QE TWO THE MICHIGAN DiAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1936 Women's Group To Hold Parley On Government Institute Of Government Plans One Day Session At At League;_Many To Talk Plans for a one-day session of the Women's Institute of Government to be held at the Michigan League here Jan. 16 were announced yester- day by local members of the organi- zation, devoted to a study of govern- ment projects and problems. Among the chief speakers an- nounced for the program is Mrs. Thomas McAllister, of Grand Rap- ids, graduate of Mt. Holyoke, and a daughter of Regent Richard R. Smith. Mrs. McAllister, who is prominent in public affairs and women's activities, will speak on "The New Democracy." She is a member of the national com- mittee of Young Democrats, legisla- tive chairman of the state branch of the American Association of Uni- versity Women, vice-chairman of the state Consumers' League, and a for- mer member of the Michigan liquor control commission. Chairman of the program commit tee is Mrs. James H. McDonald, of Ann Arbor, vice-chairman of the Democratic State central committee. Dr. William D Henderson, director of the Extension Division of the Uni vrsiy, will spek at the morning sesior on '"Federal Aid !o CCC am other Young Activities." Miss Mary Ward, deputy commissioner of im migration a the port of Boiton, wil discuss "Immigration" at the after- noon session. Two other speakers for the society are Mrs. J. O. Garland of Muskegon Heights, who will discuss social se- curity, and Harry Steffe, AnnArbor field representative of the FHA, who will.speak on' "Federal Housing." A panel discussion of various gov- ernmen agencies is also scheduled, to be led by Mrs. Charles H. Daw- son and Mrs. John H. Muyskens of Ann Arbor, Mrs. William M. Dawson and Mrs. H. E. Schlesinger of Ypsi- lanti, and Mrs. Mobel O'Neil of Saline. Cross Finishes His Testimony In Drake Estate Fraud Case Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the his- tory department Wednesday fur- nished the climax of the government's mail fraud case against 41 defend- ants in aChicago courtroom with his testimony regarding the heirs and the estate of Sir Francis Drake. The trial, an outgrowth of a prev- iQus trial in 1933 in which Oscar Hartzell was convicted of engineering a.swindle of Americans with the false claim that he was an heir of Drake and entitled to the estate, has been going on for several weeks. The present defendants are ac- cused of being accessories to Hart- zel!s crime, which cost investors more than a million and a quarter dollars. Professor Cross' testimony was used to establish the government's claim that the famous "sea dog" left no unprobated estate to which American claimants might have any rights. Professor Cross stated that there were no children on the record of the 16th century admiral. The basis of the Hartzell claim is that Drake had a child by an unknown wife. In response to a question about Stuart Chase, noted economist, who has mentioned a large Drake estate in some of his writings, Professor Cross replied, "He is a popular writer. I have not heard of him as an his- torical scholar," I Nursery Schools Are Opened Here Four emergency nursery schools have been established in Ann Arbor for children between the ages of two and four and a half. The children are cared for by a trained staff who are on duty while the schools are in session from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. These nursery schools are located at Perry, Bach and Donovan Schools and the fourth is at 318 South Ash- ley Street. Children enrolled in the school are served a balanced lunch- eon at noon. Any family on student aid or whose income is low is eligible to enroll their children. According to those in charge, many married students who have children have already en- rolled them in one of these nursery schools. Ambulance Crashes On Way To Hospital; Driver Dies --A,:wociated Press Photo. Grief came in copious quantities to Charles Brown, who was on his way to a hospital in an ambulance when it collided with a truck at Old Westbury, L. I. The ambulance driver was killed and Brown (in center background) required first aid treatment. Charles Brett (right) and Chester Moore (left), who nonchalantly smokes a cigarette while awaiting treatment, were also hurt. IQ Can Be Raised By Practice Pyschology Professor Reports Repeated Tests On College Sophomores Lifts Score Of Intelligence Quizzes By WILLIAM DE LANCEY Are you dissatisfied with your I.Q. rating? Perhaps you haven't had enough practice in taking the tests. This sob to persons nursing infer- iority complexes over scoring low scores on the "intelligence quotient" tests can be inferred from a recent survey prepared by Dr. Edward B. Greene of the psychology depart- ment. In this investigation 25 stand- ard tests were repeated four times with groups of University sopho- mores. As the groups became more expert in executing the tests, the improvements in performance ranged from 0 to 1900 per cent. Undertook Investigation Dr. Greene undertook the investi- gation to determine the results of practice on standard form tests in both theoretical and applied psy- chology. According to Dr. Greene, "the prediction of success in voca- tional and educational activities would be greatly improved if indi- viduals could be compared at known levels of efficiency. It is seldom use- ful to compare individuals when it is known that one of them has had considerably more practice than the other."! Subjects for this investigation were 253 University sophomores, both men and women. The work done by each student demanded, 10 hours of test- answering, which was done in a quiet class room in the late afternoon. Ex- cept for the singly-administered in- dividual tests, the examining was done with groups of 25 to 30 students. According to Dr. Greene the tested group was highly selected, with a mean age of 20 years and five months. Interpretations Vary Advances in the technique of in- terpretation varied for differents tests. Time interval, tonal memory and comparison of auditory pitch tests resulted in increases of less than five per cent as the students became more experienced. Increases for six to 25 per cent were recorded in such tests as specific information (vo- cabulary) and accuracy of movement, as in aiming for one minute at one and one-half millimeter circles. After having had the benefit of practice the test groups scored in- creases from 26 to 75 per cent for easy comparisons (speed of easy reading and easy pencil mazes) and, hard comparisons (difficult cube de- signs). Comparisons of medium difficulty, such as medium pencil mazes and equation completion, resulted in bet- terments of 76 to 200 per cent. Tests in which the 253 students scored over 300 per cent improvement include solutions of puzzles which can be re- membered, such as the "mouse trap," or hard pencil mazes, where no specific memory is required. "Only those tests which show from 0 to 25 per cent improvement can' be used for comparisons of in- dividuals," Dr. Greene stated. "It is probably true that a considerable per cent of the increases in tests of this group are due to changes in methods of approaching the test and in attitude toward the test situation, he continued. in explaining the causes of score improvement, Dr. Green stated "if a test score shows great improve- anent with practice, it is probable that various processes are eliminated or introduced. Those tests which have nearly the same scores through- out presumably depend on processes which change very little with prac- tice." Services Resumed At Jewish Center Hillel Foundation will resume its weekly Friday night services at 7:45 p.m. today at the Foundation at E. University and Oakland. These services are open to students on the campus as well as the Jewish residents of Ann Arbor and the gen- eral public. They will be conducted in the traditional manner with read- ings by a student cantor accompanied by congregational singing. After the services Rabbi Bernard 'Restoration Of apsurgo Line IAttempted Little Entente Claimed To Be Weakening Against Monarchist Campaign VIENNA, Jan. 9. -- (A') - Austria's monarchists swung into a fresh cam- paign to enthrone Archduke Otto to- day, encouraged by a declaration from Baron Friedrich von Wiesner that the Little Entente was weaken- ing in its stand against restoration of the Hapsburgs. Baron von Wiesner, launching the new drive to elevate Otto to the throne of his father, Emperor Karl, who abdicated after the World war, asserted last night at an enthusiastic meeting of Legitimists : "The sentiment of Czechoslovakia has changed radically. Where Praha a year ago said restoration means war, the present threat of Naziism has caused many leaders of Czech thought to welcome the prospect of Otto's coming to the throne of his fathers. "Beliefs that restoration might in- deed wreck the Little Entente, Czech- oslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia) and possibilities thataEntente armies might swarm over Austria to keep Otto from the throne have vanish." Another Legitimist leader, Baron Hans von Zessner, asserted there would be no guarantee of lasting peace to Central Europe until the Hapsburgs -including Otto, now in Belgian exile - were returned. Twenty-five prisoners at Alcatraz, which houses the toughest Federal criminals, are taking correspondence courses at the University of Cali- fornia. Heller, director of the Foundation, will continue his series on "Dramatic Moments in the History of Judaism," by explaining "The Pharisees, Who Were They and What Did They Do?'"' Faculty Men Give Talks On Jackson Day Muyskens Ukens Jackson To Roosevelt; Maurer Scores Supreme Court Prof. John H. Muyskens of the speech department and Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the journalism depart- ment carried the name of the Uni- versity in to the opening of the Dem- ocratic campaign meetings through- out Michigan Wednesday night. Addressing more than 450 Jackson Day diners at Jackson, Professor Muyskens, Democratic candidate for mayor here last year, declared that "President Roosevelt is giving his all to save this country from the treach- ery of big money interests. The Mel- ions, the Morgans and the Du Ponts," he charged, forced President Wilson to threw the United States into the World War. Striking an analogy between the administrations of President Roose- velt and President Jackson, even as the Chief Executive did himself the same evening, Professor Muyskens hailed the President as a "new Jack-, son." During Jackson's term of of- fice ,he said, it was always the "tor- ies, identified with big financial in- terests," that opposed him. The same is true of President Roosevelt, he asserted. The United States Supreme Court drew a vitrolic attack from Prcfessor Maurer when he addressed the Jack- son Day dinner in Flint. "The elder- ly gentlemen of the Supreme Court" have a "jurisprudence out of date with its moth-eaten precedence and camphor ball decisions," Professor Maurer charged. "The Constitution was made for us," he said. "We were not made for the Constitution." The Court, in the opinion of Professor Maurer, shows a lack of social con- sciousness and foresight in Ls de- cisions Brown Discusses Repeal Ratification (Continued from Page 1) elections, Professor Brown relates, 25 states voted at large for their dele- gates, 14 chose them by districts and 4 combined the methods. The same divergence of opinion prevailed with regard to ways of nominating the delegates ,the article continues. Professor Brown found that 25 states nominated by petitions, and in the remaining 18, "almost every conceivable method was em- ployed, "including nomination by the governor, by mass conventions of electors, by nominating committees, boards and caucuses, by primary elections, by personal action of in- dividual and by party state executive committees. Few of the states, he declares, specifically bound the delegates to vote in accordance with the result of the ballots on which they were elect- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified 9dvertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five )'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at on extra charge. Cash in advance Ile per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in- sertion. telephone rate -15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one month...................8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ........8c 2 lines daily, college year......7c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........8c 100 lines used as desired........9c 300 lines used asadesired.........8c 1.000 lines used as desired........7c 2.0.00 lines used as desired ........6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 5c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add [Cc per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point FypeE FOR SALE WANTED CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY. Any old and new suits, overcoats at $3 to $20. Don't sell before you see Sam. Phone fof appointments. 2-3640. lox FOR RENT - ROOMS ONE pair fine 8-foot skis with foot harness. First $4.00 takes them. At 516 Geddes Ave. 181 FANCY APPLES: Spies, Wagners, Greenings. Sweet filtered cider. Will deliver. Phone 3926. 1003 Brooks. 180 ed, although one of them ,Arizona, "capped the climax" declaring that failure of a delegate to follow his platform was to be classed as a misdemeanor, his vote not considered and his office deemed vacant. Professor Brown emphasizes that, again in conflict with an opinion of the Maine supreme court, that the conventions were not deliberative, bodies and that merely reflected the will of the people who voted for their delegates. Indiana, alone, he found, provided for extended debate. The majority of the states, how- ever, according to Professor Brown, expressed the sentiment of a Wyom- ing delegate who said: "We are here to bury Caesar and the quicker the better. In compiling his voluminous na- tion-wide statistics, Professor Brown had the assistance of two of his stu- dents, S. Beach Conger, Jr., '32, and Robert S. Johnson, '33. DOUBLE ROOM or will rent singly warm, clean. Three blocks from campus. Call 5269. 184 LAUNDRY STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices reasonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. fix LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. Ix LAUNDRY, carefully washed in soft water and hand ironed. Reason- able. Telephone 7287. 11x LOST AND FOUND LOST: Gray Shaeffer pen and pencil with initials W.F.W. on gold band. Phone 9501. Reward. 183 NOTICES MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x DRESSMAKING - evening gowns, suits, and coats relined. Work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. 1208 S. University. Phone 2-2020. 178 WILE LEAVES ON WORLD TOUR Dr. tUdo J. Wile, professor of der- matology and syphilology and head of that department in the Medical School, left yesterday on an around- the-world trip during his sabbatical leave. Dr. Wile's itinerary wll in- clude Spain, the Malay Peninsula, and Manila. He plans to visit clin- ics in those places and others. He is expected to return to Ann Arbor about the middle of May. LYDIA MENDE-SSOHN Theatre Tatterman TODAY Afternoon, 4:15 Evening, 8:15 Classified Directory c..... W im Adults ...... Children .... 25c 15c ,-_Today and Saturday TED HEALY "HERE COMES THE BAND" NOAH BEERY, JR. "STORMY" BUCK JONES Chapter 6 "ROARING WEST" - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. JOAN CRAWFORD "I LIVE MY LIFE" HUGH HERBERT "TO BEAT THE BAND" "POOR LITTLE ME" Cartoon "The Glowing Bird" Box Office Open: Fri., Jan. 10 from 1 to 8:15 All Seats Reserved For Reservations, Call 6300 TODAY and TOMO RROW Week-Day Matinees 2:00 - 3:30 All Seats 25c Nights at 6:50 - 9:10 All Seats 40c A Scintillating Stage Show that combines Mirth and Music with Variety and Originality - pro- ducing an Hour of Unusual Entertainment. : -: ,> i 1. f ,J"si! 0 . 35;.' ~ " '6 .A n 'r ,( A' 15c to 6 - 25c After 6 WH TREY Daily 1:30 -11 P.M. NOW PAULINE LORD "A FEATHER IN H E R HAT" and MARION DAVIES "Page Miss Glory" Extra BUDDY I | LATEST CARTOON | NEWS F, ENDS TONIGHT-- Mat. and Balc. Eve. 25c Main Floor Eve. 35c hi iI 90M-I1 III 1 a e j _VI Th E i