The Weather Cldudy, hi;cal ews prob ble tcday and tomorrow; colder tomorrow. C, r gld, F0 rlx AOF AfIV AWA4o...wtr t gan ati Editorials It Can Be Called A Success .. A New Type Of Investigation:. r. XLVI No. 69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS 7 Daily Fund TrophyI Presen ted Senior Society Is Awarde Cup For Recognition O Goodfellow Work Honorable Mention To Theta Delta Chi Druids Also Acknowledge By Trophy Committe For SpiritIn Drive The Michigan Daily Goodfello Trophy for 1935 will be presented t Senior Society, Dean Joseph A. Burs ley, chairman of the trophy commit tee, announced last night. Druids and Theta Delta Chi fra ternity were awarded honorable men tion by the committee, which con sisted, in addition to Dean Bursley, o Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Jean Seeley, '36 president of the League, and Wence Neumann, '36, president of the Union The trophy, presented by Burr Patterson & Auld, was awarded for the most cooperative spirit shown in the Goodfellow campaign to provide food and clothing for needy students children and families. Final count of the Goodfellow fund last night revealed that exactly $1, 372.00 had been given by students faculty and townspople during the 10-hour drive Monday. Of this sum $160 was gained through advertising in The Daily. Expenses of publishing the issue amounted to $110, of which half was donated by The Daily, it was announced last night by George Ath- erton, '36, business manager. This leaves a net total of $1,317, the dis- tribution of which will be announced tomorrow. Led by Betty Greve, their president, 10 members of Senior Society earned the Goodfellow Trophy by donning aprons and selling in Angell Hall lobby and under the Engineering Arch throughout the day.YMiss Greve was the most successful of all therGood- fellows, having taken in more than $32 through her own efforts. Purchases of food baskets for the needy was begun yesterday with a working fund assigned the Family Welfare Bureau, Mrs. A. S. Whitney, president, announced. Overflow Crowd Attends Sing On Library Steps Students Join Ann Arbor In Traditional Affair; Mattern Leads A crowd which filled the steps of the Library, the space in front, and overflowed out into the diagonal gathered last night for Ann Arbor's fifth Community Sing. The great Christmas tree near the center of the Diagonal added the spirit of the season to the first Sing in which members of the student body have participated. The pro- gram of Christmas hymns was opened with the playing of chimes, and the clear notes, which could be heard far over the campus, called together the large group of singers, who were led from the steps by Prof. David W. Mattern of the School of Music. Each hymn was played through once by 15 members of the Varsity R.O.T.C. Band. Members of the University Glee Club, the Stanley Chorus and the Lyra Male Chorus attended the Sing, and made it a truly musical event. Mimeographed sheets with the words of ill of the hymns sung were passed out. All of the familiar Christmas hymns, "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear," "Silent Night," "0 Come All Ye Faithful," "Little Town of Beth- lehem" and others were sung.-' After the singing on the General Library steps, a group of the choris- ters went on to the St. Joseph's Hos- pital and the University Hospital to entertain the patients. The Band and a number of the singers went along with this group, bringing to an end in successful fashion an event which is fast becoming a tradition in Ann Arbor and at the University. - i A.S.M.E. Presents 'Spoofuncup' To 'Unpopular' Professor Lay Speakers Timed By Sto Clock In Annual 'Roast' Of Engineers In Union By FRED WARNER NEAL d As the most popularly unpopulai professor in the engineering college f -"the man who can take it"-stu- dent members of the American So- ciety of Mechanical Engineers award- ed the "spoofuncup" to Prof. Walter E. Lay last night at their annual "roast" in the Union. i Amid loud boos, equalled only by the laughter of both professors and students, Professor Lay was decided Il winner of the dubious honor by a e slight margin over Burdell I. Springer of the aeronautical engineering de- partment. The, vote came as a con- clusion to the students' annual eve- w ning of razzing the engineering col- o lege faculty. The awarding of the "spoofuncup," a tin affair with two - spoons, a cup and a funnel, is highly prized by the engineering professors - and was the most important event of - the banquet. Professor Springer, who took his f defeat with a smile, was nominated , first in Chinese and then in English 1 by Robert Yee, '36E. Yee's speech . was one of the several times that , the combination clock and light ap- SRFC Officers Arrive To Aid In Bank Merger Examiners Aim To Decide Which Loans Will Go To Bank, Which To FDIC Plans for the recently announced merger' project of three Ann Arbor banks were set into action yesterday with the arrival in town of repre- sentatives of the Reconstruction Fi- nance Corporation and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to ex- amine records and holdings of the banks involved. After conferring in Lansing with State Banking Commissioner Ru- dolph E. Reichert, former Senator Phillips L. Goldsborough and W. R. Milford of the Federal Deposit In- surance Corporation, and Sam Hus- band, representing the Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation came to Ann Arbor to inspect paper and se- curities of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, the First National Bank and Trust Co., and the Farmers and Me- chanics Bank, preparing for their consolidation into a single banking unit. To Classsify Loans The immediate aim of the examin- ers is to decide which of the more slowly liquidating loans will be taken over by the FDIC and which will be transferred to the new bank. The Federal representaties hope to com- plete this task by Jan. 1. Stockholders of the three merged banks will then be given first oppor- tunity to subscribe to the $180,000l of common stock for the new bank after which the new stockholders will meet for organization purposes. A board of directors will be chosen at1 the time, which in turn will select a president and a sit for the new bank and its campus branch. Presidents of the merging institu- tions at present are William L. Walz, Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Robert F. Gauss, First National Bank and Trust Co., and Fred T. Stowe, Farmers and1 Mechanics Bank.k Buildings Available Buildings from which the new bankt will have to choose its main office are the Ann Arbor Savings Bank building on Main Street across from the Court House, where that bank has been housed since 1879, 10 years after its founding; the First National Bank Building, finished in 1929, on the southeast corner of Washing- ton and Main Streets, largest office building in Ann Arbor; and the Farmers and Mechanics Bank, a two- story building on the southeast corner of Main Street and Huron Avenue. For the campus branch, the direc- tors will have a choice between the, Farmers and Mechanics branch at1 the east end of the Nickels Arcade1 and the Ann Arbor Savings branch1 at 707 N. University Ave. Presbyterians Will Give Dinner Tonight1 The annual Christmas congrega-c paratus, a device suspiciously resem- bling an infernal machine, allegedly built for the occasion by Prof. Robert D. Brackett of the engineering col- lege English department, failed to work. League Holds Annual Open HouseToday More Than 5,000 Students Hoare Resigns On Issue To Split Cabinet; War Brackett 'Clocks' Speakers Are Expected To Attend According to the "mechanical guide A A ffalr for speakers," each participant in the program was allowed one minute, as timed by Professor Brackett's clock. Concert Is Planned The professor, however, who acted as "roastmaster," allowed himself the By Stanley Chorus privilege of stopping the clock when- ever he deemed it proper, and at times seemed to have difficulty in starting it Special Tours Of Entire again.Building Are Included Apparently because Frank Denni- son, Jr., '36E, president of the aero On Program branch of the A.S.M.E. thought Pro- I fessor Brackett's invention would not More than 5,000 students are ex- work, Dean Herbert C. Sadler was in- pected to attend the annual Open terrupted in the middle of his ad- House to be held from 7:30 p.m. until dress by receiving a telegram, which 10:30 p.m. today in the League. This read: "Your time is up. Please sit will be the final campus party before down." The dean sat down amid up- the holday season. roarious laughter. The complete schedule of events, Graham Does Imitations and plans for the affair were an- Next to the razzing given them by nounced by Julie Kane, '36, chairman, Nex totherazin gien hemby at last night. their own colleague, Professor Brack- The evening's entertainment is to ett, the engineering college faculty Tle dancg, bthcta ct and "took it on the chin" the hardest from include dancing, both contract and Walker R. A. Graham, literary college auction bridge, ping gong tourna- junior, who imitated several of the ments, and special tours of the entire professors in their more or less pe-building. is to be opened for men for the first culiar characteristics. The real fun time. did not come, however, until the nom- Committee Members To Assist inations for the "spoofuncup." Those Members of the house-reception that were heard over the laughter and social committees of the League of both professors and students were are to assist in conducting the tours, made on charges of being the most and to serve as hostesses for the eve- boring lecturer; giving the worst ning. These committee members are course; giving the most bluebooks; asked to report at the undergraduate and telling poor jokes. office at 7:30 p.m., Miss Kane an- Faculty men nominated for the nounced. most popularly unpopular, always the Headlining tonight's program will best liked by engineering college stu- be a concert given by the newly re- dents, included Prof. Orlan W. Bos- organized Stanley Chorus. They will ton, Prof. Henry C. Anderson, Wil- sing a group of songs ranging from Liam F. Bone, and Prof. Roy S. Swin- the traditional Christmas carols to ton. The vote, the results of which modern popular music, Ruth Rich, were decided by a jury of three, was '36, president of the chorus, stated. taken by boos. Professor Lay and The concert is to begin at 9:15 p.m. Mr. Springer were tied at first, and in the Concourse of the League. even in the run-off, the booing was Achilles Taliferro will direct the sing- close, the jury saiding. This program will take the place of the group's usual Christmas con- cert. S upr iine ourtFree dancing in the Ballroom will SupremeC ourtenn begin at 8:30 p.m. and continue until To 'TestTVA's 10:30 p.m. with Al Cowan and his To T st YAS orchestra playing. Art Exhibition Arranged Yardstick Plan In addition, an Art Exhibition, ar- ranged by Prof. Jean Paul Slusser'sy students in the College of Architec- WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.--(A)- ture, will be on display in the Con- The New Deal's power "yardstick" course and in the main corridor. policy is next in line in the swift pro- Late permission, extending until cession of new laws coming before 11 p.m., has been granted to the wom-j the Supreme Court for review. en attending the League Open House, Tomorrow the high court will hear Miss Kane announced. oral arguments in the dispute over Decorations for the affair will be the Tennessee Valley administration, carried out in the Christmas motif. pictured by Roosevelt forces as a pub- Several evergreen trees have been lic power "yardstick" with which to decorated and placed throughout the measure the reasonableness of private building. These trees are to remain electricity rates. up during vacation for the benefit of1 Attacking this program yesterday, the students remaining in town, of- the Alabama Power Co. left a brief ficials stated. I Herriot Will Q-uit TodayT i I , 1 1 Laval Government Faces Imminent Collapse After Action Of Minister Ethiopian Offensive Broken Up By Italy Mussolini Leads Nation In Defiance Of 'Crooked Europe' PARIS, Dec. 18. - (') - Premier Pierre Laval's French government was threatened tonight with collapse after minister Edouard Herriot an- nounced he would resign from the cabinet tomorrow because of disagree- ment with the premier's foreign pol- icies. M. Laval, whose position was shak- en only a short time before by an- nouncement of the resignation of Sir Samuel Hoare, British foreign sec- retary who helped him write the widely-maligned Anglo-French plan for African peace, was faced with withdrawal of vital support of the radical socialist parties. Herriot also quit the party's pres- idency. The former premier's decision to leave the cabinet was reported in radical socialist circles to have been based on disapproval of Laval's "weak" support of the League of Na- tions through the Italo-Ethiopian crisis. Herriot also felt, it was said, that M. Laval was "flirting" with Ger- many and that he feared a projected alliance with Soviet Russia would be brushed aside by the Premier at the behest of the rightists. Leftist elements immediately called upon Laval to resign in turn as equal- ly guilty with Sir Samuel Hoare, who quit as British foreign secretary today accused of "sabotaging" the League covenant. Sir Samuel ana M. Laval collab- orated in writing the peace plan. The tendency toward letting the Italians and Ethiopians fight out their war on the battlefield was spreading in French official quarters tonight, in- formed circles said. (Copyright, 1936, by Associated Press) ERITREA, Dec. 18. - Thirty thous- and wild Ethiopian warriors com- manded by Ras Imeru, forced by Ital- ian troops to retire a long the Tak- kaze River front, again have been sur- rounded and are in danger of anni- hilation, Italian officials announced tonight. Italian outposts, numerically in- ferior to the Ethiopian force, fell back to Dembe Guina pass after a savage Ethiopian attack and been halted by tanks and machine gun volleys in a three-day batlte. (Rome claimed an Italian victory with more than 500 Ethiopians and about 300 Italians killed. ROME, Dec. 18. -- (P) - The omin- ous shadow of a midnight meeting of the Fascist Grand Council, Italy's rul- ers - royal and dictatorial - pro- claimed the Kingdom's "victory" and faith" today at the end of a month of economic siege from Sanctionist Nations. Queen Elena, tall and garbed in black, implored divine aid "for triumphs for Roman civilization in Africa." With the court she opened, a nationwide offering of wedding rings before the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Premier Benito Mussolini, standing among his peasants at Pontiia, ried, "We will fight" against "crooked Europe." Local Resident Is Injured In Accident Merle Groulx, 29 years old, ofa Route 5, Ann Arbor, suffered a frac- tured cervical vertebrae in an auto- mobile accident on Territorial Road yesterday afternoon, but his condi- tion was pronounced as satisfactory by St. Joseph's Hospital physicians last night. Groulx had driven a Reo truck, towing a wagon of corn, onto Ter- ritorial'Road one half mile east of U. Of California Is R anked First In List OfColleges (By Associated Collegiate Press) BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 18.- The University of California, the Univer- sity of Wisconsin and Harvard were ranked in that order as distinguished institutions of learning by Walter C. Eells, writing in the current Atlantic Monthly. The article was written in refuta- tion of a similar piece, by Edwin R. Embree, which appeared in the Atlantic last year. Embree, declar- ing that Harvard was "in a class by itself," placed it at the top of his list. According to Eells, Embree's article was "dogmatic and annoying" and was the result of subjecting the facts to "violent and perhaps questionable treatment." "In my study," says Eels, "the in- stitutions were ranked in order-first according to number of departments in which they were judged to be 'ade- quately staffed and equipped' and' second by a composite method in which a weight of two was assigned to each field in which the institution was distinguished and a weight of one to each field in which it was judged adequate but not distinguished. "By the first method the Univer- sity of California and the University of Wiscopsin are tied for first place, each adequately staffed and equipped in 31 of 35 departments, while Har- vard is tied with 29. By the sec- ond (or weighted) method, Californiai and Harvard are tied for first place, with Columbia second." 1 Another Works Program Seent For Next Year President Hints 1936 Mayt Usher In $500,000,000 Public Works Plan WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.-0()- Informed sources hinted today that( 'he Roosevelt relief program for nextt year may include only one impor-1 tant new outlay --a public works program mentioned by the President yesterday. This program the Presi- dent said, probably would total some- vhat less than $500,000,000.1 The chief executive disclosed that he would propose it to the session of1 ,ongress opening next month, but 'le did not indicate whether there would be other major recommenda- ions for relief.t Only Plan Suggestedr Today, however, there was said to1 'e a possibility that the $500,000,000 nay be the only sizeable recommen- lation in this field.- The $4,880,000,000 work and relieft fund the administration is now1 ipending was appropriated for ther iscal years 1936 and 1937. All the mnoney has been allotted to variouse projects, and officials estimate thatt all but $900,000,000 will be spent byt next June 30, the end of the 1936 fiscal year. By redistributing this unspent money, they say it would be possiblec to care for most of the needy unem- ployed until Congress meets again in January, 1937. Officials are count- ing on a further pickup in private in-I dustry to lighten the relief rolls byI at least several thousand "employ-s ables." Will Be A Specific Billt Besides being less than one-ninth I the size of the mammoth work re- lief appropriation put through at the1 last session after a long, strenuous7 fight, the new request will be differ-7 ent in another major respect. The bill, the President disclosed, will carry appropriations for speci-t fic projects ,and will not be a blan- ket request for a lump sum, to ber used much as the administration de- Baldwin Retracts Position Of Support For Hoare To Save His Cabinet Anglo-French Plan Rejected By League Foreign Secretary Hands In Resignation In Face Of Parliamentary Ire LONDON, Dec. 18. - () -The British cabinet, driven to cover by the storm evoked by the proposed peace plan for the Italo-Ethiopian war, ducked part of the heavy can- nonading expected in commons' de- bate tomorrow when Sir Samuel Hoare, foreign secretary, resigned to- night. It was Hoare, who with Premier Pierre Laval, of France, drew up the plan, and his retirement gave Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin a chance to disclaim cabinet responsi- bility when he seeks a vote of con- fidence on the issue. Baldwin previously had indicated that he would stand firmly against the storm, at least until after action in commons. Early today he de- fended the proposal in commons. Hoare's resignation, accepted imme- diately, caused one of the greatest British political sensations in years. Conservatives Affected Opposition to the peace plan had reached even to the ranks of the Con- servative Party, which was given an overwhelming majority in the recent general elections. Critics contended it would reward Italy for aggression There ware rumors that Baldwin himself might replace Hoare as Ffor- eign secretary or the post may be offered to Neville Chamberlain, now chancellor of the exchequer. Anthony Eden, minister for League affairs, who was believed privately opposed to the peace proposal, was another possibility. At Hoare's home, where he has been secluded since he broke his nose in a fancy-skating contest in Switzer- land last week, burly policemen turned away inquirers. Appointment of Hoare, formerly secretary for India, to the foreign affairs post last June, created sur- prise. It was secret diplomacy that brought his downfall. British public opinion was aroused to furious pro- test at revelations of the peace plan hatched by Hoare in secret confer- ence with Laval. (Copyrighted, 1935, by Associated Press) GENEVA, Dec. 18. - With the Ang- lo-French plan to halt the African war late tonight on the brink of League of Nations burial, shorn of support from the very nations which made it, no one around the horse- shoe table of the League council arose today to defend it as a good plan - not even Anthony Eden or Pierre La- val, spokesmen for Great Britain and France. Ethiopia waived the scheme fare- well with undisguised irony. It would have given Benito Mussolini many of the territorial and economic rights he has been trying to take by military might. Eden and Pierre Laval did, how- ever, emphasize that the best of in- tentions actuated their nation's in the formulation of the proposal. Italy's seat at the council table was vacant. Whether or not it was an intentional Roman "sanction" it was a fact that Il Duce had boycotted the session. Describes Purpose Eden, in a statement formally ap- proved by the British cabinet before he left London, described the peace suggestion as a sort of trial alone "advanced in order to ascertain what the views of the two parties and the League might be." "His Majesty's government recom- mended them only for this purpose," he added, and he stressed that Great Britain would not pursue the plan further if it failed to meet the ap- proval of the League. AfterwardsBritishcircles referred to the plan as an "attempt at concil- iation which has failed." Nobody-Eden, Laval or any LeaLpe fic rial - vturer nirht toj with the court asserting "disaster" to its business "seems inevitable" unless TVA is found unconstitutional. The city of Florence, Ala., which hopes to buy TVA power and sell it to citizens, accused the power company of trying to obtain "monopolistic right" to the current. The high tribunal was asked yes- terday to apply its constitutional rules to still another administration measure - the securities act of 1933, which regulates the stocks and bonds business. J. Edward Jones, New York se- curities dealer, filed a petition asking a review of the law. Through his lawyers, James M. Beck and Bain- bridge Colby, he called it an at- tempt to "invest in the national gov- ernment new and virtually unlimited powers or regulation over the min- utest details of the business and af- fairs of men who issue, purchase and sell securities." New D eal Brings Nation Record-Breaking Debts WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.- (I') - The national debt reached $30,555,- 791,967 today, passing the $30,000,- 000,000 mark for the first time in his- tory. The new high was caused by mid- December financing operations which added $962,639,937 to the debt. The debt was near the figure esti- mated by President Roosevelt for the end of the fiscal year Next June 30 - $30,723,000,000. PROFESSOR SNOW ILL HERE W. Curtis Snow, director of music at Hope College, Holland, Mich., who was admitted to the Simpson Me- morial Institute here Monday, was pronounced in critical condition suf- fering from anemia and pneumonia. Dr. Forsythe Warns Students Against Vacation-Time Hazards A list of health hazards which uni- ed when students become overheated' versity students should try to avoid at a dance and then allow them- during Christmas vacation was out- selves to become chilled. lined yesterday by Dr. Warren G. Intemperance in drinking was se- Forsythe, director of the University verely criticized by Dr. Forsythe.) Health Service. He emphasized that no one should Accidents while going to and from drink more than a moderate amount, home, contagious diseases, lack of particularly when driving. sufficient rest, and intemperance were l Students who intend to engage in listed as among the hazards to the outdoor activities were also warned health of the students. against carelessness. Caution should An average of at least two stu- be used in all such activities, espe- dents a year are unable to return be- cially skiing, tobogganing, and skat- cause of injuries suffered in going ing. ~qI I . -- v "! &A..... l