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December 14, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-14

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thing, anywhere, on equal terms with anybody.


HC' or -ame (u n AMlbatr~....,.
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
seconxd class mail matter.
Subscriptons during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 424
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: ThomasH. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger,, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E, Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W.


If you will teach your students how to think and
how to form accurate judgments, if you will give
them some mathematics, some knowledge of po-
litical and economic history, political science, one
or more foreign languages, psychology, logic,
literature, philosophy, and the point of view of
modern science. We can teach them, in a few
weeks, all we want them to know about business
in the special course for college graduates which
,we have organized for this purpose.'
The late dean of the literary college, John R.
Effinger, once said: "That education is most prac-
tical which, quite apart from business or sci-
entific success, will assure the student a reasonable
happiness and satisfaction in life. To train a stu-
dent exclusively for a narrow career may be prac-
tical in one sense, but surely it is more practical
to train him in such a way that he will understand
the world about him and be able to play his part
therein intelligently and helpfully, whatever may
be his business or profession.
"The primary aim of an education should be
to educate a man for himself rather than for
his business. What he is able to do with his
leisure time often determines the kind of man he
is. To enable a man to make the wisest use of
his leisure time, to provide him with resources
which will put him in contact with interests
far afield from the routine of his daily business,
this is surely practical education."


Telephone 2-12141

Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
Buy A Goodfellow
Mic igan Daily...
THUS FAR, the Daily Goodfellow
drive is encouraging for many rea-
Honor societies have come forward with remark-
able enthusiasm and offered contributions in both
money and labor. They are taking another great
step in their transition to usefulness and a jus-
tification of existence.
The Daily Goodfellow drive is an attempt to
make an intelligent application of generosity.
Charity, as we have said before, though well in-
tended is not always intelligently applied. This is
one of the mistakes of the past that we are trying
to correct.
Everyone has been cooperating splendidly. Mer-
chants, townspeople, students and University of-
ficials have all responded generously. Charity
seems to be the one cause that will unite every
race, religion and political belief.
Remember, you can insure a Christmas to some-
one who would otherwise have none, by buying
a Goodfellow Daily!
Mr. Ludwig
Will Succeed...
A MERICA, in the opinion of Emil
Ludwig, needs another depression.
Mr. Ludwig said he likes to be unpopular. He
thought he was succeeding in that endeavor by
advocating that the United States join the League
of Nations, but his audience fooled him by ap-
plauding vigorously. But if he really wishes to
make Americans dislike him, we can think of no
better formula than frequent reiterations of the
statement that we need another depression.
The tremendous headaches that we suffered dur-
ing the last five years, while their pangs are defi-
nitely easing, are still keen in our memory, and,
anyone who tells us we "need" another one stands
a very good chance to be tarred and feathered.
But to strike a more serious note, Mr. Ludwig's
statement does have a point. In this depression,
as in past economic crises, we have found many
flaws in our economic and governmental systems.
We have attempted to correct those flaws, and in
doing so we have progressed.
It is the age-old question of long and short run
effects and results. It may be true, as Mr. Lud-
wig believes, that depressions do us good in the
long run. But they are mighty unpleasant while
we are having them.
Education For
Ourselves.. .
ANY PARENTS and students want
M an education which can be turned
into dollars and cents in the shortest possible
time. For many students, such a course of study
is undoubtedly the right thing. A few months
in a business college will give them a knowledge of
stenography, typewriting, and elementary book-
keeping which will prepare them for a job in an
office without much delay. The simple technique
of chemical analyses can be easily learned and a
place in some industrial laboratory might be se-
cured. By these illustrations we see that there are
ways in which to obtain a severely practical edu-
Yet all of us aren't enrolled in this University to
learn to typewrite. Wisely, most college students
are looking farther ahead, and are thinking about
fitting themselves by a slower nrocess for more I


Letters published in thisdcolumn should notrbe
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
fetters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Temperance Education
To the Editor:
As all-inclusive as college curricula may be to-
day, they are strikingly incomplete in one respect.'
The student has no possibility of learning the
'udiments of drinking. Whatever "education"
has been acquired is of an extra-curricular nature,
certainly the result of a socially-wasteful and trial
and-error method.
The most basic solution to the problem would be
to make absolute abstinence a hard and fast rule
for the student body. This proposal is, however,
grossly idealistic. The history of the past 10
years can be used as ample proof for definitely
refuting this argument.
It being assumed that many college students
will imbibe intoxicants, the practical problem
is to modify this practice to the extent that there
is a minimum of evils present. One method, of
course, is a rigid regulatory control reminiscent
of the prohibition era. But such action does not
strike deeply enough.
Intervention of an educational nature on the
part of the University would, if functioning effec-
tively, attain two benefits. The character of social
life and school tradition could be disassociated from
that alcoholic aroma which has been the dis-
tinguishing feature of college life for the more
sober adult world. Secondly, the psycho-physical
deterioration which accompanies unwise indulg-
ence could be prevented to a great extent.
It would require a master propagandist to
hypnotize the student body of 1935 to accept
any plan of liquor education. An unwise decision
might cause an eruption of latent collegiate
criticism, an action probably permanently detri-
mental to the plan. But the fruits of the plan
would be ample bait to call for a great expendi-
ture of effort and possible sacrifice.
How such a system of education should be ad-
ministered is a problem for an expert. Whatever
details he might adopt, the most logical plan
should be based upon the theory that students
will be vitally interested in whatever affects their
future chances for success. The course could thus
be subtly directed towards a revelation of the
handicaps that excessive drinking can inflict
upon the student, who suffers in physiological
deterioration and in loss of social prestige.
"As Others See It

The Conning Tower
Music from "Iolanthe"
When Gotham really swam in gold-
(In Jimmy Walker's time)
The City Hall made no pretence
Of anything but affluence
Or need to save a dime;
Yet Gotham won her proudest bays
In Jimmy Walker's holidays.
Yes, Gotham won her proudest bays
In Jimmy Walker's holidays.
Add It Can't Happen Here: The Mount Vernon
Choral Society wil not permit Haendel's "Messiah"
to be sung in the auditorium of Washington Junior
High School because the Board of Education re-
gards it as "sectarian." Instructions to that effect
have been given by Dr. William H. Holmes, super-
intendent of schools.
Well, on Christmas Eve through Greenwich Vil-
lage will be sung, and sung beautifully, those
"sectarian" carols, "Good King Wenceslas," "The
First Noel," and "Adeste Fideles." Now is the
time for the Board of Aldermen, or even the
Board of Education, to protest.
No longer I read the public prints
For news about the Dionne Quints.
It seems to us that the slogan of Miss Blanche
Griffith, of Hutchinson, Kansas, is ambiguous.
She is organizing a temperance chorus to sing
against the guzzling that is supposed, by her,
to accompany the holiday season. Her theme is
"Drink dry, buy dry." Now, a good many of us
drink dry, but what? We drink the bar dry;
and it is only when we are dry, perhaps, that we
buy. But what shall they sing in Hutchinson,
where they spend money like sober sailors? "Land-
lord, Empty the Flowing Bowl?" "Water, Water,
Wildflower?" "There is a Hydrant in the Town?"
Young Mr. Jay Berwanger, the University of
Chicago football player who ran a mile during
the 1935 season - why, on November 30 we walked
more than two miles, from the railroad station
to the Bowl, just to see one game - said, with an
insouciance that argues that two careers are mu-
tually exclusive instead of coincident, "I would
prefer to enter a business career rather than
Sir: If it comes to getting up Readers we can
get one up ourself, and how many octogenarians
creaking along through life can remember these
classics -or will admit they read them?
"Old Mam'selle's Secret," "The Second Wife,"
"Gold Elsie" were adored. That beautiful red hair
of the Second Wife! "The Opening of a Chest-
nut Burr" everybody, but Everybody, read. "Char-
lotte Temple" we read and learned to dread city
slickers. "Lena Rivers" was handed to us because
it was the first novel mother ever read. It was
not so hot. "Beulah" was another accepted with
reservations because she had a bulging, intelligent
brow, but was neither chic nor good looking. "Ish-
mael, or In the Depths" and its sequel "So-and-so,
or Out of the Depths," each of them about the
size of the Encyclopedia Brittanica, was read many
times. Distinctly do we remember Nora, who had
to pin up her beautiful hair with a thorn; for,
Reader, she was too poor to buy a hairpin! That
degree of poverty fascinated us. Even during
the past (by the grace of God) Depression, we
bought our bobby pins at Woolworth's with proper
restraint and caution, mindful of the time wlien
we would be reduced to hunting a thorn. (Where
do you hunt thorns?) Nora, even without hairpins,
perhaps because of the lack of them, caught the
eye of the Young Master, and Ishmael, Child of
Shame, was the result. And that was why the
haughty Claudia spurned Ishmael. But did Clau-
dia get hers! Just read "Whatever-It-Is, or Out
of the Depths" and find out.
The day was blessed when Aunt Kate would
unlock the bookcase and allow us to read again
Ethelyn's Mistake." "The Romance of Two
Worlds," with Zara and that electric jewel, awed

us. "The First Violin" was virtually read to pieces.
The snakey "Elsie Venner," "The History of David
Grieve," and "Marcella" in two volumes are still
alive. "The Silence of Dean Maitland" (alas,
those Young Masters), and that Cat who Knew
Him on the fatal night was loved, mostly for the
cat.* Who, today, ever heard of "Told in the
Hills" or "Parish of Two"? -B. Ross.
*The cat's name was Mark Antony. No, I never
forget ANYTHING.
Of course, the word is Bouillabaisse. As one
contrib who has orthographical trouble tells us, he
always calls it fish soup.
(From the Publishers' Auxiliary)
who is experienced in dance music and is
also a fairly good linotype operator and
printer. Work mostly music. Write Harry
Shaull, St. Francis, Kan.
Hervey Allen has been in the city for a few days
and reports that he has completed about 150 pages
of his new novel. -New York Times.
Scratching-the-surface note.
. . . Shakespeare's observation, "The trouble,
dear Brutus, is not in our stars but ourselves"
. something I always wanted to know not having
seen the play. -Dan Walker in the Daily News.
You should have seen "Julius Caesar" as well
as "Dear Brutus," Dan. For right in the first act
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

A Washington
W ASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-Wheth-
er political party platform veter-
ans were concerned with the drafting
of the "Platform for American In-
dustry" by the New York business
"congress," does not appear. A read-
ing of the three newspaper columns
it takes to print the platform sug-
gests they were not. Certainly as a
political document, and that is what
the adoption of the name "platform"
makes it, it lacks most of the vote
getting props that politicians always
have deemed the essential element
of party platforms.
It is a safe guess that not enough
voters will read that "Platform for
American Industry" in its entirety
for it to have any influence whatever
on election results. Voters do not
even read regular party platforms.
They cull out the affirmative planks
as abstracted and dramatized for
them by party stump orators. Each
minority group tests party declara-
tions by the promises made of bene-
fits to come for that group.
* * * *
AND here is a platform that makes
no promises. It admittedly has
no affirmative side, unless one is to
say that repeal of the "new deal,"
lock, stock and barrel, is an affirma-
tive proposition. The New York plat-
form by its own say-so does not go
beyond that.
"In opposing unsound economic
and social measures it is unnecessary
to propose alternatives," that plat-
form frankly asserts. "It is far more
constructive to expose such measures
to the light of experience and subject
them to the test of logic."
Exactly how the New York platform
builders expect to enlist labor, for in-
stance, or the mighty farm vote or
the soldier vote, to say nothing of the
Townsend plan and the share-the-
wealth advocates, or a dozen other
such groups behind an exposure plat-
form, is difficult to see. What about
the 10,000,000 unemployed and 20,-
000,000 still on relief referred to in the
first sentence of the platform? They
have votes also.
* * * *
O SOME Washington political on-
lookers the New York platform
seemed an even more definite ges-
ture from the conservatives for a po-
litical realignment than President
Roosevelt made toward a liberal
grouping across old party lines at the
time of his election. To date little
has come of that Roosevelt gesture.
As the 1936 campaign swings into ac-
tion there is very little to suggest any
probable departure from traditional
party alignments. It is to be a Re-
publican-Democratic struggle lacking
even the third party threat represent-
ed by the late Senator Huey Long.
That being the case, the "Platform
for American Industry" can only seek
expression and political effect on the
Republican side, Democratic efforts to
picture it even now to the country as
just a G.O.P. preliminary are to be
expected. The Democrats will be
busy plastering "big business" stick-
ers where they might do them the
most political good.
Received by a sympathetic audi-
ence, Ann Arbor's stars of the future
put on an entertaining, hilarious am-
ateur show at the Michigan Theatre
last night.
The audience, eager to help the
young entertainers, came supplied
with sound-effects, the usual alarm

clocks, and a gong. Thus, every im-
itator found in the audience a rooster
for his chicken, and a bell for every
cow. The contest was won by two
charming young ladies, Maxine and
Dorothy, about five and seven years
old, whose singing and dancing cap-
tivated the listeners. Second prize
went to Bob Goldstein, who did a
really fine job at the organ, and, from
all indications, won himself a perma-
nent position at the Michigan as
well as a prize. ,
The high-point of the program, as
far as entertainment value is con-
cerned, was supplied by Miss Tilly
Schwartz, whose undergarments
somehow broke loose, and slipped
down to her ankles in the course of
her song.
Almost all of the songs were char-
acterized by one fault - the singer's
forgetting the words, and either gaz-
ing pathetically at the pianist or
freezing to a standstill. One young
lady so troubled left the stage on the
verge of tears, while the audience
boo-hooed sympathetically.
There were hot singers, and there
was a singer who brought her own
accompanist. There were tap and
acrobatic dancers. There was a pi-
ano player and an accordianist. And
there were some artists who cannot
accurately be classified in any group.
Such, was the young man who pro-
fessed to be a humourist. He con-
tributed to the festivities largely by
appearing on the stage a number of
times when he thought he heard his
name called, and finally just stand-
ing beside the microphone and wait-

SATURDAY, DEC. 14, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 63
To Students Having Library Books
1. Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, Dec. 16, be-
fore the impending Christmas vaca-
tion, in pursuance of the University
"Students who leave Ann Arbor for
more than a week must first return
all borrowed books."
Books needed between Dec. 16 and
the beginning of vacation may be re-
tained upon application at the charg-
ing desk.
2. Failure to return books before
the vacation will render the student
liable to an extra fine.
3. Students remaining in town may
charge and renew books for seven-
day periods beginning Dec. 16.
4. Students leaving town who have
urgent need for books during the va-
cation period will be given permission
to take such books with them, pro-
ovided they are not in general de-
mand, on application at the office of
the Superintendent of Circulation.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
Badminton: The draw of the lad-
der tournament has been posted on
the Barbour Gymnasium board. Play-
ers are asked to arrange their matches
as soon as possible. A medical cer-
tificate for 1935 is essential.
Religion In A Changing World will
be the theme of a public lecture by
Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Litt.D. of
Cleveland at the Michigan Union
Ballroom Sunday, 8 p.m. Auspices
of Religious Education Committee
and Hillel Foundation.
Messiah Concert: The annual
Christmas performance of Handel's
oratorio "The Messiah" will take place
in Hill Auditorium Tuesday evening,
Dec. 17, at 8:15 o'clock, no admis-
sion charge. The doors will be open
at 7:30.
The performance will be under the
musical direction of Earl V. Moore,
and will be given by the University
Choral Union, the University Sym-
phony Orchestra, and the following
soloists: Thelma Von Eisenhauer, so-
prano, Detroit; Gladys Gilderoy
Scott, contralto, Mt. Carroll, Illinois;
Arthur Hackett, tenor, Ann Arbor;
and Frederick Newnham, baritone,
London, Ontario.
Events Of Today
Graduate Outing Club will have its
annual Christmas Party and Chick-
en dinner at Camp Newkirk near
Dexter. Transportation will be pro-
vided starting from Lane Hall at 3:00
p.m. All Graduate students are cor-
dially invited to attend. The cost of
dinner and transportation will be ap-
proximately 60 cents.
Beta Kappa Rho: All members of
Beta Kappa Rho are reminded of the
Christmas Party at 8 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Franklin Shull, 431
Highland Road.
Chinese Students Club and the
Chinese Students Christian Associa-
tio'n: Christmas party at Lane Hall,
8 p.m. All members are invited to
Please bring a small gift for ex-
Coming Events
Graduate Students in Education:
There will be a meeting of the Grad-
uate Education Club on Monday, Dec.
16, 4 p.m., Elementary School Li-
brary. Dr. Mowat G. Fraser will
speak on the subject, "My Interviews
with Propagandists."

Phi Kappa Phi: dinner meeting and
initiation at the Michigan League at
6:30, on the evening of Monday, Dec.
16. Professor Aiton will speak on
"Sidelights ofMEighteenth Century
Diplomacy." Members may secure'
reservations from the secretary, 308
Engineering Annex, phone Campus
Phi Eta Sigma Initiates: Initiation
and dinner will definitely be held in
the Union on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at
5:30 p.m.
Alpha Epsilon Mu regular monthly
meeting will be held at six o'clock
Sunday, Dec. 15, in the Russian Tea
Room, Michigan League. Will all
members please attend this meeting.
Phi Delta Kappa Smoker: Dr. Har-
lan C. Koch will be in charge of the
Phi Delta Kappa smoker at the Union,
7:30 p.m., Monday, Dec. 16. Several
matters of national importance to
Phi Delta Kappa are to be discussed.
Guests from the State Department of
Public Instruction at Lansing, and
others from Detroit and Kalamazoo
are expected to be present.

Michigan League. It is to be a very
important meeting and all are urged
to attend.
Monday Evening Drama Section
will meet Monday, Dec. 16, at the
home of Mrs. Carlton Peirce, 2019
Seneca. 7:45 p.m.
Stalker Hall, Sunday.
12 noon, Class in "The Social Re-
sponsibility of a Christian" led by
Prof. Lowell J. Carr. 6 p.m., Christ-
mas program sponsored by Kappa
Phi. All students invited.
7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and Sup-
First Methodist Church, Sunday.
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach at
10:45 a.m. on "God Before Christ-
Hlarris Hall, Sunday:
The regular student meeting will be
held at 7:00 p.m. in Harris Hall.
Professor Louis M. Eich will give a
"Christmas Reading" and there will
be singing of Christmas hymns and
carols. All Episcopal students and
their friends are cordially invited.
Unitarian Church, Sunday:
5:30 p.m., "The Child of Yester-
day and Today" - a contrast of the
holy family and a panel of the Rivera
Mural in Detroit. Cello solo; Gratia
Harrington: Vocal solos; Mataileen
Ramsdell and Carl Nelson. At 6:45
p.m., Farewell Student Banquet:
Kathleen Schurr, toastmistress.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday: Services of worship are:
8:00 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30
a.m., Church School; 11:00 a.m.,
Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m., Morning
Prayer and Sermon by The Reverend
Henry Lewis.
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:30, Christmas Service. Special
music, instrumental and vocal. Harp
ensemble, brass and strings. Com-
bined choirs. Brief Christmas medi-
tation by the minister. At 11:30 Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman will speak on
"Wesley, Strong Man of the Spirit."
5:30, Student Fellowship Christmas
Party with group of younger boys as
guests. Supper at 6 o'clock followed
by Christmas program.
7:30, Candlelight Musical Service
under the auspices of Sigma Alpha
Iota Musical Sorority.
First Baptist Church, Sunday:
10:45, Mr. Sayles will speak on
"Ezekiel, the Priest Prophet." Christ-
mas music by chorus choir. At 9:30
the Church School meets in the
church. At 9:45 Dr. Waterman's class
meets in the Guild House. At 7:00
the young people of High School age
will meet in the church parlors.
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday noon.
Students' Class meets at Guild House,
Mr. Chapman speaking. At 6:00 a
Christmas program in charge of stu-
dents. It is planned that the mem-
bers go in a group to hear Rabbi
Silver at the Michigan Union at 8:00
p.m. Rabbi Silver will speak on "Re-
ligion in a Changing World."
Church of Christ (Disciples), 10:45
a.m. Sunday Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister. 12:00 noon,
Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill,
leader. A continuation of the study
of the life and significance of Jesus.
5:30 p.m., Social hour. Fifteen cent
supper served.
6:00 p.m. Carol singing. All those
who intend to go caroling Wednesday
evening are urged to be present.
6:30 p.m., Christmas Worship Ser-
vice. The Christmas story will be
told through art, poetry and music.
Lutheran Students, Sunday:
Divine services at St. Paul's Luther-
an Church, corner Third and West
Liberty streets, will be held at10:45
a.m. and 7:30 p.m. In the morning
service Pastor Brauer will speak on

"The Message of John" and in the
evening his sermon will deal with
"The Glorious Kingdom of the King
of Peace."
Students' fellowship hour and sup-
per at 6 p.m., followed by a "Home
Talent" program. Every student will
kindly come prepared to furnish
Wednesday evening, Dec. 18, will
be the Student-Walther League
Christmas Party. All students are
cordially invited to attend.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday:
Chief worship service at 10:30 with
sermon "Will there be a Christmas
Season?" by the pastor.
Lutheran Student Club will meet at
5:30 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall.
6:30, A Christmas service including
the reading "The Other Wise Man"
followed by a social hour.
Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday:
9:00 a.m., Sunday school; 9:00 a.m.,
Service in the German language.
10:30 am. Service with sermon on,
"John's Advent Ministry";
5:30 p.m., Student fellowship and
6:30 p.m. Christmas program given
by students.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members ofvthe
University. Copy received at the ofice of th- Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

The Halfback And His Hire
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
A COLLEGE PROFESSOR has broken a lance
for, let us say, the semi-forgotten man. Who
may that be? You'll be surprised. He is the foot-
ball player.
The professor had a good deal to say about foot-
ball as operated in our higher institutions of
learning. A good football team, he insists, does
not just happen. It is bought. A ranking eleven,
wherever found, he asserts, is commercialized.
And that's all right with the professor. - What he
objects to is the bland air of innocence the uni-
versity dons cultivate. All is white as the lily, as
far as they know. That's their attitude.
"Faugh!" says the prof. He wants them to come
out frankly, acknowledge that college football of
real class is operated as a business, take the public
fully into their confidence, do away with the
pretense, -and watch the mob come to the stadium.
Good old meal-ticket mob will be present and
shouting. even as now. The mob does not care
a whoop, the prof. says, whether a triple-threat
chap is a bona fide student or on the state pay-
roll. It's what he can do out there on the grid-
iron that engages Mr. Spectator.
But when the veil is lifted, there is this other
item on the agenda- that of paying the player a
just compensation. The halfback is worthy of his
hire, the prof. says. Is he getting it? Nobody
knows, outside of the surreptitious angel or the un-
identified board that manages such things. What

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