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December 13, 1935 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-13

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The Weather
Cloudy and unsettldt, rain or
snow probable today and tt41
morrow; rising temperatures.


soIaiti1 4441w

The NYA Wage Cut ..
Give The Rest Of The

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VOL. XLVI. No. 64


Christm~a s America 'Paradise' Of Liberty

I a

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New Gifts
University Trucks Will Aid
Distribution Of Papers;
City Officials Subscribe
League Council
Contributes $35
Members Of Faculty To Be
Contacted Today; Help
Of Michiganua Offered
With the sale of the Goodfellow
edition of The Daily just four days
off, a flood of contributions for the
fund which is to provide food, cloth-
ing, and the essentials of life and a
Merry Christmas to underprivileged
students, children and families be-
gan yesterday to pour into the Good-
fellow treasury.
Fraternities, sororities, dormitories
and League houses through the work
of their Goodfellow representatives
are formulating plans for joint con-
tributions to the fund. Trucks bor-
rowed from the Building and
Grounds department, through the
courtesy of Supt. Edward C. Pardon,
will be used to distribute The Daily's
and the tags which are to be given to
each purchaser in the various houses.
Michigamua at their meeting last
night voted unanimously to assist in
the street kale of the Goodfellow
Daily's. A list of Tribe members who
became Goodfellows is published with
this story.
The Dean's Freshman Luncheon
clubs, meeting yesterday noon at the
Union, voted to assist in the street
distribution of the edition.
Faculty members and alumni will
be contacted today, it was planned by
the Goodfellows, who are asking
everyone who wishes to "lend a help-
ing hand to students, children and
families for whom there would be
no Christmas otherwise," to fill out
and return the coupon printed on
this page to The Goodfellow Editor
of The Michigan Daily with their
Among the new gifts received by
the fund yesterday was a contribu-
tion of $35 from the League Council,
which is also taking charge of the
coordination of gifts and distribution
among the sororities, dormitories andi
League houses.
MayorhRobert H. Campbell, Chief
of Police Lewis W. Fohey, and Super-
intendent H. H. Caswell of the Ann
Arbor Water Dept., yesterday became
members ' of the Michigan Daily
A complete list of gifts follows:
League Council ................$35
Delta Delta Delta .............. $10
Delta Gamma ..................$10
Sorosis . ....----------- . . -. .. $10
Gamma Phi Beta .............. $10
Alpha Sigma Phi ................$5
Delta Sigma Pi.................. $5
J. D. Lodeesen-Grevinck.
Mrs. Clara Groehn.
Mayor Robert H. Campbell.
Chief Lewis W. Fohey.
H. H. Caswell.
Russell F. Anderson.k
Glenn Winters.I
New members of the Goodfellow
Club, in addition to the above, include
the following:
Frank Fehsenfeld, Berger Larson, George
Atherton, Larry David, Thomas H. Kleene,
Paul Philips, Frank Akens, Harvey Patton,
William Renner, John Cawley, Dan Hul-
greave, Thomas E. Groehn, Nelson Drou-
lard, Wencel Neumann, John C. McCarthy,
Chelso Tomagno, Robert O. Thomas, Foster
Campbell, NormansWilliamson, William
Dixon, Frank Denison.

Otto Wolff, William Fleming, Norman
Williamson, Berend Von Bremen, John
Cawley, Larry Mann, RobertRobbins, Dan-
iel Hulgrave, Gordon Boylan, John Badger,!
Irving Levitt, John C. McCarthy, William
Loughran, William Struve, Douglas Stanley,
David Schiffer, Bertram Lebeis, George
Quimby, Nathan Wertheimer.
EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 12. - (P) -l
Albert B. Fall, whose grandfatherl
helped form the Disciples of Christ
Church, turned to the Roman Cath-
olic Church in the illness which held
him near death today.'
To The Goodfellow Editor
I wish to lend a h

Olympiad Should Not Be
Opened In Germany, Says
Noted Biographer
Emil Ludwig believes in the in-
e1'war -and in the su-
perior beauty of American male col-
lege students as compared with Amer-
ican co-eds.
Emil Ludwig believes it "nonsense"
that the world must choose between
communism and fascism - and holds
the American college student to be
of far greater interest than the Amer-
ican college professor.
Hopes For Second Depression
Emil Ludwig believes that Hitler
is suffering from a psychopathic neu-
rasthenia -,and hopes that America
soon will undergo another major de-
pression "to continue the tremendous
educational advantages gained in the'
last depression.
Emil Ludwig likes to question inter- 1
viewers more than he likes to be
questioned by them - and prefers
deliberately to make himself "un-
popular" before audiences in order to
drive home fundamental truths.
"I tell American people to join the
League of Nations," he said, in an
interview just before his lecture last
night. "I am unpopular. That is
It is a matter of speculation what
Ludwig's reactions were to the cheers
which greeted his advocation of the
League of Nations some few minutes
later at Hill Auditorium.
Germany Suppressed
Asked whether he believed the
Olympic games should be held in
Germany as planned, he said "No.
The ideals of classic Olympia, and of
the present Olympic games -ideals
of tolerance,tloyalty and fairness -
are utterly at variance with the spirit
of Germany today."
"Germany is suppressed and de-
pressed, not only in actual situations'
and activities, but in the whole theory
and philosophy of the nation;" he as-
Ludwig does not consider himself
in a position to coment on the "fate
of America" in comparison with the
future of European affairs. His im-
pression of "present" America, how-
ever, is one of a "paradise" when con-
trasted with Europe in respect to the
Olympic Games
Is Subject Of
Forum Today;



freedom and liberty of the people.
"One week in Europe would con-
vince an American that his own coun-
try was a very real "paradise," he
"Any idea that President Roosevelt
is following along the dictatorial lines
of Mussolini or Hitler is ridiculous,'
he continued. "Roosevelt is in the
middle and compromises the philo-
sophies of conservatives and radicals.
There is no complete division of con-
servative or radical thought, of com-
munism or fascism, just as there is no
such thing as black and white. It is
all a matter of degree."
Asto Ludwig's writings, he freely
admits his earlier biographies, such
as "Goethe," "Napoleon" and "Christ"
contain too much of an element of
romanticism, too ambitious an at-
tempt to portray the thought pro-
cesses of his characters. "I have
changed this in my later books," he
Ludwig's most recent book, "The
Nile," is expected to be translated in-,
to English next year, and was de-
scribed by him as "the life story of a
Varsity Debate
Squad To Open
Season Tonight
Affirmative Team To Meet
Illinois Here; Negative
To SpeakAt Urbana
The Varsity debating season will
be opened tonight when Michigan's
three-man team meets that of the
University of Illinoiseat 8 p.m. in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The Michigan team will uphold the
affirmative side of the question: "Re-
solved: That the Several States
Should Enact Legislation ProvidingI
for a System of Complete Medical;
Service Available to All Citizens at
Public Expense."
Simultaneous to the debate here
in Ann Arbor, another team repre-
,epting the University will argue the
negative side of the same question'
against the University of Illinois at
Urbana. This system has been de-
veloped by the Western Conference
Debate League in order that the
teams may be given an equal oppor-
tunity to defend each side of the+
The chairman of the debate to be+
held in Ann Arbor tonight is Dr.
Nathan Sinai of the hygiene depart-
ment, and Prof. Ormand Drake of
the speech department of Michigan
State College will act as judge.
The members of the Michigan af-
firmative team are Collins Brooks,
37, Leo Burson, '36, and William
Centner, '38. The Illinoisdteam will
be composed of Jack Horsley, John
Honnold, and William Burt.
Michigan's negative team which
will debate in Urbana will be com-
posed of Clifford C. Christenson '37,
Frederick E. Densmore, '36, and Harry
L. Schneiderman, '38.
Trust Company
State's Lease
Delta Chi House Chosen As
Location For Michigan
Children's Institute
Officials of the Ann Arbor Trust
Company, trustees for the former
DeltaChi fraternity house on the
corner of State and Hill Streets, an-
nounced yesterday that they had
acknowledged the two-year lease for

that property by the Michigan Chil-
dren's Institute. This action followed
approval given by the bondholders
of the former fraternity house Mon-
Actual signing of the lease will be
delayed for a few days until the bond-
holders are organized and a few other
minor details are worked out, the
I trust company said. Meanwhile the

Peace Plans
rr Mussolini
Report Reveals 11 Dce Is
Confident Of Modifying
Unsatisfactory Details
Optimism Reflected
In Market Activity
I Franco-British Pact Paves
Way For Bargaining On
Ethiopian Peace
ROME, Dec. 12. - (P) - Benito
Mussolini, intent on driving a good
bargain for Ethiopian peace, was rep-
resented in responsible quarters to-!
night as satisfied with the main out-
lines of a Franco-British proposal to
end the conflict.
It is quite probable he will accept
it as a basis for discussions, these
sources said, because he is confident1
he can get favorable modifications of
several "unsatisfactory" details.
Despite a spokesman's warning
against "excessive optimism," popular
feeling was reflected in higher stock
and bond prices. Government se-
curities advanced another point to-
day. Since Monday, state bonds have
gone up an average of four points.
The Mussolini spokesman was care-
ful to point out that the peace pro-
posals are merely "bases for nego-
tiations" on settlement of the African]
Il Duce may want to "ask some1
questions" before he replies, the
spokesman said; and when he does
reply, it will be to the authors of the1
peace plan and not to the League of
GENEVA, Dec. 12.- Rebellion in
the League of Nations against the
Franco-British design for peace in
Ethiopia was quieted today when the
two powers abruptly dropped their
attempt to "railroad" the plan
The whole African problem was
shunted back into the hands of the
League Council. It was announced
that the Council would meet next
Wednesday to consider anew the en-
tire Italo-Ethiopian question.
Faced with growing opposition both
at home and at Geneva, Premier La-
val of France and Anthony Eden of
Great Britain did not attempt to push
their plan into the Committee of
five, which, with Spain, they could
Coursey To Leave
For Army School
Capt. Richard R. Coursey, assistant
professor in the department of mili-
tary science and tactics, will leave at
the end of the school year in June for
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to attend
the command and general staff school
there next year, it was announced
yesterday by Col. Frederick C. Rogers,
head of the department of military
More than 125 officers are selected
annually for special training at Fort
Leavenworth, where they receive a
course in the tactics of command and
staff duty.
Captain Coursey, who graduated
from the United States Military
Academy in 1918, has been drill mas-
ter of the Varsity-R.O.T.C. Band
since 1929.

Carrel Offers
New Idea Of
Longevity Can Result After
Suspended Death, Noted
Scientist States
Holds PersonalityC
May Escape Death
Rockfeller Expert Recites
Spiritualists' Claims Of
Possible Life After Death
NEW YORK, Dec. 12. - (A) -- In a
scientific definition of death new in
scope, Dr. Alexis Carrel, Rockefeller
Institute scientist, tonight predicted
that it may become possible to sus-
pend human life and to start it again,
living several centuries.
Dr. Carrel is the man who showed
the physical immortality of a chicken
heart, which he has kept living by it-
self for 24 years at the Institute. For
him Col. Charles A. Lindbergh last
summer perfected an artificial heart
which keeps whole organs alive out-
side the body.
Dr. Carrel's new definition was
made in a talk to the New York
Academy of Medicine on "The Mys-
tery of Death."
He defined two kinds of death -
reversible and irreversible. Out of
the first come man's hopes for better
health and longer life.
A possibility "very remote" is sus-
pension of life.
It is reasonable, Dr. Carrel held,
to suppose that part of the human
personality may escape death.,
"There are only three ways to die
by failure of the heart, or of the
central nervous system, or by altera-
tions in the composition of the blood.
"Deaths are reversible or irrever-
sible. An example of reversible death
is a man stabbed through the heart.
Circulation and respiration stops. The
man is legally dead. However if
proper treatment were applied he
would resuscitate.
"A few minutes later comes irre-
versible death. At this stage resus-
citation is no longer possible."
Dr. Carrel recited the claim of
spiritists that survival of the soul has
been demonstrated and the principal
points in favor of this claim.
"The spiritists," he said, "neglect
the fact of the existence of clairvoy-
Appreciation Extended
Honorary Good fellows
An acknowledgement of heartiest
appreciation is here extended by
the Goodfellows to the following:
Frank Oakes of Burr, Patterson
& Auld, for their contribution of a
silver trophy, The Michigan Daily
Goodfellow Award, which is to be
presented to the organization
showing the best Goodfellow spirit.
Alex L. Fox, president of the
Fox Tent & Awning Co., for his
assistance toward the securing of
Goodfellow newsboy aprons, which
will identify Goodfellows handling
street sales on Monday.
Edward C. Pardon, superinten-
dent of the Building and Grounds
department, for his cooperation in
lending trucks and drivers for the
distribution of Goodfellow editions
of The Daily Monday morning to
advance subscribers.

Kills 2 Columbia
Faculty Members

Crazed Mechanic

Shades Of John D.
Rockefeller - Two
Deers Bring $307
It might haveabeen in wartime Ger-
many with a stamp selling for thou-
sands of marks or it might have been
in some super-exclusive Waldorf-As-,
toria. Anyway, two beers cost $307.
However, the scene of this super-
Croesian expenditure is no further
removed from Ann Arbor than the
several miles which separate this
town from Ypsilanti.I
When George H. Rathfon, treasurerr
of Pittsfield township, was arrestedt
by state police Oct. 22, he was
charged with driving while intoxi-.
cated. Rathfon claimed his onlyt
participation in the Bacchanaliano
art had. been to the extent of twoI
glasses of beer - and small ones ata
In Justice Arthur Vandersall's court
Rathfon pleaded guilty and paid a $50
fine. However, when the state askeds
that his driver's license be surren-v
dered, Rathfon objected on the
ground that his collection of taxesa
necessitated the use of an auto. Onv
this basis he obtained permission for
a delayed trial, which was held this
week, and reversed his plea. ;
The court action lasted two days.t
Jury expenses were $150 a day; their1
lunch costs totaled $7. Rathfon wass
acquitted. Two beers cost $307.
Fate Of Europe
Lies With U. S.,t
Ludwig Thinks
Biographer Urges U.S. To
Enter League Of Nations
To Prevent WarP
The United States was pictured asI
the hope of the world in preventingt
another disastrous world war last
night by Emil Ludwig, famous bi-x
grapher and political comentator, in
the fifth lecture of the Oratorical As-
sociation series in Hill Auditorium.
After briefly outlining the recent
'istory and present conditions ofI
European politics, Ludwig concluded
with the declaration that "the fate ofs
Europe until 1940 lies here in Ameri-x
; a." I
In response to a qu stion from the1
audience, Ludwig u ged that the1
United States join the League of Na-
lions as a means of forestalling an
impending international conflagra-
Revolution and socialism were seen1
by Ludwig as the probable outcomes
of war in Europe. "Social tension
today is stronger than ever," he de-
This country's neutrality policy was
described by Ludwig as a "welcome
Doormat to all imperialist powers."
He declared that electricity and avia-
ion have largely nullified the geo-
,raphical security of America.
The speaker attributed the present
hreat of a world war to the neces-
3ity of relieving the international un-
3mployment problem, to Adolf Hit-
ler's avowals of intentions to subdue
France, unify all Germans, and dom-
inate Europe, to the military spirit
that has been instilled in the Reich,
and to the economic conditions that
allow industrial magnates to live in
luxurious castles while workers are
crowded in cramped quarters.
After presenting brief glimpses of
the personalities of Hitler, Stalin,
and Mussolini, Ludwig asserted that
the United States would never have
a dictator because dictators "don't

have a sense of humor, but always
possess an air of gloom."
Forestry Student
Harold Mahlke, 23 years old, a sen-
ior in the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, suffered a fractured skull
when struck by an automobile yester-
day morning while walking from his

Russian College Graduate,
Crazed By Loss Of Job,
Slays Benefactors
Wounds One Other,
Commits Suicide
Victims Were Professors
Of Dentistry; Associates
Had No Time To Act
NEW YORK, Dec. 12.-(P)-
Maddened by imagined injustices and
his disclarge from a mechanic's job
at Columbia University Medical Cen-
ter, Victor S. Koussow, 55 years old,
holder of Russian university degrees,
today shot and killed two members
of the facultyofrColumbia College of
Dental and Oral Surgery, wounded
another, and committed suicide.
Koussow's victims were:
DR. PAUL WIBERG, 38, assistant
professor of dentistry, killed instantly.
DR. ARTHUR T. ROWE, 51, as-
sociate dean of the dental college,
wounded fatally.
assistant professor of dentistry,
wounded in the side.
Koussow was discharged this morn-
ing by Dr. Rowe, who had become
known as the Russian's best friend
because on a number of occasions he
had saved his job for him. Only a
short time ago he had told a friend:
"The poor fellow looks 65 and could
never get another job."
And though Koussow continued to
make trouble with other employees,
Dr. Rowe took him back every time.
However, the man's violent argument
today with another employee had ex-
hausted the associate dean's patience
and he ordered him to pack up and
leave for good.
A few hours later he appeared
again in the building.
Dr. Rowe was Koussow's first victim.
The Russian entered the associate
dean's office on the sixth floor of the
Medical Building and shot him twice.
As Dr. Rowe fell, mortally wounded,
Koussow ran up two flights of stairs
to a laboratory dark room where he
opened fire on Dr. Wiberg, killing him
instantly, and wounding Dr. Craw-
He then killed himself as Dr. Stowe
sought to halt his flight from, the lab-
According to university authorities,
Koussow held a high position in Rus-
sia before coming here and was dis-
gruntled with what he considered his
menial tasks at the Medical Center.
He was an honor graduate in law
from the University of Moscow, and
had studied three years in medical
school at Odessa.
Koussow had been employed as a
mechanic in the dental laboratory
since, October, 1931, and before that
had worked for five years at Cooper
Union Institute downtown.
Scores League
Peace ]Plans
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12.-(P)-
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, (Rep.
Mich.), hitting at the Franco-Brit-
ish peace proposal, asserted today it
demonstrated that American peace
could best be obtained through man-
datory neutrality legislation rather
than cooperation with the League of
His attack on the proposal to cede
part of Ethiopia to Italy in order to
stop hostilities followed criticism
along similar lines by Senator Wil-
liam Borah '(Rep., Ida.), when both
conferred today.
The peace plan, Vandenberg said,
"serves the primary necessities of the
major powers instead of League ob-

-ectives." Similarly he said, ac
tions against Italy were not proposed
as peace measures, but because the
proponents had "chips in the game."
"We are utterly confirmed," he
added "in our traditional belief that
the way to peace is not through co-
operation with or membership in the
League because it is a political league
before it is a peace league.
I LY 7 More I

Ward And Tolan To
In Discussion Of

U. S.

An oft-debated question which has
gained prominence in the press in
recent weeks--the proposed partici-
pation of America in the 1936 Olym-
piad - will become a local issue to-
night when students meet in the
Union to conduct a public forum on
the Berlin games.
The forum, which is to start at
8 p.m., will feature informal talks
by two widely-heralded Michigan
athletes and student speakers who
through their campus activities have
a thorough knowledge of the partici-I
pation problem.
Willis Ward, star Wolverine end
of 1933 and 1934, and Eddie Tolan,
celebrated dash man who gained
fame in the Olympics of 1932, will,
address the group. The program
will be rounded out with talks by
William R. Reed, '36, sports editor of
The Daily, Robert Zimmerman, De-
Pauw transfer who was formerly on
the University's swimming team, and
speakers, as yet unannounced.
Two of the S.L.I.D speakers are
former residents of Nazi Germany,
and will bring first-hand informa-
l tion to the discussion. Persons who
favor America's entry in the Berlin
Olympics are welcome, inasmuch as
one of the purposes of. the forum is
to carefully weigh points of view both.
pro and con, it was announced last!
night by those in charge.

Stewart Howe Report Describes
Average Fraternity Alumnus

Institute has already begun clearing
- rn ., 'ha, ,cr.nrnnn -v t te com-
I OU L~i iiU~V v~1arJ1J ~ -

x There are not only records available
on the typical husband, the typical
woman student, the eugenic child,
or the perfect football player, but now
there are figures which show what
the average fraternity alumnus does,
who he is, and in what stratum of
society he can be found.
The Stewart Howe Alumni Service,
which serves the needs of many col-
lege fraternities in creating a cont'rt
between the active chapter and the
alumni, has "averaged" figures gath-
ered from branches in five large.
middle western universities and found
that the following description fits the
typical alumnus.
The average age of the fraternity
alumnus is 35 and one-half years.
Seventy-five per cent of them live in
cities whose population is 30,000 or
more. The results of the compilation
also show that 80 per cent of the men

states that "usually those who have
been officers in the chapter become
the most interested alumni, and
whether or not a man was interested,
in college activities seems to bear
little relation as to whether or not
he becomes an interested fraternity
Of the men in different professions,
it was found that the lawyers usually
make the best alumni, meaning by
"best," the "most interested." Cler-
gymen, professors, and teachers are
among the less interested alumni
though administrative faculty mem-
bers are givena higher rating.
According to the director of the
Alumni Service, "afterawmember is
out of college about two years, he
generally begins to lose his fraternity
contacts due to pressure in the bus-
iness world and to increasing family

elping h

out the nouse preparaw ry oin
-.-- .. - ~ plete renovation. The work is in
' charge of C. F. Ramsey, secretary
of the Institute.
The Institute is a temporary home
and to students, for children whose parents are un-
'ewould be no I able to support them or are dead.
re we Children who have beenrtaken from
contribu- their homes by the probate courts
d my cotrare also housed here. They are kept!
in the homeuntil the Tnstitute findsI

children and families for whom the
Christmas otherwise. Enclosed fi
- - -- a


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