PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY I A - . .= ~- -i Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mall matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1936 EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925, BOARD OF EDITORS MANGINGEDITOR.............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSCIAE EDITOR ............... JOIN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- Wornei's Departmes1,,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Dav iario-T.Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-12141 BUSINS MANAGER..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER...........JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. A Challenge To Fraternities . . T iE INTERFRATERNITY Council is an institution, of a sort - a very hazy sort, which isn't proving its right to exist. We point for justification to the most significant action they have taken this year: All pledges and actives will wear name-tags on their coat lapels next year during rushing so they will know each other. There is, everyone knows, plenty the council could do. Fraternities the nation over are in a precarious position and, just as at Michigan, they are doing nothing about it. The responsibility is, left mainly to alumni who will ultinately fail unless they get the support of active members. But the Interfraternity Council cannot be wholly blamed for the position of campus fraternities. The fraternities themselves are as much, if not1 more, the cause of this apathy. If more than 75 per cent of the chosen fraternity representatives' attended a council meeting it would be very sur- prising; and if more than a handful of the repre- sentatives ever took enough interest in a progres- sive proposal to give a fair and rational opinion of it, it would be even more surprising. The council will have an opportunity to show its leadership, and the fraternities will have an opportunity to show their willingness and progres- siveness after Professor Briggs gives his financial, report at the next meeting. No fraternity should fail to take some action onj financial problems unless they have made a com- prehensive study and sincerely believe that no ac- tion is necessary. If, however, they merely glance at their ledger and dispose of their difficulties with broad generalizations, there should be no sympathy for them. If some fraternities, like small children, smugly maintain that they are all right and should be left to pursue their own unrestrained ways, they are not worthy of the privileges they enjoy. The Interfraternity Council should lead the way, and we hope they will, but the fraternities must follow and act with a conviction that will give the program a forceful impetus. Germany's Latest Blow To Humanity. T HE RECENT NAZI proposal to de-i port en masse from 100,000 to 250,- 00 German Jews is shocking even to a world longc used to the unusual in reports emanating from Hitlerdom. Although blood plays the minor roll< in this action, it proves again the strength of the blow Fascism has struck at German civilization.I A suggestion that such a tremendous number ofI people leave their homeland is enough in itselft to arouse more than a fe foreigners. But whene it is specified that no Jew shall leave German under this plan without having paid a 25 per cent exile tax on double his total capital, and that every commodity he takes with him must be German, itI must serve to illustrate that there is much moret to this so-called purge than the desire of aI fanatic to rid a territory of a people distasteful tot him. It is obvious, in this case, at least, that the Jew is simply being used as the target for a dis-i gruntled populace to shoot at, and the real motivei for this outrageous act is the dire German needI for foreign credits. Persecution of Jews is again, itt seems, lascism's horrible way of telling the world( that it hasn't worked. count Bearsted, head of the Shell Oil interests, and Sir Herbert Samuel, former High Commissioner of Palestine, will sail this month for America to make arrangements with Jews here. On its surface this may seem like an objective effort of a racial fanatic to purge his nation of the Hebrew race. It may seem that he is trying to accomplish the uprooting with as little bloodshed as possible. In essence, Hitler is holding the Ger- man Jew out on his hand, and with a wink is say- ing, "Here, I offer him to you, buy him. If you fail I may do as I please with him. I gave you the chance." He has nothing to lose. If world Jewry cannot respond with the ransom, Jews in Germany will remain the excuses for a failing eco- nomic system. If the money is forthcoming, the German Jew is torn from his homeland, Hitler has retained his anti-semitic face and with the temporary boost which the increased purchases will cause, he can advertise himself as the savior of the country to boot. In any event, although the entire scheme is dis- gusting, the chain of events which engendered it are enlightening. If only by this one act, it is apparent that there is more than one man's will and work behind such a grandiose proposal. But what individual, whether Hitler, Mussolini or Caesar, could force a nation to endure what Ger- many is enduring if he were not enabled by an accommodating economic and governmental sys- tem? It is totally inconceivable that with the twitch of a moustache alone, a veritable tide of human beings should swell up or slide away. Gambling On A Small Scale .. . ICHIGAN has a very clear and defi- nite anti-gambling law, but never- theless almost every drug store, small restaurant, cigar store and many other places have operated for years what are most commonly known as "pin" games, into which one puts a nickel for the priv- ilege of gambling that he can shoot certain balls into certain holes. This racket has operated under the guise that it is a game of skill, but it takes only a few min- utes' play or observation so see that it is quite impossible to become so skilled as to win. Every- one is familiar with the games and we have yet to meet one who is so naive as to believe that he is taking anything but a big gamble when he plays. The fact that one loses only five cents at a time on these devices has undoubtedly fostered what tolerance there is of them, yet at the same time it has lured more and more money into the pockets of owners and operators of the games, and further- more has encouraging an increasing play by small children, whose money should certainly not be put to this use. Any action against the operation of "pin" games will meet with strong opposition. Too much money is made from this "business" for it to be otherwise. This Week's Front Pages .. . THIS WEEK WILL give you a good opportunity to measure the worth of the newspapers you read. The death of Hauptmann, if it goes through as planned, will be splashed in gory red across the front pages of many newspapers, and para- graphs will be written by some of the country's best known staff writers giving us "sympathy" stuff of Hauptmann's courage, his wife's despair, his insistence upon his own innocence. All this is being written and used by newspaper editors on the supposition that the readers want it, that if they do not give it to them, they will read papers that do. All this is without any reference to the ques- tion of Hauptmann's guilt. This is your opportunity to correct the favorite impression of many editors that their paper is designed for people with the minds of thirteen-year olds and the tastes of depraved morons. The means of expressing this emphatically rest within your power to purchase whatever paper you please, and your power of writing to express your opinions to the letter columns. 1, [1The Conning Tower THE DIARY OF OUR OWN SAMUEL PEPYS Saturday, January 4 BETIMES UP, and to the village, and met there George Wright the artist, and talked with him about this and that, about how few persons there were that knew or cared anything at all about sculpture, and I told that of ten persons who could tell you the names of many authors, and many painters, dead and living, there would be nine who could not name a dozen sculptors, living and dead, some not knowing our Coleytown neighbours, Jimmy and Laura Fraser. And that reminded me that I heard that Jake Fraser also is a neighbour, Jake being the gentleman who was an artist for the Cornell Widow, and then drew some pictures and wrote some verses that had great-fame, Spotless Town and Sunny Jim, and whilst I do not recall the verses about Jim Dumjs, and ending I think "And now they call him Sunny Jim," I well recall the Spotless Town verses, especially: Good for the spotter of Spotless Town He spotted a spot on the butcher's gown. 'Twould not be meet for justice's sake To roast the butcher at the stake; And so behind the bars he'll go. Bars of what? SAPOLIO. Save that how the possessive of "justice" was printed I do not recall, but I know that "jus- tice's" is wrong. So I called James Kenneth Fraser by telephone and asked him whether he were Jake of the Cornell Widow, and he asked me how I knew and I told him that maybe thirty-five years ago or so Oscar Monroe Wolff, of Chicago, told me about him, and Jake said, "Why, he was my roommate." So all the day working and reading, and early to bed. Sunday, January 5 LAY TILL NINE O'CLOCK and so up and worked till one in the afternoon and so donned my town suit and to the train, and to the city and to my office, to correct an error that I had made accusing the President of not revealing the source of a wise philosopher whom he quoted, but it was revealed yesterday that it was Josiah Royce, and why he did not say so, when he charges his foes with vagueness I do not know. Lord! how long ago it was that the late John Sharp Williams, of Mississippi, quoted a verse that I had wrote; a parody of Thomas Bailey Aldrich's poem beginning "I wonder what day of the week," nor did I ever forgive him for it. Monday, January 6 BETIMES TO THE OFFICE, and in the after- noon to City Hall, where many gathered to consider the rules of the contest for the city song, and there were many restrictions at first, but it was agreed that there should be none, save that words and music should be submitted as a whole. But I fell a prey to sentimentality as I gazed from the window and saw the Pulitzer Building, and the Tribune Building, in which twain I laboured seventeen years. Tuesday, January 7 TP, AND TO THE OFFICE, and all day there at many matters and in the evening to see a play called "Mid West," and at first I thought it would be a play broadly tolerant of capitalism, as represented by a farm owner, and labor, as represented by his son, parroting phrases, and nothing else, of Communism. But it floundered, I thought, into dull verbosity, and the acting I enjoyed the most was that of Frank Wilcox, Dodson Mitchell, and Richard Taber. So for a great beaker of beer or two, and home and to bed. Wednesday, January 8 LETHARGICALLY UP, and so in the same spirit to the office, but immersion in work shook it off, and fell to it with zest; and thought of a man who was such a liar that he now was making stories of half cloth. So to dinner, and in the evening with Brock Pemberton to see "O Evening Star," some minutes of poignancy and one minute of comedy, but the rest seemed poor stuff to me. So home by subway, not being with; a hatless lady, or for that matter, no lady at all,; and home to bed. Thursday, January 9 To MY OFFICE not so early as my custom is, and so began my work, but A. Folwell gives me a copy of Puck for May 20, 1907, and I read every word of it, and looked at all the pictures, by Pughe and Ehrhart and Gordon Grant and Gallaway; and come upon "A Rondeau of Sor- row," and sithen I am a reporter and not a Woollcott-suspense writer, I say at once that the author of the rondeau was Sinclair Lewis, and this is it: A Rondeau of Sorrow When you're in love it's such a bore' To feel that never, nevermore Will come the piquant pleasant glee Of thinking on each lass you see, "Is she the next I shall adore?", Some girl in a department store, Some Ph.D of mannish lore - You mustn't say, "That one for me." When you're in love! You have to warn your fancy, "Fore," When smiles sonie queen of guimpe and gore, An heiress, twenty-two of three, A wit o'er demi-tasse and Brie, It's fierce! Your Pegasus won't soar When you're in love! So Dorothy Dayton come to see me, and I gal- loped through my stint by five in the afternoon, owing to foregoing luncheon, and so home, and was for bed, but my boy Tim ill, so sat with him for a little, and so to the kitchen and found some ham and some apple pie, and so out to the mail box, and home and to bed. Friday, January 10 UP, MIGHTY well slumbered, forasmuch as my mind to me a kingdom is, and so had a kipper and egg for my breakfast, well enough save that I should like to dawdle fifteen minutes A Washington BYSTANDER I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is conssrucaivrynoti.e to allmembers of the University. Copy received at the omice of the Assistant to thie President until 3.30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. - The no- tion that constitutional overthrow of the AAA would bring an almost im- mediate administration move toward amendment of the constitution, thus providing a prime presidential elec- tion issue, ignores several factors. Nor does there appear any better foundation for the counter view that the hubbub resulting from that deci- sion will simmer away into nothing definite. The chief factor is what President Roosevelt elects to do about it. Assum- ing his renomination - as who does not unless perhaps Governor Tal- madge of Georgia? - the only dis- cernible way in which a constitutional amendment project could become a 1936 presidential campaign issue would appear to be on his say so. If Mr. Roosevelt can be renominated, he can write his own platform. AT THE TIME of NRA's fall, in his "horse-and-buggy-days" press comment, Mr. Roosevelt discerned a supreme court trend foreshadowing the AAA verdict and constitutional exclusion of the federal government from any control over such other major human activities as transpor- tation, construction and mining as well. He also visualized a national decision necessity within five or ten years as to whether the central gov- ernment or the 48 separate states were to control national economic and social conditions. The AAA decision has continued the court trend. It apparently has closed the "general welfare" constitu- tional door to federal action as tight- ly as the interstate commerce door was slammed, in Mr. Roosevelt's view, by the NRA opinion. Does that reduce the previous presidential esti- mate of time within which a consti- tutional issue would ripen? HOWEVER desirable he might think it, any definite presidential pro- posal to amend the constitution would be carefully timed. The growth of popular demand woul' certainly gov- ern that timing. Much of the "new deal" is still be- fore the court. Each measure repre- sents a popular group that would resent a court overthrow, potential added popular support for a real amendment issue that might develop. THE SCREEN AT THE MICHIGAN "I DREAM TOO MUCH" An RKO-Radio picture starring Lily Pons, with Henry Fonda, Eric Blore, and Osgood Perkins. If it weren't for the magnifient voice of Lily Pons this picture would have nothing, for the story is far from exceptional and the rest of the cast, with the exception of Eric Blore, is mediocre. Hollywood is, notably averse to including too many good things in one picture, and in the case of Miss Pon's debut must; have decide that her voice would be sufficient without bothering over a good vehicle in which to present it. Henry Fonda is a rather likable fel- low but he certainly had no place in this part. In "The Farmer Takes A Wife" he was good because the story called for a bashful, gawky young man, but he is too lacking in mobility of expression and in voice qualities for this role. Eric Blore provides some good comedy and keeps things moving when they ap- pear tohhave reached a standstill, thereby living up to his reputation as a picture stealer. Jerome Kern's music is good and Miss Pon's sings it perfectly, as she does various op- eratic selections. In fact she does everything well and should accom- plish a great deal on the screen if given the proper chance. The story is the usual one of the t obscure singer's rise to fame in a short time. Jonathan (Fonda) mar- ries Annette (Miss Pons) while un- der the influence of too much liquor. She is a would be composer of an opera which Annette tries to sell for him but her own talent is discovered while his is seen to be lacking. She gains fame, he tires of being kept by her, runs away, and is redicsovered.; Annette has his opera turned into a musical comedy which is a success and she retires to have babies while he continues along the road to fame that has been denied him for so long. There are some above average comedy interludes between Annette and; Jonathan. -B. K. ai VOL. XLVI No. 75 TUESDAY, JAN. 14, 1936 Notices Women Students: Any applications for a change of residence for the second semester must be made to-Miss Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women, Barbour Gymnasium, before noon of Monday, Jan. 20, and house- heads must be notified by that date. According to contracts, no changes of residence can be approvedhafter that date. Juniors and seniors in the University dormitories may be re- leased from their contracts to live in sorority houses. Graduate Women interested in studying economics, international re- lations or journalism: A one thou- sand dollar scholarship is open through the Federation of American Women's Clubs in Europe to some American woman for study in Eu- rope in 1936-37. Applicant must be an American citizen, a graduate of an Accredited institution, and must have a thorough knowledge of French and a working knowledge of one or more other European lan- guages. Application must be sent in before February 1. Further details may be obtained in the office of the Graduate School. C. S. Yoakum Women Students: Any student now in residence who will not be in col- lege the second semester, whether because of graduation or other rea- son, is requested to notify the director of her residence as soon as possible. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women. Sophomores, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Sophomores may have their elec- tions approved in Room 9, University -..ART + By ARNOLD S. DANIELS An exhibit of unusual interest has been placed on display in the west gallery of Alumni Hall, where it can be seen until Jan. 19. It is officially entitled "An Isochromatic Exhibition of Oil Paintings," all of which simp- ly means that it is a group of paint- ings done on panels all of the same size, and all utilizing similar paints and oils. This unit of paintings is only one of a number like it being distributed by the College Art Association, and the whole thing was begun by the M. Grumbacher Research Co., which is testing the brightness and dur- ability of the paints used. The whole exibition is excep- tionally bright, and thoroughly American in the scenes and people it represents. One of the most im- pressive of the group, and one of the best examples of the bright colors used, is "Adobe Church, New Mexico," by Mary C. Platt. The grey bulk of the church is placed directly in the foreground against a brilliant land- scape and sky. Slightly geometrical in its conception, the painting is made to live by the bright colors, wrhich paint in a fat surface. For beauty of form and composi- tion, John Goslin's "Mahem" leads all the rest. It is composed largely o ' fluid curves, all leading down a long avenue into a purple distance. The colors are greys and greens, in innumerable shades. The effect of the weary curves and the sombre colors is one of hopeless despair. It is rather surprising to note the! variety of subjects and range of col-1 ors which the artists have worked into their congruent panels with their similar pigments. Among the modernists, Charles Zeller is out- standing with his "Steel Construc- tion Workers." Here again, the col- ors are brilliant, and there are large surfaces of single shades. The two workers are framed against a steel skeleton, and serve mainly to break up its geometric perfection. Of a completely different type is Good Harbour Beach" by Theresa Bernstein. It is a sunny scene, crowded with sketchily done figures and beach umbrellas, giving the ef- fect of a water-color. This particu- lar : cene is an excellent medium for the new oils, for it is filled with gay colors, happily blended. For sheer breathtaking beauty, John Thomanson's "Sealirig Silos" has much to recommend it. It rep- resents a group of farm buildings, faintly red in the rays of an "off- stage" setting sun. The shadows are soft purple, and the sky is bright blue, with rose-tinted banks of clouds. The whole effect is one of pleasant warmth and exceptional beauty delicately portrayed. Somewhat on the same style but with colors bordering on the garrish is "Old Farm" by Anna Beals. It is done entirely in shades of brown. Not very important as art, it is a tribute to the elasticity of the paints used. All of the other paintings in the large collection are interesting, and since they are all by modern American artists, certainly deserving Hall, until January 15, at the follow- ing hours: Monday, 1:30-2:30. Tuesday, 1:30-3:30. Wednesday, 9:00-11:00. Thursday, 1:30-3:30. Friday, 1:30-2:30. Beginning Jan. 15 Sophomores must have their elections approved, in Room 103 Romance Language Building, in accordance with the following alphabetical divisions: Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily. HIJ, Wednesday, Jan. 15. KL, Thursday, Jan. 16. M, Friday, Jan. 17. NOP, Monday, Jan. 20. QR, Tuesday, Jan. 21. S, Wednesday, Jan. 22. TUV, Thursday, Jan. 23. WXYZ, Friday, Jan. 24. AB, Monday, Jan. 27. C,Tuesday, Jan. 28. DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29. FG, Thursday, Jan. 30. J. H. Hodges R. C. Hussey, Sophomore Academic Counselors. Choral Union Members - Pass tickets for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, the Kolisch Quartet, and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra con- certs, will be given out to such mem- bers of the Choral Union as have clear records, on Tuesday, January 14, from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 o'clock. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be given out. Members who have not already done so, please return their Messiah copies and receive copies of Verdi's "Requiem." Those whose records are not clear will please return Mes- siah copies and receive back their book deposits. Unless this is done promptly, no deposits will be re- funded. Student Loans: The Committee on Student Loans will meet in Room 2, University Hall Monday afternoon, Jan. 20, and Thursday afternoon, Jan. 23. Students who have already filed applications in the Office of the Dean of Students should make an appointment at once to see thekcom- mittee on one of these days. Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore: Box office open daily from 10:00 on. Performances Wednesday through Saturday at 8:30, and a Saturday matinee at 2:30. Academic Notices Mr. Heneman's classes in Political Science 51 and Political Science 81 will not meet on Tuesday. Music B124: "Richard Wagner and the Music Drama" will be given at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday and Thursday in- stead of at 8:00 a.m., as announced in the catalogue. Journalism 104 will be given at the announced hourthe second semester. This course was erroneously an- nounced as an offering of the first semester. Principles of Publicity (Journalism 58) will be given the second semester by Mr. Donal Hamilton Haines in Room E, Haven Hall, Mondays, Wed- nesdays, and Fridays at one, as stat- ed in the 1935-36 announcement of (Continued on Page 6) "®MUSIC :: TIHIE FORUM By MARY JANE CLARK THE ST. LOUIS SYMPHONY, ADVANCE AN Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject fetters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. honor Roll . . To the Editor: It ma~y not be generally known that The Nation (N.Y.) publishes every year an Honor Roll, describ- ing briefly distinguished services rendered by men and women during the past year. In the number of January 1, 1936, mention is made of some twenty such persons. from which list I select the following as being of more particular timely interest: (1) Charles A. Beard, prominent historian, for his definite and crushing characterization of Wil- liam Randolph Hearst as one who has "pandered to depraved tastes and has been an enemy of everything that is noblest and best in our Amer- ican tradition." (2) Arthur C. Lane, professor of geology at Tufts College, and Earl M. Winslow, head of the Department of Economics at the same institution, the first professors in the country to resign their posts rather than submit to the indignity of the teachers' oath. (3) Judge Jeremiah T. Mahoney, for his activ- ities as president of the Amateur Athletic Union in leading and furthering the movement, indorsed by thousands of his fellow-citizens, for non-par- ticipation by the United States in Hitler's Olympic Games. Students wishing to read further on these sub- Tomorrow nights' concert by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Dr. Vladimir Golsch- mann, brings the second of the great Strauss tone poems to Choral Union patrons. This time it is an earlier work Death and Transffiguration, completed seven years before Em Heldenleben, the work heard in the last symphony concert. The work is built upon a free son- ata form, and possesses a well de- veloped coda. However, classic as the form is, the phrases and themes are not the four-measure, classic type. They may be only two chords in length, or but a single note, re- iterated in a strangesrhythmic pat- tern, for it is this one note which sets the stage for the tone play and continues throughout the work to be one of the most important themes. Interpret it to mean anything you will: the absence and negation of time, the heart-beat of the individ- ual in the throes of death, or even disregard entirely, if you choose, the poem usually appearing on the pro- gram, which was not added by Ritter until later. Although the themes are many, two in particular are outstaning; one, an explosive theme of youth; the other ,the theme of transfigura- tion possessing the generosity and magnitude of a great life living its most mature philosophy. Before the flight of the soul in the climatic section dealing with the transfiguration, those of us who ling- er in the darkenedrno an eea w ih Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files Jan. 13, 1926 Women are expressing dissatis- faction with 11:30 p.m. closing for houses on week-ends. Prenarations have been comnleted