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December 11, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-11

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Alpha Nu Holds
Forum Tonight
On Paternalism
Discussion Within Meeting
Will Be Led By Nelson
And Aldrich
The question of paternalism on the
campus will be thrown open for dis-
cussion tonight at a rally meeting of
Alpha Nu, honorary speech frater-
nity, in its chapter room on the fourth
floor of Angell Hall. The meeting
will start at 7:30 p.m.
More than 200 letters have been
sent out to prospective members, fac-
ulty men and alumni, and they will
be present in addition to regular
members, according to George Sip-
prell, 336, president. Among faculty
men, mostly alumni of the forensic
society, who are engaged to be present
are the entire speech faculty and
Prof. James K. Pollock of the polit-
ical science department. Regent Jun-
ius E. Beal of Ann Arbor and former
Governor Wilbur M. Brucker, both
alumni, will also attend, it is believed.
The discussion on paternalism will
be lead by Frank Aldrich and Karl
Nelson, both '37, with audience par-
There will also be a review of
George Seldes' "Freedom of the
Press" by Fred Warner Neal, '37, Sip-
prell said.
He said he hoped this meeting of
the society will be the biggest of the
year. Sipprell took office as presi-
dent only recently, replacing Paul
Von Bergen, 37. Von Bergen is in
charge of arranging the program for
XwRay Valuable
In Diagnosing,
Curing Disease
(Continued from Page )
ture and position of foreign bodies
accidentally swallowed or sucked into
the lungs, to discover and localize
minute metal particles lodged within
the eye, to search for suspected can-
cers throughout the alimentary tract,
to recognize stones in the gall-
bladder, to search for obscure tumors
within the brain, and to determine
shape of the heart.
Dr. Hodges stated that all of these
uses, in addition to scores of others,
have won for roentgenology a posi-
tion of major importance in all in-
stitutions where medicine is prac-
ticed. X-ray examinations facilitate
medical practice by opening wells of
information accessible in no other
way, and by making a survey of much
of the internal mechanism of the
body readily possible.
The department of roentgenology
as a unit of the University's Medical
School provides opportunities for stu-
dents to learn actual medical prac-
tice, and, in addition, to add wher-
ever possible to the general fund of
medical knowledge. Provision has
been made for such activities by
building into the department a library
study room and X-ray laboratories.
The library contains bound films
showing typical examples of the many
conditions encountered by the physi-
cian in his daily practice.
"It is hoped that in such surround-
ings the student may be fired with
the desire to emulate Roentgen in his
diligent search for the explanation
of a phenomenon he could not under-
stand, for it is to a large measure
through the accomplishments of such
investigators that humanity at large
maintains its ever-quickening pace in

the onward march of civilization," Dr.
Hodges commented.
Last week in Detroit the 21st An-
nual Convention of the Radiological
Society of North America was con-
cluded. This society is the largest
of five national societies dealing with
the medical applications of X-rays
and radium. The convention pro-
gram was featured by interesting con-
tributions to present day knowledge
regarding the therapeutic value of
this agent, and also new uses and re-
finements in the field of medical
The scientific exhibits were unus-
ually extensive and of very fine order,
according to Dr. Hodges. Manufac-
turers of X-ray equipment displayed
many new pieces of apparatus.
William A. Laird will be the speak-
er at the meeting of the Ann Arbor
Stamp Club to be held at 7:30 p.m.
in the Union. Faculty and students
are invited.

'Eye' For World's Largest Telescope Called A Success

Dr. Knapp Explains
Spending Problems
(Continued from Page 1)
from the interest, or whether, as has
been the case so far, gifts will con-
tinue to be allocated from the princi-
pal, is not known. Dr. Knapp in-
timated, however, that the trustees
are working on a plan which may
culminate in the distribution of the
entire fund to three or four educa-
tional and scientific enterprises.
None of the Rackham money is ever
loaned, Dr. Knapp said, and all of it
goes to public, rather than private,
Mixed in with the very serious
business of spending $15,000,000 for
the advancement of humanity, there
is some humor, Dr. Knapp said with
a smile. For instance, he recalled,
there is the case of a man who re-
cently wrote in asking for a gigantic
sum in order to work out a partner-
ship between himself and God. But
apparently even with the presence of
the Diety, such a project would be too
private for the Rackham Foundation,
because Dr. Knapp said the man did
not get the grant.

so many fascinating things to show you
really not know which to choose first.
Kayser Undies ... panties and bras in novelty
woven rayon . . . tea-rose and white . . . .
59c to $1.25 each.

that you'll

0 8O$'1- CHRIST'rM
W E DON'T CARE if your gift list is a mile long -
because we'll find a smart gift for every feminine
name on it.
Drop into Goodyear's College Shop and we'll have


Silk Lingerie . . . gowns,
oajamas, slips, bras, pan-
ties, and formal slips, in
crepe or satin, lace trim-
'ned and tailored, tea-rose,
blush, blue, and white ...
$2.00 to $6.50 each.

' -

-Associated Press Photo.
The 200-inch glass disc which will become the "eye" for the world's largest telescope was removed from
the oven where it has been cooling for a year at the Corning Glass Works in Corning, N.Y., and pronounced
a success, despite its unexpectedly rough surface. Tony Miller, sand blaster, is shown cutting debris from the
surface of the big disc.

Mint Chewing Gu' Furnishes
TopicFor Glover's Radio Talk

parts of the country, including north-
ern Ohio and Indiana, and in 1835
to Michigan. Here mint cultivation
spread rapidly, and for the next 35
years the State was the greatest pep-
permint producing region in the1
world. Now, however, Indiana has
become the leading producer, with
Michigan and Ohio next, the speaker

727 North University
Phone 9797
For Christmas-
Pipes and Cigars

Masticatory Art's History
Shows Interdependence
Of Modern Civilization
"A Stick of Mint Chewing Gum"
was the topic of the lecture given by
Prof. Clifford C. Glover, of the Col-
lege of Pharmacy, over the University
broadcasting system.
Professor Glover discussed both the
historical and the commercial factors
of gum chewing, stating that he chose
his subject for the purpose of illus-
trating "how interdependent and
highly specialized our modern civili-
zation has become."
"Gum chewing was known to the
ancients," Professor Glover began.
"Our early Americans often chewed
beeswax, shoemaker's wax, spruce
gum, or pitch, and later paraffin.
Modern gum consists essentially of
three parts - a more or less inde-
structible plastic base, sugar, and a
Chicle, or a comination of chicle
and wax or some other resinous sub-
stance, is the base of practically all
chewing gum. It is obtained by tap-
ping the large evergreen trees grow-
ing abundantly in the warm damp
forests of Southern Mexico, Yuca-
tan, and the northern countries of
South America. After collection, Pro-
fessor Glover explained, the latex
is boiled down and pressed into mold-
ed blocks for shipment to our chew-
ing gum factories, where the blocks
are purified.
Factory machines melt, blend, fil-
ter, and sterilize the chicle and other
gums, and then dough mixers stir
the gum, to which glucose, powered
sugar, and finally the flavor has
been added, for nearly an hour. The
dough then cools until it becomes
stiff enough to handle in the form
of convenient loaves, Professor Glover
These loaves are then passed
through a series of rolling machines,
cut into sheets and dried. Then they
are cut into sticks by machines, and
fed into an automatic machine which
wraps each stick in either tinfoil or
paper, applies a band to each stick,
assembles five wrapped sticks and
finally bands the five together in a
sealed package, Professor Glover con-
Before the World War there was
very little demand for chewing gum

in Europe, but since then our gum
exports have been increasing stead-
ily, the speaker commented. Today
the chewing gum industry jranks
among our big American industries,
with an annual output of fifty mil-
lion dollars.
The State of Michigan, Professor
Glover emphasized, has long been
an important producer of the mint
flavors. Although Japan annually
produces several times as much oil of,
peppermint as this country, it is how-
ever, not satisfactory as a flavoring
Mint culture began in 1816 when
a harvest of wild plants was made in
New York state, Professor Glover as-
serted. It spread from there to other



Imprinted with your name. One-day service.
12 Cards 75c and up. . 24 Cards $1.00 and up.
A large and choice assortment in a complete
range of prices.
314 South State Street

Vanity Fair Pajamas
. . . silk and wool
with ski pant bot-
toms and long-
sleeved, knitted wrist
tops . . . red, aqua,
blush . . . $2.00.
Kayser Sleepers ...
knitted of a percent-
age of wool, silk, and
cotton, two-piece, in
tea-rose . . . $2.00.
Hosiery .. . Gotham
Gold Stripe, sheer
chiffons; shades for
daytime and eve-
ning .. . 79c to $1.15
pair. Vanity Fair
chiffons in knee-last
and Hi-Los; shades
for daytime and eve-
ning.. . . 89c and
$1.00 pair.

pacts . . . single
les in mother - of.-
enamel with meta
nel with rhineston
gold or silver metE
to $5.00.

Handkerchiefs ... for
sports in bright shades
with initials or ap-
pliqued designs . .
dainty white ones
with embroidery for
dress occasions . . .
25c to 50c each.
Volupte Sets . . . cig-
arette cases and fitted
compacts in pastel
enamel with cloisinne
or metal with rhine-
stones . . . $3.00 to
$5.00 set.
s and
es ..
M Evening Bags ... of
pearls, sequins,
rhinestones, mesh,
gilded kid; in gold,
silver, steel, black,
white; also fitted
vanity bags .. $1.00
to $5.00.

r {
You'llid you can do
better work easiert, oo
Most small table lamps - like
the one shown in the photo in the
upper left - are not designed for " ..
study purposes and provide poor
light for doing homework. The
larger photo shows how easily aY
student can study in the ample,
well diffused, glareless light of a
study lamp especially, designed
for studying . . . an I.E.S. Better
Sight Lamp.


Loinging Apparel ..
robes and pajamas of
smartly tailored, in
colors . . . $6.50 each
Silk Blouses .. . tai-
lored & dress styles
in satin or crepe .. .
pastels and high
shades . . . $3.50 to

f wool jersey,
contrasting 4




First Hour 3:30-4:30
Friday, December 13th
- - - -

Sweaters . . . singles a
twins in white, red, gree
blue, gold, rust, bei
navy, brown . . . $3.00
Jerseys . . . single blous
and matching cardig
sets in attractive shades
$3.50 to $4.95.
Cocktail Blouses ... met
shot satin in black
white with gold or silo
... lame in gold or silv
... $5.95.
* -
Hat and Scarf Sets ..
and angora weaves . .
bined with color and
shades . . . $1.95 set.


Gloves . . . of kid,
suede, and pigskin
... $2.50 to $3.95.
Kayser fabrics in
fabrics in costume
shades . . . $1.00 to
$1.95 pair. Knitted
gloves and mittens
... $1.00 to 1.95 pr.


I Have What is at Times
-That of being able to photograph
anything, anywhere, any time-from
a piece of papyrus 2,000 years old to
a month-old baby, from a salt crys-
tal to a locomotive.
If you have a difficult job, ask me
about it.
Phone 2-1924 713 E. University


A committee of the Illuminating Engineering Society found that poor lighting conditions in
homes and dormitories were damaging the eyesight of students. The committee saw that most of
the desk lamps used by students were not suitable for study purposes. They produced glare, deep
shadows and harsh contrasts . . . and more often than not caused eyestrain.
So the committee decided to design a lamp especially for study and reading purposes that
would also provide a certain amount of illumina tion throughout the room. The lamp was designed
to give the greatest possible amount of the light from the lamp bulb itself.
The new lamp they finally designed has several new scientific features. For instance, the dis-
tance, 191/2 inches from the base to the bottom o f the shade, insures a wide spread of light over
your working area. The 150-watt lamp bulb is surrounded by a bowl of diffusing glass, open at
the top. No raw light can possibly strike your eyes. There is no glare. The light that goes upward
to the ceiling is diffused throughout the room to give the additional illumination so necessary to
eye comfort.
The shade, which is just the right height and width, is coated on the inside with a special
preparation to reflect light. This type of lamp really gives several times as much light as ordinary
lamps. It is known as the I.E.S. Better Sight Lamp because the Illuminating Engineering Society
designed it, and is now made by a number of lamp manufacturers, in many different styles and
in both floor and table models. Each lamp carries the I.E.S. authorized certification tag and is
guaranteed to give adequate light. They are very popular with college men and women and also
with boys and girls in school.

Scarfs ... ascots and
neckerchiefs in lame,
wool, and crepe ...
solid colors andcom-
binations to choose
from . . . $1.00 and

.. in worsted
white com-
wanted high
Bags.. . in smart costume shades

11 ' 1

Your Fraternity or Sorority Crest
mounted on your

Jewelry . . . antique gold and
silver jewelry, pearl necklaces
and earrings, lovelyrhinestone
pieces combined with gold or
silver metal . . . 59c to $5.00 ea.

of green, wine, blue, brown, and
of course black; alligator, seal,
calf, suede, and pigskin .. . $2.95
to $5.00.


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