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January 07, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-07

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NYA ProvidesI
Funds To Help
State's Youth
Families Living On WPA
Relieved Of Supporting
Children Over 16
The Federal Government has come
to the aid of large families living on
WPA wages in Michigan by alloca-
tion of $338,000 to the National
Youth Administration in this state,
to provide part-time employment for
sons and daughters between the ages
of 16 and 25.
State Director William Haber, in-
augurated an NYA project last week
in "Lansing, where a group of Michi-
gan State College students will act
as "eyes" and readers to fellow stu-
dents enrolled from the Michigan
School for the Blind.
He announced that the program is
ready for state-wide expansion as
fast as projects, locally sponsored,
are approved. The NYA will employ
youth, largely as assistants, in the
following activities: community and
recreational activities in urban areas;
improvement of schools, grounds, li-
braries and agricultural and ref or-
estation work in rural sections; pub-
lic service projects, such as traffic
checks, parole and delinquency work
and related social services; research,
such as safety and tax surveys and
agricultural experimentation.
The fund will give work to 5,000
young members of former relief fam-
ilies, who will receive one-third of
" the prevailing security wage rates.
Seventy-five per cent of the fund will
go for wages.
(Continued from Page 4)
Graduate students who will have re-
ceived an advanced degree by Feb-
ruary are exempted from this exam-
Directed Teaching-Qualifying Ex-
amihation: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next semester
are required to pass a Qualifying Ex-
amination in the subject which they
expect to teach. This examination
will be held in 1022 U.H.S. on Sat-
urday morning, Jan. 11, starting
sharply at 8 o'clock. The examina-
tion will consume about four hours'
time; promptness is therefore essen-
University Lecture: Dr. Richard
Goldschmidt, formerly Chief Gene-
ticist of the Institute for Biology,
Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, will speak
on the subject "Genes and Hormones
in Sex Determination" in the Natur-
al Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m.,
Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1936. The lecture
will be illustrated with lantern slides.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Junior Research Club of the Uni-
versity of Michigan meets at 7:30
p.m., Room 2082 N.S.
Program: "The Succession of For-
est Diseases and Forest Fungi in
Plantations in the Lake States Re-
gion," by Professor Dow V. Baxter
of the Department of Forestry.
"The Chemistry of Complex In-
organic Compounds," by Dr. Harvey
Diehl of the Department of Chem-
Adelphi House of Representatives
meets at 7:30 p.m. Each Represen-

tative will speak on political condi-
tions in his state. Every member
should be present.
University of Michigan Public
Health Club: A meeting of the Mich-
igan Public Health Club will be held
at 8:00, Michigan League Building.
Important! Please attend.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the
Chapel, League Building. Students,
alumni, and faculty members are
cordially invited to attend.
Tuesday Play Reading Section of
the Faculty Women's Club meets at
2:15 p.m. in the Alumnae Room of
the League.
Michigan Dames meeting at 8:15
p.m., Grand Rapids Room, Michigan
Metallurgical Group Meeting: Mr.
William H. Smith speaks on "The
Direct Reduction of Iron Ore and
the Properties and Uses of the Pro-
duct," tonight, at 7:30 o'clock, sharp,
in Room 4215, East Eng. Building.
Coning Events
Chemistry Colloquium meeting,
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 4:00 p.m., Room
303 Chemistry Building. Prof. L. C
Anderson will speak on "The Ab-
sorption Spectra of Free Radicals."

Named Prosecutor

, 5 -Associated Press Photo.
Lieut. Gov. Thomas E. Knight,
Jr., has been retained by the state
as special prosecutor in the widely
publicized Scottsboro Case, in
which nine negroes are charged
with "attacking" two white girls.
club will take a trip to Greenville
Village, Saturday, 10 a.m.
Luncheonfor Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Jan. 8, at 12 o'clock
in the Russian Tea Room, Michigan
League Building. Professor B. E.
Densmore, of the Speech Depart-
ment, will speak informally on "The
Proper Pronounciation of Common
Garden Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet on Wednes-
day, Jan. 8, at 3 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. G. E. Densmore, of Melrose
Avenue. Mr. Smith of the Smith
Chrysanthemum Gardens of Adrian,
Mich., will talk on the subject of
"The Garden Chrysanthemum." All
interested are welcome.
Faculty-Alumni Dance: The second
Faculty-Alumni Dance will be held
on Thursday, Jan. 9, 9:30 p.m., in
the Michigan Union.
You can teach an old dog new
tricks, say Stanford University psy-
chologists. Age has little to do with
learning, and one can learn almost
as easily at 50 as at 20.

lnsane Patient
Kills Michigan
Graduate Here
Carroll 0. Van Gundy, 25,
Slain After Unstrapping
Mercywood Inmate
Carroll O. Van Gundy, 25 years
old, former graduate student who
had been working here in an attempt
to earn funds to enter the Medical
School, was fatally injured by a
violently insane patient at Mercy-
wood Sanitarium Friday afternoon,
only an hour after Van Gundy had
come to the institution to work as an
Although the attack was witnessed
by no one, authorities who investi-
gated the accident reached the con-
clusion that Van Gundy for some un-
determined reason had unstrapped
Eugene Murphy, 24 years old, de-
lirious psychopathic patient from
Chelsea, who was securely strapped
in bed, after bringing him a glass
of water. Murphy had evidently
seized the glass and struck the young
attendant with it, fracturing his
skull and causing a brain hemor-
rhage, according to the autopsy.
Attendants, attracted by the noise
of the struggle, rushed to the room
to rescue Van Gundy, and again con--
finde the patient, but the former
studenthdiedeight hours later in St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital.
Four On Law Faculty
Attend A.A.L.S. Meet
Four members of the Law School
faculty attended the meeting of the
Association of American Law Schools
at New Orleans during the holidays,
and took part in the program. Prof.
Lewis M. Simes read a paper upon
"The Teaching of Administration of
Decedent Estates"; Prof. E. Blythe
Stason led the discussion on "Teach-
ing Legislation" at the meeting of
the round table on legislation; Prof.
Edson R. Sunderland gave a paper
on "The New Federal Rules of Pro-
cedure"; and Prof. Hessel E. Yntema
presented a paper upon "The Ameri-
can Law Institute."
At All Dealers
J. J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 3500

S tart



By Economizing
On Your Laundry!
O NE of your New Year's resolutions should
undoubtedly be "Save Money on Laundry"
and the best way to do that is to start sending
your wash to one of Ann Arbor's leading laun-
dries. You will find that it is no longer profitable
in sending your laundry home since the money
you plan on saving by doing this is eaten up by


express charges.

Then, (o as others have. MakeA

arrangements today with one of the four laun-
dries listed below to pick up your laundry each
week without charge.

Welcome Home, Students!
and to the service which we
are pleased to offer you
Deposits in this Bank Insured by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Farmers & Mechanics Bank
Main at Huron State at the Arcade

Price per lb.


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Minimum Bundle 50c

Shirts Extra


.. 1 0 O

(Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price)
Sox Extra, per pair.. 2c
Handkerchiefs, Extra . Ic

t i

An Easy Solution
for that Suit Case
full of mussed and
Soiled Clothes is to
Call 23-23-1 for
Complete restoring

6 Handkerchiefs
3 Shirts
3 Pairs of Soxa
(Folded - Ready to Wear)
2 Suits of Underwear
2 Bath Towels
1 Pajama Suit

In this new Student Bundle, shirts, handker-
chiefs and socks are finished to meet the most
critical eye - underwear and, pajamas are dried
and folded ready for wear.
SCo. Phone 4185


and Dry Cleaning
Phone 4117




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