The Weather
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t'oider tomorrow.
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Enlarge The Coliseum . .
The Late Naval Parley .. .
Hauptmann Saved HenryRussel
From Execution By
Hoffman's Reprieve
Lindbergh Kidnaper .4
Temporary 30-Day S
By Clemency
Official Gives No
Reason For Action
Supreme Court Refuse
To Consider Motion Of
Condemned Man
TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 16.-(P)-
Bruno Richard Hauptmann, convict-
ed Lindbergh baby killer, was saved
temporarily from the electric chair
late today by a 30-day reprieve from
Gov. Harold G. Hoffman.
The reprieve came just 29 hours
before the hour set for the execu-
"I am granting a reprieve," the
Governor said, "for divers reasons
which I do not care to disclose at this
The stay, though only for 30 days
actually assures Hauptmann of at
least eight more weeks of life and
perhaps three months because of the
fact that it will be necessary to re-
sentence him.
The refusal of the Supreme Court
to aid Bruno Richard Hauptmann
from execution flared quickly and
dramatically today above the less
spectacular business of framing laws
for the AAA, neutrality and the
Court Refuses Motion
The high court refused to consider
a motion for a petition of habeas
corpus by the man originally con-
demned to die tomorrow night under
conviction of kidnaping and slaying
of the Lindbergh baby.
This will be the last reprieve, "un-
-ess the evidence should warrant"
another, the Governor said. If
Hauptmann is to be finally saved it
must be through the presentation of
sufficient new evidence to induce
Justice Thomas W. Trenchard, who
sat at Flemington, to grant a new
trial, or to support a new plea for
clemency to the State Pardons Court.
The Governor announced his de-
cision in his office shortly after talk-
ing with Mrs. Anna Hauptmann, who
presumably had come to him to plead
for her husband's life.
A delay in preparation of the re-
prieve order, however, caused the
Governor to leave his office before
signing it. It will be signed early
tomorrow, it was said.
Next Step Uncertain
Hauptmann received word of his
new lease on life from two of his at-
torneys - C. Lloyd Fisher and Fred-
erick A. Pope.
Pope quoted the condemned man
as saying 'thank you," as his face
lighted up and he asserted he was
"sure something would happen' to
prevent the execution.
The Governor's action followed
swiftly the circulation of apparently
well-founded reports that he had in
his possession a confession from a
new figure in the case. This was de-
nied, however, by the Governor and
by high prosecuting officials.
The Governor's clemency, even
though it promises only a short re-
spite, is the first break in Haupt-
mann's favor in his sixteen-month
struggle against death.
The next step in the case was not
apparent tonight. It was certain
the Governor's investigation has
been for the most part independent
of the defense activities, which have
been concerned with appeals based
largely on criticism of the conduct
of the Flemington trial.
Worley Seeks To
Lower Death Toll
DETROIT, Jan. 16.- (Special) -
Rocommendations for the improve-
ment of the city's traffic system were
given to Mayor Couzens' traffic com-
mittee today by Prof. John S. Wor-
ley, of the transportation engineering
department of the University of
Professor Worley, who is engaged
in systematic research designed to
eventually lower Detroit's traffic
death toll, asked the formation of a
commission to coordinate traffic reg-
ulation and ordinances for the entire
city, and spoke in favor of a modern-
Offers 'Apologies'
For Harsh Words
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. -Secre-
ttary' of the Interior Harold L. Ickes
"apologized" today to former Presi-
dent Herbert C. Hoover, but at the
same time attacked his administra-
ftion as a "do nothing."
Secretary Ickes "apology" was in
compliance with a request of Mr. Hoo-
ver who publicly asked him to apolo-
gize for his incorrect charge that
three laws had been declared un-
constitutional during the Hoover ad-
"It is entirely constitutional to do
nothing," Secretary Ickes wrote the
former President. "I am all the more
willing to accept your statement that
no law passed during your adminis-
tration has been declared unconstitu-
tional in view of the fact that the
administration was notable as a do
nothing administration.
"I should have recalled that at-
tempts to meet any of the critical
problems pressing for solution were
neglible during your administration,"
the secretary of the interior wrote, ex-
plaining that he based his speech on
"the number of adverse decisions dur-
ing your administration rather than
the number of laws passed during
your administration and declared un-
Woman Speaks
In Defense Of
New Deal Laws
Discusses New Democracy
Governed By Instincts
Of Humanity
A new democracy, governed by
instincts of humanity rather than
profit, was discussed yesterday by
Mrs. Thomas H. McAllister of Grand
Rapids, national committeewoman for
the Young Democrats, who gave the
principal address at the one-day ses-
sion of the Women's Institute of
Government, sponsored by the Demo-
cratic state central committee at
the League.
"The fundamental principles of
American government are right, but
their wise application must be gov-
erned by extensive experimentation
Iand research," she told 150 women
assembled from the second congres-
sional district of the state, in defense
of the New Deal and its principles
in which she scored Republican op-
position and the Supreme Court,
holding out the hope, as did other
speakers during the day's program,
that the recent adverse decisions
might be reversed on later cases,
or else overridden by Constitutional
"It is now in our power, for the
first time in our history, to abolish
poverty and destitution from the lives
of our people," the speaker main-
tained in discussing the socio-eco-
nomic legislation of the last admin-
istration. She cited a return of
confidence and upswing in business
under the NRA, farmer support of
the AAA, and the general success
of relief expenditures in alleviating
distress, and re-employing millions,
with only a small percentage of ap-
propriated funds spent for admin-
Mrs. McAllister maintained later
in her speech that the people as a
whole should serve in the determina-
tion of law and justice, and that dem-
ocracy was "a principle of govern-
ment, and not any particular set of1
laws or any particular constitution."
"Since 1933 we have had a new idea
of government, and a new idea has
motivated the leaders of the govern-
ment, the idea that profits come after
humanity, and not before," she con-
tinued, in outlining the "new democ-
racy." "All the acts of this adminis-
tration have been designed to bring
(Continued on Page 2)
Hope Of Aviators't
Safety Increases,
Lecturer For
1936 Named
Prof. John Winter, Head
Of Latin Department, Is
Recipient Of Honor
Selection Is Made
By Research Club
International Scholar Is
Eleventh Faculty Man To
Give AnnualSpeech
Prof. John G. Winter, chairman
of the Latin department, will deliver
he Henry Russel lecture for 1935-36,
it was announced Wednesday night
by Dr. Heber D. Curtis, president of
the Research club of the University.
Professor Winter whose selection
was made by the executive board of
the club, is director of the division
of fine arts in the literary college
and of the Museum of Classical Ar-
;haeology. He has been identified
with the University since 1904 and
is the eleventh faculty man to re-
ceive the honor.
The lectureship was first awarded
in 1925 after the Regents had de-
cided to use $250 from the endow-
ment given by the late Henry Russel
of Detroit to provide for a lecture
to be given by a faculty member who
had achieved "highest distinction in
the field of scholarship."
Provide For Award
An award of $250 to be known as
the Henry Russel Award was also pro-
vided for by the Regents out of the
endowment which would be given to
an assistant professor or instructor
whose scholastic activities were dis-
tinctly meritorious or whose promise
seems to merit the appointment. The
recipient of this award will be an-
nounced the day of the lecture, which
will be given some time after the
April vacation and before May 20.
Professor Winter was born in Hol_-
land in 1881, graduated from Hope
College in 1901, and immediately fol-
lowing his graduation entered the
University. He received his master's
degree in 1904 and his doctor's degree
in 1906. Prior to receiving his de-
gree of doctor of philosophy he served
as an instructor in Hope College and
in the University of Michigan.
Is Internationally Known
Since 1919 he has held a profes-
sorship at the University and has
been chairman of the Latin depart-
ment for several years. He was a
lecturer on the Thomas Spencer Je-
rome Foundation of the American
Academy in Rome in 1929, and his
intellectual activities have brought
him international recognition as a
He is also a member of the Amer-
ican Philosophical Association, the
Archaeological Institute of America,
the American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science, and the Mich-
igan Academy of Science, arts, and
Previous winners of the Henry
Russel lectureship are: Prof. Moses
Gomberg, 1925-26; Dean F. G. Novy,
1926-27; Prof. lHenry A. Sanders,
1927-28; Prof. Alfred S. Warthin,
1928-29; Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne,
1929-30; Prof. William H. Hobbs,
1930-31; Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, 1931-
32; Prof. W. D. Pillsbury, 1932-33;
Prof. Ermine D. Case, 1933-34; and
Dean G. Carl Huber, 1934-35.t
Considers New
Farm Program
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. - (P) -
An administration drive for a substi-
tute farm program by amending
existing soil conservation and other
laws was announced tonightfollow-
ing a White House conference.
The first sketchy outline given re-
porters of the decision reached by
President Roosevelt and his advisors
did not disclose whether continued
benefit payments to farmers was con-
It was said, however, that an im-
mediate attempt would be made to1
provide funds to reimburse farmers
for performance under 1935 AAA con-
Mr. Roosevelt discussed the situa-
tion created by AAA's invalidation
with Secretary Henry A. Wallace, Sec-
Hockey Team
Defeated By
Minnesota Squad Outlasts
Michigan After Second
Period Passes
Vic Heyliger Stars;
MakesOnly Goal
Lack Of Spares Affects
Wolverines And Spells
Defeat After Battle
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 16.--(W) -
Minnesota easily beat Michigan, 7-1,
in a slow game here tonight. It was
the first of a two game series.
The Gophers were content to lay
back in the opening stanza and let
Michigan carry the puck as the vis-
itors had only three spares.
There was no scoring throughout
the first period although the Wol-
verines had frequent opportunities
as one Minnesota man after another
paraded to the penalty box.
Co-Captain Mitchell started the
scoring for Minnesota when he banged
in his own rebound in 4:03 of the
second period. He rounded the Mich-
igan net and thus evaded the Wol-
verine defense.
Ray Bjorck and Glenn Seidell tal-
lied for the Gophers in the same
period. Bjorck scored on a pass from
Ridgeway Baker and Glenn Seidell
blazed a spectacular drive from the
blue line which made the score 3-0.
Michigan, obviously tiredand out-
manned by the superior power of the
Gopher reserve forces, faded before
the third period Minnesota attack.
The Gophers counted four times in
this stanza while holding Michigan
to one goal, a beautiful effort by Vic
Jimmy Carlson and Wally Taft
teamed up to produce two scores in
rapid succession on identical plays
with Taft banging home two perfect
passes from his teammate.
Heyliger, flanked by Johnny Fa-
bello, who started on the right wing
in place of Jack Merrill, broke down
the ice and, splitting the defense per-
fectly, passed to Fabello who returned
the puck to Heyliger in the goal
mouth. Goalie Wilkinson had no
chance to save as both Heyliger and
Fabello rode in on him.
Ray Bjorck counted twice more for
the Gophers before the conclusion of
the evenings festivities, and was eas-
ily the outstanding Minnesota star.
He got the northmen's sixth goal in
a mixup in front of the Michigan
cage and the seventh on a pass from
Willis Smith.
Italian Planes
Destroy English
Red Cross Unit
Chief Says Duce Is Making
'Special Targets Of Red
Cross'; Waldia Destroyed
ADDIS ABABA, Jan. 16. - (P) -
The Ethiopian Government said to-
day that a Red Cross unit led by a
Briton was destroyed in an Italian air
raid and 14 natives were killed.
The attack occurred at Waldia, 90
miles north of Dessye, field head-
quarters of Emperor Haile Selassie.
Maj. Gerald Burgoyne, the British
chief of the unit, telegraphed Red
Cross headquarters here:
"Wake up Geneva. It is evident
that the Italians are making special
targets of the Red Cross."
"Half the town of Waldia was de-
stroyed by fire," said the Ethiopian
communique. "Seven women and
seven old men were killed. Thirty-
five persons were wounded, mostly
women and children.
(The British Red Cross in London
said Maj. Burgoyne is not in its em-
Prince Makonnen, eleven-year-old
son of the Emperor, returned by plane
today from Dessye, where he has been
with his father, and high government
officials said this indicated that the
Emperor is going to the front lines.
The Italian government announced
Thursday in Rome that its southern
army had swept the Ethiopians back
more than 40 miles on the entire
front after a "fierce battle" near the
Somaliland border.
Marshal Pietro Badoglio reported
-Hop Committee
Governng House Parties
Politicians Don't Want Spoils
SystemThey Testify To Pollock
Governors And Legislators
Go Before Commission
Headed By Professor
DETROIT, Jan. 16. - A bevy of
key Michigan politicians -men who
know and have known the value of
patronage-went on record against
the spoils system today when they
testified here before Prof. James K.
Pollock's State Civil Service Study
Commission in the Common Coun-
cil chamber of the city hall.
Fireworks expected from the clash-
ing personalities of two former gov-
ernors, a labor leader, a millionaire
industrialist and legislators of both
parties, failed to materialize as this
initial hearing of Professor Pollock's
commission, which lasted all after-
noon, moved smoothly and swiftly.
Those who testified included form-
er Governors Wilber M. Brucker and
William A. Comstock; Frank X. Mar-
tel, head of the Wayne County Divi-
sion of the American Federation of
Labor; Douglas Dow, son of Alec Dow,
president of the Detroit Edison Com-
pany; State Senators Arthur E.
Wood and John W. Reid, both of
Detroit; Rep. Casper J. Lingeman of
Detroit; Rep. Redmond M. Burr of
Ann Arbor; and members of the
Detroit Civil Service Commission.
The State Commission hearing
Throw Out
Main Talks n01
Production Of
Better Rubber
Synthetic Product Is More
Resistant, Should Make
Good Tires, He Says
Walter L. Main, '11, chemical en-
gineer for the duPont Company, pre-
sented the story of the creation and
development of Du Prene, synthetic
rubber, developed by the duPont
Company as a substitute for natural
rubber to a meeting of the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers. Main
joined the duPont Company imme-
diately after his graduation from the
Mr. Main stated that the develop-
ment of the automobile created a
scarcity of rubber which led the in-j
dustrial nations of England and Ger-
many to begin extensive research in
the period before the war. Then,
he said, under the stress of the war-
time blockade, Germany attempted to
develop a new product, but the re-
sults were so unsatisfactory that pro-
duction was stopped immediately
after the armistice.
When the duPont Company be-
came interested in making synthetic
rubber, it was known that the product
would cost much more than the na-
tural product, he said, and to com-
pete it would need to be better than
the natural rubber so that consumers
would be willing to pay a higher price
for it.
He stated that hundreds of thou-
sands of dollars and many years of
research were spent in this attempt,
with the result that a true synthetic
rubber was produced in 1931. The
product is as equally plastic, strong,
and vulcanizable as the natural prod-
uct and can be applied to all the
uses of the latter, he explained. +
Mr. Main believes that the value
of this achievement can best be
of DuPrene with those of natural
rubber. The one most striking to
the layman is DuPrene's greatly im-
(Continued on Page 2)
Kipling's Condition.
Is Still Very Grave
LONDON, Jan. 17. - (P)-- A hos-
pital bulletin disclosed tonight that+
the condition of Rudyard Kipling is
them, appointed by Governor Fitz-
gerald, is made up of Professor Pol-
lock, of the University political
science department, chairman; form-
er Regent Edmund C. Shields of
Lansing, secretary of the State Board
of Law Examiners; Rep. Haskell L.
Nichols of Jackson; Prof. Lent D.
Upson of Wayne University's politi-
cal science department, a member of
the Detroit Bureau of Governmental
Research; and Mrs. Siedel Judd of
Grand Rapids.
Each answering a list of nine pre-
viously submitted questions regarding
the establishment of a Michigan civil
service system, all agreed on at' least
one thing: that one of the most cry-
ing needs of this state today is a
civil service. Main differences of
opinion came regarding an accom-
panying pension plan, the type of of-
ficials to be exempted in civil ser-
vice, whatshould be donedabout
present state employees and the
number, type and length of term of
members of the administering com-
Facts gathered by Professor Pol-
lock's commission will be used when
the members draft a law for the next
legislature. A state Civil Service
Commission will then be appointed
to administer the system set up.
Although testimony given by mem-
bers of the Detroit city civil service
commission indicated that they were
strongly in favor of an even-num-
bered non-partisan state civil service
commission, the majority of opin-
ions given held for an odd-numbered
bipartisan commission. All the men
testifying said they thought depart-
ment heads and their chief depu-
ties should be exempt from the civil
service, and nearly all agreed that a
state commission should have full
(Continued on Page 2)
Accusations Of
Bias Hurled At
Nye Committee
Connally Says Wilson Was
Insulted Unjustifiably;
Clark DeniesCharges
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. - (P) -
Charges of bias, prejudice and efforts
to besmirch the reputation of Wood-
row Wilson were hurledtbroadside at
members of the Senate Munitions
Committee today as the result of their
delving into America's foreign pol-
icy before it entered the war.
Directly in the line of fire, which
drew answering shots from commit-
teemen,was anaccusation yesterday
by Chairman Gerald P. Nye (Rep.,
N.D.), of the investigating group that
the war-time President had "falsi-
fied" the record.
On the Senate floor, Senator Tom
Connally of Texas, face flushed with
indignation, asserted that Nye, to fur-
Council Regulations Must
Be Presented To Senate
Briggs Speaks On
Fraternity Finance
Restrictions On Liquor In
Council Rules Are More
Liberal ThanPreviously
The Interfraternity Council last
night threw away the pamphlet of
regulations sent out by the J-Hop
Committee for the regulation of fra-
ternity house parties the week-end of
Feb. 14 and substituted for them a
more liberal set of rules to be ap-
proved by the Senate Committee on
Student Affairs.
The most radical change in the
council rules, which "supplant all
existing rules and regulations," is that
relating to the use of intoxicating
liquors. It reads;
"Any ungentlemanly conduct due
to excessive use of intoxicating lquors
or any other reason shall be consid-
ered a disciplinary case to be inves-
tigated and disciplined by the Execu-
tive Committee of the Interfraternity
Rule Is Changed
Plainly implying that the use of in-
toxicating liquors is within regula-
tions, this rule contrasts sharply to
the corresponding rule of the J-Hop
Committee which reads as follows:
"The presence in any house of in-
toxicating liquors, or any persons
showing the effects of intoxicating
liquors, shall be forbidden."
The University Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct published in the Daily
Official Bulletin of Oct. 10, 1934 the
following notice:
"It is the opinion of the University
that the use of intoxicating liquors
in a fraternity house has a tendency
to impair the morale of the organiza-
tion and is contrary to the best in-
terests of both the fraternity itself
and of the University."
The new council rules, to super-
sede the J-Hop Committee rules must
first be passed by the University Com-
mittee on Student Affairs. No indi-
cations were given last night as to
whether the committee would pass the
council rules or not.
Senate To Decide
Under the council rules disciplinary
measures will be undertaken by the
Executive Committee of the council
and will be final unless the Senate
Committee on Student Affairs inter-
venes, while under J-Hop Committee
regulations, the council merely recom-
mends punitive action to the Univer-
sity Disciplinary Committee.
Corresponding to committee rules,
the council requirements state that
there must be two chaperones, one
couple of which must be the parents
of an active member, or a member
of the Senate of the University and
his wife, but the council requires that
only one of the couples must remain,
in the house overnight.
The oath contained in the council
regulations is to be signed by the
president of the fraternity and ten-
dered to the secretary-treasurer of
the council previous to the party, in-
stead of to the Dean of Students as
required by the committee rules.
Not included in the J-Hop Com-
mittee rules but in the council re-
quirements is that "at any party
,Continued on Page 2)
England's Defense-
Policy Overhauled
LONDON, Jan. 16.- ()---Great
Britain's imperial defense policy and
future requirements of the Army,
Navy and Air Force were subjected
to a further overhauling today.
In authoritative quarters it was
said that the danger of a world naval
race is much- closer as a result of
Japan's departure yesterday from the
International Naval Conference here.
At the same time, acting quickly
to salvage all possible after Japan's
walkout, the four remaining powers
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