The Weather Cloudy today; tomorrow snow; not much change in temperature. L 3k igt 9an ~Iaitr Editorials And That Is That .. . The New (Discipline .. . VOL. XLVI No. 72 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1936 PIUCE FIVE CENTS 5 Dead As Riots Hit Argentina President Justo Hurries To Buenos Aires; Strike Leads To Violence Police And Troops Are Concentrated Omnibuses And Cars Are Burned In Riotous Day; Number Hurt Uncertain BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 7. - (/P) - A day of strike violence here in which five persons were killed and an un- identified number injured caused President Agustin P. Justo of Ar- gentina to hurry tonight to the cap- ital by airplane from Cordoba. Federal troops aided police in keep- ing order. The violence resulted from an attempted general strike and Justo hoped his presence here would have a quieting effect on the sit- uation. All available police were moved into the suburbs and a detachment of troops from the Federal arsenal was sent to the central police station. Rioters in the streets and high- ways, a survey showed tonight, burned 12 omnibuses, three milk wa- gons and four food cars. They also removed some of the rails of the Central Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway lines. As one of the persons injured in the day's fighting died tonight, the death toll reached five. Three po- licemen were shot to death in the suburb of Villa Urguiza in a clash with rioters who attempted to halt trains and omnibuses. An army con- script was fatally injured when he was struck on the head with a stone while riding on a street car. In the suburbs of Moron, Limiers and De Boto, all commerce was closed throughout the day. Railroad Reply Is Considered By CommutersI Answer To Complaint Filed With Michigan Public Utilities Commisson A group of approximately 25 Ann, Arbor and Ypsilanti commuters met, last night to discuss a reply to their complaint filed with the Michigan Public Utilities Commission asking continuance of the 7:45 commuting; coach to Detroit. The answer was filed by the Mich- igan Central Railroad yesterday withi both the Commission and Edward Bryant, attorney for the commuters.i In the general discussion of the brief it was shown that the railroadi was losing money on all runs of theI special coach except the 7:45 a.m. trip. The service is being continued now at the request of the commis-1 sion pending the hearing which is to be held Jan. 23. Following the discussion the com- muters formed an organization to' further their efforts to continue the service of the gasoline coach. It was named the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Commuters Organization, and H. E. Slussinger, of Ypsilanti, was elected president. Raymond Spokes, a De- troit consulting chemist who makes his home in Ann Arbor, was elected secretary-treasurer. Motions of suport were expressed at the meeting by both the Ann Ar- bor and Ypsilanti Chambers of Commerce. Corporation Salaries Revealed In Congress WASHTNGTON, Jan. 7- O)- - The natural curiosity of man to know how much money the other fellow makes was partly satisfied today with the congressional disclosure of sal- aries paid all corporation employees in the country receiving $15,000 or more a year. Such 12-month pay checks as $500,- 000 for William Randolph Hearst and $339,165.65 for Mae West were sprinkled among the 1934 salary lists made public by the House Ways and Means Committee. Roosevelt May Be 'Lame Duck' AA Seeks DespiteTwentieth Armendment To Fulfill Its Brown Sees Possibility Of newly-elected House of Representa- Mix-Up Because Of New tives to choose the President," Pro- essorBrown pointed out, asserting Inauguration Date that "it is imperative, therefore, that Congress should meet at its regularly By FRED WARNER NEAL appointed time." President Roosevelt may find him- So what? Formerly when the President took self a "lame duck" next year, because office on March 4 and Congress did of the very law that attempted to not meet in regular session until De- i Obligations Re port Says Oil Embargo Abandoned Dropping Of Proposal Is Rumored In Paris; War Activities Increase France Inspects Italian Frontier wipe out such animals-- the Twen- tieth Amendment to the Constitution. That is the opinion of Prof. Ever- ett S. Brown of the political science department, who points out that al- though the Twentieth Amendment brought an end to "lame duck" Con- gresses, it, paradoxically, made pos- sible "lame duck" presidents. Professor Brown included his orig- inal statements on the subject in a letter to the New York Times. Mix-Up Predicted Should a Republican president be elected next fall, as well as a Re- publican House of Representatives, everything will be all mixed up when Congress meets Jan. 3, 1937, Profes- sor Brown holds. The Twentieth Amendment, he pointed out, pro- vides that Congress shall meet Jan. 3, rather than the first Monday in December, and that the President shall take office Jan. 20 rather than March 4. During the two weeks from Jan. 3 to Jan. 20, the President would be a "lame duck," Professor Brown explained, although "it is like- ly he would merely mark time, await- ing the inauguration of his succes- sor." Explains Difficulty The difficulty arises, Professor Brown declared, in the fact that the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 provides that the President shall transmit the budget to Congress on the first day of each regular ses- sion. "If this law were carried into effect," the professor explained, "the budget would be presented Jan. 3 by a 'lame duck' President whose term would not expire until Jan. 20. "And things would be in a still worse muddle if Congress were to attempt to change its date of meet- ing and postpone it until after the new president takes office," Profes- sor Brown continued, because, ac- cording to the Twelfth Amendment, the electoral votes for President must be opened and counted in the pres- ence of the Senate and House, and by law this joint session meets Jan. 6. "If no one receives a majority of the electoral votes, it devolves upon the Man's Body Foundl' Buried Under Sand PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 7. - (P) - Six feet down in the sand of a South- ern New Jersey beach, authorities to- day found the body of a man whom' Adam Ambrose, Philadelphia sugar refinery worker, is accused of stran- gling in an alleged plot to collect $10,000 insurance on his own life. Ambrose, digging under the sur- veillance of police and Coast Guards,1 uncovered the body after he was taken to the beach at Townsend'si inlet, from Philadelphia, where he was said to have confessed the kill-. ing. Later, however, Ambrose denied the crime. He was charged with murder. His son, arrested at the same time, was held as an accessory after the fact.; The victim, whom Ambrose said he knew only as "Joe," was tenta- tively identified by authorities as Joe Gimbugus. The slaying is alleged to have oc- curred in October, 1934, in Ambrose's cottage near Sea Isle City. cember, Professor Brown explained, there was ample time in which to pre- pare the budget. Under the law, he pointed out, heads of departments must submit their departmental esti- mates to the Bureau of the Budget on or before Sept. 15. Because all this has been changed by the Twentieth Amendment, Pro- fessor Brown holds that "unless the incoming president accepts the esti- (Continues1 on Page 2) AAA Decision Is Deplored By Prof: Peterson Sudden Change Is Seen As Disturbance To Normal Economic Activity Prof. Shorey Peterson of the eco- nomics depaitment yesterday ex- pressed dissatisfaction with the sud- denness with which the AAA was terminated, although he stated in an interview that he was not in sym- pathy with the methods used by that governmental agency. "Any sudden economic change,' Professor Peterson said, "although it may eventually turn cut for the bet- ter, usually disturbs the normal eco- nomic activity of the people." He de- clared that individuals slow down their activities after a sudden change in order to ascertain the direction of affairs. Instead of the Supreme Court's crack down" on the AAA, Professor Peterson prefered a slower disband- ing of the agency. To illustrate the reactions which followed the spectacular decision, Professor Peterson turned to the stock market for an indication of the feel- ings of those whose interests are closely interwoven with those of the farmer. Immediately after the announce- ment of the decision, he said, the1 stocks of corporations selling mer- chandise to farmers dropped as much as one point. Professor Peterson in- dicated that Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck are representative of this category. On the other hand, he said, the shares of packing companies and others which buy agricultural prod- ucts rose as much as three points. The Swift Packing Co. he listed amongf this type pf company. The rise in the second type is1 due, Professor Peterson said, to the lifting of the processing taxes which were being levied on these enterprises under the provisions of the AAA. Commenting on the principle of the AAA, Professor Peterson expressed dissatisfaction with its methods of stopping overproduction of farm products. "Whenever the government, or any government, sticks its finger into the economic pie," he said, "it usually finds it pretty hard to pull it out." He continued, saying, " . . .and if an industry is put up on stilts by a government, it is difficult to get that industry down again without unde- sirable results." Roosevelt Will Ask For Money To Pay Debts On Farm Contracts Bonus Bill Before House On Friday Passage By Big Margin Predicted As Changed Plan Is Pushed WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. --(/P) - Administration efforts to pluck some- thing out of the debris of the AAA --if only money to pay farmers for now-ended crop control contracts- dominated the capital scene today. President Roosevelt told reporters he would ask Congress for funds to pay the contracts up to yesterday, when the Supreme Court ruled out both AAA processing taxes and ma- chinery. Secretary Wallace, heading an ad- ministration group questing for some new constitution-conforming national farm program, called 70 farm leaders into conference on Friday and Sat- urday. All members of the administration were described by Mr. Roosevelt as studying what he terms the two de- cisions of the Supreme Court- an apparent reference to the majority and minority report. This served to strengthen the im- pression that the New Deal feared for others of its programs. Wallace supplemented his studies with a radio broadcast warning. against farm conditions of 1932. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. - (') - A veteransaorganization bonus bill, slightly amended as to its financing features, tonight was steered toward a House vote on Friday which Dem- ocratic leaders declared would ap- prove it by "an overwhelming ma- jority." Speaker Joseph W. Byrns said that there was no disposition among the leadership to postpone action on the bonus until next week unless its back- ers wanted that. Members of the Appropriations Committee said that they had no objection to laying aside the Independent Offices Appropria- tion Bill, which is to come up tomor- row for general debate. 3 Per Cent Interest Offered That opened the door for the Ways and Means Committee to ask for a rule on the bonus tomorrow, bring it up for House discussions Thurs- day and a vote Friday. The bill would authorize immediate payment of the bonus, but offer a, 3 per cent interest inducement to vet- erans not to cash their adjusted serv- ice certificates until 1945, the ma- turity date under existing law. It would provide no specific method of payment. The Ways and Means Committee 'oday decided to knock out one pro- vision that would have refunded all interest paid by veterans on loans on the certificates but kept another that would cancel all unpaid inter- est on such loans. Insurance Bond Interest Boosted Rep. Fred M. Vinson, (Dem., Ky.), one of the backers of the legislation, said the refund would have amounted to $7,000,000 and that the cancella- tion will cost $288,000,000. He said that the additional cash outlay im- mediately on enactment of the bill, backed by the American Legion, Vet-! crans of Foreign Wars and Disabled American Veterans, still would be around $1,000,000,000. Another change by the Ways and Means Committee will impose no extra burden on the Treasury, he contended. That alteration would boost from 3z to 42 per cent the interest on bonds to be issued to the United States government life in- surance fund by the Treasury. By issuing the bonds, the Treasury would make payment of loans made by the fund upon service certificates. Vinson said the government has guaranteed that the fund shall earn 4% per cent interest. Mussolini Sends Thousand More To Ethiopia Several Troops (By The Associated Press) Reports that the League of Na- tions had virtually called off a pro- posed oil embargo against Italy cir- culated in Paris Tuesday night. Diplomatic circles there said a poll of members of the League Council showed that they believed sanctions already in force would soon force Premier Mussolini toucallsa halt in the African war. But despite this, military and naval activity increased in Southern France, along the Italian border. The chief of the army general staff, Gen. Gustave Gamelin, ended a tour of inspection of troops and fortifications in that area. The navy announced that the fleet would be- gin Mediterranean maneuvers Jan. 20-the daythe League Council is to meet. Premier Mussolini showed no dis- position to end his "colonial ad- venture." Instead, he sent several thousand more troops to Ethiopia. Italian newspapers continued to take bitter pot shots at President Roosevelt's speech to Congress. For Ethiopia, it was Christmas Day, and religious services were held throughout- the country. Emperor Haile Selassie's "brain' trust" was strengthened by the ar- rival of John H. Spencer, 30, for- merly of Grinnell, Iowa, who will advise the Government on interna- tional political matters. A Rome communique said that all was quiet on both fronts. Boss Of Germany Was Once Bossed By Madison Tailor MADISON, Wis., Jan. 7. - (/P)- Peter Yust may be just a little- known Madison tailor, but he can look back on the time when he was boss of Adolf Hitler, dictator of' Germany, he asserted today. Military rank gave him authority over Hitler during the World War. The tailor was a sergeant major in the Hungarian Army, the present German Chancellor an infantry corporal in the Bavarian forces. For eight weeks in 1916 while the Hungarians and Bavarians lined up artillery in the vicinity of Trub- chevsk, Russia, Yust was Hitler's superior officer. Soldiers of all the Central Powers frequently fought side by side at that time, Yust said. "Hitler was a good soldier, but hadi few intimate friends," Yust said,! adding that Hitler demonstrated none of the qualities of leadership which later made him a world figure. After the eight-week stretch Yust saw no more of Hitler and heard nothing of him again until the abor- tive "Beer Cellar Putsch."I Five Little Dionnes, Worth $120,000, To Retire AtAge Of 3 CALLENDER, Ont., Jan. 7 -P")- Each of the Dionne quintuplets now is worth $24,000 in her own right, their guardians announced today. Between them, the little sister have $120,000 in Government bonds in a trust fund. The sisters now are 19 months old. If they live to be three years of age, they will have about $300,000 under present contracts. Then, Ontario officials explained, the interest from the fund alone will support them. The babies' fortune is being built up by income from motion picture contracts and from royalties on post- cards, calendars, coats, bonnets and dolls. It cost them $35,000 to live last year. Death Toll In Europe Storm Mounts To 27 Dozen More May Be Dead; As Hurricane Strikes In Irish Sea Over Week-end LONDON, Jan. 7. -()-Twenty- seven persons were known dead to- night in shipwrecks at sea and ac- cidents in northern Europe since' Sunday. France was ravaged by floods. It was feared the death toll in the Irish Sea, where a hurricane struck over the weekend, may be at least a dozen more because of reports of the disappearance of coastal ves- sels. Ten died in the foundering of the drifter Shore Breeze, three were1 killed aboard the blue-funnel linert Ulysses by a big wave, and one per- son was washed from the fishing boat, Feasible, all in the Irish Sea. Nine were drowned off Hangoe,< Finland, when a military transport1 was wrecked. Four were drowned near Hamburg, Germany, in the collision of a tug and a launch. The coastal steamer Eromaine, un- reported since Sunday, returned to Newcastle tonight. She was badly battered but the crew was safe. Flooded rivers menaced hundreds1 of cities and towns in France. There1 was only "traffic" in the street of1 Nantes with river Loire at its high- est since 1910. New York Laughs At Bernhardt Film NEW YORK, Jan. 7. -- (') -Sarah1 Bernhardt, playing Queen Elizabeth in a motion picture which she had described as representing "my one chance for immortality" was exhibit- ed here today and won roars of; amusement in her most tragic scenes. The picture, made in 1911, formed; part of the first program of a sur- vey of the history of the motion pic- ture circulated by the Museum of Modern Art film library. Following the preview here it is being made available to educational institutions throughout the country. SALES INCREASE SEEN CHICAGO, Jan. 7.-(P)-Dr. A. P. Haake, managing director of the National Association of Furniture Manufacturers, today predicted an increase of at least 30 per cent in fur- niture sales in 1936. Morgan Is Up Before Comm itee Wilson Abetted American Loans To Allies, Senate Investigators Reveal Banker Lays War Guilt To Germans Denies Foreign Financial Ties Drew United States Into Conflict WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. -- () - J. P. Morgan seated placidly before it, the Senate Munitions Committee filled an important gap in World War history today with a disclosure that Woodrow Wilson himself removed ob- stacles to the first of many American loans to Allied nations. From Morgan, however, there came assertions also that German acts, and not the lending of American dol- lars, drew this country into the war, The financier and his associates at the same time readily told the com- mittee that the sympathies of the American banking fraternity lay ac- tively with the Allies from the start; and, as quickly as diplomatic bar- riers were removed, the loans began to flow in increasing volume. Cablegrams gleaned from the Mor- gan files revealed, moreover, that scarcely three days after France en- tered the war that country made round-about overtures to the Mor- gan's for a loan or commercial credit. Wilson Overruled Bryan The state department, under Wil- liam Jennings Bryan, disapproved, t e s t i m.o n y and correspondence showed. President Wilson, however, altered the situation by drawing a broad distinction which permitted credits" but maintained the ban on loans. "When the government turned it- self loose, we turned ou'selves loose," Morgan chuckled, after committee members had,e6licited statements that for all practical purposes the effect of loans and credits was the same. Seeking to determine --for pur- poses connected with pending neu- trality legislation - whether the vast loans extended to the Allies by Amer- ican bankers exerted a controlling in- fluence in shoving America into the conflict later, the committee had summoned Morgan, his partner, Thomas W. Lamont, and Frank A. Vanderlip, president in 1914 of the National City Bank of New York. George Whitney and other Morgan partners and employees were present. Morgan Is Amiable Morgan displayed ready amiability when answering questions, but other- wise leaned solemnly but comfort- ably back in his chair. He was dressed in dark blue. A broad cravat, under a wide gates-ajar collar almost con- cealed a starched shirt front. The shift in Wilson policy, alter- ing attitudes previously expressed by Bryan, was disclosed'in an hereto- fore unknown memorandum prepared after a talk with the President by Robert Lansing, then counsel to the State Department on Oct. 23, 1914. Lansing wrote chat the President had found a decided difference be- tween an issue of European govern- ment bonds, sold to the American public and draining American gold to Europe, and an arrangement to pro- vide credit for meeting debts incurred between the foreign government and American merchants. Notes appended to the memoran- dum showed that its contents had been communicated to a Morgan rep- resentative. Cessation Of Italian Military Activities Seen B o. Miller' By WILLIAM E. SHACKELTON close to the Eritrean border, will be Withdrawal within the next three retained," was the specific prediction months of Italian forces from all but I of Colonel Miller as to the extent of Italian withdrawal. the most strongly entrenched posi- The recent series of bombings by tions in Ethiopia was foreseen yes- Italian planes was likened by Colonel terday by Col. H. W. Miller, head of Miller to the "mad squirmings of a the engineering drawing department desperate force in a last effort to and authority on military matters. break up civilian morale. In 1918 The immediate cause for the ces- the German submarine, big-gun, and Observer Finds New Year With. Indians Not So Very Different EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ac- count is extracted from a report on the Chase S. Osborn Tract, University prop- erty on Sugar Island, the text of which will appear in full in an early issue. By MARSHALL D. SHULMAN New Year's Eve means revelry in Indian language too, and the Island rocked last week under the danc- ing feet of Indians greeting 1936 in their own fashion. Containing some elements of sim- sation of military activity, he said, air raid offensive was just such an - I ilarity to the festivities atop the St. will be the beginning of the seasonal attempt - a campaign of terrible- Wisconsin IR Regis, their ceremony is a colorful rains, which usually commence about ness. adaptation - formal full dress re- the middle of March. "These rains," j"No military end will be served by Valid Court Rules galia being modified to the rugged declared Colonel Miller, "will abso- these bombings. In fact, they ap- boots and breeches of fashionable lutely ruin the Italian roads. Be- pear the last efforts of Mussolini's Island wear, music being by violin cause most of the roads have been failing strategy." MADISON, Wis., Jan. 7.-- (A') - sometimes abetted by melodion, bev- built on hillsides, the water will In contrast to the lack of real The Wisconsin recovery law of 1935, erages being by mine host. wash them right away. success by the armies of Il Duce in patterned after the NIRA, was held Christmas slips by silent and "When the roads are gone there l their 15-weeks drive, the Ethiopians valid today by the State Supreme scarce-observed here, but to the In- can be no more military activity, for have displayed the effectiveness of Court. dians, who are Chippewa and Ojibwa affairs, but a few, belonging to the more industrious, are frame, with battery radios, a separate room for sleeping, and a measure of cleanli- ness. In one of these were found some 50 people gathered, Indians, Finns' and French. The, floating part of the population was high -many peo- ple leaving and arriving constantly - and each new arrival made the round of the noisy room, wishing everyone, known or unknown, a hearty bless- ing. Those most in earnest about this business of celebrating had begun their drinking at noon, and had quite a head start. Beverages included mash - a kind of fermented corn liquid, potent and bitter; home brew -of the domestic variety; and va- rieties of firewater. (An old fur trader Set Standards For Fraternity Pledges Fraternity pledges will be allowed to live in their fraternity houses the second semester of this year if they are able to satisfy four requirements laid down by the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs, it was announced yes- terday by Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley. The one condition which was not also required last year is "that the fraternity in question has shown by its record in previous years that such permission does not result in a low- ering of the grades of the freshmen more than the average drop in fresh- man grades for the all-men average of the second semester." The number of "previous years" wih'w uill heco pnsideredlin mnnniit-.