FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY T SDAY, j Air u ARY 0, 192C FOUR TmJRSDAY, JANUARY 9, 193C THE MICHIGAN DAILY What Will We Do - - Publlsned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all newsdispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............... JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T.McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Oublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple,. Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A.' Cummnins, Marshall D. Shulman. sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON WCZEDIT MANAGER ............ JOSEPH A. ROTHARD OMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER . MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt;Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohigemuth; Circulationvand National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ELSIE A. PIERCE A New "anger. 98Rg l. . . I N JANUARY'S "Atlantic Monthly," Lewis Douglas, formerly director of the budget under President Roosevelt, cries havoc in terms which are so familiar that we have almost come to disregard them. We are in a period of inflation, he points out, which is fully as dangerous as that which we ex- perienced in 1928. The prices of stocks are rising, and the daily sales increase, but all of the important stocks are paying increasingly lower dividends. And Douglas sees still other dangerous symptoms of a new depression. There are less savings deposits in banks, and larger governmental accounts. The content of the dollar is approxi- mately 60 per cent of the value originally set, and consequently, a certain amount of our money to- day is little more than fiat money. In brief, Douglas thinks that the United States is in a very bad way, and the one way out, in his opinion, is to balance the budget. He resigned from his position under Roosevelt because he saw no indications of this being done, and he seems to have been correct in the belief that his job as director of the budget was a futile one. Roosevelt has made no attempts to balance the budget, and his expenditures are now billions of dollars in excess of his receipts. He has not increased the gold content of the dollar, and $1,- 000 in foreign money is now worth about $1,400 in our money. This figure fluctuates greatly, but it can still give some impression of the state of in- flation in which we are at present. The President has gone too far to change his policies now, and the national deficit must con- tinue increasing until the strain on our banks be- comes too great, and then there is very likely to be a repetition of the 1929 crash. Recovery if this should happen would be even more difficult than it is now proving, for our national resources will have been completely drained. Douglas' warning is an ominous one, and though it will not change the President's policies, it may at least serve to frighten away the sheep who, in spite of their last experience, are again cluster- ing around the market to be shorn. Who Will Debunk The Debuinkers?... W ITH the "great revelations" which have overflowed the book markets in the past five years - revealing what our finan- ciers, exponents of "entrenched greed," have done to humanity; what our filthy and capitalistic- controlled press has suppressed; and what rats our politicians really are - could it be possible that we are heaping calumny on innocent cit- izens. When Lytton Strachey published his "Eminent Victorians" in the early 1920's he heralded in a new era of debunkers. It was just the thing to do to debunk everything and precious little escaped the pens of these "scholarly" and "erudite" authors who were determined to give the American people the real inside on everything. Strachey, no doubt, was sincere, but the howling mob that fol- lowed him was not. Now that we have had many months of ferret- ing by the astute Senator Nye and his committee on munitions, we are beginning to wonder whether we aren't the goats for a bunch of mountebanks. With WPA Workers?.. . THE RECENT announcement by Vic- tor F. Ridder, Works Progress Ad- ministrator, that many WPA employees are un- willing to exchange their secure positions for jobs in private industry reveals one of the most im- portant problems to be solved before the depression can be declared "over." Security is not, however, the only attribute of WPA work which appeals so strenuously to these men. The relatively high wages, some of which are even greater than corresponding ones in pri- vate industry, and spare time in which to take work outside are also reasons for the workers re- fusing to exchange their assured relief wage for the hazards of private employment. Until recently it was expected that those on relief would welcome any opportunity to take over private jobs and be dependent no longer on government aid. Administrator Ridder, how- ever, has found that those who would take any kind of industrial work, giving up their WPA jobs, are in the minority. Whether this refusal is due to the idea of government sponsored construction or to the administration of the WPA is a moot question.: Certainly, however, little has been done to de- velop in the WPA workers a feeling of indepen- dence and of self-support. Instead, the idea of governmental charity is becoming more and more prevalent. Administrator Ridder does not see as yet any solution to the problem. A remedy must be found, however, and immediately, or the government may soon find itself in a position where it must support thousands of men indefinitely or throw these same thousands upon industries which can- not use them. The solution of this grave problem may easily determine the ability of the Administration's methods, and we await that solution with great interest. AsOthers See It Communistic Tendencies? THE INGREDIENTS FOR A HILARIOUS mu- sical comedy are at present waiting in Columbus, 0., for some Clifford Odets with a sense of humor to come along and assemble them. The American Student Union's first meeting, held in that city recently, surely offers the material for either a burlesque or a tragedy, with bur- lesque leading by one American Legion Post and a Hearst editorial. Here was a group of serious-minded American college students - a rare phenomenon, as any professor will tell you- who had given up their Christmas vacations and had assembled from the leading universities of the nation to form a united front for the avowed purpose --horrors - of fight- ing war and militarism. And here was a University president, Dr. George W. Rightmire of Ohio State University, who had refused to allow them the use of a University building because "there is a fuel shortage." He persisted in his refusal even after the delegates had offered to pay for the fuel themselves. The reason? Ah, President Right- mire had a sneaking suspicion that they might discuss Socialism and -shhhh! - Communism. Ohio State, of course, couldn't tolerate that. Ohio State, where they cheer the football team on by shouting, "Hurrah for the Civil Service!" So the delegates from the National Student League and Student League for Industrial Democ- racy found haven in the Y.W.C.A. Immediately Mr. William Randolph Hearst discovered that the Y.W.C.A. had Communistic Tendencies. It was even rumored that the initials stood for "Young Workers' Communistic Association." Then the Franklin County American Legion asked the Y.W.C.A. to deny the student convention further use of meeting hall facilities, since a Legion com- mittee asserted it "had found evidence the dele- gates had Communistic Tendencies." It is a moot question whether the Legion could recognize a Communistic Tendency if it saw one. Someone, someone must have told them. For the Legion, and many - too many -others are fighting not a social theory, but the bugaboo of a name. They offer no intelligent criticism of the principles they oppose, since obviously they do not know what principles they are opposing. Some of these gentlemen might be surprised to learn that anarchists have higher ideals than democrats, that communistic and socialistic theor- ies have much of value for even we rugged indi- vidualists. Like the ostrich, they stick their heads in the sand because they do not want to hear. It's time someone gave them a kick from behind. But while you're smiling over that, remember - Cornell University is one of our leading ostrich farms. Let Freedom Ring rJHE AMERICAN Association of University Pro- fessors acted forcefully and wisely in ousting the University of Pittsburgh and taking a strong stand against the twenty-two states demanding teachers' oaths. No other group would be better qualified to judge an erring university than an association of pro- fessors. If all other institutions fail during these troubled times, our colleges and universities should remain the bulwarks of intellectual freedom. Action on the Pittsburgh case followed an in- vestigation by the Pennsylvania legislature. Dr. Ralph E. Turner was dismissed for alleged "irre- ligious teachings," and Prof. F. E. Beutel left after being informed that his academic future at Pittsburgh would be ruined. He testified that a Pitt man was "lucky" to publish an article "which doesn't disturb the Pittsburgh industrial- ist." The popular deluge of teachers' oaths has al- ready been argued throughout the country. Over- The Conning Tower] THERAPY Who sick of earth the balm of heaven seeks, And straining starward, wounds his eager hand On cleft and crag, though lord of mountain peaks, No nearer heaven is than his own land. And what if science's sagacious bandl Swift wheels and cunning dynamos devise t To make of water, light; gardens from sand- < Can they release the solace of the skies? But who of disillusion's heavy stones Builds him a cell and learns to live apart,3 To feel the mortal chill upon his bones,' And in the hush, the beating of his heart,' One night shall find, framed in the prison bars, The wonder of a million healing stars. SQUIDGE. 1 Error No. 1 for 1936: The music to "O Promisei Me" was not written by Clement Scott, but by Reginald DeKoven. Scott wrote the words to thet song, which was interpolated in the Harry B. Smith libretto of "Robin Hood." It was said that it was written to give a solo to Jessie Bartlettt Davis, and that DeKoven received $50 for it. We have not the score of "Robin Hood," but it seemsr to us that Mrs. Davis had another solo - "In olden times St. Swithin's chimes rang blithely every1 hour."1 The song was composed in Vienna-our au- thority is Mrs. Reginald DeKoven in 1888. And the music was written to Clement Scott's words, for those were the good old days when music was written to words, as opposed to the bad new days,r when somebody writes a tune, and gets a wordman to fit something faintly resembling words to it. HISTORIANS' PEEKLY WEEKLYt The Business Outlook for 1936: A Quick Digest£ of the Financial Pages of the Past Weekt Syntax Industry Looks Forward to Biggest YearE In Historyt By FORNOS J. QUERY Vice-President National Syntax & Parse1 We have come a long way since 35 B. C. when Quintus H. Flaccus, the trochee tycoon, workedl out the first slogan, "If it isn't a Horace, it isn't an ode!" We have come a long way since the crude days ofWthe steam Byron,nthewShelleyside- wheeler, and the first Keatsmobile. We have4 come a long way since Gertrude Stein was wired for sound and Mary Pickford pondered for glu- cose. We have even come a long way since myt friend and associate, Dr. Roget Thesaurus, wasi misquoted as having said, "We have come a longT way." (It was not Dr. Thesaurus who said that;r it was my friend and associate, Unfamiliar W. Quotation.) But I digress. (Or do I?) The year 1935 has been a honey, a glucose. And as we entert what will probably be the biggest year since the invention of the verb, let me remind our millions of customers and thousands of dealers that wet have certainly come a long way. RECOVERY NEAR UPSWING, CHART r INDICATES By GALLUP M. UPSWING Associate Financial Editor, The Wall Street Home News Looking back over the past twelve months is like looking back over the past year. Compari- sons, of course, are odious, but let us make a few for odious lang syne. ' Take Amalgamated Hack & Cough: A year ago it was selling for 26%. Today where is it? Split up three ways, with Hack selling for around 26%, Cough down 3 to a mere whisper, and Slight Tickle, the newcomer to the group, whooping it up around 102. Does that make sense? Or take Hopson Util & Hop: Before the de- pression this was always a good buy whenever it1 got down around 172, which it did only on Sun-i days from 2 to 4 p.m. Now it is considered a fair1 gamble if it ever gets up to 14, which it can't on account it wasn't born under the right zodiac. Then look at pig iron production, steel ingots production, car loadings and Arky Vaughn's bat- ting mark of .385 - what chance has inflation got? Especially with 000 omitted from our exports, a 15% tax on egg yokes, the Toffey-McSwallow bill to prevent over-production of algae in goldfish aquaria, and the Administration's policy: Over the fence is out. If for any reason you doubt all this, return the unused part of 1936 direct to me in the original wrapper, and I will send you double the price you paid for it, plus postage. -YE OLDE AL GRAHAM. Whatever became of Raquel Meller's American citizenship and the Sears, Roebuck 13-month year? And of that Committee on the Use of Leisure Time? Mr. M. H. Aylesworth says that the NBA's policy is to let responsible speakers discuss both sides of public questions. The trouble with most public questions is that they have more than two sides; they are polygons with an infinite number of sides, or, as every little student of solid geometry knows, polygons that approach spheres as limits. Not even the Mount Wilson Observatory can discover a Republican non-choose-to-runner. It is all right for the President to speak of money changers, but there is a paucity of them in the Independent Subway. It must be tough on a man who is neither a Republican nor a Democrat to issue a statement on that Friday night message. --F.P.A. nphlie nninion in a demnncrev mav henme as A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. - IP) - There was one aspect to the Republican gathering to name the next convention city which invited considerable attention. That was a small-sized flare-up of "indepen- dence" of "old guard" leadership. A younger and largely western wing of the committee under the piloting of National Committeeman John Ham- ilton of Kansas, comparatively a new- comer, mustered an almost two-to- one strength against certain proposals by eastern veterans. The actual points involved were, probably not very important as in- dicating which way the convention cat will jump when a real conserva- tive-liberal test comes as to platform or ticket. The fact that there is a surge of independence in the commit- tee might be very important. rnO MANY onlookers with memories of the Republican deadlock of 1920, the situation has seemed to point toward a similar set-up at Cleveland next year. There have been those willing to wager even now that the up-shot will be a negotiated ticket headed by an eastern conservative with a midwestern tail to it. Repre- sentative Wadsworth of New York is repeatedly mentioned as the prob- able presidential nominee by those who think that is the way the con- vention will go. They say a Wads- worth-and-Landon ticket would be a good guess. With Hamilton of Kansas leading the successful move to reject east- ern old guard suggestions as to how the convention should be made up, obviously the idea that Governor Landon might accept second place gets a setback. The governor's col- lege classmate friends, the first Lan- don rooting section, insist that he would have nothing to do with any such proposal. Hamilton's activity seems to confirm that. * * * CHECKING over the 34 states that ' lost their former "bonus" conven- tion votes by that committee action, it is difficult to see that any very material change in the relative vot- ing strength between east and west will result in the June convention although an aggregate of some 150 votes was involved. In some degree the east does lose out; but not enough, presumably, to make that a highly important factor. What looms as ac- tually important, therefore, is that spirit of independence among the younger party leaders on the com- mi ttee. THE SCREEN AT THE MAJESTIC "IN PERSON" Starring Ginger Rogers, with George Brent, Alan Mowbray Grant Mitchell, Samuel Hinds, and Lois Mason. Almost any picture with Ginger Rogers in it is tops with us, and so we found this to be a good show. The story isn't so much but Ginger has a freshness that makes up for every- thing else and the addition of some good comedy by Alan Mowbray com- pletes the picture. George ,Brent is steady and satisfactory as a strong silent man with a sense of humor. At the start we find an incredibly homely person being rescued by Em- ory ]George Brent) who isn't aware of the scarcity of looks because of a concealing veil. When it is finally lifted the shock is almost too much for him, but alcohol restores his former optimistic outlook. In the meantime we discover that the home- ly gal is really Carol Corliss (Ginger Rogers) in disguise. She's that way because she's a great movie star and has had a nervous breakdown after hawing been mobbed at a personal ,appearance. She is impressed with Emory, and the result is that she! leaves for the mountains with him the next day for a visit at his uncle's lodge. They're alone but her disguise is sufficient protection for her until he sees her as she really is. She then tells him she's Carol Corliss and he pretends not to believe her, with the result that her inflated movie star ego is punctured. Furthermore, he makes her do all the work around the lodge, but neither of them die as it turns out that she took do- mestic science in college, somewhere. After some days of this, during which Jay Holmes (Mowbray), Car- ol's leading man and self-styled lov- er, vainly tries to take her home, she is fully recovered from her fear of crowds and open places to the ex- tent that she has Emory take her to one of her own pictures in a near- by village and makes a personal ap- pearance for the autograph hounds, just to convince Emory that she's really Carol. And later she engineers a forced marriage, with the aid of the local sheriff, which is quite a mix- up. Ginger's dancing and singing abil- itv are introduced at the village DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN l fbiication in the Bulletin l (Onst ruttile nOtiC to all lembers of the Lniverl 11ty. Copy received :f;at , ~the t ki o theA- ital o tht Pte,.IdtttI tnt[! .l:s 3 :0 ~I al )sal a trday. THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 1935 1 VOL. XLVI No. 71 Notices Student and Faculty Teas at the home of President and Mrs. Ruthven will be cancelled until further notice. To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday,c Jan. 13, 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 An- gell Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary, Procedure in Case of Articles Stol- en or Missing: Notice should be given at the Business office, Room 3, Uni- versity Hall, with the utmost prompt-t ness whenever any articles, whethert owned privately or by the institution, disappear under circumstances which indicate theft. Dormitory Residents who are plan- ning to move from the dormitory or to change from one hall of residence to another the second semester are requested to register in this office at once, if they have not already done so. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion has received announcement of+ United States Civil Service Exam- inations for Assistant Geophysicist, salary $2,600; Assistant to Techni- cian (Forestry), salary $1,620; Junior Graduate Nurse, salary $1,620; As- sistant and accountant and Auditor, salary $2,600 to $3,200, and Senior Accounting and Auditing Assistant, salary, $2,000. For further information concern- ing these examinations call, at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00-12:00 and 2:00-4:00. Advanced R.O.T.C. Commutation check may be obtained at Head- quarters today between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. Sophomores, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Sophomores may have their elec- tions approved in Room 9, University Hall, until January 15, at the follow- ing hours: Monday, 1:30-2:30. Tuesday, 1:30-3:30. Wednesday, 9:00-11:00. Thursday, 1:30-3:30. Friday, 1:30-2:30. Beginning Jan. 15 Sophomores must have their elections approved, in Room 103 Romance Language Building, in accordance with the following alphabetical divisions: Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily. HIJ, Wednesday, Jan. 15. KL, Thursday, Ja. 16. M, Friday, Jan. 17. NOP, Monday, Jan. 20. QR, Tuesday, Jan. 21. S, Wednesday, Jan. 22. TUV, Thursday, Jan. 23. WXYZ, Friday, Jan. 24. AB, Monday, Jan. 27. C,Tuesday, Jan. 28. DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29. FG, Thursday, Jan. 30. J. H. Hodges R. C. Hussey, Sophomore Academic Counselors. REGISTRATION A new system will be used at the Gymnasiums in February, which 'is intended to eliminate the necessity of students standing in line for long periods of time. The Student Body has been divided into groups (alpha- betically) and each group has been allotted a definite time when all stu- dents in that group will be admitted to the Gymnasiums. The schedule follows: Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1936 1:00-1:30 He to Hof inclusive. 1:30-1:45 Hog to Hz inclusive 1:45-2:00 I to Joh inclusive 12:00-2:15 Jol to Ken inclusive 2:15-2:30 Keo to Kol inclusive 2:30-2:45 Kom to Lap inclusive 2:45-3:00 Lar to Te inclusive 3:00-3:15 Li to Lz inclusive 3:15-3:30 Mc and Mac inclusive Thursday, Feb. 13, 1936 10:45-11:00 Gin to Gra inclusive 11:00-11:15 Gre to Hal iclusive 11:15-11:30 Ham to Haz inclusive Any student may register from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936 Any student may register from 8:00 to 12:00 noon. Students who do not register by 12:00 noon, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936, will be assessed a late registration fee of 50c per day, maximum fee $3.00. The alphabetical feature of this schedule will be changed each semes- ter to give equal opportunity for early registration to each student during his course. Note: Law and Medical Students are not subject to the above regula- tion for the second semester, due to the fact that their registration periods are on other dates. S. W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary. Academic Notices Actuarial Examinations: There will be a meeting today at 4 p.m., in Room 3011 A. H. for students in- terested in the actuarial examina- tions to be given this coming April. Graduate Students in History: The language examination for the Mas- ter's Degree in History will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, Jan. 17, in B Hav- en. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate; A tentative list of candidates in the School of Education, College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and the Graduate School to be re- commended for the Teacher's Certifi- cate in February and June 1936, has been posted on the bulletin board in Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any student whose name does not appear on this list and who wishes to be so listed should report this fact at once to the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Directed Teaching - Qualifying Examination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semes- ter are required to pass a Qualify- ing Examination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examin- ation will be held in 1022 U.H.S. on Saturday morning, Jan. 11, starting sharply at 8 o'clock. The examina- tion in English will be given also in the afternoon for those students who have Saturday morning classes. The examination will consume about four hour's time; promptness is therefore essential. Comprehensive Examination in Ed- ucation: All candidates for the Teacher's Certificate are required to pass a Comperhensive Professional Examination covering the prescribed courses in Education. The next ex- amination of this kind will be held in 2432 U.E.S. on Saturday, Jan. 11, at 9 o'clock. For those students hav- ing Saturday morning classes the examination will be given at 1 o'clock in 3203 U.H.S.; students wishing to take the afternoon examination should report this fact at the School of Education office, 1437 U.E.S. Any student who will have completed all of the required courses in Education by the end of the present semester is eligible to take the examination at this time. Graduate students who will have received an advanced de- gree by February are exempted from this examination. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the current academic year, 1935-36, are informed that examinations will be offered in Room 108, Romance Language Build- ing, from 9 to 12, on Saturday morn- ing, Jan. 18. It will be necessary to register at the office of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at least one week in advance. Lists of books recommended by the various departments are obtainable at this office. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the na- ture of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and further inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays at 10:00 and by appointment). This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lang- uages and Literatures, History, Ec- onomics, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education and Speech. Events Of Today Geology Journal Club meeting at 7:00 p.m., Room 3065 N.S. Two twenty-minute papers and brief re- views will be given. Zoology Club: The second meeting of the Zoology Club, in charge of Dr. C. L. Hubbs, will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3024 Museums Build- ing. Discussion and demonstrations on Fish and Fisherieg work at the 8:00- 8:15- 8:30- 8:30- 8:45- 9:00- 9:15- 9:30- 9:45- 10:00- 10:15- 10:30- 10:45- 11:00- 11:15- 1:00- 1:15- 1:30 1:45- 2:00- 2:15- 2:30- 2:45- 3:00- 3:15- 8:15 M to May inclusive 8:30 Maw to Mil inclusive 8:45 Mim to Mun inclusive 8:45 Mim to Mun inclusive 9:00 Mur to Nz inclusive 9:15 O to Paq inclusive 9:30 Par to P1 inclusive 9:45 Po to Ran inclusive 10:00 Rao to Ri inclusive 10:15 Roa to Roz inclusive 10:30 Ru to Sca inclusive 10:45 Sch to Se inclusive 11:00 Sh to Sl inclusive 11:15 Sm to Sp inclusive 11:30 St to Su inclusive 1:15 Sw to To inclusive 1:30 Tr to Vi inclusive -1:45 Vi to Weh inclusive 2:00 Wei to Wik inclusive 2:15 Wil to Woo inclusive 2:30 Wop to Z inclusive 2:45 A to Ao inclusive 3:00 Ap to Ban inclusive 3:15 Bao to Bel inclusive 3:30 Bem to Boe inclusive Friday, Feb. 14, 1936