GE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MILHGAN.DAL y THjE MICHIGAN DAILY their attitude. Their motives were just as selfish as those of Japan. It is said that experience is a hard teacher, but she is apparently not hard enough. None of the world powers have learned that a nationalistic policy does not mean peace and security but war, international anarchy and economic depression. As Others SeeIt The Conning Tower PATTERN From dead tree Living fire. From dank sea Purple of Tyre. From musty sheep White wool. Scum of the deep For clean gull. On drab dust Roses feed. Gotten of lust Purest breed. On beast's jowl Beauty's breath. Fattens the soul On the body's death. Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison :Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 49251 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR .............. THOMAS ,H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR....... . ........JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, RaymondGood- man. Women's Departmenu: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Mario T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS:DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .. .. MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ... ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- Uising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY Enlarge The Coliseum.. .. HEN 1400 persons constitute an overflow audience at a varsity game, when any number of fans are turned away from the gates because even the standing room is filled to capacity, and when admission prices are necessarily so high that many students are financially unable to attend contests, it is time to consider rebuilding the Coliseum to make room for large hockey crowds. This remodeling becomes especially desirable when it is considered that all the work necessary would be the moving of one wall. By moving back the wall on the press box side of the ice, stands could be built that would almost double the present seating capacity. The expense of this enlargement should be ade- quately taken care of by the increased crowds at home games. Furthermore, prices could be lowered from the 35 cent rate for students and the 75 cent rate for townspeople, so that more persons would find it within their means to attend hockey games. Present rates, particularly for non-students, are as high as professional rates for International League games in Detroit. As a result local fans spend their hockey evenings watching the Olym- pics play in Detroit. With Michigan destined to have a good hockey team for the next several years, a move to re- build the Coliseum and increase the seating capa- city would be a wise step, both from a University and a financial standpoint. Home games this year are almost sure to attract many more spectators than there is room for include the Michigan Tech series, the Minnesota series, and single games with Point Edward and Brantford. Hockey fans are the most loyal and ardent of sports enthusiasts and certainly deserve the right to see the team play if they are willing to brave the icy atmosphere of the Coliseum for an hour- and-a-half. The Late Naval Parley. T WON'T be long now until the na- tions of the world are engaged in a thirsty race for big navies - a race which will mean millions of dollars in profits for the ship-1 builders and munitions manufacturers. Japan has withdrawn from the five-power naval confer- ence, and, as it was expected, has thrown the monkey wrench into the machinery to reduce naval1 armaments. Let us look at the reason Japan withdrew. Ad-1 miral Osami Nagano of the Japanese navy says that the proposals of the conference were detri- mental to the "national prestige" of Japan. There is but one fallacy in this reason. Thatt is, that the admiral and the Japanese delegates1 believe they know the sentiment of all the Japaneset people on the proposal - just as the Kaiser saidI he knew the sentiment of the German peoplet at the beginning of the World War.1 However, the withdrawal of Japan is but one rea- son the conference is doomed to failure. Just as responsible are the other powers who refused to; agree to the "common upper limit" plan suggestedi by the Japanese. Their reason for not agreeing1 was that the plan involved the scrapping of ships,t Advice To Young Columnists (From Editor and Publisher) By WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE O YOU FEEL that you are going to cut loose, young man. Well, I knew your father when he and I at your age looked at a world full of injus- tices. In that day the world was rather more stuffy with injustice than it is today. Your father and I stuck it out. Possibly we were wrong. But two or three young fellows whom we knew and loved struck off across country to the rainbow that you are seeking. The world is better than it was fifty years ago. But I doubt if they helped it any. The resistless pressure of social forces in evo- lutionary progress through the inventions of men and the sluggish but powerfully moving sense of justice in men's hearts have made the world better in these fifty years. I would like to think that those dear, star- eyed boys and girls who started with us in the eighties accelerated the speed of human progress, but I am fairly sure they did not. You have a gift for writing. You see things clearly and you are not mistaken about these cruel and devastating injustices which fill your eyes with wrath. More people see them than you think. And so with glacier-like movement the injustices are ground down. The generations pass, justice is a little more nearly achieved in the passing cen- tury. But change that comes hastily too often is not change, but turmoil. I fear that you will see that the cataclysm in Russia will have to back up two or three car lengths in the next ten or fifteen years and then will not be much further ahead than the order that is slowly changing so surely under our eyes in the democratic nations of the world. You ask my advice about what to do in the. changing social order in the world you are about to enter. Alas, a man in his late sixties should not try to point the way to a youth in his twenties. My generation has made so many mistakes, and I have been myself so much a part or an indorser of many of those mistakes that it is grotesque to try to tell you what to do. One fact,' however, you may fairly well rely on. If you live until your late sixties, you will survive into an order as changed and strange as this order now seems to me, when I look back on the days when I was your age. The changes that have come to the world in my1 life have been mostly by mechanical devices. If think the changes in your life will come largely through human attitudes to those and other me-t chanical devices that are yet unrealized.1 What should you do about it: Rush out to meet1 the changes? Face them with eager impatience? Or sit by and let them come? I don't know. Of this I am fairly certain. That what you do will make no great difference. Whatever changes in the social order you may see will be more or lessr inevitable, a part of resistless social forces. Cer- tainly I should not pull back when the machinev is grinding forward. But I should not get out1 and push too heavily. It won't help much. Andv alas, pushing so hard - you may slip and fall down.- And then anyway you don't know which wayc the old bus is going as you push, and you may steer it into a ditch. Mark Twain's boy on the Mississippi steamboat who burst into the salons shere a lot of old ladies were knitting, and startledn them with a cry of "fire," probably was properlyf ebuked when one of the old ladies looked over hert lasses and said: "Now sonny, run and get your pants on and come and tell us all about it." II hink that is the world's attitude toward those whof rowd the mourners for the old order, and there is' something in it. I suppose what I am trying to say is to save your enthusiasm, your energy, the dynamic illu-1 ions of youth for your work, and let it lead yout vhere it will. Don't restrain it, and don't prosti-a ute it. Whatever talent you have is your gift, 'our dearest treasure. Follow it, but cherish it., [t will do the world no good to have your brainsp >ashed out by a cop's club or a gun-butt. More-_ >ver as premature remains you will miss a lot of un, but maybe you will see a lot more of life as ac rusader.h I probably haven't helped you, and I am sorry.v But I shall always be glad to know of your 1 >rogress.g Hadicalism. In Colleges1 (From the Auburn Plainsman)d AGREAT DEAL of attention has been focused,r of late, on the spread of radicalism and com- munism in our colleges and universities.t Thus far Auburn has been fortunate in not hav-s ng students of this' ilk enrolled in her schools levertheless, this subject should be of interestl o every student, professor, or executive connected ith the college. It is a constant, and menacing,8 Lhreat to theindividuality of the college and its t >ersonnel. Our argument is not with radicalism and com-s munism as such, but rather with their attemptsF o foist themselves on the institutions of higherc earning in this country. The writer has in mind I the results of an investigation, made by one of the eading periodicals, following an outburst of agi- I ation at one of the mid-western universities. Thisc eport, the authenticity and fairness of which an hardly be questioned, showed that paid organ-c zers were detailed to many of the major univer-e ities to spread their doctrines of riot and radical- I sm. Needless to say, these organizations met witht nore than moderate success. So successful werev -hey, in fact, that they succeeded in mulctingt From a lost kiss- Love life-long. From the heart's abyss, Wing song. FIDES. The 'P)'s story from Cambridge, Mass., says that Dr. J. Harper Blaisdell said that American women spend $200,000,000 to "look pretty." We object to the quotes. They spend it to look pretty; and they look pretty. It isn't the money that interests us; it's the time they spend in beautifi- cation. Beautification is of man's life a thing apart; 'tis woman's whole existence. The only survivor of a small village in Colombia was made to realize it during a recent earth- quake. Where the village once stood, the great crater of a volcano now opens wide, and the village is somewhere at the bottom of the crater. What happened there would happen anwhere. - Arthur Brisbane in the New York American. Not in a country that had plenty of guerilla- piloted airplanes. There is a lot of talk about ships, and now the fear is expressed that the Normandie will be the only "class" ship left. It was the French liner, you may recall, that appeared in the famous running story -Ruth out, Normandie unassisted. No runs, no hits, one error. 'ODI PROFANUM VULGUS' A Washington BYSTAN D ER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. - Pending clarification of administration and all other views as to what to do now about farm legislation, the only remarks made by President Roosevelt directly about Supreme Court over- throw of AAA attract attention. Real- ly it is one remark, twice made. It was said once in a White House press conference; repeated later to the Jackson Day dinner-and-party-defi- cit eaters, as follows: "I cannot render off-hand judg- ment without studying with utmost care two of the most momentous opinions ever rendered in a case be- fore the Supreme Court." TWO opinions! What does that in- dicate? There are often two opinions by the court, sometimes more than two. Only one has force, the majority opinion. It is also true, of course, that in the time of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and even before his long day, minority views sometimes proved more thought and comment provok- ing than majority rulings. They did not and could not directly influence the immediate course of legislation. That is controlled by the majority ruling alone. That is the law, what- ever the minority members say about it. When, then, in planning his next step need Mr. Roosevelt study both opinions in the AAA case? A possi- ble explanation is that he has two steps, not one, open which to decide. The first is immediate, to meet the farm legislation emergency due to the fall of AAA. Short of some all b u t unimaginable congressional flouting of the Supreme Court's dic- tum, whatever is done must be shaped to accord with the majority ruling. The views of the court minority are beside the question as to that. * * * *« THE second step would be how to seek a reversal or material mod- ification of that majority ruling. To the casual eyedthat implies a consti- tutional amendment, at best and de- signedly so, a slow and unpredictable business. Yet there is a circumstance cham- pions of the majority view of the court on AAA's unconstitutionality must often think of with shudders. That is the age of the justices who rendered it. From that and from any study of the frequency with which changesnhave come on the supreme bench in the past, it can be argued that in all probability important re- casting of the court will occur before the next presidential term ends early in 1941, within five years. Assuming that, President Roose- velt and his successor in the first in- stance, and the senate, mathematic- ally Democratic for that period, in the second instance, could amend the court rather than the Constitution. Think that over as an added unstated election issue. THE SCREEN The taste of the throng, Does it ever make you sick? For instance this song Of circuitous music. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is coustrictiI'e nrtice to all members of the University. Copy received at the ofice of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. AL It is obviously ridiculous to believe that the Morgan interests were responsible for America's entrance into the war. In the first place, Mr. Mor- gan and his partners say that they were not; in the second, hardly any of the American soldiers knew the Morgans, and hundreds of thousands had never even heard of them. NO ARTIST IS QUITE GREAT There is little cause for wonder at Delleville's Symphony Orchestra when you consider the large number of musical people in our community. Fore- most, of course, is Professor Leniger, its director, who knows Kreisler personally, and who declares he was greeted with great enthusiasm when he went to see The Maestro, as he always calls him, at Blossvale, only seventy-five miles away, on the occasion of his last concert there. Prof. Leniger's School of Music is an asset to our community in more ways than one. The student body, seated on long folding chairs on one of Mr. Larry's bunting-draped coal trucks, takes part in all the parades, besides advertising us through weekly broadcasts on the radio station at Sudbury. Although he is primarily an artist, Prof. Leniger says, he is also a firm believer in boosting for better business. Then there is the Community Choir, directed by Mrs. Hayes, who often says she is certain that if she had gone to New York when she was eigh- teen, instead of getting married, she might have amounted to something. A somewhat overwhelm- ing bass in conversation, Mrs. Hayes holds forth on all the noted singers, even those in the Metro- politan, and often hints that none of them is quite great. "Jeritza has no Depth," she booms, her eyes closed, and one feels somehow that Mrs. Hayes has great depth indeed. "No artist can be great without Depth," she declares, firmly. Mrs. Hawkes, the church organist agrees, and ventures to sug- gest that Ponselle has depth? "No. No depth, no depth at all," thunders Mrs. Hayes, sorrowingly, and the two friends develop an animated discussion in a futile endeavor to discover a single artist from the rolls of the Met- ropolitan and the concert great who have depth. The discussion ends when Mrs. Hayes once more voices vain regret for the destiny she missed when she was married at eighteen. Mr. Hayes often leaves quietly for the kitchen at this point but his departure seldom is noticed for Mrs. Hawkes is hinting darkly that she, too, might have had a different career entirely had she been willing to Pay the Price. "All those 'great' artists have paid the price every step of the way," she declares, her eyes glittering. Pretty soon they are deep in a glowing description of the private lives of the singers. It seems the managers, directors, booking agents and others in any way connected with music are unusually echerous and to scale the heights one must be completely abandoned. Another strong supporter of our Symphony Or- chestra, is Mr. Hill, the superintendent of our larg- est silk mill. Although he laughingly describes himself as "just a plain business man," Mr. Hill takes violin lessons from Professor Leniger every week and on Saturday afternoons makes cozy little talks to the girls in the mill on "Musical Apprecia- FRIDAY, JAN. 17, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 78 Notices Graduate School: All gradute stu- dents who expect to complete their work for a degree at the close of the present semester should call at office of the Graduate School, 1006 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in paying the diploma fee. The fee should be paid by the end of Jan- uary. Registration forms for the second semester will be available in the of- fice, 1006 Angell Hall, this week. Graduate students are urged to fill out the forms in advance of the regu- lar registration period, which will ex- tend from Wednesday noon to Satur- day noon, Feb. 12, 13, 14 and 15. Fees must be paid by Saturday noon, Feb. 15, to avoid payment of the late regis- tration fee. C. S. Yoakum, Dean. Faculty, School of Education: The next faculty meeting has, by vote of the Administrative Committee, been changed from Monday, Feb. 3, to Monday, Feb. 10. Graduate Women interested in studying economics, international re- lations or journalism: A one thou- sand dollar scholarship is open through the Federation of American Women's Clubs in Europe to some American woman for study in Eu- rope in 1936-37. Applicants must be an American citizen, a graduate of an accredited institution, and must have a thorough knowledge of French and a working knowledge of one or more other European languages. Application must be sent in before Feb. 1. Further details may be ob- tained in the office of the Graduate School. C. S. Yoakum. Instructors of engineering students who find their regular classrooms too small to permit students to take al- ternate seats for final examinations, as suggested by the Student Honor Committee, will please report that fact to the undersigned through their department heads, not later than Jan. 18, stating the actual number of students in the class. Reassign- ments of rooms will then be made, through department heads and in- structors, to the students at a regu- lar session of the class before the end of the semester. If no request is received, it will be assumed that the regular room is adequate for exam- ination. H. H. Higbie, Room 272 West Engineering Bldg., for the Committee on Classification. Pharmacy Students: Students of the College of Pharmacy should file their tentative elections for the sec- ond semester with the Secretary of the College, Room 250, Chemistry Building, before Saturday, Feb. 1. American-Scandinavian Traveling Fellowships: The American-Scandi- navian Foundation will award to stu- dents born in the United States or its possessions a number of traveling fellowships, each $1000, for study in the Scandinavian countries during the academic year 1936-37. Appli- cants must be graduate students, students who will graduate in June or younger faculty members. They must be capable of original research and independent study, and it is de- sirable that they be familiar with at least one language in addition to English -preferably Swedish, Dan- ish, or Norwegian. The fields of study include science, literature, and other subjects. For details call at the Graduate School office. All appli- cations must be in New York before March 15. Esperanto: The class in Esperanto will meet neither this Friday nor the following Friday. For further notice, see the D.O.B. Academic Notices English 143: There will be a test Saturday, Jan. 18. 0. J. Campbell. Psychology 39: All those who ex- pect to elect this course second se- mester, please leave your names with the departmental secretary, Room 2125 N.S. If there is a sufficient number of students, another labora- tory section will be added. Graduate Students in History: The language examination for the Mas- ter's Degree in History will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, Jan. 17, in B Hav- en. Journalism 104 will be given at the announced hour the second semester. This course was erroneously an- nounced as an offering of the first semester. Principles of Publicity (Journalism 58) will be given the second semester by Mr. Donal Hamilton Haines in Room E, Haven Hall, Mondays, Wed- nesdays, and Fridays at one, as stated in the 1935-36 announcement of the College of Literature, Science, and Europegn Arts" by Dr. Mehmet Agla- Oglu. Illustrated. Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art, Friday, Jan. 17, 4:15, in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission free. Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Kolisch String Quartet, consisting of Ru- dolph Kolisch, first violinist; Felix Khuner, second violinist; Eugene Lehner, viola; Benar Heifetz, violon- cellist; will give the seventh program in the Choral Union Series, Monday evening, Jan. 20, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The public is re- quested to be seated on time, as the doors will be closed during numbers. The program is as follows. Quartet in D major, Op. 18, No. 3 ..Beethoven Quartet in C minor, Op. 51, No. 1 .Brahms Quartet in G major, Op. 161 ..... . ..................... Schubert Events Of Today English Journal Club meets at 4:15 p.m., in the League. The program will consist of a colloquium on T. S. Eliot's philosophic position as a critic. Mr. Giovanni and Mr. La Driere will lead the discussion. The public is cordially invited. Freshman Glee Club: Pictures will be taken at 5:00 p.m., Dey Studio, 332 S. State. Please be on time. 'Ensian business staff try-outs will please meet at Rentschler's Studio at 4:30 for the staff picture. Lutheran Student Club: If the weather permits, the Lutheran Stu- dent Club will have a sleigh-ride party this evening at 8 o'clock. Those attending are asked to meet at the parish hall before the ride. If there is no snow the party will be postponed indefinitely regardless of other announcements. Hillel Foundation: Traditional Fri- day Night Services will be held at the Hillel Foundation. Dr. Heller will continue speaking on "Dramatic Moments in Jewish History." His topic this week will be "The Phari- sees, Who Were They and What Did They Do?" All are welcome. Group of the Michigan Dames: Regular meeting at 8:30 p.m. in the Basement of the Women's Athletic Bldg. Coming Events Phi Tau Alpha meeting Sunday, Jan. 19, 3 p.m., Michigan League. Moving pictures of France and Italy will be shown by Miss Gertrude Gil- man. All students and faculty of the classical department are cor- dially inited. Phi Delta Kappa initiation at 11:00 a.m. Banquet at 1:00 p.m., Satur- day, Jan. 18, Michigan Union. Genesee Club meeting Sunday, at the Union, 4:30 p.m. Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall at 2:30, Saurday. Trans- portation will be provided to the Scio dcout Cabin for Skiing and Tobogan- ing or Hiking and Games depending on the weather. Supper will be served for approximately 35 cents. All grad- uatetstudents are cordially invited to attend. St. Pauls Lutheran Church, Sun- day: 9:30 a.m., Church School. 9:30 a.m. Divine service in German. 10:45 a.m., Morning worship and sermon. Subject, "Jesus, The Light of the World." 4 p.m., Student-Walther League skating party at West Park. 6 p.m., Supper and fellowship hour at the church followed by an mnformal dis- cission of a question proposed by aryone in the group. Band To Entertain At Basketbal Game The Varsity R.O.T.C. Band is scheduled to play for the basketball game Saturday night and to provide various novelty stunts and features. Prof. W. D. Revelli, director of Bands of the University, expects be- tween 60 and 70 members of the Var- sity Band to play. Community singing is planned for the time between the halves, but this will depend upon the possibility of installing the public address system and putting it in working order be- fore the game, Professor Revelli said. Anyone who is interested in play- ing in a University band should see Professor Revelli at 7:30 p.m. Mon- day in Morris Hall, it was stated. There has recently been an increase in membership in the First Regimen- tal Band, Professor Revelli said. Any- one is eligible to membership, and all those members of the First Regi- mental Band that have sufficient AT THE MICHIGAN MAJOR BOWE'S AMATEURS AND 'SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE' The group of amateurs brought to the Michigan stage have plenty of individual talent but the show isn't presented well enough to bring it out, being so jerky that one becomes conscious of the lack of organization. There isn't a one of them that wouldn't be a definite success in a well staged production. Jean O'Neill, the high school girl singer, was the favorite of the audience due to her pleasing voice and stage presence. Second honors were about evenly divided between imitator Clarence Hending and Charles Louisa, singer. Gloria Berger also was well received with her surprisingly powerful voice. Other numbers include Yvonne of the, many instruments, musical Jack, Michael from Texas, and the Con- necticut four. "Seven Keys to Baldpate," the ac- companying picture, is just another mystery this time with more villians than there are in the whole theatre, all of whom are trying to double cross the others. Gene Raymond plays the male lead fairly well but tries to be too smart and too myster- ious at once. Margaret Callahan has the main feminine role which sheI handles well. Eric Blore is disap- pointing, probably because he isn't cut out for the type of part he plays - he's a comedian and should re- main one. The story takes place in Baldpate Inn, where Raymond has come to write a novel in peace, possessing the only key. It develops that six others have keys as well (no one bothers to tell where they got them) and the six arrive one after the other bent