8ATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1.935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY d - #..lo - i l a . , a9 t x. $ '~ " }Lgo " ;u {, p w w 111 !llIII I GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY PURE -H IFFON RE HOSE)CARRII 79cjJ r dGift Box SHOP 11 6 SOUTH MAI N - 2 Doors North of Woolworth's '3 [ER 5S ewZipper Purse Muffs Red, Brown, Green, Navy, etc. Wool Ankle Socks and Mittens HANDKERCH IEFS For All the Family IMPORTED 5 Oc up Laura Belle 315 South State Street GIFTS FRATERNITY J EWEL RY BURR, PATTERSON & AULD Frank Oakes, Mgr. 603 CHURCH STREET We Suggest GILBERT CANDY CIGARS in Fancy Boxes TO ILETRI1ES DRUG CO. Drug Company Cor. East and South Univ. MEN'S BRUSHED WOOL - - * Pleated and Shirred Back Sweaters with the new nov- elty features . .. in mohairs, brushed wool effect, etc.; wanted colors; sizes 36 to 46. _____________________________________________III III III i Let Us Show You the Many Beautiful Articles We Have in For Christmas, Give Holproof HOSIERY Watches.- Lighters Cases Traveling Sets - Rongs Necklaces COMPACTS - from $1.0 0 BEAUTIFUL TEA SETS - f romn $12.5 0 All the Smartest Costume Types of Je'welry E=IBLER' 314 SOUTH MAIN STREET By Good Housekeeping \P' -Q uJl w (z Z0 O- m m mn for the lady ... LaFRANCE SHEER for Beauty WEAR for Durability and "full -fashioned to size" for Tall, Average, Short 89C & $.00 others at 59c 0 ROB ERTS SHOP' 604 EAST L IBE RTY CANDY FOR CHRISTMAS Canes for Children SPEC IALLY WRAPPED BOXES OF GILBERTS CHOCOLATES LA CASA 302 South Main Street GIFT SUGGESTIONS TUSSY preparations are no0w on sale at our Toilet Goods counter. These are the famous TUSSY cosmetics and creams that originated in Paris ... captured the fancy of fashion ex- perts ... and are now the favorites of smart women every- where. Ask especially to see: s T US SY LI PST IC KS (indelible) ... miiraculously soothing and becoming. TUSSY EMULSIFIED CLEANSING CREAM. .. new, lusciously soft. TUSSY POWDER , , . so fine you look youthfully unpowdered Three Friendly Stores .~alkins-Fletcher i CAMPUS SOHOPPE 229 South State, at Liberty ( 201 S. 4th - 818 S. State - 324 S. State iii iii iii a II LADIES LOVE L IN GERtIE for CHRISTMAS They love dainty, personal, intimate apparel that will glorify their sweet selves. And they will love, we assure you, any of the large assortment that we take (pardonable) pride in. Pajamas, Gowns, Slips, Panties, Step-ins $1 .95-$6.50 Lounging Pajamas and Negligees, Satin, Velvet, Corduroy, Flannel, $4.50 to $25.00. ~ke0Loh&zSAiOppe East Liberty at Maynard CHRISTMAS SPECIAL McLEAN'S Assorted Chocolates 4-lb. Box $1.00 B UNTE'S French Mixed Confections 21/2-1b. box - $1.25 B34 E. Muelilig DRY GOODS Washington and Main Streets PHONE 2-3184 Elie Sheetz JYIart ha Washington CANDIES The Perfect GIFT Leave your Christmas list with us. We will do the rest. 50fc per lb. and More IN BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS BOX MARTHA WASHINGTON SHOP 5 39 EAST LIBERTY Phone 3644 COMPLETE Toilet Sets For MEN and WOMEN Men's, $1.50 to $25 Women's, Slightly Higher. --0- Give her a Waterproof Case for Toilet Articles $100 TRAVELING BAGS Wilkinson's 325 South Main "Buy Leather Goods at a Leather Goods Store" KADETTE $19.95 Only THE PERFECT GIFT The College Bookshop State Shreet at North University - -________ -__________________-__________________II III III II i Give Her Gifts That Keep On Giving THIS YEAR IS A "SOMETH ING-TO-WEAR CHRISTMAS" For the Wo-man WVho Travels .. BAGS. 1. 5 All in Leather BEAUTI FUL HAN DKERCH IEFS All Colors Of the Rainbow We Are HEADQUARTERS for Christmas Wrapped QUALITY TOBACCOS " POUCHES, PIPES, etc. QUALITY CAN DI ES GIFT SUGGESTIONS at RIDER'S 302 South State Street $1.00 & Under Pen, pencil, pocket notebook & memorandum, magnifier, bill- fold, keytainer, stationery, cig- arette case, scrapbook, blotter pad. $3.00 & Under Pen & pencil set, desk set, vac- mnim-fill npn mvnrncrsnnn nnrA Let the folks in On your activities by sending -them THE M ICHIGAN DAILY DRESSES PAJAMAS COATS FORMAL TOGS ROBES HOSIERY III iii III III III I I I I 1111