FOUR TiE MICHIGAN lDAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY that increased profits would give almost every school ample capital with which to induce high- ~powered beauties to choose a suitable Alma Mater. It's high time that some live-wire Athletic Board did something along this line, because if it's money you're looking for, professor, sex hasn't failed yet. L i I.- The Conning Tower V- A Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ............. THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR............. THOMAS. E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.' Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M.. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ...........JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tisihig, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY We Sing Tomorrow. L ET'S ALL go to the Sing tomorrow! This year, for the first time since the annual Community Christmas Sing has been sponsored, -University students are invited to lend their voices in this traditional Yuletide event and it's up to the students to show that they are worthy of being invited to participate. A true atmosphere of Christmas will be evident in front of the General Library, the scene of the Sing. Chimes will provide music before and after the actual singing takes place; lights, of many colors, wreaths, and decorations will adorn the campus trees; the songs themselves are all typical Christmas hymns which bring on the Christmas spirit and cheerfulness. All that is needed for the success of the Sing, then, is the whole-hearted participation by stu- dents and townspeople. We believe that the latter group, inasmuch as the Sing has been their custom for many years, will do their part. The students must do the rest. The campus committee has worked hard in trying to make the Sing a success. Let's show the committee that we are behind it by attending and singing with gusto. Eureka, Here's The Cure\. . THE CHILDISH RIDICULE which Hearst and the Old Guard Repub- licans have been heaping upon professors who are members of the Brain Trust has, in the past, only strengthened our belief that learned men may also be wide-awake and practical. But a more thorough inspection of what they have done and what they have not done in the field of intercollegiate athletics has made us recognize quite clearly serious omissions and flaws in the program they have been following. Intercollegiate football has been making tens of thousands of dollars per university annually. It is quite obvious, from the trend of the sport, that that is not enough -no enterprising, pro- gressive university can or should be satisfied with that. And yet, to date, not one school has adopted the plan which should turn thousands of dollars into millions. That plan is simply to put sex into intercollegiate sport. Just look at the situation now! The fan goes to the basketball game, for example, and admitted- ly sees handsome and healthy bodies in action. The same is true of other sports. But there is nothing romantically exciting about, and, further- more (especially in hockey and football) the fan often becomes cold while watching. Meanwhile, where are the women? Those who are athletically inclined are either secluded in Barbour Gym or on Palmer Field, or have not taken up sport at all. And year after year most universities are hard-pressed to show a profit of even $100,000 a year through sports promotion. We would hate to be labeled Utopian, but for the sake of those who have been too blind to imagine it themselves, just conjure up this situation in your mind: A small crowd at the football game, shiv- ering in the cold and pulling their coats closer about them, is suddenly confronted by a squad of luscious Lady Godivas who gather at one end of the stadium, and then, at a signal proceed to race their thoroughbreds around and around the field (giving everybody a good view) until the second half is ready to start. Now would that be box fti' g nrwnuldn't i As Others See It Idealism And The Olympics (From the Daily Kansan) ALTHOUGH the American Athletic Union has settled the question of the participation of American athletes in the 1936 Olympics at Berlin, the counter movement to withhold necessary funds promises to be vigorously waged. The opposition has served notice that it will not only fail to abide by the majority decision but will make all pos- sible attempts to defeat the campaign to raise the $300,000 necessary to send between 400 and 500 athletes to Germany. Conceding the sincerity of the non-participa- tionists in their effort to fight for a principle, it neverthelesshseems unfair to penalize our athletes merely because we may not agree with certain po- litical actions of the Nazi government. No better and more effective method can be found to promote peace and good-will between nations than friendly rivalry and contest such as the Olympics. Athletes of the various nations for nearly three weeks live side by side in Olympic village and learn to understand and like one an- other. When they return to their native lands they are less apt to believe and propagate vicious stories of other people that are so often a part of pre-war propaganda. Regardless of feeling toward the political, racial or religious issues in Germany, it seems that all persons interested in sports for sport's sake will welcome the committee's decision. Pendergast Turns Prophet (From the Columbia Missourian) IN KANSAS CITY this week, Tom Pendergast, Missouri's Democratic boss, predicted: "Roosevelt will carry Missouri again by a bigger majority than in 1932." Matched against these words is the Literary Digest poll which registered the state as 44.48 per cent favoring Roosevelt and 55.57 per cent against. But, said United Press' Washington bureau chief, Lyle Wilson, who interviewed Pendergast: "Next to an actual poll of the state I would prefer to take Pendegast's word for what is going to happen in Missouri than any other person. He is not only Missouri's most interest- ing character; he is the state's best politician. "Pendergast is a practical politician of the late Charles Murphy type - such a one as Tammany has been trying to develop since. Murphy died ten years ago. He knows men and things about them . . . As leader of the Jackson County Dem- ocratic Club, he is the political boss of Jackson County - perhaps the most successful political boss at this moment to be found anywhere in the United States." This Publicity Problem (From the Cornell Daily Sun) THE CURRENT ISSUE of The Areopagus does us the honor of devoting a long editorial to the virtues and vices of this daily journal. For their sincere criticism we are greatly apprecia- tive. Any constructive suggestions that the stu- dents or faculty may offer to improve both the news and editorial value of The Sun can only enhance our mutual interests. The Areopagus raises an issue that is quite as perplexing to us as it is pertinent to them. Cornell's "Journal of Opinion" says editorially, "We propose, in a word, that the Cornell news- paper be more an active supporter or coordinator of campus activities. . . . Yet The Sun remains aloof from student organizations that are seek- ing to fight- and more enthusiastically and per- sistently for these same causes. It hardly tries to follow, let alone encourage the acceptance of, their activities." Of course, The Areopagus is referring specifi- cally to the activities of those essentially liberal groups, and they suggest that an "aid-to-a-cause" policy should play a part almost as important as a strit "news value" policy. With this we heartily agree. If in any small way we can help a student organization or a university function by giving it full publicity, we will at the same time be help- ing Cornell. All extracurricular activities at Cor- nell, with the possible exception of athletics, are entirely self-supporting, and to survive they need every stimulus publicity can offer. What makes this problem particularly per- plexing to us is that there are very many active student organizations on our campus, and the liberal groups are by no means alone in their resentment to the paucity of news articles or editorials we may devote to their activities. Each student group, in its naturally egocentric way, exaggerates the news value and importance of its own functions, and we, in a sense, must per- form the disagreeable task of a clearing house for the reams of purely publicity material we receive daily. As for the activities of the liberal groups, however, we should like to offer some statistics compiled from seven issues of The Sun that should indicate our interest in their activities. For their forum on the Olympic issue, attended by 36 students, we devoted 14 column inches of publicity as well as 11 inches in the Correspon- dence column. For the lecture on militarism in education we gave 22 column inches, and for other activities including the Nye-Kvale bill and the American Student Union, over 60 column inches were devoted to their letters. These statisticsa n offered only in shnw that THE DIARY OF OUR OWN SAMUEL PEPYS Saturday, December 7 P AND TO THE OFFICE, where all morning, and so home for luncheon, and thenafter at some work, and by Fifth Avenue bus with two of my boys to the Museum of the City of New York, and I was struck on the way by what seemed to me a great paucity of buses, and I do wonder whether fewer are run now than last December. But the Museum we found mighty interesting, my boys liking the ship models, from the Mary Powell to the Bremen, best; and they liked the models of scenes from old days in New Amsterdam, and in New York, too. But Lord! what a beautiful building it is, outside and inside, and I had forgot who designed it, so asked the first person I saw, and she did not know; and asked an attendant, and he tells me it was Joseph Freedlander. So by bus home, the Museum closing at five o'clock, and in the evening to a cinema called "Dr. Socrates," no good to me, possibly because I am spoiled for all film-shows since having seen last night "A Night at the Opera," the merriest cinema ever I heard and saw. Sunday, December 8 THIS DAY 1,999 years ago was born Horace the Latin writer; and all celebrating today as though he had been born two thousand years1 ago, which, if zero equals one, he was. But to ask that a celebrant of a poet's birth be also one skilled in higher mathematics is too much to demand. To the office for a little and home to dinner, and so with Timothy to the Philharmonic concert, he quiet, whether with boredom or at- tentativeness I do not know, but when Lotte Lehman appeared in a white gown he whispered "Isn't she pretty?" and when she had finished a German song, he asked "What language?" So we to a party at Marie Hardart's, and thence home, and I to Inez Irwin's, and met Connie Smith and Phyllis Duganne, whom once I knew as the Baby Bards of Scituate. And G. and Estelle Burgess there, and I mighty glad to see them, and Miss Zona Gale, too, and we talked of this and that, and of the motor car rides I took her and her mother on eighteen years ago. And I met so many friends there that when I got home I made a vow to be a hermit no longer. Monday, December 9 BETIMES to the office, where all the day, and so home to dinner, and in the evening to see "Paradise Lost," and I do not remember ever see- ing a better acted play, and there were moments of fine tragic bitterness in it, and moments of so great confusion that I could not follow it. But it was so good that all wanted it to be better, I thought, and it seems to me that now Mr. Clifford Odets is to the stage something like Sinclair Lewis is to the novel: that is to say the most-rooted fellow of them all. Tuesday, December 10 LAY TILL EIGHT, and so to the office, and find there a letter from Frank J. Manheim, tell- ing of an omission, in his "Daniel Frohman Pre- sents," of his first published work. It was a guide book for prospective advertisers in the New York Tribune, and the literary editor, in the issue of June 22, 1869, wrote: Mr. Daniel Frohman has just published, in a neat little pamphlet, a collection of hints to advertisers, which will prove of great value. It contains a short and reliable essay on the art of advertising, and a list of all the prin- cipal daily and weekly papers in this city, with the circulation of their various editions, and their rates of advertising. At the office till late, and in the evening to, the Philadelphia Orchestra concert, and I liked it all but the Sibelius piece, which, from the applause it got, everybody else seemed to like the best. So it come on to rain, and Margaret Lewisohn sent me home in her motor-car, pleasant and economical, I saving eighty-five cents. Wednesday, December 11 AT THE OFFICE all day, and home by four, and did some work there, in the calm of my study, where serenity lasted without interruption for nearly one hour; and in the evening Miss Clarke come in to play the Brahms Quintet with my wife, which I querying why they settled for forty per cent, they tell me that it originally was written for two pianos, instead of for a piano and four stringed instruments. So my boy said that he knew what they must be: A violin, a cello, a guitar, and a ukelele. So I listened a little and then went out to post a letter, and dawdled at a bookshop and so got into the spirit of being out, and fetched up playing pool, with Mr. David Wallace as my partner, we losing to a couple of other fellows, and so I home and found the ladies just about to cease playing. So I to bed, reading Rose Wilder Lane's "Old Home Town," and a story called "Country Jake" I liked best. Thursday, December 12 WOKE this morning heavy with the realization that I had said "I wept a Grand Inquisitor's tear" instead of "I dropped a Grand Inquisitor's tear." Lord! am I grown careless and slovenly? So up and to the office, but was a long time getting in the mood to write, which is a silly way to feel, forasmuch if I had to wait for that the dear ones that look to me for sustenance might starve. But greatness in art, be it writing or an- other art, would let the dear ones starve, foras- much as the great have no dear ones. But worse it would be to be an artist without greatness, and to have no dear ones, or even a dear one, either. Ot the office till four, and so home and did some work there, and in the evening to G. Brett's for a good and not unvinous dinner, and I mighty lucky, being seated between Mrs. Desmond, a Newburgh girl, and Gladys Bronwyn Stern, whom I am mighty fond of. Friday, December 13 EARLY up, and to school with my daughter, she saying "good morning" to everybody on the way,' and saying to me "I have nine friends." Which is, to my notinn . agreat nimhr Tf she never he- A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 16 - It might be worth noting that the Lib- erty leaguers have set their "anti- new deal" rally in Washington for January 25. That leaves at least two days in the month before the rally. It is a rather general expectation that the court's verdict on AAA pro- cessing taxes and the cotton control bill will come down on one of those days. Having the backing of a selected group of half a hundred distinguished lawyers for the contention that al- most every "newdeal" measure is unconstitutional, it would look as if the league management was hopin to capitalize politically what the leaguers are firmly convinced the court will say. Staging the rally in a "We-told-you-so" atmosphere which adverseddecisions on pet "new deal" mechanisms would create looks like good strategy. IF the court happened to find the other way, it would be somewhat embarrassing, of course. But why should Generalissimo Jouett Shouse of the league anticipate such a thing? Has he not the word of a very high- priced legal talent to guide him? But for the supreme court angle, moving the league rally up a week or more would have seemed desirable. The Democrats will be busy Janu- ary 8 trying to turn their Jackson Day dinner here into the hub of "the most impressive party demon- stration ever held." Commander - in - Chief Farley at Democratic headquarters expects some 1,500 Democratic Jackson Day rallies over the country. He recently used a 48-state hook-up, "the longest and most extensive ever set up in telephone history" as the national committee hand-out noted, to ginger up young Democrats everywhere for that program. TO PUT ON the league rally and feature big-name Democrats op- posed to "new deal" policies close up to the "pro-new deal" Jackson Day festivities would be logical. Al- lowing two weeks to pass before meet- ing the Jackson Day "new deal" rally with an "anti-new deal" show must be due to some special circumstance. The only discernible circumstance important enough to cause such a delay is that supreme court angle. In the meantime, whispers are circulating that the Liberty league may find itself under a Democratic- sponsored congressional investigation of its activities and financing about the same time. Bills proposing such an investigation are said to have been drawn already by Democratic house members.- Dealings Among Nations Honest, Aiton Declares Historian Tells Phi Kappa Phi Secret Diplomacy Is At Low Ebb The diplomacy of the League of Nations and of hostile countries in the world today, contrary to popular impressions, has reached a high peak in honesty and straightforward deal- ings, according to Prof. Arthur S. Ai- ton of the history department who spoke last night before the annual initiation banquet of Phi Kappa Phi, national honorary scholastic society. "The backstairs, secret diplomacy, which flourished during the eigh- teenth century, has sunk to a low ebb in current practice,"hetpointed out, "and no longer can the sole blame for wars be placed on the dip- lomats of the belligerent nations." Professor Aiton described the "double dealings," the "furtive, cryp- tic" messages by which national pol- icies were pursued during the eigh- teenth century, and pointed as an example to the diplomacy of Louis XV. It was the established practice of the French monarch, according to Professor Aiton, to read the private correspondence of diplomats from other countries, and so flagrantly were the rules of diplomacy violated' that foreign diplomats deliberately "planted" messages, knowing that Louis would read them and act ac-' cordingly. Using this description of eighteenth century diplomacy as a perspective on the basis of which modern diplomacy, can be analyzed, Professor Aiton found it "silly" that people should desire to "go to war to end war." "While it is regrettable that Ethio- pians' rights should be violated,, it isj ridiculous that to preserve such rights and ideals the whole world should be involved once again in War," he asserted. At the initiation ceremony preced- ing Professor Aiten's address, 31 stu- dents and seven faculty members were received into membership. Prof. R A Crtis nf the pdeution schon1 TUESDAY, DEC. 16, 1935 VOL. XLVI No. 651 Notices The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the Christmas vacation per- iod, beginning at 12 noon, Friday, Dec. 20, and ending on Monday morn- ing, Jan. 6, at 8 a.m. K. E. Fisher. 1 Ilouseheads, Sorority Chaperons, Dormitory Directors: On Dec. 20 please send to the Office of the Dean of Women a list of all students leav- ing Ann Arbor before that date. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women. Academic Notices Psychology 31, Lecture TI: Examin- ation, Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 2:00. Supreme Court Settles Vermont Tfax Questions Bench Upholds Dominance Of National Over State Citizenship WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. - (IP) - The Supreme Court settled tax ques- tions affecting Vermont and New Jer- sey and many lesser litigants today before hearing arguments on the amendments enacted to fortify AAA. Splitting, 6 to 3, the justices in- validated sections of a Vermont law whereby income derived from invest- ments outside the state was taxed more heavily than that maturing from investments within the state. The ground was that national is dominant over state citizenship, and the law threatened rights of national citizenship. Thereupon they upheld a lower Federal Court decision that it lacked authority to interfere at present in the attempt by New Jersey to collect $16,000,000, on the estate of the late John T. Dorrance, president of the Campbell Soup Co. Numerous other decisions in tax cases were handed down, but none so important in principle or the amount affected. The courtroom again was crowded, many drawn by the dispute over the AAA amendments which was started by eight Louisiana rice millers. They sought an injunction against paying the processing taxes the AAA levies on them to pay farmers for adjusting production. Lower courts dismissed their petition. After the Supreme Court held NRA invalid last May, Congress amended the original farm act to ratify certain acts by the Secretary of Agriculture. This was to meet any objections that the farm act constituted an invalid delegation of authority. Another new provision requires processors, before recovering the taxes paid in the event AAA is up- set, to prove that they have not shifted the levies to farmers or con- sumers. The rice millers contended that be- cause of the peculiar nature of their business they could not prove this. The government replied that proof was possible. Choir Of Men Will Assist In Campus Sing Songs Of Christmas To Be Presented By Groups In Concert Before Library At theaCommunity Sing, which will i,^ held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow nigh' in front of the General Library, the Lyra male chorus, an organization composed of Ann Arbor business men, also will be there to aid in the group singing. A large number of choral units, will be present including the Glee Club, the Stanley Chorus and several church choirs which have previously announced their intentions of attend- ing. Prof. David W. Mattern of the School of Music, who will lead the singing, asked last night that all people going to the sing clip the words of the carols which will be published in The Daily. According to Professor Mattern, a set of portable chimes will be in front of the Library to furnish music from 7:15 until the singing starts. An am- plifying system will be connected up so that the chime music can be broadcast. Different colored lights and other decorations will ornament the trees in front of the Library, giving the Students from A-K inlusive, go to Room 1025 Angell Hall. Those from L-Z inclusive, go to Room 231 Angell Hall. Please take alternate seats, No blue-book is necessary. Geology 11: The make-up for the second bluebook will be given Friday at 9:00 a.m., in the Science Audi- torium. i Sociology: All Master's Candidates ,nSociology who are under the di- rection of Professor R. D. McKenzie and all Doctor's Candiates in So- ciology are requested to call at the Sociology office at their earliest con- venience, preferably this Tuesday or Wednesday. Psychology 31, Lecture I: Examin- ation Wednesday, 2:00. Students with last names beginning with A-B inclusive, go to Room B, Haven Hall; C-K inclusive go to West Physics Amphitheatre: L-Z inclusive go to Natural Science Auditorium. Please take alternate seats. No bluebooks required. Concerts Messiah Concert: The annual Christmas performance of Handel's oratorio "The Messiah" will take place in Hill Auditorium this evening at 8:15 o'clock, no admission charge. The doors will be open at 7:30. The performance will be under the musical direction of Earl V. Moore, and will be given by the University Choral Union, the University Sym- phony Orchestra, and the following soloists: Thelma Von Eisenhauer, so- prano, Detroit; Mrs. Harold Gasman, contralto, Escanaba, Illinois; Arthur Hackett, tenor, Ann Arbor; and Fred- erick Newnham, baritone, London, Ontario. Exhibitions Architectural Building Exhibition: Drawings and designs submitted in the collaborative competition in architecture and landscape design, by students from six middle-western institutions for the Edward L. Ryer- son Traveling Fellowships, are now on view in the Architectural Building. Open daily nine to five. The public is cordially invited. Events Of Today Engineers,Senior and Graduate: The combined sections of C.E. 20, Legal Aspects of Engineering .Prob- lems, will hold an open meeting in Room 348, West Engineering Building at 7:30 this evening. Mr. Frank De- Vine, an outstanding member of the Michigan Bar, will give an interesting address on "Fundamentals of Legal Practice," presenting problems of particular interest to the enineering profession. All are welcome. Alpha Nu Debating Society: Be- cause of the Campus Carol Sing, Alpha Nu will hold its regular meet- ing at 7:30 sharp. All new men who were present last week are asked to come prepared to give a three minute talk on any subject of interest. We urge that all new and old members be present at this meeting. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of tbh Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Tau Beta Pi: Regular ing in the Union at 6:00, dinner meet- p.m. Christian Science Organization: There will be a meeting of this or- ganization tonight at eight o'clock in the Chapel, League Building. Stu- dents, alumni, and faculty members are cordially invited to attend. Tuesday Play Reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at 2:15 p.m., Alumnae Room of the Michigan League. Michigan Dames will have a Christ- mas program at the League, 8:00 p.m. The Homemaking group will have a bake sale in the Russian Tea Room after the program and refresh- ments will be served. Everyone is asked to bring a 5 or 10c gift wrapped for the grab bag. Coming Events Research Club: The December meeting of the Club will be held Wed- nesday, Dec. 18, 8 p.m., 2528 East Medical. The following program will be presented: Arthur L. Dunham, The Influence of Fuel and Transporta- tion on the Development of the Iron Industry in France 1815-1848; Dean B. McLaughlin, Nova Herculis, 1934, and Theories of New Stars. There will be an important meeting of the Council at 7:30 p.m. Quadrangle Club: Will meet Wed- nesday evening, Dec. 18, at 8:15. Speakers will be H. M. Dorr and W. C. Trow. Subjects: "Applying Edu- cational Principles to University Practice." Luncheon for Graduate Students, Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 12 o'clock, Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building. Prof. Bruno Mein- ecke, of the Latin Department, will speak informally on "Health Habits Amonn'the Romans"