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January 15, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-15

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
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tions, Lyman Bittman.
Make Justiee
Just. .
T IS INDEED ironical that the
President of the American Bar As-
sociation, William L. Ransom, should demand ac-
tion by the bar to ensure an impartial atmosphere
in the courts of the United States, a nation which
guarantees a fair, impartial trial to all of its in-
Mr. Ransom referred specifically to the "flagrant
offenses" which occurred during the Haptmann
trial. Without being concerned with the guilt or
innocence of the convicted man, few will deny
that the publicity given the trial was a detriment
to the carrying out of justice.
The newspapers, the radio broadcasting systems
and the news reel cameramen helped to create
a strong public opinion on the case and such an
opinion, being intensified by a great amount of
publicity, could not help but affect the decision of
the court.
The notoriety the trial received is partially the
fault of the judge. He should not only have done
more to prevent such a great amount of publicity,
but in the case of the camermen who took pictures
of the trial in progress he should have carried
out his threats of fining them for contempt of
court. The counsel for both the state and the de-
fense are to blame for a great deal of the publicity
because ,they were continually giving interviews
to reporters and commentators. Personal pub-
licity was part of their aim.
For the most part, in the newspapers and in
the radio programs only the more dramatic inci-
dents of the trial were related. The testimony,
the basis for any decision in the case, was only
briefly related. Such brief accounts of testimony
and emphasis on the most exciting points are a
natural result of giving the public what it wants to
hear or read, as the case may be. But such
accounts do not make for a fair opinion on the
case, and such opinions undoubtedly had their
affect on the court.
Entirely too much publicity was given the
Hauptmann trial, and it seems to us that the
action demanded by the Bar Association president
is needed. Furthermore, as he states, it is the duty
of the public, the newspapers and the radio to co-
operate in the future so that a trial will be con-
ducted in accordance with justice and propriety.
Such cooperation is necessary if the courts are
to administer justice and to render a fair trial,
aright that is guaranteed by the constitution and a
necessary part of any democracy that is to endure.
Have You The
Money, Honey? . .
A YOUNG FELLOW of our acquaint-
ance -he is a graduate student in
political science, if you must know-has a some-
what novel and entirely remarkable scheme for
hurdling the weekly financial barriers met in the
course of party-going, beer-drinking, and so on,
with the pretty girl he fancies.
Well, hold your breath, here's how he does it:
Each Saturday he presents to the young lady a
carefully itemized bill, in'this wise:
Movies ...................$1.40
Cab fares ................$1.00
The dance Friday . , .......$2.65
Beer .....................$0.90
Hot chocolate, etc. .......$0.85
Then he jots down what might be termed a sum-
mary: Total for wek: 8680-Yourv shr. 340

He simply can't see why a girl who "goes with" him
should be supported by him. And he adds that he
suspects some girls must feel it a little degrading
to be leaning in a monetary way on the economic
arm of their escort.
We believe the average college woman will be
found to be exactly as intelligent, competent,
honest, straightforward, and able to make her
way in the world as the average college man.
We are convinced most women think this equality
desirable and socially just -so why abrogate it
when the young man and the young woman ap-
proach the cash register after an evening of fun?
May I have your $2.75 for the J-Hop ticket,
As Others SeeIt__
State Oaths For Teachers
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
MANY WORDS have been written and spoken in
the fight against teachers' oaths. The prac-
tice of requiring teachers to take oaths as a con-
dition of employment has been denounced as un-
necessary and unjust, as lending itself to tyranny
and regimentation, as discriminatory, repressive,
prying, absurd. None of the denunciations, how-
ever, seems half so effective in indicting the teach-
ers' oath on all these counts as the text of the
pledge required by one of the 22 states which have
adopted the practice, Rhode Island. The full text
of the document is as follows:
I, as teacher and citizen, pledge allegiance
to the United States of America, to the State
of Rhode Island and to the American public
school system.
I solemnly promise to support the Consti-
tution and the laws of the Nation and State, to
acquaint myself with the laws of the state re-
lating to public education, and also the re-
quirements and instructions of my official
superiors, and faithfully to carry them out.
I further promise to protect the school rights
of my pupils, to conserve the democracy of
school citizenship, to honor public education
as a principle of free government, to respect
the profession of education as public service,
and to observe its ethical principles and rules
of professional conduct.
I pledge myself to neglect no opportunity to
teach the children committed to my care
loyalty to nation and state, honor to the flag,
obedience to law and government, respect for
public servants entrusted for the time being
with the functions of government, faith in
government by the people, fealty to the civic
principles of freedom, equal rights and human
brotherhood, and the duty of every citizen to
render service for the common welfare.
I shall endeavor to exemplify in my own life
and conduct in and out of school the social
virtues of fairness, kindliness and service as
ideals of good citizenship.
I affirm, in recognition of my official obliga-
tion, that, though as a citizen I have the right
of personal opinion, as a teacher of the public's
children, I have no right, either in school hours
or in the presence of my pupils out of school
hours, to express opinions that conflict withj
honor to country, loyalty to American ideals,
and obedience to and respect for the laws of
nation and state.
In all this I pledge my sacred honor and
subscribe to a solemn oath that I will faithfully
perform to the best of my ability all the duties
of the office of teacher in the public schools.
Most of the things which Rhode Island teach-
ers must promise and swear are the essentials of
decent citizenship - and it has always been taken
for granted that teachers as a class are decent
citienzs. Those few who may not intend to exemp-
lify the many virtues catalogued will not hesitate
a moment in swearing that they will do so, if a job
can be gained thereby. It would seem possible
to depend for regulation of school teachers' be-
havior on the ordinary safeguards of society: in-
dividual conscience and the law enforcement agen-
cies plus, in this instance, the right of the school
boards to hire and fire.
Laws proposing teachers' oaths will come before
the legislatures of 20 additional states, including
Missouri, at their next sessions. It would be well.
for private citizens and legislators to study the

Rhode Island oath to learn what petty business
their states would let themselves in for by adopt-
ing such laws.
Beak That Ice
(From the Daily Pennsylvanian)
HOUSTON HALL has initiated a plan which
during this month of January will do much
toward erasing that much-bewailed gap between
students and faculty, which seems to be a natural
evil on any large university campus. Informal
afternoon social affairs, to be presided over by
the wives of the members of the faculty, are to
begin on Wednesday in the reading room of the
student union.
This new project has significances which are
of vast importance. Continual efforts by almost
every organized group of the campus to maintain
the highest degree of student unity have often
failed, due, in part, to the old argument of com-
muter's home interests and the like. But another
and equally as potent influence which has been
too often overlooked is the neglect of the under-
graduates to seek faculty cooperation. If we look
back and recall the student-faculty smokers spon-
sored last by the Wharton School and the College,
we then have two most noteworthy examples of
just how successful cooperative ventures of this
sort can readily become.
We often wonder: Do we neglect the faculty
or do they neglect us, beyond our necessary class-
room relations. The true answer to this question
lies in the failure of either party to take the
initiative. Our social tradition along these lines
has lain fallow for so long that neither side has
seemed willing to break the ice, beyond occasional
a A vnea nnw,,,avAd han -,mra by,.-. -nz,,,-,i.oc Zto

The Conning Tower
Approaching near and nearer now the old
Inexorable tyranny of dread
Couches again. Death smiles and scans the cold
Uncounted stars that shudder overhead.
The pouring darkness seems to close around
A sinking universe: far voices call
Across strange seas of silence: and the sound
Is ebbing, surging, ebbing down the hall.
One steps aside in spirit, watching them
Prepare the table - sees them place the cone
Upon the smooth white marble, clean and chill.
Receding faces hover here and there,
And fade as in a mist. The surgeons stand
Attentive, reticent. Already cuts
The sudden menace of the glittering blades;
And stealthy as the shadow of a fear,
The opiate is creeping on the brain.
Cool languor - isolation - peace . . . such as
The leaves must feel beneath the early rain
Of April ... and airs out of nowhere stir
Nothing but aspens ... a feather ... nothing.
So now they say the end is very near:
The feeble pulse still flutters with the same
Charge or retreat - and one may almost hear
The Moving Finger searching for the name.
Chaos is yielding, and another day
Is breaking now, is breaking. One by one
Collapse the towers of darkness - giving way
Before the shafts and trumpets of the sun.
Once more the smell of earth and rich warm
With rain and air and sunshine, as of yore.
Tasting of life again, finding it good,
Once more.
The accusation that the President's timing of his
address, as well as that of his using the radio, was
politics wearies us. Of course it was politics. And
what party, from the Communist down, or up,
scorns to use all the politics at its command?
"Shall we say to the home owners," was one
of the President's rhetorical questions, "we have
reduced your rates of interest?" Well, Mr. Pres-
ident if you said it to this home owner, you
would be telling him news. He pays the same
rate of interest - or owes the same rate - that
he paid in the glorious summer of 1929.
The President asked his enemies to be specific.
Yet, when he quoted the wise philosopher at whose
feet he had sat many, many years ago, he failed to
say - the (/P) found out Saturday morning --that
the quoted philosopher was Josiah Royce. Our
guesses, while the quotation was being broadcast,
were William James, Charles W. Eliot, and Wood-
row Wilson.
Many, many years ago, in Madison Square Gar-
den, we sat at the feet of an excellent orator who
quoted Wordsworth, without credit. He was nomi-
nating Alfred Emanuel Smith for the Presidency.
He called him The Happy Warrior.
(As Told to Orson Wagon)
WHENEVER New Year's comes I always think
of the New Year that your grandfather and
I made a resolution to go to New York. We had
never been there, either of us. When we said
New York we always meant New York City. Any-
where else was just York State to us. We had been
in York State. Mr. Beam was born in Little Falls
and I was born in Pulaski. My sister lived in
Williamstown and we both had been there on trips
from Kansas. But we never went to New York.
So when this New Year's Day came, Mr. Beam
said he had resolved to take me to New York before
the year was over. We had money laid by to go
to the World's Fair in Chicago and so we just
thought we would go on to New York from there.
And of course we did.
We stayed at a hotel. It had a French name.
I don't remember what. But it was a long way

from the depot and we rode to it in one of those
cabs with the driver on a high seat behind us.
That seemed funny because out on the farm we
always drove our own horses and never had any-
one to drive for us.
We went to church, I remember. To Sunday
School, too. Oh yes. I remember that so well. I
was in a women's class. We always said Ladies'
Bible Class then. A man was teaching it. I was
just visiting. I wasn't a member of the class at
all. But this man said so much about keeping the
Sabbath that the women just didn't like it much.
But no one said anything.
He said the Sabbath just couldn't be kept. That
it just wasn't possible now-a-days. He was so
emphatic about it that before I thought, I said:
"Why?" Has the fourth commandment been
changed?" (I knew he thought I was Samanthy
"Why, no-o," he said, "but how would you keep
the Sabbath?"
And just that quick the catechism came to me
and I said:
"'The Sabbath is to be sanctified by a holy
resting all that day, even from such worldly em-
ployment and recreation as are lawful on other
days, and spending the whole time in the public
and private exercise of God's worship, except so
much as is to be taken in the work of necessity and
After class one of the women told me she was
glad I said that. But why didn't they say some-
the Hawaiian princess whom the natives
firmly believe saved Hilo.-- H. T. editorial.
Trn,0nfivr nri. cnil, Wnsrlich1

A Washington
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-The best
thing for the man-in-the-street
to do about official party predictions
at this stage is read 'em and laugh.
It does not make any difference
whether it is National Chairman
Farley of the Democrats claiming a
Roosevelt reelection by as big or
bigger electoral majorities than were
rolled up in '32; National Chairman
Fletcher of the Republicans solemn-,
ly proclaiming "there are no differ-1
ences in the Republican party"; or
Republican National Committeeman
Creager of Texas sounding off about
glowing prospects of breaking the
"solid South" next year.
These are just routine campaign
utterances. They are as inescapably
a part of the political game as tree
trimmings are of Christmas or egg-
nog of New Year's.
WHAT Farley, Fletcher and Creag-
er actually think would make
very interesting reading. That any
of them would frankly unburden his
mind of his inmost thoughts on '36
probabilities for publication is not
conceivable. That is not the way
party officials function.
Wherefore the December outgivings
from such sources are about as trust-
worthy a guide to him seeking to peer
into the political future as are most
of the straw ballots taken to date.
Of what value can it be to sound
voters on New Deal sentiment when
the other essential half of the ques-
tion is lacking New Deal or what?
Roosevelt or who?
All that can come of such pollings
is detection of a trend. Actually, that
is all anybody has yet been able to
see, a trend away from Roosevelt
New Dealism.
A handful of municipal elections
last November showed that trend.1
More important state elections left it
in much doubt. Witness the New
York vs. Kentucky case. Since then
an old-time Republican congressional
stronghold in Michigan which re-
sisted the Democratic New Deal]
sweeps of '32 and '34 has filled a
house Republican vacancy by elect-
ing a Republican. The Dutch woul'da
seem to have taken Hollanld again.
But have they?
*k * *
is or was a Townsend plan out-
and outer. He got a two-to-one ver-
dict over an anti-Townsend plan]
Democrat. He had the support of]
Republican state leaders like Sen-
ator Vandenberg, a very possible ma-
jor figure in the Republican presi-
dential nomination race.
Unquestionably the Townsend plan
is the back-of-beyond in that po-
litical and economic "experimenta-j
tion," so deplored by Republican
spokesmen. It took Vandenberg
about a thousand well chosen words
to explain how he could be at once
for Main's election as "in sturdy]
sympathy" with the general Repub-
lican point of view and at the same
time utterly against the Townsend
That Vandenberg statement is a
choice morsel for future politicians
faced with a difficult bit of tight-rope'
walking. Native candor or fear of
ridicule prompted the senator torad-
mit that the Townsend plan "domin-
ated" the primary that picked Main
to run. The implication is that good
Republican anti-New Dealism dom-
inated the actual election. Maybe
the Townsend planners are cheering
too soon over their Michigan recruit.

:- MUSIC ..
It must have taken a good deal of
professional bravery for Mr. Vladimir
Golschman to bring his orchestra to
Hill Auditorium last night, following,
as he did, the previous concert played
by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
The perfection which that organiza-
tion represents makes it very nearly
impossible for any other orchestra
to avoid somewhat of a drop, for
after the ultimate, what is there?
The Von Weber Overture to "Ober-
on" made a nice balance for the sec-
ond "fairy story" which ended the
program, Raval's Daph'nis and Chloe.
The first work consists of a series of
mood pictures: the call of the elves
and their scampering across the
green, a fairy march -- solemn, but
with fanciful interjections by the
strings, and fairy love-making by the
sensitive, tenuous violins. To the
second compositionbelong perhaps
more definite pictures, the reason
probably being that our minds can
hardly detach the music from the
Ballet Ruse and its genius, Diaghileff.
The Ravel score, although not pho-
tographic, catches the essence of the
story so completely that, with or
without the Ballet, we are carried
away on a soft breeze to summertime,
a meadow of nymphs, and Pan play-
ing on his reed for the lost Syrinx.
The strings were, without argu-
ment, the most finished and profes-

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 76
Attention of All Concerned: Name-
ly faculty, administrative and clerical
staff members and students, is re-
spectfully called to the following ac-
tion by the Regents.
Students shall pay in acceptable
funds (which shall not include notes
unless the same are bankable) all
amounts due the University before
they can be admitted to the final ex-
aminations at the end of either se-
mester or of the Summer Session. No
office in the University is authorized
to make any exception to this rule.
Any specific questions that can be
foreseen arising in this connection
should be taken up with the proper
authorities at the earliest possible
moment. Shirley W. Smith.
Notice to all Faculty Members and
Officers: Arrangements have been
made with the purpose of having in
the General Library both for present
purposes and for future historical
value, a file of the portraits of mem-
bers of the faculty and University of-
ficials. It is highly desirable from
the Library's point of view that this
file be of portraits in uniform size.
Portraits will be made without cost to
any faculty member or officer by
Messrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son.
Members of the faculty are cordially
invited to make appointment with
Rentschler and Son for the purpose
Any special questions arising with re-
spect to the matter may be asked
either of the secretary of the Uni-
versity, Shirley W. Smith, or the Li-
brarian, William W. Bishop.
Graduate Women interested in
studying economics, international re-
lations or journalism: A one thou-
sand dollar scholarship is open1
through the Federation of American
Women's Clubs in Europe to some
American woman for study in Eu-
rope in 1936-37. Applicant must be
an American citizen, a graduate of
an accredited institution, and must
have a thorough knowledge of
French and a working knowledge of
one or more other European lan-
guages. Application must be sent in
before February 1. Further details
may be obtained in the office of the
Graduate School. C. S. Yoakum
Women Students: Any student now
in residence who will not be in col-'
lege the second semester, whether
because of graduation or other rea-
son, is requested to notify the director
of her residence as soon as possible.
Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean
of Women.
Women Students: Any applications
for a change of residence for the
second semester must be made to Miss
Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of
Women, Barbour Gymnasium, before
noon of Monday, Jan. 20, and house-
heads must be notified by that date.
According to contracts, no changes
of residence can be approved after
that date. Juniors and seniors in
the University dormitories may be re-
leased from their contracts to live in
sorority houses.
Instructors of engineering students
who find their regular classrooms too
small to permit students to take al-
ternate seats for final examinations,
as suggested by the StudentHonor
Committee, will please report that
fact to the undersigned through their
department heads, not later than
Feb. 18, stating the actual number of
students in the class. Reassign-
ments of rooms will then be made,
through department heads and in-
structors, to the students at a regu-
lar session of the class before the
end of the semester. If no request is
received, it will be assumed that the
regular room is adequate for exam-
H. H. Higbie, Room 272 West}
Engineering Bldg., for the

Committee on Classification.
Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore:
Box office open daily from 10:00 on.
Performances Wednesday through
Saturday at 8:30, and a Saturday
matinee at 2:30.
Seniors, College of Literature,
Science, and The Arts: Class dues
may be paid to members of the Fi-
nance Committee who will be sta-
tioned at a desk in Angell Hall lobby
Final Examination Schedule, First
Semester, 1935-1936: College of Liter-
ature, Science ,andthe Arts, School
of Education, School of Music, School
of Forestry and Conservation, College
of Pharmacy, School of Business Ad-
ministration and Graduate School.
All courses in the Announcements of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and the School of Music
carry final examination group letters;
some courses in the Announcement
of the Graduate School carry these
letters also. The schedule follows:
Group Date Of Examination
A - Monday a.m., Feb. 3
B -Friday a.m., Feb. 7

O - Thursday p.m., Feb. 6
P - Saturday a.m., Feb. 8
Q -Saturday p.m., Feb. 8
R - Saturday p.m., Feb. 1
X -Each course in Group X may
be examined at any time mutually
agreed upon by class and instructor,
but not earlier than Saturday after-
noon, Feb. 1.
Other courses not carrying the let-
ters will be examined as follows:
Classes Date Of Examination


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all me~r"bors of the
University. Copy received at the oftice of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. or. Saturday.

Tues. at 3- Thursday a.m., Feb. 6
Further, the courses listed below
will be examined as follows:
Education Cl - Tuesday a.m., Feb.

Bus. Adm.
Feb. 5
Bus. Adm.
Feb. 6
Bus. Adm.
Feb. 8
Bus. Adm.
Feb. 1
Bus. Adm.
Feb. 8

101 - Wednesday p.m.,

121 - Saturday
151 - Saturday
205- Saturday


at 8- Monday a.m., Feb. 3
at 9 -Friday a.m., Feb. 7
at 10 - Wednesday a.m., Feb.


at 11-Monday a.m., Feb. 10
at 1- Tuesday p.m., Feb. 11
at 2 -- Monday p.m., Feb 3
at 3 - Tuesday a.m., Feb. 11
at 8 -Monday p.m., Feb. 10
at 9 -Friday p.m., Feb. 7
at 10- Tuesday a.m., Feb. 4
at 11- Tuesday p.m., Feb. 4
at 1 - Wednesday a.m., Feb.
at 2 - Wednesday p.m., Feb.

Any course not listed in any of the
above groups may be examined at any
time on which the instructor and class
concerned may agree.
Each student taking practical work
in music in the School of Music Will
be given an individual examination.
Each such student should consult the
bulletin board at the School of Music
to learn the day and hour assigned
for his or her individual examination.
Regular class work will continue
until Saturday noon, Feb. 1.
Examination hours, a.m., 9 to 12;
p.m., 2 to 5.
This notice will appear on Jan. 30.
Please preserve, as no offprints will
be issued.
Academic Notices
Latin 50, Second Semester (X):
Latin 50, Latin Literature in English,
will be given Monday and Friday at
2:00 p.m. in 2014 Angell Hall, in-
stead of Wednesday and Friday as
stated in the catalogue.
Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination given by the German De-
For the second semester this ex-
amination will be given on Wednes-
day, March 18, at 2 p.m. in Room 203
Students who intend to take the
examination are requested to regis-
ter their names at least one week be-
fore the date of the examination at
the office of the German Depart-
ment, 204 U.H., where information
and reading lists are available.
Advanced Fencers: An important
review will be covered in class on
Thursday. All fencers please be pres-
ent. Learn of the new plan of the
English 143: There will be a test
Saturday, Jan. 18.
o. J. Campbell.
Public Lecture: "Identity of ar-
tistic expression in Islamic and North
European Arts" by Dr. Mehmet Agla-
Oglu: Illustrated. Sponsored by the
Research Seminary in Islamic Art.
Friday, Jan. 17, 4:15, in Room D.
Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission
French Lecture: Professor Jean
Hebrard of the College of Architec-
ture will give the third lecture on the
ercle Francais program: "L'Archi-
tecture Francaise au Moyen Age."
(Illustrated). Wednesday, Jan. 15,
4:15 o'clock, Room 231, Angell Hall.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured at the door.
Isochromatic Exhibition of Paint-
ings, Memorial Hall, Jan. 9 through
19. Open daily including Sundays
from 2 to 5.
Low Cost House Designs, Architec-
tural Building: Prize and other de-
signs submitted in a recent competi-
tion conducted by the New York
Chapter of the American Institute of
Architects are on view in the ground
floor corridor. Open daily, except
Sunday, 9 to 6, from Jan. 13 to Jan.
25. The public is cordially invited.

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