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December 20, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-20

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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The lassless
Conference System...
University of Washington in Seattle
advocates a "classless conference" type of instruc-
tion, with the greatest possible freedom given the
instructor in the conduct of these classes.
"Under the present system," Dr. Sieg declares,
"the instructor in class talks too much, regulates
too much, and is too suspicious of the student.
Under the conference system the student would
'crack the whip.'"
He tells of teaching courses in which half of
the students were regular in their attendance,
while the other half did as it pleased in this mat-
ter, making up what had been missed in the class
room at personal conferences.
"Invariably," Dr. Sieg reports, "the conference
students made higher averages in the final tests
than did the students who regularly came to
In addition to this impressive factual evidence,
other distinct advantages which its supporters
hope it would bring are, for example: greater per-
sonal contact with the instructor, increased con-
fidence in one's scholastic ability, and a better
grasp of the essentials of a subject. In the end,
all this means simply that the student would learn
more. No educator will attack this goal, even if he
disagrees with the method Dr. Sieg proposes.
We, however, welcome the presentation of this
plan, not because we believe it will cure all of
the long-standing ills of our educational methods
and not because we believe it will avert all of the
ills which thraten, but mostly because it shows
that one more educator recognizes definite im-
portant probems with which he has to deal and
has attempted to meet those problems, when it
would have been much easier to work among his
ancient Norwegian manuscripts or to play a round
of golf.
Criticism Must
Be Considered.
O NCE AGAIN the administration has
been challenged by Mr. Hoover in
a speech at St. Louis.
No one can deny that his article is not valid,
that the New Deal has been guilty of gross in-
efficiency and wastefulness in its management of
relief. The centralization of relief has resulted in
many evils which must soon be remedied by the

President if he desires to secure another term.
Mr. Roosevelt is undoubtedly justified in taking
the position that Federal aid has been and still
is necessary, but the management of the entire
bureaucracy has resulted in the widespread revival
of the ancient and infamous "spoils system" at
the expense of the civil service. Made work, as
administered at present is just as harmful as the
dole ever was to the morale of the people.
The recent withholding of federal funds for
relief other than by work clearly illustrates how
wholly and shamelessly the states and municipal-
ities have come to depend upon the Federal
This condition must soon be remedied and we
agree with Walter Lippmann who has clearly
shown that the centralized system of relief must
be immediately abolished and urges that a greater
amount of responsibility should be returned to the
Roosevelt is already beginning to realize that
hic r.i fn- nn,' .nnnnvvparnnc.annIha n on a-

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
fetters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
I feel it is my duty to voice a few comments
on the article which appeared on the front page
of the Daily and dealt with a homesick Owosso boy
and his opinions (?) of Florida. Never have I
read such misrepresentations and hope enough
refutation can be found herein to merit a retrial.
Oh yes, I lived in Michigan before going south so
I'm qualified to judge!
It seems the author bases his hasty generaliza-
tions on his stay in Jacksonville. He might just
as well have been in Georgia or the Carolinas.
Climatically speaking, Jacksonville isn't in Flor-
ida! The Gulf Stream is what makes Florida the
paradise it really is. Passing around the south-
ern end of the peninsula, this current sways off
to the east toward Europe. At Jacksonville, 500
miles from the tip end and 30 miles inland, the
stream is 150 miles off the coast.
The portion of Florida benefitted by the Gulf
Stream is truly a southern paradise. I never ex-
perienced or even heard of such difficulties as
Mr. Oliver describes. I never wore an overcoat
or felt the need of a heating system, nor did I
ever have a cold. I can truthfully say the sun
has been hidden more days since my return to
Michigan last summer than during my entire
three years stay in Florida.
The swimming at Jacksonville is in the muddy
St. Johns River, not the ocean. What comparison
is there between Miami or Palm Beach and Lake
Superior in January?
Finally, I can understand why a person would
want to come back to "Meechigan" for a good edu-
cation or a job; but for climate -never! The
least anyone inexperienced and foolish enough
to hold such views can do is not try to pass
them on to others. I feel sure Mr. Oliver will soon
change his viewpoint; but for the present, I wish
to dedicate myself to seeing that you men of
Michigan assume an unbiased attitude as to the
merits of the land "Where the Summer Spends the
-Florida Freshman.
Timid Souls
To the Editor:
Don't scold so. Everyone there would liked to
have sun, just as much as you would have liked to
have had them. And almost everyone, in their own
small way, was trying.
With songs not too familiar, light too dim to
read the words, and leaders too far away on the
steps, it took a brazen courage to peal forth in
an atmosphere of peace and gentleness.
Don't you think a few leaders scattered here
and there, throughout the crowd, would have
helped to have brought out more volume? They
would have helped and encouraged we more timid
souls who wanted to sing - else we would not
have been there. Please don't scold us too hard;
we did the best we knew how.
As Others See It
Prices In Sweden
(From the Oklahoma Daily)
IN SWEDEN the problem of keeping prices at
reasonable levels without government regulation
has been met simply and effectively by the Con-
sumers' Co-operative society.
The foundation for this association was made
35 years ago when the union was formed, and
five years ago was spent collecting data to deter-

mine how would-be cooperators should act. Now
it buys and sells at wholesale. It has even ex-
tended its scope' to include foreign trade, and its
ships tiring back to the little northern peninsula
rugs and other luxuries from Persia. Agriculture
also comes in for stabilization of prices under
this system.
Private industry has not been eliminated, but the
union has served as a yard stick, standing as a
threat to unscrupulous practices. This should
provide thought-provoking material for United
States citizens who hesitate to vest in the President
and Congress the right to develop such yardstick
projects as the TVA. - Suzanne Arnote.
THE ENTHUSIASTIC response with which un-
dergraduates have cooperated with the Com-
parative College Poll on Current Events awakens
us to the realization that there is something vitally
lacking in the roster of courses offered in the
Wharton School. While there may be kindred
subjects taught in Logan Hall, there is no course
which deals specifically with the interesting sub-
ject of current events.
To our mind there is a definite need for, say a
one semester course for seniors, patterned after
the seminar courses, in which contemporary prob-
lems of national significance might be discussed.
Issues such as unemployment, constitution, peace
and governmental administration, all of which
have been advanced as vital problems by students
in the poll, require the attention of those who
are on the verge of graduation. It is not long
before they. too. must cone with these issues as

The Conning Tower
Farm Fever
65-Foot Lawley Schooner -Perfect con-
dition, complete every detail - will sell
or exchange for farm or other suburban
property near New York, preferably Con-
necticut. - Box CC 63, The Wall Street
I must go back to the farm again,
Back from the sea and the sky.
And all I ask is a cottage small'
And a barn and a shed and a sty.
'And the horses' neigh and the donkey's bray
And the rooster crowing,
And the quiet hum from over the hill
When the scythes are mowing.
I must go back to the farm again,
For the call of a quiet pond
Is a sweet call and a clear call
To which I must respond.
And all I ask is a summer's day
With white clouds flying
And scented fields and pungent hay
And wild geese crying.
I must go back to the farm again
To that placid rural life
To the squirrel's way and the bee's way
Where there's never a thought of strife.
And all I ask is a merry tramp
With a dog whose name is Rover
And a quiet sleep and a sweet dream
When the mortgage payment's over.
It is the Mayor's suggestion that an extra
nickel per $100 be added to the taxes on real
estate for the purpose of building the Municipal
Art Center. That means not an extra nickel to
the rate, but to the amount of the tax; no great
amount of money for a person owning property
assessed at, say $20,000; in Manhattan it would
be 25 cents. The motto of the governments,
Federal and municipal, is "Another little tax
won't do any harm."
Of course, it is cynical defeatist attitude to
take whenever some project, like lower rates for
this or that, or big plans for that or this, to say
that Nothing Will Come of It. Our guess is that
nothing will come of the big plans for the Muni-
cipal Art Center. The taxpayers will kick and
scream before they will pay one more nickel,
though many would be asked to pay literally
no more than that. The Mayor hopes, he says,
to have the Philharmonic play there, and to have
it the home of the Metropolitan Opera Company.
It will be a long time, our guess is, after the
establishment of the Municipal Art Center, when
the orchestras used to Carnegie Hall and the
operatic bosses used to the Metropolitan Opera
House will fly from those firm rocks.
His charming and beautiful wife is Audrey
Wurdemann whom, Jack Hicky reveals, possesses
the beauty similar to Atlanta's own Mrs. Joseph
Cooper. - Atlanta Constitution. .
She is also the girl whom won the Pulitzer
It is a long reach from the Townsend plan
to what was erroneously referred to for many
years -still is referred to - as the Osler theory.
More than twenty-five years ago, Dr. William
Osler, one of medicine's few great men, referred
in a speech to somebody in one of Anthony
Trollope's novels - the name of the character and
the novel we cannot recall -as one who had
spoken of chloroforming everybody more than
sixty years of age. Dr. Osler, newspapers - or
maybe it was newspaper readers- became known
to the public chiefly for being a heartless fellow
who wanted to chloroform everybody sixty years
of age, regardless. While medical men virtually
cross themselves at mention of his name, the
usual comment made by those who remember
even Sir William Osler's name is "Oh, yes, that
was that fool doctor whowanted to chloroform
And, in the days when the Osler story started,

our interest in the chloroforming of sixty-year-
olds was remote and academic; now we think
that the Townsend plan takes in striplings of
There is no appeasing publishers. A too enter-
prising firm suggests that the title of one of
the books on the Christmas list be changed to
"Pepys on the Bounty," "A Pepys at the Opera,"
or "Pepys Meets Girl."
Radio Station KVOS, at Bellingham, Wash.,
has been enjoined from pirating news gathered
by The Associated Press. Such broadcasting, in
the opinion of Judge William Denman, of the
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the taking of
such news and broadcasting is unfair competition.
The opinion was long, and there was stuff in it
about the Constitution and a free press, and it
seemed to us that the opinion was pretty sound.
So there will be no broadcast tomorrow night
from the Newspaper Guild meeting, which will
discuss, among other things, the case of Morris
Watson, fired from the A.P. for alleged activity
with the Guild.
It seems to us that Mr. Hoover's style is bet-
ter than in his old White House days. Either
he has suddenly discovered the magic of the
phrase or somebody has been guiding his pen.
"The sunlit road of frank debate" is good enough
for the refrain to a ballade. "A rainmaker's
cabalistic dance" he said; and that phrase is not
the kind that he used in many of his messages
to Congress. It sounds as though he had a gag
man; and there are dozens of them in California;

A Washington
WASHINGTON.Dec. 19. - One
definitionof "superstition" is a
popular notion attributing unintel-
ligible influence to trivial things. That
applies particularly, according to dic-
tionary writers, to "political super-
AS an illustration, that off-season
congressional by-election in
Rhode Island which saw a Demo-
cratic seat lost to a Republican, was
the spark-plug for a remarkable se-
quence of political events. That
happened long before the business of
straw-vote polling in anticipation of
the next Presidential campaign got
underway. Yet it was read immed-
iately as confirmation of a fond Re-
publican hope that President Roose-
velt and his "new deal" were "slip-
ping" in popular favor.
It can be and is argued that sub-
sequent political events prove the
Rhode Island omen to have been re-
markably fraught with significance.
It can be and is argued just as loudly
on the other side that it had nothing
to do with national political thought
and was wrong even if it did. Which-
ever is right, makes no practical dif-
ference. The Rhode Island election
certainly helped set off a storm of
"anti-new deal" activity the scope of
which still is to be determined. It is
said to have had an important in-
fluence on even such seemingly re-
mote matters as the subsequent
municipal election in New York City.
Townsend Plan Omen
NOW another example of this ex-
treme sensitiveness of political minds
to trivial omens and portents can be
cited. It is Dr. Townsend and his
chief lieutenants of the Townsend
Plan organization.
They did not wait for the Michiganf
congressional district that went
Townsend-plan in a five-way Repub-
lican primary even to record its final
judgment at the subsequent election.
They rushed into print with an-
nouncement of a forthcoming presi-
dential ticket and a one-plank plat-
form. Theretofore they had talked
only of gunning for Townsend-plan
endorsement in the house and senate
elections next year, putting up their
own man where neither of the regular
party candidates came across.
That ambitious program could be
of great concern to both major par-
ties in the coming campaign. Here is
what amounts to a direct appeal to
"Old Democrats" and "Old Repub-
licans" alike as against the stock ap-
peal of both major parties to the
"young" voters.
An off hand opinion might hold
this new third party threat pecu-
liarly menacing to President Roose-
velt's re-election. At first blush that
would seem true, on the theory that
the Townsend-plan is a leftist move-
ment, an ultra-liberal project which
would draw from his liberal support.
But old age is as common to Re-
publicans as Democrats.
by Gordon Enders, with Edward
Anthony; Farrar & Rinehart.
Don't let the rather gaudy dust
jacket of Nowhere Else in the World
discourage you, for assisted by Ed-
ward Anthony, a young man named
Gordon Enders has done something
unique with the familiar Tibetan
story. Mr. Anthony is the chap who

helped Frank Buck with "Bring 'Em
Back Alive" and "Wild Cargo," and
Clyde Beatty with "The Big Cage."
So you must not blame Mr. En-
ders for the often spurious speed of
the book; things don't go as fast as
they seem to go for Mr. Anthony -
not in Tibet. This speed is only a
holdover from Messrs. Buck and
What Mr. Enders has done is to
show as nobody else has to date that
Tibetans are human beings, and that
at least one'Tibetan and his follow-
ers ,the Panchan Lama, sees the
world outside as it is, and is willing to
use modern technology to help him-
self and his people. Whether it will
really be a help to either of them re-
mains to be seen. The rest of the
world is waiting for an answer to the
same question.
The reader will find all the exotic
matter he wants in the book. He will
read about a yak which killed a man
by licking him -it is not so difficult
as it sounds, for yaks have tongues
like files. He will see a picture of the
gigantic holy carpet of Tsong-kapa
which when unrolled over the heads
of many thousand monks, covers a
mountainside. He will learn about
sculpture in yak butter; perhaps the
origin of our own soap sculpture -
and many other things.
But also he will see the Panchan
Lama in Shanghai, planning airplane
lines which may some day open Tibet
to touring parties from Vassar and
Radcliffe as well as bring Tibetan

Pius Confers
Red Hats On
16 Cardinals 4
I olemn S lendor Attends

CeremonyIn Consistory; Faculty Meeting, College of Litera-
y .?ture, Science and Arts: The regular
Thousands Applaud January meeting of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science and
VATICAN CITY, Dec. 19. - W) - the Arts will be held in Room 1025
Pope Pius, in a ceremony of great Angell Hall Monday afternoon, Jan.
pomp and solemn splendor, conferred 6, beginning at 4:10 o'clock. Shortly
red hats today on 16 of the new car- before that date the itemized agenda
dinals he created in Monday's secret for this meeting will be mailed to
consistory. members of the faculty.
The other four cardinals, papal

FRIDAY, DEC. 19, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 68

Nuncios at Vienna, Madrid, Warsaw I
and Paris, will receive their hats at
their posts.
Silver trumpets, sounded from af
high balcony in the ancient cathedralc
of St. Peter, heralded the Pope's ap-
proach to the ceremony on his throne,
carried on the shoulders of 12 scarlet-
clad attendants. He wore a bishop's
Tens of thousands of the faithful
cheered and waved hands and hand-
kerchiefs, many mounting chairs andE
pews to see him better as he was
carried up the nave.
Midway to the central altar the
procession halted while the Pope de-
scended for a moment to pray at the
Chapel of the Holy Sacrament.
The shouts became a continuous
roar when the Pope again came into
full view of the vast crowd as he
passed the Tomb of St. Peter and the
central altar and was carried into the
right transept, where he mounted
another throne.
There, near the altar of SS. Pro-
cesso and Martiniano, were performed
the ceremonious rites of the public
consistory, the conferring of the red
hats to the new cardinals "for the ex-
altation of peace and quiet among
Christian peoples."
A Te Deum was sung by the fa-
mous Sistine Choir.
Cardinal Santiago Luis Copello, of
Argentina, only prelate of the west-
ern hemisphere raised to the purple
in this consistory, was in the con-
clave - center of attention of the
several hundred students of the Lat-
in-American college, and a represen-
tation of diplomats from Latin-Amer-
ican nations.
OP Attempts
Draft Of New
1Farm Program
Farm Specialists Sought
As Aides In Formulating
Substitute For AAA
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. - (A) -
Some Republican leaders were re-
ported today to be taking preliminary
steps toward drafting a farm pro-
gram which might be offered as a
substitute for the New Deal's AAA.
G.O.P. circles were said to be quiet-
ly selecting a group of farm special-
ists to formulate a program they con-
sider workable.
The Washington Post says Harri-
son Spangler of Iowa, director of
Republican western headquarters,
conceded that such a group is being
The paper says there are uncon-
firmed reports that former governor
Frank O. Lowden, of Illinois; George
N. Peek, recently resigned as the
President's adviser on international
trade, and Dr. John N. Coulter, for-
mer member of the tariff commis-
sion, wil be asked to serve.
The plan might be submitted to
party leaders when they gather in
Cleveland next June for the national
Farm Income Up
Whatever the Republicans do,
Roosevelt men said today that when
Democratic stump speakers swing
into action next year, they will lay
emphasis on the point that farm in-
come is on the increase. This will be
one of their chief defenses for AAA
Yesterday the Department of Agri-
culture estimated that gross income
for farmers from crops, livestock and
benefit payments would be $8,110,-
000,000 this year, an increase of near-
ly 12 per cent over the $7,266,000,000
for 1934.
Prices farmers received for crops
were about 13 per cent less than last
year, the department said, but heav-

ier production for some crops raised
the aggregate considerably.
'Gross income from 79 crops was
placed at $3,400,000,000 this year and
in 1934 $3,043,000,000. The estimates
on income from livestock and live-
stock products jumped from $3,629,-
000 last year to $4,230,000,000 in 1935,
while benefit payments dropped from
$594,000,000 in 1934 to $480,000,000
this year.
Crops Report
Most of the decline in benefit pay-
ments, Secretary Wallace said, was
due to a saving in the corn-hog pro-
Acreage harvested from 44 major
crops was estimated at 327,661,000,
an increase of 41,000,000 from last
year, but a reduction of 28,000,000
frnmfhaavaa a frm 192 o,1Q

Bowling: The bowling alleys in the
Women's Athletic Building will not
be open during the Christmas vaca-
tion at the regular hours. If a group
of four or more wish to bowl, they
may make reservation by calling Uni-
versity 721.
College of Engineering, schedule of
examinations: Feb. 1 to Feb. 12, 1936.
NOTE : For courses having both
lectures and quizzes, the Time of Ex-
ercise is the time of the first lecture
period of the week; for courses hav-
ing quizzes only, the Time of Exercise
is the time of the first quiz period.
Drawing and laboratory work may
be continued through the examina-
tion period in amount equal to that
normally devoted to such work during
one week.
Certain courses will be examined
at special periods as noted below the
regular schedule. All cases of con-
flicts between assigned examination
periods should be reported for ad-
justment to Professor J. C. Brier,
Room 3223 East Engineering Build-
ing, before Jan. 29. To avoid misun-
derstandings and errors, each student
should receive notification from his
instructor of the time and 'place of
his appearance in each course during
the period Feb. 1 to Feb. 12.
No single course is permitted more
than four hours of examination. No
date of examination may be changed
without the consent of the Classifica-
tion Committee.
Time of Exercise Time of Exam.

Mon., at 8.


at 9.
at 11.
at 1.
at 2.
at 3.
at 8.
at 9.
at 10.
at 11.
at 1.
at 2.
at 3.

Mon., Feb. 3-8-12
Fri., Feb. 7-8-12
Mon., Feb. 10-8-12
Tues., Feb. 11-2- 6
Mon., Feb., 3-2- 6
Tues., Feb. 11-8-12
Mon., Feb. 10-2- 6
Fri., Feb. 7-2- 6
Tues., Feb 4-8-12
Tues., Feb. 4-2- 6
Wed., Feb. 12-8-12
Wed., Feb. 5-2- 6
Thurs., Feb. 6-8-12

E.M. 1, 2; C.E. T. *Sat., Feb. 8-8-12
Surv. 1, 2, 4; Spanish. *Sat., Feb. 8-
ME. 3; French. *Thurs., Feb. 6-2-6
E.E. 2a; Shop 2, 3, 4; German. *Sat-
Draw. 1, 2, 3; Economics. *Thurs.,
Feb. 6-8-12
*This may be used as an irregular
period provided there is no conflict
with the regular printednschedule
Coming Events
University High School Alumni:
The annual alumni basketball game
will be played at the U. High gymna-
sium on Friday, Jan. 3.
Auto Strikers'
Future Action
Still In Doubt
Report From. United Auto
Workers, Motor Products
Corp., Conflicting
DETROIT, Dec. 19. - (P)-Fail-
tire of a proposed "sitdown" strike of
United Auto Workers to force conces-
sions from the Motor Products Corp.
management left future action of the
union in doubt today.
Conflicting reports came out of
the plant, at 11801 Mack Avenue, late
Wednesday afternoon when the day
shift left. Several employes said no
"sitdown' had occurred. W. V. Hel-
mel, vice-president of the company
and its official strike spokesman, said
there had been no shutdown.
F. J. Dillon, international presi-
dent of the union, which is affiliated
with the American Federation of
Labor, said that members of the
local sat down at their machines for
a half-hour. He did not know how
many were involved, he said.
"The management agreed to meet
a committee from the union, but only
on condition that the men return to
work before the conference began,"
Dillon said.
"When the committee of employes
met A. R. Kelso, the production man-
ager, Kelso refused each of their de-
mands. He refused to take the city
police away from the plant and said
the company would do as it pleased
about rehiring its employes who were
out on strike or who had not been
allowed to return to work after the
plant was closed on the outbreak of
the independents' strike."
nlvvynl P ant l anc nienl nnt h

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