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January 08, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-08

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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by mail, $4.50.
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Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.


Telephone 4925

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
0'ublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
THird, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Reportorial Department: ThomasrE. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
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Edward Wohigemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
And That
s That.
United States has declared the Ag-
ricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional. The
Supreme Court has what may be an assumed,
but nevertheless traditional, right to declare acts
of Congress unconstitutional, so that should be
Pro-administration forces throughout the land
are going to raise a hue and cry against the
Court. Republicans are going to hail the decision
as right and just. Of course their respective stands
on the question would be reversed if the Repub-
licans happened to be in power. It is too short
a time until next November to look for much wis-
dom in this quarter.
The fact does remain that the Supreme Court
is a collection of what are probably the best minds
in the country and that they are about the last
organ of the Federal government that can still
command respect. The majority report of the
Court seems to have given sufficient legal grounds
to invalidate the AAA, that the decision went even
further and pointed out some of the dangers which
might result from the precedent of using the gen-
eral welfare clause of the Constitution to regulate
business, is not beyond the proper function of the
Court. If they, as a group of our most learned
men, wish to given an opinion that looks beyond
the law, we should consider it a privilege.
It is rather difficult to see how anyone can truly
mourn the passing of legislation that destroyed
crops when persons needed food and paid farmers
for not raising this and that.
Unfortunately many of the laws that were in-
corporated in the late lamented NRA were defi-
nitely necessary and of great social benefit. There
is nothing to prevent these laws being made a part
of our constitution. If the peoples of the United
States can twice change their constitution con-
cerning a relatively unimportant matter like pro-
hibition, they certainly can amend it to correct
grave social injustices.
It is also unfortunate that the Administration
has gone ahead and wasted so, much money on
enforcement of legislation that is now being de-
clared unconstitutional. This, of course, is the
fault of the system, not the Administration. Inas-
much as all such disputed legislation eventually
reaches the Supreme Court, it would seem to be
a much more sane plan to have the Court review
such legislation before it is ever enforced. This
would, in effect, make the Supreme Court a third
house of Congress. It is, however, already that
and it might as well be an efficient one. Imme-
diate judicial review would correct the evils we
have witnessed during the Roosevelt Administra-
One thing the Supreme Court is to be thanked
for, they have made it easier for the political
parties to drum up their traditional election year
national crisis.
T he New
Discipline. . .
T IS NOT TOO MUCH to claim that
a revolutionary change has taken
place in the discipline of our schools within the
last few decades.
The present educational theories almost com-
pletely reverse the old standards of discipline
with their marked emphasis upon silence, order,
and submissiveness. While it is true that there
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for the students' parents to learn to practice co-
operation and respect for the rights and property
of others.
It is commonly agreed that the major tasks of
the adult citizen are to assist in organizing his
group, to perform his duties as a member of
the group and to act in such a manner as to pro-
mote the best interests of all. The students in our
schools have a similar set of tasks, and our modern
schools are emphasizing a type of discipline that
affords the opportunity to give students training
in this direction.
Dean Edmonson of the School of Education
has this to say: "The kind of discipline that the
present-day schools are seeking to secure may be
defined as that type of conduct on the part of stu-
dents that makes possible an effective quality of
school work and that leads to the forming or
strengthening of habits of obedience, cooperation,
courtesy, honesty, fairness, industry and rever-
The growing demand of the public for increased
attention to character training in our schools and
colleges should meet a ready response from teach-
ers and school administrators. We agree with
Dean Edmonson that emphasis upon the new type
of discipline constitutes one very effective way of
giving training in matters of ethics and conduct.
Letters published in this column should not be
construedsas expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
The AAA Decision1
To the Editor:
Your report of my very limited comment on the
Supreme Court decision in the AAA case is mis-
leading and, in fact, represents an opinion of the
case as a whole which, I do not entertain. The
reporter, Mr. Neal, who talked with me about
it, I am sure made a conscientious effort to report
accurately. The reporter showed me two sheets of
paper, partially covered with rather inept and
fragmentary quotations from the two opinions.
This was just as I was leaving for home and
while I was putting on my overcoat as I glanced
through these fragmentary quotations. The
ground upon which the Court must have based
its decision was scarcely intimated in the jour-
nalistic selections from the opinion. In the minor-
ity opinion appeared the statement, in substance,
that the Court had no busines with the wisdom
or expediency of legislation and tan consider only
the power of Congress to pass it. The minority
further said that the remedy for unwise legislation
was political. I made merely this comment - that
of course the minority were entirely sound in
saying that the Court had no authority to declare
legislation invalid because it believed that legis-
lation unwise, but I added everyone, including the
majority of the court, agrees with that view. The
only question is whether the majority did base
its decision on the supposed unwisdom of the
There has not been available here, at this writ-
ing, so far as I know, anything but a very frag-
mentary and small selection of sentences from the
opinions. It is too early to comment on the deci-
sion as a whole, and this I stated emphatically
to the reporter. If, as I suspect, the case turned
on whether Congress had the power to tax and
to spend for the purposes of the AAA act, then I
think the majority of the Court were sound in
holding that the Congressional Act is unsupported
by precedent. There is a dispute among judges,
writers and lawyers as to whether the so-called
"Welfare Clause," in Section 8 of Article I of the
Constitution gives to Congress the independent
power to provide for the general welfare. My own
opinion, for what it is worth, is emphatically
that it wasrnot the intention to give independent
and unlimited power for the general welfare to
Congress. If we admit that Congress may tax
and spend for any and every purpose, then most
of the fundamental limitations in the Constitution
disappear at once. I had discussed this very
matter yesterday, in my classes in Constitutional
Law, and had stated this view of the clause.

It is utterly impossible to pass any sound judg-
ment upon the opinion as a whole until it and the
dissenting opinion have been carefully read.
-Henry M. Bates.
The Olympics
To the Editor:

Agamemnon, King of Argos, and his brother,
Are both chiefly known in history for their trouble
with their wives.
Menelaos' wife was Helen and we all know that
she fell in
Love with Paris and thus caused a war that cost
so many lives.
Clytemnestra was the spouse of Agamemnon. She
is famous
For a certain deviation from the straight and
narrow way
With another second-rater, but we'll take her case
up later,
For the antecedent facts throw light on why she
went astray.
When the Grecian Expeditionary Force had been
At the port of Aulis ready for descent on fated
They were hot for instant action and they heard
with satisfaction
That they'd sail at once. With one accord they
shouted "Attaboi!"
But the wind was from the eastward and they
couldn't sail against it.
So they had to lie inactive there for weeks and
weeks and weeks.
Till at last their ill condition generated a suspicion
That some god on high Olympus nursed a grudge
against the Greeks.
Agamemnon, their commander, summoned all his
fortune tellers.
"Now see here," said he, "I want you lads to tell
me who the deuce
Is detaining us unduly. Take a look and tell me
Is it Hera or Apollo, is it Artemis or Zeus?"
"You know," said they, "you killed a deer month
or two ago, sir.
"Well it seems the goddess Artemis she owned
that little doe.
"She demands your lovely daughter for a peniten-
tial slaughter,
"And until you've made that sacrifice, she will
not let you go."
Soon as Artemis was satisfied, the wind sprang
'round to westward.
The pent-up army sailed away before a favoring
And they sang a lusty paean while they clove the
blue Aegean,
Stating musically what they'd do when they got
Over There.
Ten years later --they were still encamped around
the Trojan fortress.
That they'll ever take the darned old town there
seems to be some doubt.
But their leaders are enraptured with the damsels
they have captured,
In Schenectady and Albany and cities roundabout,
Agamemnon's more than satisfied with beautiful
He doesn't give a damn how long the war is going
to last.
He no longer longs for blighty and he's quite for-
gotten Clytie,
His lawful wife, who stays at home and thinks
about the past.
Nowdwe see another actor in this sad domestic
Make his entrance back in Argos, in that old
familiar scene.
He's Aegisthus,che's a rotter and a schemer and a
To possess the throne of Argos and along with it
the Queen.
"Ah, good morning, Mistress Clytie. Have you
heard about Briseis?
"Well, of course, that's not surprising. It's the
kind of thing a wife
"Doesn't hear about till after it's a common cause
for laughter
"Among her friends and neighbors. It's too bad,
but such is life!"
So he filled her ears with scandal and her heart
with vengeful hatred.
She could prove to Agamemnon 'twas a game that

two could play!v
And, since he had been remiss thus, what if she
and dear Aegisthus
Were to follow his example and to tread the
primrose way?
Now the beacons blaze on Ida and on Athos and
Troy has fallen! And a thousand ships are
bringing home the Greeks.
But Aegisthus, though to greet them he'd be glad,
can't stay to meet them.
Business calls him to Achaia. He'll be gone for
several weeks.
Clytemnestra, she's no quitter! She can face
domestic music,
If there's any. But there won't be. She's prepared
to see to that.
"Agamemnon! How delightful! Kiss me, dearest.
Oh, how frightful
"Must have been that journey homeward! Let me
take your coat and hat.
"Here's a nice warm bath all ready. See, it's just
the way you like it.
"Now you step in quickly, dearest. And take that
and that and that!"
Thrice she thrust his sword into him. So she paid
him what was due him,
Paid him fully all she owed him, rather more
than tit for tat.


t he Conning Towker

--------- -
A Washington
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. - President
Roosevelt's waving aside of press
conference inquiries as to his inten-
tions regarding a bonus payment bill
certain to be passed early this session,
illustrates a trait common to po-
litical executives and courts. Neither
likes to deal with "moot" questions.
Mr. Roosevelt's classification of the
matter as in the "if" stage until a
specific bill is placed before him, is
another way of saying that. All
"if" questions long have been taboo
at presidential press conferences.
Yet, that presidential use of the
wprd "if" suggests White House will-
ingness to consider a bit of legisla-
tive horse-trading on the form of
the bill. Administration leaders in
both houses might take a cue in their
effort to work out a bill the President
might sign. That wars the first
major problem that majority leader-
ship had to tackle as the session
opened. On its handling hinged
many matters of the session aside
from the bonus bill itself.
LEADERSHIP prestige in congress
is a decate bloom. Tact is re-
quired to combine artfully party and
governmental necessities with a sym-
pathetic appreciation of the re-elec-
tion problems of individual house
members in mapping legislativehpol-
icy at the outset of a session. It is
doubtful if even in the first blush
of Roosevelt prestige in '33 presi-
dential influence alone could have
stemmed the pro-bonus tide.
If Democratic leaders now fail in
their efforts to reconcile White House
and congressional majority views on
the bonus question, their effective-
ness in other matters likely would
suffer. If they can produce a bill
Mr. Roosevelt will sign, their prestige
on the hill would be great with party
R x
ognized this last session when, as ,
Democratic congressional committee
chairman, he got out a questionnaire
to all House Democrats. While it
inquired as to each member's notion
of his own chances of re-election, it
was more largely devoted to questions
as to popularity of Roosevelt policies
and of the President himself in the
various districts.
"Can Roosevelt carry your dis-
trict?" was one question.
Drewry never gave out a recap-
itulation of the replies. At the time,
there were intimations that most
recipients ignored his questionnaire.
Since then all of them have had a
chance to canvass the situation on
the home ground. They know or
ought to know more about what to
expect next year from the voters.
A Universal production with Edward
Arnold, Constance Cummins, Saly
Elilers, Robert Young, Robert Arm-
strong, Reginald Denny, Monroe Ow-
sley, George Meeker, Jack LaRue, Louise
Henry, and Arthur Treacher.
Smart dialogue, a good story, and
an all-star cast make this picture
one of the really entertaining murderi
mysteries we've seen in quite a while
-entertaining in spite of the fact
that there are murdered people all
over the place before the villain is

finally unmasked. The highest act-
ing honors go to Constance Cummins,'
who is brilliant as the effervescent
wife of Robert Young. Young does
a good piece of work too, as does
Edward Arnold as the detective. Ar-
thur Treacher, the tops in screen
butlers, is good for a laugh a minute.
The story opens on Long Island
with a group of the most thirsty
people we've ever seen starting out on
a champagne bout to celebrate the
end of the first six months of mar-
ried life for Miss Cummins and
Young. We follow them through
countless cases of liquor and mad
adventures to the morning after,II
when all awaken to find that MeekerI
had been murdered. More drinks
and the advent of Detective Arnold
follow, and the first thing we know
everyone in the cast looks guilty and
another murder is committed.
Young then tries his hand at ama-
teur detecting, with the result that
another man is murdered, this time
with a knife, but this is extra and
doesn't have much to do with the
main string. Just to keep one's in-
terest up there's another fellow shot,
Jack LaRue this time, as Young is
returning from his sleuthing. Of
course if this kept on long enough
we'd have been able to pick the guilty
one as he'd have been the sole sur-
vivor, but this is prevented by the
introduction of new suspects from
time to time. They got the villain
in the final scene, however, and so

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 8, 1936 j
VOL. XLVI No. 70
Attention of All Concerned: Name-
ly faculty, administrative and clerical
staff members and students, is re-
spectfully called to the following ac-
tion by the Regents.
Students shall pay in acceptable
funds (which shall not include notes'
unless the same are bankable) all'
amounts due the University before
they can be admitted to the final ex-
aminations at the end of either se-
mester or of the Summer Session. No
office in the University is authorized1
to make any exception to this rule.
Any specific questions that can be
foreseen arising in this connection
should be taken up with the proper
authorities at the earliest possible
moment. Shirley W. Smith.
Life Annuities: 1. Life annuities
or life insurance either or both may
be purchased by members of the
faculties from the Teachers Insur-
ance and Annuity Association of
America and premiums for either life
Annuity or life Insurance, or both,
may be deducted at the written re-
quest of the policy-holder from the
monthly pay roll of the University,
and in such cases will be remitted
directly to the Teachers Insurance
and Annuity Association by the Uni-
versity. Or premiums may be re-
mitted directly to the policy-holder,
on the monthly, quarterly, semi-an-
nual, or annual basis. The Secre-
tary's office has on file blank ap-
plications for Annuity policies, or4
life Insurance policies, rate books,
annual reports, and specimen poli-
cies, all for the convenience of mem-
bers of the University staff desiring1
to make use of them.]
2. The Regents at their meeting
of January, 1919 agreed that any
member of the Faculties entering the
service of the University since No-
vember 17, 1915, may purchase an
Annuity from the above-named As-
sociation, toward the cost of which
the Regents would make an equal
contribution up to five per cent of
his annual salary not in excess of
$5,000, thus, within the limit of five
per cent of the salary, doubling the
amount of the Annuity purchased.
3. The purchase of an Annuity
under the conditions mentioned in
(2) above is made a condition of em-
ployment in the case of all members
of the Faculties, except instructors,
whose term of Faculty service does
not antedate the University year
1919-1920. With instructors of less
than three years' standing the pur-
chase of an Annuity is optional.
4. Members of the Faculties who
were in the service of this University,
or any of the colleges or universi-
ties associatedtby the Carnegie Foun-
dation for the Advancement of
Teaching previous to November 17,
1915 are expected to be provided withl
retiring allowances (annuities) by the
Carnegie Foundation itself, under its
latest modification of its original
non-contributory plan. Such mem-
bers of the Faculties are not eligible
to purchase Annuities under the plan
by which the University contributesl
an annual premium equal to five per
cent of the annual salary.
5. Persons who have become,
members of the Faculties since No-
vember 17, 1915 and previous to the
year 1919-1920 have the option of
purchasing Annuities under the Uni-
versity's contributory plan.
6. Any person in the employ of
the University may at his own cost
purchase Annuities from the As-
sociation or any of the class of Fac-
ulty members mentioned above may
purchase Annuities at his own costf
in addition to those mentioned above..
The University itself, however, will
contribute to the expense of such
purchase of Annuities only as indi-
cated in sections 2, 3, and 5 above.
7. Any person in the employ ofj
the University, either as a Faculty

member or otherwise, unless debar-
red by his medical examination may,
at his own expense, purchase life1
Insurance from the Teachers Insur-
ance and Annuity Association at its
rates, which are substantially those
offered by the Government to sol-
diers and sailors. All life Insurance
premiums are borne by the individ-
ual himself. The University makes
no contribution toward life Insurance
and has nothing to do with the lifeJ
insurance feature except that it will'
if desired by the insured, deduct
premium monthly and remit the
same to the Association.
8. The University accounting of-
fices will as a matter of accom-
modation to members of the Faculties
or employees of the University, who
desire to pay either Annuity pre-,
miums or Insurance pr e m i u m s
monththly, deduct such premiums
from the pay roll in monthly install-
ments. In the case of the so-called
"academic roll" the premium pay-
ments for the months of July, August,
September, and October will be de-
ducted from the double pay roll of
June 30. While the accounting of-
fices do not solicit this work, still it
will be cheerfully assumed where de-

has been placed in the hands of the
Secretary of the University by the
Please communicate with the un-
dersigned if you have not complied
with the specific requirements as
stated in (3) above.
Herbert I. Watkins, Ass't See.
Automobile Regulation: Stuients
who have brought cars to Ann Arbor
afterhthe Christmas vacation must
register them promptly at Room 2
University Hall. This registration
must include the make, type, license
number and location of storage of
these cars.
Students possessing permits who
have purchased 1936 license tags for
their cars should file applications
without delay for new student tags
and meanwhile should attach the old
permit tags to the new license plates.
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the
Graduate Women interested in
studying economics, international re-
lations or journalism: A one thous-
and dollar scholarship is open
through the Federation of Ameri-
can Women's Clubs in Europe to some
American woman for study in Eur-
ope in 1936-37. Applicant must be
an American citizen, a graduate of
an accredited institution, and must
have a thorough knowledge of
French and a working knowledge of
one or more other European lang-
uages. Application must be sent in
before February 1. Further details
may beobtained in the office of the
Graduate School.
C. S. Yoakum.
Sophomores may have their elec-
tions approved in Room 9, University
Hall, until January 15, at the follow-
ing hours:
Monday, 1:30-2:30.
Tuesday, 1:30-3:30.
Wednesday, 9:00-11:00.
Thursday, 1:30-3:30.
Friday; 1:30-2:30.
Beginning Jan. 15 Sophomores
must have their elections approved,
in Room 103 Romance Language
Building, in accordance with the
following alphabetical divisions:
Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily.
HIJ, Wednesday, Jan. 15.
KL, Thursday, Jan. 16.
M, Friday, Jan. 17.
NOP, Monday, Jan. 20.
QR, Tuesday, Jan. 21.
S, Wednesday, Jan. 22.
TUV, Thursday, Jan. 23.
WXYZ, Friday, Jan. 24.
AB, Monday, Jan. 27.
C,Tuesday, Jan. 28.
DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29.
FG, Thursday, Jan. 30.
J. H. Hodges
R. C. Hussey,
Sophomore Academic
Lists of Students in the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, ad-
mitted to Candidacy for a Degree,
Grouped according to the Fields of
Concentration, are now posted in
Room 4, University Hall. Please
check to see that your name is posted
correctly. Any change should be re-
ported to the assistant at the counter.
The Extension Division wishes to
announce a noncredit course in the
Principles of Scoutmastership. The
class will meet for the first time
Wednesday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m., in
Room 231 Angell all. The tuition
fee is one dollar. All interested per-
sons are welcome.
Fraternity and Organization Presi-
dents: All organizations having a
group picture in the 1936 Michigan-
ensian should make appointments
immediately to have such pictures
taken at either Rettchler's, Sped-
ding's, or Dey's studio. The member-
ship lists of all organizations should
be mailed to the Michiganensian of-
fices before the first of next week.

The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion has received announcement of
United States Civil Service Exam-
inations for Assistant Geophysicist,
salary $2,600; Assistant to Techni-
cian (Forestry), salary $1,620; Junior
Graduate Nurse, salary $1,620; As-
sistant and accountant and Auditor,
salary $2,600 to $3,200, and Senior
Accounting and Auditing Assistant,
salary, $2,000.
For further information concern-
ing these examinations call at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00-12:00
and 2:00-4:00.
Academic Notices
Comprehensive Examination in Ed-
ucation: All candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate are required to
pass a Comprehensive Professional
Examination covering the prescribed
courses in Education. The next ex-
amination of this kind will be held
in 2436 U.E.S. on Saturday, Jan. 11,
at 9 o'clock. Any student who will
have completed all of the required
courses in Education by the end of
the persent semester is eligible to
take the examination at this time.

Pubication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

It is hard to understand how citizens of
free country such as the United States can
willing to participate in the Olympic Games


By participating in the games, what actually
happens is that believers in democracy lend ma-
terial aid to brutal despots, men who have neither
soul nor conscience and who shrink from no das-
tardly crime to stay in power.
Hitler and his gang are steeped in blood. What
that gang is trying now is to show to the world
what fine streets, fine houses, and fine sport
places there are in the city of Berlin. What
they do not show are the concentration camps
and the prisons in which political prisoners are
beaten, tortured and murdered.
Here is a picture of Nazi-Germany as she is
today. German citizens cannot say what they
think. They cannot write what they believe.
They cannot read what they want to. They are
not allowed to form labor unions. They don't
dare protest if their wages are cut. They have
no right to jury trial. They are in constant
danger of being sentenced by a "Peoples Court"
where neither evidence nor law is needed for
conviction. If they are Protestants, they are
denied the right to run their own churches. If
they are Catholics they are forbidden to have

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