FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1936 .O U F R DA..J N U AY..,.9 3 T p I THE MICHIGAN DAILY clear. Rather, it is that administrative group which controls the purse-strings. One scarcely need defend the worth of a course on war, and its importance to the student who is exactly the right age to be asked or, rather, compelled to go kill and be killed. The excuse offered by the Northwestern finance committee appears even more feeble when one surveys the list of courses for which it does, quite easily, find money. Every university offers such courses as Ancient Roman Coins, the Poetry of Racine, and many others which may or may not be interesting or useful, but most certainly possess the prime quality of not putting "wrong" ideas into any immature minds. Determined Northwestern students have begun the circulation of petitions, reiterating their desire for such study. We hope their interest in war is strong enough to force the finance committee to reconsider its disquieting decision. The Conning Tower The Quintuplets: Anthem Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. It A (The lyrics must typify the spirit of New York City. If one borough is mentioned, all five must be mentioned in the same stanza. If any historical references are made they must be historically correct.-From Rules for City Anthem Contest.) typify the city in an anthem (or a ditty): I love its many beauties, its well-remembered scenes; nd I feel just the samely about its boroughs, namely: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Richmond, The Bronx, and Queens.I EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...............JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; - Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .. JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, F Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tons, Lyman Bttman. NIGIT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER The President Is OnThe Spot.. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT seems to have put his foot in it. The past two weeks for him have been anything but a bed of roses. First was his annual message to Congress "on the state of the Union." This message, trasi- tionally supposed to be an accounting to Con- gress of the domestic situation, turned out to be nothing of the sort. The first part of it was devoted entirely to foreign affairs, and the second part was of a political nature, praising the New Deal in generalities that were rather glittering. Nothing was said whatsoever about such perti- nent problems as unemployment, continuance of relief, governmental spending, business conditions and actual progress of recovery agencies. The President was criticized on this score not only by Republicans, but by members of his own party and such allegedly disinterested parties as Walter Lippman. Then along came the Supreme Court and de- clared the pet Roosevelt farm recovery agency - the AAA --unconstitutional. Thousands of per- sons were thrown out of work, millions of dollars were spent for naught, and, still more important, millions of dollars are still due on AAA contracts. The decision undoubtedly reflected adversely on the President, and its political effects cannot help but do damage to the New Deal cause. The Supreme Court is in the eyes of a great many Americans sacred and almost incapable of error. And then, even as the high court was handing down it momentous decision, the Presidet's bud- get message was read to the House of Represent- atives and the Senate. The message did not, as budget messages have in other years, transmit a complete budget. The President said he coulel not tell Congress how much he would need to run the government until he had had more time to view the situation. Although he did approxi- mate a deficit for the coming year -one billion dollars--he remained silent on the question of relief expenditures. And what budget he did submit maintained its "irregular budget" - that ;count kept for recovery measure expenses - was in no sense of the word balanced. This message also drew fire from all directions, and alleviated none of the sharp criticism con- tinually levelled at the unusually high governmen- tal expenditures. It is also extremely doubtful f the President's recent Jackson Day dinner speech will be received kindly by the nation as a whole. Poor Mr. Roosevelt. He certainly has not been getting the breaks. With an election coming up fast, he will have to do some mighty quick think- ing. The country awaits, his next move with as much anxiety as there is certainty that he will make one. Both politics and statesmanship demand it. But whatever it is - proposal for a constitu- tional amendment, .reduction of the budget or another appeal to the people -if it suffers the fate of the President's actions in the past two weeks, he will be in a bad way. The President is on the spot. Give Them Their Cors On War .. . THE DESIRE of Northwestern Uni- versity students to make an objec- tive and scientific classroom study of war met THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressingthe editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. There Is One Born Every Minute To the Editor: Barnum was right. There is one born every minute. In this case it is the so-called reporter who wrote the article in the Daily, just before the recent vacation, concerning the two students requiring dogsleds to repair to their homes in Ironwood, Michigan. This individual has been a victim of mis-information, as any of the many former University students from Ironwood can testify. Such gullibility is to be regretted due to the fact that the reporter is a student in the University of Michigan. However, the ignorance of the average inhabitant of Southern Michigan concerning the Upper Peninsula is appalling. To most residents of this section, the Upper Penin- sula is a remote, barren, inaccessible region in- habited by Eskimos or Indians. A true reporter is supposed to secure facts upon which to base his article. A building is no stronger than its foundation. Data secured from hearsay by a gullible reporter is poor material for a news article, especially "front-page stuff." Here are a few facts that appear to have been overlooked. Ironwood, in Gogebic County, at the western gateway of the "Land of Hiawatha" is one of the largest cities in the Upper Peninsula. The 1930 census reports give it a population of 14,299. It is the center of one of the richest iron ore sec- tions in America. Here are several large iron mines, among them, the deepest iron ore mine in the world. Ironwood is 656 miles by automobile from Ann Arbor. Snow fighting equipment in the Upper Peninsula is of the very best and all National, State and most County highways are plowed and kept in good condition throughout the winter. Regardless of the snowfall or temperature, auto- mobile and bus travel is seldom at a standstill. Trains leave Detroit and Chicago daily to all points in the Upper Peninsula. The Chicago and Northwestern Railway has daily Pullman service between Chicago and Ironwood. This bit of information, based on fact, explodes the myth of the necssity of dogsleds to insure arrival at Ironwood and other large towns in the "Land of Hiawatha,"above the straits, in winter. -Melbourne Murphy, '31. Rogsevelt And Fascism To the Editor: In reference to the editorial entitled "State of The Union" which appeared in the issue of The Daily on January 7, I might say that you omitted a very important point in the analysis of Presi- dent Roosevelt's message last Friday night. This was the fierce attack on fascism made by Mr. Roosevelt. You only mentioned this in passing but I consider it so important that if our execu- tive had said nothing else, the speech would still be a landmark in the defense of democracy against the encroachinig fascist groups in this country. For his tirade against fascism concerns this land of ours just as well as it did those nations which now suffer under the heel of the autocratic fascist rule. Your editorial implied that this part of the message had nothing to do with the state of the Union. Well, it has. The American Liberty League, composed of most of our leading indus- trialists, most of whom are reactionary Eastern Republicans, along with the Democrats who sup- ported Roosevelt in 1932 such as Raskob, Smith and the DuPonts, should be recognized as a poten- tial fascist force in this country, belying its sacred name. Thus President Roosevelt in his attack on this and similar groups has helped the cause of anti-fascism in America. The rest of your editorial was, in the main, quite true. The President neglected to tell us vital facts about the state of the Union. This was simply because he was afraid to. As you say it was largely a campaign speech and if, for example, he had quoted the A.F. of L. figures on unemployment (roughly eleven millions) in- stead of saying as he did "several" millions, it certainly would not have furthered his reelection hopes. But the Republican party has nothing more constructive to give us. In fact if the American Liberty League, which is supporting the Governor of Kansas in the Republican nominating con- vention, wins, the danger of fascism is grave. H. L., '38 Humor CQJ ltn To the Editor: Being an assiduous follower of your Official If you like the Supreme Court's decisions, they are made by nine men of ripe experience and mature deliberative, unprejudiced judgment; if you don't, they are made by nine old men. Tune: "The Kankakee and the Kokomo" The score of the vote was 6 to 3, When the nine good men of the U.S.S.C. Said, ,Let's go ahead and throw away The unconstitutional A.A.A. "Six of the nine graybeards," begins the Daily Worker. Seven of the nine graybeards have no beards at all. The smooth-face decision is 7 to 2, Hughes and Sutherland dissenting. Whatever is published about the White House conference that is held concerning the A.A.A., somebody will say, not for publication, that the Supreme Court is unconstitutional. Uebung Macht Den Meister "Oh, what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive!" Practice will help one if he tries; We kept right on; Time put us wise; You ought to hear our Latest Lies! G.M.W. Horrible erratum No. 2, 1936: Any little stu- dent of solid geometry knows that it is not a polygon with an infinite number of sides, but a polyhedron, that approaches a sphere as a limit. "I am in favor of designing women," writes Billy the Oysterman in the N.Y. American. All right; design a few. Let the transpontine borough sue not us, but London Answers, for printing: "Quarter of a mile of wooden railway was recently stolen for firewood by the inhabitants of one quarter of Brooklyn, a suburb of New York City." On an Old Man Standing Beside a Radiator in the Public Library The days draws on the winter And twilight skies are cold. What is there, being cold? THE SCREeN AT THE MICHIGAN REVUE DE PAREE and "THE GREAT IMPERSONATION" The three stars would be too much for the picture alone, but parts of the accompanying stage show stand out enough to raise the general rat- ing of the program. In the Revue four acts are deserving of special mention. First, Ming and Toy, billed as a Chinese pair. Ming playsthedaccor- dion and other instruments, and Toyj sings - she can really sing. They were the hit of the show and got more1 applause than we've heard in the Michigan in some time.hSecond hon- ors go to the funnyman and his monkey -especially the monkey for it is smart enough to cause the evo- lutionists some more worries. ThirdC place to the girl who did the con- tortionist dance, and fourth to the four Marvels.j The silver venus act might wellj have been left out of the program,1 for it didn't add anything, and Nicki, might have used the accent she adopted in the Hi-Lo club. The chor- us was satisfactory. The lady ma-, gician was also good and succeededj in getting over some tricky ones. "The Great Impersonation," the movie which stars Edmund Lowe, with Valerie Hopson, Wera Engels, and Spring Byington, is a mystery thriller but the melodrama part is somewhat overdone in the screams that are supposed to come from a ghost, as well as a bit unconvincing1 in other parts. The story concerns Sir Everett (Ed-a mund Lowe) who has escaped to Af- rica after killing a disappointed suitor; of his wife. She remains in their English castle and is out of her mind. We find Sir Everett a con- firmed alcoholic just as he meets an Austrian Baron who is his exact double. The latter (also Edmund Lowe) is an agent for a mighty mu-, nitions ring and promotes wars, but; has been banished from his country because of a duel. The baron decides to kill Everett and take his place, thus being able to return to civili- zation. We next find the Lowe in England preparing to go back to his home andi wife, where headquarters of the mu- nitions ring that hopes to cripple England are established. Lowe is now taking the part of the baron pr tending to be the Englishman. Things get along at the castle, with1 sundry screams from supposed spir- its, but he wins again the love of the wife of Sir Everett. In between times he is nearly murdered. Princess Stephanie (Wera Engels the wife of the man that the baron killed, is also in the background and eventually brings about the denouement, which we'll omit, for you to discover for yourself. It's generally a fairly en-' tertaining show but overly compli- cated and lacking in accuracy. For example we saw a model A Ford in what was supposed to be 1914, and the men and women wore the latest style FRIDAY, JAN. 10, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 72 Notices To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, Jan. 13, 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 An- gell Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Attention of all Concerned, and Particularly Those Having Offices in Haven Hall or the Wester'n Portion of the Natural Science Building, is called to the fact that parking cars in the driveway between these two buildings is at all times inconvenient to other users of the drive and sometimes re- sults in positive danger to other dri- vers and to pedestrians on the diag- onal and other walks. You are re- spectfully asked not to park there and if members of your family call for you, especially at noon when traf- fic both on wheels and on foot is heavy, it is especially urged that the car wait for you in the parking space adjacent to the north door of Uni- versity Hall. Waiting in the drive- way blocks traffic and involves con- fusion, inconveniehce, and actual danger just as much as when a person is sitting in a car as if the car is parked emptly. University Senate Committee On Parking. Dormitory Residents who are plan- ning to move from the dormitory or to change from one hall of residence to another the second semester are requested to register in this office at once, if they have not already done so. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women. The University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation has received announcement of United States Civil Service Ex- aminations for Senior Geneticist (Horticulture) Cytologist (Horticul- ture), Morphologist (Horticulture) Physiologist and Assistant (Horticul- ture), Associate Pathologist (Horti- culture), salaries, $2600 to $4600. For further information concerning these examinations call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00-12:00 and 2:00- 4:00. "Ruddigore": Box office will open Monday morning, Jan. 13, at 10:00, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, phone 6300. Performances of this Gilbert and Sullivan opertta will be given Wednesday through Saturday evening at 8:30, and a Saturday mat- inee at 2:30. School of Music Students: The hour of Modern Harmony B232 is erroneously announced in the sup- plementary School of Music an- nouncement. This course will be given at 8 o'clock on Mondays and Wednesdays during the second se- mester. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate: A tentative list of candidates in the School of Education, College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and the Graduate School to be re- commended for the Teacher's Certifi- cate in February and June 1936, has been posted on the bulletin board in Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any student whose name does not appear on this list and who wishes to be so listed should report this fact at once to the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Lectures Public Lecture: "Excavations at Dura-Europos" by Professor Clark Hopkins: Sponsored by the Re- search Seminary in Islamic Art. Mon- day, Jan. 13, 4:15 in Room D. Alumni Hall. Admission free. Public Lecture: "Identity of ar- tistic expression in Islamic and North European Arts" by Dr. Mehmet Aga- Oglu. Illustrated.ySponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Friday, Jan. 17, 4:15, in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission free. Concerts Faculty Concert: Thelma Lewis, soprano; and Maud Okkelberg, pian- ist; with Joseph Brinkman playing the accompaniments for Miss Lewis, will give the following program, com- plimentary to the general public with the exception of small children, Sun- day afternoon, January 12, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The pub- lic is respectfully requested to be seated on time. Three Sonatas ............ Scarlatti Sonata, Op. 109........Beethoven Vivace, ma non troppo Prestissimo Andante molto cantabile ed es- pressivo .......Maud Okkelberg Spiagge Amate .............. Gluck O del mio dolce ardor.......Gluck Charmant papillon.........Campra Brunette ......... Rameau-Wekerlin Thelma Lewis Ia Puerta del Vino........Debussy S-. 4- t a n-i ,A nu nnnc A nini, A r sharp. Delegates from the Conven- tion on Nationalization, held at Co- lumbus, Ohio, will give their com- plete report on work accomplished there to the fraternity. All members are urged to be prompt. Contemporary: 'Ensian pictures will be taken at 5 p.m. at Spedding's. The entire staff should be present. S.L.I.D.: A meeting will be held at 8 p.m., Room 302, Union. All mem- bers requested to be present. Stalker Hall: A skating party will leave Stalker Hall at 7:45 p.m. to go to the Coliseum. All Methodist stu- dents and their friends are cordially invited to join us. Hillel Foundation: Traditional Fri- day night services will be held at the Hillel Foundation at 7:45. After the services Dr. Heller will present his talk on Dramatic Moments in the History of Judaism. His topic this week will be, "The Pharisees, Who Were They and What Did They Do?" Coming Events The Romance Journal Club will meet Tuesday, Jan. 14, 4:15, Room 108, Romance Language Building. Mr. Clifford H. Prator will read a paper on "The Piscatpry Eclogue in Romance Literature." Graduate stu- dents are cordially invited. Economics Club: Professor Morris Copeland will discuss the work of the Central Statistical Board at a meeting of the club on Monday, Jan. 13, 7:30 p.m., 302, Union. Members of the staffs in Economics and Busi- ness Administration, and graduate students in these departments, are cordially invited. Graduate Outing Club will go for a Skiing and Tobagganing Party through Huron Hills Saturday, Jan. 11, starting from Lane Hall at 3:00 r m. In case there is no snow there will be a hike instead. Supper will be served at Lane Hall about 6:00 for an approximate cost of $.25. All Graduate Students are cordially in- vited to attend. Women Students: There will be a skiing and toboganning party on Sat- urday afternoon at 2:00 leaving the Women's Athletic Building. First Regimental Band: Regular rehearsal Monday, Jan. 13, at 7:30 o'clock, Morris Hall. New members invited. Important business will be discussed. Lutheran Student Club will meet Sunday, Jan. 12, 5:30 o'clock, in the parish hall of the Zion Lutheran church on Washington Street. Supper will be served at 6. All Lutheran students and their friends are invited. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sun- day: 9:30 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class. 9:30 a.m., Divine ser- vice in German. 10:45 a.m., Morn- ing worship and sermon, "Jesus the Bread of Life." 6:00 p.m, Student- Walther League supper and fellow- ship 6:30 p.m. The program will consist of a lecture given by the Rev. Charles Strasen of Plymouth. His topic will be "Conscience." Every- one interested is welcome to attend. Roger Williams Guild sleigh-ride party Saturday. Meet at 8:00 p.m. at the Guild House. Dress warmly. Refreshments afterwards. A nom- inal charge will be made. Please call 7332 for reservations. Hygiene and Public Helth: All students majoring in Public Health Nursing who plan to enroll for field work in Detroit the second semester please leave your names at my of- fice, 3080 Natural Science Building, by January 18. Barbara H. Bartlett. Woman Seriously CInjured In Crash Miss Josephine Nash, 26 years old, of Route 1, Dexter, had three upper teeth broken off and suffered lacer- ations of the lower lip and one of her legs as a result of a collision at Dexter and Maple roads just west of the city of the car she was driving, with a car driven by Donald V. Hall, Ypsilanti. Miss Doris Kingsbury, 14, also of Dexter, who was riding with Miss Nash, suffered from a slight cut on the forehead. Both women were treated for their injuries at the University hospital and then released. Hall and W. L. Frank, his companion, were unin- jured. Both cars were driven into the ditch when Hall's machine, coming out of a filling station and headed north in the intersection, was struck by Miss Nash's car, Sheriff's depu- ties said. No other injuries were reported to the sheriff's office or the police sta- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication intI the Bullktin ;i constructiye notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. FRIDA , JA . 10 193 Shut are the And summer Now there is eyes of summer blood is lost only frost. Too late come April flowers And spring will come too late. In these last winter hours I breathe and hate. JULIAN FERREN Yesterday the Sun's Mr. Ward Morehouse quoted Miss Mary Boland as saying that at the age of fifteen she played with Ward and Vokes; she didn't remember the name of the play. Was it "Percy and Harold?" In Sunday's New York Times Review of Books Mr. Percy Hutchinson reviewed Mr. Robert Nathan's "Selected Poems." He spoke of "his delicate ear for rhymes," and rightly. But he says "we cannot countenance such an atrocity as the rhyming of 'pour' and 'adore."' Our con- viction is that Mr. Nathan's ear for rhymes is delicate, and that Mr. Hutchinson's is not. What in the name of Tom Hood and Andrew Loring, is wrong with "por" and "adore" as a rhyme? Hilarity was given a fresh impetus when the ceiling decorations were lowered sufficiently to put within reach the vari-colored ballrooms which had been suspended overhead. -Danbury News. That's how we whoop it up in Fairfield County. And all the way to Bethel could be heard the song, "Up in a ballroom, boys, up in a ballroom." Unpossessed There will be suns forever flaming across the skies forever red In the land where young and old are soon or later brought to bed With the stabbing of desires that are not ever quite fulfilled Until the dawns that come forever wake no more the heart that's stilled. And the dawns come on forever, and the twilights follow dawn, And the hearts of young- and old are empty as a well too often drawn - In the land where sunrise kindles the thirsting and the lust Of those whose wine is water and whose bread a mouldering crust. HARLAN. Excerpt from letter written Dec. 21, 1935, by Chapman Schanandoah, whose ancestor, an Oneida Indian, Schanandoah, helped Washing- ton at Valley Forge, and brought the Oneida fur trade to the firm of Astor & Smith: "We are all well and happy in this great land of planty. Most members of the poor Lo is strugling des- in clothes. -B.K. Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files of December 7, 1925 Michigan's basketball team won its first Conference game of the season from Northwestern, 32 to 30, tonight, before the largest crowd that ever attended a basketball game in Pat- ten gymnasium. Michigan's Varsity swimming team easily defeated Indiana today by a 55 to 13 score. The Wolverines were superior in every event, winning both relays, the water polo, and taking first place in every individual event. "Jesus Christ in the Orient" will be the subject of Dr. Charles W. Gilkey's address at the fourth Uni- versity service at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Hill Auditorium. Impressions of his recent tour in the Orient will be recounted in the talk, together with portions of the text of a series of six lectures which he delivered to Indian students at several of the large university centers in India. A violent earthquake, which shook Tuscany for 12 seconds, causing cas- ualties and property damage, and a renewal of activity in Mt. Vesuvius, marked a reawakening of Italy's seis- mic and volcanic forces today. After spending a year in compara- tive obscurity, Leon Trotzky, once war commissar of Soviet Russia, is again in power as a member of the cen- tral committee, and the political bu- reau,the highest directing body in Russia. Contributions reached $2,568 in the drive for funds for the Student Chris-' tian Association at a late hour last night. It was decided to continue' the drive until Thursday of next week. Donizetti's comic opera, "The Elixir of Love"will be presented in -ill Auditorium tomorrow night Tt.