeting Sunday,
Jan. 19, 3 p.m., Michigan League.
Moving pictures of France and Italy
will be shown by Miss Gertrude Gil-
man. All students and faculty of
the classical department are cor-
dially invited.
Harris Hall: The regular student
meeting will be held Sunday evening
at 7 o'clock in Harris Hall. The speak-
er will be The Right ReverendHer-
man Page, D.D. He will speak on,
"The Relation of the College Stu-
dent to Public Life." All students
and their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Church: Services of
worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m., Holy
Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church
School; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m. morning prayer and ser-
mon by The Reverend Henry Lewis.
Stalker Hall, Sunday:
12 noon, class led by Rev. L. L.
Finch on "Was Jesus Religious?"
6:00 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing. Prof. Heber D. Curtis will speak
on "Science and Religion." 7:00 p.m.,
Fellowship Hour and Supper.
First Methodist Church, Sunday:
Morning worship Service at 10:45,
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on
"My Life -- How Find It?" (Palmis-
try? Numerology? Astrology?)
First Baptist Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m., Rev. R. E. Sayles, min-
ister, will preach on "The Uplook on
Life." 9:30, Church School in Church.
9:45, Dr. Leroy Waterman's class in
Biblical literature, at Guild House.
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday:
12:00 noon, Students will meet as
special group at Guild House. Dis-
cussion, "Achievements of the Church
in America." Rev. Howard R. Chap-
nlan, minister of students; will be in
charge. 6:00 p.m. (prompt), Mrs.
E. R. Hardenbrook, who has traveled
widely in the near and Far East, will
give a moving picture travelogue on
China, using reels personally taken.
cures shown of eastern part of
China from Peiping and the Great
Wall to Canton and Hong Kong.
Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister. 12:00 noon,
Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill,
Leader. A continuation of the study
of therLife and Significance of Jesus.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour. Fifteen
cotr supper served.
6:30 p.m., George Abernathy,
counselor for the Student Christian
Association, will bring a report of the
Student Volunteer Convention held
during the holidays at Indianapolis,
Indiana. The report will be followed
by a forum on student movements as
r'evealed through various gatherings
of students during the holidays.
Cengregational Church, Sunday:
10:30, Service of Worship and Re-
ligious Education. Mr. Heaps will
give the third in the series on "Por-
traits of Paul." Prof. Slosson will
lecture on "The Saint as Patriot-
Mazzini," third in the series on "Eur-
opean Men of Action."
5:00, Discussion group led by Stu-
dent Volunteer Convention Delegates,
for the Student Fellowship.
6:00, Student Fellowship. Follow-
ing a light supper Prof. Duffendack
will speak on "Youth in Germany."
There will be special music.

St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sun-
9:30 a.m., Church School. 9:30
a.m. Divine service in German. 10:45
a.m., Morning worship and sermon.
Subject, "Jesus, The Light of the
4 p.m., Student-Walther League
skating party at West Park. 6 p.m.,
Sipper and fellowship hour at the
church followed by an informal dis-
cussion of a question proposed by
at'yone in the group.
Lutheran Student Club: Members
of the Baptist Student Group who
attended the Student Volunteer Con-
vention in Indianapolis during
Christmas vacation will report on
the meetings at the Lutheran Student
Club Sunday evening, Jan. 19.
The convention was made up
of 3,000 students from 450 colleges
primarily from the United States and
The meeting will be in the parish
hall of the Zion Lutheran Church
on East Washington Street at 5:30
Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
9:00 a.m., Early service (conducted
in German). 9:30 a.m., Church
School. 10:30 a.m., Morning worship
xvri4h cn mnti nmma nr>ti. -h

Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Saturday, Jan. 18, 1926

Unanimous approval of a new sta-
dium, seating at least 60,000 persons,
was expressed by the University Sen-
ate last night, following the reading
of the report of the special committee
to consider the athletic situation. The
committee endorsed the project,
"provided the larger stadium is prop-
erly located, built with the utmost
economy and subsequently filled
under a system of ticket distribution
which offers substantial guarantee as
to the character of the crowd."
Hollis Martin's one hand shot with
but 40 seconds to play gave Illinois
a 31-29 victory over the Wolverine
five last night at Yost Field House,
bringing Michigan from undisputed
possession of first place into a tie
with five other schools, Wisconsin,
Ohio State, Iowa and Purdue.
Communism and the "youth
movement" have footholds at Ohio
State, Dr. Clarence Maris, Columbia
physician and political writer, today
declared before the University in-
vestigating committee. Both Com-
munism and the "youth movement"
are subject to orders from Moscow,
he said.
By a vote of 359 to 1, the House
today approved a resolution to au-
thorize the appropriation of $50,000
to defray expenses of American dele-
gates to the preliminary disarmament
conference arranged by the League
of Nations.
President Coolidge has appointed
Maj. Gen. William Lassiter, com-
manding the department of Panama,
to succeed General John J. Pershing,
who is resigning as president of the
Tacna-Africa plebescite committee
because of ill health.

Mr. Heneman's classes
Science 51 and Political
will not meet today.

in Political
Science 81

Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, will play the fol-
lowing program, Sunday ,Jan. 19, at
4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to
which the general public, with the
exception of small children, is invited
without admission charge. The au-
dience is requested to be seated on
time, as doors will be closed during
Prelude and Fugue in B minor . .Bach
Fugue on the "Kyrie" .... Couperin
Prelude ............... Clerambault
Prelude on the Gregorian Song
':Pange lingua".............. Boely
Choral in B minor ...........Franck
Fiat Lux .................. Dubois
Dreasm (Sonata VII) ......Guilmant
Rhapsody Catalane (based on three
Catalonian folk tunes) . . . .Bonnet
Adagio (Symphony VI) ...... Widor
Finale (Symphony I)........Vierne
Mr. Christian will also appear in
recital Wednesday afternoon, Jan.
29, at 4:15 o'clock.
Low Cost House Designs, Architec-
tural Buildifl: Prize and other de-
signs submitted in a recent competi-
tion conducted by the New York
Chapter of the American Institute of
Architects are on view in the ground
floor corridor. Open daily, except
Sunday, 9 to 6, to Jan. 25. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
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