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January 14, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-14

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T fH MT~TC N : 16xIE


Travel Cinema
Is Planned Ly
German Circle
To Show Sound Pictuires
Of Tour By Members
Of U. S._Colleges
The Deutscher Zirkel, through its
faculty adviser, Mr. Otto Graf, has
announced the presentation of a
German sound film, to be given at
4:15 pm. Thursday in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. Admission is free.
The film is the official record of
a party of American university aca-
demicians who toured Germany dur-
ing the summer of 1934 at the invi-
tation of the Karl Schurz Foundation
of Philadelphia, an organization de-
voted to dissemination of German
culture. The film is rich in archi-
tectural and scenic beauty and pre-
sents an ideal itinerary of sights in
Germany, Mr. Graf said.
Among those present on the project
were Prof. James K. Pollock, of the
Department of Political Science, and
Clarence S. Yoakum, vice-president
of the "University.
The tour begins in Bremen, pro-
ceeds east to Berlin and to East Prus-
sia, thence to Saxony, Weimar and
Jena: The birthplace of great men
of Germany are visited nand the tour
ends with a trip up the historic

Court Of Pardons Denies Bruno Hauptman's Plea

-- ~-.
--Associated Press Photo.
In a secluded room of the state house annex, New Jersey's court of pardons denied clemency to Richard
Bruno Hauptmann, who must die Jan. 17 for the kidnaping and slaping of the Lindbergh baby. Part of the
board is shown on the way to the scene of its deliberations. In the foreground is W. D. Hatfield. Behind
him is .I. B. Wells (left) and George Van Buskirk. Behind them are Gov. Harold Hoffman (left) and W. D.


U.P.A. Film Corp. in Germany
-and copies of the film were presented S uer asi
to the universities of this country by
the German government. Recommendei
Plan3 tatos Department Of Landscape
ForFi rst Aid Design Conducts Survey
In Loeal Area11n Washtenaw County
Speaking Sunday before a state-
Cooperation between the local of- wide recreational institute meeting
fices of the Red Cross and the safety here, Dr. Henry S. Curtis recommend-
cdmmittee of the Automobile Club ed that every child should spend
of Michigan have resulted in plans from three to four summers at camp
to create and maintain three emer- and an equal amount of time on a
gency first aid stations designed pri- farm. He based his conclusions on a
marily for injuries sustained in traf- survey conducted by the landscape
fic accidents in the county, it has design department carried on with
been announced. A committee of six the aid of federal relief workers.
has been appointed to select the lo- Camp life is extremely valuable to
cations of the new stations. every child, Dr. Curtis said, as it in-
A conference with Michigan state structs one in communal living. Life
police is expected in the near future on the farm is beneficial to the
by the committee, and their aid will youngster because it gives him an in-
be sought in determining the most ad- sight into a different social system
vantageous spots in which to place and teaches him to be more tolerant.
the branches. Businesses which are Both forms of recreation teach him
open all night will be asked to vol- a love of the out-of-doors, he said.
unteer Itheir services and stands. Ann Arbor Survey Complete
Training and equipment will be sup- The survey upon which Dr. Curtis
plied by the Red Cross. based his remarks was pointed at
Members of the committee include finding out how major summer rec-
M. W. Strickland, manager of the reation activities rank with 5,000
Automobile Club, as chairman; L. E. children in the city schools. When
Ayres, Red Cross chapter chairman; the survey is complete it will cover
Sheriff Jacob B. Andres; Dr. E. C. all the 13,000 school children in
Ganzhorn, county coroner; Mrs. Jean Washtenaw county. At the present
'D. Noble, executive secretary of the however, only the compilations for
Red Cross here; and Kenneth Hellen- Ann Arbor are complete.
be'k, county road manager. Continuing his comments, Dr. Cur-
Similar stations have been estab- tis said that those few fortunates
lished in many southern and west- who were able to attend the more ex-
ern states, it was said, and it is pensive private camps enjoyed their
hoped to increase the number in this vacation no more than did those who
county in the future. Plans for attended the cheaper camps such as1
'emergency stations in other counties those sponsored by the Boy Scouts,
of the state are already under way, the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. This
would indicate the feasibility of es-
tablishing similar camps financed by_
B em n-Wie the 'public at a low cost.
Bem ent W rites The survey showed that the great-
est amount of the summer vacation
Textbook tor me 371/2 per cent was spent of va-
cations at the farm. Practical edu-#
jai. cational features appealed to the
Frencli Course children thus spending their out-of-
school period, who spent on an av-
In "Cours de Revision" a book for erage of three weeks in the rural
French students written by Dr. New- areas.
ton S. Bement, Instructor in the Playgrond Rates Low
French department and published by Playground activity, which would1
Harper and Brothers of New York, the seem to attract the majority of city
faculties of many schools have dis- children during the summer months,'
covered a fill-in for a definite gap rated surprisingly low, Dr. Curtis
that has always existed in the teach- pointed out. More than twice ast
ing of elementary French. many AnnArbor school children go
In 1934, under the chairmanship of on trips as use the public play-
James P. Tharpe of Ohio State Uni grounds. In addition, more than
versity, a basic word list of 2,752 twice as much time is spent on farma
items, including idioms, were or- vacations as is spent on the playt
iled, based on research of the rela- grounds. Attendance of pupils ofr
tine frequency in the use ofhFrench University High and Angell schoolss
Words. Dr. Bement was the first to averaged only one and one half
use the findings of this study in a minutes a day, while the average of1
book. In "Cours de Revision" the the city schools as a whole was onlya
first 2,000 of these words were em- 18 minutes per student. Althoughv
ployed in texts designed to bring out this is an extremely low figure, Dr.r
their living environmental usage. Curtis pointed out that the average
According to reports from sec- amount of time spent by those whon
ondary schools all over the country actually used the playgrounds wast
this text serves as a first review course one hour and 18 minutes a day.
with enough range to take the stu- Altnough farm visits proved them-t
dent through all tne syntactical ma- selves to be most popular, a distincte
terial he should ordinarily need. desire for travel evidenced itself ind
the questions asked by the survey.f
MISS AYRES MADE EDITOR Trips by the children average ap-t
Miss Beatrice Ayres, a student last proximately 550 miles apiece with'
summer in the magazine writing
course of Donal Hamilton Haines,
instructor in the journalism depart-
ment, has been appointed managing
editor of The New Philadelphian, it e
was revealed in a letter received re- W i
cently by Mr. Haines.
____ ____I LUNCI
Last______ T imesrl ,,L T'naxn, _________

Farm Vacations S. L. Rothafel
d By Dr. Curtis Succumbs To
most individuals going 50 miles orart Attack
more. Almost half of the children
contacted by the survey went on at Was Celebrated As Pioneer
least one such trip.
Questions as to the mode of travel Of Elaborate Productions
showed that over 85 per cent of the OnStae And Screen
travel was made by means of auto-
mobiles, only one hiking trip being N
recorded. Not a single trip by bi- NEW YORK, Jan. 13. -(I) -
cycle was made, reports show. Samuel L. Rothafei, motion picture
Boy Scouts demonstrated the pos- producer known to thousands of
sibilities of travel for school children theatre goers as "Roxy" died today of
when they conducted truck trips of a heart attack in his rooms in the
10 days to two weeks organized for
groups of 20 or more, Dr. Curtis stat- Hotel Gotham.
ed. Expenses were computed at 29 "Roxy" was celebrated as a pioneer
cents per pupil mile for each bus of the elaborate stage production,
load of children. adding pretentious shows to the pic-
Boys were 281/2 per cent more active
than the girls, statistics for farm va- ture program. He also was one of
cations, camp vacations and play- the first of the well-known showmen
ground activity show. Of the 84 va- to present his stage show on the
cation days, boys and girls spent an radio. "Roxy and His Gang" was one
average of 12 days in the aforemen- of the first nationally-known radio
tioned recreational pursuits.
___________________ acts.
- ( At the height of his career he or-
Negative Atom ganized a building company which
erected the huge Roxy theatre in New
York, a structure with a seating ca-
pacity of 6,221.
Rothafel, believed to be in the late
S a~ Sietitsti
Sta e cl*-fifties, was born in Stillwater, Minn.
From 1900 to 1907 he served in the
United States marine corps, retiring
Discovery Termed One Of with the rank of major.
Physics' 'Mssing Links'; He entered the motion picture busi-
ness in the Pennsylvania coal region,
Atom May Be Smashed operating theatres in various cities.
He went to Minneapolis, where he de-
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 13.- (P) -A veloped his talent for stage shows and
pair of youthful Ohio State University was eventually summoned to the
scientists peered into the depths of Strand Theatre in New York, one of
an electron microscope today and the first "de luxe" cinema houses on
found one of physics' "missing links" Broadway.
- beams of negatively charged hy- There, permitted free rein in the
drogen atoms. staging of his "presentations," Roxy
Fellow scientists hailed the discov- became the best known exhibitor in
ery as opening up a broad field of the country. Theatres throughout
fundamental research, and possibly the country made use of his idea and
furnishing a new weapon in the long- added stage presentations to their
drawn battle to smash the atom, programs.
which is hypothetically the smallest- -
particle of an element capable of DAILY 15c to 6 - 25c after 6
existing alone into something even
Paul Darby, a student who se-
lected a search for the "missing link" CONTINUOUS 1:30 - 11 P.M.
as his graduate problem, and Dr. Wil- CNO :- .M
lard H. Bennett, young university NOW
physics professor, shared honors for 2 First-Run Features
the discovery. BEN LYON
They began the hunt eight months HELEN TWELVETREES
ago, assembling delicate equipment FR I SCO
and working with currents and fac-
tors so infinitesimal as to be recog-W
nizable only with the aid of extremely and
sensitive scales and meters. RALPH BELLAMY
For 30 years laboratory workers "DANGEROUS
have created positively charged atoms
and made them perform almost at I N T R I G U E"
wilL But until now, scientists said, Extra
research has failed to discover sim- Comedy - Cartoon - News
ilar bodies negatively charged, and
many physics experts have doubted
their existence.
"Our discovery will have little at- -
traction at present for industrial
engineers who transform laboratory
developments into practical objects -
for general use, but it may have a
far-reaching effect on future studies 1'


WPA To Bring
State Classified Directory
College Work, LAUNDRY
reasonable. Free delivery. Phon
Several Departments Plan ADVERTISING 300 .rd yP
Extension Courses For P ace advertisements with Classified
dvertising Department. Phone 2-1214. LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Educational PrograTheclassifiedcolumns close atfive Careful work at low price. Ix
)'cock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at on
xtra charge. LAUNDRY, carefully washed in soft
The Michigan Works Progress Ad- cash in advance lie per reading line water and hand ironed. Reason-
ministration is making arrangements (on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions. 10c able. Telephone 7287. llx
to bring the benefits of higher edu- per reading line for three or more -- ___-_ -- -----_--_-
cation at the University to any vil- insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in- LOST AND FOUND
lage in the entire state. Telephone rate -15c per reading line
Wherever there are as many as 12 for two or more insertions. Minimum LOST: BOOK - Henry Esmond from
ertschool graduates r ines per insertion. Muskegon Library. Finder please
serious-minded high shogrdae 10( discount if paid within ten days call Arthur Colman. 3594. 186
who have been unable to attend col- from the date of last insertion.
By contract, per line -2 lines daily, --------
lege, and wherever there is a suit- one month ...................8c LOST: Gray Shaeffer pen and pencil
able room provided for them, a study 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months .......e.
2 lines daily, college year .. ...7c with initials W.F.W. n gold band.
center will be opened where fresh- 4 lines E..D., 2 months.......8c Phone 9501. Reward. 183
man courses of the University may be 100 lines used as desired . .9c ___..__...__
300 lines used as desired .... .. ..B FRRET ROM
studied under a WPA instructor. 1,000 lines used as desired.......7FOR RENT - ROOMS
Special departments of the col- 2.000 lines used as desired ........6c
The above rates are per reading line, FOR RENT: Single room in girls'
lege are cooperating in the project based on eight reading lines per inch. league house. Phone 8738. 187
and have correspondence courses in ionic type, upper and lower case. Add legehu.Pon87. 17
5c per line to above rates for all capital
preparation. The courses will be (etters. Add 6c per line to above for DOUBLE ROOM for boys or will rent
equivalent in scope to those given on bold face, upper and lower case. Add singly. Warm, clean. Three blocks
the campus. Students completing the capital letters. from campus. Call 5269. 184
work and passing the examinations The above rates are for 7% point
may be recommended by the depart- type' NOTICES
ment concerned with extension credit WANTED STATIONERY: Pinted with your
in the University. name and address. 100 sheets, 100
An attempt is being made to so BY JUNIOR: Room for second se- envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
organize the courses that they wil mester, house with shower. Box Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x
be of value to those who do not look 106, Michigan Daily. 189 - _ _______
forwardato entering the University as---,--------D-y1 -- ---- MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi-
well as to those who do. YOUNG LADY wants housework in cient service. All new cabs. 3x
Bulletins of information and ap- a refined home. Phone 2-1282. _
plication forms for the approval of 185 DRESSMAKING: Formals for J-Hop
centers and the appointment of su- CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY. Any time. 1208 S. University. Phone
pervisors hae n snt toall sm- old and new suits, overcoats at $3 2-2020. 12x
intendants and county school com- to $20. Don't sell before you see
missioners in the state. It is x Sam. Phone for appointments.
pected that centers will be in opera- 2-364. Poeloapinm xt.-
-ion by Feb. 3._2-3640.lox
The following freshman correspon-
dence courses have been announced 34 Are LostEAS
by the Extension Division of the Uni- A LO As
versity: English, to be required of all " NOW
freshmen; geegraphy; modern Euro-aciiic Storm
pean history; elementary French and
German. W ecs eseli
Sociology and mechanical drawing in
are available from the home study I Dream Too Much"
department of the Extension Division ASTORIA, Ore., Jan. 13. - (P)-
but are not acceptable for freshman Thirty-four men were counted lost Matinees Daily 21
credit. Additional courses are being today as the wild Pacific hurled six 200 and 3:30-2 c
contemplated. battered bodies upon the shore from Nights 7:00, 9:00 - 25c, 35c
Henry J. Ponitz, assistant director the wrecked intercoastal freighter gts_7:__ ,_9:_0_-_25c,_35c
of the Michigan WPA, has been work- Iowa. TUSA
ing with the Extension Division for Coast guardsmen said none of the THURTAY
several months in arranging the crew of the 410-foot vessel could have ON STAGE
project. survived the pounding seas that N PE RSON
Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, a graduate smashed the freighter into wreckage
of and former teacher in Muskegon Sunday after a 76-mile an hour hur-
High School, who was later a prin- ricane tossed it upon Peacock Spit,
cipal of Saginaw High School and a Davy Jones' locker for many another
summer school instructor in the ship.
School of Education of the University, The furious storm also threatened
has been appointed State Supervisor several other vessels as coast patrols
of Co;respondence Study Centers for sought bodies of other victims. A M A T E
the Michigan WPA. An even greater loss of life was
averted narrowly when the coast
ATTORNEY SLAIN IN COURT guard cutter Onondaga veered toward --- -
CHICAGO, Jan. 13.-(P) - A dis- Peacock Spit and was barely able to
gruntled lawyer shot and killed At- inch away from the danger zone, un-
torney Christopher G. Kinney in Cir- able to get close enough to shoot a
suit Court here and then fired at life line aboard the doomed Iowa.
Judge John Prystalski, presiding. The The Onondaga left the scene when
judge ducked behind his bench and her commander, Capt. R. Stanley NOW SHOWING
escaped. Patch, said no life existed longer M.F. Eve. 35c Mat., Balc. Eve. 25c
aboard the remnants of the 3,564-ton
SCOTTSBORO CASE freighter's broken hull.
DECATUR, Ala., Jan. 13. -- () - -
Attorneys for the nine Negro defen-
dants in the Scottsboro Case filed a LEARN
motion in Morgan Circuit Court today TO DANCE
seeking a change of venue on alle- Social Dancing taught
gations that a fair trial could not be daing Tuce. Wade
obtained here. Judge W. W. Callahan Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
set arguments for next Thursday.

Employed men and women accommodated promptly and privately.
Special plans for both single and married people. Repayment in easy in-,
stalments maybe extended FromIto 20 months. Come in-write- or 'phone.
2nd Floor Wolverine Bldg. Room 208
Phone 4000-4001 Cor. 4th Avenue Ann Arbor
Together with the Department of Physical Education
"RU __i__

of the atom," Bennett said.v
ekly Rates

I m ~mm1m4s

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