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December 20, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-20

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Students And

Gifts Wrapped Nicely Are Twice As Acceptable

League Is Host Student Gives Talk On Hiunting
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Faculty Give
Vacation Plans
Dean Lloyd Will Spend
Holiday In Philadelphia,
New York
Tell Of Other Trips
Seeleys Go To Florida;
Many Other Students To
Visit South
Many varied Christmas vacations
are being planned by members of the
faculty and students. President and
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven are an-
ticipating a pleasant stay in Ann Ar-
bor for the holiday season. Their
son, Bryant, will entertain a number
of his friends at a party Friday, Dec.
Miss Lloyd To Travel
Dean Alice Lloyd will spend the
vacation in Philadelphia and New
York. She will visit about three days
in Philadelphia and the rest of the
time in New York as a guest of her
brother. Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, Assist-
ant Dean, is leaving tomorrow for
Ithaca, N. Y., where she will visit her
son and his wife, and will return to
Ann Arbor around Jan. 1. Miss Jean-
nette Perry will spend the holidays
at her home in Grand Rapids.
Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley
will remain at home and will enter-
tain Mr. and Mrs. Kleene and son
Jack from Ashville, N. C. Mr. and
Mrs. Kleene will arrive tomorrow to
spend the vacation with Mr. and Mrs.
Bursley, who will hold the family
Christmas dinner for this year.
Dean and Mrs. Wilber R. Humph-
reys will visit Mr. Humphreys' par-
ents in Van Wert, Ohio, for two or
three days. Then, they will go on to
Chicago, and return to Ann Arbor for
New Year's Day. Mrs Humphrey's
parents will be their guests for New
To Entertain Guests
,Dean and Mrs. James B. Edmonson
will remain at home and entertain
guests from Chicago and Mrs. Edmon-
son's sister from St. Louis for the
holiday season.
President and Mrs. Charles A. Sink
of the School of Music left for New
York Tuesday where they will spend
a part of the vacation. Then they
will go on to Washington, combining
business with pleasure, and return to
Ann Arbor for New Year's. Prof. and
Mrs. Bennett Weaver will spend five
days in Cincinnati after Christmas.
Among those remaining at home
for Christmas are Dean and Mrs.
Clare E. Griffin, Dean and Mrs. Ed-
ward H. Kraus, Dean and Mrs. Wal-
ter B. Rea, and Dean and Mrs. Her-
bert C. Sadler.
Florida Attracts Many
Among the students who are plan-
ning vacations traveling is Jean Seel-
ey, '36, president of the League Coun-
cil who will leave today for a tour-
ing trip through Florida with-'her par-
ents. Miss Seeley plans to stop in
Miami for several days. Betty Chap-
man, '36, another member of the
League Council will spend a week of
her holidays in New York City, doing
shopping and seeing current plays.
Brenda Parkinson, '36, is planning
on spending some time in northern
Michigan and Laura Zimmerman, '36,
will visit friends in Sidney, O.
Jean Harrison, '38, is driving to
Florida stopping in Miami, Orland,
ar St. Petersburg on the way. Jer-
ome Mallon, '37D, will also spend
the holidays in the South, on Miami
Beach. Norman Williamson, '36,
will spend the major part of his va-
cation in Florida also, the first few
days being spent in New York City.
And still another whom the warm
sun of the south is attracting is Ruth

Ann Christianson, '38, who will leave
Sunday to spend two weeks with
friends in Florida.
Dinner Is Given
By Alumnae Group
The Grand Rapids room in the
Michigan League was the setting,
Wednesday night, for a dinner of the
united groups of the Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti branch of the American As-
sociation of University Women. After
the dinner the company adjourned
to the Ethel Fountain Hussey lounge
for a program in charge of Mrs. Karl
D. Malcolm.
Mrs. A. A. James sang 'While Shep-
herds Watched Their Flocks by
Night,' and Neidlinger's 'The Birth-
day of a King.' The group then
joined in the singing of carols.
A very interesting program entitled
'Christmas Symposium' was present-
ed by Mrs. Allison Heaps.
- - - - - - - -

JL xy X.Ptuact A--4A X-PVV ILI


A hunting we will go," still a very
Al Cowan's Orchestra Is popular slogan of all nations and
people . . . for all animals, tigers to
Featured At Last Event rabbits. was even more of a favorite
Before Holiday Season in ancient times.
Works of art, from wall friezes to
small silver urns and pieces of jewel-
By RUTH; SA gER ry. decorated with scenes of the hunt,
Anticipation of the coming holiday were shown in slides and photo-

the wooden structure enclosing the
animal and pulls up the door, while,
the roaring beast tears out toward the
king. Not only is the ruler well sup-
plied with ammunition, but with sev-
eral servants stationed near, just in
Although lions were the favorite
game of the ancients, other animals
were also hunted. Some wall paint-
ings and reliefs show boar hunts, some
chasing deer, other eagles, and sever-j
al from China portray elephant and
giraffe hunts.
These scenes of hunting are espe-
cially suitable to this period of his-
tory, for artists then had the ability
of picturing the action of animals
very vividly, while their attempts on
humans were stilted and unnatural.

:3-0 E. Litt i 'y Phone 9778
Openl Evenings and Sundays
Hand Picked Eating Apples
6 lbs. for 20c
No. 150 ....42c doz.
No. 200 ... 35c doz.
No. 60... 2 for 15c
25c Gallon
25c Lb.
Christmas Trees - All Sizes
Read The Want Ads

season made the League Open House
last night a gala event.
Al Cowan's orchestra furnished the
music for dancing, and crowds
thronged the ballroom. Seen dancing
were Marcia Connell and Charles
Schuh. She wore a black crepe jump-
er-dress with a pink satin blouse.
Other dancers were Kay Buckley and
nnDon Bostlick. Katharine Johnston,,
in a bright orange tunic dress, and,
George Huntzicker; also Mary Tar-
bell, wearing a dark green crepe dress
with gold clips, and Owen Woodruff.
In the stag line were Dave Barnett
and Bob Keller.
A group of girls from the Stanley{
Chorus sang in the upstairs lobby at
9 p.m., directed by Mr. Albert Tali-I
aferro. Among those singing in the

chorus were Mary Ellen Heitsch, Ger-
trude Bluck. Mary King, and Dorothy
V Love. Miss Ethel McCormick was
,aentseen in a long purple crepe gown,
In Early iReugicns Customs acting as gracious hostess.
Sitting in the lobby to hear the
Ssingers were Martha Steen, in a pale
Germans Decorate First which the people led. In some places, green dress with smocking around the
Trees; Dutch Give Name pyramids of wood, ornamented in the neck, and Phil Ordway; Marion Lotz,
same way, now represent real trees. wearing a black suit with white
To Santa Clans But even before this, in ancient Rome, blouse, and Charles Parker; Edith
_________ predecessors of the trees can be seen Chubb, wearing a lavendar tunic
KATHERINE MOORE in the sprays of laurel and other dress, and Charles McHuugh; and
ByaTHEri un nE greens with which the people decorat- Mary Andrew, in a bright green dress,
Christmas, for all its fun and ed their houses and which they gave with Tommy Ayers.
gaiety, has a great religious signifi- to their friends.
cance for most people. We cannotI T On the third floor, the intellec-
think of it as anything but a celebra- This is also the beginning of tually-minded were playing bridge.
tion of Christ's birth. But though Christmas gifts. Later these became The library was open for all those in-
this is true now, it was not always presents of more value, given to the terested. Marian Dolley, in a pink
so, and in the early days of the Chris- Emperor and to friends. Still later, linen blouse and brown skirt, was seen
tian era many attempts were made by throughout Europe, Christmas be- with Bill Phillips and Paul Kane look-
the church fathers to stamp out all came a child's festival, and children ing about among the books.
celebration of this then pagan holi- I were the chief recipients of gifts. The ping-pong tables were kept
day. Many beings, strange old men and busy. Ruth Field and Bill Schwab
Masters Serve Slaves women, misshapen dwarfs and beau- were seen trying their skill at the
Before the age of Christ, the Sa- tiful fairies, even the Christ child game; also Lucy Marshall and Jack
turnalia and the Kalends of Jan- Himself, bring the presents to the MacLead.
uary, held at this time of year, were children of other countries, but i the All who attended enjoyed the hos-
times of feasting, drinking, and mer- United States we have adopted Santa pitality of the League officials, and
rymaking among the Romans. For Claus, from the Teutonic countries' are looking forward to similar events
a few days the "Lord of Misrule" the source of many of our Christmas during the coming year.
reigned over all and slaves were .s m.
served by their masters. The streets The name Santa Claus is a corrup-
were filled with merrymakers, many tion of the Dutch for St. Nicholas, PHI TAU ALPHA
dressed in wierd costumes, and the a saint about whom so many legends Wayne University chapter of Phi
sounds of revelry continued far into have grown up that it is doubtful Tau Alpha held a meeting at the
the night, if he ever existed. But though he League, at 3 p.m. yesterday. It was a
Another kind of celebration was was once an immigrant, Santa Claus Christmas program, consisting of a
held throughout the rest of Europe has become thoroughly Americanized, piano solo by Antoinette Dalton and
in the late fall, when a general and throughout the United States Dicken's Christmas Carol. The mem-
slaughter took place to reduce the children await the jingle of the bers of the prologue were: Lester
numbers of cattle and hogs to be fed sleighbells on Christmas eve which Houck, Melvin Beaudette, Bernard
and stabled through the winter. announce the coming of Santa and Friedman, Annis Moyars, Ralph
Festivities Return In Middle Ages his bag of toys. Hardvedt and Edith Bowman.
So it is not surprising that the
early Christians, with their disgust.
for all "pleasures of the flesh," did
their best to stop the festivities. It
was not until the Middle Ages that
they realized the futility of their ef-
forts and adopted the holiday as a
celebration of Christ's birth.
The real date of Christ's birth is
very uncertain. Historians do not
believe, however, that it was in the
winter, since this is the rainy season
in Palestine, and shepherds undoubt-
edly would not have been "watching
their flocks in the fields," at this
time of year.
Germans First To Use Trees
The Christmas tree, shining with
lights and bright with tinsel and or-
naments, is the most striking and
relfresentative of our decorations.
This custom came to us from Ger- ~
niany, the land of trees. There, every I
home, no matter how humble, has its
tree, decorated, as has long been the
custom with gilded nuts, apples,
sweets, goldfoil, and colored paper.
Trees were revered in Germany
long ago, since they were so closely
associated with the agricultural life


graphs by Josephine Hadley, '36, in
a talk prepared for a class period in
Islamic art, taught by Prof. Mehemet
Hunting Scenes
More than any other portrayal of
the life of the times, hunting scenes
are by far the most prevelent. This
is explained by the fact that hunting
was a royal occupation in the ancient
courts, and day after day was spent
in the saddle on the chase.
The earliest example of a hunting
scene in art is seen in a terra cotta
relief from Babylonia, dating back
between 2500 to 3000 B.C. Typical
of the art of this period, the portrayal
is very crude. It shows a man on foot,
kneeling on one knee with his bow
drawn. Another scene is from the
twelfth dynasty in Thebes. Here, an-
other man on foot with his bow and
arrows is seen. Surrounding him is
a variety of animals and a number
of hunting dogs . . . the introduction
of hounds in the chase.
In Mycenian art are a number of
very small and intricately designed
objects which show the vivid action
of the hunting. One gold gem has a
great display of action, for the horses
of the hunters are in full gallop. An
interesting feature is the way in
which the horses' legs are pictured,
for none of them are in the ground.
Another famous art piece from this
period is a gold dagger richly inlaid.
On the blade of the dagger is a scene
of a lion hunt.
Assyrian Influence
Ashirn'aspial and Ashurbanipal,
rulers during the Assyrian period of
art, were so fond of hunting that they
killed off all of the available game
in the nearby vicinity. As a result,
lions were sent from the South and
kept in cages to be released at the
discretion of the king. During the
royal hunt, the king rode in a char-
riot drawn by four horses and pro-
tected from the sun by an attendant
carrying an umbrella. One wall re-
lief shows a lion being released from
a cage. An attendant crouches above
A party of more than 80 Girl Re-
serves of the Ann Arbor Young Wom-
en's Christian Association will go
caroling tonight at 7:30. They are
singing at the Anna Botsford Bach
home and at the Washtenaw County
home, where they are being taken by
several members of the association.





Outstanding Values



...And a clever choice
...for she would like
nothing better than
these beautiful slip-
pers of rich velvet ...
soft-soled, in Shuffler
or D'Orsay style! Trim-
med with soft Sherline
colors .. . Black, blue,
peach, and scarlet.


An opportunity to give a useful gift-one that
goes on giving for years and years. Expressing
the thoughtful consideration of the giver by re-
placing the shabby, obsolete stove with the
most beautiful and modern of all cooking ap-
pliances. On our floors now is a special Christ-
mas display of Magic Chefs in many sizes and
color combinations.
I Every purchaser of a new Gas
Range will receive an order
from the Gas Company, to
your own Meat Dealer for a
S ----- ~

The Quarry
wishes to thank you
all for the cheerful-
ness you have shared


For Every Man On
Your Christmas List
From His Favorite Store.


with us this





and Tea 'Room


Shirts (Arrow)
Hat Certificates
Interwoven Hose
[mported Mufflers

Toilet Kits
Cocktail Shakers

We wish you a
Happy Holiday



Suede Jackets





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