THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1935 """1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. f f 4? it der da" °S. T' z { EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR.................JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...........THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. 'Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerf el. tinued. Educators, at least the ones in elementary and secondary schools, should spend less time in administering so-called intelligence tests and at- tempt to teach their pupils some of civilization's handy little knacks, such as the three R's. Our educational system needs what the politi- cian would call "a return to the horse and buggy days." There Is A Good Propaganda... T HE LIVES of 40 Detroit persons have been saved this year, it was estimated, as a result of the safety drive. This saving of lives is a triumph for an intel- ligent application of propaganda. We remember that propaganda sells tooth paste, soap and auto- mobiles; we remember that it mobilizes a nation and sends its youth to war; we remember that it circulates untruths and meaningless drivel by' the bushel-basket during political campaigns; we know that it enables one man to dictate a nation's opinion, and that it enables selfish men to insure the continuation of institutions which have no social justification. What we sometimes forget is that propaganda, in the hands of men concerned for the public weal, can be an instrument for good. We have all seen pictures by the hundreds of accidents, of traffic violations, and we have read the famous article - "And Sudden Death" and driven 20 miles an hour until the' effect wore off. We were reminded at football games to drive safely and thus saved several lives each week-end. The campaign was the same as one to sell automobiles, except that its purpose was to end a dreadful annual waste of lives. Propaganda is the most potent weapon in a democracy. The man who controls the news which millions read as they unfold their papers each morning is the most powerful man in the coun- try. His version of the events of each day is ac- cepted throughout the nation as truth. Propaganda is not in itself bad; and the fact that it has a pejorative connotation in its popular usage indicates that its most frequent usage has been for personal gain. Our lesson from this saving of 40 lives is that there is a propaganda which is good, and that it is our business as news- papermen and readers to concern ourselves for the forces which use it to mould our opinions, to resist those which are bad, and to preserve its usage for such issues as have the good of the commonwealth at heart. As Others See It BUSINESS DEPARTMENT The Conning Tower SOME IFS I can't think Providence intends, or ever has intended A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts. Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER S ingTonight! The traditional Community Sing, with stu- dents invited to participate for the first time, will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in front of the General Library. W(rds to the carols that are to be sung tonight will be found on Page 8 of The Daily. Learn the words, or bring the page along, and for a short while, at least, lose yourself in the spirit that is Christmas. Reading, 'Riting And'Rithmetic ... AMERICAN public education, for a good many years, has been taking emphasis from the traditional three R's and int their place has been substituting what, for lack of name, we must term "gadgets." The results ofi this unwise step are now becoming apparent. An editorial in the current issue of "The Public and the Schools" tells the results of the remedial reading project carried on with W.P.A. funds since1 January, 1934, in the city of New York. Students who were considered problem children were given a special course intended to improve their reading ability and almost immediately their work in every department of school curriculm improved. Dr. Arthur I. Gates, professor of education at Teachers College and supervisor of the project, found that the remedial reading course not only improved the classroom work of the backward children, but improved social and emotional ad- justment as well. In commenting on this phase of the work he said: "We have evidence, too, that many cases of classroom maladjustment - the 'bad eggs,' truants, and delinquents - are the re- sult of frustration in reading. They become re- bellious or acquire inferiority complexes. In many instances we have seen children who were starting1 out to be delinquents brought back by special reading training." The good that this project has accomplished is' encouraging. That such a project was necessary at all is nothing less than deplorable. Reading, which is probably the most fundamental element' of education, should be learned by every child before the age of eight and improvement in read- ing ability should be fostered by the schools during the balance of his formal education. Modern ed- ucators have dispensed with such unnecessary things as the learning of the alphabet and instead teach children how to use a telephone and listen to the radio. That students in the elementary schools do not1 know how to read is not surprising under present educational conditions but that students who have gained entrance to the University do not know how to read may be surprising. Such, however, is the case. This reading deficiency has been de- tected largely by the history department, where it has been found that many freshmen failing in fundamental history courses were doing so because of inability to read properly. One of the most interesting results of the reme- dial reading project was the discovery that stand- ard intelligence tests were almost useless in de- termining the mental capacity of children. The intelligence quotients of children in the problem Why The Comprehensives? (From the Daily Tar Heel) COLLEGE EXAMINATIONS, including the com- prehensive type, are sometimes used as a dis- ciplinary device to coerce the matriculate into studying through his fear of failure and dismissal. Although such usage would, if considered, elicit a defense (but not from this quarter), it is, never- theless, secondary to the basic concept of an exam- ination. Tritely enough, the purpose of an exam- ination is to examine. And what, it should be asked, can the compre- hensive examine? To this commentator the com- prehensive purports to examine the student's ability to pick up the loose ends of his experience, including those of his university life, and utilize them in the solution of a problem. The university leads the student toward an understanding of his world by means of analysis -or the setting up of courses which examine the various parts of a dismembered universe. But the part has no identity separate from its rela- tions to the whole. Thus knowledge is never a matter of analysis but of synthesis. The central thesis would seem to be that neither multiplication nor addition of courses and course grades from the anlytical work of the student will afford evidence of his ability to appre- hend and adjust himself to a real world which presents itself always as a problem of synthesis. Unless university training does quicken and broaden the powers of synthesis the university may be an institution of manners but not one of thought. The comprehensive, if rightly administered, af- fords nearly the only direct evidence of the pres- ence or absence of this faculty in the candidate for a degree. Boys do not go, or are not sent, to a university to become walking encyclopedias or transmitting agents for the ipse dixit authoritar- ianism of pedagogues. The comprehensive seeks to discover the net results of the student's training not by a mathe- matical summation of part scores assembled dur- ing four years, but in a test of his full powers after the academic training has been nearly completed. If criticism is directed at the comprehensive, it should be directedat the concretepractices of this University and not at the principle. Constructive criticism will seek improvement and not abandon- ment. When we have indigestion we do not stop eating but change our diet instead. From the faculty point of view the comprehen- sive has proved rather painfully illuminating. It has conclusively demonstrated that the theory of automatic and providential synthesis is with- out foundation. It has disclosed that after four years of apron-string teaching the student's pow- ers of independent mental locomotion are star- tlingly limited. If the new experiments in orientation and syn- thesis courses now being tried at this University are to be tested at all it must be through change in the quality of comprehensive examination re- sults. Specifically, improvement is needed in the type of questions (i.e., problems), used and in the stand- ards applied by the examiners. Most of all is need- ed a full understanding on the part of the students DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of thb Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Our natural differences to be all blotted out or ASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-The blended. W SIGODe.1.-h Consider now, if every tree put forth the self- news writers of Washington are same shoot, schooled to turbulent sessions of com- If only cabbages would grow from every planted mittees of Congress. That is and root; always has been a part of the political If apples were the only fruit, cider the only brew, game. If scented flowers were all suppressed and only They are accustomed also to oc- Trillium grew; casional hot exchanges between con- If all domestic beasts were sheep, with or without tending counsel in court, although al- thei tailsnigcuse oralhuha- heirtals,.ways there the contempt threat serves If all the birds were ostriches, and all the fish to keep language at least polite just were whales; as House and Senate rules keep de- If all the hills were leveled flat and all the fields bate on the floor within sharply-set were raised, limits. Could we suppose the world for that the more When Major George L. Berry set worthy to be praised? out to do his post NRA "co-ordinat- Yet thus some theorists would in man the higher ing" between the New Deal and bus- grade exclude, iness, through a mass conference and Annihilating finer sorts to cultivate the crude. formation of an "economic council," Freedom we have within the law, brotherly all however, no such restraints applied. may be, The parliamentary rules, presumably, But there is a single word that is than others were to be whatever the major BtftrebsuritissigEqwordiththought they should be and his pro- more absurd it is Equality, Cgram obviously was mapped to shut C. K. DUER. off a general open session debate of the New Deal and its works. "If the President will look candidly into his own * * * mind," wrote Mr. Walter Lippmann on Saturday, HE RESULT was one of the most "he will find there the explanation of his suc- violent sessions of a government- cesses and difficulties." To which we agree. But sponsored conference a long memory to look candidly into one's mind is not so easy as for such things can recall. The fever- that; one cannot do it just because somebody sug- heat of opposition in business circles gests it. There may have been many able to do to Roosevelt policies indicated in such it, and whose glimpses were unrecorded; the only statements as th'at "Let's gang up"' one on record is Montaigne. All men may be cry of E. F. Hutton, industrialist, so vouchsafed that ability for an instant in a life- quickly withdrawn, and in the "plat- time; but such candor is a rare asset or liability. form" adopted by the business "con- One man glorifies or belittles his successes; an- gren" in New York, might have fore- other belittles or magnifies his difficulties or fail- warned the major. Human nature ures. And one's self-examination may be one is such that when the congress speak- - nhders and platform went as far as they thing at noon, and something utterly different did, there were certain to be indi- at three o'clock . . . As this is written, it seems to viduals or groups wishing to go far- us a success; on Monday morning, to be candid, ther. it will seem a difficulty that was too great to Mere boycott of the Berry confer- express. ence, which certainly was discussed at New York, would not seem nearly Before the official good-will season is on, The a strong enough measure to these Conning Tower wishes to warn contributors who belligerentgroups.Berry's prompt send their stuff in big envelopes, with small re- dnuhis arranged program as evidence turn envelopes, that the folding of the manuscript of deliberate plans to "dynamite" his is inevitable. show is sufficient indication of the tense atmosphere in which the con- And fifteen minutes after the previous para- ference met. graph was written, the following arrived: * * The firms that I'd joyfully like to hit, r[HAT the "economic council" if one Send bills with return envelopes that don't fit. does emerge from it all, could exercise much influence in Congress ON AND OFF THE STORE WINDOW DUMMY or elsewhere under the circumstances With all due apologies to the New Yorker's is open to doubt. Berry's opposition "On and Off the Avenue" Department, His- will be laying for it with a lead pipe torians' Peekly-Weekly hereby presents a list that. of suggestions for Christmas shoppers whotat h havefouht he oodfigh-an lot .. . And there is a moral for New Dea: have fought the good fight -and lost . legislative leadership to be read intc if you still can't find what you want here, what happened at that near-free-for- why not try Mary Pickford? all first session of the Berry confer- MOTH BALLS. Bergwit Bondoff have great gobs ence. There can be no question thai of these gay little pellets in sapphire red, Har- opposition in the coming congres- vard blue, olive pink, and the like - around $29 sional session to further New Dea a dozen. Or, if you're a thrifty soul, you can measures will be more vigorous get a fairly good imitation in the subway slot strengthened in resisting power, i machines for around a penny apiece. And not in numbers, than ever befor nobody'll ever know the difference. since the New Deal came to power. SOCKS. If papa wears socks at all, you'd better The political situation and the hustle right over to Abertrombie's and see the example set by banking and business miracles they've performed with the common ession insure that. It is anothe: or garden variety of half-hose. Instead of the srgimnsurat.Iisnoter argument for avoiding controversia usual one-strip clock, these boys have worked legislative topics and keeping the ses out a pattern that shows the daily stock market sion to routine business. fluctuations since October, 1929. Several smart Wall Streeters have told us confidentially that the'wise thing to do with these socks is to put 1935 Ends W ith em away and forget about 'em. BOOKS. Don't let Christmas slide by withoutrDebt giving somebody a copy of the new edition of the Manhattan Telephone Directory, just out. It's i what the mailing list compilers would describe At New Record as The Nuts; and it's heartily recommended by such bookish fellows as Woollcott (Hello, Mr.r Chips) and Woollcott (Goodbye, Mr. Chips). FERA, Work-Relief Plan CHRISTMAS CARDS. The neatest sentiment in Other Agencies, Caus cards that we've come across this season is a twenty-five cent-er which depicts a group of Increase carolers from Wanamaker's serenading a Bloom- ingdale Santa Claus. The carolers are crooning Big expenditures by the Roosevel "Gimbel bells, Administration in 1935, pushing th Gimbel bells, J;overnment's indebtedness past a Gimbel all the day; record-breaking $30,000,000,000, wer Oh, what fun it is to ski made to provide relief and jobs for In the Saks Fifth indoor way." vast army of needy unemployed an( GAMES. We'd skip Games if we were you. After to bring about the objective of a "bet all, everybody is pretty busy right now playing ter economic balance" and "recover bagatelle in some neighborhood drugstore, or on a sound foundation." trying to guess how the Literary Digest poll is In Jan., 1935, the relief population coming out. But if you're set on giving some- reached the all-time peak of 20,669, body another excuse for wasting time, drop into 000 -about one out of every seven F. A. 0. Monopoly's and see the new W. P. A. persons in the United States. Then came President Roosevelt's announce Parchesi Board. It's played with loaded dice, ment of a $4,880,000,000 work-relie the same as most of the other W. P. A. games, program, the biggest appropriatio: and the loser is It, Old Deal style. Talk about of its kind ever made. your fun! $97.74 a set. It was designed to provide jobs fo GOODIES, ETC. Those who have been in the 3,500,000 able-bodied needy and t habit of going in for Goodies as gifts will be place the burden of caring for thl saddened to learn that GOODIES, ETC., gave up unemployables upon states and loca the ghost last week to a more folksy influence, communities, thus ending the Feders SNACKS, ETC. Practically all the big stores dole. have SNACKS, ETC. Just ask for the ETC. de- The work-relief program was t partment. have been in full swing by July 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Poking around the notions 1935, but there was difficulty in ob counter at Woolworth's, we came upon the gosh- ng prodelay in getting approv e oddest notion: Why not give somebody a sub- of the projects by Controller Gen scription to the Historians' Peekly-Weekly? eral J. R. McCarl. One week, $.00;; one month, $.00; one year, Government expenditures kep $0.00. -Ye Oulde Al Graham. mounting. At one time FERA was re ported to be distributing relief mone ^ -r--- 1, 4, -i.,. + + rta f f(ti n n nnnn. ao~ywhil i WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17, 1935 ] VOL. XLVI. No. 66] Notices The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the Christmas vacation per- iod, beginning at 12 noon, Friday, Dec. 20, and ending on Monday morn- ing, Jan. 6, at 8 a.m. K. E. Fisher. Househeads, Sorority Chaperons, Dormitory Directors: On Dec. 20' please send to the Office of'the Dean of Women a list of all students leav- ing Ann Arbor before that date. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women. Lists of Students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, ad- mitfed to Candidacy for a Degree,i Grouped according to the Fields of Concentration, are now posted in Room 4, University Hall. Please check to see that your name is posted correctly. Any change should be re- ported to the assistant at the counter. Social Directors, Sorority Chaper- o n s, Househeads, Undergraduate1 Women: Due to the Michigan League l .,n-HiCe_ the chvlosina hour on Geology II: The make-up for the second bluebook will be given Friday at 9:00 a.m., in the Science. Audi- torium. Sociology: All Master's Candidates in Sociology who are under the di- I rection of Professor R. D. McKenzie ? and all Doctor's Candidates in So- ciology are requested to call at the Sociology office at their earliest con- venience, preferably this Tuesday or Wednesday. Psychology 31, Lecture I: Examin- ation Wednesday, 2:00. Students with last names beginning with A-B inclusive, go to Room B, Haven Hall; C-K inclusive go to West Physics Amphitheatre: L-Z inclusive go to Natural Science Auditorium. Please take alternate seats. No bluebooks required. Sociology 141, Criminology: Mid- semester make-up examination on Thursday, Dec. 19, 3:00 p.m., 310 Haven Hall. L-Z inclusive, Hall. Please No blue-book go to Room 231 Angell take alternate seats. is necessary. Final Examination Schedule, First Thursday night, Dec. 19, is 11:00 p.m. Semester, 1935-1936: College of Liter- University Bureau of Appointments ature, Science, and the Arts, School and Occupational Information: A of Education, School of Music, School representative of the National of Forestry and Conservation, College Theatre Supply Company will be in of Pharmacy, School of Business Ad- Theare uppy Cmpan wil b inministration and Graduate School. our office Thursday, Dec. 19, to inter- Ainistrsin an uncm o view seniors for employment next All courses in the Announcements of June. Kindly make appointments ( the College of Literature, Science, and with Miss Webber at the office, 201 the Arts, and the School of Music carry final examination group letters; Mason Hall, telephone, Ext. 371. some courses in the Announcement W. E. Boeing Scholarships: An- of the Graduate School carry these nouncement is made of the Seventh letters also. The schedulefollows: Annual Boeing Scholarships. For Group Date Of Examination further information see the Aeronau- A - Monday a.m., Feb. 3 tical Engineering Bulletin Board. B - Friday a.m., Feb. 7 C - Wednesday a.m., Feb. 5 Tutoring in German: I would like D - Monday a.m., Feb. 10 to secure a place for a young German E - Tuesday p.m., Feb. 11 lady to tutor in German in an Ameri- F - Monday p.m., Feb. 3 can family during the Christmas holi- G -Tuesday a.m., Feb. 11 day while her dormitory is closed H - Monday p.m., Feb. 10 J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to I - Friday p.m., Feb. 7 Foreign Students. J - Tuesday a.m., Feb. 4 - K - Tuesday p.m., Feb. 4 REGISTRATION L -Wednesday a.m., Feb. 12 A new system will be used at the M - Wednesday p.m., Feb. 5 isM - Thdursday a.m., Feb. 6 Gymnasiums in February, whichs N -- Thursday a.m., Feb. 6 intended to eliminate the necessity of O - Thursday p.m., Feb. 6 students standing in line for long P -Saturday a.m., Feb. 8 periods of time. The Student Body Q - Saturday p.m., Feb. 8 has been divided into groups (alpha- R - Saturday p.m., Feb. 1 betically) and each group has been be exa dcoursiany ti mutually allotted a definite time when all stu- aee damin ca san i ntually dents in that group will be admitted agreed upon by class and instructor, toheinGymnasiums.Thesched but not earlier than Saturday after- follows: noon, Feb. 1. Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1936 Other courses not carrying the let- S-nn-1 3n HP t.. H f inclusive ters will be examined as follows: 1:30-1:4 1:45-2:0 2:00-2: 2:15-2: 2:30-2: 2:45-3:0 3:00-3: 3:15-3:3 IU ie LO no MI1v. 45 Hog to Hz inclusive 00 I to Joh inclusive 15 Jol to Ken inclusive 30 Keo to Kol inclusive 45 Kom to Lap inclusive 00 Lar to Le inclusive 15 Li to Lz inclusive 30 Mc and Mac inclusive Thursday, Feb. 13, 1936 8:00- 8:15 M to Mav inclusive 8:15- 8:30 Maw to Mil inclusive 8:30- 8:45 Mim to Mun inclusive 8:30- 8:45 Mim to Mun. inclusive 8:45- 9:00 Mur to Nz inclusive 9:00- 9:15 O to Paq inclusive 9:15- 9:30 Par to P1 inclusive 9:30- 9:45 Po to Ran inclusive 9:45-10:00 Rao to Ri inclusive 10:00-10:15 Roa to Roz inclusive 10:15-10:30 Ru to Sca inclusive 10:30-10:45 Sch to Se inclusive 10:45-11:00 Sh to Sl inclusive 11:00-11:15 Sm to Sp inclusive 11:15-11:30 St to Su inclusive 1:00- 1:15 Sw to To inclusive 1:15- 1:30 Tr to Vi inclusive 1:30 -1:45 Vi to Weh inclusive 1:45- 2:00 Wei to Wik inclusive 2:00- 2:15 Wil to Woo inclusive 2:15- 2:30 Wop to Z inclusive 2:30- 2:45 A to Ao inclusive 2:45- 3:00 Ap to Ban inclusive 3:00- 3:15 Bao to Bel inclusive 3:15- 3:30 Bem to Boe inclusive Friday, Feb. 14, 1936 8:00- 8:15 Bof to Bre inclusive 8:15- 8:30 Bri to Bz inclusive 8:30- 8:45 C to Cha inclusive 8:45- 9:00 Che to Col inclusive 9:00- 9:15 Com to Cr inclusive 9:15- 9:30 Cu to Dem inclusive 9:30- 9:45 Den to Dr inclusive 9:45-10:00 Du to Er inclusive 10:00-10:15 Es to Fis inclusive 10:15-10:30 Fit to Fr inclusive 10:30-10:45 Fu to Gim inclusive 10:45-11:00 Gin to Gra inclusive 11:00-11:15 Gre to Hal inclusive 11:15-11:30 Ham to Haz inclusive Any student may register from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936 Any student may register from'8:00 to 12:00 noon. Students who do not register by 12:00 noon, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936, will be assessed a late registration fee of 50c per day, maximum fee $3.00. Thealphabetical feature of this schedule will be changed each semes- ter to give equal opportunity for early registration to each student during his course. Note: Law and Medical Students are not subject to the above regula- Classes Date Of Examination Mon. at 8 --Monday a.m., Feb. 3 Mon. at 9 - Friday a.m., Feb. 7 Mon. at 10- Wednesday a.m., Feb. 5 Mon. at 11 -Monday a.m., Feb. 10 Mon. at 1- Tuesday p.m., Feb. 11 Mon. at 2--Monday p.m., Feb 3 Mon. at 3- Tuesday a.m., Feb. 11 Tues. at 8- Monday p.m., Feb. 10 Tues. at 9- Friday p.m., Feb. 7 Tues. at 10- Tuesday a.m., Feb. 4 Tues. at 11- Tuesday p.m., Feb. 4 Tues. at 1- Wednesday a.m., Feb. 12 Tues. at 2 - Wednesday p.m., Feb. 5 Tues. at 3 - Thursday a.m., Feb. 6 Further, the courses listed below will be examined as follows: Education Cl- Tuesday a.m., Feb. 11 Bus. Adm. 101 -Wednesday Feb. 5 Bus. Adm. Feb. 6 Bus. Adm. Feb. 8 Bus. Adm. Feb. 1 Bus. Adm. Feb. 8 p.m., p.m., 111 - Thursday 121- Saturday 151 - Saturday 205 - Saturday p.m., p.m., Any course not listed in any of the above groups may be examined at any time on which the instructor and class concerned may agree. Each student taking practical work in music in the School of Music will be given an individual examination. Each such student should consult the bulletin board at the School of Music to learn the day and hour assigned for his or her individual examination. Regular class work will continue until Saturday noon, Feb: 1. Examination hours, a.m., 9 to 12; p.m., 2 to 5. This notice will appear three times only, Dec. 18, Jan. 15, and Jan 30. Please preserve, as no offprints will be issued. College of Engineering, schedule of examinations: Feb. 1 to Feb. 12, 1936. NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of Ex- ercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses hav- ing quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the examina- tion period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week.