The Weather Cloudy, snow flurries today; tomorrow cloudy, no decided change in temperature. Y G A6F Aoty 4:rnIti Words to the carols that will be used in the Community Sing at 7:30 p.m. today in front of the General Library will be found on page 8. VOL. XLVI. No. 68 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ethiopia Massing Army For Attack; Italians In Retreat Three Lc Banks 1 For Ecot First National, And Mechanics. cal Sing Tonight erge Will Be First tomy For Students Farmers Fifth Community Affair And Ann To Be Held In Front Of $1,360 Total Is Reached In F4 Goodfellows' Drive; z~od Baskets Bou gh t It Birth' Plan Apears Will Award Trophy For ppeOrganization Showing ,r T-o P11t; ,ii' Pr rne Best Cooperation I Duce Admits Defeat In Official Communique; Reverse Sobers Nation Conflict Is General On Northern Front Homesick Owosso Boy Doesn't Find I Scores Are Killed And Wounded As Ethiopian Capture Post ASMARA, Eritrea, Dec. 17. - (P)- Attacks by Ethiopian advance patrols 'on Italian outposts on the northerr front led Fascist officers to predict tonight that Haile Selassie's forces were preparing for a mass assault. In an engagement reported south of Makale and along the Takkaze river to the west, the Ethiopians were said to have swept forward rapidly, fighting brisk engagements and then retiring under the pressure of Fascist counter-attacks. The Ethiopians were sending up highly mobile units for sporadic fight- ing, but the soldiers were keeping closely together. ROME, Dec. 17. - () - A terse government communique told the Italian nation today of the first ad- mitted retreat of Fascist soldiers in- vading Ethiopia and tonight anxious groups waited fo details of a battle which was still raging. Scores were killed and wounded in the north, where a general battle has long been anticipated. Another fight was in progress at the time the government issued the communique, with airplanes and tanks pressed into service. Crowds gathered before radios in restaurants and bars, hoping for details which were lacking. This-reverse in Africa put the Ital- ians in a sober and determined mood on the eve of "Faith Day" tomorrow, when women will give their wedding rings to the government to aid in the fight against sanctions. "We will show them," was a fre- quent expression, and by "them" the Fascists meant sanctionist nations as well as the Ethiopians. A force of 3,000 Ethiopian warriors attacked an advance Italian post on the Takkaze River, forcing the in-, vaders to retreat after a sharp battle. Four Italian officers were killed and three wounded, nine Italian soldiers were killed and several dozen Eritrean allies of Italy were killed and wound- ed. Ethiopian losses were said to be considerable. The communique said that "At the same time, another group of Ethi- opian warriors crossed the river val- ley, making a flanking movement in the region of Scire." "The enemy maneuver resulted in a battle that now is in progress, and in which, on our side, air forces and detachments of tanks ,are taking an active part." GENEVA, Dec. 17. - (A') - The Council of the League of Nations, which solemnly condemned Italy's "war of aggression" against Ethiopia Qct. 7, meets again tomorrow around the same round table to discuss a plan for ending that war by enlarging Italy's influence in Ethiopia. The morning session will be private, confined to a discussion of the settle- ment in Syria of 25,000 Assyrians from Iraq. But the afternoon session will be public and devoted to a discussion of settlement of Italian and Ethiopian colonization of southern Ethiopia by Italians being an integral part of Il Duce's plans for peace settlement. STEALING HOME FLINT, Dec. 17. - W) - Orrie W. Williams, 22, is accused by police of committing 29 burglaries on his way home from a factory where he worked on a night shift. The burglaries of. which Wililams is accused occurred during the early morning hours at in- tervals since last March. d FloridaVery Hot Just a homesick Owosso boy i Merle Oliver, '20E, recently trans- ferred as Associated Press corres- pondent from Ann Arbor to Jackson- ville, Fla., who wants to come back to "Meechigan." The weather in Florida is terrible, Mr. Oliver writes The Daily, and he declares, believe it or not, that he even prefers the Ann Arbor climate. The Florida sand is the worst part about the "Southern Paradise," according to Mr. Oliver. "I envy you getting mud on your shoes," he writes. "The sand is so bad, cars stall in driveways." The only good thing Mr. Oliver likes about Florida is his car --made in Michigan. Even the ocean, he says "makes a poor showing compared with Lake Superior." His wife and son both have colds, he explains, and they always thought they were im- mune. He is having "one of his usual colds." He continues his denuncia- tion of the "Land of Sunshine" by saying he wishes he had a furnace in his home and that "I never froze my ears before, even in Michigan." And then he deals Florida a final blow. He calls the oranges, pride of every Floridian, "cheap and third grade, the kind they are ashamed to ship out of the state." His correspondents gathered from his letter that Mr. Oliver has a dis- tinct dislike for Florida. Athletic Board Approves Pay Increase Plan Restoration Of Cut Made In Retrenchment Period Voted; Budget Adopted A resolution to restore 50 -per cent of the salary cuts made when the fnancial retrenchment policy entered upon by the University went into ef- fect a year ago, was approved by the Board in Control of Athletics at a neeting held last night. At the same time a budget of $190,- 00 was adopted for the coming fiscal year and all athletic schedules were aproved. According to Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, hairman of the board, this budget includes, in addition to maintenance and interest, the salaries of the oaches and members of the athletic taff, exclusive of intarmural officials. The budget is a $10,000 dollar de- rease compared to that of last year, mut, as Professor Aigler explained, the increase in pay affects only those nembers of the staff whose salaries iave not been partially restored since he first retrenchment. This was .nterpreted to mean that the football -aches, whose salaries were aug- nented by that of Jack Blott when ie left Michigan to coach in the East, vill not be affected in this restora- ion of pay and that with six grid 3oaches receiving no increased salary, n increase might still be paid to the ew staff members left and the an- nual budget cut $10,000. Both coaches and officesworkers onnected with the administration of ntercollegiate athletics are included n the new resolution and thus res- orations will be made to them more han to the actual coaches. Professor Aigler declined to reveal ndividual salaries and increases him- elf, but stated that the figures were vailable. Japan Bombs City In Northern China SHANGHAI, Dec. 18. (Wednesday) - (R) - Chinese reports said Japan- ese airplanes had bombed the town of Kuyuan in Eastern Chahar Prov- ince of North China today while Man- chukuan troops renewed an assault n the beleaguered city. Arbor Savings United General Library No Interruption In Glee Club, Stanley Banking Functions Chorus To Attend Increased Security For Decorations And Song Deposits Is Assured By Will Create Traditiona FDIC Loan Christmas Air s ; j I t t Y c t i t C C S C r. a s f n i b 0 Z: It ib A plan involving merger of three of The playing of chimes at 7:15 p.m Ann Arbor's four banks was an- tonight will mark the beginning of the nounced yesterday by officers of the, fifth annual Community Sing to bE organizations concerned. held on the campus. The sing wil The First National Bank and Trust be held in front of the General Li. Co., the Ann Arbor Savings Bank and brary. the Farmers and Mechanics Bank This is the first year that students will be consolidated into one bank have been invited to participate in for purposes of economy and fuller the singing of the carols. In former protection of deposits, only the State years the sing has been held on Savings Bank remaining out of the Christmas Eve, when the townspeople combination, have celebrated the holiday. Approval of Federal authorities and It had been planned to erect a stage of State Banking Commissioner Ru- from which Prof. David W. Matterr dolph E. Reichert has already been of the School of Music would lead the received, officials said, and only the singing, but it was decided yesterday consolidation of the records, which that the Library steps would serve will necessitate a period of about as a perfectly good stage. three months, is delaying the actual merger. Banking service will be con- Many choral organizations will be tinued without interruption through- present to make the singing possess out. real elements of harmony. The Uni- The new bank will have a capital versity Glee Club, the Stanley chorus, of $950,000 in preferred and common the Lyra male chorus, and numerous stock, with a surplus of $230,000, church and school groups have an- of which $1,000,000 is being invested nounced their intentions of attend- by the Reconstruction Finance Cor- ing. Many of the fraternities and poration. Deposits and assets of the sororities are expected to come down new institution are expected to total in groups to augment the singing. about 10 million dollars. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, aiding Stockholders of the merging banks Professor Mattern in arranging the will be allowed to exchange their sing, announced yesterday that 15 stock for that of the new unit at a members of the Varsity Band will ac- pro rata basis before the stock is of- company the singers. Dr. Blakeman pered to others also stated that a chorus of nurses Officials of the bank stated last;from the School of Nursing would be night that deposits in the three merg- athe sing. . ng banks would in no way be affectedwileamdecfortedfthcLred by the change but on the contrary wllhbe adlothecoraenwtcoprovd would be assured of increased ecurityl thecmu rihtentrdina f deposits, with the Federal Deposit Chistms atmospherthetraditional Isurance Corporation providing aChitaamope. oan which will make the acceptable The songs to be sung are all typ- issts qua totheful deosila-- ical Christmas carols. The words of assets equal to the full deposit ia the tunes are to be found on pg :ility being assumed by the new bank. page tnes t bfud pg a8t of today's Daily. Retire z Answe U ... .U .E. ~A. Wo--U2 Shirley Smith, vice-president and ; secretary of the University, corn- mented'that the change would benefite the University's local financial opera- tions to a considerable extent. Lie Detector Testf "It will give us better banking fa- - cilities in which our deposits are per- fectly safe," Smith said. "The new TRENTON, N. J., Dec. 17. - (-P)- bank will give us a stronger bank Bruno Richard Hauptmann's ex- than any one of the old three. pressed wish to undergo a lie detector "I am very pleased with the mer- test in an effort to prove his inno- ger." I cence in the Lindbergh baby kidnap- Asked to what extent the Univer- murder brought no immediate re- sity carried funds in the Ann Arbor sponse from New Jersey authorities banks, Smith replied that the Uni- today. versity kept sufficient funds to cover "I don't want to comment now," its needs in local houses, keeping the was the answer of Gov. Harold G. reserve in Detroit. An average of Hoffman, to whom the convicted $250,000 is being kept in Ann Arbor murderer of Charles A. Lindbergh, banks most of the time, he said. Jr., addressed his appeal. Capital stock in the State Savings Hauptmann made his request in a Bank, which did not join in the merg- letter penned in the death house of er, was raised to $600,000 this sum- state prison. mer. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank He suggested also that Dr. John had capital stock of $500,000 while F. Condon, the Jafsie of the ransom that of the other two institutions was negotiations, submit to a similar $250,000 each. test. Under the new plan, according to "I have a deep interest," he said, George Burke, attorney for the Uni- "in what kind of force made him versity, who was active in effecting change his saying. Because when he the merger of the banks, one of the i was visiting me in my Flemington benefits to be brought about will be I cell he said all excited to the prose- an opportunity to debtors who have l cutor - 'I cannot testify against this 'ContinmiPd on PAm 9 man.'" Bromage Declares Detroit Has Best City Government Of Type .* ' Battle, Creek Member Of Congress Counters Old . Age Pension Proposals e, e WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. - (') - l Jay Lutz, representative from Battle - Creek, Mich., has fired the imagina- tion of all politicians here with his s "retire at birth" plan which he is of- t fering in opposition to the Townsend r Old Age Retirement plan. Worried at the expenses which would accrue from the $200 monthly pension under the Townsend scheme, legislative leaders have been quick to grasp the advantages Lutz's plans Thelma Todd's Death Puzzles Investitators Carbon Monoxide Found In Large Quantities By Autopsy Test LOS ANGELES, Dec. 17.-- (') - Blond Thelma Todd of the films died accidentally of carbon monoxide fumes after a tiff with Rowland West, her business manager, police decided tonight - but they could not dissolve the mystery cloaking her last hours. The time of death could not be fixed within 12 hours or more. The circumstances remained entirely un- explained. Coroner Frank Nance, sifting the multitude of "mysterious and unusual circumstances in the background of the case," announced that he would call an inquest tomorrow. The body of Miss Todd, known to friends as "Hot Toddy," was found yesterday at 10:30 a.m. in the front seat of her big town car -in the ga- rage of West's cliff-side home. Unknown was the identity of some- one with whom she presumably made an appointment for 2 a.m. Sunday. "A major question," said Captain of Detectives Bert Wallis, "is her rea- son for going to the garage. "It's my opinion that she and West had a tiff Saturday night, when she was leaving for the party she at- tended. I believe he told her to be home by 2 o'clock, or she'd find the door locked." Dr. Wagner's autopsy revealed that Miss Todd's blood contained monox- ide up to 70 per cent of the satura- tion point, and her brain alcohol up to 13 per cent, enough to cause in- toxication. New Method Of Registration Is ReadyFor Use Division In Alphabetical Order Will Determine Classification Time The demise of another Michigan tradition was officially decreed yes- terday, when a new method of regis- tration for studies was outlined, to take effect next semester. Beginning in February, the system of registration at Waterman Gym- nasium will be altered with a view to eliminating the semi-annual mob scenes which have long been charac- teristic with the opening day of reg- istration, and which were not even slightly affected by a number sys- tem instituted in September. The new method will be based on a pre-arranged alphabetical division of students, reserving definite periods from 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, to noon Friday, Feb. 14, for registration by each alphabetical grouping. Stu- dents who do not register during their assigned period iay do so Friday afternnon ,rnd Saturdav morninar offer them, based on a guarantee of immunity from work at the moment of birth, to extend throughout life. Here's how Lutz explains it: "Every new-born child in the United States would receive from the government a promissory note for $20,000, at 3 per cent interest, payable in 20 years. The 3 per cent or $50 monthly, would go to the child's par- ents until the child was 20. "Each year during the 20, the gov-' ernment would pay $1,000 into a sinking fund for retirement of the note, and when the child reached the age of 20 the government would give him or her the $20,000 it had paid into the sinking fund. Boys and girls of 20 who elected to marry would thus have a capital of $40,000. Work would be forever unnecessary if they would undertake to have at least four children, be- cause they would receive $50 a month for each child until it reached the age of 20, and there would be enough left of their own $40,000 after that to care for them in their old age. "The author of RABP urges this advantage over the OARP: People of all ages would be for it; nobody would ever have to work again; it would cost only $1,600 a year per per- son instead of $2,400 annually, the per capital cost of the Townsend plan, and it would automatically end the agitation for birth control." Townsend Plan Advocate Wins Ballot Contest Two To One Majority Is Rolled Up By Main In Third District Vote BATTLE CREEK, Dec. 17. - ()- Verner W. Main, bearing endorsement of the Townsend Old Age Pension organization as well as that of his regular Republican organization, was elected representative of the third Michigan congressional district today by a two to one majority over his op- ponents. The vote was: Main, 24,686; Howard W. Cav- anagh, 11,342; E. G. Kiefer, (Farmer- Laborite) 397. Climaxing a heated campaign in which the Townsend plan, made a platform plank by Main, became the chief issue. the result was regarded with interest by leaders of both major political parties as well as by Town- send plan organizers. Floyd R. Moody, district Townsend Club manager, said "I believe it is the people's expression on the Townsend plan in no uncertain terms." Mann, advised of his decisive elec- tion, said "My election to Congress will doubtless be interpreted in var- ious ways, both in this district and elsewhere in the country. I am naturally elated over the size of my majority, and I am grateful to the various groups and individuals to whose support my election is due." Referring to support he received from the Townsend organization, Main said, "The Townsend Club en- dorsed my candidacy after it was under way, but I entered the race at the urging of disinterested friends as a candidate of no group or faction. In the critical session of Congress just ahead, I shall give my best ef- forts to representing all the people of the district on the various issues of domestic and foreign policy that may arise." Cavanagh, conceding his defeat, said only "I congratulate my oppon- ent. My personal views on the issue of this campaign, namely the Town- send plan, remain unchanged." Michigan Opposes U. S. Canal Control WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. -(A) - Four states - Minnesota, Wisconsin, 3Mripni nead rhn -it if+r3 4nra i Fund's Allocation To Be Announced Advance Sale Netted $714, Street Sale Gained $500 In 10 Hours A complete list of the contributions of fraternities, sororities and other groups may be found on page two of this issue. Final tabulations of the returns gained by the Goodfellows Monday in their sale of special editions of The Daily revealed last night that the fund had been raised past the $1,360 mark by last-minute contributions. Purchases of food for baskets to be distributed among the needy will begin today with a tentative working fund assigned the Family Welfare Bureau until a complete computation can be made. An announcement of the allocation of the funds will appear in tomorrow's Daily. The complete net result of the drive could not be established last night because the cost of printing the issue had not been determined. The committee which will award The Michigan Daily Goodfellow Trophy for the organization showing he best cooperative spirit will meet at 3 p.m. today in the office of Dean Joseph A. Bursley, and an an- nouncement of the decision will be made tomorrow. The committee con- sists, in addition to Dean Bursley, chairman, of Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Jean Seeley, president of the League, and Wencel Neumann, president of the Union. Of the $1,360 raised in the drive, $305.48 was given by fraternities, $120.02 by sororities, $128.95 by League houses, dormitories, and the' League Council, and $160 by adver- tising carried in The Daily. The ad- vance sale gained from these amounts totals $714.45. Approximately another $150 was gained in advance personal subscrip- tions. The 10-hour street sale netted slightly more than $500. This esti- mate does not include the money which will be gained through the generosity of Osias Zwerdling, who offered to give thefund five per cent of the gross sales in his fur shop be- tween Dec. 14 and 24. Pitt Placed On 'Black List' B FacultyGrou p PITTSBURGH, Dec. 17. - () - The Post-Gazette says it has learned the University of Pittsburgh will be "placed on the black list" of the American Association of University Professors at the organization's Christmas week meeting in St. Louis. The paper ad1ds that the recom- mendation has already been voted by the executive committee and that it will not be opposed by the delegates from this chapter. When the as- sociation blacklists an institution, it warns 10,000 members against ac- cepting positions on the faculty of the school. The paper says the executive com- mittee will give lack of academic freedom, lack of tenure, and irre- sponsibile relations between the ad- ministration and faculty members, as reasons for its action. Laval Given Free Hand By Deputies PARIS, Dec. 17.- (A) - Premier Pierre Laval won from the Chamber of Deputies today an expression of confidence in the Franco Brtisspln to settle the Italo-Ethiopian war. He dared the chamber to cast out his government, and, by a vote of 306 to 252, was given what his enemies call a free hand to defend the peace proposals at the meeting of the TPapr7a of wrinnc - 11 i +rr~~ By FRED WARNER NEAL Recent statements made by De- troit newspapers and civic officials to the effect that the motor city has the best municipal government in the United States are in large measure justified, in the opinion of Prof. Ar- thur W. Bromage, local governmentI expert of the political science de- partment. "Detroit is certainly the best gov- erned of any of our mayor and coun- cil cities of comparable size, at any rate," Professor Bromage said yes- terday in an interview. He favors the city manager plan in preference to the mayor and council type of city government, he said, and of the cities having this system, Professor Bro- of that system." Among Detroit's qualities necessary for good govern- ment, he listed a mayor with strong executive authority, selected on a non-partisan basis; a non-partisan council of only nine members; ex- perts at the head of departmental activities, appointed rather than elected; a systematic budget system; and a short ballot for municipal elections. He praised Detroit's mayor, Frank Cousens, as a "very high type of man who is doing all he can to serve the best interests of Detroit." The manager form of city govern- ment is adaptable for Detroit, Profes- sor Bromage said, although he point- ed out several problems that would be involved in such an adaptation. The first of these .h e1,vrwd ic t-, fn+ --ONLY The airplanes also dropped leaflets mage believes Cincinnati rates high-I