- - -d
K ipke
Michigan State Exhibits Speed In Opening Game
Renner, Smithers
Everhardus, Sweet
Little Looks
To Michigan
Game There
Columbia Mentor To Put
Green Team On Gridiron
This Year
Praises Record Of
Kipke At Michigan
Denies The Superiority Of
Teams In One Section
Over Others
Lou Little begins his sixth coach-
ing season at Columbia University this
year and for the second time in
these six years, he isn't sure about
his prospects. When he came in
1930 he had a new squad and it took
him some time to learn the type ma-
terial with which he had to work.
From then on Little had a veteran
team on the field but this year things
are different. "The prospects? How
can I say? With a team bound to
include so many inexperienced play-
ers, your guess is as good as mine
I've seen young teams such as this do
well while I've seen others that have
been unable to counteract the handi-
cap of inexperience. We'll have to
wait and see. All I can say is that.
there will be plenty of work going
on at Baker Field for awhile," i
the Lion mentor's comment on the
Won't Commit Sdf
Little refuses to commit himself
on the possibilities of defeating
Michigan. "I played against Mich-
igan while at Pennsylvania and al-
ways enjoyed meeting the Wolverines.
Harry Kipke is one of the finest young
coaches in the country. A great
young coach. I feel sure that if he
is given his share of material and the
right cooperation Michigan will be
having strong teams again. He's
done a great job out there."
Stresses Scholarship
Little stresses scholarship in hi
athletes. Out of last year's Colum-
bia team not one man has been de-
clared ineligible who has reported for
the new season's eleven. If a boy
shows signs of slacking in his studie
Little talks it over and puts him back
on the right path once again.
As far as one section playing better
football than another Little feels
that it is governed by a cycle. In
some years the Far West has turned
out the best teams, in some years
the Middle West and some the East.
There is no hard and fast rule.
According to Little, New York and
Columbia await Michigan's invasion
with great interest and Little prom-
ises a great battle between the Wol-
verines and the Lions in mid-October
at Baker Field.
Varsity Band
Will Play For
Muskegon Tilt
The band of the University of
Michigan will appear in Muskegon,
Saturday, Oct. 19, as one of the added
features of the Muskegon High School
football team's homecoming game.
The University band is being brought
there by the high school athletic as-
sociation and Michigan club of Mus-
Muskegon will meet Kalamazoo
Central in the homecoming game,
which will be a part of a two-day
affair. Friday former graduates of
the high school will gather for class
reunions and a big party at the Cen-
tral campus in the evening. The
game will be played Saturday with
special honors to be paid to the ath-
letic stars of other days.
The Athletic association officials
are planning on 12,000 fans at the
game now that the Michigan band
Bengal Boss Hopes Cubs Cool Of In Series
Coach Bachman
Is Satisfied With
Dahlgren, Center, Stars
In One-Sided Contest
With Iowans
Manager Mickey Cochrane, fighting leader of the Detroit Tigers
who will meet the Chicago Cubs Wednesday in the first game of the
1935 World Series, is rated by many experts as the greatest catcher in
the game. In his first two years at the helm of a major league club,
he has led it to successive American league titles. Cochrane has hit
in the select .300 group all season, boasting an average of better than
.320 at the end of the season but will be competing in the series with
a National league backstop who clubbed the horsehide at a .350 clip
through the summer. Gabby Hartnett, the experienced Cub catcher,
is expected to prove mighty troublesome for the Tiger moundsmen in
the classic opening tomorrow and is expected by many to outshine the
scrappy Detroit leader.
Ohio State Coach Decides To
Eliminate FirCst'Team System
COLUMBUS, O., Sept. 30.-(P) -
Coach Francis A. Schmidt, of Ohio
State, blessed with one of the finest
arrays of gridiron talent ever as-
sembled under the Scarlet and Gray
banner, has decided he will hive no,
"first team" this year.
The tall, taciturn Texan, convinced
he has two or three players of equal
Atrength for practically every posi-
'ion, is taking advantage of that fact
by constructing a highgeared ma-
chine in which the parts will be in-
With 19 lettermen from last year's
;eam, a flock of fine reserves and sev-
ral outstanding sophomores to start
the training season, he has welded to-
;ether a team possessing deception,
Speed and power.,
Sophomores Work In
A team of lettermen could be placed
in the field by Schmidt, but the
-hances are that several sophomores
will shoulder their way into the lime-
light before the opening game with
Kentucky here Oct. 5.
The best of the first-year men are
ball-toters-a department where
Ohio already had plenty of talent.
The newcomers are Jim McDonald
and "Jumping Joe" Williams, and in-
dicafions are that both will spend
quite a bit of the autumn in Schmidt's
Regardless of how he shifts his
linemen around, the Ohio mentor will1
present a forward wall averaging
about 198 pounds, while his backs, no
matter what combination he uses, will
stack up at better than 180.
Rely On Passes
Early practices indicate that Ohio
States, as last year, will rely on the
wide-open aerial style of game to gain
ground, but the wily Schmidt has
augmented that with a powerful run-
ning attack. The punting, with John-
ny Kabealo, Franklin Boucher and
Jimmy Karcher doing it, is far from
a source of worry.
At least five of the backfield .men
ar eable to pass, with two of them,
Stan Pincura and "Tippy" Dye, be-
ing masters of that art.
Last year, Schmidt's first at the
Buckeye helm, Ohio won seven games
and lost one - a 14-13 verdict to
Practically unhurt by graduation
losses, Ohio has been touted to wn
the Big Ten'title. To such claims
Schmidt's only answer has been: "We
will have a good team. But let's play
those other fellows before we claim
any titles."
The Ohio schedule: Oct. 5-Ken-
tucky; Oct. 12-Drake; Oct. 19-
Northwestern; Oct. 26-at Indiana;
Nov. 2- Notre Dame; Nov. 9- at
Chicago; Nov. 16--Illinois; Nov.
23 -at Michigan.
Warmbein And Sebo Are
To Lead Michigan State
Against Wolverines
(Special to The Daily)
EAST LANSING, Sept. 30. - That
Michigan State is more than an out-
standing threat to make it two in a
row over the University of Michigan
gridders became highly apparent here
last Saturday when the Spartans
swept to a 41-0 win over Grinnell.
Coach Charlie Bachman, however,
beyond repeating that he has the
fastest team in America, makes no
prediction as to the outcome of the
Michigan-Michigan State game at
Ann Arbor Saturday, although he did
express himself as "satisfied" with
the Spartans' showing in their op-
Edwards Is Lost
State's victory was costly, too, as it
saw the loss of Dick Edwards, sensa-
tional junior halfback who has been
heralded as the equal of Kurt Warm-
bein as a backfield spark, when he.
left the game with torn knee liga-
ments which will keep him out for.
about 20 days. Warmbein ,out of
the Grinnell game with an injured
shoulder, will be back to lead the
Spartans against Michigan ,and Ed-.
wards will be replaced by Steve Sebo,
whose sensational punts were a fea-
ture of the State victory last year.
Speed again was shown to be the
essence of the Spartan attack,
against Grinnell. The Iowans offered.
a team which outweighed State eight
pounds to a man in the line, but the.
speed of the. Spartan centers literally
shredded the Grinnell defense at
Dahigren Outshines Wagner
Dahlgren, at center, was the out-
standing line star of the game for the
Spartans, outplaying Sid Wagner, his
team mate at guard. Wagner has
been rated for two seasons as one of
the outstanding linemen in the Mid-
dle West and Coach Bachman has
said he had "never seen Wagner do
the wrong thing."
Supposedly weak at the tackles,
Grinnell failed to gain against State
at those spots while the Spartans
worked repeatedly off tackle for long
Michigan State, despite the ab-
sence of Warmbein, the ace passer of
the squad, and Edwards, also a cap-
able passer, resorted to the air several
times, throws connecting for sub-
(Continued on Page 21)
Thornhill Trains To
Be Ready For New
Stanford Grid Year
PALO ALTO, Calif., Sept. 30.-0(IP)
-It's a man-sized job coaching a
squad of husky football players says
Claude Earle (Tiny) Thornhill, so the
good natured mentor of Stanford
University gridders tuned up during
late summer days with a training
routine of rigorous if not pleasant
The giant whose tackle and guard
activities at the University of Pitts-
burgh earned him all-America recog-
nition from the late Walter Camp
in 1916, found himself down to a
mere 238 pounds after chopping up
cords of wood, massaging a few
acres of land with a pick and painting
all the barns and fences in sight of
his Palo Alto home.
"If hard work is good for the play-
ers it ought to be good for the coach,"
says the man whose teams have won
the Pacific Coast Conference cham-
pionship the last two years.
Favored to win its third coast title,
Stanford is putting a team manned
almost entirely by veterans on the
"BORN TO FIGHT" is the title of
a gaily colored paper brochure
which these days is vieing with the
numbers and the ponies for the
twenty-five cent pieces of the colored
population of our nation. Not that
there is anything sensational in that,
or in its contents, the life of Joe
Louis, but anyone who has witnessed,
seen pictures of, or heard broadcasts
of the 21-year-old fistic wonder in
the ring cannot help but be struck
by the fitness of that title.
If there are any adjectives which
have been overlooked in the descrip-
tion of the Detroit Dynamiter, the
Tan Tornado, the Brown Bomber,
,they are not in Thesaurus, and
neither in the Thesaurus will be found
some of the adjectives which have
been coined to do justice to his ring
Beyond remarking that "person-
ality" is perhaps not the best desig-
nation for Louis' ring demeanour, it
is superfluous to attempt any addi-
tion to the many volumes which have
been written about the man who
seems destined to stay at the top
in boxing for some time.
However, it is possible to remark
upon a matter which has in the past
week attracted much attention and
will inevitably attract much more in
the future, that being whether Louis
will findrit possible to retain that
ring "personality," that jungle bear-
ing which has been his biggest draw-
ing power.
It is first necessary to point out
that that bearing does not mean any
inherent viciousness of the sort
which possessed the ogres of the fairy
tales, but rather a very definite ser-
iousness about this matter of boxing,
which happens to be the livelihood of
this young man.
Recent reports have stressed the
fear that big money and the ac-
companying fast living would destroy
that attitude, emphasizing how Louis
has already changed from a boy
"kicking at imaginary pebbles and
turning his eyes away while talking"
to a "self-confident man who will
answer every 4uery straight-forward-
ly, even showing an occasional grin."
Two influences, however, tend to
counteract the development of Louis
away from his original ring posi-
tion, both incidentally, being connect-
ed, however indirectly, with Michigan.
In the first place is John Rox-
borough, Louis' Detroit representative,
and the father of Elsie and Virginia
Roxborough, students here.
A gentleman among boxers, Rox-
borough's influence has already been
felt in the management of Louis'
earnings, the 21-year-old already be-
ing assured of an income for the
rest of his life of $1,000 per month,
after establishing his mother in a
fine home and scaring for her in
every way. With Roxborough taking
(Continued on Page 18)
A Busy Man
Wallie Weber, whose exploits as
a fullback for Michigan have
formed the center of many legends,
coaches the backfield of the Var-
sity grid squad, coaches the fresh-
man Physical Ed football team, is
an outstanding scout, concentrat-
ing on the teams of his good friend,
Bob Zuppke, and finds time to
tutor scholastically wayward Wol-
verine athletes:.
Coaches Seek
Track Material
In Fall Drills
A call for all potential track ma-
terial on the campus, especially can-
didates without experience ,to report
for a four-week period of fall outdoor
drills has been made by Varsity Coach
Charlie Hoyt and by freshman Coach
Ken Doherty.
Freshmen will continue the fall
work into an indoor season which in-
cludes telegraphic dual meets with
other Big Ten schools and the Varsity
will continue with the indoor season
which is climaxed by the Big Ten in-
door meet in Chicago in March.
The fall program, which begins
this week, includes all events on the
spring program, and both coaches
have announced that especial atten-
tion will be given during the drills
to the development of material in the
field events ,particularly the high
jump and javelin throw.
The fall training period, which was
continued for five weeks last year,
and which contributed materially to
the superior conditioning which
marked the Wolverine performances
in the 1934-35 indoor season, will be
climaxed by two meets, planned for
Oct. 19 and 26.
Scrimmage Encouraging
To Coach As Speed And
Drive Are Shown
Brilliant Runs By
Grey Feature Day
Kramer And Campbell
Also Star As Regulars
Defeat Reserves
Greatly encouraged but still far
from optimistic as the result of a
regulation practice scrimmage Satur-
day in the Stadium, the last scrim-
mage before the season's opener with
Michigan State here next Saturday,
Coach Harry Kipke has announced a
week of light drills for the Varsity
grid team which will emphasize de-
fensive play.
Kipke's motivation in the planning
of light drills was the fear of further
injuries, he admitted, the squad al-
ready having been badly depleted by
the injury jinx.
Saturday's scrimmage, while again
demonstrating the importance of
Captain Bill Renner's presence,
showed a Varsity team which was not
lacking in speed and drive, and caused
Kipke to make his first announce-
ment of a tentative lineup for the
Renner At Quarter
Kike has announced a tentative
starting lineup which will include
Captain Bill Renner at quarterback,
Cedric Sweet at fullback and John
Smithers at a halfback, with Chris
Everhardus the probable starter at
the other halfback. Stark Ritchie,
recovered from a sprained ankle, will
be almost certain of seeing action, in
place of Everhardus, but Bob Cooper,
whose knee was wrenched in his first
scrimmage appearance last week, will
definitely be unable to play.
Sweet will do the kicking, according
to Kipke, with the outside possibility
that Smithers and even Renner may
Informed that Dick Edwards,
star Michigan State halfback,
had been injured last Saturday
and would not be able to play
against Michigan in the opener
here Saturday, Coach Harry
Kipkehad a ready answer, en-
gendered by the long string of
injuries which have slowed the
progress of the Michigan team.
"I can still do more than match
Bachman," he replied, "cripple to
In Backfield
Manager Dan Hulgrave And His
Stooges Are Versatile Crew
Coaching Staff Resumes Scout
Duties As Grid Season Begins
While Michigan's 1935 Varsity was
working out behind closed doors last
Saturday, Michigan's coaching staff
was also functioning in a very val-
uable but unostentatious capacity.
A football team is only as good as its
brains and the brains were watching
Michigan's opponents run through
their opening games.
Coach Cliff Keen and Ray Court-
right were at Lansing jotting down
the peculiarities of Michigan State's
new eleven as it rolled up 41 points
over Grinnell. Every man on the
Spartan team was being carefully
observed by the Wolverine coaches
and Coach Kipke now possesses val-
uable information about each and
every one of Charley Bachman's play-
a scout who has watched Zuppke's
team for years. Wally Weber has
been traveling back and forth to
Champaign plenty in the last few
seasons and last Saturday watched
the Zuppkemen begin their new sea-
son with a surprise loss to Ohio.
The scouting assignments for the
remainder of Michigan's games have
not been decided upon as yet. "Cap-
py" Cappon will probably observe
Ohio State's games again this season
and he is another coach who has fol-
lowed his team for a long time.
The football scout is a very im-
portant factor in the modern game.
He diagrams very carefully the differ-
ent maneuvers in the offense of the
scouted team. He makes notes about
Would you like to sit next to Harry
Kipke on the Michigan bench at all
the football games, would you like to
make trips to Madison, Champaign,
Bloomington and New York with all
expenses paid, would you like per-
mission to drive a car in Ann Arbor
during the football season, would you
like a free ticket for every game that
Michigan plays for the rest of your
life? If you would, and if you don't
mind working five afternoons a week
till after six for three years, carrying
water, packing iced towels, checking
equipment, and being a general handy
man, you'd better come out for foot-
ball manager next spring.
Danny Hulgrave, himself an all-
City quarterback from the University
of Detroit High school is senior man-
ager of the grid squad this fall, and
to him come all the privileges here-
tofore mentioned. Hulgrave is in
ior manager for next year. In addi-
tion to these juniors, there are a
group of sophomores who take orders
from the junior managers and who
consequently do most of the dis-
agreeable work.
The sad part of this manager bus-
iness, however, is that of the four
men who work for three years for the
senior managership, three of them get
only consolation and perhaps auman-
agership in a minor sport. But de-
spite the fact that they may be out in
the cold after three years of work, the
boys are little given to complaining.
Manager "In The Know"
The intimate contact with coaches
and players, long afternoons in the
fall sunshine on Ferry Field, the
touch games between the managers
and the "gentlemen of the press," and
the fact that the whole managerial
staff is "in the know" as regards the
inside machinations of the team and
be called upon if necessary. Smithers
kicked several times for a fair aver-
age in Saturday's game.
Bissell Injured
In the line Kipke has announced
Matt Patanelli as a certain starter at
left end, John Vieirg'ever at left
tackle and probably Frank Bissell at
left guard. Bissell, suffering from a
slight injury, did not appear in Sat-
urday's scrimmage.
At center Joe Rinaldi is expected to
start while at right guard and right
tackle respectively leading candidates
are Bud Hanshue, Jim Lincoln and
Mel Kramer. Kramer impressed the
Michigan coaches with his savage play
last Saturday, and is expected at
least to alternate with Lincoln.
At right end Mike Savage and Art
Valpey continue to do battle for
starting honors, with neither con-
ceded a distinct edge by the coaches.
With Renner starting at quarter-
back in Saturday's scrimmage, a Blue
team which included Smithers and
Bob Campbell at the halves, Sweet at
full, Patanelli and Savage at ends,
Viergever and Lincoln at tackles, Jesse
Garber and Hanshue at guards and
Rinaldi at center, scored 10 points
after gaining possession of the ball
Pass Scores Touchdown
Both marches, however, were cen-
tered about Renner's passes, although
the first touchdown was an 80-yard
run by Campbell through a defense
spread out to wait for Renner's passes.