PACE. 2EK, THE Mi,1CHItGAN DAILY ATITIZT)AY jAN tJAPf ii, B', G PAC-E ~IX ~ATURJ3AV JANTJAI~Y ii. i~31i i I i mmemolummow Morrison Hits State~ment y Says Criticism Of Single Pavement Thoroughfare 'Overexaggerated' By RALPH W. HURD Definitely overexaggerated, accord- ing to Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the highway engineering department, is the recent statement by Dr. H. C. Dickenson of the U. S. National Bu- reau of Standards in a communica- tion to the Michigan Safety Council that "The nation never should have built, and should stop building now, main country thoroughfares carry- ing heavy traffic in both directions on the same pavement." Highways cannot be divided, within reason, unless they include at least four traffic lanes, Professor Morrison stated, and only a very small per- centage of country highways can boast of four lanes. According to statistics obtained for The Daily by the Michigan State Highway Laboratory, located in the East Engineering Building, from the Highway Department at Lansing, there are only 300 miles of state trunk line roads of four lanes or more out- side of cities in Michigan. This is only six per cent of hard surface roads, or three per cent of all roads included in the state trunk line sys- tem. Separation Dangerous Imagine the situation, Professor Morrison continued, if it were the common practice to separate two lane highways, thereby making it im- possible for cars to pass each other. A fast-moving automobile, approach- ing a truck or some other slow ve- hicle obstructing the single traffic lane, would thus be forced to drive over the shoulder grading of the road in order to pass. Under any sort of conditions this would be a dan- gerous practice, he stated. However, he pointed out, insofar as Mr. Dickinson is insisting on the di- vision of huch highways as have at least four lanes, all evidence does seem to indicate that such improve- ments would materially reduce acci- dent hazards on our main country highways. In the report of a study of three overlapping sections of U. S. High- way 112, with a total of 34 miles in length, made before the annual meet- ing of the Highway Research Board in 1934, Professor Morrison advanced evidence to show that this was true. Accident Types Studied In the study a comparison was made of the number of accidents oc- curring on an 18 foot wide section of road and a 20 foot section. A general increase of 120 per cent in the 18 foot section was found for those types of accidents which could be eliminated by separating the high- way, he stated. These types of ac- cidents include side-swiping, passing on the wrong side of the road, un- classified head-on collisions and skid- ding into other cars. This study reveals factual support for the assertions of Dr. Dickinson. "Whenever two cars meet on an eighteen or even a twenty foot road, they commonly pass within two feet of each other at relative speeds that would - prove fatal to most of the occupants if the should collide. "On 40 miles of road, carrying 1,000 cars per hour each way, there will be about a million cases of cars meeting each other every hour. The number of such hazards per year run into astronomical figures. Is it to be wondered at that a large part of the fatal accidents which occur on the open road result from the fact that the drivers must meet other ve- hicles with so narrow a margin of safety?" An experiment in the division of roads is now being undertaken in New Jersey, Professor Morrison point- ed out. Four lane highways are be- ing separated at a cost of $50,000; per mile, and state authorities ex- pect this expenseto be offset by savings in property damages as a result of reduced highway accidents. The outcome of this experiment should go far to reveal the practical value of divided highways, he con- cluded. Camps For Youths To Be Established (Continued from Page 1) The regime of the camp, Dr. Peet said, would again be of the Boy Scout nature,arather than the disci- pline of a more military nature under the CCC camps are ruled. An allotment of about $150,000 is sought for the first six months of the project, which will start as soon as it is possible to take the boys out into the Waterloo woods, probably in April. By the following winter they will have permanent cabins built, and thus can stay throughout the year. The budget for the project allows about $7 a week for each boy at the camp, to cover food, clothing, and other necessities. One vasnn for the choicO of the. Farley Gets $200,00 0 Philadelphia Check Postmaster General Farley (left) cratic national committee meeting in city for the national convention, he Albert Greenfield of the Philadelphia : -Avciated Press Phot ). is shown when, after the Demo- Washington accepted the Quaker accepted a $200,000 check from convention delegation. Hinsdale Says Indians Sz4J'red Toothache Just As You And I Observations Made From Skeletons Exhumed In Lapeer County By WILLIAM SPALLER Evidence that ancient American Indians suffered from toothache, lumbago and stiff neck just as many of us do today was presented yester- day by Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, associate in charge of the Great Lakes division of the Museum of Anthropology. "Dental caries from slight cavities to large ones extending from crown to fang must have caused insuffer- able toothache," he said. "Lame backs, lumbago and stiff necks were common." Dr. Hinsdale's observations were made from 150 skeletons of Indians, men, women and children, that were exhumed by members of the expedi- tion headed by Dr. Emerson F. Green- man, research associate in archae- ology of the Museum of Anthropol- ogy, which spent several months last year digging in an ancient Indian burial ground in Lapeer County, Michigan. "A few anomalies and many evi- dences of disease and injuries were found by examination of the skele- tons," Dr. Hinsdale said. "There are several specimens of fractures, dislo- cations, bones malformed by disease and ever so many teeth affected by decay. Some of the teeth are cur- iously worn down - the entire crown being gone- by attrition due to im- perfect coaptation and chewingt coarse and gritty foods. Owing to imperfect occlusional contact, some teeth were worn to chisel-like edges. 'Several of the spinal columns," he said, "show osseous overgrowths extending from one vertebra to the second or third below. In one speci- men the second and third cervical vertebrae are completely ankylosed so thatthey form one rigid segment. That poor woman, for the specimen is presumably from a female, may have suffered from permanent wry neck, or at least her ability to "look back" was seriously inhibited." In the coljecion brought back by Russia Strengthens Armies For Defense (Continued from Page I) ern Railway to Manchoukuo, he said, indicated her trend towards peace. On the other hand, he charged, Japan's temper is evidenced by To- kio's refusal to sign a nonaggres- sion pact, nonacceptance of a com- mission to regulate border problems, and constant violations of the Soviet- Manchoukuoan border, designed to distract attention from what Japan is doing in Manchuria and North China, and also to impress the world with Japan's strength. Dr. Greenman is a specimen of frac- ture of the left femur with two inches of misplacement and shortening, al- though there is a perfect rigidity of the bone due, Dr. Hinsdale said, to the forming of calluses which is sometimes nature's method of re- pair. Other fractures, he said, were of the "green-stick" type and repair did not leave any shortening. "Among the skulls," Dr. Hinsdale stated, "are several that have drill holes in the top and others from which a disc two inches in diameter has been removed. These operations were performed, of course, after the bodies had been denuded of the soft parts and were probably made for some ceremonial or ritualisticreason, possibly to be paraded in the dance of the dead. There are also long bones drilled through and two skele- tons had been rearticulated with some of the bones curiously mis- placed." Peet Submits Director For Birthday Ball Sends Name Of Man To Head President's Affair To Doherty for Okay The appointment of Herbert G. Watkins, assistant secretary of the University, as director of the an- nual President's Birthday Ball here to be held Jan. 30 for the relief of those suffering from infantile par- alysis. Dr. Max Minor Peet, prominent brain specialist who is a member of the national committee in charge of expending the funds secured by the annual dance, announced yesterday that the appointment had been ac- cepted by Mr. Watkins, and that news of the appointment had already been sent to Henry L. Doherty of New York, general chairman of the na- tional committee. An attempt is being made, Dr. Peet commented, to perpetuate the celebration as an annual affair, and to maintain it in an entirely non- political spirit. The national committee, which was intrusted with more than $300,000, about 30 per cent of the fund raised the night of Jan. 30, 1935, also in- cludes from Michigan Senator James Couzens and Edsel Ford. The $300,- 000 has been divided among a group of universities throughout the coun- try for research work in developing a vaccine or some other agent which would prevent infantile paralysis and further research into the nature of the germ and its exact methods of transmission. Summer School Off eirs Stdy In Graduate Students Will Tour Eight Countries At Own Expense A combination study-travel course, which will include a tour of eight European countries and designed primarily for graduate students in education will be offered in the 1936 simmer session, Prof. L. A. Hopkins, director, announced yesterday. A limited group of graduate stu- dents will travel at their own ex- pense in eight countries in Europe o study the features of the health program of each of the nations, rec- reation, folk dances, and gymnastics. The students will visit France, Ger- many, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslo- vakia, Denmark, Sweden and Eng- land. Six hours of graduate credit will be granted for completing the study tour, including the various special assignments of the instruction. Stu- dents may, however, enroll for two or four hours credit if they so prefer. The cost of the trip, New York City and return, will be $491, which will include all expenses with a few ex- ceptions such as the American pass- port, tips, tickets to the Olympic Games, and any other personal pur- chases. The trip is to cover a period of 65 days or a total of nine weeks, ex- tending from June 27 to September 1, and the tentative itinerary of the trip includes an opportunity to at- tend the International Conferences in Berlin. The procedure for study will be outlined by Professor Mitchell, and it is planned to hold classes on ship- board from 9 to 12 a.m. Prior to the trip each student will be provided with a list of readings in books, cur- rent magazines to orient the student as far as possible to the European situation in general. Attendance at the Olympic Games will be voluntary and the tour is planned to include the principal days of the games. During the same pe- riod visits may be made to the art galleries, where special competitions in painting, sculpture, music and drama are being held in honor of the eleventh Olympiad. Candidates for the trip may pay the Summer Session fee of $34 any time prior to June 15, 1936 and officials stated that students should make early application for the trip in order that various arrangements for ship reservations and requests for tickets for the Olympic games may be as- sured. Revelli Organizes Regimental Band The latest efforts of Dr W. D Revelli, Director of Bands of the U. of M., have been to organize a band to supplement the Varsity Band. As a result, the First Regimental Band has appeared to provide an oppor- tunity for musicians to continue their musical activities while in the Uni- versity, and to develop players for the Varsity R.O.T.C. Band and Con- cert Bands. Since it is the policy of the band to include in its member- ship 100 players in the Varsity R. O. T. C. Band, and at least 85 in the Concert Band, there will be ample opportunity for advancement, Dr. Revelli said. Admission is open to any wood- wind, brass, or percussion player, ac- cording to Dr. Revelli, a i.. 1- -Associated Press Photo. Robert Moore, (above) slain at South Bend, Ind., has admitted responsibility for the slaying of Jerry Buckley, Detroit radio com- mentator, in 1930, according to a statement given authorities by his widow, Mrs. Mary Roche Moore, convicted bank robber. Faculty Plans Joint Luncheon Killer Suspect Slain topic will be "Conscience." Every- DAILY OFFICIAL o'neinterested is welcome to atteni BULLETI7IN aiiri~li( tiitech, sont~v: ""~ai(i'COIU Ien*d fruukPage4) Crossin, for the Liudberghs."'i.7:3u pared to discuss the significance of Liberal Students Union. Symposium the important events of the day. on mid-winter student conferences. 7:30 p.m., Church service. Rev. Cowin will show pictures and give a Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday: lecture on the life of William Carey,. often called the father of modern 9:15, Church School. 10:30, Chief missions. worship service. Sermon, "Christ E____Answers Three Vital Questions." 5:30 St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sun- day: 9:30 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class. 9:30 a.m., Divine ser- vice in German. 10:45 a.m., Morn- ing worship and sermon, "Jesus the Bread of Life." 6:00 p.m., Student- Walther League supper and fellow- ship 6:30 p.m. The program will consist of a lecture given by the Rev. Charles Strasen of Plymouth. His For Niebuhr Lutheran Student Club in Zion Luth- eran Parish Hall; 6:30, Discussion on "Why am I a Christian?" 7:30, Luther League. Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday: 9:00 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m., service with sermon on "Come and See." 5:30 p.m., Meeting of Student Club. 7:30 p.m., Holy Com- munion (German). W, A faculty ministerial luncheon for Reinhold Niebuhr on his coming visit to Ann Arbor was decided upon yes- terday in a meeting held by mem- bers of the University faculty. The luncheon will be held at the Union on Tuesday, Jan. 21. The committee planning the lun- cheon includes Professors John F. Shepard of the psychology depart- ment; John L. Brumm, chairman of the department of journalism; Le- roy Waterman, chairman of the or- iental languages and literatures de- partment; Robert C. Angell, of the sociology department; Erich A. Wal- ter, of the English department; and Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religious education; and the Rev. Howard R. Chapman, of the Roger Williams Guild. -__ The COLONIAL INN 303 N. Division - 8876 11 I Lunchecns - 1I :30 Dinners - - 5:30 Eli - 1 :30 -7:30 Sunday 12:30 Dinners - 2:30 4 i Ij F Exams Are Near! III BOOK BINDING Have your THESIS bound in keeping with the efforts you have put forth to make it pre- sentable and a credit to you. Neat and Durable - 75c to $1.50 per copy. THE MAYER-SCHAIRER Company Stationers - Printers - Binders Phone 4515 112 S. Main St. . I Michigan Union Cafeteria Special Sunday Night Supper 45c -- 60ce Tutors1 Advertise Your Art! IN THE DAILY CLASSIFIED AD SECTION RA'TES ARE AS LOW AS 0 In, 0%a* .eeM BROILED PORK CHOPS in cluiding or T-BONE STEAK MASHED Or FRENCH FRIED POTATOES ROLLS and BUTTER CHOICE Of VEGETABLE PIF a laM OnE nr CA KF