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December 15, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-15

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A _
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
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Take Hypocrisy
Out Of Football...
cured to few, before this week, to
speak of the "enlightened South," but the recent
action of most of the Southern schools which have
football teams is certainly the most progressive
in the country..
The Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Associa-
tion first voted to give its athletes board, room,
and tuition, and now the more important South-
eastern Conference has voted for open financial
aid through scholarships.
The indignant, lily-white outcries of Notre Dame
and Ohio State officials after the charges of sub-
sidization made by George Owen, Sr., of the Mass-
achusetts Institute of Technology, are ridiculous.
Even the comparatively casual follower of inter-
collegiate football is well aware of the bitter cat-
and-dog battle that goes on between universities
for the services of the best football players. It is
true from coast to coast.
Once in a while there is a school which does
not follow this practice; for example, Swarthmore.
But no one ever hears of Swarthmore's football
teams, nor does its team make over $100,000 a
year playing football.
But if a school wants to make large sums
at football, and thus provide for the rest of an
ample athletic program and perhaps have some
left over for other purposes, it is necessary to
get out and fight militantly for players good
enough to earn those sums. One notable charac-
teristic of the plan of these Southern schools,
then, is its abolition of hypocrisy.
But furthermore, it is only fair that the Uni-
versity should provide for the education of those
men who earn for it tens of thousands of dollars
a year.
Authoritative figures indicate that 70 per cent of
Big Ten athletes are working their way through
school. It is asking too much to demand that an
athlete practice daily, earn his board and room,
and attend successfully to his scholastic work sim-
ultaneously. Other students are not expected to
do it, nor are other students attracting thousands
to the stadium at from two to four dollars a head.
In the interests of fair play and in opposition
to hypocrisy we urge the adoption of the "South-
ern plan" in the Big Ten and throughout the
To Be, Or
Not To Be ...
THE HOPE of indefinite prolonga-
tion of life was held out to man-
kind last week by Dr. Alexis Carrel, great research
medical authority of the Rockefeller Institute.
From Ann Arbor scientists, Dr. Carrel's predic-
tions drew comments that were conflicting to
say the least. However, one aspect of his address
to the New York Medical Academy was especially
interesting: that a great doctor is beginning to
think in terms of prolonging life and is actually
experimenting in that direction.
We are inclined to agree with the University
Hospital doctor who believes Dr. Carrel's remarks
are "a little far fetched." But on the other
hand, there is much truth in Dr. Carrel's state-
ment that what seems fantastic today is very
often the reality of tomorrow. Considering Dr.
Carrel's famous reputation as a scientist, Dr. Ira
Loree's remark - who are we to say he is not
working on a real possibility? -is quite justified.
Any medical man is wholly within his bounds in
expressing an opinion on the subject.
We would like to believe that Dr. Carrel has

Socialized Medicine
Is Workable.. .
ALTHOUGH the University team lost
the debate on the subject of so-
cialized medicine, they did perform the service
of bringing this question, which will soon have
to be answered, before the public.
There is a strong opposition to the plan of
furnishing medical care to all at the expense of
the state, especially among the medical profession
itself, but it does seem that this is one phase of
social inurance that is workable. If a movement
like the Townsend Plan can gain such a strong
support, it is almost certain that some forms of
social insurance are going to be enacted.
The question of whether socialized medicine
will work can be answered in some measure by the
example of the University Health Service. Each
student pays a "tax" at the time he registers and
in return receives any normal medical attention
that is required during his residence.
Next to subsistence, medical attention is one of
the most important needs of mankind; improving
business conditions are assuring us of the former,
soclalized medicine could assure us of the latter.
As Others See It
The Old Jingoism
(From the Chicago Tribune)
PROBABLY most Americans who give any atten-
tion to our foreign relations have by now come
to realize that in one important direction changes
have occurred which may compel a change in the
nation's attitude and policy. The actual control
of Japanese policy seems to have passed out of
parliament and civil authority into the hands of
a military and naval hierarchy. The civil leaders
and officials with whom, under the popular con-
stitutional forms, we have dealt have retreated into
the background. We confront not the civilian but
the soldier, not principles and modes of thought
and interests familiar to and shared by us and
all other nations enjoying civil constittional gov-
ernment, but the ethics and objectives of military
power and ambition.
This is a phenomenon which places our rela-
tions with Japan on a very different footing. It is
of utmost moment to us that we understand it and
its implications.
We are aware, of course, of the more immediate
and obvious objectives of Japanese policy under
the existing regime. We know the conditions
which influence forceable expansion, the need for
resources of coal, iron, and food supply. There
is a good deal of sympathy among practical Amer-
icans for Japanese needs in this field. There is
also recognition, among those who consider such
matters, of defensive strategic considerations un-
derlying Japanese policy. But the scope and pur-
pose and ambition conceived in the imagination
of the present masters of Japanese policy and
action seem to be far wider than these allow-
ances extend. Let us quote, for example, from a
pronouncement by Maj. Gen. Hayao Tada, com-
mander of the Japanese forces in northern China.
The pronouncement cannot be dismissed as an ir-
responsible utterance, for Gen. Tada is high in
the hierarchy shaping Japanese policy and con-
duct at this time, and no one can seriously think
so significant an utterance was without authority.
"Ever since the occidentals," writes Gen. Tada,
"penetrated into the Orient the attitude of the
powers toward China has been one aiming at her
partition, or advocating international control, or
attempting to enlarge their respective spheres of
influence, or struggling for concessions and mar-
kets. All these, even at the present time, present
a lively aspect. It is true that such measures of
aggression have changed with the times, as far
as their contents are concerned, but fundamen-
.tally, the policy of the powers has remained the
same, always for promoting their own prosperity
by exploiting China."
The general truth of this survey will be acknowl-
edged by most people in or outside of China, al-
though there are important qualifications. But
Gen. Tada proceeds: "Despite this fact our Jap-
anese empire alone has, in pursuance of her
national policy, consistently adopted the view of

respecting the territorial integrity of China and
maintained the principle of friendship and co-
operation with China for the sake of co-existence
and mutual prosperity between the two countries."
This is the commander of the Japanese armies
in North China speaking, and he goes on: "Let
us observe the international situation that is
changing before our eyes. The progressive change
in the international situation may be regarded as a
movement against the tyranny and high-handed-
ness of the white people. It may be regarded as
the beginning of a racial war for emancipating
colored people, who form the greatest part of the
human inhabitants of the world, from the en-
slaving oppression of the whites and realizing
equality and peace for all the human beings on
earth. It may also be regarded as the beginning
of a spiritual war for rectifying the material civ-
ilization of the west by the moral civilization of the
How this appeal may impress the Chinese we
cannot say, though perhaps we may suspect. Our
quotations are for Americans. They do not offer
much hope that our nation can maintain rela-
tions of understanding and cooperation with Japan
under the present regime. The regime may not
endure, but while it is master of Japanese policy
and action the United States cannot afford to
indulge its easy optimism, its repugnance to
preparedness for defense, its delusive comfort in
drift. With an intelligent organization of Amer-
ican resources, material and moral, for both are
essential, we need have no fear of disastrous
developments in any collision with a militant re-
gime in Japan or elsewhere. But the influences
of pacifism and public indifference upon our policy
are not friends of peace or safety. An America
weak and indifferent will insure war.

The Conning Tower]
Once by that Oregon river
You found me this black quartz head
As clean as it came from the quiver
And better than sword or lead.
A sword lies broken and rusted,
And lead goes flatter than foil;
But the arrowhead unencrusted
Is leaf of the stone and soil.
You said it was too small to weather,
Or never worked far from shore,
As it and the memory together
But sharpen each other the more.
Pretty and proud from the maker,
Hard as he meant to bite,
It sang for the fletcher and flaker:
To keep it was never quite right.
I'll say for the pocket it's ruly-
But locked in an old purse still,
It shouldn't go Indian truly
And suddenly maim or kill.
A popular newspaper writer deprecates the cele-
bration of Armistice Day because he believes that
its total effect is martial. -From Christmas greet-
ing card.
Thanks for the ad.
In yesterday's Times Mr. Chanan John Cham-
berlain, one of many book reviewers who know
a soaring hawk from a dull handsaw when the
trade wind is southerly, wrote about the series
that has been running in The Nation, "Our Critics,
Right or Wr'ong." His piece concerns the fifth and
last of the series, in The Nation dated December 18,
on sale yesterday. Why, incidentally, does The
Nation date itself six days ahead? Is the same
with intent to deceive? Not even the capitalistic
press does that. The Nation's fifth article, by
Marfy McCarthy and Margaret Marshall, treats of
the daily reviewer, known to the trade as book
columnists. Mr. Chamberlain calls them "two
bright girls who have been conspicuously reverent
even toward their own literary editor, Mr. Joseph
Wood Krutch." Then Mr. Chamberlain says: "As
F. P. A. might say:
Oh, Mary McCarthy and Margaret Marshall
Are two bright girls who are very impartial."
We might; but we are capable of adding:
For there isn't a reviewer they've forgotten
To call incompetent, venal, and rotten.
The girls remind us of what Old Hen Strauss
used to say of some man whose name we forget:
"He's the most even-tempered man in Chicago;
always mad."
It is true that most reviewers say Yes oftener
than No about a book. It is also true that they
select, as a rule - often wrongly, we think - the
most prominent book published on the date of their
review. The chances are good that many of these
books are, if not cosmic, pretty good, one way or
another. If a reviewer took the least promising
book every day for a week, he might write an
interesting column. For it is easier, and often
makes more readable stuff, to say No, A Thousand
Times No, than to say Yes.
Dear! dear! It is said that a critic is a disap-
pointed something-or-other. And here we are,
criticizing those who criticize critics.
If I hear it again I warn that I may wire
My congressman to abolish "haywire."
They talk about the good old days of journal-
ism; of great and powerful editors. In the Dana-
Greeley-Watterson-Medill days editors rode on
railroad passes. In the Topeka station the other
day were the private cars of Editors Paul Block,
Cissie Patterson, and -possibly W. R. Hearst. We
hope that Mr. Alf Landon, if nominated, will come
out for a five-cent fare on private cars.

I'm thweet thickthteen;
I've been kithed only wunth,
And the club I like betht
Ith the book of the month.
The Naval Conference rejected Japan's demand
for equality in naval strength, so Japan will say
"Well, if you don't want us to have parity, we'll
give up requesting it. Didn't know you cared."
And, as the late Ring Lardner said, "Maybe San
Francisco Bay is made of grape juice."
Perhaps inspired by the City Anthem contest,
Borough President Samuel Levy has submitted to
Commissioner Valentine some rhymes to be placed
on signs with safety warnings. Some of them, for
the benefit of those who failed to see them in
yesterday's papers, follow:
"When crossing streets
'Tis wise to pause-
Obey our lights
And traffic laws."
"Cross at crossings.
Cross with green lights,
Cross carefully."
These are not much good, Mr. Borough Pres-
ident. Last year a boy seven years of age, on his
way to school, extemporarized, to the air of "Au
Clair de la Lune," the following, printed herein
Cross at crossings only,
When the light is green;
Cross at crossings only,
When the light is green.

A Washington
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. - Inquir-
ing minds have it figured that the
fact committees during the last ses-
sion of Congress had before them
three score or more proposed changes
in the constitution, is indicative of
the restless political mood of the
country, due to the depression and itsl
aftermath. That the number of re-
solutions proposing admendments will1
increase as soon as the next sessionf
meets, hardly is to be doubted. Manyt
of them already are drawn.f
Yet, examination of those pending1
suggestions does not prove them all
to be of a "liberalizing" persuasion.,
Some amendment authors, no less1
than Governor Hoffman, of New Jer-
sey, with his suggestion that the Su-
preme Court be required to pass on
the constitutionality of all acts of
Congress before they can become ef-
fective, obviously are intended to peg'
constitutional interpretation in a con-
servative mold.
IT would not take much stretch of
the imagination to picture the re-
cent business congress in New York
adding some such tail to its "plat-
form." The declarations of that doc-
ument were so firmly pinned to the
Liberty League's construction of the
constitution as it bears on "new deal"
measures, that this remarkable as-
sertion is included in the platform:
"Confidence cannot be restored or
maintained when government officers
and legislators, in spite of their oaths
of office, endeavor to avoid by tech-
nicalities the true intent of constitu-
tional guarantees or deliberately leg-
islate with respect to matters not
delegated to them."
That cap, presumably, would fit
quite a number of Republicans in
both house and senate. They voted
for certain "new deal" ventures at
times which other statements of the
business platform now would seem to
class as wholly outside the constitu-
tional province of congress.
* * * *
T might prove highly embarrassing
not only to the Liberty league legal
talent, but to the lawyers who helped
frame the business platform if, in the
face of their attitude, the supreme
court upheld some of the disputed
"new deal" measures. They are far
out on the limb.
However that may turn out, it was
made clear by lawyer-orators at the
New York convention that the protec-
tions of the constitution, even grant-
ing that virtually all "new deal"
moves yet to be tested were toppled
over, were not enough. Such spokes-
men held that the courts could not
reach to protect from administrative
That, presumably, is the logic of
the Hoffman amendment. It would
require the Supreme Court to give
its advice and consent in advance to
any change of law.
Churches To Have
Yuletide Programs
(Continued from Page 1)
will be carol singing at 6 p.m. to be
followed by a Christmas Worship
Divine service will be at 10:45 a.m.
in the St. Paul's Lutheran Church.
Pastor C. A. Brauer will deliver a ser-
mon on "The Message of The Glor-
ious Kingdom of John the King of
Peace." In the evening service which
will begin at 7:30 p.m. Pastor Brauer
will speak on "The Glorious Kingdom
of the King of Peace." A "home
talent" program will be held at 6

The chief worship service of the
Trinity Lutheran Church will be held
at 10:30 a.m. The sermon by the
pastor will be on "Will There be a
Christmas Season?"
There will be a German service at
9 a.m. at the Zion Lutheran Church.
The English service will be at 10:30
a.m. with a sermon on "John's Ad-
vent Ministry." The Lutheran Stu-
dent Club will meet at 5:30 p.m. for
a supper followed by a Christmas
program, including "The Other Wise
Man," an appropriate reading.
Rural Life Shown
By Mass Of Letters
(Continued from Page 1)
with the attitude that they are doing
him a favor in aiding his work, rather
than that he is objectively investigat-
ing them.
Referring to the book in which he
hopes to eventually record his work,
Professor Holmes said, "They (the
farmers) are writing the book, while
I am only listening."
The Michigan Farmer, a bi-weekly
publication and the leading farmf
magazine of the state, recently under-
took to publicize Professor Holmes'
work further, in an effort to enlarge
his circle of correspondents.
He is seeking to establish contact
with representatives of every county
in the state. New correspondents are
obtained through various local of-
ficals and through present correspon-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all ineinoers of the
University. Copy received at the office of a' ^ Assistant to th^^Preside
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

SUNDAY, DEC. 15, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 64
Notice to all Faculty Members andI
Officers: Arrangements have been
nade with the purpose of having in
the General Library both for presentr
purposes and for future historical<
value, a file of the portraits of mem-
bers of the faculty and University of-1
ficials. It is highly desirable fromc
the Library's point of view that this.
file be of portraits in uniform size.E
Portraits will be made without cost to
any faculty member or officer by
Messrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son.f
Members of the faculty are cordially
invited to make appointments with
Rentschler and Son for the purpose.1
Any special questions arising with re-
spect to the matter may be asked
either of the secretary of the Uni-
versity, Shirley W. Smith, or the Li-
brarian, William W. Bishop.
To Students Having Library Books
1. Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, Dec. 16, be-
fore the impending Christmas vaca-
tion, in pursuance of the University
"Students who leave Ann Arbor for{
more than a week must first return+
all borrowed books."
Books needed between Dec. 16 and
the beginning of vacation may be re-
tained upon application at the charg-
ing desk.
2. Failure to return books before
the vacation will render the student
liable to an extra fine.
3. Students remaining in town may
charge and renew books for seven-
day periods beginning Dec. 16.
4. Students leaving town who have
urgent need for books during the va-
cation period will be given permission
to take such books with them, pro-
,ided they are not in general de-
mand, on application at the office of
the Superintendent of Circulation.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
Social Directors, Sorority Chaper-
o n s, Househeads, Undergraduate
Women: Due to the Michigan League
Open-House, the closing hour on
Thursday night, Dec. 19, is 11:00 p.m.
Badminton: The draw of the lad-
der tournament has been posted on
the Barbour Gymnasium board. Play-
ers are asked to arrange their matches
as soon as possible. A medical cer-
tificate for 1935 is essential.
All Band Members making the De-
troit Lions-New York Giants Football
game are requested to report at Mor-
ris Hall at 11:45 sharp, today.
Academic Notices
Aero 6: During the week of Dec.
16 all sections will meet in the large
wind tunnel.
Religion In A Changing World will
be the theme of a public lecture by
Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Litt.D. of
Cleveland at the Michigan Union
Ballroom today at 8 p.m. Auspices of
Religious Education Committee and
Hillel Foundation.
Messiah Concert: The annual
Christmas performance of Handel's
oratorio "The Messiah" will take place
in Hill Auditorium Tuesday evening,
Dec. 17, at 8:15 o'clock, no admis-
sion charge. The doors will be open
at 7:30.,
The performance will be under the
musical direction of Earl V. Moore,
and will be given by the University
Choral Union, the University Sym-
phony Orchestra, and the following
soloists: Thelma Von Eisenhauer, so-
prano, Detroit; Gladys Gilderoy
Scott, contralto, Mt. Carroll, Illinois;
Arthur Hackett, tenor, Ann Arbor;

and Frederick Newnham, baritone,
London, Ontario.
Events Of Today
Stalker Hall:
12 noon, Class in "The Social Re-
sponsibility of a Christian" led by
Prof. Lowell J. Carr. 6 p.m., Christ-
mas program sponsored by Kappa
Phi. All students invited.
7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and Sup-
First Methodist Church:
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach at
10:45 a.m. on "God Before Christ-
Harris Hall: Regular student meet-
ing this evening in Harris Hall at 7
o'clock. Prof. Louis M. Eich will give
a "Christmas Reading" and there will
be singing of Christmas hymns and
f carols. All Episcopal students and
their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship : 8:00 a.m., Holy
Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church
School; 11:00 a.m., Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m., Morning prayer and ser-
mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis.

Iuests. Supper at 6 o'clock followed
6y Christmas program.
7:30, Candlelight Musical Service
under the auspices of Sigma Alpha
Iota Musical Sorority.
Church of Christ Disciples, 10:45
a.m. Morning worship, Rev. Fred
Cowin, Minister. 12:00 o'clock noon,
Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill,
leader. A continuation of the study
of the life and significance of Jesus.
5:30 p.m., Social hour. Fifteen cent
supper served.
6:00 p.m. Carol singing. All those
who intend to go caroling Wednesday
evening are urged to be present.
6:30 p.m., Christmas Worship Ser-
vice. The Christmas story will be
told through art, poetry and music.
First Baptist Church:
10:45, Mr. Sayles will speak on
"Ezekiel, the Priest Prophet." Christ-
mas music by chorus choir. At 9:30
the Church School meets in the
church. At 9:45 Dr. Waterman's class
meets in the Guild House. At 7:00
the young people of High School age
will meet in the church parlors.
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday noon.
Students' Class meets at Guild House,
Mr. Chapman speaking. At 6:00 a
Christmas program in charge of stu-
dents. It is planned that the mem-
bers go in a group to hear Rabbi
Silver at the Michigan Union at 8:00
p.m. Rabbi Silver will speak on "Re-
ligion in a Changing World."
Trinity Lutheran Church:
Chief worship service at 10:30 with
sermon "Will there be a Christmas
Season?" by the pastor.
Lutheran Student Club will meet at
5:30 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall.
6:30, A Christmas service including
the reading "The Other Wise Man"
followed by a social hour.
Zion Lutheran Church:
9:00 a.m., Sunday school; 9:00 a.m.,
Service in the German language.
10:30 a.m. Service with sermon on,
"John's Advent Ministry";
5:30 p.m., Student fellowship and
6:30 p.m. Christmas program given
by students.
Lutheran Student Club will have
its Christmas party this evening, in
the parish hall of the Zion Lutheran
Church on East Washington Street.
Supper will be served at the usual
hour of 6 o'clock and will be followed
by the entertainment upstairs.
There will be a reading of a Christ-
mas story and games. Each member
attending is requested to bring a 5
or 10 cent gift to put under the tree.
Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will
meet this evening, at the home of Pro-
fessor and Mrs. Arthur Dunham, 1217
West Huron St. There will be a sup-
per, followed by a meeting for wor-
ship and a group discussion, led by
Harold S. Gray, author of Character
Bad, on the subject, "The Problem
of the Conscientious Objector." All
interested welcome. Make reserva-
tions by telephoning 7830.
Alpha Epsilon Mu regular monthly
meeting will be held at six o'clock
in the Russian Tea Room, Michigan
League. Will all members please at-
tend this meeting.
Scalp and Blade second formal in-
itiation in the Union at 4:30 p.m. All
members are requested to be present.
Room will be posted. A short meet-
ing will be held afterwards, and holi-
day plans discussed in regard to at-
tending theBuffalo Athletic Club So-
cial, and also the College Ball in a
Genesee Club meeting at 4:30 p.m.,
Coming Events
Research Club: The December

meeting of the Club will be held Wed-
nesday, Dec. 18, 8 p.m., 2528 East
Medical. The following program will
be presented: Arthur L. Dunham, The
Influence of Fuel and Transporta-
tion on the Development of the Iron
Industry in France 1815-1848; Dean
B. McLaughlin, Nova Herculis, 1934,
and Theories of New Stars. There
will be an important meeting of the
Council at 7:30 p.m.
Colored motion pictures and lantern
slides of Camp Davis and surround-
ings will be shown in Room 348, West
Engineering Building, at 2 o'clock on
Mondayafternoon, Dec. 16. All who
may be interested are invited to at-
Phi Delta Kappa Smoker: Dr. Har-
lan C. Koch will be in charge of the
Phi Delta Kappa smoker at the Union,
7:30 p.m., Monday, Dec. 16. Several
matters of national importance to
Phi Delta Kappa are to be discussed.
Guests from the State Department of
Public Instruction atnLansing, and
others from Detroit and Kalamazoo
are expected to be present.
Luncheon for Graduate Students,
Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 12 o'clock,
Russian Tea Room of the Michigan

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