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January 09, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-09

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- ----- ------

Shifts In Staff
Bring Hepburn
Navy Command
Chief Of Scouting Force Is'
Successor To Admiral'
Joseph M. Reeves
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. - (P) -
Vice Admiral Arthur J. Hepburn, now
commander of the navy scouting
force, was appointed today to be
commander-in-chief of the United
States fleet in a general shift of the
navy high command.
The new commander-in-chief, who
will have the rank of admiral, will
relieve Admiral Joseph M. Reeves,
who has held that post for more
than two years. The change in
command will'be effective in June af-
ter the completion of maneuvers and
the return of the fleet to San Pedro,
Admiral Hepburn, whose home is
in Richland, Md., has a long and
distinguished service in the navy
since his appointment to the naval
academy from Pennsylvania in 1893.
Other changes in commands,
which have been approved by Presi-
dent Roosevelt, included:
Vice Admiral William D. Leahy,
now commanding battleships of the
United States fleet, will relieve Ad-
miral Harris Lanning as commander
of the battle force about April 1.
Vice Admiral Leahy will be given the
rank of admiral upon assuming his
new command.
Rear Admiral William T. Tarrant,
commandant of the eleventh naval
district at Sank Diego will succeed
Vice Admiral Hepburn as command-
er of the scouting force and will be
given the rarn1 of vice admiral.
Rear Admiral Clarence S. Kempff,
conmanding battleship division one
of the battle force, will succeed Vice
Admiral Leahy, a commander of bat-,
tleships with rank of vice admiral.
Rear Admiral Frederick J. Horne,
commanding the aircraft base, United
States fleet, will- become commander
of the aircraft battle force in June
relieving Vice Admiral Henry V. But-
ler and will be given the rank of vice
Real Admiral Ernest J. King, chief
of the navy depairtment bureau of
aeronautics, will succeed Rear Ad-
miral Horne as commander of the
aircraft base force.
(Continued from Page 4)

Court Decision Trouble s AAA Office Workers
Associated Press Photo
For the 6,500 AAA employes the paramount worry after the Supreme
Court ruled the new deal farm act unconstitutional was "Do we have a
job?" These women clerks in the Washington, D. C. AAA office are
trying to answer the question.I
Graduates' Business Prospects
Outlined In University Survey

New Chemical
Is :Developed
By Engineers

Product Is Expected
Affect Production
Chromium Plating


A new organic chemical, which is
expected to considerably alter the


Future Is Brightest For
Foresters; Professional
Groups AlsoEmployed
In an attempt to find out how the
graduates from the University weath-
ered the depression, how they found
jobs, and about how much their an-
nual earnings amounted to, an in-
quiry blank was mailed to all those
who graduated since April, 1934. The
results were published in the Quar-
terly number of the Michigan Alum-.
In all, nearly 3,300 graduates an-
swered the inquiry sent to them.
Regarding general employment of
graduates in 1934, there were dif-
ferent results for the various schools
and colleges. The graduates from
the forestry school were employed
practically one hundred per cent,
owing to the demand for foresters
in the CCC camps and other gov-
ernment forestry activities.
Less than nine per cent in the
business administration group who
answered the inquiry were unem-
ployed while five per cent of the law-
yers and dentists stated they did
not have employment. Sixteen per
cent of the engineers, a percentage
higher than that for the class of 1933,
replied that they were unable to find
Of those who graduated from the
literary college 40 per cent were un-
able to find employment while 20
per cent of those who had received
teacher's certificates stated they were
not at work.
The kind of work done by the grad-
uates did not always correspond with
that for which they had college train-
ing. Some of the engineers were do-
ing clerical work, work as shop su-
perintendents, and some were sales-
More than 85 per cent of the em-
ployed graduates from the business
group were employed in business oc-
cupations. Many architects, although
70 per cent of those asked were work-
ing in fields for which they were
trained, were selling, collecting, and
in factory-production managing.
Ban On Publicity I
Of Salaries Asked

Of the men who had received
doctor's degrees, numbering 101, 64
per cent were teaching, 20 per cent
were in scientific work, and seven
per cent were in engineering, with the
remainder scattered among several
The average earnings of the grad-
uates from the literary college, the
report shows, had a "median income"
of $1,001 to $1,250 for the men of
1932, but a median of $551 to $1,000
for women in 1932, and for the men
and women of 1933.
Thedentists earned between $1,-
501 and $1,750 while the average an-
nual earnings reported by the 39
graduates of the business adminis-
tration school was found to be $1,496.
The men with doctor's degrees had an
income between $2,001 and $2,500
with eight out of the 90 reporting
more than $3,500. The forestry group
reported one of the greatest incomes
with earnings averaging $2,132, more
than double the median for those
who prepared to teach and also for
the graduates of the literary college.
Ask Removal Of
Van Gundy To
State Hospital
An effort will be made by Prosecu-
tor Albert J. Rapp to have Paul
Murphy, 20-year -)ld psychopathic
patient at Mercywood Sanitarium, a
branch of St. Joseph's Mercy Hos-
pital on the Jackson road, committed
to a state hospital, it was announcedI
yesterday. Murphy is alleged to have
attacked and killed his attendant,
Carroll Van Gundy, former graduate
student here, last Friday night.
A case being reviewed in the cir-
cuit court has occupied the time of
the prosecutor until yesterday and
has delayed the investigation the
prosecutor intends to make. -If the
results of the investigation warrant
doing so, the prosecutor will attempt
to have the patient committed else-
where before he is given formal re-
lease by the sanitarium. In the event
that relatives object to this action,
committment will be made following
the release.

commercial process of chromium
plating, has been developed recently
by the department of engv I:ing
research of the University under the
direction of Dr. Richard Schneide-
The new chemical resembles the
simple solution used in photographic
development, and will result in large
reductions in the labor and the gen-
eral expense of chromium plating, ac-
cording to Dr. Schneidewind.
Chromium plating is accomplished
by "bathing" the metal in a chemical
solution which is charged with elec-
tricity. Until the new discovery was
made, extra wires had to be used to
insure that wthe ,electricity would
reach all parts of the metal equally.
Dr. Schneidewind's new chemical
takes the place of these extra wires,
and thus simplifies the whole chrom-
ium plating process.
It is a well-known fact, Dr.
Schneidewind stated, that lightning
tends to strike high or pointed ob-
jects, and the same thing was thought
to be necessarily true of the elec-
tricity which enters the solution of
chromium plating. When the ob-
jects to be plated were of uneven con-
tour, special wires were introduced
to eliminate this difficulty and pro-
duce an even coating of chromium.
The chemical developed in the en-
gineering research department "pol-
arizes" or spreads the electricity so
that it can act uniformly on the en-
tire surface of the metal. It costs
only $2 for a sufficient amount to
treat 500 gallons of chromium plat-
ing, and one manufacturer has been
able through its use to step up the
process 35 per cent, even though re-
taining the same amount of labor.
Fate And Man Fail
Happy Sinner, Now
Sojourning In Jail
John Kieth, 37, of Detroit, is rest-
ing in the county gaol today ponder-
ing the tricks of fate and man and
a charge of petty larceny.
Nonchalantly counter shopping in
the John Shank clothing store in
Chelsea, he is alleged to have quitely
pocketed a cap and strolled out with-
out the slightest twinge of conscience.
From the clothing store to Bird's drug
store is only a short distance, and
hither he directed his willing feet.
The first trophy secured from that
establishment was a package of razor
blades. Still undiscovered, and may-
be a little elated, the happy sinner
decided to continue his own version
of a share-the-wealth program when
his eyes fell upon a watch promi-
nently displayed on a card placed
on the counter.
Perhaps he had never heard of
the axiom of "three times and out."
Then again he may have acquired an
absolute trust in his run of luck by
that time. In any event, he had not
reckoned on the fact that the watch
was wired to the display card, and
this proved to be his undoing.
While wrestling with the recalci-
trant timepiece, Kieth was noticed by
the clerk on duty, and was imme-
diately apprehended. A call to the
local sheriff's office brought deputies
to the scene of the crime, and he
was taken into the custody of the
county law enforcement officers, not
however, without the embarrassment
of dropping the razor blades at that
most inopportune time.
Kieth is now waiting arraignment
in Judge Jay Payne's justice court.

Students Back
Nanking Riots
Against ,japan
University Officials Avert
Clash As Students Battle
City Police Force
NANKING, China, Jan. 8. -(VP) -
The smouldering student movement
flared into open rioting in China's
capital today.
,tudents of the University of Nan-
king, a missionary institution in
which American control is predomin-
ant, attacked and badly mauled a
Chinese gendarme whom they caught
tearing down posters urging China
to resist foreign invasion.
Scores of steel helmeted gendar-
mes, armed with clubs, immediately
rushed to the scene. They surround-
ed the university and demanded the
surrender of the student body presi-
A new clash was averted through
mediation of university authorities.
They induced the gendarmes to leave
empty handed.
The situation continues menacing
with students throughout the capital
restive in the face of Gen. Chiang
Kai Shek's apparent determination
to suppress any demonstrations with
force. Student strikes were launched
in several institutions.
New Demands Made
TIENTSIN, Jan. 8. --(R) --Japan-
ese authorities presented a new ser-
ies of demands to North China's lead-
ers today, darkening the outlook for
amicable Sino-Japanese relations in
this area.
'Calling attention to an alleged in-
sult to the Japanese flag by the
troops of Gen. Sung Cheh-Yuan, the
Japanese consul-general formally
demanded punishment of the cul-
prits, indemnity and an apology.
Albion School Is
Destroyed By Fire
ALBION, Jan. 8.-(P)- An early
morning fire destroyed the three-
story brick school building at the
Starr Commonwealth for Boys today,
with a loss estimated by school offi-
cials at about $40,000.
The 90 boys resident at the school
were asleep in the dormitories when
the fire was discovered, about 4
o'clock, and none of them were en-
Four hours after the fire broke out,
apparently from the electric wiring,
only the walls of the school building
were standing. Thirty older boys
helped school officials and Albion
city firemen remove the furnishings
and portable equipment, but other
equipment, including four pianos, was

Dr. Bessie B. Kanouse, assistant to
the director and curator in the Uni-
versity Herbarium, recently returned
from Albany and New York City
where she made a ten-day study of
fungi in the herbaria of the New
York State Museum at Albany and
the New York Botanical Gardens.
Most of Dr. Kanouse's time was
spent in Albany studying critical
material and types of fungi in the
group called discomycetes. Dr. Kan-
ouse has been making a survey of
the discomycetes of Michigan andj
during the past three years has pub-'
lished many new records for the state
from the results of the survey.

Herbarium Curator Delinquency Class
Studies In Albany' To Meet In Detroit


ROYAL DAIRYMEN keep Milk clean. Modern
Scientific ROYAL dairy methods assure you
of Consistently Rich Milk for every purpose.


CALL 3836


For Prompt Service

*A new University extension course,
listed as Sociology 159, will be con-
ducted in Detroit next semester by
Prof Lowell J. Carr of the sociology
depar tment.
The course, which will carry two
hours credit, will deal with the
causes, treatment, and prevention
of juvenile delinquency.
It is intended primarily for teach-
ers, parents, social workers, and oth-
ers interested in programs for the
control of delinquency among juve-
niles. Professor Carr will be assisted
by members of the Wayne County
Juvenile Court staff.

Per fectly wonderful dinner-
but how it cries for a spot of

scences excused by calling the


Phone 3101

416 South Fourth

Varsity Glee Club rehearsal 7:30
Engineering Council Meeting at 8
p.m. in the M.E. Computing room of
West Engineering Bldg.
Contemporary: Important business
meeting at 4:30 p.m., Student Publi-
cations Building. The entire busi-
ness staff must be present.
Tea for graduate students in Math-
ematics, 4 p.m., 3201 A.H.
Publicity Committee of the League
meeting at 4:30 p.m., Undergraduate
Office of the League.
Advanced Fencers: Class today at
4:15 in the basement room of Bar-
bour Gym. Dr. May plans an entire
review. Don't miss your last oppor-
tunity to join the "Michigan Women
Fencer's Club."
Dance Club: There will be an im-
portant meeting of the Dance Club
at 7:15 p.m.



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