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January 16, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-16

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WY --
Pulbisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.

be facing the American people under the New Deal
Radio officials maintain that theirs is an edi-
torial right to select the type of material which
should be barred from the air. They banned all
political material from the air waves until after
the national party conventions have taken place.
Of course one could dismiss the matter by
saying that the higher ups of radio have a perfect
right to say what is and what is not to go on the
air, and that if the G.O.P. does not like it, it
knows what its course of action should be. But
this is just like saying that if you don't like it
here, go to Russia, which is, in our opinion, no
The real issue involved in the case is can one
party expect the right to reply to speeches ad-
dressed by members of the Administration to the
people of the nation, thereby making a political
harangue of the whole business? Admittedly
the last message of the President to Congress
was deplorable for its political content. However,
that does not change the situation. Two wrongs
do not make a right.
The heads of NBC and CBS are also to be
commended for not allowing dramatization of
political programs. Such broadcasts would be
nothing but out and out propaganda, which has
no place in radio. There will be sufficient excite-
ment and, indicentally, amusement when the cam-
paign gets into full swing without additional dra-


Telephone 4925

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Reportorial Department; Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Eflsie A. Pierce, Guy Uv. Whipple, Jr.
Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Departmen: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
Davies, Mario. :T. Holen, Charlotte Ii. Rlueger, Jewel W.


The Conning Tower
OF REAL ESTATE I own the earth.
It is my ancient heritage.
This rotund fact of nobles girth
My parent is, and pasturage.
This soil that is my self-same clay,
This dust my dust, these very stones
Of imperturbable mossy gray
Are kin to my nostalgic bones.
This earth, this palpables and fair,
Whose beauty has bewitched mine eyes,
Whose breath is quick and caviare,
My passion, and my paradise
And thus, also, I own the sea,
That large laconic element
Careless of other men and me,
Immersed in its own vast content.
The shoreless, sloitary deep,
My ancient house of hurricane,
Whose lullablies I hear in sleep
And long to be at home again.
Above, beyond these properties,
I have one good perpetual sky
Alive with shining ecstasies
And zodiacal passersby.
My roofless house shaped like a roof
To meet the round eye's expectations,
And serving as a ceiling proof
Against my heavenly perorations.
The sky that is a daylong stage,
Whose velvet curtains oft at night
Are rent by Jove in tragic rage,
And lightning Harlequin in flight;
Where lives the sun, "that fair hot wench
In flaming taffeta," whose fire
Is caught my mortals, naught shall quench
Until the last death of desire.
My personal estate consists
Of one old faith that lasts and lasts;
Case-hardened, tough, it still subsists
On crumbs and crusts, and frequent fasts.
Of wit I have not even so much
(Though with is such a handy tool)
As to be recognized as such -
(Note: Order more; don't be a fool!)
These are my assets now in hand,
My liabilities so many
(My creditors will understand)
'Tis equal to not having any.
With all my happy worlds revolvent
On their secure and steady axes,
I am magnificently solvent,
And never pay a cent of taxes.!


Telephone 2-1214

Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
The Nation's
Honor Roll. - .
IN THE ANNUAL "honor roll" of the
Nation this year are three profes-
sors, Charles A. Beard, the historian; Arthur C.
Lane of the Tufts college geology department; and
Earl M. Winslow, head of the economics depart-
ment at Tufts.
It is unusual in itself that three places on the list
of Mr. Villard's Nation should be college professors,
but the reasons for which they were selected are
even more unusual.
Professor Beard was chosen for his outspoken
denunciation of William Randolph Hearst. Mr.
Hearst, charged Professor Beard, has "pandered
to depraved tastes and has been an enemy of
everything that is noblest and best in our Amer-'
ican tradition." There seems to be very little
else for a self-respecting journalist to add except
that Professor Beard may have put it mildly at
But of the next two gentlemen on the honor
list - Professors Land and Winslow - we are not
so sure. They were selected, the Nation tells
us, because they were the first professors in the
country to resign their posts rather than to sign
a teacher's oath. We have no doubt that the
motives of the two Tufts professors were noble.
There has been much dissatisfaction with the
teachers' oath proposition. We have one right
here in Michigan. The oaths certainly are a slap
at the teaching profession and certainly will do
more to hinder rather than to help education in
America. The United States is still a free country,
and we sincerely believe that if a person - be he
college professor or what not - does not wish to
support the Constitution, he should not be com-
pelled to do so by any paternalistic law, passed
by a group of well-meaning but backward legis-
But a law is a law. It is one of the highest'
traditions of our democracy that if a citizen op-'
poses a law, while working as he may to have it
abolished, he nevertheless obeys it. This is not aj
mere platitude - as a glance at such laws as the
one on prohibition might lead one to believe -
but a real philosophy that is held by the really
great and earnest members of our Commonwealth.
We cannot help but feel that a college professor,
rather than flatly refusing to sumbit to such a
law and resigning his post, thus divorcing from the
field of education whatever talents he may have,
should adopt the attitude expressed by Prof. How-
ard Mumford Jones of the University's English
Department. Professor Jones, although he objects
to the principal of the teachers' oath, obeys the'
law because he does believe in the Constitution;
he respects the law as such; and he feels that he
can do more for humanity b continuing his teacb;-
ing than by refusing to sign the oath and resign-'
The Nation, it seems to us, might have done
better in its honor roll, if it had looked into other
fields. Although the Tufts professors' action
speaks for their firm character and courage, we,
feel that it hardly warrants their selection on a
very limited honor roll of all the great men of
On The Air . .
HE CHARGES of censorship that

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 Words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Magnificent Obsession
To the Editor:
The kindness and generous tenderness of The
Daily reviewer, who Sunday gave unstitnted
praise and four stars to "Magnificent Obsession,"
tasks one's critical patience. Mr. Douglas's book
is certainly not a great novel, hardly even a good
one, presenting as it does only a superficial and
naive formula of attaining happiness, and built
as it is on a fimsy plot, compounded of several
sweet American illusions, dozens of happy coin-
cidences, and absurd melodrama.
Until Bobby Merrick is wheeled into the hos-
pital the show is good. It revives a little with the
sequence before and inside the house of the
stone-cutter. Otherwise the movie, no cinema,
certainly, is a two-star, mediocre performance
in the usual sentimental tradition.
Mr. Taylor is an overgrown college boy, fitting
perfectly the salesgirl's illusion of what is the
wealthy wastrel - very pretty in the face, suppos-
edly very corrupt in his heart. The corruption
is disarmingly sweet, however, consisting of get-
ting drunk now and then, spending money
lavishly, and maling crude boyish love to all
the ladies. What he needs is a mother, poor boy.
Miss Dunne does her mediocre best with a hope-
less part. In a day any half-intelligent director
in Hollywood could train an equally beautiful
woman to do what the part of Mrs. Hudson re-
quired. Betty Furness was a sweet nonentity;
Sara Haden, a satisfactory fill; Ralph Morgan,
as the milk-and-water imitation of Jesus, better
than the others. To Butterworth go the laurels.
In the structure of the movie there is as much
wretched inconsistency as there is wretched act-
ing in the characterization. Why did Bobby park
his car on the wrong side of the road, when Mrs.
Hudson was the next to step out, unless it
was that the poor directors could find no other
convenient way of having the lady struck? Why
didn't Mrs. Hudson recognize Bobby's voice when
he first spoke to her in the park? How could
a blind woman disappear in Paris, if search were
instituted, through all the red-tape of passports,
etc? How could a young man in six years rise
to lead the world in brain surgery? Why didn't
Bobby remember the stone-cutter, after only six
years, considering that the man had given him
his life philosophy? If these small points were
of no importance to the plot, there might be some
excuse. And these are but a few of those one
might mention.
What concerns me most is the ideal of the
show, so highly praised, so strangely affecting
audiences and college newspaper critics. The
vulgarization of Christianity, the absurdly glib
formula of altruism, which Mr. Douglas offers, is
simply another variation of the ancient American
success obsession, the rocketing by magical mater-
ial prosperity, through boy-scout virtues, to stu-
pendous wealth or fame. Wealth or fame is the
American idea of success. It entails motor-cars,
electric refrigerators, balls in enormous mansions
with symphonies playing the dance; or one starts
at the bottom, with a glimpse of a little white
cottage in the east end of town, a sentimental
wife, little golden-haired children who spend their
lives running to meet papa at the gate as he
comes swiging down the street from the com-
muter, newspaper in hand (never a book, for
books are read in Europe, and America is very
superior to Europe, that land of effete culture).
Success implies in the American movies a vast
accumulation of the baggage of existence, which
in truth has no relation, unless by inverse ratio,
to the measure of success a man attains. Thus
in this show, Bobby, the wealthy rounder, changes
overnight into a great benefactor, and all the
while the real drama, that which took place in
his struggle, in his mind, is merrily skipped.
For life, you see, is such a light business, dealing
only with getting to the top, or falling into senti-
mental love. O Pollyanna, the American genius,
the fatuous little optimist who is the tribal god
of the great American middle-class, the faultless
preening mediocrity behind the box-office window,
the unconscious satire on the culture of the United

States! And until criticism forces the issue, there
will be no change. Reviewer, fill your office.

A Washington.
W ASHINGTON, Jan. 15. --iP)
It seems more fitting that the
Democrats rather than 'the Repub-
licans should pick Philadelphia the
"City of Brotherly Love," as their '36
national convention site. The Demo-
crats are on their way at least to the
appearance of a party love feast, a
mere ratification meeting. The Re-
publicans are shaping up for a con-
vention dog fight.
Yet Democratic selection of Phila-
delphia was as significant as it was
amusing. A lot of political poker
playing in the campaign is inferen-
tially involved.
A $50,000 and up Philadelphia bid
for the show over the $150,000 mini-
mum required had, of course, a lot to
do with it. No national committee
could sneeze at $50,000, real money.
It is a reasonable assumption, how-
ever, that the fascinating notion of
tying up a far larger share than that
of available Republican campaign
funds in supposed eastern Republican
strongholds, keeping it out of the real
electoral battle ground in the farm
belt, appealed strongly to national
committeemen. A frontal Democratic
attack in the East might do just
MERELY holding the convention in
in Philadelphia would have small
effect on the November voting. It
is likely to have a highly stimulating
effect, nevertheless, on party worker
enthusiasm, not in Pennsylvania
alone but in New Jersey and New
York. That is the country's richest
electoral vote area.
Pennsylvania hasn't wavered in
its old guard Republicanism presiden-
tially before or since Theodore Roose-
velt lifted it for the Bull Moosers in
1912. It took a three-way fight to
do it then. There are portents in
Pennsylvania now that make the
Democratic faithful there confident
and Democratic strategists elswhere
actually hopeful that a bit of extra
shoving this year could gather in that
Pennsylvania electoral block. That
would offset the loss of several smaller
western states. It was worth a con-
vention side bet anyhow to the Dem-
ocrats, including President Roosevelt,
the most personally interest party.
He has long had a notion that the
Pennsylvania Republican citadel
could be captured, anyhow.
* * *
THE REVERENT attitude of the
Democrats toward not only the
Constitution in its history-haunted
birthplace, but also its elder brother,
the declaration of independence, can
well be imagined. Why not?
They will have the Liberty Bell
itself and an approaching Declara-
tion Day anniversary to play with
in Philadelphia.tThey will unques-
tionably have, too, by then a Re-
publican party platform charging
them with Constitutional atheism.
Reviewed By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR.
The combined talent of the School
of Music, the Department of Play
Production, and the Department of
Physical Education has, in the past,
rendered four eminently successful
stage attractions -"The Gondoliers,"
"Iolanthe," "A Midsummer Night's
Dream," and "The Chocolate Soldier."
It is our firi conviction that the

combine's fifth offering, the Gilbert
and Sullivan fun rhapsody "Ruddi-
gore" (Ruddy Gore), or "The Witch's
Curse" is destined to make a strong
bid for the lofty position of "best
of them all."
"Ruddigore," with Jean Seeley,
Frederic Shaffmaster, Marguerite
Creighton, Henry Austin, Curtis Flow-
ers, and Maurice Gerow in the prin-
cipal roles, last night got off to a
flying start which would have warmed
the cockles of the hearts of Messrs.
Gilbert and Sullivan. Indeed it was
difficult to imagine, so accomplished
was the enactment of the characteri-
zations, so pleasing was the music,
and so effective the two settings, that
it was a company of amateurs that
had come together from three depart-
ments considered "removed" to pre-
sent the operetta.
The audience accorded a trifle more
applause to Miss Creighton, we
thought, than to the other equally
competent performers. Miss Creigh-
ton, as Mad Margaret, proved tre-
mendously appealing in the first act
with her wild and woolly gesturing,
posturing, and unusually fine singing.
In the second act Miss Creighton
again succeeded in exacting the ulti-
mate from her role in the "It Really
Doesn't Matter" sequence with Mr.
Shaffmaster and Mr. Austin. This
exciting and rollicking stagey tidbit
had the audience, if you will excuse
us, in the aisles.
There are other orchids to be dis-
tributed. Miss Seeley, whose personal
beauty and charm is such that one
tends to forget she is singing (and,

THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 77
Student Loans: The Committee on
Student Loans will meet in Room 2,
University Hall Monday afternoon,
Jan. 20, and Thursday afternoon,
Jan. 23. Students who have already
filed applications in the Office of the
Dean of Students should make an
appointment at once to see the com-
mittee on one of these days.
Instructors of engineering students
who find their regular classrooms too
small to permit students to take al-
ternate seats for final examinations,
as suggested by the Student Honor
Committee, will please report that
fact to the undersigned through their
department heads, not later than
Jan. 18, stating the actual number of
students in the class. Reassign-
ments of rooms will then be made,
through department heads and in-
structors, to the students at a regu-
lar session of the class before the
end of the semester. If no request is
received, it will be assumed that the
regular room is adequate for exam-
H. H. Higbie, Room 272 West
Engineering Bldg., for the
Committee on Classification.
Women Students: Any student now
in residence who will not be in col-
lege the second semester, whether
because of graduation or other rea-
son, is requested to notify the director
of her residence as soon as possible.
Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean
of Women.
Women Students: Any applications
for a change of residence for the
second semester must be made to Miss
Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of
Women, Barbour Gymnasium, before
noon of Monday, Jan. 20, and house-
heads must be notified by that date.
According to contracts, no changes
of residence can be approved after
that date. Juniors and seniors in
the University dormitories may be re-
leased from their contracts to live in
sorority houses.
The Bureau of Appointments ad
Occupational Information is asking
all students who have not yet re-
turned registration materials taken
out in November or later to do so at
once. This material must be re-
turned whether or not the student
concerned has decided to complete
his registration. Please take care of
this matter before Jan. 25. Office
hours, 9:00-12:00; 2:00-4:00, except
Second Semester Registration Ma-
terial for students in the following
five units was issued in Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall, this last week:
College of L.S. and A.
School of Education
School of Forestry and Conserva-
College of Architecture.
School of Music.
Students who did not get their
material then are urged to call for it
immediately. Several advisers are
not announcing office hours during
the final examination period, and will
not be available for consultation then.
Students should get in touch with
their advisers before the last minute
rush preceding final exams.
Advisers of students other than
freshmen are asking to see the stu-
dent's print of record here or an ad-
mission sheet showing credit granted
on advanced standing.
D. L. Rich.
Faculty Women's Classes: The De-
partment of Physical Education for
Women invites the faculty, assistants
and secretaries in the University to
join aclass in Body Mechanics which
will start the second semester. Those
interested are asked to leave their
name in Room 15, Barbour Gymna-

Esperanto: The class in Esperanto
will meet neither this Friday nor the
following Friday. For further notice,
see the D.O.B.
A new system will be used at the
Gymnasiums in February, which is
intended to eliminate the necessity of
students standing in line for long
periods of time. The Student Body
has been divided into groups (alpha-
betically) and each group has been
allotted a definite time when all stu-
dents in that group will be admitted
to the Gymnasiums. The schedule
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1936
1:00-1:30 He to Hof inclusive.
1:30-1:45 Hog to Hz inclusive
1:45-2:00 I to Joh inclusive
2:00-2:15 Jol to Ken inclusive
2:15-2:30 Keo to Kol inclusive
2:30-2:45 Kom to Lap inclusive
2:45-3:00 Lar to Le inclusive
3:00-3:15 Li to Lz inclusive
3:15-3:30 Mc and Mac inclusive
Thursday, Feb. 13, 1936

1:00- 1:15
1:15- 1:30
1:30 -1:45
1:45- 2:00
2:00- 2:15
2:15- 2:30
2:30- 2:45
2:45- 3:00
3:00- 3:15
3:15- 3:30

Sw to To inclusive
Tr to Vi inclusive
Vi to Weh inclusive
Wei to Wik inclusive
Wil to Woo inclusive
Wop to Z inclusive
A to Ao inclusive
Ap to Ban inclusive
Bao to Bel inclusive
Bem to Boe inclusive

Friday, Feb. 14, 1936

There is one corollary to
ing of poetry proposition.
newspaper columnist that
of what extremely roughly
never have read anything.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the, President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.



Bof to Bre inclusive
Bri to Bz inclusive
C to Cha inclusive
Che to Col inclusive
Coi to Cr inclusive
Cu to Dem inclusive
Den to Dr inclusive
Du to Er inclusive
Es to Fis inclusive
Fit to Fr inclusive
Fu to Gim inclusive
Gin to Gra inclusive
Gre to Hal inclusive
Ham to Haz inclusive


the writing and read-
It is evident to the
many of the writers
may be called poetry

New Year's Eve in Connecticut
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle, and repeat;
Oh how cold it is to ride
In a good old rumble seat.

Any student may register from 1:00
to 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936
Any student may register from 8:00
to 12:00 noon.
Students who do not register by
12:00 noon, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936,
will be assessed a late registration fee
of 50c per day, maximum fee $3.00.
The alphabetical feature of this
schedule will be changed each semes-
ter to give equal opportunity for early
registration to each student during
his course.
Note: Law and Medical Students
are not subject to the above regula-
tion for the second semester, due to
the fact that their registration periods
are on other dates.
S. W. Smith, Vice-President and
Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore:
Clarawanda Sission, '36, will sing
Rose Maybud, and Warren Foster,
Grad, Richard Dauntless in this eve-
ning's performance at 8:30.
Academic Notices
Economics 51: There will be no lec-
tures in this course today.
Graduate Students in History: The
language examination for the Mas-
ter's Degree in History will be given
at 4 p.m., Friday, Jan. 17, in B Hav-
English 143: There will be a test
Saturday, Jan. 18.
O. J. Campbell.
Low Cost House Designs, Architec-
tural Building: Prize and other de-
signs submitted in a recent competi-
tion conducted by the New York
Chapter of the American Institute of
Architects are on view in the ground
floor corridor. Open daily, except
Sunday, 9 to 6, from Jan. 13 to Jan.
25. The public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Dr.
W. W. Gilbert will talk on "Metal
Cutting Research Problems." There
will also be a Review of Technical
Literature. Meeting in Room 314
West Engineering Annex at 4:00 p.m.
All interested are cordially invited to
A.I.Ch.E. Meeting at 7:30 p.m.,
Room 1042. Waiter L. Main, Class
of 1911 and Chemical Engineer for
E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co., will
speak on "Du Preneits Manufacture
and Use." Sophomore Award will be
made. Refreshments.
Interfraternity Council: Regular
meeting at 7:30 p.m., Room 306, Un-
ion. Prof. Briggs will speak. Open
forum on fraternity finances. All
house presidents are requested to be
present. And all fraternity house
managers and treasurers are also
urged to come.
Kappa Tau Alpha meeting at 7:45
p.m. at the home of Mr. Donal
Haines, 1229 Traver St. Those mem-
bers wishing transportation report at
the entrance nearest North University
of Haven Hall at 7:30.
Tea for graduate students in Math-
ematics, 4 p.m., 3201 A.H.
Hillel Foundation: Dr. Hootkins
class on Jewish Ethics will meet at
the Hillel Foundation at 8 p.m. All
are welcome.
Junior A.A.U.W. Dietetics Group
will meet at Mrs. Vernon Dick's, 1402
Washington Heights, 8 o'clock.
Michigan Dames: The Music Group
meets this evening at the home of
Mrs. Beukema, 1927 Dexter Road, in-
stead of the Michigan League as was
previously announced. Transporta-
tion will be provided from the League

at 7:50 o'clock. Anyone interested
is invited.
Hillel Foundation: A discussion on
the Origin of a Few Hebrew Customs
will be conducted by Dr. Isaacs at
the Hillel Foundation at 8 p.m. All
are welcome.

The Japanese Home Office has asked the car-
tooning gentlemen of Japan to refrain from
depicting foreign chiefs of State. It is said in
Tokyo that the German Embassy has protested
against cartoons of Hitler. And pretty soon the
sensitive German Embassy will protest against
the implication, in "The Mikado," of the phrase
"a caricature of a face."
Connecticut Bucloic
For the kids of Lyons Plain what luck!
There's skating on the Saugatuck.
And for the writer what delight!
For the house is calm till the fall of night,
Professor John Dambach, of the University of
Pittsburgh's Department of Physical Education,
says that the way to begin the day, if you want
to feel well all day, is to take a good, hearty
yawn. Militant always for the public health,
The Conning Tower will make it possible for
readers to continue yawning all morning.
It occurs to us that we might paraphrase
Gray, and call this department Yawnder Ivy-
mantled Tower.
Bonnie Prince Farley says that the postal
revenues are way up. A large part of this is
traceable to the mailing of letters by persons
who remember this or that about the late Annie
Old Guard Girds to Pound Borah.- Times
So all morning we didn't do any work, owing1
to the compulsion to sing "The old guard girds,
it ain't what it used to be."
Broad Minded Wish
Happy New Year to Benito Mussolini,
Adolf Hitler, and the Dionne bambini.
George Eliot and Georges Sand. -Ar-
thur Brisbane in the N. Y. American.
Why not, then, Georges Eliot?
Never do we print one of K.M.S.'s verses



M to Mav inclusive
Maw to Milinclusive
Mim to Mun inclusive
Mim to Mun inclusive


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