The Weather l 11.ty. s i l w tE diav ' :1111 in W~i ,e iii t1i ( i t4 lUiii tm t -- iw at t1t- - ~ ~ iI. move d 4r t A& Altv , --. AL, t lIait& Editorials The Nation's Honor Roll,... Propaganda On The AirĀ«. . VOL. XLVI No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Varsity Swim Squad Beaten By Freshmen Free-Style Power Gives First-Year Men 46-38 Win Over Champions Victory Forecasts 'Brilliant Future Tom Haynie, Ed Kirar, Baker Bryant, Sprinters Gain Yearling Firsts By GEORGE J. ANDROS The country's best swimming team became theycountry's second-best team last night as the Michigan Var- sity, picked to defend successfully its National Collegiate and Big Ten championships this year, fell to an in- glorious 46-38 defeat before the fresh- man squad in the Intramural pool while 700 spectators roared their ap- proval. In the end it was superiority in the free-style events that enabled the first-year men to carry off the honors for the night. Yearling performers took first and second places in the 50, 220 and 440-yard free-style events, and only a last second touchout by Bob Mowerson over Ed Kirar in the 100 kept the freshmen from scoring a grand slam. Tom Haynie of the first-year squad became the only double winner of the meet when he captured the 220 and 440 from teammate Dave Holmes and Frank Barnard of the Varsity, bet- tering Big Ten records in both events. Ed Kirar won the 50 with Walt Tomski second, and Baker Bryant took the 100 with ease, Mowerson edging out Kirar for second. The Varsity piled up its points with firsts in the back-stroke and medley relay and firsts and seconds in the diving and breast-stroke. Capt. Frank Fehsenfeld won off the spring board from Ned Diefendorf, Jack Kasley eased to a victory in the 200-yard breast-stroke, and Fred Cody swam a winning 150-yard back-stroke in the fairly good time of 1:41.6. After the Varsity had gone ahead in the breast and back-strokes the freshmen took the lead after the 50- yard sprint and were never headed. The Varsity lost its last chance (Continued on Page 3) Early Sale Of J- op Tickets BeginsToday To Be Restricted At First To Juniors, Fraternities Buying Large Blocks Tickets for the 1936 J-Hop, to be held Friday, Feb. 14, in the Intra- mural Building, will go on sale to- day and may be obtained from three sources, Donald Hillier, ticket chair- man announced. Places from which tickets may be obtained are Van Bovens, the Union, and from J-Hop committee members. They are priced at $5.50. Until further notice from Hillier, however, the sale will be restricted to juniors and to fraternities wishing to obtain blocks of 25 tickets. Under a new plan inaugurated by the committee this year a fraternity may buy tickets in blocks of no less than 25 and pay for them by check, thereby enabling fraternity members to put the amount of their J-Hop ticket on house bills. Tickets bought under the block plan must be ob- tained directly through Hillier. Tickets for the dance will differ in appearance from those of previous yeaes in that they will be printed in the form of formal invitations. A meeting of persons interested in obtaining booths will be held at 4I p.m. Monday at the Union. Committee members from whom tickets may be obtained are Benja- min Cox, Homer Lathrop, Robert W. Burwell, John E. Freese, Jean Green- wald, Mary Potter, Marion Holden, Carl S. Abbott, James C. Briegel, Richard M. Dennis, Bernard L. Cary, and Hillier. Senor Engineers Must Pay All Dues cni-e in #.hP nrsnarnp r n Cornell's Pet Boa Doesn't Hug-- But Watch Out, It Bites ITHACA, N. Y., Jan. 15. - WA) - Josephine, a young and rare type of boa constrictor, is living in a frater- nity house at Cornell University, doubling as a pet and a scientific "guinea pig." Young boas are all right as pets, except that they want the house kept at 80 degrees. They don't hug, but they bite. The snake is non-poisonous, an imperial boa from the Panama Canal zone. It was a gift of Dr. Harry Eno of Colon, to Frank Trevor, a senior from Syracuse, N. Y. Josephine is one of 30 young boas born in captivity. Until his room- mates rebelled, Trevor kept his room at 80 degrees. An electric thermo- stat in the snake box solved the trop- ical weather problem. Petting soothes Josephine, but left alone she hunts for a tree. As a substitute she climbs on whatever furniture she can find. Once she was lost for two days. Trevor found her asleep in the waste paper of a box. Institute Holds Session Today On Government More Than 170 Expected Here; Mrs. McAllister Heads Speakers A one day session of the Women's Institute of Government, to be held today in Ann Arbor, is expected to bring more than 170 people from the second congressional district of the state to the Michigan League for a discussion of government problems, projects, and agencies. Heading the list of speakers is Mrs. Thomas H. McAllister, of Grand Rapids, national committeewoman for the Young Democrats, who will speak at 2 p.m. on "The New De- mocracy." The program for the day opens with registration at 10 -a.m. with Registration, followed by -an intro- ductory address on "The Purpose of the Institute," by Mrs. James H. Mac- Donald of Glencoe Hills, chairman of the program committee, and vice- chairman of the state central com- mittee of the Democratic party. A two-hour period from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. will be devoted to re- ports on government agencies, begun with a discussion of "Social Securi- ty," by Mrs. William Haber of Lans- ing, wife of the state FERA adminis- trator. "Federal Aid to CCC and Other Youth Activities" will be reported on by Dr. William D. Henderson, direc- tor of the Extension Division of the University, followed by a panel dis- cussion of the recovery agencies, led by Mrs. Charles H. Dawson and Mrs. John H. Muyskens of Ann Arbor, Mrs. William M. Dawson and Mrs. H. E. Schlesinger of Ypsilanti, and Mrs. Arthur O'Neil of Saline. The program on government agen- cies will be closed with a report of "Federal Housing," given by Harry Steffe. Ann Arbor field representa- tive for FHA. Members of the Institute will meet for luncheon at 12:45, and resume their program at' 2 p.m. with Mrs. McAllister's address. The Institute will be closed with 'a talk on "Im- migration" by Miss Mary Ward of the Boston immigration office. Wilson Called 'Falsifier' On' War Treaties Nye Accuses President Of Denying All Knowledge Of Secret Pacts Correspondence With House Bared Senate Probers Show He Knew Of Plan To Divide Spoils Among Allies President Wilson "falsified" with regard to secret war treaties involving the United States in the World War, Senator Gerald P. Nye asserted yes- terday at a meeting of the Senate Mu- nitions Committee in Washington. WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. - UP) - The Senate Munitions Committee produced evidence today that the Woodrow Wilson administration was thoroughly advised of secret treaties for splitting the spoils of war among the Allies when it urged Congress to carry America into the conflict. With this, it coupled documentary testimony that a few months after the United States became a bellig- erent, President Wilson was fully informed of the contents of these agreements for remaking the map of Europe and in fact brought the sub ject up himself in the course of a conversation with David Balfour, of Great Britain. Correspondence between Wilson and Col. E. M. House showed that Wilson thought the end of the war would find the Allied nations at the mercy of America financially, pro- viding a club with which he could force abandonment of the plans for redividing Europe. 'Never Able to Use Club' Not mentioning America's subse- quent refusal to take a dominant position in the League of Nations, Senator Bennett Champ Clark said: "The President was never able to use this financial club, however, and the Allies did as they pleased and had planned." To cap these disclosures, the Com- mittee added to its record a state- ment made by Wilson to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1919 that he had no knowledge of the treaties until they were called to his attention at the Versailles Peace Con- ference. "It is evident," commented Gerald P. Nye, chairman of the committee, "that Wilson was fully appraised of the secret treaties and that he falsi- fied in asserting he had no knowledge of them until after the war." 'Had U-Boat Warnings' With these and other revelations - taken from hitherto secret State De- partment files, the private papers of Col. House and the memoirs of prom- inent men of the period - the com- mittee hammered at its contention that commercial relations with the Allies were the foremost factor in making the United States a belliger- ent and not German submarines. The tall stack of documents pro- duced by the committee after a study of more than a year showed also that throughout the presidential campaign of 1916, when Wilson's slogan was "He kept us out of war," he had frequent warnings that resumption of unre- stricted submarine warfare by Ger- many was imminent and a perception of its probable consequences. Japan Walks Out Of Naval Conference Hope Of Limitations Gone By The Boards; England Drops Sanctions Lead Arms Race Loonis As Result Of Act 'Detriment To National Prestige' States Head Of Tokio Delegation Reported Confession Of New Figure In Kidnap Case Might Save Bruno Marriage Statistics Indicate Michigan Co-ed's Superiority o- University Alumnae Have University A 1 . group as a of Michigan alumnae whole. LONDON, Jan. 15. - (P) - Japan walked out of the international naval conference tonight and 13 years of limitation of sea armaments went by the boards. A naval race immediately loomed as a possibility although all delega- tions including the Japanese, said they wanted to avoid this costly com- petition. Japan's move, reminiscent of her withdrawal in 1933 from the League of Nations, was based on the fact that the four other powers refused to grant, her naval parity with the United States and Great Britain. It marked a further severance of her ties with the western world. Treaties Expire In Year Both the Washington and London naval treaties expire at the end of this year. Under the former, which Japan formally denounced a year ago, she is held on the short end of a 5-5-3 capital ship tonnage ratio with the two Anglo-Saxon powers. In giving Japan's reasons for quit- ting the parley because it could not force its demands for a fleet as large as America's or Britain's, Admiral Osami Nagano, head of the Tokio delegation, said : "Allocation of an inferior ratio is so detrimental to our national pres- tige that it is bound to produce serious repercussions in our country, being a source of permanent and profound discontent to our people." Britain To Aid Sanctions LONDON, Jan. 15.-- () - The British government instructed its for-~ eign secretary in a cabinet meeting Wednesday to support but not to lead any moves at Geneva for further sanctions against Italy. This procedure was outlined for young Anthony Eden when he at- tends the sessions of the League Council, opening next Monday. Some circles believe smaller nations, includ- ing Sweden, would press for an oil boycott. In Paris, however, it was reported a move is under way to avoid dis- cussion of an oil embargo by the League. This proposal was said to have been knocked over by Premier Pierre Laval and Dr. Augusto Vascon- cellos of Portugal, chairman of the League committee on sanctions. Giant Airliner , Crash Baffles Investig'ators Officials Unable To Solve Mystery Of Wreck That Took Lives Of 17 GOODWIN, Ark., Jan. 15.-(P)- Almost complete disintegration of a luxurious transcontinental airliner which carried 17 persons to death baffled Federal and Company offi- cials seeking tonight to clear up the mystery of the crash. Out of the morass of an East Ar- kansas swamp near this little town, weary volunteer searchers gathered up the broken bodies of the 14 pas- sengers and crew of three. All on board were killed when the twin- motored plane sagged into the marsh woods and tore through a heavy growth of trees for 400 yards last night. The searchers had a difficult task, in the gumbo-mud of the swamp, sometimes sinking into bogs holding water four to five feet deep. Heads of the American Airlines, operating the ship on regular sched- ule between New York and Los An- geles, and representatives of the De- partment of Commerce flew here to- day, viewed the wreckage and said that there would be a "complete investigation." They had little to work on, however, in view of the destruction of the plane an taR n n+f+se+nt nnof +nh oe_- iarital nc inations rar Above Average By BERNARD WEISSMAN The stock of the University of Michigan co-ed soared last night as the result of reactions to the revela- tions in yesterday's Daily about the marriage rate of University alumnae. Out of the welter of amazed "Oh's!" and "Ah's!" that greeted the story emerged the very definite impression that co-eds on this campus-or at least a certain group of them - have far more allure than the average American woman student. The Stewart Howe Alumni Service report on which the conclusions were based was drawn up from data on the alumnae of four campus sororities, and represented direct information from nearly 100 per cent of these graduates for the past several de- cades. According to this report 80 per cent of these alumnae win husbands with- in three years after graduation, an- other 18 per cent join the marital ranks within the next three years, and less than one per cent keep their maiden names for life. However it appears that only about, 50 per cent of the women graduates from the average college ever get married. Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so- ciology department gave this tenta- tive figure as his impression of sur- veys that had been made on the sub- ject and declared that even if the percentage of marrying alumnae from the University were as high as 60 per cent it would be "very astonish- ing." He said that he frankly didn't be- lieve that these "remarkable" sta- tistics could possibly be true of the Knox Describes Auto Industry As 'American' DETROIT, Jan. 15. -(R)- Col. Frank Knox, publisher of the Chicago Daily News, said in an address to- night that the automobile industry is "an example of sturdy Americanism that is today's challenge to bureau- cratic and autocratic collectivism." Colonel Knox, prominently men- tioned for Republican presidential nomination, returning to the stage where he started in the newspaper business 35 years ago to speak at the annual banquet of the Detroit Real Estate Board. During the day, he defined his at- titude toward the presidential nomi- nation, in an interview, by saying: "A man does not declare himself a candidate for President. His friends do that for him. The Illinois Re- publicans seem to have done that for me." Similar opinions were expressed by other faculty members, although defi- nite statistics were not offered except for the reference by Prof. A. Frank- lin Shull of the zoology department to a book on "Applied Eugenics" written by Paul Popeneau and Ros- well H. Johnson and containing sev-. eral studies on the subject. The book, surveying statistics for; college graduates around the turn of the century, reports that only 53 per cent of the women graduates from Ohio State, Wisconsin, and Illinois Unive\ sities during a 25-year period were married 10 years after their graduation. Budget Speech Is Inadequate, Ford Maintains: President's Message Was 'Muddled, Incomplete,' Professor Says . By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. It is impossible to obtain an ade- quate picture of the Federal finan- cial situation from a perusal of the President's budget message to Con- gress, delivered Jan. 6, in the opinion of Prof. R. S. Ford, public finace au- thority of the economic department. The picture is muddled and incom- plete, Professor Ford pointed out yes- terday, because in the message there is no account taken of expenditures for relief, and anticipated revenues from processing taxes which have since been declared unconstitutional were included in the President's pros- pectus. Estimated governmental revenuesl from the operation of the Social Se- curity Act, the newly-enacted Rail- road Retirement Act, and the Bitu- minous Coal Conservation Act (pop- ularly known as the Guffey Coal Bill) were included in the budget message, Professor Ford stated, but any or all of these acts may be scrapped by the Supreme Court, he added, with consequent loss of Federal revenue. Professor Ford quoted budgetary figures to show that the government's gross deficit in 1934 was $3,989,000,- 000; in 1935 $3,575,000,000; in 1936 (estimated) $3,234,000,000; and in 1937 (estimated but not including re- lief appropriations) $1,098,000,000, in- clusive of the statutory payment of $580,000,000 on the public debt. Re- lief appropriations, Professor Ford said, could be made up to the amount of $2,136,000 and still the gross deficit would not exceed that for 1936 (that is, $1,136,000,000 for relief, plus $1,- 098,000,000 gross deficit would not exceed $3,234,000,000, or the 1936 esti- mated gross deficit). Identity Of Other Person Involved Has Not Yet Been Revealed Delay Of Execution Seen As Possible Habeas Corpus Petition Is Rushed To Supreme Court In Washington TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 15. - () - A report emanating late tonight from a high source, but lacking only an of- ficial confirmation, said Governor Hoffman had in his possession a purported written confession from a new figure in the Lindberg baby slay- ing. Neither Governor Hoffman nor his press aid could be reached, but this source said the governor had made overtures to the leading official who participated in the capture of Bruno RichardaHauptmann - sentenced to be electrocuted Friday night -to serve in an advisory capacity to study the value of the purported confes- sion. If these advisors consider the "con- fession" of value, it is said, the gov- ernor will stay the execution until a thorough investigation can be made. The nature of the "confession" has not been indicated, and the name of the person involved is not known. Reprieve In Doubt TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 15. - (P) - Two days from the electric chair, Bruno Hauptmann hastened -toward his last court hope tonight while Gov. Harold G. Hoffman kept him in doubt about a reprieve. - The death chair was pronounced ready for the convicted kidnap mur- derer of the Lindbergh baby as he signed a new plea to the court. Two attorneys raced with the paper he had signed to Washington, pre- sumably to seek from the United States Supreme Court a writ of habeas corpus to stay the execution -set for 8 p.m. Friday. The paper, it was understood, was a formal petition for permission to file an application for a writ of habeas corpus. The paper might be filed with the court clerk, in which case 10 days or two weeks would elapse before the court gave a ruling. The attorneys, Neil Burkinshaw and Nugent Dodds, just added to the legal staff seeking to save Haupt- mann, were expected to fly to Su- preme Court Justice Owen J. Rob- erts for a stay of execution. Should he refuse, Governor Hoffman prob- ably would be asked for a reprieve pending a decision on the Supreme Court application. Governor Questioned Upon arriving in Washington, the attorneys would not reveal their plans, but hinted at action tomor- row. "I cannot say anything at this time," said Burkinshaw. The chief counsel at this time are in New Jer- sey. Governoi4 Hoffman ainnounced through his press aide that he had reached no decision on a reprieve. He is continuing his independent in- vestigation of the kidnaping case, said his representative, William Conk- lin. The governor, possessing a disputed power of reprieve for not more than 90 days, answered a series of ques- tions put to him through Conklin. They were: 1. Are you going to reprieve Hauptmann? I have made no de- cision. 2. Would you feel it mandatory upon you to stay execution should proceedings be pending in the courts the day of the execution? Not neces- (Continued on Page 2) Cars Crash; Girl Hurt In Sled Fall Two cars involved in an accident on Washtenaw Avenue last night were severely damaged but their occupants remained uninjured when a Buick sedan, driven by Tony De Filippi, 25 years old, of 1039 N. Main, collided with a Plymouth coupe driven by Gustave A. Hoffstetter, 62 years old, U. Of M. Atom-Smasher Hailed As Most Important Discovery Governor Murphy Praises Professor Hayden In Letter By ELSIE A. PIERCE The breaking up of the atom, which will be accomplished by the Uni- versity's cyclotron, is the most im- portant scientific discovery of mod- ern times, Prof. Harrison M. Ran- dall, chairman of the physics de- partient,'said yesterday. In addition, he said, the cyclotron will prove of great service to the med- ical profession, in that it will produce artifically radioactive material which can be used in the treatment of can- cer. Tre cyclotron will be the culmina- tion of years of work by physicists all over the country in the field of nuclear research. Although during the last 15 years, the problem of the outer atom has been pretty well sclved. Professor Randall said, com- paratively little had been accom- plshed with respect to the inner core of the atom, the nucleus. A beginning of the solution came which can produce not only particles with higher speeds but also in much larger quantities than can be hoped for from any radioactive substance. A grant from the Rackham Fund enabled the University physicists to plan construction of a cyclotron here, and Prof. J. M. Cork went to the Uni- versity of California this semester to work with Professors Lawrence and Livingston on the cyclotron there, and Prof. Floyd A. Firestone was placed in charge of designing the cyclotron to be used here. When the cyclotron is completed, the physics department will collab- orate with Dr. B. R. Hargis of the medical school, who has charge of experimenting with the cancer treat- ments made possible by the cyclo- tron. "After the particles have been shot through the cyclotron," Professor Randall explained, many of the nuc- lei suffer nartial disruption and be- Praising Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the political science department for his "splendid service" as vice-gover- nor-general of the Phillipine Islands, former Governor-General Frank Murphy, now United. States high commissioner of the islands, wrote to Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of the department, this week. Professor Hayden, who recently completed two years of service as vice-governor-general, is now en- route home from the Phillipines and will arrive here probably Feb. 1 to resume his teaching duties in the po- litical science department. Flying from Canton to Peiping, capital of China, and from there to Tiensin Tientsin and to Darlen, Professor Hayden took the Trans-Siberian Railway across Siberia and is now sure that our mutual friend, Gover- nor Hayden, having completed more than two years of splendid service for the Philippine government, left for the United States with the respect and gratitude of the Filipinos and all those associated with him in the privileged political enterprise which has recently been ours. His sound judgment on and thor- ough approach to involved political problems has been of large value to us. As Head of the Department of Public Instruction, which includes the Bureau of Health and Welfare, Vice-Governor Hayden brought to his work a fine sense of duty, discrimin- ating social views and a singular appreciation of conditions in the Philippines. His expert knowledge of Philip-