Varsity Debate
Try-outs To Be
Held Next Week
Secord Sets Wed., Jan. 15,
As Appearance Date For
Men Candidates
Try-outs for the Varsity Men's de-
bating squad for the second semester
will be held next week beginning
Wednesday, Jan. 15, A. E. Secord, de-
Uating coach announced yesterday.
A large group is expected to try out
which will ultimately be cut to less
than 20 men. This try-out is being
held not only for those who wish to
Wo out for debating for the first time
but for everyone, whether he has'
been on the team or not.
The question to be used for the
try-out debate is, "Resolved: That
Congress Should Have the Power by
it Two-thirds Vote to Override De-
cisions of the Supreme Court Declar-
ing Acts of Congress Unconstitu-
tional." The preliminary try-out will
consist of a two-minute argumenta-
tive speech on any phase of the
question, Mr. Secord said.
Twenty-eight intercollegiate de-
bates have been scheduled for the
men during the second semester. On
Feb. 21, four teams of three men each
Will travel to North Manchester, In-
diana to represent Michigan in a
large invitational tournament. Early
in March a Michigan debating team
will go to Missouri to meet George
Washington University at St. Louis
and the University of Missouri at
Columbia on the question, "Resolved:
That This House Deplores Higher Ed-
ucation in the United States." Dur-
ing the first week of April Michigan
will take part in the Conference
Tournament in Chicago.
Candidates for the team are asked
to prepare a talk that will not last
more than two minutes and come to
Room 4203 Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 15. Those who can
not attend this try-out, are asked
to get in touch with him in Room
4206 Angell Hall.
6-3 Decision
Long Expected
By Roosevelt
Dr. Max Peet, Adviser On
Birthday Ball, Reveals
Talk With President
(Continued from Page 1)
President Roosevelt, who made many
off-the-record statements to them.
Secret service men were standing in
the rear of the Chief Executive all
the time, Professor Brumm said, and
when one of the party entered the
ofice with his hands in his pockets,
he was told to remove them before
he passed the threshold of the door.
Professor Brumm interviewed Mr.
Rooseveltbefore the AAA decision
and said he found him cheerful and
Dr. Peet, in recounting his talk
with President Roosevelt at Warm
Springs, said that the Chief Execu-
tive proved a great inspiration to
the young infantile paralysis victims
there and knows them all by their
first names. Dr. Peet said that the
President's hospital in Warm Springs
was not trying to treat all the in-
fantile paralysis cases in the coun-
try, but was merely "a nucleus for
training others to treat them."
There are not more than 100 patients
at Warm Springs, he said, and more
than 5,000 new cases throughout the
country in the last year.
Local Fish Habitat
Show In Museum
A reproduction of the underwater
habitat of local .fishes, prepared by
James Wood, taxidermist in the Mu-
seum of Zoology, has been placed on
ebxhibition on the third floor of the
Museums building.
The exhibit, which consists of one
case, is the first part of what will
be a three-case exhibit of local fish.
The remainder of the display will be
completed in about a week, Mr. Wood
The exhibit includes celluloid re-
productions of sunfish, perch and
speckled bass. "Celluloid is the most
recent and finest method developed
for this purpose," Mr. Wood said,
"giving more depth and color and
translucency." The accessories of
lily pads and reeds are artificially
done in wax.
Wall Street Financier A gain Takes Limelight
-Associated Press Photo.
J. P. Morgan, again in a Serate inquiry spotlight, no longer wears
the cloak of mystery with which his lifelong reticence clothed him.
As he faces the Senate munitions probe, he still is the almost fabulous
figure of American finance, but he emerged from mystery nearly two
years ago at the banking probe and the public discovered a human,
and on occasion, even jovial individual.
J. P. Morgan Discards 'Mystery
Cloak' For Senate Arms Inquiry
'No Publicity Stunts' Says
Committee Members As
Investigation Nears
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. - VP) -
The most fabulous figure in Amer-
ican finance returns to a senate wit-
ness stand - but this time short of
some of the legendary mystery with
which the public long cloaked him.
J. P. Morgan, whose mighty private
banking operations and lifelong reti-
cence enveloped him in glamorous re-
moteness, is the star witness in the
Senate munitions committee inves-
tigation of World War loans.
He occupies again a spotlight of
hard brightness as the central figure
in a major Senate inquiry; but he
need have little fear of anything
approaching the incident-that must
have been the most astounding of his
secluded life - occurring when he
last testified here.
Then, a circus midget was dropped
unceremoniously into his lap as a
publicity stunt.
Munitionsncommittee members,
while not publicly disclosing any
feeling in the matter, are determined
to keep the investigation's tone as
solemn as is the effort to which they
have been commissioned -striking
at influences that might lead to war.
In May of 1933 Morgan appeared
for the first time in his life before
Senate inquisitors to tell their bank-
ing committee something of the vast
complexities of his financial empire.
An alert and audacious press agent
seized the opportunity to deposit
across the banker's knees a tiny young
woman circus performer.
He Could Chuckle
It was an incredible picture as she
sat laughing in the Morgan lap and
it destroyed much of the legend of
aloofness grown up about that quiet
multi-millionaire because, recovering
from his first astonishment, he joined
the crowd in a universal grin. And
the man who for years had been the
despair of newspapermen refused to
join in a demand that photographers
be barred from the investigation
Aside from whatever public view
was formed as to the conduct of the
Morgan business,, the man of mystery
Chi Omega Awards Prize
To Catherine Olson, '36
The Chi Omega sorority's prize of
$25, given each year to the student
writing the best thesis for sociology
51, was awarded yesterday to Cath-
erine G. Olson for the 1934-35 com-
Miss Olson's thesis was on the sub-
ject "Social Nearness in the Iron-
wood Junior College as Compared
with the University of Michigan."
- typifying a shadowy,
"Wall Street" to thousands - had be-
come steadily more like other men
as the hearing wore on.
He could chuckle - this taciturn
public enigma - to a $100-a-month
capitol policeman: "What are you
carrying that gun for? For protec-
tion against the senators?"
Other eminent financiers, no less
than those whose knowledge of Wall
Street operations extends to an occa-
sional timid stock market flier, keen-
ly watch what is developed at the
munitions sessions. For 19 years now
much of the financial world has dis-
agreed as have ordinary men on the
old question: How much, if any, in-
fluence did American loans contrib-
ute to this country's entry into the
World War in 1917?
Stories Of Graft
The committee's new inquiry sup-
plements that of last year, in which
astonishing disclosures as to the inner
workings of munitions interests were
made. Just as the earlier sessions
had a strong psychological effect on
the adoption of temporary neutrality
measures, so the revived investiga-
tion is expected to furnish ammuni-
tion for the proponents of strict,
permanent neutrality legislation and
government domination of the muni-
tions industry.
Members Of Rifle Team
Of R.O.T.C. Announced
Selection of the R.O.T.C. rifle team
members was announced yesterday
by Capt. M. G. Wallington of the
military science department. Those
making up the squad are:
John Alden, '38, J. F. Althouse,
'39E, R. N. Beals, '39E, R. J. Beuhler,
'37E, J. H. Beyer, '36E, T. V. Buck-
walter, '39E, J. E. Crawford, '39E, T.
G. Draper, '39, H. G. Dunks, '38E,
R. W. Fox, '39E, C. A. Framburg, '36,
C. E. Holben, '36E, M. G. Hyatt, '37E,
H. L. Keeler, '36E, C. M. MacKichan,
'38E, W. L. Newman, '39, R. A. Price,
'37A, A. J. Rhodehamel, '39E, N. J.
Scott, '38. W. F. Sheldon, '38E, Goff
Smith, '38E, and R. N. Smith, '39E.
Each member of the squad will
turn in a weekly score, and from the
10 high men a team for the week
will be made up. Telegraphic meets
are scheduled to begin next week.
Four University of Pennsylvania
students have been put on proba-
tion because of a poem deemed "sac-
rilegious" which appeared in the
campus literary magazine.
Naval Parley
Will Discuss
New Proposal
Japan Reluctant To Take
Part In Latest Plan To
Exchange Information
LONDON, Jan. 8. -- (/P) - A Jap-
anese spokesman announced today
his nation's delegation to the interna-
tional naval conference, while ready
to discuss the subject, was not par-
ticularly interested in British, French
and Italian proposals for an ex-
change of fleet information.
The spokesman asserted the Jap-
anese considered total tonnage lim-
itations and building program pro-
posals much more important and
would continue to seek discussion of
those aspects of the conference's
He declined to state whether the
Japanese would support or oppose
the proposals for exchanges of in-
formation, saying simply they were
willing to discuss them.
The Japanese declined to accept the
opinions of other delegations that
their equality demands had been
definitely shelved, indicating they ex-
pected to revive the question later.
The Americans were known to fav-
or the principle of exchange of naval
information, considering it a step to-
ward continued restrictions on fleets
after the expiration at the end of
next year of the Washington and
London naval limitations treaties.
The three proposals were kept sec-
ret, but British sources said all coin-
cided in essential provisions to elimi-
nate any suspicions of secret building
and any elements of surprise which
might contribute to a naval con-
struction race.
Authoritative sources predicted
that if the proposals for exchange of
information failed, the conference
would end its session within two
December Fails
To Offer Sub-
Zero Weather
According to statistics released by
the University Observatory, the wea-
ther of December, 1935 was charac-
terized by a variety of extremes.
The high temperature of 47.0 de-
gres represents the lowest high for
the month of December since 1929,
and the low of 2.4 stands as the
highest low for that month since
1931, the last three Decembers all
having reached sub-zero tempera-
tures. The average temperature, re-
corded as 24.5 degrees is the lowest
average since 1926.
The total precipitation for the
month was 1.57 inches, 0.54 inches
under the average total precipitation
for the month of December in past
The highest wind mileage for the
month during any period of 24 hours
was reported as 361.3 miles. This
occurred during the period from De-
cember 19, 7 p.m. to Dec. 20, 7 p.m.
The greatest fall of snow for any
period of 24 hours during the month,
was 4.1 inches, and the greatest depth
of snow for any fall stood at five
inches. Both of these records were
established on Christmas Day.
During the month, 24 days were
completely overcast, four days were
partly cloudy, and three were clear
at least 70 per cent of the day.
- - -
-- Last Times Today
Friday - Saturday
35 Tax Reports
Are Published
Largest Total Since War;
Processing Taxes Gave
Greatest Revenue
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. - Ameri-
cans paid $3,299,435,572 in federal
taxes - an average of approximately
$26.50 for every man, woman, and
child in the country -in the 1935
fiscal year, the treasury reported to-
This, the largest total since war-
time taxes boosted the total to $4,-
595,357,062 in 1921, promised to be
exceeded by 1936 collections to end
next June 30, from July 1 to Jan. 4
collections were $1,619,139,017.
Every state, excepting New Hamp-
shire, paid in more to the federal
treasury in 1935 than in 1934. Among
the possessions Hawaii and the Phil-
lippine Islands reported decreased
collections. Utah led all states with
an increase of 139 per cent.
Processing taxes, knocked out by
the Supreme Court's AAA Decision,
grouped with miscellaneous taxes,
provided the largest total on federal
revenue - $1,781,647,593. Income
taxes were next - $1,099,230,383.
Total tax collections in 1935 were
approximately $627,000,000 larger
than in 1934 when $2,672,239,194 was
paid into the federal treasury. Prin-
cipal increases were $182,000,000 in
income taxes and $238,000,000 in pro-
cessing and miscellaneous taxes.
Alcohol beverage taxes increased
from $258,911,332 in 1934-the first
full year of repeal -to $411,021,772
in 1935. Excess profit taxes jumped
from $2,630,616, to $6,560,438, but
dividend taxes dropped from $50,-
229,123 in 1934 to $961,480 in 1935.
The internal revenue bureau's an-
nual report showed a total of $42,-
719,338 spent in collecting the taxes,
compared with $28,828,226 in the
previous year. On this basis the gov-
ernment in the 1935 fiscal year spent
$1.54 to collect each $100 of taxes,
compared with $1.25 per $100 in the
preceding fiscal year.
Dea nYoakum Tells
Of Graduate School
In an address to the members of
the Quadrangle Club, at a meeting
held last night in the Union, Prof.
C. S. Yoakum, dean of the Grad-
uate School discussed the relation of
the Rackham Trust Fund to Grad-
uate work at the University.
In his talk, Professor Yoakum
pointed out both the immediate and
indirect uses that may be made of
the new Graduate School which is
to be financed out of income accru-
ing from the Rackham Fund. He
offered suggestions which have been
made regarding other possible uses
of the income from this fund, and
discussed their possible effects on
the new Graduate School.
Three Big Days!
Saturday We
old and new suits, overcoats at $3
to $20. Don't sell before you see
Sam. Phone for appointments.
2-3640. lox
Dr. Steere Returns With
300 Moss Specimens
dens to the University Herbarium.
The collection will include mosses
from North America, the Philippines
and tropical America.
Dr. William C. Steere, research as-!1
sociate in the University Herbarium,
returned last week from New York
where he spent two weeks studying
the collection of mosses in the New
York Botanical Gardens.
Dr. Steere also made arrangements'
for the transfer of 3,000 duplicatesI
of specimens in the Botanical Gar-
Toe, tap, acrobatics.
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